’, In .—«, .- .. W...‘ I ,,_ .M‘_‘,' « . _ , ., _ V_ _.,.7... \ " . ' r O ACCUSATION. .EXHIBITED- S By the Commons I-Ioufe ofPar1ia-f ment now aflembled, AGAINST S"-John Bramflon Knight, } _7u/flee: of his M43 5'. Robert Berkley Knight, jcflier B mch. ‘ ‘S’. Francis Crawlcy Kmght, one of the fufliec: of the Common -plea. S’. Humphrey Davenport Kmgbr, Baron: of hi: 8'. Richard Wcflon Kmght, and€M4jefl:e.r Ex: 5'. Thomas Trevor Knight, cheque:-. _.___._.._. 2 Canon. 19.5, 7. Jcliofaphat [aid to the ]ua/ges, Take heed what ye doe :for_yl judge not for man, hat for the Lora’ 5 wherefore let the fear: (if the Lord he upon you ; for there 13' no iniguity with the Lordour Goa’, nor taking afgifts. A>__ ..¢ ‘— Printed in fhc ycare, 1641. f? with 4/f. ' th'efaid';Sir"R.-‘almrid H’(fl'0n‘(5eirig then one ‘OF the Batons of the C¢’>urt"df..Exeheqt'ier) fubferibed an extraiu’dic'iaIl ‘opipioh in anfwer ‘ .\ "" Q ' * ft ~‘'_';’ .5 x =0 zinc-,~:-= H « ' ‘ ‘ 54 . J \. . mm misc , vgrv 933:‘ 't:¢i3J?'&M,sH"';2:§a$§: t ” .....'3*i‘—‘~’~‘:‘ ' t . . . , . ” . ' 1 - = mud 295 i or y’) j 5 xiflticlcs W‘.II.1:ll'f¢’ iziihc tame lofjlv-c,I1rg’g‘(lft/fI,. anduall ‘Tzbch . cgmgmk, afifingga-(id; gggefiz/i,S:_r,. lliichetd Wefion Kllggbt, 4:22; ct./2;; ~ ‘Diff!/J-‘: f‘:-"~ . / x‘r.‘ - .--111-1,-.~ , . .. I ,;}Hit_the faidfiir Richard We/Ion, about the moneth of Novcm—' ' N ‘_ ‘i.’ eat, Dymiizi 1635,; then being onefof the Barons ofhis _ ii , ‘JM:tje,{‘1ie,3 Court .of- . hequer, and having taken anoath for thedue A.drnini,(lt;t.tioxio_ ice to is iylajcfiies liege pe_ople,‘aC-3 iording to the, Lawes,andL$ta'ttIt'a's of this Realtnc,fubfcrib'ed his name to an opinioni/2 Inc ‘oerba : I am of opinion» &f- (If fupri in Sir Ra.- beyrj Be2'.{lg’3' Cb.n'ge. 4 _ A ' . . . '_ 3.. 'That.‘n orabdut the moncth of. I?cbruary._..42ma Domini I6 6. 'd - _B¢r¢uITo[.bj5Viiajqillw-Colfrf.0f:3E.tC/9¢q?€7‘;.' it(11{L_'ac_l.2_izzg._b.';22 myfill-3 ~ 1}.‘ to queflions in a Letter from his M ait-fly‘ in /1.2: verb; .° LC/uirle: R..«When-the good and fafety of‘ the Kingdome in is ‘concerned, Ste, utfi¢;r?z. ' 1 That the faid Sir Ri‘cl2.a7'r1U'(/I072 (being then one of the Baron: of his,‘Maie_Ries Court of Exchequer) did deliver hisopinion and itidgemegijz infthe Exchequ;-r chamber againli Io/912 Ha!/zpdm Efquirc in" general]. the Care '3f{hipmoney,' That he the {aid I0/97I»Ha'I!.B[-‘dtlv,-Sic. as in Judge . crawlzfrc b.zrg- - 4- That whereas in the moneth of April 15. Carol/3 the Officers of the C uftome-houfe having {cifed a {hip of one Samud Warrm ’s, laden with Tabacco,heing the goods of the {aid Warner, the btillte of the {aid (hip notbeino broken, and no information exhibited for the Kingr ac- cording co c§c' courfc of the Exchequer For any-duty, the ‘Banons were moved,‘ that the-(‘aid flaipmight be refiored to the Proprietors, giving fecunty to pay fuch duties as didbelong to the-King = But, up-. on'_the.allegation fthe Kings Attorney, that there needed no info:-_ tfifitiom hecauf A eiteyas no penalty. the {aid Sirxicbard Wr(Zo;; (bc; ingthenmie oft ‘e Barons of his Maefiies Court of Exchequer, to- gether with the ref} of the then Barons of the {aid Court) did (con. trary to his oath, and contrary to the Lawes of this Rcalmc) deny the -. -rcftitution of the {aid {hip,_unlefle all the duties demanded by the Farmers ofthe Cufiome-houfe were firft paid. Hereupon the Taid Wdvur-hto ht an aétion of Trove: upon‘ the cafe in the Office of . Pleas in the xehequer againft the {aid Oflicers that feifcd his {hip and goods 2 whereupon the Kings Attorney Generall exhibited an Infor- mation by Englifn Bill in the Exchequer-chamber againfi the {aid C d ) Warmr, <57’) Q2 75’ V5 1' «Low. ‘°°e—7§§."e. at nration, in regard no titie for any duty was fit ‘forth b the 7T' fudge Wefion's Charge. aamvgu sgaggtgi ' , ._ _ . yr dize wire . gm; we cram Kings revenue, that the {aid {hip was feifed for non- payment of e a?°I'¢_fald ¢i|glt}¢s$ Notwithihncfingdte faid Warmer the proprietor profwuttd ~the.6Es. eers upon a Suit"~\”t' Law, and prayes that he may anffifl V5‘ 915 131' forrnationbéfore any further ptote'evdin§§ behadilt LIW-"5rhC1’¢“~P* on the (aid Sir Richard Wcflnn, together with the reft of tilt then 31- tons of the {aid Court of Exchequer, ordered _tlIat 311‘? P’-'0 _}§t°f moving for deliver of his {aid oods. fhouid znfwer to, 9, 1“‘ formation, after w ich the fa‘: Warner d'ernm'ed‘to'IheErid 11for~ Information : Whjchdenurrer yet retnaines not over-ruled, the faid Sir Richard Wefldn '( with the ‘raid other Barons) without ever’- mling the demurrer; ordered ( beeaufe Warner had ‘put in a detour- rer, and not anfwered to the {aid Information) that he fhould -not proceed upon afiion of Troycr. The pro iietor yte. vehted of his remedy by aaion at Law, the forth ‘aRepi‘e§'_in, and ( upon etence ‘of viewing the f aid goods) caufed rhemto be brotfighti forth o a C elIar,i1ired by a Deputy to the Farmors to that are. ind being brought forth, they were taken by the Sheriffs of London, by vertue of the {aid Repievin -, and upon oath nude of the manner of the taking, ‘as aforefaid, before the Barons,and upon View ofthe pre- 5-imt. inrous his cafe ; The Enid Sir Richard mpg», With the raid other‘; Batons, adiudged that the {aid goods were not repievifablcfdhd gran-' :3. an iniunftion to rnaintaine ‘the potfeffionof them, as they were OTC- And the faid houfe of Commons by Protefiatio favingtothjern-. {elves onely the liberties ofex '_ r at any time ereafter; any ¢'.% . ther aecufation or impeaehmentzi‘ a‘ ‘the {aid sir Kic‘b4fd'Wefion, and '11? o of replying to the anfwergxat he, the Paid Sir Richard mega; (hail make unto the faid Artitles, or Iany of them, or of offering PT'°_°fC 071310 premifcs, or any of their impeachrnenrs or accufations that flrall be exhibited by them, as the cafe {hall (according to the courfe ofParI1.amenrt) requi_re,doe pray, that the faid Sir iR:c'biy3d, "fdfofirfonc; of the Baron; of Ibis Ma iefiies Court oFI-Exchequer, airy b€‘P‘-ff!‘ anfwer, ire. ’ ' - ‘ ' vfitriclasi ~om‘tm4m4MR+m ,‘ \ 1“ v 4‘V_—4‘\)‘- ‘V’ .,~ I H g V, : . .1... :-I ‘ a _ ’ _ . i-~ . ’ ' - 7 - " " A. ’ . I _ I Q V I . vv. 3" 2 L5 _‘%._‘.w J. I 4 1 1’ . or . g -I . » § 5 5 The Arm»: af;»;p:.scbmeoii;a_fsir1iot$2:ii ificrkley ]l{::1'gLt,‘ one ofrbc Iuflice: the C ourt of the K ing: Bcuc/2' ; 5} the’ ‘ Common: inrbzlr pro/‘ent-Parliament ajfembled, in} their own’ name, and in the name ofafl the Common: of En land, in maintenance o_f’t/2cir’accufa.tioni , av/aereéy beflantitb dur- ged with high treafonpmd otlacrgreat mifdemeanort. i r - . . x. . . .,_ 4 Npriviio, that the {aid Sir itobert ltrlrley, then being “"‘ one of the Jufiices of the {aid Court of Km 3 75 8 t Bench, hath traireroufly, and wickedly endevotired _'§T.3, ' to fttbvcrt the fundamentall Lawes, and eflabliiiicd I,’ Q government of the Realme of England ; and in 1/ , Read thereof, to introduce an Arbitrary and Ty- -, t 0. rannicall government againfl Law, which he had, declared by traiterons and melted words, 0 inions, jud cments,pra-- &ices , and aflions appearingin the feveral Articles enfiiing. 2. Whereas by‘tl!t Staiutc made in tht live and twentieth yeare of the teigne of the late King am the eigtli , FYICCS ofvidualls are ap- inted to be rated in {rich manner, as in the aid Statute is declared : But it is manifefl by the {aid Statute , Corrie is none of the vifltialle thereby intended. Neverthclelfe fome ill afllfled pvrfons endcvourtng to bring a charge upon the fubjeas contrary to Law,d;d ltirmife that the prices of C orn might be rated,and fer according to the diredinn of thatstatute, and lllfrflllrflr n eat gaineinight be raifcdto his Ml- jtfly, by lieenfes and di penfg‘ ions, for felliiig.Corne at other prices! And a command from his Majrlly being procured to the Judges, and {em to them by William 710! Efquire , his M i-jellies then Attorney gc- ncrall, to deliver their opinions touching th« queflion,whetlier (Tome was fuch viéiualls aswas intended to l'\‘.VCll'|c price rated withtn the {aid Statute i In anlwrr to which demand, oh; (aid Sir Robert 3:44., am; beiflgionfi ofh,s Mtjelliesj ifliccs ofthe Court of Kings Burch, in furtherance ofihe {aid |.lnl2Wlull(l'l1l'g<, endevoured to b - ivnpofcd, as afoiel'aid,thc thirtieth d-')’ of Navem in .he right ycare of lrs now Majeflies Rtigne, did deliver his 0Pil’\‘~OI).(l‘-1! Come was l ch vtctuall as was intended to hwethe price rated with-n the {aid Smtutc, which {aid opinion was contrary to Law,anAd to the plaine fence and meaning Fa.’- r it .0 étimfit» 445$; g . ‘fig. .-5; « dttnvnrer upombc 5 734: Ber1tley’s l l P o'§tbe.faid Statute 5 .and¢cnfl§ry 9 stat om knowledge," one we gun‘: and deltrereéb yliititftrith a pttrppofe and intentlorgth it the f:iid_-. nnlatrfull charge might be rtupofed upon the Suhjca. ‘ . .3, That an tttfomztion being preferred an the Court of Star- Chara-. bet bythe faid WrHialI_Ne) , ht: Majeflies then Attornty gen'erall,,. agzumt lobn Qqtrugyt and fi’ft‘c¢_l'1‘¢__Otht't‘ Sozpemakcrs Dcfeqda L ' cha'rg'ir{gthem wi1h.fevera‘ll;ire‘tedde_dofi'ence§,contmy to divert Let- ters ' l?at_et\°.3.. and Prcilztmqtigm‘, $0uCh1flg:!ht[f|\l‘(|flg sud uttering 5939:. and “£98 lb: rm’-4 <95 59-me ’a"3l*€'IS: and other °3‘€!¢¢s in 111*’- l',3_l£l Iflf0m‘3i&°fl. m.<.n,tf«9.I3.¢d‘ Wheteunto the Dcfendams did Pl,8;3dr and 2919-‘[>.31’t.. ,3l'|d‘énl'wer to other pm “of the {aid Informa- tion :1 And’ttt'e1'gid Plea and demurrer beingoverruled, fqrthafixbe ptrticularsthmis infifled .DPOj\, would a;~pe;at'e. more {ally after anfwrr and proofe; thzrefore the Defendants were ordered to anfwer wtthoure prsjudrce , and WCfC_:‘O be admitted to fuch exceptiotts to the 'f:Lid'Inf0rmatto hearing as Gull be lmateriall 3 Defendants drd ,~put intbejranfmrs , I{_atlIamen t, Letters Patcn qlon Councell of the City tonductng to their defence ;and in condufion pleaded not gutlty. T515 { 4 5.“ K454" Kcllrlel then being one ofthe I-aflices -ofthe Court 09 ' ,8? 3934' 9 'e'f9|1 41¢ 30. da)r0'fvoM-arch, lathe eighth yeareof ‘hi?’ M‘"R“5 “°' 3'58"‘: ‘Pm an Order ofkeferencetnhtm and othflé 15¢ {Nd Cmittof Star-Clnmber -, to confider of the ‘impertinescyj o the {aid anfimers, did certtic uh; {aid Con“ of sumhambfl -, gh rt‘. ‘'33’ “'h°l‘ ‘“‘f"“5 s Gctptlng the four: words, and ten lafl lined QW“ 5‘ “P'¥“%€da. lfllingthereby no more fubflance of the {aid- 3§lW¢“o ‘hm 15¢ Pkaofnot-gtrilty. And after ttiaonta Reference I5 htru and others, by order of the (aid Court, of the impertincncy of the Itpttrrogatoncs and dcpofiflons qfw‘ and accordingly U13 and fetforth fcvcrall A'_&ST'1, tn the etgltth ye Yetwere ° d ndf fled d’ ' both whithpfldngc 3 um“ um‘ mg“ L“, we Jun rd certificates were co ,and contrary to the {aid for A t.l?CS were bred 0 , the fridhbn {rneenced m the {aid nets to the Fleet, and difnbled from .5353’ to be committed "Jo. And one of them _ g their trade f So - ere: fined to a thotiaad five hundred goundasp gmtattn of ° ' ' theta n, and advantages of the"mat‘rct of the Plea and t 9 ‘ not the King by‘ writ under -the great’ ,.Iua§~etBerft1ey’s clrargm 3 them‘ in a thoufand pound a peecc 3 four: of ‘them 311 7'3: thbllfadd ~ Mxtke a pcece 3which fines were-cfireated into the Exchequer without % any mxtigation :- Andthe faid Defendants according to the {aid fen- tence were imprifoned-y and dcp‘r_ived of theit-‘trade and livelihood,‘ tcnding to the utter mine of the {ml Defcndantgand to the ovetthro-w_' offrcottade, and contrary to the liberty of Subjeag. _ V ' 4. That he the faid Si; Rabat Berlglq then being one ofthe Jufiiqex‘ of the Kings‘-Bait-h,j and having taken an oath for the due adminiflvau tion of Jahige =;*;%xeé6rcfing to the Lawes and Sumter ofithis ’~Rea4n'1e,~‘ to'h1's)'u§e'fiies'I~.iege people 5 on or-gbout the 13!} of December {uh- fcgibgd an‘opinieni¥1'b;et*'tfti8n;« [Ham of-opinion,’ that is wiieéé the‘ benefit doth mdrepartietglhdy redound tow the good!!! the Ron! or M-ztjtime parts’, (3 in cafe of-P5-raeyot D ~pred.1tiotTs" upon the Seas} thercth¢'eharge’hat%x'=be¢fle‘,and.f thc CGOWOQ for the Kiha to cotnmand not oncly but 3183 £110‘-€l‘h1i.“.-V‘i,c'r_¢f;II1-_Ala_!_IVa{(—) findez flips: “‘i°ufl’dFa‘¢flmr‘mc&,.‘hit lewife falfely, and ma- . t o_ Wt gemcnt, but the judg¢- men‘ of 311 hi‘ [u - ‘ : H . .3‘‘.“fi“‘‘ib“d‘ 8! 15 3.5.4": and unwor- ‘-b7 ‘h"‘I-‘»°'r3"Y*9_ 2.-"¢‘:h'§ h1.9,d,'e¢n_tg;_I;y: ,tQ:h_'|g>[)qa;t5';afi4;h€n_ 3,, my cdfot h-s tmne pug ._;h,,t gm; bagytm 1'9! from his an“ - flu _‘ guilt»: of 3!-y.f'tCh tl'iI'T|C,WhCfl~3‘ tij.i{M,V, Junk,’ ;,u‘,.‘ wnad. Mr. jitirtce Crohkc, ‘rho h 141 (‘._,»,(‘rmbcd.. were on co . II a WJ8 ptc erzt w to: 1 y wetepenwaded to fubf b . ‘ (or coofiotmitie , onciy bec-gufc the m3jor.ngc,::b:,’_,,,;;-":11: fubfcrlbcd. ‘And l'IL'.lhe fayd Sit Kobm Bt_r§;‘q then ;ilfo_ ('_.,q‘,‘ (ha; in» 93"‘ C1‘-fiflht J-«J39: Vere abov At! . . - . ' f .11’ in zhtious w9tds_wc_tr'. uc:¢:e4fa::£orc(;;f; Pad" “mm ’ “huh and’ t0co_u-~temnc_e and mtintaine the {aid uniult‘;;?.::;?,t:?c;,l;d &- bl’ tlnt tefufc (O W; [g¢k' '”!¢mmchce-13' “V. ' '"“‘3ll.§73‘3d;3’{¢:.SmP?:‘°QF3€’3' .3.g3i"hS1i"Eu'tv_afq 8rbg.fie'U‘ ""gl"’ f°" ",‘P‘-‘QM? h!!.“.%l"9-783315:-Qty: for ref; ‘5 2g to uuv _s’h.p? F'9“'Y»",' “W-'-e.¢2w§. _ vfaiq Sir-ldIV"I',¢Irwfi¢.’dw.u Lotd.M*ti9r of “>"kC"“ °f.l‘“'.‘-‘-1°?‘ -'1-"'*e“"‘ rm‘ ‘_“‘ raid Sir-Edzéua B mfiumi 1 "“ * 1 ‘P$m" I°lt‘m°.9 =. 75° (and .55.: Reign mu; ._. O ‘onfi-'.' ‘ and judg.-merit, the Commons of this ptcfent Parliament ha“) MN! y 0ptnion,and " hm ‘sting J ~' ' "'\“*'r,. one of the Juliices of the Court ofkinge Bench in Trinity Temilafl . 3 _ ’ then fitting’ on the Bench in the fald Coutt,upon debate of the "(aid cafe between the faid Cbalrbm and Sir» Reward Bromfiiidfatd openly in the’ Court, that therewaslga rule of Law , and 3 rule ofgrwgmmeht :1 And that many things which might not be done bythe rule ofLxw , might- be done by the rule of government : and would not fuffct the point of le alitieof Ship-mom yto be argued by the {aid Chrmberah 8'C0uncell; alfwhich opinions, declarations, wows and fpeeches,cont.nned in the third, fourth, fifth flxth, fcventh, and eighth Articlte , are deflrufiiyc to the fundamentall Laws ofthis Realmt-,the 5‘-whjeéls right ofpropera ' tieytnd contra! y to former refolutions in P.itli:tment,'&- to the pftltlofl - and duly fworn to execute t alright : which refolution in Parliament , and petition of right were wcll known to h:m,and rt-folved,and emaed,when he: was the Kings cant at law,a'hd attendar t in the Lords horde of ‘Parliament. That he the (aid Sir Rabcfl Berkley, then being one of the Judges ch, and being incomm-{lion of the Peace , he office of 3‘JtifllCC of Peace in the Con}!- tie offlrnfarl, on or about the fcvcnth oflazunry, i638. at whith time the generall Seflione of the Peace for the find Countie were there 1,914” 3. .T_h¢ {and Sir ‘R9599’! lerklqt, then and-there fitting on the Bench, did revile andthreaten the grand Iurie returned to {cure at the {aid Sefions, for pre fenting the rernovall of the communion Table in All Saints Church in Hertford aforefaid out of the place where it anci-‘ early and ufually flood, and fetring it Altar-waits, againfl the Lnwes of thisRealme , in that Cafe made‘ and provided, as an innovation in marten concerning the Church 3 the {aid grand Jurie having dilite- red to them in charge at the faid Sc-(lions , by Mallet Sergeant Atkins Peace of the {aid Comtie ofHrr!fnd,that l~y “he oath Scrg tithe Court of,Kings Ben a Iullice of the _ . . they-.had taken, they were bound to prcfent all innovations concerning Church matters And he the (‘aid Sir Robert Btifley compelled the y fuch informa- .fore-matrof the Jurie , to tell him who give him an one oftltc faicl A terrifying (perches; And {aid he tion, and thereby knowing It to be one Heavy amen , how '.he durfl meddle with Church’ grand Jttrie he asked the {aid lmvie matters; who aflirming that in the {aid charge from Mailer Sergeant ‘emu, the {aid ].itie was char ed to doe; he the I: aid Sir ‘Rabat Berkley told thr f.1id_ Browne , hee (hon d therefore findc .lllCtt|€I for he good ‘thflloti and tl‘I.lt he the (‘aid Sirxabevt Barkley would let .1 great line on his head , to make him an exam e to others’; and th 'rc\lpnn the faid~Buum¢ clfered fufficient baile , t he the {and Sir Robert 8»rrk’r] , being incenfed againll him reftifed 'Il1€'f1ld’ bazle , and Cosnrnvttcd the {aid any”; to P['.jron’whl‘fC he lay in Irons till the next momng_,and u- fed to the {aid Brown and the rel} ofehe lurote ma: y othrrr¢V|l'"g ‘ml knew no L:wfor the {aid prefiahncnt,‘ e had tinned in the [aid aprefentment - god told theiaid «mm: that be An I -. JrdgiBatidéy'*s éfifiilzlzv ” i g. e‘6 - ~T._—‘-.r , ._. ‘#3,-_’—‘_.. ,.v V., w u ’ And be compelled the rate gm; J . Ta; they were fatty Pei‘ whit they had done in that piefe'ritEttent ; and dad bid then to teamplc the fate! prefcntment undertheir foe_t.,, and eaufed 816!!! I0 tent l1h¢'£er to: them‘. without any lawful caufe,at the AW11.-e,$ held 3§,bb_0lIVi¢h'in ' ‘ ' . ' 1 6 3. Hee tbefaid Sjt Rahwfldlrltj than beingpne o£_'tho, Jéflgeeofl the A531: , pr _ then I0:;ilI¢-H13“. on the fa'.id- Ifldtflfiilil) where the matter inifltte being,‘ thatthe , fflifil lrflkllefttfetl «tomlrninia —. Ber the (aid Sactamertybeeauk Ihtfiid _ _ Jayne: and Carter would no: reoetvc tickets tenth their Stronamrs before their. Chtiflawnner; which was a contfc ntvctufcd arttortgfl-them btnt«lty.the:£ai&Braku Counfell , and ova rulenhe omlifor d“'®I.GO$‘!l'Ie‘fi JIIQUQ . A :-matesqafl-turf; fa £;7Ih¢]~uly; never went from the Bar, but there found for Kl)‘: ‘(aid Brooke. And the {aid Sir Robert. Berkley hound the {aid Ingram to the grad behaviour for. the profecuting the {std }ndi&ments, and ordered him to pay coil: to the {aid Brock: for wrongfully ineiting ham. And wh¢reas'the.fa_td can mt, not expedtng the tttall at the fame Affizes he preferred has Ittdifi; ment, was then abfent, when-:upon the lad St! Robert Bothy dtd «tuft? to be entred upon the fatd Inrlifiment , a mu: pg/giiamia legv , and otdrrcd an Attachment agaittfi the faid€uur , wtttch raid? proceedings agrttnll the fad Input, and Camr . by the (lid ‘Sic Reba! Btrhlq, were contraryto Law and];ulltee,‘, OM!-tohlt ewnd krpwlerlge. - ~ - ~ « ' to. Thatehehid Sit putt Bnlttmbe.-as‘ , H»: R: «tract C00“ 0‘ KW8! andthl fwom 35§£§“:[3?‘fllI¥l‘l:\?:QU!lflQ ' t5i1. dcftrted IO dlfdt-IQ: whale alkzotdtr ' ' Ebtfliitl Cdtltli J. the 'l . ;_ p, 4“ Fleet. h.0§§l1t.l3!-:HlW6§CPllIr .lOIl1°:3¥9£.”n'P' m IC£ul'IiC Rm? of hi£Coutnitmen't.Bet'ng1Tue 1 veta mrtantsftom the Lords of the Cannee 1, dated the 6!; q'[_ No-1 veniber, 16;6. the firfi being ant, read! in coa.’mpuai..g noe[s‘tt(’e,t the othetfne not paying Melfengtrs fees; and ‘ttnt1'lHie- fltottid bring a3 certificate that hee hadylil ‘his A-lifiemint for Ship-m_oney~in_ flit? County offlutks, huttfmieted him : And in .Miehu-Imus Terme-' after, the ("aid jaittrgt being» "brought by another uebear Coma before’ hint at aforéfaid ', «and the {time returned 3 yet, he the faid Sit ‘Robot- Berlfe , refufed tfodi‘[cha-rgtcl orlbailc hint, bu; I-’€ll:Iit:!4d higi. Acnd in» Ballet Fermé 'a ter ever: ru es were ven or is s'e tee » oath cell to thew cqp‘fe why thefastfl fining; giouli tfot be batyled, .a fourth flak was made fur the Card sflifigfi 50 his I! -"jellies Atspmc gent» ral! have nottcethereo€,an notice was given aecosdtn I; ;t.a,t'IJ‘t ezfatd‘ j.,,;,s; bygiother Hnbsa Corpus, brottghtto the Bar in funny Ternte after, and the fame retugnc with flu: addition of a _new COmmlIm¢fiC‘ of the fourth of MA)! . fuggeflnng he; the {aid fenurgt had uufed tlivessa kgfidfloug words in du~ogttti'o_n and difparagement of htsmayeflus government t He the faidlpmarg after fem-all rules In the end‘ 3; ,5, .{;.'d .'l7tt'inity.'I7etm_e , was again: remitted to prifou. And he- tbe {aid Stfflobett Bub/ey dtd on the firth of]u.ne lafl, dt-fcrre to grant» hisflajcflks. writs o{;HExbeat (mp? gar 14334;: Pargjttr tahnd gravel Donuts, E qqiees , ti toners in t e are on e , an in e ee_t : And afterwards haying granted the {aid writof I-Icbttu Gorpza, the (aid. pgtgitev. and Datum were on the eight of Jim: itit brought to the Bar- of the {aid Court , tqbete the returnes of their Cummttmmts Wcrc {cverall ,warrants feotn the Lords of the Counceil, notexpremng any g;-_.{'¢ 3 yet he the {and Sir Rvbert Berkley, then fitting in the {aid Court, deferred to hail: the {aid Pargzm and Danvm , arid the eighteenth of Lane 1.29, made rule Flor“: l}€\hN‘rctul21C to be l'€C¢lV¢d,\WhlCl1 were re- edthez.o tunes in £tma:- _ ér?Whet-eashis hJltjei}y fihding that his Subjefix of S.COI1IflJ)h W‘ "‘ ¢-,.d,‘u,o.',, md hoflflg mum: afikmbled themfclvcs to Clhtt‘, and ‘tintend not otilyto fluke of their obedience unto his M23‘ Y: b“‘ ‘"3 ‘as enemies to invade and infefl this his Km gdome ofengl-193 W ‘M- "dan er of his Royall Perfon, Its. _ , ‘ h ' Fogr prevention wheteoflhi: Mtjefly hath by the 3dVlC§. I;-f"hIS*COUI1o ¢ll-buatd,given fpectal! entstmattdement to all the Lot _l€|hCn:flI8 Q51" ‘he Comm, of 41,; Regime , appointed for their Rm 624- vottz. , in their feverall and relfpeiflige Czlmfma}“¢"xr‘;lb:’:::fa';&!:: aitd drawne to thee into a o y or t is emee. _ V . Majefiie, accotdgitng to the Lawes and Statutes of this realm: , end the cbniant oufiotne of his Predecefiburs , Kings and Qgeents ofthts lealme, hath power for the defence of this ltingdome , find "5308 theforce of Itienigs thereof , to grant forth G_g|!¢}‘“i9”‘ * ttewaahmtéuaytmtgt P w,_ it: .’)v-—‘ '1'} r.vn_r.—u—’__“..._:".. -’——w—~ , .‘.9,...~y7—w5—'-‘ 8 1%«k«BIrk1t$v’s¢‘~9=sI~ 1,5. g,“¢:s..I¢ to {ueli -fit perfoiis as lice {hall rnalte ‘choice of, in army and arme the Subjefls of tl_\iS ll"?/8d°m°‘é' “ml "3 ‘"9"-' pell thofe who are ofable body , and of able etlates, :0 arm: ‘them- (elves 3 and {nth as thould not bee able of bodies, but of abiliuc in ‘- ellate, to allelic themiatcordingito their ell ates; to contrilittre towards ‘ the thtrge ofarraying and arming others being able of body i 30¢ 00! able in ellate to artne themfelves. And fuch pcrfons as lhould. heron- srariant to commit to ptifon , there to temaiiic untill the King {hould take further order therein. . " And whereas thefiarle of Exeter , by vertue ofhis M1 jellies Com"-. milfian to him direfied , for the arraying and arming of a certaine number of pcsfons in the Countie of Northampton , bath 2365* Wuhan Psryrer being a man unfit of body for that fervice , but being of ellite and abilitie fit to contribute amongll others , to pay the {urn of Eve {hillings toward the arraying and arming of others of able bo-V 1 dies, and wanting abilitie to array and arme thernfelvcs. . ‘ And whereas wefliave received information from the (‘aid Earle ,- that the (bid William Pargites hath not only in a wilfull and difobcdicnt manner tefufed to pay the {aid money afl‘efl‘ed upon him towards {O important a fervice, to the dillurbance and histderancc of the neceffary defence of this ltingdorne; but alfo by his illcxarnple hath mifled ntanyothers, and,as we have jail eatife to beleeve,liaih praaifed to fe- ,. duce others from that ready obedience which they owe‘ , and would 0- Oherwtfc have yeelded to his Ma jellies jufl command , for the publick ' defence of his prrf on and ltingdome ; which we purpotc with all con- venient {peed toe . ire further of and examine. , Théle are there ore-to will and require you, to take into your cuflo- die thcptrfonsofthefaiduiiaa For our, and haul. Damien; and o them-lafely to-keepe prifonees till fun er order from this Board, or un- (ill by due coutfe of Lawe they {hill bee delivered : Yet he the (aid Sir Robert Berkley, being dtfired to baile the {aid reign! and Datum, remitted them , where they remained prifoners till the niriili of No- vember lall, or thcreabotrts , although the {aid lmiay, Persian, and _ Duvets, on all ancleverythefaid returnes, were clcartly hailcalile by - » Law ; and the councell of the {aid leIiIgI,’Pergmr,and Dstwm offered 'i_ in Céhrtxtsy fiiflieient baile. And he the {aid Sir Robert Berkley being i one of the Jullices of the Court of the Kingrbench, denycd to grant J his Maielltes writs of Helms: Ctpaa to very many others his Majelliee fubieds; and when he had granted the {aid writs of Hated Corfu (0 - very mini Others. his Mijeflics fubicfis , and on the returne no caufe , appcared,otl'ueh oncly as was. clearly baileable by Law 5 yet he: re- 7‘ minded thetti,'.‘where thty remained prifoners vtiylong; which fairl- deferritig to grant the {aid writs of Helen carpal; andrefufals, and delayes todifchargc prifoners,or_ fufiicr them to be b3ll£‘fiOntND¢d‘:Q r I! A 35"? which fa,id’trefolutionsiaud petition ofkighuvereaie owned hl“a3‘h¢"l‘.3ld‘$l1’_Kl.bfll’3.¢!‘k@,/ andwere rel¢hted_on and enacted,‘ W C0 be was the Kings Seryeant atLaw, and Attendant in the Lords Houfe in Parliament. . _ . . E-, t :3 {'1'-ha} vvht'¢n.I|ierE'.It'as a catifie edjgfendihwg’ in 35¢ Conn’-,c§,_§_.k flgan _at Norwich‘, b€!W§¢q.$lflfld.Bdfl] (_;lei_~ke, amt 1., l ._ - y. W,‘ ¢0I1itrd_ for t_vv03~J1ll'll!IgS in thepound, for tyili'es”fo‘rtent:s‘ 8; h'viil'es.in 1‘ub;eétt of this your Kingdomc, ‘ att ctr charge, to provide and futntflt.l'uch number of s|,iPP¢,' ‘ tvorh MCflgV'&"3"t and Muntrton; and rorfuch time as your M3. ‘;efl:e {hill think: fit, for the defence and {lifeguard of the King. ‘ game , from fueh danger and peril! ‘: And that by Law you, M,i,_ ‘ '1 may compell the dotngther-eof. tn cafe refufali, or refratto. ‘ rtneii'e. And tree are alfo of tnton , that in furh cafe, your Majc- ‘ {lie is the (ole Judge both a the danger, and when, and hop ‘ thelame is to be prevented and avoided. ubnnmnpfm, 19],, pg“, ‘Humphrey Davenport, um: oettlmn , Rtdnrd Hutton _, vault... 1...“. ‘George "1; ‘balld! Trevor, Gmgr Vernon, Robert Itrflq, prgggy ruulq, 0:. Which fatd opinions contained in the firfl and feconil Articles, are el_eRrtt&.ve to the fundamentall Lawer of tlm _Realt_ne, the fubjcag ettfei:r:{;e‘tt3v;:‘nd ielontrary to-former refoltttions tn Parhamcnmna That he the faifsir loll lunrpflomthen Lord ehiefe]uflice of the 30. ‘-‘Court of Kings Beneh,abone Trinity Tearme, 1637. refufed to bail: or dtf. harge Alexander Ir°&,prIfoner in the Fleet, brought by bak- itu Capra to the barre before htm,the return of this Commitment being two feverall warrants from the Lord: of the Councell, dated the fifth of November t 6 3;. the Erfl rxpreflin no rattle, the other for not Eaying Mcfengers tees; and until! he: ould bring certificate that hee . ' ad paid his Aflefment for (hip-nroneytn the County of Bucks : And the faid Sir Iobnnrunpflan, the firfl warrant being onely read, then faid, ~The caufc of his Commitment did not appear: 3 and that it was not the Lords of th-: Coun- Et For every Goaler to be rude acquainted by mmitted,and therefore remitted him.And in M chad- r , the ftidleneingt being brott ht by another btkd “VIII. Is aforrlatd, and the F ante returned , yet ee the {aid Sir Ida 3'I’Wflu,reful'ed to dtfchar-ge or baile him, but remitted him. And in -Halter Tearme-near, afterfeverall rules for" his Mtizhies Couneell to - ‘luv eeofe whyhe the (‘ad mri-gt lhould not bee hailed, a fourth rule {var nude for the fad leanings, ‘a. let his Majefiter Artur. eey have no- "€'t\rhteh notice was ‘given aeeordinflguyet he remitted him. And the .241:-is 1! by anotlterlubtaforyut ght mt: rm,» aforcfatd, ~~J3.!*fl|'! T¢u_~I_Ie eftegand the fame return: with the Cildttten of a --_.... -_._ ’ ‘ _._ ,_._._. - _- M‘ -eell,why they co mar Tearme afte ., _“, xv‘ 12 ‘ V Bmnfionsclwgc. new Co!ntnitment' of the fotir'th' ‘of; May, t 63 8; Eu he fled, that‘ he the C aidlriiinyhztd ufed divers feaiidalous words‘ in ero tion and dif- -paiagetnent of his Majeiiies government: Afterfevera lrules, in'the end of the {aid Trinity Tearme,he againe remitted him to pt-i_fon.And he the {aid S;r1ob2t Bmnpflm, about lb? 9. of July after,at hisrth~ Commiflions uncle: his "great Sale’ to {nth Gt toarny -and.-amt the’ Subiefis ‘of this, kiagdome, and to com- pell thofe whom ofablebody ,. and of able eftates, toarme theta- . film} Indfudi aflhould q9e'bee.abk gf»bodiu,,;but,o£ ebditi‘a='in = i'v ‘z 2"; ‘r. .i- ' 7' ‘i “ft; ‘ ‘I '_, ,g 35 ., -"OI .. S‘. ' .2!» ,‘_, _.,.'_g 3'- : Which W85.r¢tuKncd.the._five andtweatierh of the {aid - as late iflt-ill make jehotce of,‘ ch A Mr .~i1»Iva,fge.Br:Irnll'0nse.C114r_g‘r. )3 ate,toa e et em according to theireflates tncontrlb t’ rd‘ the charge ofarraying and arming others being ’able ‘of lJ(‘)(lty‘ : no: - able in efiate to arme. thcmfelves.- And l'uch‘perfon‘s as amula be “,,,_ trari ant to commit to ptifon , there to rem aine uotill‘th‘¢_ Khg gmuid iakzflg ther order therein. . 4‘ . n whereastlie Earle of Exeter , by vem;c.o(‘.-his Maggie, com; miflion to him dire&ed , for. the arraying and arming of a certain: '.Dumbet'.o£ porfons‘ in the Countie of Ntmhampton, hath allefl Willierp Pargiterbeing a man utzfitof body for ihatfervice , but being -Cfcfl:,1tc and-abilitie fitto cont;-rburc avmongfl others , aw Pay um [um -toffivc llitllitigs toward the‘ arraytng-.:tnd.arming ofoihug ofablc bo. dies, and wanting abilitie to arrayiand arme themfelves. And whereas wee have received information from thecfaid Earle ‘, that the {aid William Pargizer hath not only in a wilful-l and difobedienc .tnanner.reful'ed to pay the laid. money ailiill-d upon him tdwarcl; (9 1' tan: a Cervice; to the diflurbance an'd liinderanoe ofthe neceif.-it.) ._ mP°f defenceiofthis ltingdome; but alfo by his ill example hath .mi('.]ed _ duce othereft in all -things, mien’: many others, and,as we have jull caufe to belt-ere, hath ptaifiifed to -l'e~ otnxfiat ready obedience which they owe , and would 0. Ilierwife havojieclde defence of his.perl'on and kingdom: ; which we purpofc venient fpiecd to en uire fat the: of and examine. Thefe are there are to will and require you, to take into die-the perfonof the [aid Widen Parg-‘ter, and him fafely to lteepe tifoner till further order from this Board, -or untill by due couife of Law: he {hill bee delivered : (And the like return was then made mu;amli:, CUncCl‘Hll‘.g the {aid Denver: fornot payino i {um of monty .=ll'tll'-cil upon him) Ye-thee the {aid Sit (elm Bramllhvr deferred tobail the {aid Da2rverr,and pargitrr , but remitted the {aid partner; to the»!-‘lee t, “where hee remained till the! 2.. of July 1640,. and the [aid Pa giur to the Gate houl'e,.where he remained; till tllcflllnlll of November fail, although the. {aid unings, Daavrn, ‘and Pargiur, upon all and every the {aid returnspught to have been dilchar- ed or bailed by Law ; and the Councell of_the {aid Irningr, Danvm, and 'P.-trgirtr, offered in Court very fzfhcieiit baile. being chiefe Jullice of the And he the {aid Sit lalm Brmpflan _ Court of Kings Bench, denyed to grant his Majellier Writ his Majcllies fubieofis; and of Hgbea Carpm _to very many others whgn }.¢¢ hm gtanted the {aid writs of Habw carpet to vet ma- ny others hi:.Majellics fnbjefts, and on the retume no ca e ap- peared, or fuch caufe onely as was clearly baileable by Law; yer hee re- mandedthem, where thty remained prifoners veiylong; which laid deferring to grant the {aid writs of Habeu corpse, and refufale, and glelayca cg gliftbarge prifonergor {offer them to be baileficontainedhin — . - -1.--.a --..——-... —4—--—---—- -- with all con- your euflds Ig - ____ A _ ‘W A ‘A V _ VHJLHV ',_. cl to his Majeflies jut} command, for the publick ' 14. fudge Bl‘Iflll0flS C5039. ~ in this Article , are deflruflive to the fundarnentall Laiei of thia Realrne, and contrary to former refoluttoaa in Parliament, and to the petition of Right 3 which {and refoluttom and petition of Right were well knovvne tohim the {aid Sir lobe Braanpllm. 4.. That whereas there was a cattle depending in the Court Chrillian at Norwith, between Slltll Boat] C letlt, and COUCH for are (killing: in the pound for tythes for rent: of houfes in Norwich, & thelfatd Convd moved by his Councell tn the Court of Kings Bench for a prohibition to flay proceedings in the Court Chrillian at Nor. wieh, and delivered into the (‘and Court of Ki s- Bench his l'uggelli- ona , that thefatd cattle in the faid Court Chet in was for tythes for rents 095097” in Norwich. whtth was determinable by the Corn- rnon Law only; ‘yet he the {aid Sir labs Braavpflal, being chiefe J uliice of the {and Court of Kings Bench, and fitting in the {aid Court, deferredao granea prohibition to the (aid Court Chrifiian in the {aid etufe, although the Counlell did move in the (aid Court feverall times. and fevetal terraes for a Prohibition: And he the {aid Sir Iabllnuflal deferred togrant his Majelitea write of prohibition to jfeverall other Court: on the motions ofdivers others ofhis Majellieafubjefia, where the fame by Larva of this Realtne ought to have been geanted,cootrary to the Lavvea of this Realrne,and his ovvne‘ knowledge. And the l‘ aid Cotntnane by ptoteliation, faving to thetnfelves onely the liberties ofeahtbiting at any time hereafter, any other accufation or impeachment againlt the (aid Sir lob: Bnnpflan , and all?) of replying to the anfwer thithe the {and Sir lobe Brautpflou lhall make unto the {aid Articles, or any of tham,or of ofeting ptoofe of the pretnifea, or any of their i-to peaehmenta or aeeufationa that than bee exhibited by them, as the Cafe lull .(i¢c0I‘din“to the coorle of Parliaments) rc. ire, doe pray that the {aid Sir Ian Bnayflau . Lord chiefe Janice of t e Court of King: Bench, may bee put to anfwer to all and every the pt-emifesg and that hath pt-oceedin ,examinations, trials, and judge- rnents,tnay be upon every of them ad and ul'ed,as is agreeable to Lava ‘Id Jullltfo 'Arti6‘I¢.€ A‘m'cle.r of the Houfé of Carnmn: in :5: name of t5e»5(':lo:.r and of all the Common: of England, 4 win]! Sir Francis: Cra wley K wig/_:t, one aft/we Iuflice: o_ his Jllujc’/fie; (jam-r qf Gbmmon-plea, impede/Jfiq /aim aefo/lowet/J. I. H A T be about the moneth of November, ‘W. Amuvom. 15; 5. then being one of the Jclltces of the Court of C ommon- pleas,‘ Q and having talten an oath for the due adtIi-- I '0 mllratron of }ulI:ce to hrs Mtjelhes liege 1 ., / people; according to the Lawes and Statutes 3;’ ‘,5. of this Realme, l‘ul.l".;r1bed anupimon imbue '« 0875.2: [I am-ofopinion, th at as where (lac 1,/_~' benefit doth more peculiarly redound to the good-of the Ports, or Mvritime arts, (as in cafe of Piracie, or D.-predation; upon the Seas, there the c arge hath been, and may bee lawfully impofed upon them , according to prefidents of former times; ('0 where the good and ftfcty ofthe King.- dome in generall is concerned , and the whole Kingdome in danger, (ofwhich his Mdjelly ts the onely judge) there the charge of the. defenee ought to bee borne by -all the Realm: in generall ; This I hold agreeable both to Law and Reafonfl 2. That he in or about the Month of February, Arm. Dow. 16-; 6. then bein one of the Jtsflices of the {and Court of Commompleas, fuhfcrtbe an extrajudiciallopinxon, in a-..-fwer to queflions init letter from his Mayeflvfitba utrbe : » ‘ C Earle: R. When the good and fafety of the Kingdome in gener ll ‘is corcerned , and the whole Ktngdome in danger , wh-.-the r may ‘noethe King by writ under the great Sealer ffingland, command all ‘ the Subpeéts of this Kmgdome , at their charge , to provide and fur- Inilh futh number ofS llDS Wllh Men,Vt€htall,and Munition ; and for ‘fuch tune as he (hall thinlte fit, for the defence and fafegaard of the ‘ Kingdome,from fuch danger and pertll P And by Law compcll the ' domg thereof in cafe of refufall, or refraétorinelle ?and whether in ffltch gale isnot the King the {ole Judge, bothoi the danger‘; and '15 i 141;: Crawley’s l H4 , . when and how ihefameiis to,be ‘prevented and avqdcd? €.aR§_i ., —~ .‘ «pug ‘ it ‘ exec ,t M 13 5 1° *9 ' y 30' by hiu\l‘e_lEe_,.a?t‘llalp of ‘ii’ -61 '" Q 5 f T ti ’ustoofidcté*i°Mh€iCaf:‘a!}d. défiiéfl ‘ figucd by-'y6I'i“.Ma}'eF‘y§ ‘i ~iocioi‘ca~Ln.your'R0rall Rifle: “d.!f¢ :are of opinion, that when the good and fafeiy of the Kingdom: in enerall isconccrned, and the whole Kingdom: In danger, your Ma- m‘:‘iy?b'y w‘n;~‘igiid'er the gi‘e'at"'Se:tle'of England, command all \“the» fo5jc&s:of'this~yourKinyiome at theircharge to providcand ' ‘ and for fuclftigqe as your ajefiy flnll thinke he, $0: ‘-ftiniflifutfi 4 . wa«i:t1eo.iataetaa1i.i»£d,: unirioa ; i e tie eme-and ‘ fafeguard of the Kivgdomc from ftich danger‘and'peri'>ll ‘;'And that by ‘ Law your Majclly may compell the_ doing thereof in cafe ofrefufall, ‘ or refrafiorinelle : And we are alfo of opinion that in fuch cafe, «your Majefiy is the folequdge both of the dange'r,and when and how- 0 the fame is to be prevented and avoyded. i labia Branfiol, lob): Finch,‘ fflbflrq Dcvcwpon, tobit Durban . ‘Rickard Harm! , Willina_.y_7uu., ‘ Gorge Cuolge, Tbaivm Trevor , George vermin, Ruben parlgley , Pram ‘(raw ,Ri¢bardW¢flau. ' . Q _ . y 3. T at hee then being one of the Iufiices ofthe faid Court of Common pleas , delivered an opinion in the Exchequer Chamber at- gainflaltbu I-laupilfifquire, in cafe of.Ship- money - that he thefaid labs Hurpdnr upon.ih_e matter at fuhflance of the cal‘e,was chargeable with ill: money then in qtiefiion (a copy of which proceedings-and judgement; the Commons of this prefent Parliament have already de- livered to your Lordfhis.) . . a . 4 f/Thlat’|tc-thenbeingone of the Ipflictsof th§f3id_COIl’tL0f:‘c0lI¢__ moo-pleas , deelaredcand publiflmi ingthcfi-xehtfiitrr '§..htmber:, : and" Wellminfler Circuit,where he went Jodg¢:,That t|ie'lEmg§ Righr to Sh‘p-money was ('0 inherent a Right in the Crown,as an Act cf P. l a-. merit could not take it away And with divert malicious {peaches cg. weighed ag1infi,ll1r¢ICn€tl and difcountenanced fuch as refufed tn pay ‘ Slip mom y. All which opinions and judgments contained. in the- firll, fecond , and ih.rd Articles are dellrudive to the fumi.».meu'tall Lawes ofthis Realme , the Subjects right of property, and contrary-to. former refolutions in Parliament, and to the pct-tion ofRight, which {aid refolutions and petitions of R'ght were well lmovvne to him. And the {aid Commons by proteflation, faving to thcmlelve: oriely the Lvbertiesof exhibiting at any time hereafter any other accufat.on or impeachment againll the faidsjr Frau’: cmvlty , & alfo of replying — tothe anfwcr thathc the (aid Sir Pmitit Crowley (hall make lllllovtlifi [and Articles, or any ofihem, or ofofliting prooie of me p«-candles, -or of any of their impeachment: or aectifations that {hill be exhibited by them ._ Is the Cafe flnll accordingte tbt coutfe of I?.irliame_nts .. ' require .. ~ Dec ‘J%‘f‘3"””‘“P*'** -9; ' .qune,_ - pnyt ‘it thefaifl Sir frqnci0'0r‘¢Dl('y fii Ofxbt Card Com: x:£Common'~pleas , may bee #1:” anfwer‘ ;u 54]: E‘? _._“;‘r,.._. 3?‘! ‘V-fly-‘dm;e pycmdfccg .an'd«Ih.1;2fuch‘proc¢c'dlngs,« '_eIaminati9m,' '?l3_lS,~ Ifid: yadgemems nuyzhcapoo every one of'¢lI¢m'~Iad Ind'uféd,'-' - >l lr_;_._~ ;;b -_.. :, -'1,-3”.‘ _ .. I’. ._a; 1 V '- I _.fi ‘\r V“: r.x., ¢¢+;g3«g§»¢ ' "#44-on .‘~.. V.. _ ":..io‘:‘ g I %.1‘J t zlrticlex oftbe Hart]? of Comrwnxjfg t'I7gm_[él7/¢:,.'' ] a‘r"zdofaIl tbé‘ Cmmm-ro_fEn l41Id.4ga:Lqfl Sir Humpiweyj ‘ ~ Davenport Kmlg/rt, Lord Ewan Jof /1:31: -Cattrtgf ~ExclvegM'r, irrrpmc/Jing /ring wife/lower/1'.’ ' . , . s H A I where}; in th_¢ moncqh of 0430.. ’ bct.-in the founh_ycnr; of} his <'M.==J°=llict ' gficignc, ‘uh;-*F.1rmours _agd O opts of xhc Cuflome-boufe. havmgkszcd great. quantillfiaof Currants: bung Ih.¢.g00d!. of sgpul Vafiill Mgrchuzt , and having _ ccnvcycd xhcm into qcrtagne Stare} houfcs A .,a:. 4;: _-Cuflom¢-..houI"c\, and detained , __J ;h;m,_bcaaufc; thnfardfimulraflvil re.- % . '4 "1" g " -fufcd to pays to. impofitlcg Of 5“ {M- 1- Phat: - at hurfi;-qd.qgighV|:9f1hc f:n_d Huraams pre- ::a§i:;o'bce 435°-:aon,L’..a demmdcd 5345‘ {Nd 'F*”"°‘“" 5‘ hm‘ cmaa.h.sm.=ea.e. bchalfc Io:.ob,° Tf«rn'.«i»Cvrww- M.W==-‘e 0° W1 ‘us’ an 0, yuaujgffiog zbgfapxc g but the {end uppofinon flag jg ggzinfltthc. Lawdot-£5115 R¢fClm°.o ‘I1 .‘ J V. Alld whereas alfo in M'oha€"I)3€‘ Tmrmn. W 5*‘ f3'.‘”°‘‘"h Y‘ 3"‘ of h=s-Maicfiiar4*5“° .% his“M=r*fi"=sIlfi=“ #\=wmx=v 8“"**”- ‘**‘.-- an ioformamna W £.“?-l‘“‘ 3'“ "-’§‘h°"E"‘h‘9“"‘ ""3“"p'a ‘M {‘”d‘ bum sum;-nm ftttingvfiritth rhanfiwg hnvww 14-W". '1’ -‘"**~*» 44' ‘ ’ lécohdjlcfll 0fn}S'§ tc~ gut ,:dm' cum n1_§,I1d.‘.hC' ' ltd um that . L, fsid.jm,P¢¥::,n °.;'E,, 9311593; fix pcncc upon «very hundred W‘ 185‘ ‘ 05-Cnrtanu Ihouldbc demanded zgd I»'¢C%iV¢d- . _ .‘ ' - Aqd qfiz 129$! Dmnpufl qbamge. And dnqt lab Maiofly that now. is, M-11?: znemers Ihtcntg ‘dated the St‘ apdtwcngi¢ihday..o€}uJy,_‘, ioshp [ccond ycarc;of‘his+Rc' at , did,’ by advice ofihg.P;igy,C;9un;;llr;,-;dcclatc§ his willandyk can-bet ,» thuinbndiufinaams one! #3999 mum xbcieniedfifi. '1_"¥5_IIann¢:‘ as they were in the time ofK1'ng 1aaea,;5nd_tLs[anc3 Iana theefiarned thereof to concmuc lllltlll it mtg t tecciv: a fctlmg, by Parlnamcnt , and commanded the lcvylgg an _._tf_Cg¢_l_VlQg th; fame; accordingly; and'YT{a't"tTi?l'§'id Sam. raga Ba-fore the {aid firfl day of Ofiohthcn 1211! before the (‘aid information cxhzbitcd , dud brin . in_to :hc%_ pgogt 0:’ mm fiitflivvfééfid-fiubéfl-&9§s‘ry;ragLc—«bussd& vmisi-s9§~9«.rram= ha!-¢-. _ t8.orre9vm:r.:he ralayorsléfi. 1359? , t _ ‘V _‘ at_1;§'3 df.tlw’f1icfS4I!?u'i.I/r'zfl,‘nI_= xii-rand- mp:-Gum eaemkg ’ pfliei for cfcrj hundfcdwcighf of the (Ind Currants, and lhltfltlhc fzud Samuel Vaflall rcfufcd to theft; im figiop‘, and .un'u . tlctai d it‘fr_ p_nb,¢;~,]{~i_x30 1",» ‘ vl_\l3if%*5t§3tl3n’ l3_Taid' p?ar:e'~§,‘," 39313)! a'd¢3'thc Sfitiift.-_6iFQU;a _ ,,=l tht 6i$thtc“9E“l)g TMag't'oc£iol|_taa- ¢Hl‘ldt_f;\§n&’ at has with :rS_si9it&sbc‘xnc*°imdex>*uh2démgs' fAHc— Feancc , agtd; M_c_r,f,~pifii'y'gp, , ;&v_\:ralj|~ tgnagaqd ykcfiue. tflltus were retur- ned. .-l|p?_ll';-_t|go‘. lands hf the 'f1Id..!HHlI“ Rdtuur , amomteing to the, gtmmdquoft twe~thouf1nd- pounds, or thtreabouts; a great -I-‘.31’! _W1’v3r¢_05, dh‘ “id. l¢l¢:.——Molw¢rer was-fmforctd to pay ;_ i.n':lIk¢.o!t=.9wt -.tl.n_ .£a‘od. Si: flwfing mama c-together W . \ gawk‘: tha.tb.ew:: Bnts>tta(qf»,~&l$:f{td. finmxbffindw qtIer,),di§«or4on;aga5h|p&,£tId) _a_mLth:! iitouojtnfl audmndue mo- cee3ingt,_.at1d4hef.n'd prbceedtngs were A 1134 andmade ztcordtngiy 1- gagttfiypaqpa Maia Efquirc ,»_;-and sgainfl -fcvcrall other p:-t {U113 his hlajt-[hes fub;.as tn fcvcrall pJ,rts’of«his Realme, to the utter undoing‘ otminy oftlrem. ~ - _ oz‘. That-.at fctttencegf D g'mhtion.bcin'g given by; the high c0Iflfl.Y'I{s0fl£I'I_:O£ the P(OVlflC¢ of Ymke , sgainfl flnutsuurt, Cletkgoneofthe Prebendt ofthe Chuith ofDurham, for a‘Scrmon 57 him formdlyr preache againfi fome I:‘.!\0VIti0flS tntht Church of Durham, attiall W “.Yf"}I yaate ‘of his {aid Majefiics R:,5g0.t , before thefaid Sit HE?!)-Sflavtlput, Kllghtt, then one of the’ jatdges inf filing 3.‘k”QF3l'iau'for the County Palatine ofDuthIm, conceraingthe Corps vfthe lfrebend oFth¢ {aid Mr. Suurr, wluch was~then.pteten- Jtdtobsoivosd tylht (aid fentence of Degraduioa, the ($1.38!?- flvfillilty 0_4W1mrt- contrasyxohis oath , and comedy’ to fig:-[rain C5053! 3£31I.D¢,, Iadto. due‘ Jtflrufiiofl Ofdn Fluid Hit 80!": 9;. upon aftertlte fa Xe vpsf rnzde,,as aforefud ,j and enmd upon . _ I - g : ——-~__*_ ,- f>r_«.da=.‘1’a-d .§hcri&}3.wt¢g: cqnrggndcdg .£.._.»;m w, dim-zine that afterwards had , vixtia Augufi tn the- _ g g Indgenavenpores clog; i J i ' g ; . . ~ °P°“h ’“di"S the writ debiemsca cmbu yd V d‘ I m 3934!. in the prefence of-divers his Maf:lit:;{u£:'dee'lm-b1¥,rke'y on-the ‘dfisfillfiihis opinion to bet: that the {aid [ire bends place: &$1tSnVat'.)tlt($nd'3!:§" gem" dliteerfttonfs-to__tcll1eJury then atB:trre to finde accordingly -and deadgm dcPr‘i‘;e‘(’ll""1¢yctttl}l‘1lctP:(l)-‘lit'<.:’tJogfl‘1h:11; ('.lt,tVrl‘1i\1afler Smart had been: Executor?» till the," Mtchaélmaslfollolzinrgt cl';1E‘f::‘ldStl,:cfn1c due toms . V t then anfwcred, that though the (laid Mailer smatrqztm Da- ’, “ dead, yetifhe had had his drfcrt, he hadbeene 361d long agate” ‘: hee delbrved to have beene hanged for the {aid Sermon i and that I vases -wicltedaman as any lived ‘in the worm . Ca“’h- ‘ m I ‘ ' Mailer -Sourt,bur pla'in8Imlr!.And when the (aid?! It hlzlnftlctlnnclmc gamfi the {aid Mr §tnrt, the {aid Sir H. Davenport in yfeandall cf ha’- Ma [hes Government and Jullice, and of the 5::-oceedin s of hls Mafieflies Ittdgi.-s,did publtltely asaforefaid {péakwotds to thgisefi‘ 3‘? that tlrcfaid Juryhad well done, and that the {aid Stun hacl I remedy fave by appeale to the King ; and there he lhould find: bnuo coldcomfott , forthe King would not g¢¢.;1g_1jnfl 1” own: premf 1 t gatlve, upon which the Iudges and high Commiflignc“ did at M a an; tl1¢1'fl‘:'E Wglllscl not contradiét one another: Ads. PC ’ , l ’ hat t e [ai it Hun Owen I about tl'K ' V¢’fl'=5¢l:,_‘.Amu Den. :6 gpzellren beilrzg Lord Cl1lCf?°B'13tll"‘09o£)fNl]<:;. Ma-iefltes Court of Exchequer, and having taken an oath fofghg ,_ due adrnintflration of]uittce to his Mayeflies Liege people accor- ding to the Lawes and Statutes of thtgkealme , fubfcribed his mm; to an opinion, inbccverbazt [lam ofopinion, that as where thc ‘bentfit doth more particularly redound to the good of the Ports _ K or Maritime parts (as in cafe of Pyrary or DCPl'CdIIlOn7 upon, 3 the Seas) there the charge hath beene, and may. bee lawfmy gm. fedu n them, accordingto prcfidents offormer times ; ('0 where - the good and fafety of the Kvngdome in gt: nerall is concerned, and the whole Kingdom: in danger (ofwhich his Mtielly is the onely judge) there the char e of the defence ought to be borne by all the Realm: in generall : thisg! hold agreeable both to Law and Reafom} That in or about the Month ofFebru1ry Am» Dora. 1 636. the {aid then beinglord thiefe Baron oftthe (aid Sir Huapbtey Davenport , Court of Exchequer,fubfcribed an extrajudicial! opinion in anfwer to fifcltions inn letter from his Majtfly, in bet turbo -. . ‘€511!!! R. When the good and fnfety ofthc Ktngdnme in gene- ‘ fall is concerned, and the whole Km Jome in danger, whether may eale of Englmd, command all ‘ “not the King by writ under the great ‘t. - ‘the Subjefis of this Kingdome, at their charge to pt-rvide and furntih. Vtftuall‘, and Munition; andrfoc C .'{IIch.numbtr of Ships with Men, ' V C‘ uch -3 22 lung: Davenports f ‘ firth time as he (hall thinlte Gt , for the defence and fafegttird ofthé ‘ Kingdome , from fuch danger and perill ; and by Law compell thc. ¢ doing thereof in cafe of refufall, or refrafiorinelfe 2 And. whether iii ‘ fuch cafe is not the King the Cole Judge, both of thc clmgmasd film.‘ ‘ and ll-)W'll1¢ fame is to be revented and avoided ? ‘C. R. 7 . 1. ‘ May it pleafe your moi? excellent Majeflie, Wee have, 3CC0fdl!“; ‘ to your Majefiies command feverally every man by himfelfe , and . ‘ all ofus together, taken into-fcrious confideration the Cafe 8!» QUC: ‘ {lion affignedby your Mtjeflie , and inclofed in your R971” I-ti-'3 ‘ tcr : And wee are of opinion ,'th1t vvhen.the. good and. fafety qf ‘the Kingdome in genei-all is concerned, and the whole. Kings.- ‘ dome in danger {your Majslly may by writ under the great Sea_le_ ‘ of England, command all the Subjetfts of this your Kingdotne, ‘ attheir tharge , to provide and furni{h fuch number of Shippcpg ‘- with Men,Vi&.ia_ll, and Munition; and_ for {ugh-time ac; yout,.Ma.~ ‘ jeflie (hall think: fit, for the defence and fafeguatd _of}th_e King; ‘ dome , fromfueh danger and perill : And thlt by Law your Maj:-g ‘ Ry may compell the doing thereof in cafe of rtfufall, or refrafio-. ‘ rinefle. And wee are alfo of o inion, that infuth cafe, your _M3je- ‘ ‘ {lie is the fol: Judge both 0 the danger‘, and VaVll€n,,1nd‘ll0V{’ ‘ the fame is to be prevented andavoided.’ 1 {ohm Bfdwfllfl,-t john Rigel), ‘_fl6nflIt gopvenpore, lob» Denim! , Rickard. Hallo; ' I¥_’iI1t;a_»'t' letter, ‘ émge ducks,‘ The rnvai, George Verna, Robert llerlglq; I-'u~w'e_ ‘i€‘.mvl!riR5cbcrd"' M . - . ' . e .. "I'h:tt'tvh,e.-ens an a&ion of 'B1ttery was brought by -one Ricbgrd lent againfl Robert Hoblitu, to whith the l'ai_d I-1o_ba’.r_u pfieadedjttllifig W cation do (on afaaltdene/me , and the {aid eaulgcaiiic, to ;t_t,i‘all‘.,a§ the-, - Afliies holden for’ the Countyaf Glouceflq tn.St't_mi!).¢r -. £63 6.€be., fore the (‘aid Sir Hursphrey‘Dweitprt , then dnc 05' the J u icesof AI‘. G2: and iiifipritea for that County : At the {aid triall the {aid Rabat Hobl.-‘m did bcginto ma kc pniofe of his {aid Jullification, and pro. dticed one Robert Til) a witntfle in the caufe , who proved upon oath, that the faid Rjcliod Legge did make the firil ailltult upon the {aid Ra. but Habitat, and that the occafion thereof was, that «he {aid mgr; Lane, and others , came upon the Lands then in pofl'.iIion of thé (354 Hoblim, and did take and drive away eighteen Cows; of the {aid Hfibliu , pretending they had a warrant from the Shertfle to diflrcinc the fame for fourty {billings aflilfed upon the F aid H ablim , for Ship; i‘:§°';"7 when the {aid Hoblill ( being prefent )_ enpdevout-ed.to l;“‘r‘F ‘ ‘ti;-'31-¢ 0, and others _, fromfllting away his laid _Cattell,~ :1; £'.l_"lm":‘h‘,¢‘.“'_r e the iflld Hobtltns with aflafie , who after defen- H " 9 9‘ ‘W “P00 the Opening of the matter the {aid Sit . III” *1 Payerput , would not fttifer the fatd ;_o_ Pigdgi-g my. more’ 4 u H §t‘wt(_:--my-mu -on . hia.Councel"l to‘ l'pealvfo’r1h'im,;-~'b’u_t bein a no information, w % _ Davwpom,€%ng:.~ 23 litre vntn_efi'es_ on his behtlfe' _( though the f3yd'HoHt'§s dcfirtd am Ot er ofhtgwttneflis then p_refent,and fworne, mtghtbee heard ) nor _ ' g informed that the {aid Hob. "’“'$:’l\_ctI?*8hip_itt‘$di‘a!§'-\ti'as'dtft12I}nded¥ of aim‘ ) Ion ‘norpaytrhefeznezy Hwifaid-Sir tl4npbrrr‘Dam'»parr* did "tlrefi (openly in the hearing of st f- -his Majefliea liege ‘peoplerlxen affexpbled, and arten. {lion rrprovethe fetid Hillixr, and‘ you grezt'mtmbe‘ro ll :1 Pzrliamient togive him‘ fatisfncti; dingrthe Coin-ti ) ingreatpa himthu tHl3KJmg ivasrnot to on day: andjditiithen -and there alto ' €33 fly-Iuvd Vof hictpla-j.dt.es loving fubjltdzs feoni therdde '§nd4br aitdronirary. to ‘h it oath,‘ an dare, and aflirme, thntit was that Ship-money wad due to the King , and dtreéted the Jt_:r'y _wornc 1'lLt?t&0fe," to finde -a vtrdiét for Ih-C faid Ritbgrd Lrggn, And the St! ' iryfdid arecordin gly, and gave him‘ twentfpoind dantmagesfind thefaid Hmfibrc; Dwenparr didrthen alfo-, withotft any etufe, ‘impri- fon the faidzmbnt Hoblun, and bound him to the good behaviour. That whereas in the month of April‘ , Detimnjixto C-‘amli-, the 0115- ‘A cert-‘ofthe Cufiome-houfe having feized a Shippe of one Samuel War- an, laden with .Tobacco,= being the goods ofthe {aid Wemer,tlre'Bullt- fudge [aid Ship not being broken,‘ and no information’ exhibited for {King ,., aeto'rdiog~to the courfe of the -Exchequer For any"-duty, the" Baronscwere moved, rtflored to the Pro» ‘- A that the faidlshtp might bee prietors , giving fecurity to pay futhduties as did belong to the King’; But upon the al at cc urfc of IL:~.V‘tv,, legation of the Kings Atturney , thattliere needed faid Sir Humphrey en Lord chief: Baron lur with the refl of his Oath». and contrary to the [awes- fthe faid Shippc. unlefie all‘ C uliome-houfe were flhvupn, being th fltiieheqttert, . toget {aid ~.- Qoute , did .(.eontrary. to of this Realme) denythe refiitution o the duties demanded by the Farmours of the firfl paid. . I-ltreupon the {aid Warner brought an aftion of Troutr in the Of- fice of Pleas in the Exchequer , againll the {aid Oflicers that (‘ei- zed his Shtppe and Goods 2 Whereupon the Kings Atturney met all exhibit an information by Englifl1Btllin the Exchequer hamber agliinllt e faid Warner; fetting forth, that Cuflomts and Subfidtes up- on Merchandize , we: a great part of the Kings revenue , and pay- able to him : And that the (aid Ship'was feiztd for nonpayment of theforefa d dutiesmotwithftanding the {aid Warner, then Proprietor, profetute the Officert upon a fair at Law ,and prayes that he may an- (wet the {aid information before any further proceeding! 5“ had at La . W _ There-' gotpofc ’, to” prevent‘ in d the -Lawe§"ot" the"Reelnte,,publifh', de- adjudged by all §hé.]ctdges ‘of En land‘, ' tbecaufe there was no penalty , the of his Majcliies Court - the then Barons of the*« ‘ anfvieded, ‘that hee. b’éd.fiIfc“it war; «not: granted by’ ‘rztltamen ‘r, ‘U ~24 Iqdgeflétweapost ‘cafe; the land St: 8 iscbage. There th¢.(1idSit‘Hl_Ilpb‘l Pavtlptu. ¢°B¢'h¢1’.l!3¢h the refit nf (1,; ghgtfofitrons of the [aid Coal?! °f75“h"l"‘1‘a' tfiriflitd :§th;3t the Proprietor moving for the delivery ofthg {aid g00.dS . fhodld fink ans {wet to the 1lI£0l'l111.;i0n-:_,8_ft§S which the { H4 Wflmf id¢m|l1’Nd'i|0.th¢- faid Infortinttoh, integard no side-for any CCII3-in‘ 3004735 {H 509* by the Information, which demurrer yet remaines.-not over-Killed 9," but the (‘aid Sir Hcapbrq Demnpen, wi h the f aid other Barohs, without over ruling the defnurter, ordered, becaufe Warner had put in 3 demur-_ tee and not anfwet-ed to the (‘aid Information, that he ihaeld. not prov. ceede upon the aétton oifnver. The_p_t-oprietoe item; that peerentctl ofhts remedy by Afiion It°»L1HV , fued forth axrplcviii , and upon’ p.e cm’: of viewing the {aid goods , caufed them to be: brought forth of; Cellar , hired by a D .- my to the Fat-mours to that ufe ; and being brought fat-th,they wet-e_tahen hy the Shenfli of London,by vettoe of the {aid Reglcoio; and upon oath made of the manner of thetakin as afoeefaic',befote the Batons, and upon new of the Pt¢5d¢fl¢'ifll'01E_,Ik . _ enpbuy Deunpou , with the (‘aid other Barons, 2&- jndged, that the_fatd goods were notkepleviiable, and -granted an Injimfiton to maintaine poifeflion of them as they were before. - ;And the (‘aid houfe of Commons by ptoteRaeion,faving to themfelves» only the liberties ofexhtbieing at any time hereafter, any other acctfati-. on Otilli achment againfl the (aid Sit H. Davenpomat 3160 of replying. to the an me that he the (aid Sr Hurphuy Dwenpuuhal make unto the {aid Articles, or any of thoIi,or of oferirlg pt-oofe of the pt-emifes, on any of their i'rp¢:chmcnl8 or aceufaions that fhallbee exhibited by them,a.: the Cafe (hill (according to the comic of »P1diauenu)re--. ‘t-e,doepta h thefidS' D I. oridaiefelooa 3e':tothas.uai.i1a?. cm; ..cg..t......" 3*" "W I’ and every the p¢mifl'es; and that (nth proeeedinggexaminations, tri'als~ :r;c‘i¢-i;I°dgI:::IaItnI£,lttJa3‘f>ce¢:rpon even! of them had and ufed, as is agree- ‘lrficlts . e, noaylnce pm-to anfwer wall; hr _ 3 at‘ I &£%§%§;;‘§%5§§%§§%§i’駧?§;‘§§.3% ; “..’THOffZ-.;":., .. . , . - . , dftx/er ofitbe Houfe of Cayman: in _tbe 2z4;_r.»e oftbemfllptfg rind ‘of 41] /k Ethzmvm gglmfa, aging!‘ 5‘ir Trevor Igrz git, ol1e‘__a] 1}; ’ am? 'ofbz'}’a1a}cfi¢f mm '0f‘£1\'&btq'2Il7_‘?.i1}!Ip‘!1€l'§If‘bIIfifi’fI,/I.21vz*t,b', ( ml-{gin N0V€5*b¢1'9 9° 50'“ di1,¢l5'g'9.ods and -,1i,z.en(v~;henbf1dm mfiia (>I€o,'«gc Mao«c,aatfod1erMr::c“hamI . wo£Lendo.a were ‘Pl’-Of.-l’i¢!_¢eh‘¢-F8!-hc Puma?! and Officowfifilt -Cuflomee, and by them there detained, bccaufc the [End Proprietors rcfufellitoyay gag Sgfifidéggof Tonnage and Pwudagt. pmcndgd 1'-0‘bB.¢l¢4llId dinnin- g _ the fold Pannours-undgflffiecs on his, Mficfliabchnlfe for-the id‘ .25 gggerchaafizeg whereas no; fish hr 61' duty of Tndugc hi’ pomdqc wasdue or payablcfot the face, 110 Subfidy ofTvnI’a¥, ml‘ been: granted by Parliament :00 his Majcfly. T c 91:! V 1{‘r;,¢t1d4IficIM1e Proprietors ofth¢°{zid gunk’. Ki, Itdkilnltflflli Gifitc end dctaimri as afiorefaii fixed on! ' wtitcrwricof iiepioirig, glircficd no the-Sherifcs of Loddotl . , _'V the «remedy provided by the Law to oegainealu poll fcffiaa of s ttlwnftnd with-llchl from the OWnt1’s~C6ntttl'yIO5I.IW) the {aid Sxr .’I‘#MIa'TrwIr Kvlfihts when, utilize! oncof the Batons of hieM,1jeftics.f_aid.C6ut't of Euhequcr, tog er with the oftlao L‘-zen Barons ofthc {aid Court. upon; irIFo:1mtiqn.to then: given, that dlcfajd Proprietors, or Some ofthe‘ln. had fucd forth, and did profé. cute fuck wit. or writs effiqolwin for the delivery of the fxid goodr, qtckr an lnjuttflien under Scale of the {aid com willie ¢.nn,: el_i.re.&ed xqtlac Sherifes of London, cont-ending thcatdnetebynoteo qxccntz; daezfaéwl writ orxwtitsrofflepicvic, or my Elie mritzdtaegfiurtv be fucd forth by :m_v.pcrfon'or pcrfons for the delivery of a.ny~go6ds'in* thcliltc aamredetditrcrl : And didtlcclarcaud onlcr'ynb_liq,uel';3 in the‘ Enid woods by Law were hotReple- e (:13 {aid Court offixchequcn that the % uifablc. allcagingfor canfc that th 3: goods were in the Kings own: pofleflion, whereas the fan: did not judicially 9 In 1'0 'd1¢'5s' find‘ wawc at attinle inthe poffefi th§y4ld~we1lknow, en: the fiidgmiif fi;'.‘\‘_e‘>f,-dte I?amo«mux11;1focs 0; c3ua;3e:::d~no1m2.£ c_ ‘uod1aa,P1 ' ‘ oraggcfib -o tw“ '_ faidgooés: whid1I!:;x§1&im unclbeclaratien granted snide‘: were andare ‘marl: Lawcsoftheficznhnc, and tn fubvetfimdftfitl comaom_gtu,.nam=dy ofthc Subjufiforregainirtgr ' . Wxonof taken uadwidx-holkniigu him widicflkwfull I ' V». “._ - _ _ .. .. ._'- 1' ' . _ ' .‘ ' _ _,‘ -~ I ‘ . I . . .! \ 'p- .v,(—,r-7 E g 1-yxpr ’ ._ ‘ N F. ‘ .5 ‘L n .1 1 6- v‘ _ " "' ‘ ' ‘ ‘£6 'ThattheSherii’5es of London for the time beingferved with the fail Injunttion, did fotbeare no execute the faid if ‘"53: °f K‘!’_“'533 By meanes ‘whereof the faid oods c_0nti0l|,°d r° d.¢"‘!i‘!'¢4t=|;$ 1903953» contrary to Law, from the f ' moneth 0fN°V€mb¢"> "mm Eh m°fl¢§I of June next followi s . That the faid Thalia‘; Trevor, andother the Baron: aforefaid. know- ing the faid good; to be unlawfully feized and detained for the preten- ded duties and Subfidie of Tonnage and Pound: e, whereas no fuch“VV¢fc paybh by Law, did from time to time delay e refpefiive Proprietors from having reflittttion of their faid goods. being often 1“ COW moved therein, with ingention thereby to force the faid Proprietors (by wantin their goods, and the tile thereof 3 to pay all fuch fummes as the (hi Oflicers of the Cufltomes pretended to be due to his M:t'e{ty. . « _ ' . Tzbnttbthc endaforcfaid the {aid Sir Thomas Trevor, :md«the_f:tid other Barons refufed to accept of any ieeurity to be given bythe laid Proprietors, upon reitittttionhad of their goods,‘ for payment of all fuch duties as thonldbe made appeare to be made payable to his Ma- jefiy in fuch manner as the {aid Barons {hould direct. That the faid Sir rum Trevor, and otherfhe Barons aforefitid, knowing that the {aid fitnumsdemanded on his Majeflsies behalfe, by the {bid officers of the Cttfiumes not to be iiueby Law, did. refute to order reititution of any part ofthofegoods.(for detained as afurefaid) to the Proprietors there- Oflunleifc the Ctid Proprieoors would depofite all finch fummeg o€mo- my asthe Enid Officers rcfpeétivcly demanded of them for pretended duties to his Majefiy ; and the {aid Proprietors refitfing to de fire the Enid funnies demanded, the {aid Sir Tbnw Trevor, and other the Ba- rons aforefiids did order the Bid Oflicers, to detain: double the value of die than fimandedfor duties to" his Majefiy, and to roftote e refidue : The (‘aid Sir Thomas ‘Trevor, and other the {aid Barons, then knowing that the pretended fummes dc. mended by the fitid Ofiiccrs, were not by Law due or payable to his Majcfly. ‘z. '-Thatin or about lanuary 4. Car. the faid Officers having feifed ~ feverall Merchandi ie of the goods of Rvcbard chamber: Merchant, upon t':e'pretutces aforefaid, did dctaine the fame ; and the (‘aid Cbaalaert profecuting by plaint to have his faid goods replevied, dyo raid Sit‘ Tbeuas Trevor, together with the faid other Barons, dlfi im-like manner,‘ inn the {aid Court of Exchequer, declare the ff!‘ Ciaivhis goodsnot eohe Rpléviflble,-and enjoyned the 35¢. Y,I;f¢$.0”-tlldon to proceed no further therein, no caufe to them ap- ' of finhresrmpr detainer, And the an sir nu... 2-,,,,.,, 894-gfitl‘, I516 Barons ofthe Bid Court. refufed to order the delivery 03 thetfqid good fecurityolferedbyhim .. ;_. . o’ . ‘Q .. $1’ ::«.-,- _ y , . “'r__.,".~«.(’,.. «- $0 -;_n'yf‘a11i faith finnmeé as {hould.bc ms. ~.». ppm ,:o\1sa‘amc:oauu~¢e~t-r “’h"h-Fflfi filid goods were pretended ealbé» ’de‘t:t‘in,ed,-iand tht-fatd eBay.- r,°“‘ b¢l0g'-Often moved in Court; 'therein,did ttfu{btoord'errefiictt~ ‘W1 ofany part oi-‘ the [aid cb.zm6rra:.goq.is,» until) the :2-3;.ofNo¢emi—” bcr. s. tar-ol.'.*..and.c|aetL’atdenedthatthe {aizl‘«O£Ettrs"£:ould,det,iIne in tla¢if.hands‘d3flbl¢§ithc valnerof t-‘he Lfithnnbf by 2'tha1r:di'x'nande8, find reilitution ofrhe rcfidue to be made to. zthexfaid Clw/clears,’ no caufc of degainjng any part of the fluid goods to thcrn-in any wife ,5. A . . appgafing. _ ,. .. 4 . r 1 . . . . 3.. whereas m the moneth of Oflober, in theflfouttth-yecre of his £nid.Majefiie's- reigne, the F¢rmets.'n'nd.Of5c(rs of the Cuflome- houfe ‘having feifed great-t: q'ua9ticie.s of Cut‘1'ants,‘- the ‘-"goods of Sewer! V 214 merchant, and having conveyed -them into‘ certaine {fore in s‘ at the Cttfiome houfi and detained them, becaufe the {Enid Samuel Vaflizll rt-filed to pay an impolition of five.91illingt {ix pence of the {aid currauats. pretended to be due’; upon every‘ hundtedwe‘ _ and demanded by the fafiilgannottts and Officers on’ his M ajelhes be- halfefor the faideumtnts, whereas no ‘fucl1- impolition was! due or «p_ayablc‘€nt the fime,-but the {Enid impolition was and is againfl the gawes of this Realme. .- ~ i ~ _. And "whereas. alfo. in Michaelmas Te nut, in ' the Enid fmtth yeete ofhis . taignc, his Majeflies then Attorney Gang. tall exhibited an infimnation by EngIith.Bill in the: Exchequero chamber againft the {aid Samuel Vufliqll, fetting forth that King lama, by his Letters Patents dated the 3. of N Ovctnbcr in the 1‘,-cond ya;-e of his Raigne, did command that the {aid impofition of 5. s. 6.d. up- pon every hundred weight of C urrants {hould be demanded and re- ceivfcd: Andrhat his Maieflie that now is, by his Letters Patents da- ted the fix and-twentieth day oE]uly,in the feeond-year ofhis Raigne; did, byadvife of his Privy Councell; declare hie will and pleafiare to 4 be, that Sublidies, Cufiomes, and impofis {hould be levied in‘ fuch manner as they were levied in the time of King lama; and the fame,’ and the Farmers thereof to continue until] it mightreceive a feeling by Parliament, and commanded the levyingand receiving ‘the fame ac‘- cprdingly ; and that the faid Samuel Vaflizll before thefirl? day of 0&0- ber then lafl pafl before the {aid Information exhibited, did bring into the port of London in fhips, foure thoufand {ix hundred thirty eight hundred weight ofcnrrants, and that Rirbard Carmrthm, Surveyour in the {aid port of London, thefaid firfl day ofQ&ober5 demanded of the {aid Samm-1V4//itll-the faid impofition of five {hilllngs {ire penée for every hundred weight of the {aid curranrs, and ‘ that‘rhé' {iaid Samuel Vafl”aL’ refufcd to "pay the faid impofition, and unjuflly dee- tained it from the King : To which Information the faid Same! Vafi M appeared, and pleaded the Statute of Mega: (‘berm and the D. 2 Statute I gang; ant-xws 2%;-3).: ” _‘ I am- ‘ ‘ QR. 3 8 3113: Trevot’s'7Cbdrge. Sutnteofiefeflegie m cuccdmlé, amlthat he was a Subiefihn nude ch K’ An geance,‘ and Merchant ofiundnu nfing thee’ trade: 1;! |t?11gsld|C§cf3i4fuflflcOf‘5V¢flfil15ngS fix yenoeuponevery hundred weight of: Currants, was and is tnulura taluétun» “and not. ’ ‘gt yd 4.11 ' ‘m fiadwithoutaflh :“l"“adnhent-F‘ re .eoi"#:h’teh.i’1::-. theaIEa:§w£:k‘tsn:rn:} Generall Jamar: zed inLaw. Ana the raid smut ngzu §oync in demurrer with 1 - _ . m. — r . , _ _ - r . That the ‘(aid Sir Thoma: Trgzgr, being that and yet Baronsof:his~Maje&ne' s:Coutto ichequat, fwi . ‘etc of the thembamns of tbefaid Court, knowing’ e {did Cutmntsto he unlmvfufly feifed and detaineé for the pretended dutgvof. five ihillings fix pwtce itnqditionupon every hundred wcightot the {iii Currants '( whereas no fuch. iupofition amspayuble by Law) did‘ from time to time delay the {aid Snead Vafl~"a££« from having refiitu- ion of hisfiidgoods, being often in C-ourtmoved. therein, with in- tentioathetebyfioforcethetnid Sauna! Vafllzil (by 22:2.‘ andtheufethcreof) to pay all {such {names as ch‘: 930$ ' of the Cufiomes pretended to be ducnohis Majefiie, and impri- foned the faid Samuel Vajfall, hecaufe he refufed to gay Inch fununes if money aswere ‘demanded of hid for the Bid unlawfull impofi— tion, ¢ndehatinTx~inity Tet-me itithc fixah year: of his Majefiies rfgne. the fail cafe commihg tobe tguedia open Court 'iIfon“&¢ demurrer, thefaid Sir Tbenm Trewr, contrary to ouch , and conuaryto ‘the Lawn of this Regime, and to the h impcwcrifhr nlcatof the faid SunIdVq'alI, tfid (together w’ the tefi ofthe thenBanonsof~diet3i4C,otItto£Enehequu-}-' and jjeoun Iphdwfiifi infuunaioa-for :11 King. I33’-ihfi the 1" SuucIV4§-ll, endbyfevetallotdenlotthatpu c, did poleflion of the faid goods in the King, a the [aid Suite! Vaftll couldnevcr obtaincany tcfiitlltion at 1:11 of lhc.ffid Curran. - 4 Wheteasit WI: commanded to the Sheriffe of the County of Yoda. by Writ tllfldet-thesenle ofhis Majefiies Cpart cf Eula-' ¢ll¥.I's;3AId Ihefixiuoetuh day of ‘May in the feventh 'yaet'e'o?*hls Najefiht Reign: ¢:tno~v is, That hehould diflraéne dare: auteu- 70‘ Efiuilfio ;toe,pfcarehebte the Btronsof his Majefiius {aid Court offixthcquer, indaeoftaves of¢1ueholyTr'miey then next {hilar- ilflo lmlollifinflodut Kingfot his contempt in Ina: gommilgwghuxptefinteof daelipgbefiore the grainy it the Grfiflfieof hiafiilflejdien Baialls utnkeaupon hind»: ode’ of Inighthoofi banding toeie formed’ an Broclautiooil that behalf: Gonnrlyandes uwhidh daynofthefiid Ofiaveeofthe haly'l't'mity the {aid qantrmhraw didapyeue, and: pleaded tori»: ,. . » .' aid ijudge rTI’iCVEces to his gfes, .91’. the iitid. County -'o£4Y9dt'e,» and that dmt pattofdxc {aid County ofYorke, which is neerefi to the faid Palage of .3/bite-hall, the {pace of one hundted end thirty miict, am! that noProcIamti'on by -trertue ofany writ or Proclamation, for the appearance of any perfons nhatlbere1:.maake.the13u°d orderof ' 0d;Wasmadein'any'p'Itt of the {Bid County of Yorke before the. irtiethday of Ianuaryin the by‘ reaibn vlhoroofthe faid if8id.fil__'fl2ycave0f hi: Majefiieslreigne, lame: Arinleovcrat could "not perfonally eometo the pretense of his faid thoodo before the faidone durticdlday of January in the faid might, yet tficfaid lame: Malwerer for his fine in the premifes ; did hutnbiyfubmit binfelfe to the {aid Court, and demanded to he dif- Afhatgcdsftbe feid iflizes. returned and impofed upon him by reafbn ofthe premifot; yet Eaotwithfhnding the faid Plea and fubmiflion of-ehefaid lam: Malwarcr, and after the fame was made as date. faid, and entrcd upon Record in his Majefiies faid Court of 5,g¢1.¢- quer, cherlaid Sir Thomas Trevor ( being then oneof the B1103!) of his Majefiies faid Court of Exchequer) contrary to his-oath, and 611$: to theLawes of :11’: Realme . and to the,¢rcatimpoverifln- ii‘ of [aid I¢m:’udwertr‘,‘'dSd .( together with the relief the th¢n.Barone of thefaid Court) refufe to irnpofe any Bee wha_d'oc- vet upotrthe {aid Inc: Jldwercr, and told him thatch: {aid Court hadno "power to finehim. but that he might compound with oer- taime Commiflimers for that purpofe apgointed. And did further order and dirc&- kteliall other writs of D{/b"v1gl8»Nifl'ue Earth of his ilajefiis fiid Cmwtoffinehequenunder the Scale of the {aid Court, dinfiodm the feverall Shcrifics of thefaid. ’. ountv of Yorke, whembyxhe {aid Sheciffea were commanded further to difiraine the $1511 . lad: Jldtvercr to qrpeare. as aforefaid : upon which fa';d write of; 041%»-hgo. Tami rgrdasmnd exceffiie fleet; were returned upon fic»_.la'nds -ofgdnceliid (cur.-ritthvnrr,-' Zalouhting to thegfalilne of ttutitoufaad pounds or thertabouts; 1 gear part whereofl the Eu‘! lalerueleturtr was inferred to pay; and in" rlilte meant!’ the raid 51! (eogethcrltithdae regoftherd1en.Baron:of;|g‘ci . 3 , . .. 1’ restate thefaid orderof Kn ° rfl yeare of his {aid Majeflios I 43 o iiidgé ;'I»‘r'evor’s"i ‘(target fiid Gourrof Exchequer ) did order and ditefi fuchand the like pros V teedings,» and the {aid proceedings were had and made-according'_ly -ngainfi Thoma Moyfer Izfquire, andaohinfl feverall other Pcffofis his Majefiies fubjefisin fevetall parts of . r is Kingdome, . to tho uttertun- , doirtgofntanyof-ti1¢tn.~ .. .-»t'_- .. - 5---Thathethe faidsir Tbmtta Trevor» about the-monoth v‘_of1No'.. vetnbcr, Anna ‘Danni, 163$. then being one of the Baronsof ‘his Majefties Court of Exchequer, and having taken an oath for the due adminiitcation of. Iuflicetobis Ma';e-(ties liege people, according-to the Lawns and Stattxtesofthis-B.ealn1e,,{ubfetib¢d his name roan‘ o~ -piltibllgihlsbrt rverba‘: Lam of opinin-r.,_ &c. rt. fiprain Baron-.'Dak 1.-dlflbrrs Chaise, lag. 3o~ ;. b : ‘ . . .2. r _ . t = .6 Thatin or ahoutthe.moneth' of February, Anna Domini, I 6 3 6, (then being one of. the Baronsof the {aid Court of Exchequer) he fubferibed an extrajudicial} opinion in anfwer to quefiions in aletter from his Majefiy, in htcucrba. ' » ' e. .< Charla’ R-‘\Nhe'n:he good and I-iafety oft-he liiihgdonioiii gencrall ‘ ‘ is coheerned, Ste. at /uprti lute man, and fubfcribedutpililt , 7 That the {aid Sir Thomas Trwar ( beingthen oneof the Barons of his,Maj:&'tes Court of Exehequer).did. deliver his opinion, and judiagmeat in the Exchequer chamber againft Iobn Hanrpdtnfifquire, in cafe of Ship-money 5 That he the {aid lob; H'ampt£9x.upon the matter and fubftanee of the cafe, was chargeable with themoney then in queiiion : a copie of which proceedings and judgement, the Com- mons in this ptefent.Patliament have already delivered to your Lords ihi rs. , .. gP'l'hat whereas in the moneth of-April» !€.‘car- ch: Qfieenof the Cuflome-houfe having «feifed a’-'hip ofatefmnuélniaufis laden with Tobacco, beingthe goods of chef aid Warner, the Btdke of the -(‘aid Ship not being broken, and no information exhibited for rhc King, according to the coarfe of the Exchequer, for any duty, the Batons were moved that the {aid Shipmight be reflored to the Propri- etor, iving {eeurity to pay fuch duties as did belongtothe King; But upon e allegation of the Kings Atturney that there neededno formation, becaufe there was no penalty , thefaid Sir Tbuaw Tn: Ivor, ( being then one of the Barons of his Maiefiies faid Court of Iatthtqutt, tbgctllcr with the ttrt of the then nttott tr tut {aid Court) did ( contrary to his uath,-- and contrary to the Lawes of this Realllr.) deny the reflitution of thefaid Ship, unleleall the duties demandedbyrho Partners oftheCu£cnoh¢ni'e~ure Grfi paid.'H¢reg-‘ upon the f1id:llh'ua' brought an adieu of Tramr in the ofiee“of Pleasin the Exdaequet againk the {aid Ofieers that feifed his Itdgoods: whe the Kings Attutneygenerali exhibited an in- fottienby. Nh the Exehequer thaniver qahfi the faid 37500’ 5 jadge Trevor’s‘CIwge. ’ 3 x Wmur 5 fetting forth, that cuftomes and Sublidies upon Merehargdilé were a great part of the Ki s revenue, and pa able to him; and that the f aid Ship was feifed or non- yment o e aforefaid duties. notwithfianding the {aid Warner then roprietor, profecuted the Of- ficers upon a fuit at Law, and prayes that he may anfwer the {bid In- formation before any further proceedings be had at Law : 'I'hereup— the {aid Sir Thoma: Trevor, ( together with the ref! of the then Ba~ rons of the {aid Court of Exchequer, ) ordered, that the Prpgrietor moving for delivery of the faid oods, fhould firfi anfwer to e laid Information 3 after which the Edd Warner demurred to the {aid 1:- . formation: in regard no title for any eertaine duty was let forth by the Information, which demurrer yet remaines not over-ruled ; but the faid Sirgboma Trevor, with the fa(id othefr Barons, hfavivithout o- ver-ruling e demurrer) ordered becau e Warner put in a demurrer and not anfwered to the {did Information, that he fhould not proceed upon the afiion of Trover. The Proprietor being thus prevented of his remedy by aétion at Law, fued forth a Rteplevin, and ( upon pretence of viewing the {aid goods eaufed them to be brought forth of a Cellar, hired by a deputie o the Farmers to that u {e 5 and being brought forth, they were taken by the Sherilfe of London, by vcrtuc of. the {aid Replcvin 5 and upon oath made of the martrlaierlof ltilcnie taking, as aforefatd, before the_Barons, and upon new of t e . re ent, inrolls his cafe ; the faid Sir Thomas Trevor, with ilfc find 0fhc1'Bar0ns. adyudged, that the fad goods were not Rf¢¥£CVl.{8bltC}; and grabztfed an lmunéhon to maintaine the polfeflion 0 cm as ey were ore. And the {aid houfe of Commons by protc Ration , faving to them- felves only the liberties of exhibiting at ady timc hereafter any other ::;.,“€:‘:*::,,‘;;.:."“;:“:;.'“*"W3‘: *2: ‘;"~:';'<*”:,,,,’"“;’ W‘ 1 o eanwertat e e an 1!‘ mar re-our {hall make unto the {aid Articles, or any of them, or of offering proof of the premifes, or any of their impeachments or accufations that {hall be exhibited by them, as the cafe {hall ( accordinit; the courli: of Parliaments) require, dfic pray that the faid Sir I‘ an Trevor, one of the Barons of his Mfl¢filCS.COuft of Exchequer, may put to anfwer. to all and eve?v_the premufes; and that fueh proceedings, examination‘: tryaIs,an Judgements may be upon every of them had and ufed, as is agreeable to Law and Iuflict. nzvzs. 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