A A 4 OF TH E HONORABLE % DENZELL HOLLIS, (Second Son to the Right Homo-% table Ion»: Earl: of (‘lure dcceafcd)» ‘ and Brother to the now Earle A ofC[ar<..2. " V noun‘ LoNDoN, {tinted by B. A. and T. E; (63 _ I-rlguuoma, -_g64;.%4 - X * \ ‘wamw A L d: {WIT d 7 ' 9 A . xx 3 V __ % V 9 ‘@533 N "' * 0,‘ J _. W4‘-I O- '-In I » é% gap-qy.gw.a4nAo0--or up uneven!‘-‘ ' h variety ‘ I 1 | 1 . _¢h find ;1t furroun- ~ ~pcrmtious,and dcfiruéhve Dcfxgi1es,, prafii fe§,'2Rd“ plots, againfl the rw_e1l ¢ A 2 % ‘ 1 -—~a. 4 § L -2’-_ _ ,‘ I '"~_ 7.} . ‘ *3’ - , fig‘, :3 .» _ K ‘ . ', am ‘-\ -- -7 2" .r.'- 2*; ‘ " ~ I I l k v ‘, ' .‘._ ' M l ' . ATA CONFERENCE ‘ of both Haufcs in the. fainted Ch::’fi3f1‘,¢§5fl{4),J 4. . Loxps: *A . ‘ He Knights,C1°t’i~ ;. -; 26115, and Burgcfl {es of the Heufe of Commons , having taken into c0nfideration,rhc prefent cfiate and condition of this Kingdome , they be-mg 4‘ M (t 2 1; .. ‘._‘v_..‘~ .. 4__a.._t——— . Being of i_t,t1ay the very being 3l“it,,t:rndl {one V of thole defig-nes llatched wit:l1in our owne bovve{ls_,aI1d Viper liékextvvorlcitzg our defl:ru- élion ‘ They fi-ride ]efuitc_s,and Priefls confpiring with ill M inilfkers of State to defiroy our RC?’ ligion. Tlt«eyl find ill Minifiers conjoyifd getlaer tottfubvert our Lewes and Lilatertie-5:, They finde obflruétions ]u Rice; i‘S;1'?_h@1i{¢‘blOOd ofevety Stated , and.»havi1ag*él free _paiTagc‘ from the Soveraigne power ,, where it is primarily feared, as the life-blood in the heartgand etherzcc derived through the fever-all Iudicatories, as through {'0 many veynes (into allthe parts-it of this great colle- étive body) doth give w"armt-h rand-: motion ta ~ every part and member which is nourifhedi , and: enlivened by it,but being once precluded,~. flopped and reared up, 4 as the particular mutt ’ ofneecllity faliut-and languilhs fo muff the - whole fralmeof government be diflblvad. And confequentlyl Soveraignty it felfe fwwhichlas them art inlthe body is Primttmv «vz”12em'~(§’ altzmzam moriem mufl dye and 1-ilh in the gencrall difiblution, and all things.» return, as in the beginning, i21A;~iztz'qzmmCbao:.. . My Loerds, they find the property ofthe V Subjefi invaded; and violated, his elhterentl fmm.;~.: him by illegal! taxations, JMo-- ‘mopoliee l and Projeéls, aliamll : upon 4 awry thing , that: isi~for~ the life of man, . ' new <3) 23:»-«----r-s~“ ' ' —.:;;1:h onely upon fuperfluities, butencceffixricg and, ;:.?.t:.is to emich the Vermime and Caterpillars A oftiie ;:3m:«i,:ii1d»to impoveriih the good Sub- manwho dyeth, plmm diemmh in 9. fuflage, A j€(§t..§;,tOt&ke the meatieeifrom _the children, and to give it to dogs- My Lords, if the Common: find thefe things,they conceive they rnufi be ii1C.ounfels have brought us into thisecohdig mon. , A _ ‘ he Thefe Ciounfels have put all into a cqmbue Prion, have difcouraged the ‘hearts efall true vffiglifb men, and have braught two armies in-e to 0urB0we1s,whiCh,:1s the wimre upon‘1’m» methiieus, eats through eur fides, V and gnawez.-; eur very. hearts~. H£‘22C'dol0r.!fedhafléle"/11E1z'(t.?2I13 'iHeretcifim’ic Parliaments were the €zz:f2olz”«- Mi, the bafmc of Gilwd, which healed our wounds, reflzored our Spirits, made-up the breaches Of our land. ' A . i A U But: of " late yeares tlicyhavé bin like the our fruit onely dcfiruétive m the particular Members , who difcliaigged their duties and Fig tree in theGofpe.1l without eflieaey,witi1- - c<5n'f'c~:ienceé,uo waybene . ciall tomthecammazz-._ - wealtb,Noéz2r encitiicle 7766‘ Retpuvélgprofutztrumb ' as he {aid en 'Z"acitm,bcin taken away Hill as Elia; was with a whirl:-mml,nevcrcommin . many M4mrz'tz'e»,, "or to their natuhrall en , whereas they {hou~1dVbee like thcvbiléfled Old afterf E M -:-.'-..----~—-- ..__....,... ....-.........,..... afterl he had lbuglu: a good figl1t,8£' overcome all his Enemies, Or as the fihocke-afwlhcat whxch commctl-1 in due fcafon tofi ll our»Gra-l naries wgitla «some, wqalaold our lives withthe llaflla of b1~'c3ad.F0r Parlzi-aments are our Pa‘/zis‘ .3 aorz'dz1wm,J our truc'breacl, all =ot‘hcr waycs are but Q26/gaeslcfaq/F35, which yeeld no true‘ nourllhmengnor brccd good blond. l 1 his very Parlianiem: which hath fate lb .long,hath but beat the ayrqand fl-riven againfl the ih‘eame,I may trad} fa}, Ike M’/‘ad ma’ -tide hath [ii/Z éixz agaixzfl M, The fame ill Counfels which firfi railed the fiornne, and almofl: fhip'vracl<'t the Common» mmlrla they fiill continue, they blow firong like the E «eff rvz'mz’,tl1at brought: the Locufis 0- vertl1c land. Thefc counfels croffc our Dc- fignes,caPc dilficultics in our way, hinder our 'p1‘OC.’€€a'i1]gS;, and make all that we doc to bee ‘fruitleffe 86 i;1efFc&uall.Thcy make us not to‘ be Maflers ofour“bufine'fTc,8z {'0 not;Maflers ofmony, which laatlilbinhtlac great lbufincs of thisParliament,that we might pay the armics according to our promifiés and enga emenr. F 01.',my lL0rds,our110t effefiing 0% the good thingmvhich we had undertaken for the good of the Common weale hath wounded our repu- taticsm, and talten~0fi‘;from our credit. Is itnoc time then (my Lords) ltl-"lat wee fhould unite and concentrate our felves, rnrc-' A gard E. a J gardt of the A22tig«~‘er@’fa_{'z'SA ofhurtfull antima- licious intentions and praélifes againft us»; My Lords. it is molt agreeable to nature,- ancl [am fure moft agreeable to tealbn, in re- fpeét ofthe prefent‘ conjunéture of our af- faires:..for one‘ mai-ncf engine, by which our enemies worke our mifchiefe is by infufing» an.opinica‘n and‘ beliefe into the World, that we are not united among our felves, but like .Sam"pf0i1$ Foxes, we draw feverall wayes, and tendto feverall Ends, , a To defeat then tlieilounfell ofthefe At/75- lttfbel: which would involve us, our Religion, ourbeing,lo-urelawcs, our liberties,» all; that can be neare and dc-are unto an honcft Seule in one univc-rfall and generall Defolation, To Defeat: Jefay, the Counl'e1l—tof fucb «Atki- tqpbe//5 , the Knights, Citizens, and Burgcfigs {es of the houfe ofComm0t-1s,l