Or nfor ith Chrift
in his fufierings.
In a Sermon on 1 Car. 2. 8. 4.Preacl:wi at
Bredab, before his M AI E S T Y 4 of Great Bra‘-=
mine, and the Princeflb of Orgmge.
By the Bifhop o%fDoWne:m
_‘f1me... f;_ 164. ,
a psAL;g;% Q
The mien make gmmflell together, agairzfl the Lord, mg agmfi.
his anointed» %
]O H N I 5 . 20..
The Serwwxé is mr greater zimz fine Lord , they baweperfimed
me, they ml! aéfaflrfwuteym. A
M"Mi*vE R T V L L 1?A'E1§%”’
fbriflémaz? mmgzmm /mat inwmi mfiiam;
AA Hnaa’
'' flimmm by Samuel Bram: , Emgiifla Bookcfeller, Dwelling fixmhg
fifchgam-agam at flat: fiigm ofxhc Emgiiflu Pxjmgmg houm,
A m % M??? Ms? D 399 3;‘;§v*§§;° V M n %
;_ ‘ ..‘. 1-“ ' up
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__: , « . 3- ; :1 ,¢. ..
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>7! ‘
1.. Corina. 2.; 8.
Wéicé’ none of the Princes of ibis
world knew fbr {Md t/agy /{nowne
it, they would not /acwev cmcifier
£553 Lard of Glery.
you the coherence of thcfe Words with that which goctim
before Mud if you wili be plcafcd :20 109%: back, you wili
finfl, that the Apofiie in this chapter doth highly magnim
% fie his miniflry, by {hcwing the cxc1l<~:ncy.of his do...
firinc. both for matter and "for manner. Firfi, for manner; for his
preaching fibod not in excellmcia zrf fieecb, ver. I. ma: £22 we euzigéizg
wards of mam? 'w§fi’dome, but in dffizvflfffatiafiz af‘fiirz't;.,~ and af poweeg, ..
‘vet. 4. Against, the matter of his-dofirinc is wifedomc, which above
all things is to be defired, as maya ppcare by Saiotrzm his ch£>ifc,:md ' A
Gods approbation 0% it. And it is notiiae wéfedame of mm, hm: of
find, var. 3'; not the wifdmm ofzim W0?!d9 Vet‘. 6.. but the wifdomc than
ix fro m heaven, as farrc abavc rhefwi{‘dIbmc‘_of¢‘ men, as heaven is.
above eanzh, God abovrcmcn. This wifdomc is mu: known: by nav-
mrjag. for itis a mificry, ver. 7. We peak the wifdam of God in a we
fiery, em.%z:ae bzddmwifdame. It is bid from the wifc and men ofun.
dcxfiandi¢ng, hid fromthc princes of thisworid, as he fiayesj ver. 8.94.
Wiaicb vane __cf the Princes af zbzk world Igazem for find my Ignawzz it, they :
would not Abamé cmcifiedzbe Lam afglm/‘y... $12: that the text conmincs .,
Mhargs asainfi s1§¢k’r3s~c»es°f this W951“: v:1;h=¥93;I3 séaéifisr
» n 5 .~.i*“”', ,- ““"“‘<’-‘+
MW“ V: ix‘: :7 C; ‘an ,5?’ *1
W ‘ - ‘ .. M‘ ,‘L_.
V fiV&r«‘§3; +4ww .‘a»° *~ ‘Q31 H >
4,.‘ ;. .h; ,1 .
%> ffiivwww 1; "W: K
% O ¢:ieerc che pafiage uiata my Trext, I mufi firfi {haw unw
:5 ,
IolJ.T2,. gt.
34236. 360 TI.
Lltlf. 16.8.
x 1eh.4- 4-15‘-
I Iab. 5'. 19.
10!). 15. 8.
10!). I7»??-
gtrfont acculé:d,tl7e Prltztttaf tho world: than the charge that is
"°"gl1lt3%?.lt“&. thewwltichtthtrh ittto tttrs E'>tr‘\'flT1}fiy W ¢l3:argo.¢.d 4
with ignorance of the wifdomcol God; lwlrzmcblnofie oftbgtloztztcs of l
rim world Igrzewi 2. They are: charged with a ltcinoustand horrible
murthcrg They crucified the Lord of Glory. Artd (whiclt will make up
our tltitgd point) thcir ignorance of the wildomc of God, led them to
commlttitzg on: that lrorriblc murthcr; r1~"ar bad they lgnawzz it, they r
wouldwac Iazztaé crucified the Lord of Glorry. But they did crucific himg ,
and therefore they knew it not. Now Imull be bticfc in cicpou ruling.
or my text? bccault: an other tasltc will take u 9 my time.»
The pcrfons taccufcd are called "Princes, and Primes of" this world.
They are calledPrlnccs,bccaufe tl‘l.Cy did exctll others in power»
mica and dignitic ; at-namely Pilot who condemned Cltrillnflcrod
who confented to the fcxtrcncc, Ammo and Ctzipbmt the high Prielts
who did profccutc him, and with them thc Scribes, Pharilces , and
Eldtrs_or' the Jewes, who in Scripture ‘are often called Princes of
the people, Princes of the tribes, Princes of the congregation,
Princes of II"r:tcl, Princes of t']L1dal1; bccaufc being chicre hcadlslof
their families, they were above others, "in dignity and power : and
ltis familiar in Scripture to call them Princes, who arc-irt any great
authority. But they are not fimply called Princes, but primes of tbzt
world 3 becaufc they were wicked Princes: they are called Princcs »
of this world, as thc dcvlll is called Illt. God of this world); Cor 4.4.
The God afzlmt zmrld lmzb blinded the mimics of them which belzew
mt. ‘ And he is called the Prince of this world,.oftcln by our Saviour
in 3:. john: ghofpell: The Prime of this ‘world 2»: ca]: am,’ the Prince of
tho: world 23: fzadgcd’, the Prime of tin»: worm is come. And allcvill l'pi-
1‘3tSo are called Princes of the darlgneflé of 219:2: world. Ephcll 6.12..»
Wicked n1cn‘o'rcc:tllc:d, mm of tbé world who have their portion in ”
this lif2',Pfalm_ I7. ‘:44. And the children of this world, in oppofitiort _
to the children of God ‘5 ‘Ilse clalldmz oftbiswarld are wife? in their ;
generation, than the children of light." And the friends of the world: t
Jam.“ 4;. 4. Wbofoezrer will be czfiiertd of the world, it the enemy ofGad. V
They are friends of the world, bccaufc thcy"lovc the world and the
thing: of thc world, where as thofe whom God hath chofcn out of
thcworlcl, theft: whomrhc hath‘ tronflarecl from the power of da?rltc— l
1‘lCfl‘C~~ unto the: kingdom: of his dam‘ Sgnnc, _l1av'c tl‘1Ci1'h€al‘tSW_"Ca-» f
fled from this world, thoirllaffeétlonos are fat otrthingt that not above.
They are not of the world, but of "God. T lms you let: that the world
for the molt part is takcrtin an cvlll fcnfcg tlJefwa7id1z‘etb in x'vzc&e’a'--'-. f
m-file , {I-altlt S:.j"obtr, the 2_3T7orldo4bztt%etb ;me,t faith our S;a”vlour, if
g.:tiAoc,jItpi.‘ay -ztotflzfi £rr'9[&§’,2a;ta'g}id,-r‘Butigefpccllolly .wl‘l‘cn ‘It l$‘ca"llcdf':im' t
z:;aar1d,: lo oppo'fition to" “thldt*w"drld it to come 5 Then arcwcc to
'1 .1
lmdcxtj K
ttxidétftanci it wicktii wotid, sis the Apofiie teiaftat1¢siic,*itb;irflrefcv¢tcoil? ‘ i i
world. i Now the Apofile itcro flwcakcth of the l’tim:c:s‘ of this Worid;
ttntongfi whom we muft not reckon Nzcademzmiand jbfepbyof A;~i;;M_
’ ‘wait; i they were Princes of the * people, as well as the raft of the el-
am, and they were not ignorant of the wifdomc of God, not‘
kconfcnttng to the death of Chtxfl: .-. but they are not to be accountcoi ‘ '
Princes oi: this world 5 and the Apofilc here fptakcs oneiy of the
Princes of this world, and of them all he fayes, that they were ig._..T
Elomnt of this wifdomc, wbicb name of the Prime: of that world
?.‘£é"£'-1*’. "
This is the firit part of choir" charge, they are charged with ig- V
xtorancc of heavenly wifdomo, or, if you will, ignorance of that gio.
ry prepared forms 5 the relative which may be rcforrcd unto both, ~
In the void‘: bcfote he faith, We fiaeak that wt’/dome ‘ofGod iimz iiéyfieryx
war: the hidden wzfdamc, which God ordamed Exocfore aloe world zmta amt
glory , than foilowcth, which none of the Primes of this wo7'£d1gnew .2
that is which wifdomc of God none of the Princes of this world
know , or, which glory none of the Princes of this world know. And’
indeed may wore: ignorant of both, as the Apofile proves in the
words following: and firfi ignorant of the glory prepared for us,
vet. 9. Eye lam: not fee?2,7zar ea;-e beard, mizhcr barb it erztredima the
hem ofmzm, the things which God lmtlo prepared for tbemtimt love
him. And as they were ignorant of that glory prepared for us, the %
knowledge whereof is but :2 part of heavenly wifdomc 3 fo were
they altogether: ignorant of that wifdomo of God, vcr. It, 12., my
1702' wbokzzowerb the zhitzgs of :2 Win, fave z{2e_ _@i'rit of man .9 even fo
the zbingsofG0d1{2zowcz!2 no man, but the [pzm ofGod. Now we have
received, not the jpirit of the world, but the @5731.“ that as of God, that 1
wetmégbt Igrzow the things. that are given _m of God. Bmfzbe" mznmzli
mm ijeceitgezb mat the tbmgs of Gods jjbmt, they are faoliflmeflé zmta
btfiizzgyzeitber can be Imam them, bemufc they are Spirimézlly difqermd. 1%
Tfiwwifdontc is a myficry , ruer3;7. and therefore it is not knownc by
natuittgi but by revelation from God. When St. Peter had made that
excellent confcffion of jefus, that he is Czbrifiitbe Some of 119:: Living i i
Gad, our Saviour Paid unto him, Biefled an that: Simon ,- for ficfb
and btoztd barb not rwcalcd ititzgztq thee, but my Father. So thataill who
are indued with this wifdomog, arc Thcodidafioi. taught of God» as
out “Saviour faith, }oh. 6 44. Na man aim came zmto me, except the fa--
xbcr draw him, And thisho ptovfos outof the Ptophcts, faying, it is T
written, itbeyjball be all mttgbtiof Gad. Every man xbetefore ziaat bath
beard, and lcamed of tbefktfzer, camfizetb unto me. Asif he hadfaio,
no man can comp: unto mo except the fathct tcathihim 5 for an that
woman can count unto me otccoypt t c fasthet_ gm him that is,
fit him
i ofrtotaughtof God,and“onc1y the , “oomciunto me: and therefore
-= .
bin: efiemially 3 for mdeed Gods tzeachmg 15 an eff'e&uall'work1ng_5
113 mg onely opens the eyes 95 the underfianding,ebut alfo comvln-» V
eeth the heart cf the truth of his Doéttine, and imclines us to cm...
brace this wifdome. 50 that a man maybe learned it} allethc wifclomey.
of the Egyptians, in all the phxlefophie pf the Graacians, heltnay
be as wife. as Achitophell, whore cotngfell. was efieemecl. as the bracelet
at-“"Godu3 and yet beignorant of thts w1l'dome,85 OW 5~'lV10Ur faith,
Math, I I. 25 . I thank thee 0 father, bcczmfe thou bafi bid tbefé things.
fiom the wife and pmdent,arzd lmfl revealed them mam babes. Yea, a man t. '
may be well learned in the ficriptures”, and yet ignorant ofthis wif.
dome; the Scribes and hharsfees were dofiors of the law, and yet,
. even of them the Apofile fayes,hwl2icb none of the Princesyof this world.
km: m.
In the fccond place hee charges them with an heinous and horrible
murther, they crucified the Lord afGlary, where every eircumflanceh
in the text doth aggravate the tmutther. I. The perfon murthcred
is 1196 Lord 0fGelo>fy. z,, The death inflified on him was cmcifix'z'o7z,%
the moi’: lhamefull and aclcurfefl death in the World. 3,. The pet-..
fans who did this,were they his ow_ne people, who of all others flzould: A
not have done it, even they mmfied the Lord of Glory. The perfom.
mutthetcd is the Lord of Glory, our blefled Saviotu: Iefus Ghrilh.
Heels theLotd, as we confelfeim our Creede, by reafon of the do.
minion which he hath over all, and particularlyt over his church. He
laftlle Lord, by nght of creation; For all thingy were made by him‘
and without blmmzs not My timzg made that was made. lob. a. 3;. Bye
him were 411 zbi7zgs.created that are in heaven, and that are in carzla, zxifi-A.
hie and inezifihle, '8-rhc. Col. 1. :6. Heels the Lord, byerightvof inhe;-i...
tame 5 for‘ he is. the lbeire ofali thmgs... Heb. L2... Hat: is the Lord.
by. the right of donation; for the father isbrougjhtin faying unto
him, I,‘ (79412 gévve tlaee the heathen fior thine iniacrézmzce, and the tmermafi
pgyzs gf;;ggmr¢]gj;;r gby pofeflian. I’lalm.2.. 8. So he faith, Martha-.8.,
18;; Aillpowcr isegitven unto me in heaven aazdetizz earth. Here is the Lord,
by the :,‘ight'0fre4demptionj, hm: he who redccmeth a capxivet becomes,
his Lord, and Cehrlft when; we were captives, hath redeemed us, by
. fiiving himfelfe at tanfomc for us : we were redeemed‘ (faithSt.$
tetcr} not with filper argald, or cm~rup£z'I;le tlzings, bntwith tbeprecéam,
* {bland affefmg-,~.as of alahmbe zumefilca’. Finally he is our Lord too by».
thevtight ofe,ongucl,l;; 5% for ahzcrt that he: had redeemed us, by. paying.
a tanfome: untcfz, God lbs: us, Satatythe jailot W0_l1'1d£1Ot.lCtNuSg(Jfl1.
hutkeprh us‘ hfalfih ;b9'ux1cl, in the fetters offinnelg and therefore hec is
faitaee the came with 3*» mighty hzmcl,,a"nd outllretched Mme, and via».
lentlyttgkeh _1l5;;0ll£;0f his gripes; flee is the manger mm, mentiom
mctdrinthe gulpellg whoa ~hatlh_,ovetcqmhe1 thefirongtnxam takepms
ateeetz. ftett ehim» %?1d4ét§lE5@F779l‘7P.°?3¢ol: He latmaaitedseréttirtlit
A -olesooolyiorrlrs,rrlmphlog over lzhem; Andy has lheis rho "Lord; roooge
Lord offilory, that is, a glorious Lord, b on Hcblroeifmc. He lo cal»
led the lfiingl of Glory, Plal. 24__ 7_ Léfzopyourheods, 0 ye gates and
whey: lift up, yee ooerlo/ling doom, and the King 0fG[ary flmll .;,,,,’;g 5”.
And the God of Glory, by 3:. Steven. Aft. 7. 2,. The God of Glo-,3; hp.
eoreol to our father Abrzzhlzrrz‘. And here,‘ as alfo lam. 2...‘ I. He is call
edlhe Lord of Glory. Glory’ properly fignifics beauty, praifc, ho-
-nour; and it is ordinarily ufed ixi‘ f:1'iptuL‘e, to expzoefll», that Ma jg.
oily and perfcélion of blifle, which God injoyeo from all eternity,
and which in fame mcafure he communicates unto his blell'ecl.An..
cells, andySaints in heaven. Now well may our Saviour be called
lhe Lam? of Glory, bccaufc he is the brightrleflhof Gods Glory, and the ox.
prejfe image ofhls perfom}-Ieb.x. 3- He did injoy Glory with the Father
from all eternity, as he fayes, I013. 17. 5. And mm 0 father, glorifio y
lhozo me, with those aware felfiz, with the glory which I had with thee be-a
fare tho ooorlol was. Aml again: he prayeth for his Difciplcs, fayinga
war. :4. Father, I will tblzrzhey whom than hofz‘ given me, he with me
whore I om, that they may behold my glory. And as he injoyed glory
with thofather from all etemii: ; fo alter a {hon-. oeelipfe ofthot "glow
my here on earth, and after be ad overcome the flm-penefle Ofdelithg
he was received up imoglory. I Tim. 3. 16. He is crowned with glory
moo! honour. Heb. 2. 9, And he tells usthat at the loft day, he {hall
comcin the clouds of heaven, with power orzdg-reatglory~ Then jholl’
he fit upon the throne ofhia glory. ‘ ‘Finally he is called the Lord of glo.
becaufe he; is the author of glory unto ochcrg - fox‘ faith the Apo.
lglse, when Chrifi who is our life‘ jholl oppcore, lherzfhollye oljo oppoore
Mal. allgol
zit 33:»
with him in glory, Cololl. 3.. 4. He gives unto his fervams ecemall
life, which in l‘cripc:;.:tc‘is called glory, a Kingdom: of glory, on
crownc ofglory, an etemall weight of glory.
Thisyisthe yperfon who was murtlacred, and therefore the murthor
was molt hainous; For ific be a greater finne, for a momo murther
his father, than to kill a manger; to murther the 'K.ing,than to kill
alfellow l'nb°e& :. to murtherl an innocent perlbn, then to kill a male-
fafior 3 L hen how heinous a murder was it , to kill him who was
more than all nhclb, even our cverlafling father-,:he King oflfings,
homely Lord of Ivory, and withallya perform fo innocent, that no gulle ‘
wasryfound in is mouth, none could convince him oflinne ? hoo Wm H95. 7“ 25°
yholy.,hormole_fl"e, zoodofiloll , foporolefiom firmersmml mode higher than the
heavens : hmdvyet this was done 1; zheyorm:ifiedlheLorol ofglory. But
V, bore youlmay fay unto mo 2 how could tht Lord of Glory be cruel-
fled ? facing he is God,a,nd God isimpaffible, hclcannot fuffer. For
yaanfwcx, y you flmll uodcillzmd, that there is {ca fimighr an onion and
A conjuofiion hetweemhe pwo natures of §hrilt_, in one pcrfon, tfiat
“ ‘ ‘V’ x ae o
ma wiaich Ea gmper aneiy ts the one mtuaéeg is Vfiufifififiy mi (5%
§"amiefcaEi£hiy imagine) oi; the othtr nature; b"»Ws‘3'1 is V@§1Ch¢d~' »
afthc“ pcrfon bcing denominamd from the other namrc. This kim
-wfpécch is by the tairhcrs called-» Ecoinosaia idiaznatefm, a cémmunicwé
aim ofpropcrtics. Arm it is a plain: Synccdachts VCYY M11811 53
(Each, whcrcbythat whichis proper on€1ytV<> thfipfifta ifiprfiediw
zed afthe wholc. Wa have divers infiances of kin Scrigéure; Afcsc ~
3. 1 5» Tee lgilied the prince of life. Chrifi "was killed enciy as man»
and yctg bccaufc the faxnc man wak alfo God, he faics, yee_ ki1ie& rim
prince oflifc. Am. 20. 38. Feede‘ tbs cbzmb 0fG0d» W556’?/96 %3Mtb
‘N “ yzmbazfed with 192% 0122739 510243. Chrifl h3& blmld 0“¢1Y'35 13¢ W35 WW3 %
% but Lbecaufc the: fame man was alfo Gad , his blond is called, V
+thcb1oud9tGod.. Icahn. 3. 13. No man bar}: afcemied up .z:a%bewe7zg
but be that came down fiwm baa-van, the fame of man twbzfia is in mi»
2122?» Chrifi defccndcci {ram haaven, onciy in refpatt of his “dining
nature, and he was in heaven at Ehat: time, when he was fpcaking‘
unto Nicademm here an the earth, onely as he was God; and yet be.
muff: tht fame pcrfon was alfo man, he 1aith,tbe Smze afman which 2'3
572 heaven.’ A So here 3 Chriit was crucificd om-Iy as hewas man, and
ye: bccaufe the fame man was alfb Goal», the A§0fi1¢gE1i€$;fl9£y é?;i3cz'fi==j~f_
ad the Lord ofglsry. % M ~ ‘ ' % % I ‘%
Anfifo I came unw elm“ fecané circumflance, the EEM‘ of fitath
aim he fufifcred 3 it was crucifixion; the mm fhamafull and ignomh
niaus death in the worm. The Apofile mentiesns ficazzdolmr icrzzczs : thc
afrcnce of the croflé... Gaiar. s. N. and mhcflmmeof the croiftz too.
.3-Icbr. 12.. 3, Thar: is mare {hamein ii: chm in any ether death, and.
0» zhcrcforc the Heathen. tearmw the c:mfl2:, arborem; iézfzelécem, and-fliu
gigem iizfawem 3 a wretcheé infamous tree.” This deathiwas fa? infa-
mous, that the Romans did nozizaflifi it upoziany, but onelyfuch
as were eflzccmed bafé rogues , and notations smlefafiors... A33.
ehcreforc we finds: in the Ecclcfiafticaii Hifiory, that a1bci:VSa.PauI
fufi°erad marcyrdornc atflome, as well asfir. Pzetcr, 5' yes: they c<*2nI&
not cmcijficS:. Paul 3 he being a;Romane ,‘ had rm ‘pj2_*ivi1edfgeV efa
A gentleman, and was beheaded; buc~I’ever being-bum~afig’he’rman by
his trade, was cftccnxccia bafefcliow 5 and focmcified-: as was his
M Mafier. That: which made this death more flmmcfuil axadignemig
~ Vnious‘, was, becaufe all chazwm-c crucified, were-fix-It fcour efi bcw
iorethey were crucified, anmzhat was peculiar to {has dcat ‘ ofthc: 4
¢I'€>fl}“o ‘ Now for a man to be fcourged, iaa faauic Adi!-‘grace, m wilcdnd
fcrvzlc _pum£hmem;,‘ not to be 0ficxc&A mum any but Eunw man
flaves : ané xhcrefmrc he an Ihfi comedy faies in great diféainq,
fi SW3: 3 £z'berfi:;;;r_t 3 bee make it in gm: 3’comc¢, fine whippic mum
gbcaancc named sxmahimwhe was Exec baxxw-Q And get our fiavioazx
« A 4 _ V’ ' » W '1" A % A’ mag
~ % » this cam: topaiftr, faint: the Evangelifi, I/47.13 the fayirzg of fiflm figigb:
‘Ming rt» be7crué‘i'ficd,‘ was E171“: fcourge&.% And asthis ‘wan £¥i'an';w~
full‘, fcrviles andwigxmminious death; fa was is a moflc exccrablm ’
% and curfcd death 5 for faycs the Apoftle, it is writmz, czarfizd ,5: even
r.- mm that Imrzgeilw om: tree, Gal. 3.13. It was ac: onciy cficecmw
oby men, but it was {'0 indeed, being accuri-"ed by themouzh of God‘
himfclfe; for it is Faid, Deuc. :51. 2.3. I-Ice that ,3 banged is mrfird af
God. And therefore Ch:-ifi fuficring this death, the Apaftlc fayesz,
that he was fmffzas maiediéfzsm, mad: :1 arm‘/e for us. Am as th§S
full death; Firfi, his ficfla was come with whippcs Tbeyglowgberf
A ‘ mbzis fmclgc( fairhthc Pfaltnifi) med made Zwzgfkmowxs on at. Thm ‘V
‘his hands and his feet were bored with the miles, am. the hands
and fee: of all oszhcr parts are mo{’c fenfiblc; by rcafon of the :c:x-
M death was an igrmminious and acczurfcd death 3 for alfof a me& pain.» ,
Lure of all the finczwes there. And bcing thus nailed unto tht: tree, A
his whole body was {benched out on tI16’CmH'C, as on a racks, téfl tzlzi
bi; bones were 05:: af joint, as was ferctold by the Pfalmifi. This
matching was fuck; that it made: his very ribbcs and beam, breaka
through the flcfh and the skinnc, which mufl; needs bc a paint: our;
of meafurc painfull. Thereforc the heathen warmed the creflc,
cmciabile Zigrmm , acres of torture; and mofi; {harps and bitter‘
paints, have their name frem the croflb, bcing called cmcéatzm. Chriik
was no 1211?: than fix homes in this torment ; even from the third"
hom'c,umi1lt:hc ninth, and all that whilcin p¢rfc& fenfc; for it is
faid, be med with :2 lead wise, and gave map the gbafi. He did 116: crie
with that faint voice off a ciying man, bw.-with a. loud micc,tc> flaew
that his natural} Pcrcngth was mt one whit abated. This dcathwas
devifed for our Sxviour, not fo much by Pifzzt and the Souldicrs,
as by the jcwes 3 for they cried out, mzcific him, crzxcifiekém. Wbm
V V Pita: faéd zazzto them, 321,52 yea him, a2zd1'm:Ige‘§2im zzcca-:rdz‘z:g to yam (aw :
they anfwercd, it is me‘ lawful}! for zm to pin? any mm: to» dead). And
fee fiaifilled, which be‘ fi>ai}j::,‘fi_g22ifyi7z_g what dead: he fbwzld 51:39. New
I what was tha.t’which hr: fpake fignii-"ying wbcu: daath. he {hould dict?
we find‘it Matth. 1'-o. I9. Tbefarmc of mzzz flaall be betrayed mate the
mfg: Pricfls, and M the Sm-.ibes,A and tiny flarzfl candwme bémta deazla,
xzzzdflmll deliver 1.25»; to the Geméies, to 7220533 and to fcmrge, xzmzf ta cm-
gifie him. Thus they put off his rriall fmna theuzfclves, unto the R0...
zmne Governour, at‘ purpofc, that he: might fuffcr that Romance
fliould have been fioncé; but that deat’n fcsmed mo mild, {er in
‘dcrsath. At firfl: they mndcnmcd him of blafpiaemie, and than hce“
would have difpatcbed him quickly: Therefore they inditc him anew ‘
ef zrcafon, for fpeaking againfi Caefrzr, that {'0 hcmight fuffcr the
death of a traitor, evan that ignominious, acr.:urf:&, and painful!
death of chqcroffc. No leflit could fazisfie their malice. A A ¢
‘ B :1
Q‘/[’€t7 -3 0
I0b.3,2. ‘
A Amt; who were they that cllid a1_1.this 2* «even hie own: people, they
“hot were» his b1‘ethre—n,, and kmfmen aecotchngtot the flcfhj tb %
an“;-éfiedjbg nan] of glory 3 they unto whom he came, andfor whom
he came , for be wmtflrnt unto the loft jheep oftbe bomfe aflfmelig :1-my
atnongftwhom he had preached the word of life, for z';: be/yogrygd {beg
Gafiell firji to be preached mate them g» T hey among whom hec hath
wrotzght many miracles, and unto whom he had done many good
i vtetkes 5. even they wetet fuch utnthankfull ttaitors, that zbey.cr»czifit&
" HJeiLa?d; of glary. 1 e 7-
Imzhe left place, the Apofiler tells us, that th_eir'igno.mnc¢. of the
wi~fdome;ofgod,1ed them to: the committing of that horrible mur-—
eher: fufkmci they Igzzowzze it, zlaeywoe1.:i not /yzwe c':*ztcifi'ed the Lani‘
hf’ gzory. Buthereeye may fa-ye unto me, did. thefe malicious Iewes
finne onei'y~oL1:: of ignorsince, as did tPmzl in perfccuting the Chu1’Ch§i;~
0: no; they finned. out of malice, againfl knowledge and com-
ftiencc 3 for. they knew that Iefus was a goodiand Jufc man, and had
given. him that tcfiimionie, that be had done all things waif 3 they knew»
‘ thathe was it grew; Prophet, ct re;ztbcrc_amei fl‘-am Gad; they were int
fame fotttootcovmccd thathe was ..he Chrzfi , fiat Ioh. M. 47. i
they hcltclgatcounceltlf agatinfi him, faying, wlazztfball weAdae,?e‘tbi5ima7£:
doth many mi;'nztles,.tt if we letibimelonegall men will believe an lziiigname-i
I:y, that he is, the Cbr.ifl.. Where ye may behold them fighting againfl:
V the light of-. their owne ltnowledge , whetewith our Saviour ex»
prefly chatgesti t.hQm;.,IOh$- 7. 2.3. Tee barb know me, am!” yet QIIOW/~
' whence 11 am, and Ioh. 15;. 24. New have they both fem emf’ beam’ both
me2z'nd‘n2yfIz£i1etr- This. ap-pearet-hfurther by that which is..faidi“in the-:
t t parable of‘ the itoufholdcr, Matth. 2.1. 3.1.. .4 cemziyzeu batzflaoldee
plzmteda w'.:«.zeyam’,t and [at it am tabwtbzzrzdmm , med mm were a ferret
cozzmrcy.‘ .Am£ w/mzzbeizime of the fieizs came, be fimt his fizrwmtt M
Nceieze them 5 mzdt tbetbztsbamlmeez toalg bit fcrvams, beat zlqemmzal 1,331‘
led them : zzgaizzc be fvzz azberjervants, hand zbeydid. zmta tbam Z2/gtwife.
Lzzfi of alilze fem zmto them my famze, [zzying,tz!at>yi willttrmeereeoe myfm.
But: when zl9e~I:rz45£m22a'me22 few him, they {aid,_tb135 is the beirc, come let
Ii/5i1gi£HJz’I?2‘,..z2i2d* cerzfe on his inheritance. And faith the Evangcliitg
vet. 45'. ewbmezbe clmfe Priefis and zbePbtzri_fees beard zbis pzmzbie, they
perceived that laefimlge of them. Sothat they had fome‘ knowledge of
Chfifi: but it was not the true knowledge; theytwere not indtted
” with hezwenlyiit wifdome, not taught of God‘; tot their heart did,
to mind our againit the light which did fhine on their unde‘rIiandii%ng,,_
:1-nc:I.( as Solomon1’i»ith)‘~Tlaey‘batecl knowledge; and, did eat cbaafe the
fine‘: offlaa Lam’. Therefore faith our Saviour unto them, yet? neither
zgzzozar may 11er~m_yfizzber, 1011. 8- I . so thateven tfizmcs of malice»
eemmiited againffknowlcdge an = cenfciencc, yet are aceompaniigi
~ we
mjfeg to worlge all tmclezzmzefe wizla game
' thee the only tme‘Gaa’, and Iefws Cbri/23 whom zla
- Have now done with text , but not
1 ms, lthclfiage oncly changed, and ntwa
A (my
with l-‘tome kind of igrio::*aoc*c. This 53 Clem’
Chrifi, for they knew that it was will
and jull 5 but this knowledge wax onol)./_
they did not acfitually knowlthat it was CV11 ‘ V _% %
did it, or they did not corifidcr it 5 or Athough they knew that it was
evill, ‘yet. thcy'didinot‘lmow,~that that ctrill was not to he done, fotthe
‘obtaining of a greater good which they pxogofzd to_thcthftj:1V€hSs
namely, the retaining of their places and digmtics, wh1C11_t}1€Y 533'
red to lof: if he were acknowledged for the,Mcffias. Thus it holds
true thatthe Philofopher faid, ommls mtzlm 5372074735: thtrc *5 if°.‘m
ignorance in every (inn: 3, for facing the will cannot pofiihly aflfifi
evill, as itisc-vill, but that the fatne is fiillptefentcd unto 15: 113533‘?
Ihcimaske of good, it followcth nctcefiizrily, that CV“? f?"1‘3 ’~'h“-“
finneth, is form: way... ignorant of good andlcvil. F0! Whldl C39?“
Solammzfayes, zaarme ewmzt amass .? doellaey 720: all me that warlge mt-
qz.-zitis ? And David oftncr than once in the P falmcs faith, alaavg all
I/:2eW0r‘1gér5 of éniqzilzie me Ignowledgg ? 111636“-Ed I135)’ h-“'5 “cf Em‘:
knowledge. And therefore howfoevcr fome have con1m€fld¢d 1gn<3-
xahccs as the mother of devotion , Imay fay morottulfa that *3
the mOEhC1‘Of€I.'lQl.1I.‘-5 out Saviour faid Io much t0% _ %
Matth. 22.. 2.9. ‘fee do erre, not Igzaowiizg the Scriptmesa It 1§ the mo-
lthet of Idolattie, Galat. 4.. 8. When ‘ye lcrzew mot God, yea f*~"/‘Um
unto them which by nature are no Gods. It is the.’ mother of grid: {and
arrogance, Row. to. g. Beikg ignorant of the rigbteaufmfi CAME ‘W1
went about to ’efl:zb!{/72 their owned rigbtlcouf 917?. It is thfi fiwthm? 9*
lull, T hell‘. 4. v5. The Gentile: whiz’/9 know noflfiod, wallge m the lufi
of conczzpifcem. Finally, it it the mother of 1:11 Emnc,
Having their zlndcr/landing d:zrlgncd,l through the ignoraizce _ . V
tbim : and beirzg pafi fiaelizzg, they gave tbemfelve5_0'ue2'1mt_0 l4f6W“?v'¢./3
mega. And on t”hf¢=' OIW
nowlodgc ofGod_,, 2 Pet. 1- 1-Gfdéfi
flflV0fa!gb*Z/fie Ig7zowledgehof 47261
grace and lpea‘c‘et,“l‘o
ltfiz eremafl, W kflfiw
gg lmfi fem‘. This
kmiwlfidge it the Wildomc of God , which the Apoflle here magnifies
1'0 ‘much, Which none of the Princes of Ibis world knew : fir had they
lgazvwne it, they would not" haoelcmcifiedtb: Lord ofglary. A
with tho Princeo of thh
fo like
5%: °."j'
e intltic crucifying of
ha‘bitua1’l L and gt:nerlnll’_ 3
I, at the infiantlwhen fliéy
part, all gracciis from the true k
and peace be mmltiplied meta you,
of Iefm our Lord. As this knowledge brings
it brings glory 3 for faith our Saviour, This is
‘ I
l world 3 f'o1:““‘I am to ptcfcnt unto you another fad ‘tragedy,
unto the formfirthilt it may {home but oetm fizlmla per yzows
Etors enttccl upon
the: I’lfiflC¢8 of this world, yea, of the darlmejé of this world, F
t A . Ba 4‘ __ c
H ,,_w '- ....—-
to“’ltill'him thatwas l innocent l
Prov, 1'4. 2. 2;
P/him. WI 4.4,, V
Pfalm.s3~+-A "
the Siduces, ‘
Ephcl‘.4.1$. «
that Q m V
10;!‘ M ‘
M. 19.11;,‘
( ta) I
wotfe than Pilat, the high Priells, Scribes, and Pil1aril'ces,'wl'*;o
have lately mu tthcred,(if not the Lord of glory, yet I am li1re_).a
glorious Lord; though nflflft Chtill the Lord, yet the Lords Chrift, \
Gods annoint=ed.i This is a part-ieide fo heinous, To hortjiblc, that it
cannot be paralled by all the mutthers that ever were committed
finch the world began, but onely in the murthetof Chrifl. And in-
deed the providence of God gave me htft occafiort to inftitute this
parallell: for that day that out gracious Soveraxgnewase murthc-
._rcd, being the goflf lanuaty, a day for ever tO- be noted withaa
black coale, as his Majellie was at divine fcrvice, bcforehe was led
forth unto the fcaffold, the chapter that was read unto. -him-.. was the
feven and twentieth of St. matrbelws gofpell, which containea the
paflion of Chtifig and that chapter was read _not by choifc, but by
the ditefiion of the tubriek, it being the leilor-1 appointed for that
day, fo that we could not but conceive, that the murthcr than :9
be afied , ‘was like bu-into that which invthe chapter is defcribcdx.
And indeed you will finale it very. like unto it, if you will but
eonfider the three circumfianccs whichl before obferved in m
text, the dignity of the perfou mutthercd, the kind of deaththat
t has fuffercd, and the qualitic of the tnurthcrcrs. «
The petfon that was now murthcrcd», was not the Lord of glory 3
’ hum glorious Lord, Chtifts own: Vicar : his lieutenant and vice-
gcrent here on earth, within his dominions. And therefore by all
1”,-cs, divine,and‘humauc,fic was privileged from any pu.nilhment'
that could bee inflicted by men.‘ Albeit heewas as inferiour to
Chr-lg , as man is unto Godgthe creature , unto the immor-
mllctcator ; yet was his privilege of ittviolability farte more clear it
than was Chtifis. For Qhrifi was not a temporall Prince, his King-
dome was not of this world’, and therefore ‘whenihe vouchfafed to
come into the world, and to become the footie of man, he: did i
fubjefic hitnfclfo unto the law; lice. who out-..ly could choofe when
ltmbevbotne, made choife to.-be borne at that ttmetwhen there was at i
decree for taxing all the world ;« that fo footie as he was borne, he
i might be inrolled a fix-bjeét unto Cfefar: hee litrcd as a.fubje&,
Bay“; tfibutaunto caxfizr 5, he fubm1ttcd$unt‘o~ Prints jutifdiétion, .
acknowledging that hot. had power given him from above. But
out gracious Soveraignc was’ well knowne to bee a temporall
1,3;-it-ice, a tree Monarch, and their undoubted Soveraigne, to whom
‘i they dielal1ovrc,% ‘a1:1d.'had' -fworne-allegience 5 arid therefore he
could not be judged by any power on earth. He difclaimed their au...
i:hority,as he well might; for they had no power at all over _any,mueh
lefllel-ovcrrhim: andiwhat powetthey ufutped was not a"eI‘ffiPer':’_- as
g;;a;;,, but g1'e.fl45tV£”r,i‘ from beneath, eleven {mat the axagell. of the
Eottom1e£Tc pix, whofc name
‘wmment, pézaceia prrzcfcrvedi jufiice executed, and
‘A yom‘I(i7¢g 2 As if he had faid,
‘fcfl‘celh1'rn to be: their King
4 condemnc,:and puthim to death. And aszhey arc wiorfc
fo thcy arc worfc: then Pagans :
Aforbiarzzrm King ofGalacia,
Tmme ,
f Kingflfabe guiity of death , is fuck a thing as hath mt-been heard
% <;>£, And as they are werfc than
V warfe than devils far the
V princc, though he be as bad as can bc
1 Sovcraigne: was the heft of Kings.
2:-has fare upon a thmnc,
C 1 )
is A:"9ndc2'6.?2_.; For as he {bakes dig
deftruétion of all men, To cfpeci:1lSy- of Kings, bccaufe by tlacizr gg.
rcligistm main-
tained. But fmm above: thcy me: me» powfir .- For Gednever gave
unto she P€.‘o.Pl€ power over their King as is evident by Scri azure,
by the 1awAotnm:ure and natioms, by the known: lawes cf England,
by clzarc and undeniable reafens, and by the conihnzt dmfzrizze
:mdp1'a'ftifc: niche true, ancient, ané Qaahelick Church; aswcm
eafic for me“: to, {h-ew, if time would pézrmit. Ami yft Liiafc mow-
Afimus. trainers , have facrilegiotxfly invaded Goals ti1:'one , and
ufurpcd his offrcgwhafz peculiarit: 3.31:0 bejudgc of Kings, and fa
have ventured to try, judge, condemns, and execute their King J
in defpitc ofa1;Haw,‘rca{'on, religion, nature, and God hi:;r;fc:1fc. As
it is in the parablcof faxbam , they have advanced the bramblc,
above the cedar of Lebanus,wh3.lc they fztzhc people, even the ba-
fcfi ofthc people-, onzhc bench, and placed thf: King a prifaner at
the bar». Sc» they have ovcrthrownc the order of Gociand nature, dif-
’fc‘lved> the: bands of Humane fociety, bringing inn macs: confufion,
and-A difiipacion of all things.
This was fizch a thing, as hath not beeneknowne am the World
began:-2c : Pilzzt Vkncwby the light; ofnature, that a King, is not to
5: put :6 death; therefore he (‘aid unto the jcwcs, Slmlé I mzcifie
ifjefus be axing; hcis not to be put
[9 death; but
an aét againfi the law of nature and nations ? And the chief__
as impudent and maiicious as they were
pofition, that a. Kin
affumpzion , that ]
‘ priefls,
. b iéhcyh dull) notldenzrl the éarfi.
g 15 notto c puc_to cat - us at my cnye r: c
efus was their K1:-mg, Iayi:1§2:,W€bave?20I{ingbg£
But thcfc nmrrhcrc: s are worfc than the Icwés, for they cag-
, and~yet-cooks upon them , to judge ,
_ .4 vth-an Iewcs3
for Tell); Pleadxng before C4e:f22',
1 h d I k H h L fzllbexc he virgs bu:g1§fibut;;ry_KxJx;&g ,
yet e oucm cage 1 at pmrz egg: unto mm, aymg, am mm 4»-
Rege:21%capz‘r:3.s mam eye, 2:: ante baa tempmfit imwdimm. For a
. Icwcx and Paga1ns_.,fo thcy are evm
devils never rife up againft their
: butthe Puri::::;2s« rag¢
%:2gainf%’c their King, be he never foléocd , as iggéaw our gracious
ever was there yetaxay prinm
101:. :9. 13'.
it is faidhc is your King, and {ball Ithcn do Iuch "
who was beyamd him for piety and ymdence,
« I2-.2»
%‘ V9?‘fl 30
'”fora11hcroica11Ma?ncl chrifiianwgraces. But here Idarc not ven~ V.
ture:;oprai1‘c'him, 13%, coming ‘fhort, Imay {came to wrong him; «
with our 5..-wiour in his fuffermgs , as lwdid.
Find this W311 fuithcr appgare by Ehc fcccnd circumfiancé in my
— 't€.'XE_,, the kind of dcarhgxihat he 1‘ufi‘ercd, which was not the death of
the croflc, but ‘a=:quivolcn:“unzo it, for two things were in the croflé
‘w11icI=mnade.itfo ediaus3 paine,AandMfl1amc; the Apofilc joyncsthem
together, fivfm endured we craflé, dajfiijiztg zbefbame. Gar Sovcrai«gne
V ”I1:t’fc»rec~i both, I‘begimnt: with the painc. Indeed Chrifts éroflé be-
gan achis'cmtcl1 _; for? noiizoncr was be borne , than perfecured
byflcroal ; and his whole life afterwards was a perpcttuall gain--’
fraying offizmers: ‘So I mayfay czfmur Sovctaignc, that the men Mlaft
M» Vycaircs ofifislife, wasfuch a gainc-faying. of finnersy; a1ltham:ime~
he fought with bcafts, even with unreafonable mesa , who Wera} "
% refolvcd to be fa{tisEed.. with nothhg, but with the utter dcfiruffiion.
oFhiim and his. To bring that to iaaflé, am czfall they did :a;fpcr1'c
g lghim with many fa-ulfc {and fa1f¢:ca1umnics%,%.% 1' ag:zii1fi:_ niacin: ewnc
% knewledgnand confcin-nee, only to render, h3mc>diaus& unto his
.p¢€>§1g e.'.;}?f1ac;y% fla.n&t:r4f:d the foot: {taps of Gads amaimed , V, their
Jt0%ngu£$,v and zhieit pcnacs too, warm: {harps-r than fwxardsg pier-@ .
_ {ring deep: intgghis fbule %:K may Ikandalcms pamphlets were wary
day cafl abroad, ’whig;h }.C as he {aim in his bookc ) like fin:-(gas éngreaz:
"wzafiagmtiama dirii fiia zzgmvwd %dawz2e%zfaj’et at! pltwfs 9:: fire. t From every
2.,’ :¢,~r'f. ..
W4 - ”
V puipiz w:is {'oLmc¥é:.1i«si~ harbour er conccalc. . the Kings. pcrfim, ms did‘ knew where he
was harbcsumd, unleflé he ciid imxncciiacely. reveals? i::,£hou1d forfcit‘c.~~
hi5 cfiatc, zmddie wixhommercy as~a.trai::or. % ‘ V ’
Asour Savicsur was. rejefsfcé ofhisownc people‘; 9 cmezmtalfir ‘ V
’ £919. In 13'!
owne,,pcop1e3 they would nm: owniclaim for their King 3 but difm
cl-aimcd his authority, and yecldca‘ their £7-.:x:v3::e amtohis Cimilflifisg ‘
and as the Icwcs dezzyedzhe holy om, mzdtbe j:zfi,:z?3d deji;'eo£4cz;:Iazrr --»
zcberer to begmnred to them :% 80 they denyed tficir holy and rightcou s
‘King, and. defired the Pariiamentmighxzxulc owzrdicm : in ths Mi §;§-43
they preferred: robbers; and murrhercrs worfe than B¢m2ba5,«
choofing rather to live in bondage, under the Iron yoke 5 than;
minjoy» the liberty of fubjefis, under the peaccable govememenm
of a nxofigracious King- As our faviour was rejefied byhis owns:
geople, fa was he forfaken of his owne Difciplfifig when th€7tim<'s'Z‘;
flxjama that he was to mzzlgc [axle an ofi2’ring fir fivzfiée, thmone ofhiw.
W41‘? Pifcielcs bstrarewm §¥'3-8§§??1¥.§?11¥¢§4¥1i@»4-§;!§?F”7‘°9k¢%
A @393»
% I‘,/'3', 5g. 5'‘,
Mat. 4: 9»
Mark. :4. 2:.
-E-Hlfixga 3 In
Mar; 2.6.5I«
.M4fa $559:
himgmd lcfchixn ta tread the wbzeprefi dime: So when mu: Seven-ai as ~
affiifiicms gre‘w.grcac, fame «of his fcrvanzsbetmycd him like 1u..~
das, others denyed him, and almofi: all forfoskc him ; albeit they V? F
himge: Well by him, yet: they wage loch CG Puffer with him. And \‘
which was yet: much work, hewwas fm.'ceab1yd::p2'ivcd of the com-
fort :35 ms dearefir wife, his uxzeficvfiveezz and beiovcd childrexa, mm:
{at a lung mine had none to convcrfc with, but beafis more favage
xhan thufc which did company with can: Savieurin the wilderncflh.
A When Chrifi was, on rha croflé, one ofche zhecvcs who was cmcig.
fled wnzh hm railcd on hum, becaufi: he did not reiievcthcm 3 To
when our Sovcrazgnc was at Oxford, femg: who f'u€f<~:rc.i witir*~
him: upbraided him , and added gricfe toitiishafiiified {Ewic , even
‘railing en him, beeaufc he iiid nan beige zhem,whcn indeed he comm
mt. As an: Saviour was tempted : fowas our Séavcraignc, rammed»
to difirufi, ta perjury, to facrilcgc, to~~atheifm.:; tempted to deny
God, by Eorfaking his religion , and defirroying the chzarch, which ~
his righteous fouic abhogrcd. As the; devil} macic great profih-s
umo Chrift, ofall the Kingdbxncs ofthc wmld, faying; Ag 5.54/3 wggg
Igitm: thee, éfzbazz wilt fallfdozmze mad warfhip me %: So great praffcrs
were made unto our. Scnvcraigne, rim: they would make mm a glm-i-
ems Kinggfhc Wculé humble him{‘e1funto his l—‘ax:iiamcnc, and W01’-— V ‘
{hip the ldell which they had far up. Befidcs_,his fault: was daily mz:-=
msred with reiterated?unrcaibnabic’pmpofitio£is,A and infealcmt dc.
mamcis, as abfurd as th.>f.=: which tht! dcvill made nmto Chrifi.
% The.enem~-ies af our Saviour‘ f::Ir¢gb£}ma¢ they might take him 6} cewfi: ~
and put bzm todeatb. «A Muci*xn=.:c1:c% craft and dccéittczxo, wasl‘ uifed, E9
catch our Sovcraigne in zlmir pin. As;when Ch:-if: was at Icrufalckm,
the Pharifecs not daring than £013.)? hands on him, bcczmfe they fea-
red the people 3 faught to fright him with Herod, Sayiazg‘za2zta Icvimggez
rim az;t,m2d depart T1mzc::.fi2rLH mud will [gill tbemwhen it was they them...
fclvcsmasz intended tokill him: So» whcnhis .M-ajcftic was at amp...
ton Conn-,.11is enemies percezvmg, that .thc hearts of the people were I
fa turned towards hing chacxrwas mt {fife ta lay violenaz hands on A »
him; they did cuzaningly 1‘ uggefi {cares unto h‘im,.th:u: there was 2
:pl0'£ to kill him, and fo theyxnadcz him flieimo the (hare whichchey . ‘V
Thad Iaycd Ear himirx {ha Ila af Wight-, where theydzoughz that ~
Ralph fhould have, difparchcd hixn-by’ peifon or peimard 5 but Atfmt
being dhi;f<;pv[cred;, vrhqy r¢f_r;1ved "tea doc}: Ema more publicke way. V
,0ur ~fa‘viou%r was apprehended; ax:n:ghz:, fowas ourSm=ci’aign¢:.in {
aflazfike cold kfwinterj night, sakenom ofhis bed in the M: of zraigiyr,
andcarrieci gmto Hmrfl Caflle. ‘ They {on gh: falfs: wicnefllz againftjoux »
Sjlvigurgfg gigd they ggainfl our Soycgasgncg {gr caper; prgclamation V4
(17) A t i
i was made with found of trumpehthat all who could infornie againl
the King,fhonld come to the painted chamber,and give in their evi-*
dence: and what was it they intended to prove 2 even that he had
done that whereof they themlielves only were guilty,in railing atmes
and making a watre in the Kingdom. The people being fuborned
by the Priefis , cried againfi our Saviour , u/{mt} wit}: (aim , crutifie
bmz : lo fome of the louldiers were fnbotned, and hired to cry a« i
gainli our Soveraigne, j"ufftce,Execzttwtz. Our Saviour was,mockeda
They waggea! their beads at bzm: fo our Soveraigne had the tryali of
tctnell nnockings. Chrift was reviled : lb was our Soveraigne reviled l
by his enemies,el'pecialIy their falfe Prophets : Hugh Peters" inliead of M4;z;,,27,,a9,
comfort, did teach Gall and Vinegar unto Gods anointed , in the 39,4~;_ N
agony of his fuflerings , as the Jews formerly had done unto Chrili.‘
Our Saviour was {pit on: fo was out Soveraignea. Eratflbtzw and t.Mczttb.27.go.
Cooke did {pin out the froth of their ulcetoust lungs againlt him t0iT"j'-Rb?! 13. 32.
his face, and a barbarous fouldier did really {pit in his face. Ont
Saviour was bound: fol‘ there was as intent_.to have bound our Soven -
raigne , as himfelfe obfervcd on the Scafiold , by the rings which
were falined to the block. Our Saviour was watched the night be-
fore he fulfeted 3 for he was apprehended at night in the Garden and
carried away unto thc._I-Iigh E'riePrs houfe , where hcvvas baited all
night : in the mornin i lent to Pilate, from him to Herod, then back
again to the common fudgernent hall , where he was condemned,
and at the third houte led forth to be crucified. But our Sove-'
raigne was watched many nights before he fuffeted 5 for all the
time of his tryall , his chamber was filled with barbarous fouidiers,
who deprived him of his reli , and of all manner of privacy , which
was more bitter unto him then death. At lafl our Saviour fufliercd
death: fo did our Sovetaigne, at the very fame houreof the day 3.
‘ for our Saviour gave up the ghoft at the ninth honre , which is our
three ofthc clock in the afternoon: the fame houre put a period
to our Soveraignes life , and to the happinefie of three I{ing--
domes. l I
I have now taken abtiefe view of the paine: in the next place,
conlider the fhame , and then you will fee a perfeéi: crofie. What
greater fhame and difgrace conldybe olieted onto a King,then infiead
of a Royall train , a guard fitting the Maieliy of his perfonf, to be
watched and watded, and dragged from place to place, by the com-
mon fouldiers , the molt rude and barbarous of all the people. But
in this he was like unto his Saviour alfo. They‘ came tzgainfi him tear in Mm:th.z6. 25.
gahzfzi azbz'cfi2,wirb /°ma7'dr_rz2?a'flat1£'5o As our Saviour was hurried from ' -
place to place from xlrznrw to Czzi/ziaztttfrom him to Pilahfrom File: to
Herod , and thence hack to Piiat , to the common Jndgementhall :
t (18) A t .
to was our St)vera‘:gt1e huttiea front the IfleJ_b9fW‘zgi2t te Hiflfi czzfife,t
t"tom~rhence to W?72dft37‘ , fromwz-izdfrbr to.Szujames , fx"om'them:e to
Weflmimfler to the commonjudgement ha_i!,to be tfifidas agnalefafior
at the Bat, whereno prifoner was ever med, but In the Eimgs name,
“ and by his authprity , for that Hall was never if1W2fl’Cd with any
Heér. 12,2. ‘
I;z;c.2ee3,3,4tt. V
'Z'2etfl 28. .
$pb.5.2g,t_ H
power of tttdicature , without the King , muchltefitz ztgzfmfi him: M
but ( as he §;?1yC7.St»‘§‘t'§ his Book) They tiztztgtar fitttt cza'!a'e‘tl:2e I?20€I{8?}/ cf
‘§.sz{2z'ce, to the ca-ztelzy ofm:z1z'ce(as theytwho cruc'ii‘te<:1 Chrifi) tl:a.zt for 2/92;
M might deflaqy km with rite greater‘ pump. They ptetended~jt:ftice and
teli-g§c;n' tocover their ~p(.’¥‘j1}I‘)7' anti patacide , and fddid" efiabltfh
ihicgttity by at Law , attel father their {in upon God, who tsthe attthgx“
¢fA jfifiice. And as‘hi-s ttya11_ was pttblique , and difgmksefull ,, (0 was
his execution :4 it hath been ‘a ctxfttmte to hang nottzattous traytors
befot*e‘theér own doors for their greater {heme fo did they put out
V Sovetfaigee to death , in 3.‘«1‘I30fi infultiug manner , on an open fcafa-M
feld, etefied before histtRojja11Pa1}ace;, asif they meant to bid zt
defiance both to God and men. New ioyn the~i'e t0g€..Eh€r,. and telt
‘ me if evetany~ntanTi1ight ntoretjuftly thet1he,t:-tkeuep that complaint
which wastattered in the perfonl of our Sztvxour , by the Spiritof A ‘
Prophecy ,’ fficltaldéaslwl confide“ allye rim: pnjfe by, if"tiaé2‘e bemzy ftrmzz.
lake; ztittatizyefofltmsi". ‘ ~ 7
Let USJBOW fee how he did Ibeztt this: even ashis Saviour hid‘
done, r2*'bafo'r the joy that "me: fez}: befimvz Zyim, crzciuréd that cmj]E, deflaifing ~~ tt
tbeflmmc.' He ccmtemned aneeeat'thly-Crown, for the afluted hope he
hadi artitnmortall Cmwn , that fadeth not away: and fo likexhisj
Saeviottr 3 vth;en_ehe was rev‘tle<;1- _., he reviled notta=gain% =,-. but \t;a_$. led“
asiaetiheepfunto the flatughtet, and opened not his month. A5 L hriftx
Qtaiyed ‘forthem that cmcified him : fo did our .Soveraigne'pome.
{(}11E _m 2ny“dCf£?'O1iE_ prayers fat his enemies , which might ferve to‘
.??;1h1E:}€“tthsff?E;« hearts 3,, if they were not harder then the ?2e.fb£?‘ mil! fiorte...
As Chtiftwept over fergfizlem : {O ctid” our Sc>vera‘;gt1e weep .0ve;-3
his three Kingdoms ,‘ Izaeftng morefotry for the rnifeties that are to
came upon them , then for all that 11ath“.happe:2ed unto himfelfe.
Atwomen beholdfimg Chtifisttpaifion wept: fomatty vsggmen behoist.
fling their Soveraigne on a Scaffold, wept bitterly , ‘unite whom he
_ might have {aid , as otttSaviourdid~unto the other , rz/trap rzazfat me,
ye: tldeztgbtets vf fermfaitrm , {mt z—av€8p"fi2r yaw féltues. Ghrifi gave him-,
fe1fefot_theeChurch : lfe" dyed» for thepeoplez {em out Sovetaigne,
A in anothertfenfe, gave himielfe for the Chutczh, and died for his-{ V
peopletg for}1emighthav.e fated hislife , if he would have conten-
ted to» defitoy the Church, and enflave his people. S0 that (ashe
fiid on the Seafibld) he was the martyr of the people , xxiartyred by
tttegjtmtttd for thtetn. Whsjertotxt Smears agony began , §1e=prayeme Prieftv-2 . (but they are
feraboxms Prielis of the bafeli; Offthé, people) {on-1e Scribes and Law»
yets. And they drew into that combination too, wicked Heradénzzsy
that is, diflembling Courtiers , and profane Ruffian: 3 and as pure as
they would feem to begyet were they content to endure all their Gad
dammeei to gain their afiiliances for to damn and condemn their So--
verarigne. y i
As Chrilis Enemies were of divers profefiions , fo aifh of divers h
Seéis and Religions, fome Pharifees, fome Seduce; 5 and thofe were
very oppolite one againfl: the other; yet both j0yI3€d.iIOg€[hC1‘é3*'
o ‘ gainfi: Chrift : To crucifie him even Herod and Film: were made
Afl. 4.27-
~ him 5 they wcakned his Forces there : defiroying many who would.’
friends : For (as the Apofiles fay) agwzirzfi‘ thine my Somie fefu: , barb;
Herod and Pomizz: Pilez,witb the Gentiles and peeple af’1/inc! were gathe-
red zagether. So the enemies of our Soveraigne were of divers Se&s
and Religions, fome Papifisjorne Prefbyterianlgfonxe Ind.ependents§-
And though they beat oddes enough between themfelves , their,
heads *are as farre afunder as Samp/Yms Foxes , yet being linked by
the tayles , they handed a ainft the Lord , and againfi his anoynted. '
The Papiiis may feem to. ave little hand in that mntden, yet they.’
contributeclvety much untoit: E they railed a imoli horrid and;
bloudy Rebellion in Irelazzd , an g molt falfly pretended the Kings
commifiion forit , whereby they enraged his other Subieéis again!-vi»
have‘alT1f’ted their Soveraigne , and’ keeping others fo bufie that
they-could’ not come to his reliefe; they promifed him igteax: ayd,
but when he depended upon it, they utterly failed him. The Preli-
hycerians are deegly imbrned with his blood. : for they alfaugflted
And were they i
not fuch who mutthered our Soveraigne? His own Nation, his great. i
,. _,
him both in Efiglaml and Scotfmzd , deprived him "of all power and
means, declared him unworthy "to raign, andifo weakned him, that
it was an ealie matter for the Independants , who are drunkrwith his
blood, for to kill him.'I‘he Presbytetzans framed both the Major and
Minor Propofitionls, and the lndependants, drew oucichc Cgnclufigng
for thus the Prcabyteriam both preached and pnhlifhed ;a tyrant is
to he mppofed and defitoyed : but the King is a Tyrant. Then
comes the lndependants ancldtaw forth the conclolion which natu-
rally follows from the pretnilies : Ergo let him be deftroyed. 0r to
me their own diftinfiiott which they have fo much abufed 5 tl‘lC'Pi‘Cf- l
byterians motdetd the King in his politicall capacity, the Indepen—
dants in his natntall capacity. Thus our Soveraign , as well as out Sn-A
viont was crucified between two thee-ves, but neither of them a good
theefe. Thefe two faéiions (as hi~ Majteliy well exprefles it in his
Book) Art the tnvms which latellv one women ‘iatlaféd, the yazmger fZ:r'i2.2z'zzg i
In pvevaile agttinfi the elder j, what the Preslyteriarzs lmtze bzmtea’ after, the
flziapeadatzts [cake to tatcla fin therazfizltzes. and indeed they have taken
the prey out of their mouths : They who at firft wet“e.but.jonrney
men unto the otheryhave now let up for themfelves.
Albeit thefe be the ehiefe murderers : there be many otherslwho
though (as, himftlf faith) Their bzztzds are not embmed in his Hood by
aéiiyzg and can/eating to his death, yet they are fivtitzlgled with his bland by
alefiytizzg him. even all thofe who had power and means, andtdid not
nfe them for his defence. For Not: caret fcrnpala attztlte fatidtatis gm; Seizem-' l
mmtzffiafla dé/‘ctiméai nan occamit. By the Law of nature and Nations,
all fuhiefis are bound to defend theit,;y_:l§i;ngs Petfon,Crown, and dig.
nity. Our Saviour {aid unto PiZatl:4:‘l‘"l3lfmy Kingdom were oftljst world, j’ob.I8.g6,.i
them would my fervent: fight, that flbonld not be detmzml to the Iewse.
Where he infinuates that the fervants and fubjetfis, of an earthly
King, are bound to fight for his defence .1 And therefore all thofc
who did not aide him according to their power, have incutrfd the
eerie of Meracg, ]ndge :5. 2.3. Cmflrye Meroz (faid the Angeli ofthe
Lord) czi'rf£'3/e izétterly the irzlmbitattts tl9cfreof' : lztcaztfé they came not to the
help oftlze i,.o='d, it the help eftlye Lard agamfi‘ the might}. Belides thele
neutrals, who becaufe they were not for the King, were againfi him,
there are many who fought for their fovet~agin,_,who have yet by their»
fins fought againli him : their debauched carriage gave-mutih advanm»
l i tage to his enemies,8t provoked God to forfakevtheitarmieszbyt their
rapi me and plundetn they did alienate the hearts of the people from
their Soveraiggne , and by their flrifs and emnlations, they loft the
Kingdom and ‘ that gracious King : there was a firifc antongft
(thrills followers which of them lhould be the gteateli 5 but the.
firife that was among the Kings followers for placesand pteferments,
ttatfarte more hurtfull and pernicious... Yea,as all of us Werein-
Ci 3. l lotoet
;lltl?1.4.2 5,.
I l'.eztz.5 . 15.
lime ifott, guilty ot7Chrifis blood; for our finnes were the meritoria-
out amzl procuring caufe of his death : H ef_w.».zs delmt-ed to demo; fie‘
our ofmces. So the finnes of every one of us hath added force unto
tltisgteet flttoke and wound gtven unto theft Kingdoms in his Ma-
lefties death. V As the good King fijfeb was taken away by a vigleng
death, for the {ins of Imizzb , that God might the morefreely powte
out the fi€l’C'l1tll(: of histwrathy : fo was out Gracious Soveraignehiiitav‘
hen away for the ptmifhltt-sent of our fimnes, that the iniquities ot‘
thefe linfull gtations being new finifhecl andziome roan height by att. d
horrible rebellion and parricidey. A here might pOW1’€3~0!3t the violls of
his wrath upon them, there being now nothing to hinder the ltrolte
ofhitveogeante, when he is taken away, yea made away by them...
felves, who likelbdafeslllood in the gap, between the fixlhjfigt of his
people, and Gods jutlgemetnts. So that we may all ofus take up that .t »
vlamentation, which the Church made for the death of zafieé : I he
i Ctowtxti.tjh1£e2zfi‘am our head :, was zmto wt that we lsmxe fimzed.
‘. 60
7 Mat£b.6.3.7.
Mattb.2g.I4.. ‘
.£1.'£1(8 II. 45.
But howloever our Saviour had many enemies, yet his molt
violentadvetfatiestt'e1*ethe Pharifees, and if you will butohfette
how they are clefcribed unto usin theGofpell, Email not need to
make any_application.Thellharifeet were the molt fitifi and precife
fefi of the jewes, the Puritans of that age, they were men of,a fad.
countenance and great auflerity ;, they did bow down their heads
like a Bulmlh, when as their inward parts burnt altogether with de.. .
ceipt : l they were outwardly (though hypoctitlcally) holy rwiyiteaz’ ’
fepalsiyerx beezttzifzdl wzzlaottt, and wétlpirz fidt 19f ttetleetzvfle. Great ere--.
J tenders they were to religion, “and ldefireclto be accounted more i
‘pure than others,the on ly~ falnts upon eatth,arxd fodicl {epatate from
the l'efiZ”€)f the Church, anti from thence were they called Phati-= it
fees. They pretended ( efpecially fuch of that fefi as were Sctihs)
great knowledge of the Sctiptutes,and revelations of the Spirit: they
were math for preaching, made long prayers , am that openly, to
be feet: of merhufed vaine repetitions: Under colour of long prayers
they elevoured widclowes houfet. They were fttpetllitioufly zealous
of“keep'mg the Sabbath , but great prolfahers of the temple 5. ethey
made Gods 1h0l.1f'6’z.’£ }§§££j;€'_@f??J€?‘£IJ:2?I6{ifi’, and 'D£?:zl.’£ afzittetzes, for
which they were fharply reptoved by our Saviour, as they often
quatelled him for breaking the Sahboth. Where as the fift com»
e mandement imoynes us to hotxout our Father , notonely our natue
‘ f:M‘a1?.‘¥{| 7;! It
tall Father, but alfo out civill father, who is Pawts Ptzfiire‘ : they
made this commzmd emem: void by their Etrrbzmé , that is at gift where
by Gods cattle, ortather their owtt ends is arlvattcecl. They did‘
drew the people after them, whowere fo much E!ddl&€d unto them,
that they would not beleeve not follow any withouttheir allowance;
1912.7 .-;:.8..~
for. that is the rule tthey gave to the people, Have any afrhc Pbmné-;«
E 23 J
jéw beieeved 4:3}: mm ? And indeccd their fafiioh wasfo popular, that(as
4-L,/'g;‘;,;;—;,,;; tc:i'ih“'i¢c!*1) they govemcd not oncly Jerufaieha, but all judcah
too. They chd bind. heavy burdens upon h other mans fhoulders,
which tixchzfelvca did mint izear, and {:3 chezy made the way to heaven
firaita to othcmand wide to thezrzitlvcs. fhcy were invited to feafis,
and xcwe.-1 :10 tic at the: head of the Table. They made confizience of
fn1a1lem1atcc:rs, as at cm-mzonies, but Ollfltttfid the weighcier him»
ters of::he hm, judgemizm and mctrczy. Now would you not thinhe
that the {mules of rhefc 1 h zrifees by :4. pythagom;m crahhfhxigraciong L
.Mo2ttlJ.23,4., .
3/» as
$7321’: 3...
‘wc:rc encrcci into our newwfm'n1e1's.
As the ZI1uL'£h€:1“c':1‘£r0f our. Sovemign refemhh: the crucifiers’ of
our Saviour 5 f0 we find them aéiing all the fame parts. Ami firfi
% jlgdzzr whofold his Maftcr , ofail than confpired againfi Chrifi , is
‘ mm odiaus 350! he was his difciple, 2. donxchitick fervan 1:, one whom
he trufied with his purfe 5 a.x1dh,Vyc: he, bzfs ]"w2i!ih2<fi'2md, 122222;: did 9.2:: W
of/2:55 bread , lzfi I«.éj«{ ribs fascia gagagivrzjéf laim. So our. Sioveraighe was {old as
a greater price: than our Saviouxuhy thofe who had as nccre a relation
unto him, as Iudzzs had hum Chrifi ; forhchcy were his ,4 <:ou‘ncrey:-hh
men, bmughs: up with him, his {ervants and famihar friends, whom
he crui3:cd with his punk, with hishcounfcls and his pez“fon,che::ifhcd
in his bcfozahxeg and imched with many princely favour:~:.h In many
refpefis they were farm vgrorfe1:I1an Index; :’ for when [MM fold his h
Maihtcr, he thought he wouhldhnhochhave fufi'<:rcci~, but have efcaped ‘
by 2kI2‘x:{1'i1C1€;‘;, as 11%: had fomccimes dam: beforrm “Thisi is the sum-
jaftnre 0%’ rhz:%l:*‘ac}2<:rs, and may be p;‘obab1yvg.=.2t11ered ycuzzcsf the .
Text; fc>1'icisiZ{:d, Thea;11h*1.z5wIm:2a1zefizw #2.,-2: }y:3—2a7.:za“ cendcmszcd,Mgzz,{:«2‘7o§°;'
wpezzzed I922;-zj‘§7:!;”: (0 that hc~:for<:, he tlmughc it <‘hc:u1dhhnochavc:co:11e
to zhac,buz that Chrific would hem: cfcaped, and heghnc away wich%
the monciyaflut the jtudzxfccs whmfeld their Sovemigpikhew very Well
then". ht: ccmid hot hihape, heing dclivaed into. the hands of his me»-7
mites. Againe _]Tl¢’-::'&.(-;$.$‘ {aw not the horror of his {man before‘hce»fiad¢.
. C0m!!l1£E€ti it 9, if he had, it is pmbahle he would not have done
it, but thc':f& I1-}€fl§{21‘vV and knew very wall when horrible faft in was
tQ'deliv:§1‘ up their Kihg,as may appear by Lawdmsz his Speech,whcre- +
in he profehcd amt: it is agstirzii chahw of Nations forthem £0 ch:- Ah
liver up a f”tra;1g¢:r, whats hadpu: hnhfelfeguxadcr their ~proceEticm, |
!‘£iL1Chi;101‘4‘:: £0 ch:1ivcrrt11e:ir King, A¥1dhy€C~fiHdthE1=t was oueIy[for *
forme fake, that he might better beat the 1barg;1in, and ram: the
prices, as did appezmz by the event. Behdes t_hc:y havmaftcd many h
nxo-re parts than fhdas did‘: for they ‘wt-..=:e the hr1°t:ha.‘z:. tookc: arm:-sh .
agaginfi 1-;;m, §x1gagi1'1g ail his Shbxcéts; by 21 folehm League and Cove-. -
nzmc, co difiroy s:h<: Church and the King,‘ they dcjvcitad him of all :
h authority whhihthaz: Kiaagdoxxze, izifzegzhd has Camus gnd revenew<;:s,,
and by them‘ cxamph: zmci COV¢fl&l'H‘, inwumged thsziif Bf‘€itthi’E11 m .
V ' V « Ezzgizzazsi
hlnglwd to doe tiidllhc : and when his Maiefiy was like ‘to hate
hi i prevailed againli his Rebels in Eizglnzd, they,notwithlianding that
r 3118.15-T re
the King, tofeeore themon his tide, had gratified them, by granting
them all their onreafonable and impious dlemands , yer came-’ in thy:
fecond time with a great army ._., to ailili {hangers againli their natuw
rail King. And theyh"ave operfecured all thelfings party in that
Kingdom. imprifoning, banifhing :. forfeiting and barboroufly mm»
thering, ~ even under colour of jnftice,‘ all that adhered unto him,
_Alas'poorfndns did none of rhefe things, butwonlcl have-refcuedI_
his ‘Mallet out of the councelsirhaiids , if it had he-ene in his power 5‘
and yetheeauie hefold him for money, he is odious and infamous
untoall generations :sOh r-hen whatlhall thefe men he 2’ Finally
eludes repented, was fivallowed up of forrow,eonfefi’ed his iinne,niadc
reltirution, for he gave back the money , and made fome fatisfaéticm
too; for her: tooke revenge upon himfelfe when he betook him
to the halter. But we fee not as yet: (0 much repentance in theft:
iludaifes. r ‘ i
Here let: no man‘ thinke that Ieharge that horrible crime upon
the Scottilh Nation : I know it was not the fault of the Nation 5 but
ofthat religion wherein molt of them were brought up. Yea , and ,
- albeit the greareft part of that Nation be infefied with the leaven
ofxngx and Bncbn:2an,- yet are they not all alike guilty.‘ Sor-ncrof‘.
them find the farre greateli ‘part, were meerly coulened out of their ’
loyalty, by their blind guides 3 Like thofe 1W0, hundred who fol...
lowed Abflilnm out of ]erul'alem, in their fimpllcity, knowing no
i rthingofhis treafon 3 for they were made to bcleeve that their reli-
gion was in danger to be overthrowne , and that they were bound
in confeience to take armesto defend it, and to aflili their hre-
thren in England 3 yet fo as that they never intended any violence
unto the Kingslperfon, and did from the bottome of their hearts,
abhorre i the delivering him up ontolhis enemies- Others againc:
‘never approved of any of their proceedings againft the King,
it knowing that their rebellionwes molt unlawfull :.
fome fort comply with the‘-Rebels, for fear of lofing their eiiates,
their liberties ,_ their lives: thefe are more like unto Peter who our of
fear denyed his Mafier, than to Insdazl‘, whofold. him out of cove»
tonlnefiE:.Befides both thel'e,there_ are many other noble Gentlemen;
who exprelled as much loyalty to their Soveraigne, as ever fnbiefls
did, and gave as good proofe of it, by their lervice, under the 7
banner of that mofttenowned Lord, the Lord Marq11iS0fMo72t?,f9fle,i
. the glory of this agegend honour ofthis Nation. All thefe being de~é- J
defied, it will appear; thatit was theifmalleli part of thatNaition,
who afied fades his *part,howfoever by eraftytheyehad got the power.‘ 1
into their hands and uleci the tongues of their fiery preachers, to e V
yet ‘did they in
(is) % LA
% damn t:h't=:$ éifcdfitendedfitoplegi from making" any"'_oppoficioh
~*ag‘ainF;tr:hei;"pr0Ceedings£mzadicrvcn theme too, as %finfam»ous as may
*<.1Vrej ~have' not di‘*%honpu;%¢ci%~%thcir% Né1t¥oxj“A~n‘\rux‘e,~ than théir;brVéthmtx
bf"AB‘22gZa!a‘a(1%‘hiavc %d‘one "tht5irs :.>-;as -Jt}1¥:t3cfiES‘e*3 and Pharifcca.E:§c+
primed -more rxk’a9l'N:e again?! but Sav§c”ur,% than j"z.m’mr did 5‘ "T0: th%ofe"% ~
vrhicfi m::;rthe:*edAour Sigveraigpz, exprefied mm'cmaiice, than they
thatlblti him % : and a_,rc%ro% be accoumedthe greaxzttr“ Traytrirs, be...
‘caufc of the reward% which they gas eunro%,:he%other*.% For Goa Lam-
felfaggravares :;hewhox'dc:mci**of‘ Ifrarxl , by t}1‘rs.cirtun1fiafic%e5 that
the “‘g~.w¢4 zfrewazd nmo‘~hc:*¥l0v'ers. eah. I6sg“g.34;- rim mm; 1,;;t¢
mtbei“w72va?r2ééz.% r 'tlo.s:'_y rec: zfve ‘g‘f.t”-A5,,‘ £mt“thoz.agiz,~cfi a rcwarid to afl tl:y.‘£a-“-”
' my-s.‘As%%fhc is at n1oreihauw.=:lc1iewhore , who hirez»; menflfor her huff, ~
mm‘ {he that p*;~,~»fiit%urc:; her bociykfor a reward: (0 are they to be ac; Au 4;
7'e:0um:ed the grcatcfi '1‘«mycors,wh<>%_ not onIydid% rife up againfi their '” AA % % %
% Soveraign,‘b,ut..%-aHb W:-'ed% othcrs ~'mt03a R&be11io7n,a11d to betray him
% *intochei1?4h.€mds. -~ * % g ‘V %. “t ~
_% ‘ %‘ From jfzgdda co%h1ewe'-to'th¢‘great‘cm:zncelI;:'I'he Parliamentisrhcr
, «great cduncell ,% a~nd”harh a‘&ed*a1I%:ahd morciagainfr“ their%Lord
M M medic 1i:s~.it{:”l:ii& blond 5.? ‘?‘nt% *wbatfo£v¢rj7:al1 befzll Lm, :: we will doe jgofiiaa
% ~1¥fibhu%wil1confidcr their ”
*prgcc“cdings you ihail find them%alika too .% favcjnnly that the pace-
ccedings agziinfi 0ur“Sovera':gn were m%rm« iflegsafl, % an<_;1 in many
things~3nxare%cmeIl. ‘ 1 Thai: accufaticm againfi C'n~rif’r Wav o%nely'gc-
neralgthat he was a blafphemer, a deccavcr, and oneghat pcrverrcd
. 1 % V D_ % A
jufiFiciehan'd eséetutioxa a‘gai%nft him%,a-ndar ‘lzffi crucified him,and parted.
H % the I
mg ma-cioingbut wvherein —the¥ Could not flaewié" dalw wfam 2:; gave»
'4 I;:l'a.z9.7. 1
:;m!ib;us« St: was the chargc:ag”ainf§ ourS.qvcraign% gie.}1¢r_aIl F_, arid a;
farrafifmm 1;rut,h,teo$ as »?z:hat he was Amranc, and which ;s rxdmulogg
Va*1‘ray;uki1 110%; ;hav¢":* Ned him a5 th g-y h;:x_z¢
@;¢ne.V.}aw<:§ i3¥"@££3%d€d a Law €;n‘Aki1Iing} ~r>f‘Ch:‘ift;faying unto
Eém mm was =a%A:Pt%r:zx:‘gmlt3'/£2 imbue 4: LM’;s'¢7@d %byAow*A law lye ozrg/It :4» die;
B§i;5tf”:i1;ey*haxi am fixchlaw to pmduce. 3.3:: thf: Amurzherers of ourL.So-
mraigxa iabnumtta Pfirfwade firangm. ;. that they aftcdaccogding to
tho: Laws 9f the}; own Land; but thew confcicnces. can tell azhem may
rlaiay %¢id;ic wyic1ac>ucA Lfif‘«?5i.«. <1:aiVt:e£;osnzr£!¥YM to the Lawofxhc
the Law of God , Ehe Law of nature ami nations. Clurifiiwas ccmg,-L
% A flezxanmi, m::Aby my mlciaf I..:aw,bm: by rheyot; <:>f ParIiament:Ca£—
ybmii asked the Vqucfiio%n,Wl2a¢ zg’3i2z1;:f3I€E’2‘1:?;ey £I??fwE’_${‘¢$’d be a2cgz;f!zy%afdmzl:.
So was our $ove,ra‘ign mm-cz1mna1¢d by Vvorc, %%%¢rmwe1(%% A tha AA£¢ip1m.s
asked rhereI"£,?«i+'Ia:2tt}2§a1gyt1 2 aa1d ~~th¢y allbVeingApac1;fi?¢by)Izim, and
AA mmfcn fmrVzhe.%pmpo£¢ , an.£W€1T¢dh€ is W©Y‘?hYt0 di¢f A In §Jh;‘ifi§ A
firfi atria}! hef~sm:h:2Ag1;‘ea.»t caounccli ,. hisv §memi¢sA~ ?‘f€f1£§'1i$ijI:_dgeSI5
-mixawhis {mnd«:;~:a1I;wvhcaa he wasfe.rixt¢;x2cedA t0d£a*.1th~!f ;1’;~’-W4 omly‘
%wa$‘}13dg7e,%% 'W‘!"-W WaSjWiHiI1g I9 hgvg releafcd him , M and his cngmiag
werézcnlyhia a=1ccui'¢;j_$ : but §§f;£}1€‘WhQ§¢ PrO»€¢Cdi§3g$ againfi: gm; j
A V~~5mv¢xaag;ahi&s enemimwem 3Q;€>I$<€?§11;}{a.c;;:1xf::r$ ax;;?d%%pagr:ie§s1,A bnggalfa %
%&a§%uc%,g¢a,t.11eVmafi mczfeff-gd :e21¢%mi@$Vhx: :hac1a2mdr;rhe +mf%,dcf9§I3teV
t:T1f?gy3fGr&‘-5 thzzt me: me’ fux:rxm:1‘id Ckaixm Q..;naj;. W130 .h.s31,% lafififi In much
-axHalaAny,%%.; emu zh¢y«.¢ cpmql, 1a0§%“ A;imagi_nc M ‘ any faf¢;y%for rh¢ri1fcIvc§,
H . 1 V ¢na31£fTe.h£‘.3?v§3§‘;¢~g£efirny€é,a%¢d‘;a11 f,h3%€.b€iOAng_;1{3%£G him. ‘Thc§]e‘s_vc§
f ;, 7‘ "4 A.cc:%nfcfi“ed4it;h:m.t they lam 1'10 ’}3QW6£'-0f1if¢’?1nd dcath,‘ %f;1y~‘mg=% It ism:
' ‘ 3 .3?! I «I; It A M
;t£ma~?iAt I) % which vsras firfififid fcrhifi M33+“1fi3»€$v H3351: % h%<}1w1¢!3f¢ %
;}‘2;2t~z.a.r«;fia pm; £23.}! 222422 2:»: death-’B1;:that%.highv com: ofjL1ft%a:%(as
pmwer, ~was!mr :m"u1;A for th¢m¢‘t:o, %;1m1:Aany man rm c,1¢azh 3, much
%*1c%i%5¢%xh;2ir Sovaraim, -1;]; “ .fs:>r;:th,& great comm}! Gfthg Jgéwga had {ma
A épnwfir » %I-wring infli»Arz:r¢d -bx Godw*~:h§rnf¢1f§%%4A5» is; ;_RIO§ §f3?i~‘ f0$
thcm% Vt@?judg@V.mf bfisafphamya ifthey had A4j‘udgad, arighx: 7;. though%
” p<=2weroflife~a13d death wastaktgn f1*,0r¥1%th;e§n¢ by»%Lti1¢VR,om;ar1k:<>n;- «
qumozar %: ~~buvTthe court that fc‘0r4d4?1%I1¥1¢~d ,o.u1j,S.ov,craign had»4— no
gzgawer at all, neither is}: any%cour*g,% as not “being infiitu§£<3gg¥;3;¢i-gtxiy
who had amhoricy 3 they did hon;ourJrhemfeives,andid fo th<;:i:;L.%hs3nLour
’i;$marhinge«;«:71Tha gram icoxancgall thaazcondemncd €hrii"t_ wasfighrly
amfismcd sf all £53 ‘§1;3aE!’§13.:3£;‘:4‘£, and gazder ma force; V fomsne: zhe
% A mxlnmli
a %art'1cgz.Ia; ggcgfatiog againflz V "
ey mfweredg aféze wemzai at ‘
% my
V mzmc‘eII film: ctynciérmxcfl ism Sov¢Vffiig%fiy%y 7fff§”1‘?»fY17z*§’15éttf€‘fr1fP'&$:::‘fi’é’f3
the hciufe of the Larch. % wad wfiotiy iayécf a‘fid%e7i 5* azéd; the ¢
Camnao:::s oftéri‘ pux‘-g¢d,% fa that the tenth rtt2m1ég“2tI§%y :cI’&&T£”'ci,j; A‘%A£m?
nojt prefc:1€,»and choféthzit wverg thei1{ll"riC1&i‘ ‘fuéh éi forceg that shay 7
MMEAFSYQ and data. as ,t¥1ei$ii.C’ "1954: wo“1d*have whem. ACi<1rifl4%wa¢s ZaI:.E.§4§
dllowtmfito fpeake for‘jhi‘n’1”f<é1f,4%ancl4Pilat«d‘éfiré*dI1§m*to raxmjaxarwekt % % A
unto thbfe athings tI1cy*%vv3tz§efi’ed agairifififirm, and ma~rveIIed~%great¥y'
that he anfwcrecf nmz‘. But ourfioveraigxr was not axlmweé to {peak
% for hirnfisif, fie was catsfiemggeéf bflfflffi he was fifarci :% %Bm*e2j§’f&.o.v2:s¢ am"
7 I‘ J
Caelg, two fault‘ méuffikéd ;og"g?1e‘éi, mtérfuptec‘! l“i":'*z‘1a‘, %*a*m§ t«at>1M§7§zz‘i—“a¥ Maw-’-27¢‘?!
pfainlyg,‘ that the couzfjfwdxklé 239*: a!ibi%ir'%him%to fpéa”k,% ::§o:**he“a“1‘-‘ hi*§ 314°
‘ rcafons ; fab: they‘ knew wé!1'chafi fchey *:Ve:*ré r1t1t%:«tB?*e toVi*a?§*§W%fil*£:.* Mi?»
dam arid the fpi»ri‘t bywhich he fpak. 1430 that their p1*0ce3éci"ifi‘gv;s%4x?9*e‘t*é«
more illégallphan thé pwceéVdih‘g§’<:;f thé _]§ewes;-
And as, c.hcir’proce‘ed’mgs _'~39'EI‘é%’"1'(§Y§ ’i1I%egal‘1%, {¢¢i:x»%many*émn'g§
um, 1mm 5, {(3 A%his%rrap:h2ér.ficsoAd’;by‘the trafié, am étfiér \1*$“"m§€§%£ M «
her %kindIrcd;.%"A fo did éhé béloved D‘ifcip1eV¢~ V i§i;§_S‘o¢éra*igf%x‘£
not allmszedwny of his fe‘rv+ants or f:*':%e§:1ds, 12:5 alttéiid I[«‘1*%1'z‘.*:*_.;~; dupfség ‘ W6
ting Agfhgs [rya}}3;{.nd tong bgfore“: he couid mi: {"0 muchi a‘mbtai¢i*1‘a1’«=
. my Qf hispahaplains tc)MMihiftér“ comfrsxrt unto hinsag W"hicfi*
hereyemhfwsBoomwhs ag*«wcv' rim“ W bWW*iéré W e?*w'%v¢I°¢¢4
&_}:f'Cr’92*.5{[i_i;;9z5;...1§gj2fl..re..771e4?2}tfi I,“"«%‘if!‘]%'?W;"jrf";T9»'i‘ .iI5é””»?Ti?l'f",é{?%‘%€W"I?’f{/3 Wfi‘3?z;?1f¥w'1~* 3 ~%Wi‘«’fi??5‘”
»fzw;gI¢:t£1eiwfiivav zWi7>af‘Wi&£§?’.w#éf?2%ts=y%‘f
% :- fggyice 1:;;_§5».;>GVI:1ax§:%l;ai¥1§,aI0-tfié f0§3'1ai“€§fS
M dea%ch%,e W3th<‘)13t»thC;‘ danger of t
% % 6slepa1rr%asVh*¢himfelfdefi;
cauncékl an
‘f¢f15§30?¢;615130?W*5$’7£’7%’¢ the %*f = : hilt mencouid not exprcfie 2nyV%%i:0f1‘0W £01“ N5‘ 3*’i$}€fT1¢SW
hen‘ .<)”Wn‘ we 5 angi when £ou1¢Afi11§*V
xs=o%mex3»xm;)t: b%ct}ey1y%¢fc-eing has Ma)?-fi3¢$‘ €K€CU?1°V“g-f ?‘1:1V€”Y'% _~W'%¢Y¢j
masked,1;%h:fem1ec§5,;£nd fomcfaf éhefiib'¢fif€11«% Thf%~I€W5‘Id*‘1Z“0t‘V%‘ ~
GAhrifiS%’fo1Ic>Wér_S’ %Wém?‘fx?:;>t barter! from ét:~rri:*:‘1ia1g*fAI¢F:.I9.::5, % V
muchitérranbice the fofl fWm"s ofCB1‘1Zfi;‘béf5Tfi%% h3S’=}*&&ath, ‘C>!11y““"C”¥’l?if5‘ 70;,.9‘3;_x;_,,_% H
blindman whom he i'curec13.~ %V“'3’€‘ ??54*C9%mm“%m'5“t“21%‘fi37{9°Memi‘g”Ic>.
- » M fhrffi“ Va:-%%
11)::-r}’v:“(§1:‘r1aLfixmfiflxWaS‘t&1!~€at!}c&,'§: ’outm:;neo%% 1; cm jg emf:
when .they apprehtmdcd oTur’Sav'ioz3x‘L_t}‘ic3r jft;:fie'red hrs‘ D1fc=:p4cé:' mi
V, .. d f %%Ch"%fH1ad f:1§e“red' tht:y”w’m‘}1‘d_n0t%}*iW&*p€ff&:‘5~”? ‘
ZfI?;d §::§§a»:§~:% . ‘:91-:aey~;co::1ah2v“3 b¢¢n'fi1éxit 3 W?
Iy ad£:1on“dhédthcm”;., Né”2‘t:i3 ”5‘}9$e2:iIg“V‘zz£" 315,1 fl07&AP?‘g3f9¢b"’::$¢‘ifW§" (1533 4‘; 3’ %
D 2 M I ma
ed, A?.fisy'm‘g, Ifjgé fl~e?{e%:§2e, %_!l%2*2: zi2efie’g§é §P2eii**I;:l9.
('28:) H
wzrézeoffe/5: , But_the;{'¢ z'3aurth»ér;2i?s;%h moi’: cruelly pcffehcured jail his Av
MajePz§cs%%frie11ds and foliowersyputtitigh t11anyf‘"ofthc.-mto d'eaithf0r _
nheix*1oyal;y,‘ ‘mm In his life tiznk: , 'which'm12chh grieved hisrighre-
mzgs foul: zmdhthey cut off ochershaftgx‘ hrs deac}1_, 5’ for his precious
’ B1oud%h.u:ag_;ioht hfzzfiicieht to %%‘quéu.ch; tlfieiif t‘:1i_r:f’t” af &‘c’“‘,‘“t11€y‘ rhirfted haftejj
Rdyallhlotxd {<3 aifohafié,r'1,Qyahl1"bIoud”‘ : M and h’ez“éi"q they imitate the
favage 'I‘amxrs,. who, when their gr<:%at%C'l.m;72_dyhcs, tiwy cafi; rina ray‘ of
1 his dearefi f‘ri b,,égivex1: unto them ; A has’Qc«“=e pledges bf 111%;
love 5 that was éznvyed, tzheparty qutflioxxcd, and the ‘E%€3ken%s men
from him, Ourhsaviourwas not hdenyed ahbmhiallh ;- fo1*~twoh%~hg;jo;h
licious, ag they? were, did htgt pppofe it, honely__ rhczy defited amhwacch”
to befetupon his Sepglcher‘. ?"fB11I: our hSover’;iigr1h w‘as~“dcL=nyéd this
honour, hthowugh thrfcchhQ}1ofa1)£<:co1h113f¢Ih1§:rhs‘bg':ggerihhis body , to
have buryed in in Arm: SepuT1chehrf“ofhis%Fas;hers‘,fheyhci%nredh. The? Jews:
e:ouId—not”'mdu.re to hear”: C!1fifi*. magnifiedh “,h , Laftczr ti2eyhhadhéruci-
hfied hirx'1.a,ndhcheref0re they zfaged’agjainfi' thé 1Gofpell_whithI1con-_h
t_ain¢s% the‘!-Iiftorhy of his life: As much have thefe jevves raged a:~ga,in-P:-5
V Av his;MaiefiiesBoQ1c,h % th"c_ifii.1e Oflaih: divine foul; and labo%ured,.byhal1
h mganheshtg fupprcffc' it-3. but they can no r-norcrob ("cure his glory“ that
ih.in¢§:h in that book, thcnhthey can ob3fcuAmchefunx1c%‘in the firma-
mans: »:«E..ina1Xy theyarc mhorr; rna1:c:1ou5hthan'thc ]ew¢s, becaufb
tVhey.commit::ed this parec'rdhe,“mor¢ dircftly againft theirknowledgdi ‘
and confciencc shfor the fewes did not clearly know that jcfus was
vt_1~‘g¢hCh{‘ifl:hhh5 ihey expefting a M<:fi'iasto‘c'ome with grcathpompe
wig-~2g.;4.“' A h V
wfiIfl.* 3.17; 1
h A and;wo1*ldIy‘hgIo1*y%;h were oifended at the h bafenehffe of his bimh‘,"and~
many.pfthe;_m feducecl htohbclecve that he was an in1p0fi0r.. There»-
fore fayed our hsavipur, Father’ fiargwe tbcmfl {Ev tlgqv Igizow. 720:.
what the six.» ‘ And rSa”im: Pete;~,h'Ib2-ougb ignorance yew «hid -it.» And
our Apoftlc, Ah Iftbey bad Igzzawrz it may words! 7202: have cmcifig-d the Lard» ‘
afig{ory,‘ hBm:g:11e mufrcherhers ofour Soveraign , knew very well than A
~ hh1?gcwas,th¢ihr%Ki;1gV," ht11c';’r%' undoubtcd Ashovcrraigxg a“n~d_a moi’: pious
- c M‘ or V
!1’¥ifi¢€a .
~ P‘r?ncc:,anc1 ye::%e%% <:n far «th§1t%ca;zfe§a:id no fitiier, but bccztufefhe ms
theis; Kmg, rhr;y%%p;xtlzir1_x .todeacI3g?i ¢ ‘ J V %
A % Axzd this Aieads nwco %t:im- Eat’: cmfx{idc:rac'i<;»r3,4 or the ends and cfgiufes ¢
“t}1;it»rI‘i0\r.t:C?}'»Q9!‘ S;u'gn;:z*, and c>ur.Sdye:'a3g§24e,::
_ wfjich, is {E-1;=.~ commfan prjercjnca ofa1lp~ Rebels .: Cgfpiaazs {a§d,Iz.j;4gxpgg
Aazé;35._f}‘3a£ may mm due, (nxwnmg }¢fus) czgzd % time: the what}: Nariwz perzfi
whi«;flh1_.v.rcr§: the veryilxnne; "_\Tvhc:%cz1ufE: pcctyeiadé.-d%‘fcr '¢:ru%cify'mg_ of
oazr'f$z:viour, vmss a;%,;z!:as},(2apzz.!.a, A £’hf:f1f€Ey~3I1d liberty of Athcvpagpie,
2; 3.1. _ 'Ii1ej%a:}}:: 's2s«'aé.% prrrteinded foxffiihe mus*th§1* of our Saves-atjgne 5’
C*?«W¢ME Féidgi ¥1%¥3€'fT€4 ¥1¢ 9*~*¢.: V‘~‘-M‘ ‘”h01eN.&f§§m m:uf’€%Ptr§fl=«d Bur’ a$f
1E3}'l§i{Z wizichW?;§%1A;rs::p:a1ded so be for;the‘good of the Apeoplg , proved.
::1'ic; b3;;x"$ (§f. »t§‘££: pe§>p@1t: ,% E>rAipgin‘g a.;fearf£1i1 defiruéaiion upon them ~
§%?p%Va'i%fo .w%il1%th.is , E5é;;:;aLxf::‘ theykilied 2:215-ix? Kii:g‘, the-refore; {hall the,
Nacicin pgeri%1;.,,%‘1}f11«i>!c who prorx;ifea_1ib::r:y unto thaexpcorpfmzmd fiile,
I_':h¢sm2‘:Ives,c:;;'fgd:1_L’,iz5.éf?‘§t:2c’£3’ .&’s‘:gl£»e, have br‘<3ug.hVt zh<¢n1.uz1der,Vgrc3~ >
?3!?3I..fiaw\€£:?%1'y *aL15dV:b0*?d3g¢,Aa 31¢‘? Ch‘? }“3‘?“_’5 .3%*"’~"%-" 39-3 C1135 Ni .%V.N0‘VW_ Th“?
4 415*i‘+?%#"%1“~*4‘ VWh04‘°E‘?€¥;t R5, fliiflfi: W§’*‘f?i‘h:‘fi?' mg 1iP0*1%¥h€if PM 1%‘-‘dgésw
mid the pzfopgarcy Qf :h§:¥r‘%go_:>d3,% Ah-em; mch;ngwh§ch;V:11eycan call
] ti1cvii'%%ovvn. The c.~uAe;.caure ‘that%%movcd’ ithein to crucifie Chrifi“, &was A V % , V
‘ , _ _ , ~-< mm u . “ , “ , ., - , ‘ \. , " L.
,3-ea’ £33239. * SQ.‘¢tL1j§i grouvaVdofa11%¥;f13¢:pro;ced41ngs agaznfi: our Savcraxgn, Mfltb 2 7 18 W é
flaws envy andvmalicc 3: but xfyou wxllafk meme reafonVwhy% they did % ‘ ’ V
em{y,'§Vhich. P%.Jl¢t obferveéi , FONJE l;;z.ew% .tb:ztf£rr em} ‘tiasy Inzd al_£l2g%,~es
% 1?; much m21Iig:1éhim;%none car? 15:: given , % Abuflt becaufe%he.wasT ‘théir V
% King fmias thé J<<-rs-'<«'is .faidVA; iV?%%A'v'»*é*f>’Aéi‘E»W' m#&€r@%’19iwfi?fi 9 K5?3§:f£Wk¢I1? _39a7a2;x9..;2f;. «
g¢gzzinfZ;{,?gefi;;'. Q sagmay I fay,%vs{I1c;»fowerv¢r '1sa’Kiug¢, ::houghVmax;1e by
G'.JdV3.Sh&»V§?E1$gfpéakeih agamfifitheParliament: for}: is as inconfi- %
£t;_mx: with me ground» of pk:-zfe mma r<:Iigion, to ham :1 K'u:ag,% as-to‘ ; ‘
have a ‘Bifliop :% 7tha1t71"m‘ofit§on‘;~,
hmzfibexwecn Eiiags ovrgr h_C}c::1;';Ife:,‘ax1dI{iz:gs ovtrr Chrifiians theme is
afic mzrézfyefls : and {"0 howfocvcr the Gentiles haw: Kings , yet they
bting Ch:'iftiar2s,WiII h“ava-‘no Hing over them. And now tell me §whc:--% ~
{her Kingswll new rather dr:firc% to have their Subjcéé’ts PagansA,th<:n -
Iiixxgs 7t4hé:v.*_s 7 it did‘ agamfi Bifliopég
I % %ru:h C‘hrifii3 Ans 2“tS th€;\y' am: ,who am: wbrfe zheu me Rebeis m¢:m:i0n‘ed
fin’ AC3??? (3~'>Fp§::{l 5 they find QfiéIjT,N(§l;¢mM5 lazmz: %reg22zz;ve;.;, "hula: ours Refore-
% triers am come to Nul;zm.w zalllzm rcgm?z'2'cfi:pe;-.no.: , they will have no’-
K§“ng as aH;Tfiey ”:=tre:he ::ru»;=:V&”e«ed ammhg, for as ;Km_!:: and his éon=x.-»
A % J p1*§~ccs , ’.Z‘2:;;m_,;V£:>z.~s7;I§l2'eicl; 4221 fifity 132'i25;sc.r ofzl9e%afl'2"2¢zb/y, (2111 of them Pay-
1“iamcn:%me}3v) gathered zbemfelwx Jtagether‘ :%.a:%zd g:g¢15nfi %“
;£qa'ra?z,dn;Z fgzéd 1 A; we zhém ye Jtagkg 2:?» ??2'fgI€’i'.J 1399?; yam , }fi’ez;2g,aIZ we 5352-"
m .
;g3'€gc?::n22 arg. WW)’; and 2:‘/ge iLa;rd as ;zz?sa22g_%2*bé§2 Q‘ wberefifie tbege .l2fiaym::4p¢ N gw#a§:3k1j‘6.g§+;» %
A A 6 gm
3 .
; V Ve7f3’40;-41 . ’ButasisF.1'idirr me Parabiex FWE72 tbe‘%La?'cf gofztmé Pfwwyfizfd cmzmetb, be
M 1,3 za;;iyaz,omazz¢zez a4na*szm,or Adcmijab and foab;éfzimr$‘and fafiéréfi %
V gm f£.=I~z}e.§ aélmretléae cavgkefiatéaig of the Lard .? 30 theft Rebels havé riferi
up againfi the King and t c: Priefhupon the veryifamc grounds: they
manho1y,Vana%:here£meneed no Bifhop tor dxrefi them : and the
}% Lam gggmgggg them’. , and tficr’efor& they -n-eec¥ 31¢ King at.) govc;‘ne;
chain. “ %
Am orhm reafxm that movad the Jews to cmcifie our Saviomgwas a
' dI¢fiJreA‘vt0» rerztine their p‘IaccsV and éifgrzities , which they -‘feared to
Ibofe,3F he fhouid’ be acknowkdgéd for the Mamas. This is e:cpvrefi'e&
_7%.; 1.48. 1fwe' let bim r:z'a22a,all men will believe an I9im,ez:¢:I Nix; Ramam:
will came «and mz;e¢ away-*&z:rpJace:. The flame was the caufawhy they M
Axrliixrthereé our Soveraigne, that they rnighz: keep theft: places , and
that power which they had gotinto thczir handssz. And they at farm
marexnmrighteous thengthe Jews afar the Ieyvsfoughts onwely to retain
thofe pfaces where:of%they%were }%a-vvfully poflefied,and whichof fight‘
&‘i*j§r :11!‘ his Heires , ‘tfxéltthé inhefritance‘ which‘ they feizedon % %
%1ang%bcfare,may be theirs forever: even a11his¢Hmxfes%%Aand rich :.u"}"-3
nimre; his Pa1*ks,Navy, R'even1m*s4,% and a“I1 his%Piwer~ afinti Amjhgyity
% ans} mat only the inheritance ofthc (:1TOVVl1,‘1'513r?IU'O”th'e_'Patrfmmjy‘
« ofthe Church; Gods c:awn‘Inherir:3m:e =:.gz’n“d?theVInhe:ita21ce 311?: éf
“awry mart cljfe, wI:1o1‘h theyat: their pMIffu1'€:‘c;i1‘! make‘ a»D‘e1§nquenf;.
%wéZ! mifismifiér zfeflray ‘tI;mfi2$ zariclzaa‘ %m;?‘.30xa~e all know that he brought
% a fearfuIl% defiruffion upon thc'N£t:i0n ofdm Jésvs : ar3d%cer:ain1y he ~ ’
4wi»II bring thc Yike ny:on3t11ofe murdemrs-, Wm have 'foIIowr:d their
Aezxampicgand gone far bey0nd"thc:n1 in aflmamfaer of W’i'CknefiE‘§‘TI7gir
7% K dnm2¢atia2zflec;aez{b mg. Wt%Vkm3w ”wT1fat% Wharf: been }T€.lfEfGfOI“€ the end.
of R¢be!ssWha: became cf I(,amZ.7,Il’m‘t19ja2¢5ar!dA A%is€22;2z,wi rh‘ their com.
4“p1i}:e‘sfl ?;'they did’1"%=not%d?ie%th«‘e commml dea«rh%" _ofaI1%‘:i1en, but CHE ezirtli‘
‘»:>pene&h‘”er mcuch,’ax:d.fwaHoweci than up, To fihazs theywent down
‘quickin:o%HeI$I;% 0pz*at::;:cai1s untci the Z>'m.-zzé/2;sj to re.m§3mbcr rh§ir% V %
% %%¢::xz3mpIe;fayi%r;1g, gasfiézjite pemfizas mazgifi}‘a5fvéff?‘ti5; And %y(:tf the;-S‘ U5na-
"tifis ncvergamé for fncer unrq .i{amfa anditimfe Rc‘ba1sV%~3. as thc: t1efp§e-P
V rate ’I”1*ayte*rs%“of w} 1i3m I‘»fp‘ea,k. W has became of Abflélm anéri 445%;
the two» E~u11acII€s w11€:%c<.'mfpircd‘againi’£ I{ia1gAj]";¢cm:%, %and of
many mCme,ofwhQm we mad Nth in {acted am! pmphane fiory?Did
‘ they mt all pgrifh in thc gaimayisag Qfliawfi? S0 zm: alt tbimfxznemfes
g9e:»2fl9,0 Lmiz, évaz 1¢pa?z that Z(i2xg5¥mzd1eti2¢k cm-mm fimmff/.7.‘ % % %
Thus you {£16 tigtat as Arhe Princes of t=i3¢:_‘W£3r}d'Cr:1£ifi-ed the Lard,
of glory, fo otiacm werfe zhen timy, haw cmcifiad our glmious Lard;
i wgéh that: my dfitefiion @ftha:; murdmf .mig'h.c finch: fuch fuccefié‘, as
$,t.Pe::m difcavéiry had in thefirfiscrmmn that he preached, Adm.
When he had £:o;1&’§I‘m¢ci $l‘1c111thac fsfm whom tinny had crucifiw is A5; 3 ./.A
Lord agmichrift .3 V 7%; were pmzgea.’ in rbeir lyezzrtx, qamrxrd, Mm amt , A ' '3 ‘V
A brethren mm: flmll we :1» ? Ihfiy repcnt4ed,:%and became very zealous
£0 acivarasrsc aha Kizagdclvm of Qhrifi: : {Q 14:: us be malexxs «to advance
£116 Kingdmmof our gioricms marty»r,in thepczrfoxm nf his Sonmz. Let
rim {attic fpirir: inflame usmfhfich came“ upon Amafl-z,I Cin=.22.1 I.Tl.mz
we sfiiréz Mme zzjmzz flflfifiigdfld be faéd, tbirzg are We D:z+vid,amd era :19;
Kfid€,§1}0#j%f£ffl?$€~49f.};€fl?3: pei4ce«,;)e.azce ése ma flJ££,’d?}d.,tg ,v:I;§3¢e;be{p¢m ; fim
#35: ('39:! !»elperI2_¢lam Indcued Gad is the Gzmrdian :ofKings,harh a fpe-
€231! aamof thei1*,preferv.:trion , ‘V bccaufe1:heyarc»his%=Deput:i‘cs »:m& ’
Vicegerezma on Earcmby whom he %pVmc:m*eti1 the fafczyé>fhis fpecr
ple. And %%:h¢rcfme% he been t3fi:¢n;fecn to firetzrshaout his-nakw A
armas:~rfm; 1:}ae‘irAd«£fE:i1c%e;; %“A’ndhis arm mm is ne:€‘fl1urméci, ‘amt’ his _4
‘ a&‘::&§<>11c[11angedV.€ and ni*1ger,eat;0rc%inl;is em goc;d:%cim¢,K%z§1cni%me m:.~t1'%% ; %
% ,chai°tiZ_¢& us for ourVfi§a5g. iac;w:i~1%cermn1yV ;m,v 1.}: npom ;r!f1?aiaafh3ce»
:nf‘§:’ou‘r Acatxfc-AV, he ml} bmxfc ymrsEnemm«s with a rod of:I;_*o:1 r, he‘
will diVidfl‘th€m in fiaceb, mad f::at::*cr them in T;{:7'ae£~', for Y0:3r‘%4c‘.r1§1?e
V is Gods nvmcaufe. And as it is fiods cauf: , » fr.) it is the,%ca~m{e%of all
Kings :% they are deep1y‘c0,m‘;m'ned in it 3., ans} sought toV%p;1:I‘fi!0 Jhfiffi
bioudy Pamtidcs, rawha zmw mva dmymar Thrmae, zzmgzmsz $29!} as im-
' mew" gerwirfias acommoixVEm;*mies.0f«n1a‘nkind,anaviofarersof the
}a§v gf mama-,% when haw dmblvcd rim bonds %of>11umane%fo¢c’zmry, and
mcrthmwne the order of God anti nature. . V V H ~~ ,
Text. The Apafiie tcls us,that zhevignorance cf the wifdom
H j %’ ‘ Nd‘now to draw to a :;oncIufiem,.I will refiéfi a little upan my
M A }0£Ged%,1eeich@»%}ex§z5 :0 the committiaag of H131:-Ahm*ri-bIe% mm» 7~’?«‘i’1$= an
ther,Far ifzbey Ind lgzzawzm at 3 Fiaeyma mid rzat have crucified V tine Lord of
Glwy. A may fay (0 much of the mur%:herers of our Soveraigne , they
% were ignorant 0f the wifdom of God,bccauf& utterly gieftirazte of the ¥
tn:n=: Religéion {for the mac Religion is thfi wiiliam of God , Tbekwifi
. {lame that i.rfi'.sW czévezaegwhich ( as 3“z.j”azéze: fayes) 5.: fizj/fpwe, them ‘
peaaea:b[e,e’9"z:. The rrueficligioxx is {said to be pure5becauFe(as Lzzz5z‘:z2~-a
rim: obfmves) it allows of nothing which in it {elf is evill, or known
4‘ 3:a.%bcc%vi1l bytheliglgrofmtures and4%fo«.i:a1iowec«!sainnowayof .
‘,3 ~ L
Wrfié. %
V fame: 3.19-
‘any?RVe’oeliiem'Va'gainftiPri'i1ées.‘fiThe truck Rc§!igi6:1x%W’dxeIiv«é:%ed biito‘ ll
_Im'8C1“ip tuIic,a1‘3d prof‘efl¢:d:‘ixi thetrue |