TH E:% % OR‘ D C LA RA. T " ’ _ 0 F j‘ 0 71% Efquifc: ftermche Recapitulatfon or fitzmnaing up of the Charge 0? f:Tzg72~'1'§*ea/52% A e./I%A1'N5'T% V A , * EA RLE 0 F S T RAFFO R % ‘I 6 % .:..._u. Twat;/594 5;» Order Qf mg... % C OMM 0N5 House... -ws~..._....... f6N®0N, % 7B1:i,11tcg:1Mfor JOHN BA12.T.L%E‘wT-¢I¢541«_ A DEC LARAT 1 o A % %_ ‘P T1|4{,Efq: écc, ‘ “.1 I M Lci nus, V % daycs havWe7 » been A fpcnt M in ;‘ ; A .. merit:0Fth?eEcz2*l¢¢ofS;rafl9rd, by , V the AHozJé of (ominous, “whereby he ijtands ' charged V¢V‘Wit’hJ I-fig}: 'T2'e¢a21 : An you: Long/72ips havc heard his ‘Dcjéncc with fltiencc, and with as nriuch Favpurasluflicc wmild allow :7 We havépfififichfcmtghour A V A A42, Evidence, % %maintcnancc of the Impcachu <2) Evidez-Ice, and the Rejizlt of all thisis, thafi it ‘ remaincs clearly Proved That the hEar-Ie qf Strafifird bat]: indedvozered A by 75115 ‘words, affiom, andcomgfili, tofwbvert tire Fzmdamentall Lame: of Ergglandmzcl Ireland, and to irziroduce an/12*bitr_my and '13*ra2mimllGovernme22t. _ A A h This is the envezzomed Army for “he the b§gi;nninhgWh_hpf his "fieplicatiori this day , which hath infcfied all his 3101451; This that Inwxzfcafingiflcup, (:0 ufc his owns Metaphor) which hathcainted hishfudcgemezzt, and poifoned his 2’-Jémrt; From hence was infufisd that; Specificzzll #”;7).iflé*rez‘zc,2 which cur» ned his S_;”2eecI2es,his Aflioiés , his CoiZ7‘2fi¥ls into Treafnz 5 Not Czmzul.cztz've,as he cxprefc it, as if many Mzfilezneamurshcould»ma’keionc '.Ti5eafi2z5 ,13u§=E“0fi?14Z!yar1d~Ej]Ential?}’.* “I: his the End that dothitifcr 1116 ./!£?i0fl5,.andh dOth~/]7ec{/icate the nature of éhcrn, [making ._noton*eIy% criminall, 4 but cveri indijjérmt "words and aflions to be rea_/0n,bei:zg_done and-»fP,oken With a Tram y/enable intentiom A h N 6 ‘. A’ V A’ “ t T1135 .Whichis givcnmchhin claazge, is, to am (3) V fhew the quality ofethe cfiérzce, hoW='l;m'2zoz¢»s it is in the 2»zamre., how mi/Qlaieizom "in tlueeefléfi ofitgwlai-ch will beff appearee if it beeeexafneia A ned by that Law,to which he. himielfe appea- 1eofthelfingandt ]{z'ngdonte.. 3. Anrotherexctje Wash this, that Whtahtfba» ever he hath fittken was out of agoorl inttentita on 5 Sometimes good“ and evifl, tmtba%ndfaL- _/Yooad lie fo near together, that they are hardiy to be dijfinguijiaedz Mattetshurt/ufl and dan- M V gerew may he ‘acctompatnied ‘With fuch air» : * cttmflamet as: may make‘ it 2.tppe’a?reufe£7u1la:nt§t _ h‘C0nvet1ien:t',at¢tdf in all fuch cafes , g00cUfi‘£eI1t7§- t_ ‘ an": will j;_utPti.fic evifi Couzrtjellsetttt Whetet1he- mattet5»~ C It) s matters ptogaouneied are evilliti their own m- ‘ tare, fuch asthenmtters are wherewithi the E. of Strafiord is charged, to lfreaka paélique fait/a,t0/u5v€rtiLa'w$ and Gsverzzmsmgthey can ‘never be jufiified by atzy intentions, ihew“ higecious, or good foevetttisthey he gretendefl. H€*WZ?£dget‘i§ it was "a time of great 4 V s ‘ntt,e[fz'§y and dange-mwhen filfiil counfeis were i neceflny for prefervation of the State. Ne. ceflity hath been fpoken ofbefore, as it reiates to the Caufegsnow it i5~C0nfidCrCd as it ijeiates to the Perfon5 if there were any neceliity, it was of his own making; he by his evilcoum fell had brought the King into a neceliit ,» and by no Rules ofluflice, can be ai/owed to gainthis advantage by his own fault, as to " i make that a ground of his~.ju{’ci*fication, which is a great part of hi 5 oflencc. "5. Hchath often in/inflated this, That it iwastfot his Majefiies Iervice in tmaintenance ofthat Soveraign -Power with which he is in.- t twyigd by God forthe good of his people. The A .£mfWet»tis this, No ‘doubt bet that Sovcraign V Pawn as-cw--— (25 ) i Power. Wherewith his eMaj’efly is imtrufled for the pnblique goochhath many glorious efiéfis, the "better to inahile him thetenntog But i without doubtthis is none ofthem,That by his own will he may lay any Taxe or Impofi- tiweu onhis eo le Withouttheit conlirntin P (Parliament. This hath now been five times adjudged by both —Ezlimfe.r: In the Cafe of the Lomzes, In condemning‘ithtetfonzmi/Wri of Eihg/e , In the Rel“olutionenpon~the Sam rvincgt ofi7ered‘.vto be aclidecltoithe Tetitionof flight 3..- In the. fentence againfl Manmring, and now lately, In condemning the Ship. A man: - And if the Sovetaione- Powerioiii I D the King can produce no ifueh as this, . the Aflgation ofit isan»Aggravation, and no Diminution of his ofl'ence, bccaufe thereby he Cloth’ labour to intetell the King againfi AT the jufi grievance and complaint of the‘ P30 lC¢ i % t W 6.. This Cam:/EH was ~p1‘-opouncled with ” divers limitations, and ?f,ro)>i/io22s- for lecu- i 3 ring and ropairingtheli6ergvofthefaeop!e.This _ implies lacintradifiionato maintain an Aréitrmy ‘. abfolnte Power, and yet toltefirain it With’ “ ' i ” A M ltzxzitatioru, and pmvifw%n:;% for even th of: 222225 5 Atatiozzs and provf/ioméwill be fubjcét toAthe Fame abfolutzfawcr, andto be difpeniéd in fizch manner, and atfizch time, asiz: felffhall determine; let the grievance: and apprefizans he never F0 heavy, theAASu5je£¥is left Without all rcmed'y,7but at hisAMajcPcies own Plcafuirc. 7. He allcdgeth, they Wera but '&2ard5,and ma efi36?foI;lowéd;This ntecds no a%nfw“¢r,bu4t. that the mffemlvle dijfempers irnm which he A hm-.h~ broughtalil the three Kingdomcs, will u’ beevidcnccfuflicient that his Wicked& Camr- felshaveha Fuchmifilviavm efiéas within thefit two orthrea Iafl years, that4many years A peace will hardly repairs thofé Ioflés‘, and 0356? great ‘ mijfchiefes; which the ¢»omme::«-% wait]: hath; fuflaixmd; Thcfc cxcufés have been collefted; out of % A the 1‘cvcra11Aar:sg:oFd his Dqfmce 5 perchancc fomeo1:hers‘4a‘Ie—mittcd, which I d4oubt not havebiwacn anfwcrved‘ by fame of my C01- 1€gL1cs,& and are ofno%impoVrtancc, either to % :Pcrp1cx¢ or thvindcr your‘Lrdfl1ipsjudge-—-” meat... 5-... ~ Vm meat, tozxching’ the %hAainoul'ncfl?».* ofthis _ The ninth Cm/ideration is gigs, Thzfi if this be TrmjE2n,% in rhcnaturcof it,wit dflth ex- cccd an other Trea/Ems in this, Thatm the Dcfign, and cndcavour.ofthcAu£hor, it was to be a can/Lint and a‘ permanent Treajim 3 ache: %Treafons are tranficrnt, as‘ being confindc - Within thofc particular afiiorzx anidpropartiaizs whcreikn they did confifl’, and‘ thofe bfiing paflz, thcvfreaflm ccazikth. V 4 V A i V The fi’mder.Treaz/onwas Fulrl ofhorroer and malignity,iyet it is pafl many years fin%c’e;'I”hc % mzwa’er0ftha~t Magzmninzam andgloriom King, Vflzmyrtlaed fauftb ofFmnce, was a ‘great and %hmrid:Treufon: 54 And: fawcre thofé manifold attempts againfi Q1, Eliqabetb 0f biefl’ed= me.- mory 3 but they are longfince pafi, the 39179-- flation oftham onlyremains in I-Iwfleriex, and inthe minds ofmen ;, and will ever remain; But thisTrea]bn", ifit; ha& taken efiéft, was :0 would have been in comizmafl afhnot dmrmi-= mi Within one time or age, but trmzjmizted to W aj?er»ity, even frotngenemtiontqgeneratfona . 4 D 3 The be a;Pcan:ding3 pcrpetuali Trea/an, which A A (28) .16" ‘ e The tenth Cor;/idemtion is this, ‘That as it is 9, Crjme todieus inthe nature ofit,{b It IS odiu a ous in the judgement and eftimation of the V Law To alter the fetled frame and conflimtian of Government, is Treafon in any eflate5 The Law: whereby all other parts ofa. Kingdome h are pteferved,' ihould be very vain and defe... Etive ,if they had met a [newer to {come and Pres ierve tiaemjelves. a The fmffeitures infliéfted for» Tmflm by our Law, are ofLifi:,Hanear,and Eflate, even all that canhbe forfeited, and this Prifonet « having committed foman A Trea(‘ons,taL thmigh hefheuld Payall thefefc1rfi'itures,WiIl be fiill a Debtor to the Conztnannwealtlottze Nothing can be more equal! then that he s fl1@uld Pflfifll by the Iuflice of that Law which he would have {‘ubvctted5Neithetwil this be a new Way ofb1oudgThere are marks enough to trace this Law to the very origi. na1;1ot'ehis Kitngdomet And if it hath not a been put in execution, as he alledgeteh, this 240. years, it was not for Want bf La W, but _ that all that time hath not bred a man bold enough to commit futh {Crimes as theta-5 which <29)» * which is acircum ante much aggravating his oH‘ence,%ancl making him no whit lefle liable 4 to punifhment, beeaulie he is the nnely man that info longe altime hath ventured upon a fuck _aT:-eafmas this. l A ~ It belongs to the charge of another to malte it iappear to your Lordfhips, that the Crimes and Oflences proved againfl the E'erle_of Strafyrd, are High Treafim by the Lawes and Statutes of this Realm, Whole learning and ‘ other abilities are much better forthat fervice; But for the time and manner of performing this, we are to relbrt to the Direrfiirm of the A Hoafe offommom, having in this which is al-- ready done, difpatched all thofe inflrufiions i which wee have received ; and ctancerning further proceedings, fer clearing all %efli-» ons and Objeétions in Law,your Lordlhips will hear from the Houfc ofCommon: in con; venient time.~ FINI3»