TW SPEECHES: T H E CONCERNIN thc Wdcifiswian thc 6”” 05 Mmmcm. '1' be other the §'tm'rc¢CImmbcr% TW SPEECHES: T H E CONCERNIN thc Wdcifiswian thc 6”” 05 Mmmcm. '1' be other the §'tm'rc¢CImmbcr% V1 A D E V E R s % AA SFEECH the moftfifmfwb. A V Ms: Lam 5:» A A A Did lately mm: yaw: Lmrafihips that thc bmach of the gacxficatiam m1.ghtA , _ A 1 adily rwimwcd M tm Wm?! i*»W€,[jLm~ riwm 5 truly my mpinima at that time is yet: mthing altered, altbmgh upm be;m:¢r th0uf.ghts(m¢ rhi.n}ms)it: would firifi be krmwn who» did. afiuaily engage us in thwfx fruitielfc diflfcnfiw vmmmd fb dmsm tiw m}ifr;thiwfc fmm. fame: carigiw mil“ Fm my Lmm’£,theKiugd0mc fcanm0rm%mv1«mg fland at gmc or undu rgoa new burthens. mould pmfper ) mufi Aprcfcntlyv Arn*%cc:im1ife frwm the whale pcop&£,othcru'ifc wee thallf an: im in a dreamt: and Awhcn the Afuccefli-:= &iPr'¢:rsA gem ax-~ pe&at:z,it: is mm: mough t0cry,gyuar£' ,.:4w.z pmtwram. ‘W’lm:mf0m what is to bcdmmc (iAfymuint¢a~mi it My Lsrdmhe Wifwnmn {'ak:s,r!:cr:: is :1 pmp;3rfm~% {am frail things under the Sum, wand w mfmn find thcwpcrimc~nt in nAa.AVrum.1} bmiitzss §»m* !1£a'A'?;a my :*r~ Wiw1- tarily waakcmmto recount flrcngtm yer Awith :3. mm flrifiim m fuchboundswnd Iimirag as thaf-’hyfir.i an ;prcf¢:ribcsh1mift:ifc,axLdAtm1y,I thsixzize it £5 yam? Lmrdihips t:af.:: at this pnimt: _.,V aczitkicwr m wniidgrr what mQm&d %furr1:crbc~da%m than is zalrrzay, tar mlfa how%a:c:*;Afi ¢;'t mm Of thofc labyrinths was new * nraz inhlcft the wows mftbe Pfalwifi came: Acnmczr m M A ‘A “*3; avg A AA aux? MyLMsIam%€onfiz2«>ufefCéAmi2né>n’§* A A doth.t11rough1‘yJ?¢egb%Qt£; intdthe pix-‘:juVdice, A 8-:»va1'E . -- A experxce t1ia:‘tI1@fé icg; laV,upon~tI1e%%Iand,gnd A a%x¢ “uhdovubtedly ‘Afd AAGentFen'1é”*n~M w»6rt11,AAasAAAfit A 5 there, will h..:we«f*eAnde1;* A ay &§?,rv1§EA1 L’ommon— A A ‘gs-reaI.c‘It‘ wi11A—tl1eref0re become; your ; Ldorcfifhips ta ‘A ‘ ~ “ AiAE3C0nd1;;11en1i§1jr@ur way,A!a11d vvl1ilf3:»thefyaf>p1yto A A A p;:bI:iqu”é:m*ou1fic1*é,€T1c Ac;21?‘c:’FtfiiéAfi<§ufé»mayA’1EarchA 3% A A the” it1t:eAfi:‘r1.e%s_,AA' 1A:<3tA»*”;CAF3é11fed,i;t%% % Mj{AA J3,0i‘z¥$;Aii;*bfceti‘i&§?theE;§rIé“éf*‘»$tmf]5?d53nd“¢H¢ Axmwiiaophavegeaae wayesfr %imA:iqgicy;fmd AeveryVon“¢ 5é;aéa»:;§esVhow rbé them“ A ‘ any tiiflé‘ Af7p1‘~ingAVat1Ag~i‘%fa'i19p’p1:intf-fAI*i¢A wlA:01e.,fa1wiA¢k4£9f ; A V fiAIIuA,flice%A % A."A.gQit11CfI1'01’1('1;Bifl‘i()p53.fldé a~Temgma1119£ % iitlw ' 4 S;CA0Auflf€14f‘f%®re¢eia:e€omp1aimswpA§in A mail :;d1‘;'_'in :ormai:i_on,A4Lat1d rite‘: furflx partiesAtczwa1‘j. A ~pe3re;as? fia5nd—Q.acc%ufed -aanyvmiféienméanyoig and T « A ?ithisV:~im;f2mé£c¢+of: $aw¢mv % ,%,r.:~A;A"B2.ugAfa£- ‘ ‘(um Mon:fi:r,«md4¢wimaf°ritfayesathey A who a1fc ‘At0 judge C3fI‘P1‘0C€€€ivWithAn0 delmquent, g 0therwif"e th EA if he ;9§theA fame crime h byd%ueprc2oceffc of‘=Lasv,¢ and doeyour Lord{-‘hips hold this a rational} Court that {studs us toArhé. ‘A aw 2meIAcAaII» AbackAeA {rpm itAAAVag:aine3‘Secondly, %&tvers;j-udicatofie s%(;0fifoundA‘oneAanothexgé’ izzpefl fiw:?RA8PWiwAP1w‘iW 7‘§€455t12is3«2?‘-1‘€af0I1A isAfroAwv . A wirtam Aflanzje;0f:*rath€£_ 4» €07»=‘Af“i¢Wi1Aflcs$§A ;aAIA1dA ofthig _ “ them aremany examplegboth idorneflzI@eA4ml4 %A AA I *;~e2§g?2e,but moreA particfilariy ~th¢ParlAiam,enA:sA of = _:'ffm;§:z ”abi;nrc.v»iat;eci 1i=I.1_tofubti1A1AAPrigace burnAcdAAAtAh¢ Avolume in _ »t*heEpit0me,for tothis da y: ‘When am the3;;.eA{’catcs ‘ t'hA6 ;s5C“re;>Awne th:e%new,.f¢itAis AAGAommon..AAProvsr€e,AA41- 4 I1 1 A A Alqxs‘:zJeiia%v c.Z%eVsv%&2f2hrzAtAA(:5. /l4y%I.AAqrd£,Arb:itr2iry;judg— ;. AA »:;?nent:,de%{t;oy th¢C6q1onLaAwes,gnd inthe 21%;-¢ea;; A I ACh.+mcrs%As=1AiE_I<3AI2ffAus Lawef4-Ed-3-.A Aremaines in force for theholdingtafa Parliament onccaycjareg or mo1:coften,ifoccafi@n rcqui;re,yet whoAAduz:Afi ayeare ages A mention fuck; 3, Stafiut;::.~*; V f without incurrmg thczdangcr OEML-. zlfzlertsprog. AA fccut:-ion A? A ‘ H .Theref@re I {hall hmnbly moveyourlotdflfips, that a feleéi: C<:;;mfnitteAa of a few may benamed I A tbconfider %of1:hc"AA6t "caf Parliament if {@1565 and A ' ‘i=fthey {hall thinks it ofas great; prejudice aAsI doe,‘ 7 that then the I~IoufcofAConi1&I0n5iflF11e ufuizll A mam: rmybe made jacquaiAutedwit_:h it‘:-‘ither by A A Bill A Cat c0nf::1fence,who may hapA'piIya~I{'0 thAinkcA; it; f 2; bxiu-then to the fubjeft, arid fdwhen t;_heA whola 2 * A Bodyof Parliament AAfi1aA11.joyncA:in one A{i-1pp1i€ati~-- 7‘ % 0:1,! am can fideht his Majeflzie will fldefi-r’ctha1; ” ‘A A nothingAAfl1QAu1dAf¢m3Ai”n@.ifi¢f0fC€ which T * hispcopledoénotwillingly 0b°Yi % mmrmwmmmwm i