gmmgsmgs 1.1111111111911439 9%mwmewwwwm 2’ V [1/ .. A true 3 N A R R A T I O N OF THE A 2 Title, Government, and Caufe D DESERT H Of the late ' CHAKLS STUART Kingof ENG LAND VVritten for the fatisfaé‘cion of all thofe that are no: wilfully obfiinatc for a Regal Government, and neglcétcrs or contcmners of their own 7511/! L: étrtia. i 52mm. flmwaewwmafiawhflwmi 'Publi/bed by flat/writ}. pm 0"...— Lomlon, Printed For R W. 1649. WW§MW£M1 axwm gflfiifi 3%: G (’1’ . . ”.amwomwmpw A. True Narration tof'ithe Title, Government, and Caufe of the death of the . late Slur]: Sign": King ofEnglMd. {34; He ,Title of ,Wilz'm the ”Conqueror, ;. it; if; (bygforne firnamed- the Ballard) who ' afid t'firft, éOmpelled‘ our Engliih Necks " ‘3” 11$! . to bear his Norman Yoke,(whatever “ ' ' . Others may pretend) was by his _,yvord only, vb power w ereof',,his,fuccefl'ors ] even to this C ”art: Stuart, late ng of England) have,as it ‘were, forced the {ufl’rage of the people to their feveral Eleétions and Coronations, and hyahe fame wer have maintained all their Adkions,how oever Injufi, Tyrannous, and Il- legal, contrary to that ancient, known, and re- ceived opinion in Law, thatthe King is Singulit wqqrwnivgrfi; miner a bywhich unjufi, ufurped, and T" ranhqus power ofKings, the . are become 'indee (mad offltepherds, care ul to defend; their flocks) mofl: ravenous Wolves , whofe panchesare never longer full, then, they are de. vouring the (my iheep, as may moit plainly .ap— pear inthe late. Bloody, and Tyrannous raign of. this Chart: Stuart, whofe boundleffe prerogative (had his {word prevailed) had like a general in- undation,atonce fwallowed u borh the Laws ofthe Land,~ the Liberties o the Subjeé’t, the A a grivi- 781’” l (H ’ . ~ ‘ . 4 ) Privilcdgcs ofParliamcnt 33nd turned thc fwgCt, and-pleafm ‘tga msefghtfiefiaelfifinmygrfia .ofAntichrifly 'vintfipbpiflffixpcfififigfi.' In- “the . . time; ochacc,hc wasLhc mofl Covemusji. that cvcr'raigmm 1398;?”me .1115. .Sfih- jcfiS'WCICjXfiRSchx-I id, {gufgd Wimcfl'c cost“ “(if I“ ‘93: i: ; {I}??? 'e. 2.. thcb.or.o- tainlhc Laws,‘-£icepr Inc ‘13 ‘én po!ics,and own particular rofit,__o_r.tto ghc. a, ' . , :fi'r‘m' Prerogative; t6 djat uniimirédj’gn '71} V Wimcfl'c wakmkggfigghwmg‘g ufiggé , igijggygoflivésandzfofidnééidf allfififilfi; , g Pain- nggionyhis'iqrémg marbé'tfi} y_ fifi may mmfimé immd‘ing ‘tHgfltWIjghlgyon‘fhé KWQfécqt‘la‘n ; ,3 31:23 gfidiffifikpw iqigztfiiacclf 3&4: l3 fQthfllgbg. in}.< 3- {heprné’fiQgH , a I J “I gfl‘fcfi‘n'brfivaa ‘ ififig‘ifim it'c‘o _ .. | ._ $33:th (Wfléflfif’ith‘fijéCovcnmt‘by them iakcggt) um... maintained‘forfdmt' 3ch bc‘Forc‘, as 3K0 b' ‘cnf. "31".‘h? , iywmzsafid cofitp‘dfiqgmcfloxfibuflt - J i . Efls‘md’to15¢"r=mvwé 394‘ WWW“!!! ”s, auump- with- :filtfil‘vvbgflaififlthérc‘by .,1'r}akingf.way;ffof 3T3; theipiroduc‘ifigv‘ofl’qfic'ZQVIFfbc' _ 'ficbntra’h it? w zw- maww:sfi' Wéé’xfi’flidiifiim’ftafllf a???" in mgraaim'wd I find Mié‘i’h'ewim (3?:me sm- unpamlcld piece Of Tyi'anhic begun égfiififl"tf1§ “Mb“ Seatgand fincc‘p‘féfrgutcd ag'afnitv (353313 ldcc'fiifigi jails of England :' ,To- beimfigfrw wamz Scot’ksMGéfiéf‘ mhhy’hhm 'k P 'ti’on'sfirii’d‘fruiiii l‘cfle‘anfwcrs, wefc~'fox‘tcd,for their Own filféti‘cs, :6 take arms, yet With all {ub'mfflio’n (uoongz' “Em : .sékhs,§’$ Q.",.W'3.‘.‘.“°‘F"5“, #3391959”? ” "la'i'd’ 2% 1 laxdi wn‘koiug) 11d?!“ Mg‘fiféé; wh1ca peat! ,stlh medic mpégccdi‘tfie cgnd‘jff , ' wuc‘fib' wéréféx ‘5'11 wfifcfi" ’ athat thcb'fim' 111%: 1111511! {0 rad" 'Afii‘i a too 0' 61111311161135 ' 11161640614 +2 211113161 ,6“! 5651661170‘11‘16'61‘1 - . :26" IcétTWfilcfi 1661116111692? «15161.111'666 .,: Mad; 1%? 1mgf960fi36§§1 oivtf 8 15 011‘? 1? 061660119116 61% __¢ 1361616 6116116 f'rcé 6911: Eff E11 7 { taxOFTLm can {P011 63% “‘61 , * immeng1am‘é‘638‘gm Efi§++fi"’f. ' ‘ 55611616 1 $655}; (‘6?!th ’ ’ 4“ - able to {c “ y Onc'; 111616: 601:! Hed’fifln ”:01: [1‘1’ . $33?“ Pathamcm’, Wbé‘ I!"J fig; F'firfi com. 11312;: ”(F wnh +1+esc++6 11+ 69666.61 916% the K'mgBOmJ ’8‘ W3“??? ffldfit‘gflgfir ”6‘ no: bags; thé ng fllfilfla‘ Oifitfi Cbm‘Py‘ J; aurhorizcd and {CtthLifi ,cs fhrt‘cg' 9191c?! W1 5' nof 1161‘ :63331’1. Mm; ‘hMficvw‘tfi‘ +111 3%5‘6‘55‘ flag“ ’ ' védinig'k‘lfi €631 6131:6116”le “1996166" 111111511 66:11: had p+d++1+ £41136: 1 how 10111: rid of 1111s Par?! 5111‘ alibi“!!! 1C rcafon of the A61 064% 011611116??? mhfi‘vhfc €966&6’, 361:11 W51“? figmg 1691331613“) them . W 3% hgifde {mygfté cute 4:11;; ‘ 7 M613 1%c'e 118 61118115) 3‘ ”For Bbl inightBe whereuponhe fitkmakcs .113 to .fcddclht eyo‘gd S'cas filththc fghiefjegtels 8P1" Grown. endflvomapxtMQ, , - 116‘ ft 1'13ng mess :3 ~ 31’1er v13: upon hts Rebenions, atlieimcm, (as he tailéd‘them) after Whore départure, (swam tag? 1 s, or the efidemgfiaoxhnfe ,inc “i, 39511.11: 3 cm 3311 ,_ vs; armed, came tthhe thehoufc to 'dcmahdthe five 143111113111 and 1111:9311 he received the 333mg 05th:, 1': ,0th W,, 1131191259 Whats gtof ht 111 any C113 W1 them, but 6 hunglffruflhmd in {31°31 Tyrannous (1%“: 111111131113“; left the P31153111 hatnent, andtegaite he 31 teed ”10331131 133113» lib 31;}; 31311cts, with 911111111235 3133;”: prefermentpfind moneysfi 1f they would 3:.- 131111 him 3tYotk, which they accordingly did; he mthe‘ 1113311 while 11131130111 the time (made; the grantee of. 3 1133;), about titling“ the M11’tti3,)' with the Parliamentfitft at Tyluflt, 33¢: at Newmal'et, 5? at 1311 at 134,111 the mean time, demanding the )To of Hal 3111131911313 5,5 Wynn; to make“ My,» ( the P t- yet d‘teaming ofanynfmbmattet) wh1;h he {boo after. informed, by («11113 up his Stand3rd at Noni» And as this Army was «ghetoufly talifeci1 node; the waging pretext; . . ' ' .67) ' . . v. , ” ‘ cfvarlfittg'flyerfqfighablthmoeécdwvfithlthflfliwmn‘ { to deflroy the good‘qaed .{mtti'errihejfigaé-gf gums " 1 mmfijfi’l’dhgrb Manning in 3mm. 3 ‘ ' '4' ell ’ :1‘ +ptg “9a £1133." l K hm macadauwanmyads’IMaairm mamas ‘ - {aid Armiéggyihimqaifid, haVbbeen.rddt§d‘h‘nd3 difpexM-f «lu'himftlf-ad aphidmawpat 'd‘ifé‘ ‘2 ‘ poled Barmfieattaheh ’ fihow nanynaw i ‘ cofimpbim kiwm,t_nilabd} ml . 914?)? 1 audieheWe vhehamwntgndavcadmtlhiaa lgl’ l him lay.)‘:to\the utoe'e dzfimflifih ’Gf’ihis‘ 3%? N5tion,is fuffi'ciently masfififl‘k fil‘mfifiWNW* r nOt more blinded in affeétion to the name of King, then in love with their own jufi liberties. ‘ An in the laft Treaty in the Ille of Wig/2t, it did molt evidently appear to the Hi . Court of Mice, upon the examination of uflicient wit- l nechs, That Chart; Stuart (what pretenses fo ever :\ he made, or what aéfiirances foever he pretended l to give) never did, nor" eVer would decline the 1.. late murther of his Subjeéis, but would ever apo prove it as an a& molt jnfl. Yet notwithfianding all thefe tyrannies (fo unwilling were the Parlia- ment to~depofe him,much more to take his (long fince forfeited) life 5 that had be not [cut his- two fons- beyond Seas, with Commilfion to in- vade this Nation, and to rob and number his good Subjeéis, both by Sea and Land (and at this ve inflanttime of Treaty, lotted and en- devore a new difturbance, by al means, labora ing to engage the City of London. to joyn with h - ’11: 5W dfirflhfihflmf mkawfifieflahihq f ‘ 918‘? M'Wd Wh’J Aim!“ 1:511:11 aid 3345135018331: .. , (we! 1!wa Exercitfiunea 2211311 , WWW fi“d«bfi. JILi ' PH.) 311111! 21.n0131.M' '30 3mm 3d: 03 1111133311. 111 babnild 310m 30" .fza. ' :301.’ 11111 11": r1 2.;3 1 . 3.112 31111111121111?) .gmh .1; .i 111 "12'! 3r" re;- (11-2 .1 111131" 113 13115. .«J. 31:36:! 11:11 .:2.' 411.2111 . 32.131111) 310111 . w 311: 11113 30 {1111:2111 .r - :41 31!. noqu .mfl‘ffl 15v: 1123 2r; 1_ 11 .11.r5T 2:111:11 ”.Irf...')‘."¥f “ ) -. .....'Z*11 31:3 '1 ' F 'I AIS 3'11": 1 1 qr: 2:21.!) ~ 1'. d .21: ':9 21 ' 4; 1311;1111;. 2531.1 23:11:31.; 113:: 39 .1"{ $112111111113: r1321: 11 11.1.1 1322:533'! {Y'E'nu .. * " ' '. .9 1": 3: J‘:-: 11:... .- 1' 1: 121.1 1.1 1 '1 3: 5 11:11: .~ 11.1 :21. 1:512:1'12JJ11'1 n1 3110115 1111431.? .21 31’ 51111 .11 231 (1W! :1! 11132112111. '31". :11 411 '..-!‘.. " '73 1" ‘ 33.1.11 .11..) ":2 .: .3, J 1 11.2. 4:31.171. 1331.. 1.11 11J- 5.2.1 1:11.11“; 211d) ~20"?! 3125.313 ”51:4. ".3 1156113111: 13.1.5. Enovab '.I .11' 1,, mum'z '10 {t' 1') .11. .1.- m (13 9.111 1:11.”: RARE DA 396 . A3 . T75 ELL SPC RRE RARE lllllfiiiiislllll 01 00060666“