gag 1§4.;¢‘s:; r V 52, MM’ V»!';~ mg» m «.2.» ..-,1;..;. mg g -* %@%%@@€n%@%%%% F mmRrIcLEs%. M thie Commons V Aa‘fTembM1ed in ‘Parllamentggainfk Thomas, Earle of 3 T 3. A F17; @ R mill maintenancct Qt" their accuflation, whereby ha A Afiands charged ofhigh‘ A Trcafon. “ ‘ ' ” . m- .. I ‘ ‘ - . F ,; ’, M ‘ 1» ‘ 1 3| ‘ ‘ x “ V‘ V M W, . . _ a ‘ ; , \ . ‘ ‘ 4 ,, ‘ ‘ ‘A 64- -2.4: _ ‘ ~ he Athe fizid flzomax Earle A s 7", ofStmffm:"d§h”ézVth traiterou-~ ”,._"j’ ""5 fly endeavoured%A t‘ fiibvett ;,;h ff them"“~Afi1hdamentaIi Iawes and ” ' é ’~f‘7 gcmvernment of the iffiealmes A 0fEt1g1~aind“amd< Ireland; and ~A i~nf’£ead thereof Arm introduc;t2ur;.airbitra“i~y 1 antéfyrannicall Gavernmtgnt-‘ii A2§;mjfl:IaW; vvz~hi:cht;hc;.= hath%dac12t§cLb*y tra%w1:ou#$‘~W0r&s mu s:1{'el“s,&i a*&1ons5w&.by givin$gLhis »~Ma- §cflyV?adviC¢,byV4fdrge ofa'rmeS:A m itompéll V « A2. ‘77his Ioyall fubjeéts to fubmit: thereun'to;L II. A . That he hath traiterotxfly a1Tume<:I*"to 7 himfizlfe Regallpower over the lives, Ii-w v;berties,pe_rfons3[iands and 00:13 of his- Majefiies iubjc in Englem and Ireland 3, a.nd hathcxerac‘ the {lame ‘tyrannically, to the fubverfion andizndoing of many A . both of Peercs and other of his Majefhies , liege people” A V A 4 A II I”. That the “better to enficfi and”enab’Ic hxmfelte to goe through with his traits-~~» rous defignes; he hath detained a great part of his M-ajeffies revenue, without gin fivinglegall“ account 5 AhVat‘fi‘"réIken”great % fums out 05 the Excllequer, convertin them to his owns ufexw-h¢n~ fris~».Majc1’cy 4 ; .5V3S~?VI1§C§?m%.fa§'t€CI ~- ; for;hxs—Aow*;1eJ%w.1;A;;;;.1jg§nt ,0c- % C3fiOfl3‘3" and his Army h;:;di%V\‘I:ie*e11<§‘”A4”a long ¢ $1:%me;unpaiCjL.. : 1‘ & ; ; “ T%h.35t;;;he hat~h:V~[tmiterou;flyafiu-féd~Ti%'"*£he Apy O*?fhisgoVern111ent;, to = the: ;1n¢f:;r:ea.:fingg;cc:zu~ntenancing;a11:o2kencou-3» 4 raging: ‘of Petpi17cs,~that: foi h’é1fiighr Iéttliea. AC1é?p€ndaVn¢e 78¢ Co11fi3e11ce¥%betW§Kt ; £3 Pr-0'fi’G!1f¢: @1134 :»aC7c0 and ty1jar}x;1<:_2;#I,1~:~Ldc£ignes. N...‘ . -ml: 4§ty;.,;ain‘. byV4fA*thAéi.r?heIp mpliih malicxatas % ” Tbgat te:>A AAA1jeAATé V qtlefiioned or thefe ‘and éthér his trzu’-' Aterous courfes, hes; laboured to fubifertb mlujariglgtsb J Parliaments 1,, WA and the»2m-- ..c3é:11t cbu1*,IE:A‘A of 'Par1ia,mcntaryMproceed- Aings , and bybfalfe andbA‘bm9;Iici0u< flab»- dmgs 1:0 *_ificenf'e_bhis_A 4 Majefiy againfu‘-.' Pa:-. A. Aliamcnts; By which’words, c0unfe’I‘s, and W A K‘. afifidnsg babe» hath traiteroufly, and cc:$n—e A ~ 3 J ggraxyx (3) Tint" he. Imtlu ::na1ic:«iou*fly endevoureci to Farm up e:1mity:md‘110{%ility between AA his Majeflaies I-ub]A€é)CSfOf England, and f thofe of Scotland. ‘ . , A fl ‘ “Th'at*AAh'e_hath traiterouAfly bArok'en‘ the great truff rcpoféd inhim by his Majefiy,;, A of Lieutexlant general! of ”w'iIfuI1y betraying diversof his Maj:-*:Paics V fi.'1bje<9cs to death,his Army to a difbonou- T A rable defeat by the Scots at Nmvborn, and the Towne A A hands, to the end, of New-—Ca{He into their A that by the effi1fi0nVof blond, by difhonour, and fo great aloflé ,0fNcW-A-Caffie, his Majefties“ Realmc of A V }E€11o11;md mightbb engaged in 3. National! ancf .iAfi1“eConqi%1i;1b1e4& quarrellu with the his Army, by ‘ i*ive him‘A{é1Fc from being ‘ ' m"AAA <4-> m_-at-zy tohis Alfegiahce Iaho111'edhtohaiie;; 4 112112;: thehearts oi: the Kixugs liege people frQmA his 3 A130 h {CE} 3. fiflfl bhfifi tweehc them, and to ruins and defiroylum .M ajefiics Kingdomes,£0r7Whi.c11% they iAm- V A pea£11_hi1p of AAhi:gh Treafon againft our . Soxreraigne Lord the _ King, his Crowns and dignity, A A Prefident M0 the Nbfthh, Adufinf VI 11. A AA And hé thaAfaidAEax11e*0fA Strafihrd Wash A 'I.c >rd Deputy‘ of I1‘C,1:~.1IA1d 5, and ALieute- mntgenerall of the Army trlmmre, V2’iz.j. His A moft excellent Majeffy fQLfI'iAisKiA;1gd0ms3 both of En A landandlrelainti, “and the f that 9.11» and eve:-yhthe crimes an ‘h€Atif!AIle ' A Offfifices A hefore fer forth, Wen‘: Ad0An¢ and C0rI1rnAit- ted; andhehhmthe Ea.idEa“rIe’WashLhiéutenéLnt generall of an his Majefiies Army’ in the North parts of Engiand, during the time 6 thaththeAcrihmesAand €)fi'ences_§ in the 5, and A V 6 3.-rticlesfetforth A, Werchidornct 9.nd"7CA0AI_I1é A‘ £nitted~ T And the fiidh ChO‘thjm0flSA by prote A Afllflsfiaving to tlaemfelvgs the liberty gf BAX-. h5?1**3*+m~”§3t“h-3¥1Y ti111¢A'*h€f€h3fi'.'31' hhh9~¥1Y Qther A A z:*cufa,tiozn impeachmeht ‘ h3ghAéI”i‘A1*1flfA hthe A hfaid Earle, and alfo of mplying‘ to the an!- A A AWg_r§AAt"1agt he thg Afaid Eafrag fha"1lh*hhm3}kehhuh- «*9 ........ a a ~ I (5') « nnro the {aid Articles, or to any of: hfilflg and Qf offering proves alfo ofthe premi‘fé- ies,o.r any ofthem, or any other impeach» ment or accufation that {ball be exhibited Eyrhem, as the canfe {hall according to} the courfe of Parliaments require, doe“ pray that the {aid Earle may be’put- to’an- fwer for alland every the premifles, that ' « inch proceedings, examinations, tryalsg» and judgements may bee upon every of ithem had and ufed, as is agreeable :01 Ian; a‘11c1y_]ufi;ice.. §&\\:~\\ ‘ um‘ idfa ye further impéachmcnt of Thomgg; A % Earle ovfstrajflxord, by thcCom-44 % moms af§:mb°1ed?.inP"ar1i4a—A" % meant. % £540; * ~ x, % A monshave already ex~ 3! hibited articles againfi: K: the faid Earle,former-~ ‘. \ 0’ §3‘. A N %lyexpre"fl'ed,&'c.Nos«v A V V ’ 9’ the faidqommonsdo “ A {and Earl: as follow-«L / \ -, ‘In-and “V: K‘ ‘ “ \"‘\~.‘$'~“.*k\ ‘l..&V ‘ " ‘ . ' ' ‘I ~. M \ . \ A M\\£\M\ ‘é \ ‘ d_;~‘\\;N % % ~% - Cd}, 3166. “That hethc fjipid Eajrlc of AS_traflord1thc *2; 2 %"o£ March , intht: 8 yecrc ofhis“ now4Ma- Reignc,was prcgfidcnc; of the Kings, .-counfell in the Northern: parts%ofEngIan ; Ihathc the {aid Earle ‘bung. Prcfidcnt Vof V Paid Councell on thee: 1: day of Matclag \ a Coznmimon under the g reat‘eSea1e0;f:hEng;... 'land,with cercahine Schedules of In{%ru£’cion's thereto an11eXe«:i;, xvashiwjdireétedhx t’oethe fetid Earle, or others the Commiflionerse therein namedawhfireby among“; 0th€1"thiifl§S$ POW; er ahd auth01*ity is limited to the {aid Ema,‘ and Qthers:the eCo‘mme1{1i0ners t;herezn na... \« med, to h‘earea.nc1edeter1mhe eae1l“off'ences, and mifc1emeanours,fuits‘, debates, controncrfieg A and demands, caufes, ghhxngs, and matters whatfoever therem contamed , and within Eertaine preciinazs inthe faid. Northeme paxfps tshehrein fpecified, "aiid in fuch znzmnereasby V ‘ tliemfajd Schedule 15 limxtedand appQinted;h,,4h V That eamongfi other ~th1n‘gs _m-hthe find In.‘ i’m1€§;idn§,it is deire€’ced thatthe {aid Prefident and "others thereinappointed, fh:z11heare,and A detexgtnihe" accorditng t9 the couxfeh of pro«- ceedings 1n the Court ggf StVg;1rcI121mber, ledheie ve rs ofl’ences,e Ie?“”a;hc1hhTveE‘falfities h therein mentioned, vvhethexz the fame be provided A for by the Aéts of Parlieunent, or 11ot./I0 that M the} fines himpoh fed‘ bee no}: Ieffe ,ti1eh " oreeA1£fsbfParh1iiar1fi;&n§ pr(3vifiéd‘fQ'ijby t7hofeJ o’fFefi¢és‘is%V hffidhhfefi; _ ;A _ T hatLaIfohaf11t>ngh{’e other things in th3‘£1id« A inf’¢ei~16?:10.ns:1t.‘is éeiééfieé £1129: £116 W Prefi~ 516:1: V d (9), I dentgand others therein app0intE:d,lE1ave3 p€>z5v=» er toexamine, hears and determine acc0’rd~~= ing 71:0 the Courfe ofproc?eeding3'in. thfi-fC§l£'§f 0f'ChanC€r¥, all mannerdof ' C0mP19¥i‘1it$fG»r anym“attér»W"ithi.n the {kid pm-in&s,as,w*éi§ concemizig lands, tenemenétsg,‘ and hercdi_ta-e- [ ments, either,Fre_eI1,oId,Cuf%omary,dor Cam '4»: py-hoId,d as Lealés, and Qther d%t11ings% tllcrem m€n’tioncd,"dwanddto “ flag}? proceeddings i21tY:e Court of Common; Laégv by i.nju;1é’cior:;- or ’| A Otlaerwifé, bydallvmyesdandmcemés 2.sdis‘ui7cd inthe Court of (Ihanccry. ~ And a1chcugh*£1ie”£o:me; pm-eiidems or the {aid CounceIl'had neverput in ptézétice fuch Infhsuofiions’, nor ~hadthey_a11y fizchln- 5 firuétions, yetthe fizidd Earlein thedmoneth ofMay in the {aid 8. years, and ‘divers ydearés f5flQAW1'fl.g, didput in praéiice, exerciflz, and ufé, ari“dfc»:a;ufed to be uféd and put in praéfice the {bid Cdmmiifion and Infiruétions, and did ditéfi andcxcrcife an exorbitant and dun-A», lawful! power and Jxxrifdiéfion on the pen , ‘ fons anddefzates of his Majefiies fubjeéfcs ind thofia par%ts,d anddid dif-inheritdivcjrsof his Majefiies fubjeéftsdin thofi-3 parts o’f'dtheir in- hggrifancesflaqueftredtheir pofléflions, 8.: did fine, ranfomegpunifh and im rifon them,and xzaufed them to be A fined,ran omed, puniihcd and imprifonecbto their rume 8: deffruéhonp my and namely, Sir comm41>arz¢;~, Sir zoensm-Q char, and divers others, againfk tlte (Lawes, and in fubverfion of ‘t1:e{ame,* And t1"zc:Afa ici, Comvmifl=ion« and %InItruéV1i0nsA%we17§: Apr-ocu- A1-ed; ‘2;rid‘=Aifl‘ued by the: advice of am A EarIe..A If A A» cifed Awjth the greater lxcenféand W11 1, A d herhemd Earle; AtO_t'1‘.€“ifltent :1:Aa%4:Aj¢ fuchillegall and unjufk povvermiglat be cxcrA:- A a.dvifA 1,—andPr0cutefurther%dire&i%% ens; iii and*by the {and Inftrué11ons%;toAAbedgi-* A ven,that noprohibition begranted atal1g,Ijut~ AA in calés .whe1‘A€i the faid Coufifell fhaVl1exce¢d. A t{hcIimits]of_the.fi1id*%i”nPc1Iué%i0ns%A: AndtIA1;1t% A if any VVritV0fj Habea: Cvrpw be granted_.,r~he Itmlrty be notA:AdifchaA1jged ti11A the party p¢z'~ fin-,me4 :heAA:Decrée%“%Aand Afiiardez; " Q_t”" the fad” Counfclh A A V A vAjnd tAhe.fZ2idfEar1eA in theAAi 3 . years Of his7 A now+:Ma1efliWcSreigné, did procure a ~new.__ w C0 mtniifion to hirnfe1Vfea;1d%Others thfefAéi11=.A: a‘ppoi_flred,AAA,A WW-ith fa id If1f?g%rjtIA<$A’r1Qns,4i; ands Th2t*ih€;" {aid Commiflion and Iiuflfufitjw Ons were procured by the{;1t1onan’d%» S*tra_ii“orAd. ATM flnort1yA%Aa{tcr theob‘téin¢i::gAof tA1ic%fw2fi;:1ji A A f(3Q1i1tnifliOn4da“t€d‘ O‘fMarc‘h;.;in tlié yV<2a:re (I _ of hrs nosv Ma;e&ie&s rhe¢1afiday of A Aug‘ui} “tI:2en" Aneifii fO’1I0w1'ng‘, hee the {aid Ea rxe (to bring %his ;M4a;cfliEs liégc people into a d111»i1;c 0f his ~;‘MajVefi£¢: and Ofhisd.%G0V€rflH1€11f{VaDdt0f€frifié t1:~<;= juftices pf ftl:ze“I’¢acc FrOm%wC5§¢%¢1itfli‘hg of the Laéwcs :%hE,’?t11@:fi1id Ea1‘1€,7 A tlljcrx Ptefi » %d¢nr, as j afore%faid,6¢V4and J\%r.:4ftic<:di<>.f Peace) aw publil-:e1y.i at ms Asmés %1:‘;:1d £04: ti-.».c County of rm-z»e1n:he%"C1;y %o£%%%m;»e,% my and upon the laid 133: day of Au ufigdéclare aI1d7pUb1ifll}b€fQf€ 1§he%pe0p1c‘ t ‘Acre Aatténdli ing%fojr:hc%admi%niit:axion oflufiice .,%CF01'd? » mg rothe L3-Wai=3n,d in thep1*e“1%nc<:of:r1:e* Juflices fitting, that flvm cf 11961 flice: wcrg % M for mm, buzfithey ]7Jould"firide%thatVthc”Ki2izgrV “Win ‘ | lz'ttle finger flaau(dE"c~~!a e;_wier than A the lo_y;g);;T4af: é That the Realms of *Ireland' having” ' bééncétime outwof mi_n de4annexed ;;o,r1;c Impcrialfl Growne of ”%thi:TsjhAiSA AMajé'f£ies Realme of England,. and govemrncds b the fizme %L:.;n-ves ~ % tlnefiizidxr VE§L,f1cfi2[%‘being ordj - czputy 0fwt»l1at;-Réalmeg to b1:in‘g4 his gee. £%ies1iege4peopk:%A0f that Ki1f,§;(/fi0me:%%l‘ikc%e--[A svife into difl:ik"e Qf hi$ %;%M&,1.V€PtiVC:54 g0§VC1'I1?%~*%‘w mam, ) 'and intending the fubVe1jfio11 fijwgffthe it - fundamjeritall Lgaxves arid fE:t1c‘d g "%%xic1?r1z1:’e.¢zt-» A’ A ‘ BA3 AA Off, cm) A of that Rcalxneg *a.nd tVhc 'c_liB;ra6tion ‘of h1”é Majefiies Liege people “ therra-,. didupori ‘the ;3Q.% day A (;)f f S eptefilibbr, Vin the_, r1”int,hv yearc of Ahis novv %Maief%.i<=4s rcigne . in their)’ of 4 Daélirz f. (the chi%efe Ciwof that% K~in§‘do:ne, -. Lwherc 1~*1a“1e“fties4%Privy % Cou1;”ts4 of ]umced,¢e 01-dinatily Vrefide, and wIiitI3e’rA. tf16‘NQbi1.ityj gnd%;% Gghtry of that Réalme dob ufuaT11y.rc*fOrt fo%r_Iu£ki<:e, %(i’r1_» 3 ‘and ' publilici i%d1?¢ré::%%9fi&?%11€“N0bi~ % IityV _A "j*§fifdf?’hefdrd‘ thw-eA "Maior 3, A ‘ 4 A1d¢rmen,*and*‘ Recorder 3 ,aAnd%ma%n1y7 C i-4 Iiizms of .9455”: l3W1AV9fh¢r :*ii‘9 M*21éfi%ies Li3°%<% peop1«=As~ deciarc "%9ub1uhjs rllar; Ire 14522! pa: 2: €'072”g'“1i;€1‘¢?id A Nfition, 9 ‘gc72;d¥'tImt thif 1ci;g2_ might; doe wit}? them what bee ;;le4fiad, 5 and fp<=aking[of thcV%Chart<:rs*of the former‘ King’ of England to Gity, % A 1glea_Jft?d.% L ?i"1:;:tR£zh4rd‘ Ear%Ie‘vbf~VCorkejhgkiing ru; furt}!€r."fEiicL that their Clmrterx were-«A ‘rmlm2g« :vortlp; and did kinda tb; King no further than be A ~ ~31 V. ed out Proc:ci‘fl‘e iixcouffe of " Lav for recom very] of his pofiflions, from which hewas A putby colour of an order Mmade by the Vfézid A Eafleof and the ?C<:>un¢'."-€11; Table" ; Ofthel Enid Realmcpf'Ireland. ‘ The I%.iVdiEaArle'L V 4 ‘ of Strafi’ord,uponAaJ>aper~peti.rion,withoutf V 4 1egallpré>ceeding, VA :tf_hefi: :9; day of_I~‘e~ A A %. ” ” b“~WY:? (23) K bruary ,ain.the :1.I.hhyearcof his now Mhaieé ities reigne , tllreatenh the“"“faidh‘h“EarIc*: of A 301456 (being h fh€I1h3- Péerc of hfheh faid Realms) to imprifOi‘ITiirfr1hahAufi3€fl3?11€9V0i1h1”<3 V fixrceafe his fuit", andh faid“, hat fare’ zmzeldfi have tzcitlaer Law.:1ar‘Lqme¢:hqif,[1aute or 933;. [W My of hm}: Qfviw-r+ hhthe M %0+ fiiarhof Mdfch t11e"{?1id‘~"M "I I . tI1hchh"fa;dhAhE:hf1e of Strgf-Ford (peaking of an order‘ the {aid Counfell Tabie of that .ReaI1:1<: ,; made; in the time. of King [4W5J?3 Ww111chA_*’hco%ncer- med; Leafé whxch the {aid Ez11:1c of orke chiimtd cehrtaine reétorieshor tithes L ‘H the. {aid Earle, of Carl-:6 A alleaged‘ to be of no force , hfaid , ; flat he ‘nvazdd make htheh_/kidh Earle 422d 4!! Ireland knew, fa long at fie load the» hGb%vernmenthsbehre , any AEt~of .5'mte,“tEere Wide}, a}*tb£e~ made, xhozild 53 M £11’ A‘ 5z'2idi22g_ to the A fiaéieflx of that Kingdoms ,,A M an 245? cf Par; liamezzth: alnd did_q11eflsi0hn the‘ Iizidh Earle‘ A 0VFVCQrke in the _ Game ChaII1‘ber~,‘up%Qhn pfererice ivof bhreach of the hfaid” motflfer of Comfi'e11Tab~Ie5anddid fimdryh O.fg?‘rtimes,“ Q. h and £'er“up0hn‘ fundry othqér occafioxlshy byhisf A AA Wards and fpeeclics arro§3;9.t67“th0 him‘f'e1f€'h"”l.a > phowcr aboveihehhfilndfimentallflh Lawes, ainldh » A efizablifhcd governmetxt of that “Kingdoms ,.A . and hfcgmed thé: {aid Lavyes and eiiabliihed ‘ Government, A Y» we ‘(Vim accordifi?§A.%%4¢tO ‘3ciec1a19ati o~i1s fl%and%”%fpceChi~‘3$ the f1_idA%VEa1:1(:AdfStraffo_rd[did ufi Vatid exércifii 3-1pQavef4!abVQvegand agqaitiflfa % émditotAhc fubverfi'9i1i4 <>%fVVth‘e;+AAfaici ,$fu%ndame_n» “tall Iawefiév, and, : ft:1I51if11ed‘%*% govern gof A §rhef?1*id Rcalme bf Iifelarid 3 Cfithenwdiwng fiafill ;I1is7v_ver to the gdods , frat-holds, inhe« “I‘itaf1cesA, 11bérties,L% and Iivi’-S %0fhi%s1V1"%ief*icS % \‘S11bjé£fcs‘Of %the.I31i%dRea1me5,% viz. The Afaid % Earle of Stfafford the I 2. A.da;y“0f Decemb..., Anh D.0m. 63 the tiVm=::w0f M .fuI1.[peace,4 tlnefaid Rea1Ime..Qf Ireland giV€'§_ and procure to‘ bee given’ ag:1in{’:\tL‘hc:%: Lord %% Mount-Norris (thenand yet as Péerepf I'rc::«; ?§wIa11d and :thcn“ Vice-31e?~hA0f Mv3;rch&,' inwi;thfe J4, y c:a1“_c Of' l1iS‘;;Ma%j€P£iCS % Reigns ¢«W1thout ¢a_ny ..%1ega11 or; ducyprocce-74 dingscrr tryall, give orV‘cau{é‘ re bee given§, a fentence of death againfi oneother [of his‘ - Majefiies 6 I 5) Ma jcfcies ‘511b§¢l93S:a :'«Vh0fE*; name is’Ayr2t~un:w lmcwwne, iand cauftd hxm to be in cmecutgon oftVl1e{aid,fente?ncc. A A w a «':r1mche Vfzid Earle o£%szm¢_gara:Vv;g1gom V :anyVlcgaVl1 °f_>r0ce§2din2gs4 , and “ upon 2"pé.pcr Petition oat Vkicffézzrg 9L4‘!/1‘0M,d id caufe the “faid%LVordw4 21/Aawat»-iv’aw~rz£:%t be dzfléized and put out ofpofl"eflion.ofr1n:’isAfree-4ho1d 84: in; heritance of his C/‘1’fzzim02" Md Tymore in the Counry ofAVm.agb , in the Kingdomc of Jm/xmzé.-t-Inc tfaid Lord ,m.m~zV:..may-rz;;‘1fmiinc_; :bin two Ayea-rés before in A quiqt po4fTeIfi0i1 rthc1tec;>f.. ‘ , Thatflue {Ea:idAEar1e0fSmz/ford, in the ‘Terms 0fHo1y’% Trfin-1tic,%in the I 3v.}¢w*re qf ivzécizana U!/!21jejz‘§2'7e5 K.c1:g‘i¢85 id“id?C2Iif&4£1gCa’fi3 {com manly ml led wt/2:‘ mzfé’ of eiiazziaes‘ mpwz A.cZefis*&?zLve4I:z‘tlm', t'o.%.-M :m:adca1.1ddra%w'ne up 4 withc_>utthe‘ir “0=pi:ni-‘- ons and Arefolutiom 51:o"%4‘1t?I*1;a:t:Av~%»::~;1£:-,’%~ andéy-mu ,[0m*. "0_‘]Cf.§¢t5"n[)i/7!'Dfl3did ivitéautwmy Wlegnrllpzfa-W ace alz7g£3c;m{e .Tbom1z:" L am’ %5§&iZ>“2r':'2~’o?;2, M a» Peem e~;.f~::.-he {aid Re1rx1;()Af=1 rerlaz:iaal,?«é0cbcAw pL1t *0uAr tfivf C A pofféflien ) Tpofiafiozzoféiivc:-s a%zy1d%'Fé:m&11f§: : Eiflg his» ffée f’Ki ij'I1‘“ rhté V Cmsmty of Ma-— go and Rofeco~=;ne11, ” m the? i'$a1idL Kingdxanm, ' szd div::'rs~OtI1e1Ags% d0t_' h1s1V1a)cf’§1es Iixbjerfks fo be alfo put out of ffi: ffion ,. and diffiexm zed fi‘eé:-;3;1Ql,d A-lE>y% ffi:€5010i1r*;;** «the, %Af.1~mc yrefluiiozv, %‘w’i:+th-out JegaI1%M %procae=s_ .'dia1g_«a whe1*eb%y~V:m11y Ixufldreds of his Maysfiiesé fizbjeas were uzndoneal. and¢~4th%ci1% failfllllfi a~t1]EL€r1:yV2Tiu1{1c%df:1:gs f Q % A V fir‘ 3 vm.» ‘ 'T1i‘=1t=the%La1ci~ E:ar§ecif_S?V22;§7bVéf~’%upon“13;~ pr2titiQ§1,> at ire] %z;i::arclIG'ezg§r, A A the fi-1-5?: day ofi']Ecb1*t1ary,£n the {Said I 3 ._year<: fiaf his Majefhes Rei9;ne,”\vitI10ut any legal! 'p‘I‘OC€_fT':% 5 mzzzlé .4 Dzeqreeior a2¢';It'erA:z;gzzz'i2_‘{f ofldxzm PT‘rfi:*v4zt?¢t‘V EAl?z‘cV..~,7 m‘:I’*'e‘~af, the f $2.51 &‘Z{,efu«z Ema: of _’7’/‘z:lzz’.~7?al,ma2.:sza' L 0Vz1%C/?Igz:2'- A we/!o2«',q,f'j‘re1m»2d,' anddid caufié the find VH- cmmt to be im~prifoncd!;ancI kept clofc pri- %foner~on pretence‘ of di.fobed‘ic:11ccA to %thc iaiddecrceo:‘?0r'dcr%*-"; 1% "A "4 A 4" u L Amt’ "1512 e{ ~ f Aia’ FE -m*l:e—~ 1292.1’/:70wl'i. A uzfiéjz zzut/Jom7« — V! t}_.,; zm'dw carztmary to bis. (.‘0i7zmi/_]'z'oir, 1/'e§m:z’—i real /med cammam{e~d1« t/Je fzzz'zZ” Law! ~ 17'' caz¢zztm to‘!-iev){.'e€‘7_”1¢z"\‘£‘i2.ta [vim A Vznéa gym; “Sezzlew of ' dgi &5¢[7gz}£ qf717i§'}*g[fli¢27‘5 :2:/oi?/.i f22m #52922 4;‘,-2 “{:%f2z's- «#0449: ~"?,...@' /144j~‘?fl27.¢s cammmzzd, 4214" (i7>{ V #3353 ".£7?7PV*1;(1’.’fl8o’z_ Me A M41 ‘ .€f2m¢e1!arA WA ?20tZ%‘0.ét§jyifl‘g‘futbAT/955% bamm4i2d_ A “ ‘éxfzzd z”zv£n5oL*;:.t§ aggzy 1;;-¢;%eg;zz:m,V I‘/2:24‘ i i772}.?;r'7]b.n; : A Cj‘emfg¢'Em‘Ze;qf"Kz'la[a7'ega’b1?éezfé% qr"1:~é/.¢,m', 4g.{zz}2jf [Eur ,5 * :£:mz:y “to e;:f.fZV;rc%e 'hz's;zV% fa fiazénzzt‘ his mfg ‘ta tbs wzmam zzi2dLa'm”-.\ flyip of ("njf/e ”’Lé'”{gf'/:I A 52'? zf}€~*éV éé7\{e“e22e& é.rz}=;*4§ V t%jV_-, (é€z}zg' Qf ¢q7_‘w€dll' yezzz/e[j.< .z.zzzl:ze)g tQt6e . f1‘i.s‘¢?.' ;9;z;»/e e_¢"3m_/jam's‘ zz=i/{"22/‘/14:? ;i2'e4;“}m, kegt /JZ'('?’g’~ ;z}‘e.z:"g% ‘pi/'zjbiée;" f.‘-T tfié fsiia’ cagzfe, ma :r7zoZ:z;é*.v»2;*£7"e;*'eégf’ _gé’ep{E~z'2§'é ' cl&2fi:‘.'[;r*éfT:?$;:£ie;5§;»z;32~al«v%EfVE.fe’&’ ‘?é?‘Ié;i’l;;;W5rg;é;V45f;7fz5 zip :,=2:Vz’2;bjf;z2¢;+l;{2*.gg+‘jjiiiyizmgjg,/fz'e3* L e‘tzEmf_f'o;'~*j£_r%;r;1vj eizlsz;«gfer;74e>¢£'%,tbVA :t.;J€“fi£1"(£’ 4?:/E‘ 71 ;s*2:z»4+ é3'z’¥7‘9 t“79¢'?»’~' A ' ‘ L I * ‘V ‘V ' ‘L [ L If 1 J3; A 21 A bczr, I 6 -,;s .byTi10m3;é"Hi¥:7I5()'tfiS 2i'Q;’i§i=nR Mary Hibbots V‘Vid';d0'»v , to 151m tlvefaid Earle of Straff'O1‘d;tI1e V1“ :2 id Bath: of Str:1f- ford recom”men.d¢d the ffgid _I?et1 ;-ion {Q the *Counrfcw1$1 % Tablé 305* £*&:Ivand;?7 ’ 5 in?i1*:erfe the M%Lt1}1<;>‘i%’c part {of tfieiw‘ Co:1n{—‘e~I1~§;m;e "fheir*"’{z§Gté é hind Vopjiciarflthks: iZ1id~~ <1 Y: A A %E:_.1‘r1¢';. finding 2 fault :l1éVt‘€w1tAI1f5 *7 V C=:au{é*l:1 11 Vordeg amt e;=n:s¢a; A14»ggg;111¥#j»~e;§a.:{a:;d»*L§:z V, mid A it1ire;1’mc:d% " * £11319 if?‘ {he *ra:~’f1”1TedM ‘t6 {ubmit thczreitzzto-,{'h€*W0U1d’1mP1‘if011 hers n- . . W )1 w " " 1, \ E 2 . . ' . . _ »<~{ um on 4: w. .~ V n )3 .. N -'4' _ H ‘ \~ . ‘ , u x.‘ .. 1.‘. ‘ ‘ » _ ‘ ~- ,‘ ‘.,_ ¢ ». * “ ‘, ‘ ‘~ ,. ‘ . . - ’ "' “ , . “‘ N -u\ ‘FT ’ ‘ 1 .‘ ‘ ‘NH .1» ‘.‘. ‘ .. \‘ v‘ '. «M . Tao‘ «ti ~5‘-~ " VV( " I " ""‘ “l” "’ "‘ "' M .11 W‘ .¢ W *,_‘ V '~4\ L. w ,..¢, ..m- ‘M w w * ‘P 1 ~ .. 4;». %. a1*idr‘* 4 (W V 33:53, five hixndrecfiiaiincf 5;; f Continued Qbfiin:£te,hé3ew could ACO§nti11u.e her imprifonment , and double I161‘ fine every Aménth by m0ntb5,§v*h»erof {ha :lv~as.en famed to ¢re41ir1¢1uifl1 her‘ efiafe LiI1~thC;5‘:x1Ii:1‘»w¢~1l1€‘ f’r»ic>~ % neat i?11the*f:id‘ VPEtif4iofi,% :Lx}'v*E?:ic.’?l1Ai'1°‘1_«rt13z%wa%sL. . c11c¢"f3id; 13arIe.of Sirqflbm’ _ . ” cof1veyfé:d%Vt0 Sir’ R6é%ez"tA M 1elre¢fz’2‘*6,t the Hf: ‘ . vAn%Arhe’ i%Iid%Eia.r1é mm manna’ did. A irjnprifon. d1v.¢£s oth<:1:s%c3fl1is Maje~&‘:¢s% fu'5":~%% j<:§tS4wup0t1»hpret,enc¢V pf difobcdience to; A hizs. Qrdfls a;1ddeCr¢esa and %otherii11ega11¢om~¢ .IIl3fl5S byfhimv made for; f}J§£?.t,€11dC.’:d A debtsg, I M tit"-zles of: L'a‘ndS,-and otV11crdcauf¢sin%an arbi-"-4» » freiry and csiixtrajudwiciall C0i1rI'c,.: 'upqn Paper“ ‘J P¢_tiFi01?8 him,A;pn¢if¢r,r~e,€1:;. ......... " I- I} X‘; ; ‘ % - a$rs:ragowd %2:=3i:tIitIi @5f1+Te257"$~.!iI1~t“I‘1e AA I 2'. AVV«yea,r~t;.Ofhi54 now Majefiies »R<5ignc3"5a{T1ming to Iliimfelf 214% pcawcr above andAag;1infl' Lvawggook upon him; g€£1¢raI"14;PVarrrwt~ under his hand» W « :t”'§i"‘*P0W€r'f0thefL0rd: Bimov+»0f~‘1?o4W% IVE A C_',0???201"-’M3‘ ; C?£J4??£¢[10'P ‘N , or _(j'£r:m;Acel1a"m‘-,A _ and their feveram Ofiicers thereto to bee appointed, to attaahand Arrcfi the Bodies AA %% % fl %? A % A ' A of “ ‘ C £9)‘ o£?a11fm:h% tbftlle meam:-r afici pcmrcr forti tvE‘ie1'c afner cita.tioVn tlmzmid either .tcfi.1"fe,t:0 A appcare before them," or appe:.rir:g mould % crxmit, 01? deny to: p&:r.£0rmc:,I Gr uxldergq 3:11 hwv £1,111. cx%earee.¢,_[ei2te:2t4.25, A amt! aVM'ers, M M Vzjmeag zmpofea! or gwm mt zzgzz 1';-cafi t/Mm‘, aizd mam, 23:0 commit mt} Mepe 2'.-av. tézeizext G4o£e~.w2tz7fl;’ iz<1J%e_y fl9.0M[d*;8fit’r9€7‘]7€1f_‘fl?Vi!2€ flack ; B.?}’fi‘8x'$4c‘£f.$’,W”- pm, £22’ ['aflIz'c*2.s'mt Ba mile “m f}J‘ew% [E3712 8) Mzzflizriz 5-8» L fifl"£? t?)éV(_T0;»:i2fcv/Y %T:z%£~I'e, qfzzzctir t};a£rcwtVemp£% M2oZ2‘§zgZ85?$ 5 a1;.«1d’the fa1ci.E;1r1c-, and years Lafl‘ mentiancéd ,. figned and ifliied aw ’ Warrant that Veffeét, and .made thelike ~ Warrant t«o-fend all 7other Bifhops and-42 tlxcir Chancetlors in the faid~;Rc.:-drrxe, of. Kw:/and,tot11e fame effcétgw F % w That t:‘h <:faid’EarIe of ”$’mtfi’0‘r"a*i ‘being’ Eord Lieutenantgor Deputy of I7"5‘[f35d3 " procured the Cztflomes qftbe wtdrabdfldizu gxpoy‘t.ed‘0zat,~5.V am! z'mpaVted £22to that Kealme A re) éefitmzad to /:422v‘V0iIWr3*"Ufe.. 4 ‘ A i And in thefiinth yearc of hgs now}. May jcfiics Rg-ign%e,h£I1aVing then .11?1trefiV 111 the A {aid (31"1:fiom¢s(. toadvancc 111$ owns gzazxneg and Iucre )& did caufc and A procure, the 4132s 3% A % . A we tnive7C0mn1Qditi€S of 3'»,~¢e1;m’,robe" rated% A theVbooke%of‘RatMesfor the Cu~fl;on1cs“(’ at--: A maxing, to which the Cufiomcs were ufiial-~ 1y gatl1ered ‘) Vat farrc-0re:1'tcr values and: A pgfccs ,t1:xen in.truth tl*1eyw(:re[A vv*“0rt115f(that is tofay); gvderyhideVat“"2ea.fhi11i11gsf5x:vl11ACh~ A intrutsh was Vmrtln but five 7fhi11ings, ‘every, Pzonc of\’V0o11atAt1111*tcven 111111111gs fourc‘ ; pence-_.; A t‘h011gI1 the fmxc. ordinarily Wemj worth but: ,five%fhi11ing‘s,~. at tlic: umhnofi -but! 9 .i'hi11ii1gs 3?: .byV§s.;*vh1c11 Anieams tl1e‘:cuA_f’c0n1»— i:v11ich be.f01‘e VwasA but atwentietl1 partof thz:-true value of the comm od1ty,was in‘1:sar1-e ccd f?;>m%et4im%es r=0:a fiftpart,and* fo,1%nt4im&s" Arm;%fou1‘r11L,ac¢ {"om.<;?r.1zfncs ‘cc; 2. tl11*rd?p.—2Art0f % the rruc: va}uc:*,tO the §>;rc*2ArQpprc~1Iiom44V oi; the _ A fubjc€ts,a11d decay of .¢’lA'1'.’l7"c7;{’zz,«';¢:.z‘£'x1;.-.T»£’. X: ‘TYm’t% tléefizid Earle , f infthe ninth yebre of his now Ma}~evihes Re1gn,did%by‘l1iS owfl xv%i~%11.¢&amdA p1ea'fu.41*e,A% ‘ and V £01‘) 1115 o&vne~1ucre.% Arn:I}i1tai,z%:c%t”l1e.eX”§;§m;t;2tion thc4Co4n1A%mo-A dxrieé of tl1at4Kit1gdo1n wvditVl1ouMf5I1js li‘c<:~nC'c,-,4, :13“ immely Pz;_ve-fl.rn;e5, and other commo-~ diticmnd than 1'ai.fc:dVd great ’fi1~n1s_flo}“‘mc$ncy‘ :fc3‘w: Iik:crxfir1g" 0f:(5XPO1‘t:.itiQ117’ C>Af7;@l’%1g:)1E:.a%«cx:;;r1*113i~w l1’l"iOdI.1§’.l.3C“S5 Am-1% difpcxifizt%i@11_%«o£;§l*§.cL‘ F "}re”4-;- fiv 1'.-I inns ifl1’p4QfC'§4 on V“t11ez11~,b’jy;A +j;*s,*y3l*41“1‘c:13~ mamas ;: A L V .% V A the ,. ~ C 2 1) 'theé*”41'I"9:f1“#'¢*’l«‘L€$‘were 1731T€dfi‘01‘fl.fOwuT€7V% ouuc‘i% fen. flnllxngs 5. A or 5:p(1‘:L1i1d.per%tI1o11vV;md%to rctm-.%pound,a11d fomc1'1mc~s elcwsn pounriper L tl‘1Qufand,4-W4 0!/2 6/1‘ ‘C0z7.7???adz't:'e§ were 27»:/2422, c'r:“a[i22 the /.M’é’1~*)F‘0L£«70j/‘1‘gI‘(({‘7~’:%:3_ “ %*"'5M% Aéy ‘flame mmizes /2_y /51';-72 I/J6 _fl 11 ;_mdA 35-% tel‘-Elle fir{°£ da ’Of‘/11/az»y',Ao/af.¢mra%‘Dam. I6 4 8:,‘ . 3 ‘ 3. after“ wI‘2ich 2-cihnzixli-,. the fa .Earlc3~, not-~ witlzflzalzding the {aid re {’cr¢:mr, ce2L1{’ed- di--% ~vc.::s g1‘€L1t qL1;111f1t1C‘S. of Toézmo to be im-% parted" to his ~~0»w:sef11fe, and‘ fr;V;z11ghr4e<=.{ die wzrs i11iApswit11 Ta/m‘c¢:0,.. wl1£chb<31mpor- {ted to hisewne ufe : az1d.t-lmt if any {I15 p %bro%ught T0b:,2cco1nto;2ny«Po;:t; thex-s.::~, rim Jfiid Earle and 11133-.A. Agei_1tS—?~.1]€f".d*_\fO 1I_::m,r A the {Same to hisowne uf’e,, A :3t:«At11e1 r~ (7n,~v;'r2vc% ” friccg-_ tlmt the 015l.3A.7;';ZE?fi/‘.\“i$"¢‘.."f‘.;L-:v?fF;’.ci..7 tar Xe: him have the fame at -vi:2a’ax '7J“.:'1-[921 es, t.£r:.m Ilaqywewre amt 12,31-n.zz'ttca!, to fwzt fife f2m2e;~, i".L..~‘_ .; W‘, ,L and exceflivepr M (-22) 4 1-‘fby which undue Imteanes the fizid %Ea1*1e‘tthé¥ wing M gotten I‘t4”t1ttin_g,;»_; the offenders againfl: the £z.mePro--- clamgztjon ' “e1an1ationon Ithe pil1or4y,as namely, Bar-zméy Hwéérzzmg Ehdivard Co°b‘e';m, I01’a2:iz'iZ~‘z¢7¢2”e>;‘;-fie, and clivemotheréie: _& made the Ohfficersof State, ar;c1}u'f’tice3V eofh‘Peace,? fafldififllfif 40 fli*cers,=tf0 A f:rve%;I-1111'; 111~ck:)mpaffing tand . eexiecuhtinhg t_he‘fe ufljufc and u11due,cbu1?iE:s,e By; Which .cri1e1-~ tiCS;3.I1df L1njuPnhM0nopo1ies, the {aid Earle raeiiedhe I;oooo<_>“-‘A pounds ‘per dmnm gaine "to Illhlflf-€I’fQ4;.“hA1161h:y€thtfififaid-«_‘;E*3~T~I@§ ethough he iIiI1&’11e ~Cuflzc5mes, hhhwhereic, concerned" {the V, Merchants in generall; yet drew “dovvnc the impoft formerly taken on Tobacco,fi'om fixee-pence: the pound to e 3. pence the epcaund, h it ,b€‘.i£Jg fer his‘ ovvne _1‘ofitfo‘t0 doe? ; And thCf11fdeEa1‘Ie5by the h1ame_.,and Aether rigorous faxjxd unduehmeanesgyraifed fevera1Ieeee0ther.M§)— h zmpolies and’ f unlawfull eexziétions for his ” owme gaine, =vz.z. on Starch, " Iron p0ts,GTlé1F+ A modities. fes, Tobacco pipes, aundw feverall ether Come» A >5anc1: B1é)atfiva1nes nfi &very;;'17hip5u~ §.§nm%w§1’1d?un&ii%z%fu1{.V.og2%1§11g'zw,z%r»4:.thm5%\ t*lid}v(1:vm-%T:A bu mam ofl thbma?::immadfm:¢¢1y%afirmflie atfiij izny; ivn;ifl1é faid Kingdome o?f3?V€/-wzclgfhuld give .t1::ue invoyce of the utward bulke of .War£S W625) VWa;res%=ind Merchandifesa and; fiumbemf‘ ~ goodsszancl the cimlities and¢onditAiso:m£the A ’jf211’dgo0ds,A‘ aslfarre as tcjthern %{hou1.4_dfL be A %knowj11e,th.;e-namesofthe“’feve4ral1Mei*chants ‘ pr0priet0m‘§~40f thcfaidgoodsaA andthepla-r ‘res ?t’1‘om»vhjcIzce théykvreire Ai«fraugI1ted.ilaTnd; whithm-[. they A %_ vvere bound to? Vdifdiarge " .whVi~chM Pmclaxnation was ‘accordingly Jfputin ‘€3<€G11tI‘AOH5_ End; funclry p¢r1‘0I1sC€nforc;ed: m &t4he faifl un1aivfu11¢%0athq, L ', ~ ~ ma “ “'That the;f'aidV Earle of Str4fipg‘dt»;ayte4é ~fO11flyV2%nd‘%wickedly dewvifczdd con:r;ve&L % force (Sf Arinés jnfa warlike‘ manner :9 fubdue the 4Sub,?c.6ts oflthefaid ‘Realms bf fife/a?m’,. to bring them vhcier his typannicail power and willyand i11LVpurfua11c_<:%Qfhisw iC-~ A ked and trayte1'ous’purpofes afofC%faid,% jthé faid Earle ofStrafford in the eighth eyearc of “his Majeifics1:2ignc,did,db)Tfhis ownefiuthow % 1fiVty«,» Withaut my warranmr co1aiJx44©%fLV%V%?a% f“1é9-Xa~nd;i1npofegrcat% fumrn#jes4qof um AoI1jAtheVTowns;°:s {of 3 47/fema%e,%V B”?‘ ?4¢?'?3ir%52ffiz3c1§g”e;;’ H Tzzlazm; and divers %AQthf:z: T.oWnc=;s »p.1'a.é’% 035 in W 1’aVid«R¢%«’11i1<:»%0f%»~V3'*"~‘?*’4{%?"4'=¢A 311%¢4AidT ,%;ca.ufex11e¢£h;;ns tc>%4%bc I%c:w{i.u1dm force? and arnmss “Dz Aner, "yr . N ‘ kg. \ ‘ «A ‘Nu u I ; A 4 (£5) cum xiintliday ofjzwrvkg the M ¢twe1f;h yeaixeV%VAo,fl1isA%11ow C/'1/%I4zjefz‘ie:M raigne, trayteroufly did %giV€4aufl10rity .11I1t0 ?\95e%" W %Sa=w' /9a~ Serjmf 41* armsa. alfldto tlze Cap- fairieis of %rh¢. cofr:1p121:ics~ f.1‘€5Ii1di¢rss% infe- %v‘e*ra11 §5*a%:ts4Ai;czfrhét‘Rea1me;.tic>wfe;1H“efl1Ofls,ézAs na11ieIyVE%a’;n%»z2-mi gm. mzz2z,_On:e.»'¢ "0 587322422, ‘Patrick-é«Oée;~;7;,¢;¢5 sir C3/p2'_*t':zi2 Horsfield, and diversothers, to the *'numb"e'r A% of about a hundred families ,* and ‘woke and» imprifoned them and their wives,- and carried them prifdncrs to Dz2évlz';2_,. afld there detayiinckd them vnti11dtheyAVdid.yeeld= , up; A furrendcr, or7releafe' their rcfpe.‘.?cive~ fiifiates and rights. A ~ V A ‘ _t£re?faz'clI-Zzzrle, 232 like 2z22zrliée,7mz}2— 22313 bat/9, during his ’g0"uemmmt of’ the fad ’ Kzkzgdomcu of I féldizd,‘ fuédued "a’i~a1ers$ others “qf/9i$~ LM:«:ijéfiz"es.- Suéjeéfs eafe to his 2::»z'[l," Md’ ” vlaereéyv-ands'éj~the-% memes dfZ2Vref4tV1'd;..‘ barb lervzl» ‘ l§"”z'22g;1omc_,¢.,., A ind I/'I/Qzrre within theafaid % Rgalme ," ag;zg';2fi' % his cflrtajefiie ma’ 52": %liege pcopk qf zlm;~;;- A That the E3146 Of SW4f]_t5V?1$ the twcw and twentxeth of A F6-57_"Wf’3/o j _1I1t11C: fevcnth: years-. of his now 1fl4’4]@fi165 ralglilfia 11~1tendi._11g, ‘ : to Oppreffe the {aid Subjcéis of,"didi Amake a propo~fit»i@n,%. and~%obraiI'1€d.AAAfrom his A U!/[ajeflz'e%anallowance,»tha1:;ri0 Complaint of ‘ 4 iniufiice or oppveffibn done znIre,l4W’, fhould 7 Ee’rece“ived_ in England agairrftrany, unlcflé: ~~ ; it} fi1éfl1a¢p=;:zeared:g1at th¢.party n1adc,fi1‘1'i his . (28) » " A ae1dreTTe‘t0‘him the {aid Earle and tllehefai axle havirxg by fixch 11 fin-ped tyra11nic9.1 1 and exorbitant power , exprefled in the former Articlesydeftroyed the Peeres and other f.1b*.' jeéis of that Kingdome elf ’Ire1~and, in their V in livesg, confciences}, Aland,‘ 1ibC1Ti§3$3~3I}djE3j13€§1f€S3 A the‘hfaidEar1hehtcf>hf1"1e xntcnt the betterto emam hthaine and flzrethen his power, and -tebring V _‘ the people into 3. di{‘a1f’Fe<£’cis?:)n o‘fl1isMajefl:y, as'af', did ufe hish Majefiies name in the CX€Cl1tiOI"1 idfh"isA fiid pdWer%.=+::Andth0;pre- A , vent the ‘fxibjeéfs of thatRea%1me ofall means h OfCO’mp1ail1tS to his Maje£’cy,a11d of redrfeffe eaorainfi: l1inh~ant1‘eh13 ag'ent"s 5 ‘..C1.i..C1 fifl"ue a Pro- c ézmatioh hearing date the fevehteeml1 day of Sepreniber, in the see*IeVent‘h yeare‘ "of his e Majeikieshreigne, thereby conmlanding all the Nobility, undeertakers andhéohtllefs ‘D Who* held efiates and offices in the fiid kingflome 4 (except fuch as were employed in his Maje- flies {ex-vice, or attending in England by his A eefpeciall command) to n1a‘k'ei:11e“ir perfonall irefidenceitl the faidw of s;I.reIha=nd, M < ‘an<;1’nO.t fa depart’tI‘;e_heé~ w*it‘ho1it"h?cenceof him felfe And the ‘hfaiéi Earlechath fince hifl'u- edMotherP1'0C:1amations to the fame; urpafe, meanest vvhhereof hfhe fubjeflts’ 0 the {hide 4 ; eRea‘1me* ea1je.1'5€f9i'r}i'1iI1€C1 fiiom: "{'eekinq'1*e1iefe ” ha~gaihf£”the opprefiions Of tliehifaidhfiarle \ he A “»v1thox:it:‘his licente:v¢‘I11ch‘:ProClamation the by fine, im.p,rifonment,and‘ oVthervvifet,tputA in executionAA0i1t his Maieflies {ubier5tS,as name. e‘ A Iy, one ‘ %4ePd4ti%and t0tI1ers:«%:WhAo cmie axgdoppremonsoftlxe {aid Earle. A A over onely to cornplaine of the ex That the {aid Earle I1av1'ngAby fuchhmeanes * as aforefaid, fubvetted thegovernmtent ‘a11d Iawes ‘of the .Kingdot;1e* of Ireland ,, did“ Match in the fixteentth yeatfe of I1Ais. Maia {hes A A Reigneyin fcanda11Aofl1is Maie1‘v:y,0fa11his Kingdomes, and;inf°urt11er execution of his V wicked purpQvfE:s1?“afo:eefaid A, {peaking A, 0f the Armies in Ireland; deelaxe, that his Maiefty was £0 we114p1ea.fed with the Army of Ire-—~; land, and the confequence thereof, that his Maire Pay, A vyoulcl certainly nuke the fame aw, Aatteme forall 1115 Athree Km clon1es. A A ‘ XV%HII%I:% A; Thfiathé fi¥ii;?EAar1e of Strafféirda A"fi"V.@"*i1, £I1eA better 6fF3<‘3c1n% eflhmrraytrous d6fiAgne$ and wicked J purpo es,;'é?A did,endeavpu1* tq d1:.m=d¢e~A.~ A petxdency upon hjmhfelxfe ‘Pf the =,1_?ap.i.fEs botI1.Kingd0mes of England and Ireland, 4 N X jtothat end duringthe time of his govern J A mtentr ,_‘ sh ra_:dE‘tax:t1ehathby’revera1I‘rig+oroustwayesfist A Orbitances~ A V paid. (30)w1 _. mam; in jrglmd, rhe r‘ef%di'ed divers Erieries g_nd¢}14aj]e-_-iaolufes (whicli hadbin fbrmcfly : fi1ppre1Tedby t11e’preCN~€dcn:t.Dc_puti<:fs of that“ Kingdomé, ‘two of wihicli Vho’u1'e.sA%Wére in the % C—j:;yofjD{and'héd~*b1Ii“amgnve&d tvdthé A ‘ ufe:of ahe uxxivema:y%r1&¢re2w%-awpretenfied owners tI1ere”of,who&have finCC' 1mpIOy€d’the fame tea the excrcifc ofWt.h,cWP0pi1h Religi- on. A ‘ * A wind 1'22 the maiiew of Mggy ggzijm’ Izjaize /gzfi, tire fiticl £‘4rle"a'i:Z$1'4z'fe km 1:59 fat}? ; R»e;zZz7.fe of mrgmgz, e'z:gbt% tkazz"--A [zz12;!%*; fizote, 2.113 of 22%;»; iexcgpt 3 0726’ t/aozzfzmtzf 07‘ t/9e2fezzéaoz.¢’ts 5 f'?‘$’駒f& ‘fPzzpzflS,5 mi-z/ye M]}_1..irZfl we 2flJozgf4i2d.i1ve7‘e d7'2iime‘ .j ’oz¢t cf the A 6/a’e% V1’ 7;» % A w my were roizflflzkg oftwoti/saz¢fl1}2dfirai‘e,;wdii24 tlaezfgv plgcfes t/Jere ns>ere a tbazlefzmd »".7’z;pzfis‘._., 5;» mreaéauts, (W am we raidvld vma%%Aéy zbefmz £47»/e4. ‘\ @« And the more tojingvagc axid tyc;the haw‘ Army of Papiflas to hxmfélfe, axjxcl to encou- rage them, and t9 Vdifcoupage and weare out thcold Army, the fa%idA-Earle did fo prigvide-3 L ‘T/J‘tZt_mi’.7c]‘4Z'dJfi’€I29 c/fmzypj" ‘lfizpzflsweré tlgzly [Mid , and bad all izeccflzsriey kprorvidedfirw them; 2, ‘am! perm‘z'ttéd t/awe ’exerazfl afitlyegir ifielzgiaiz ,% "lvzettbe [aid ald %e/frmjwwefiyr « the * /pace Qf gag _ who/ew jegrefi A 3-91 ggpmayds %m~.., V V A And‘ (3?) A V And that the {kid Ea lebeing appogmg a Cvommii-‘sionerl within eleven. feverali Counties in the‘N‘<7>rthem pane of Englmai, < for compounding withflecufantse for their “ forfeifturescgluelro his Maj‘efiie,whj¢ihic9m;m V A y ’ mifs4ion beareth date,the‘eightday«of July» , A in the fiftahyelare of his A Majeflies Reignei thatnovv-is,~ “and lbeingalfo receiver of the competition money thereby zzriiing and of l other debts, cluties ,l and penaltiesfor hie l\/Iajeflies ufe, by Letters Patents, dated the A ninth day oithe-{aid luly: hee, to engage: thefaid Recufanr~s to him, did com pound Wwitlh/them at lowe and under 1fates,:«md pro- videdthat they ihould bee difchafged ltufall proceedings againft them , in all his M aje.~ {ties C0urts,botI1 temporal! and ecclefiailie call, in maniiefl: breach oi-‘and contrary in the Lawes‘ and Scat‘ mes oflthis liealme, in W thatlbehalfe eflabliihed. A V i X IX, 4 ii That? izlhel faid Earle having taxed and ileviedtheefaidimpqfitions, and raii'e‘d thee léid Mo‘n’op'o‘lies,- andecolinmitted t'hefaidi opprefiions in heisiMavjefliesinamel, and as by his*Majefiies Royall command, hee the V f:zid*‘Earle in Maylthe fifteenth yeare ofhisl : C-flies h €32) Mgjgfiigsfieigne, did; ofhis owne aueéhori- 7 zy contrieve and frame a new and unufuali oath, “by the purport whereofamong many other things,-,_Athe parry taking the (‘aid oath, was to fweare that has A fliouled not protcfi Aa»gaiI71h£% anyof his »Majefiies R.oyall“‘A A cum- A maflds, but a1l;obedi-he V encethereeunto. Which» oath, he fo comri-- ved nohenforce the famefon the fubjeofics of the ScottifhNation inhhabiecing in Ireland, and out ofahatred to the {aid Nation,an:dh to them we difcontent with his Maje-=4 V flier and his government there, and compel. led divers of his hriajefiiesfaid fubjefilse there to take the fafidh oath, fome hee grie- voufiy fined and imprifoned, and others he: A deft}*oAyed and Cxileds, and namely, the 1<5Q.._, fof ‘OC1I0b€I';K./{$730 Dam. I63 gyhe fified"i31e}i~ V 2*} Steward and his wife_,who refu fed to take A the {aid oath five thoufand pounds a peace, “fie their two daughters 8: 3477285 Gray three thoufandpounds a pecce, and imprifoned them:;AfQr notVp’ayhing—_ the faid fines“. The {aid A ~ HmryASte:mrAd: Wife and daughters ééfames Gm_y,beAing_t~he Kings liege peolceof the $cottiihNati0»n, and divers otheg-she ufcd A iny;t:helike manner-.;,and\»hthe fa+idEaeIe,upon 4 "’eetéhatoecafi0n;;d—id declare; that t~he£'haid;;_oath d}e.ida?rx0?w;ne1y oblige them in point of al1e- \ gianee WV) % _ §3&“¢€A*0 M5 Maieflya and .acknqw£edge.. mew: of%hisiS.upreznacy army, but ta zfthje Ceremonies 8: gmm-nmcn[t fQffiAtrh‘€ Church cfiabliflied, or to be eflablifhed by his Ma. ieflics royall ‘Authforiryg and Vfaid, that%thc? rcfufers to obey,he.would profccute to the ’ blood» A ¢% "XX. A A %That the {aid Eaflc infhe r5§ancI16}. yeeres of his Maiefiies Areigne, and %diver.s Ayeeres pafl, :labou1-ed and endeavoured %to % . ~be%et:in his Majcftie an ill opinion of his Su jcéis, namely, thofe..ofch4c Scottifli ng- tion, and divers andfundrytimes, and efpee dcially {incc the pacification made by his Majcfiy with hisfaid fubjeéts ofscctland A in Fummer,in ztzhewfiftcenuth ycmjc “of Ma}- A jeflies r'eig»ne 5, he, the fa%1d’~Ear1c‘4dg1d 1.61;-r and em%Ie;vouAr to Jpevrfwade, incite, and Agra» A voice his Majefiy to an offcnlive wan‘: Va» A gainflhis {aid fubjeéis of the Scottifh Na» 4 tion : and the faidc."Eérle, by his counfell, aéfions, and endcvours,hath beene and Aisa principa1I:and4chiefe 4‘§ryA of“_thc warm and difcord :bet‘wAcene h1s~jMa;efiy and his SL:bje6tsA of England, and {the {aid Suibjccfitsof SCO_t1aDd,_ and hath dfzclarfich W‘ % E2. andfa, €34)‘ _ and advifed has Majef’cie,, tthatt the demand ‘made by the Scotsi_n this Patliametnt were a fufficient caufe of wane againft them. The {aide Earle having fdrmerlytexpreffed “the; height 85 rancotof histtninde towards ;’ his. fubjeétseof'theScottifl1 N‘ation,*t viz. A ‘" the tenthxdaye of Onitober, in the ‘fifteenth yeare of his Majefties reirgne, hee {aid that 4 the Nation of the Sacots were rebels, and V traytors 5 and he being; then about to come to EngIand,%h"7e the‘ue'fut¥tt11er‘*{‘aid«._, that’ if it tpleafed A his Mafler (meaning his Maiefliej to fendhim backe againe, bee would mote ‘A out"'"of the faidlfiingdome [7 ( meaning the . Kingdomeof Ireland ) the Scottifh Nati- A-on both root and branch.Some Lords,and others who-thad taken the faidpathein the precedent »A1jtiClC‘ A onely excepted A A and the faidj Earle hath caufed divetrsoftheetfztid A t ‘ Ships and godds of the Scots to begfiayetd, feizedgmd moleflzed, tothe intent to fetqn the faid warte,et % v * A V 1-text t t Thzuzthefaid Earle of StraflT9rd;N{hottiy' % yeeret‘ofhis Maje&tiesR1ign, catne imflithis Realms “after et1$§l{'fi4p_g.£‘D. :ané‘A§har¢in;d@ny%.i9gVan Tum v V@9¢fi~8¢;.t0;fnx2i*1yaV%iifi1f~:1fV%.A;,yerhérwaws arm Hee xdmaliciouaxa 1 A t scfirfed 5» "mall * ~=n%4%m¢511r ar9v4d%;f0r tzhg . \ .«,.m.~ ~ Kzfiséwrlfi nu ‘fl K. ‘ <3 E ‘ V ' |u"» : u. re ‘ ow.-no A V »< j A fa'%ié;iA¥ioi1‘JAf’e 05 011$”, Vh‘e did Vwifhffixc héfpe fiar"£a~ ::Iv1‘cés:.*<:"3‘E'th;e faxd’*ArChbifl1dm3éj~ of camrmy and; «the Lcmi:* ‘Fm-55 ”"l§te'J L:ord,1§efepe;:’bfc:hva4gWrEat Séale‘ came to ;'i2f;’dpfiblifhed’Zifihi_§[M%W % iePcies_né.me,', a';;f:a;1 fefi‘aifi<;I fcand‘a:1éa Ii§%;"% fintiftlcd, Hi: Majg/fies Declaration? of Lcaufissthat nmoved i;1;m_;g Vdififoilxze the Iafl: M Parliament31fuA§lof fired malicious in» veétives, and £31122, and fca‘t1dja1Qu$ afpgzfig ‘ ma: noe;1iongLafrer%:h¢% d:£ros1u:ib=n or faia1;;&“pzrgznme;:¢, (A>L¢;;*2. I1a§ichtrAt1j~j;:jti¢’tl*r‘e?§V¢ 6fVM#w¢%¥ua«e:¢mr:t;;reimfiérld 3? did aévire 2 ieavyingof’r{1e‘*fSh%ip:Mméy,” fiflddid‘ fan‘ W? rhsfiff 311¢riPF€S0€f%vera11 C1cmt.iesA:o be “*5” #11333?-f5é?% % ‘,3*cfi1;chambéri] %;%af?fErwayd7§b’§2 d‘ f=#ed’in%t ] . ;;S§ar¢%h3Vfr1bflj¢.:=,¥i2Aif4 his “\afi.vi1Wt"e-: - n¢e;evy%%;he r¢me§4andé mm mm 1‘ 9ri1’oned¢by his advice, about ‘%thatm*1ci'9tfié5§ I V ' % 1%1€a1l%pam¢n§=.% M’: A 4 4 ; ‘An&¢agr€at.1@an”e:ofét,-hun»dred thoixfand fiouncis A was demandedof the City oFLon-+- don,and the Lord Major and theflldermeh and rhe’5i1<3rifl7cfs ofthe {hid flCity; Tvjveg-e Qfim fem‘ f«0r]bY his advice tofiifiiC9um:¢l~TabIé:, 4 to%ive an e1ccou:1tA7of%[ th eir proceedings in mi 1 1oan€,&.f were req;1ircd%t0 certific the": names mffuch I;;hab1:ant,$4 OfAthc°,{aiAd .‘City”as; were %:fitAto%:l€nd;% %Wl*uch they wit4hmuch:humilVi:y «ategfjufingto; doe, he thefaidEarle ofstrayfard fig 0fAShip-§m0ney,&Afurtlaeringjof that A fiid ufe thefe orthe like fpecches zriZ'_,.. (wt A they dc/%'W¢d to éepzat to F2523? Md Ran/bm,and Mat fi0g0?61.W0%l6{~5»¢fl’0W5 wité them, ta?"/plm, we (ffiiflpge Awm $5443“ afthzx-'z5é'.%4 that fbtyé werfidwid r ay%u«:»e /aAcelm azédfameAqfzW%Aldcrme;n5 éwfiggd V ‘T/P1» ‘ % 3.; ::xé%r.;« ‘ms théfaid Baum: srmj’oxdby' ms. wicked..counfcIl:having bmughg his 4»4Majefi3r 4imo.ex¢eflive% cghatge 5*w;i:t.h@1:1 r anyjuficaufeg h;e..di¢1:;ia:1 the mémech ofI;1lyIa&;(f0~r them» ‘p;0rx.¢1*ftAhe£'aid gf¢a£%£h3;rgg€:%s §3;Q11;taFElIA..a7Anc!< I jetits zwim. Q approve two da$gexQm§mi»wickédd%PW- And aémraingxy =(4D)— V’ V.To%feizeLip’onthe%Bu11i0fi’at;théiwfney‘ inthe:-Mimz. 4 ' ::he~miXtures%ofBrafl"€_. ~~ j bee produi-ed one~h%%1m.. Afigi to imbare his Mamas] cozngwim dtéd and thirty Jthoufand p0ur§ds,wh1ich was A thenwin the9Mim:, and be_IQ:§gin$g to%df1ver%s“ «Merchants 5,: ftrangersgmgl othérs}, tO‘%';‘ farzézd "Von andzfiayad ,to€hi§ Majéfifies Li'fe2Atgd3%AwhenV di“versAA‘Mexch nts~%%of London, owners offthc xfaid*Bu11imi~,caznetohishoufe tolec¢l1A%im:%uLna dc1_f&_ai1‘d": ‘;~thc:-:45 7 great m¢ifch.i‘eqfe;; that; cQurfe% Wouldproduce here,and other p~3r:s,%whac AA prejudice icwould be :0 :hejKingdomc, by 4 A difcriediting the Ming, ‘ and hindring tht3 im- ,1 portation of A Bufi"0nA+:w;Qhemc.hc%faid Earle ‘row them ,that the City idflofidon dealt 'un'du ti- fully and Lmthankfulily with his Majefly,and that th'ey'werem-ore ready to helps the Re... A béli, A they ; to ” helpe his‘Majefiy tandazhat if A a-nvvh*i.?t%¢ame towcm, they%mig11t rhanke themfelves. ami*%j4fhac it A Awas the courfe of \ Jothet“ Princes, tojwmake iufe o,ffuch%monies ~“ferv%c4thcir oécafion 3. and A Andvvhen inth eVfacnf1%e month Imuly thte . Aflicfers ofhis” Majc Mess Mint camg to him» M Ténfi ‘gmagiré’ him diivfers reams: égainifi fheimfi % A baling ~r3&f.1t"ir2AeV?faidrridnay, he troId:Athéfn»»that. % ‘the French King did ufet'o fc1'ifl* C o"rrii{i'a«1;ifes~A rity“; and "wismour?*an ?i*la:. of Hcsfié with Commiflion to {each inm mcjns efiétes, A andVt-Mb wfiéiiife ‘their accompts, m that {o ghcy mayknow what to Iewgy ofchem A y%Vfo%:tf€*;~4;i~‘wrhitfi‘1thcy%Hid<4é‘ccio§ding’14y lfévicz and m ffling th¢; L rd;‘Cvt§ing%a3&%chen5ip‘re.; A f,en.t¢ , faid», Tim“ zé;*a;gm: warm 6:26 cVanfiderat»fi;z.\t"§: A ” ‘ w w - ~- ‘ . -. .‘. .. ,' ‘ F 5 ““ ' ». w .‘ I 1. -a “ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ w ' ‘ ‘ < "" ‘H w v . « ‘ it ” ' "ayrfi ‘ .n . ‘ ‘ ’ :4) V That may about thcmonxh offliugufl rm hewas:%1made€% *' L‘iéVutreganA§ :rg en‘~1e rail o3Li”7alA4g~ hié M%Aa“jefl:iz:s A form: %"i‘$i<‘7~¢ Qrtheime apartfi‘ 1 M.\_. - m ‘n J ‘ ‘,."Q_~‘.4(3,"-»a_u. againfl: the Smits, and..béing ~at”Y<>’r1c e did,‘wir’x* » the mgomh of September by his own authog pofe ‘ a’ Task; O'n’hi&944MajVeV£&ic§ f'ubjr:é%s in; the’ v?uV1IW'a~;r‘rAéVzit, 7'; fmgw V County offarée,‘ of > pence per diem;,forA A maintcn%ance‘dfevery #36:-mlier of the trained A Bsahcfls ‘Of AVth_a7t’V”Cou¢nty%, wliich fummcs. of’ mbncyThecau1:ed t0"9b6i1evicc'i by fm’.rcc~:.wAnd tothe énd fioéompdi ljns; Mgtjefiies fubjcéts out offeare and mrrour rm yeeld tor*% the pay; ‘mam of the fzjuxae; ‘He did declare «jt‘hat a~h&27c* w*oulAd.cmmmitjrthiemg thacVi4re”fiifed aha‘ pay-A men: tt;etcd‘+f; ama the ‘$oL1ldi¢rs~fl17QLi1§labc&j' “ ' A F; fatxsficd ‘ A rA:m£'ufed%: itgwi€i;t=I€; infvgaggy ;1it£%;;1€ .b;ci.tfef€f:£:DIBQf1%Ai$1a (44 fazisfied ~Qf!Ih;eir eflacfi and;:theyv;4thac "mm W ‘ __ _ R . M if .."%\1?%.1afi£tV{:fi\£-.§the.f,' ?:mthVe:$V%;:0f »Sé,Av1ter2é§Ae%w&4 +an&3 gzmr%1a&, he :xae&:1'aiaEr1.c«oA¢& .$";t.mfi22rd be». mg cerrtified0fthcSCOti ¢commjing i~n:::cs he Kingdomc, and hfi-«VIh£¢fa4id gefiarle emf Stmffira’ being Licutenantgefuerall ofhis Mejcflifis Army, .didImA&;provide for the dew fence: of the Twwne ofNewcaIHe as I-Ice 0”ugiix% t.M:tav%e done,bu: fa filzred the fame gta hm Iéaxflg; ;; +?thTa§: A ;.fm’he h,'x:;rh§g;: mare incqnfe tiaefin g~;!%1'fh:‘:‘a gairjfi ~:th;;@ .$mmé4,; An A far*» §~tff_;m§ fmne%‘%wiic§eH purp%of€,;%¢ om: o§~aWrI‘2+aIie;i:c:;51s vv .9...-N9 u , B . av“ dl DE % V V Sgvtfiamdimi A % a£1®fl“&‘1?'*a’m‘Tfi55d“yVAw:ar, b6 ”d id L‘«v~2:'i'z1t':.ifi m zhe;£a;m7 .» mam ;u beg merafl 0f:heh?orf§3,afld under the fa}Zd44LiF4]a*I1e3 Acomg-J A A .@;:heit%he £:h0uE&‘"fi{ght,.with;thelgfittifh tiiie paAfI7ageTyA§2e,wh%a*:fa4f r;fl1n;uI&f9l10w;4mp:w.i;t~hfia;m V g jthag ‘P w ., A %£wrd*Camvwy :. haaaé +formeri;z§4b;% ~:L$~z’£t6m *i,¢h%§?advi;ic‘%e?o£a»A Mi n*r.¢»rmedmm me {aid$Eear1e, that His Maicm ; ‘ . H » M ;m~xxgy4.;;hn4u“ndex his earmxhag wafi n€§£*j,m;fffm+rc:c:ag:fu4c1en&t. ro{~%~xncauMer the=Saom~ W. “ V Ii». gégma-y m rim 4 4 ¢4s3% d2utyoFfiEs~% place betray his aje -fies; Am? A men uirflcr his commamfifio appamm§,a;~aAg;e; and ig;‘:flE.=.m } ' ; aid wary ofwhiwth wows, caunfiéiiag and a