‘ ‘ ‘ 5\QflTHfl3\QfEL F1E.s7\@g5s, , Ygp BE CH A %LoF-mg R AB L 13 (fccond Son to the_%rig:1;1tI-Ionollfable t:heL o ‘R D.;S;aY);Aii”‘i”:3an{were ' v Vb H to the. Thiird:-A °% A %%e<:chAof'¥“ e L~o‘nn G D ‘IG A the 9thofFeb- V1640. in thehenourae- 4 A ‘V blc hotwnhfe 0 MM*O N s,% A . In w hichis;~p1ai;ue1y éleared chc%Icvera11obje&i-A’ onsi,that aremade a ainffthe‘ Lon€4lanVer.r Peti- tion, and Zalfo the great: and tranfccndent: evills A. A ofEpifcopalGovcrr1ment:,arc demon“ % A firatged% and plainly laidopcn, A A V A FPrintcd inthe}1eare. 1 64. I. VCoIicérningB I js H 0 P s andthe Cit... ty of L omians Pctitiozi, both which were made ‘ ‘ ‘ 5\QflTHfl3\QfEL F1E.s7\@g5s, , Ygp BE CH A %LoF-mg R AB L 13 (fccond Son to the_%rig:1;1tI-Ionollfable t:heL o ‘R D.;S;aY);Aii”‘i”:3an{were ' v Vb H to the. Thiird:-A °% A %%e<:chAof'¥“ e L~o‘nn G D ‘IG A the 9thofFeb- V1640. in thehenourae- 4 A ‘V blc hotwnhfe 0 MM*O N s,% A . In w hichis;~p1ai;ue1y éleared chc%Icvera11obje&i-A’ onsi,that aremade a ainffthe‘ Lon€4lanVer.r Peti- tion, and Zalfo the great: and tranfccndent: evills A. A ofEpifcopalGovcrr1ment:,arc demon“ % A firatged% and plainly laidopcn, A A V A FPrintcd inthe}1eare. 1 64. I. VCoIicérningB I js H 0 P s andthe Cit... ty of L omians Pctitiozi, both which were made a ‘t 4" ’ . ‘ X ~' A M .. ‘. ~ ‘ S w .4 'v , ‘ 4, ‘ ‘- , ‘ . -‘ M4 v.‘ * 7 ‘ * L‘ ‘ v * ( J ‘ F .4‘ . . ' ‘M’ ‘ ‘ u 3, -‘ ‘-4 I ‘ ' - ‘ F V‘ - . . g ‘I’ ‘ “ -1 L n H§oiJfe';df’COM*Mo the 13* M:. ¢ 7 " ZW:o 4thi4nV‘gs~h*av**e=failcn inimfdcbwtc -.. * E{?hie firfi, 4toncernIin«g?V:t7h:e: owwwy " 9 g %%Pe?tit:ioi.': ,1 Wihéfher: in Tfhould‘bc4éOn:jmit4 M , V . ’f’{f'hc f’dthe6r:~co1wcctni%n%g5th€f7 C3ove'1fn "c:11?1%e?t1t'%i;*5rf¥t_h*e} Chu=“rch,;Ab£y Arrch-bifigrdps, Bifhops,* VwhécThe2%~ if fi1*o;nl:d*: be» co1E1rxtenan”cae(:i"c>T91**z3 o’: 1? A A Q 77 I7 V V? For I.‘-hf fi1‘fls, M A11‘ doc in'ot“i1~nd‘ei‘fié1i1d4»zbyfatiy‘thin that;rI%h%tve£y“ct‘he“a1f¥d,Vwhy “the? agzdozaera vPetirion . Ebould not*-‘be= ciom*rni.rt4cfd”, ~df5%(':"”d un7*tbnahé€4d*. Aj :i..4 1-‘ . : %*T»hA%e=%c:xcMe4;ptins’*tVhfat are 7taa‘kezi3a*gaif1i?cA’1it.;Aare ¥r%dr§r ; A A 2 . ' V t he . ,r v ‘ W 1c of I ‘v E ‘ M . > ;=\ Q ; a ‘ . I: , 6&2.-; ) ‘ ‘ -H W . . 1 the irregulariciv-:s%Aohfdt:I1Ae dcIivericV%ofii;,an4d fr'om:. the hr _.«& her-'oEPecirioners ,; and fuch a number that brought the Petition» to the Houfe, was irregular; hereun- to I anfwerc," that the fafi-It was eithe; in :hemu1ti- A rude ofg,§Eh”e ;§%Pe tifibneré in qé;Vfj;:§age%S;and de- mean0§ij§?%'i*‘ifamulcitud tt:}é‘”tm"c:"cau fe A:1"fua1%1y they A are more tumultuous. All IaWV:‘s are ma%dc:,4V.;pri4r;gi¥4% §.a§iL :3*£o;r.iv;.Ahc:Aiquie%téand~.:peaceVciffa Ifiihgdomeis 1V%W.w3?3flSflh.€Ie7£i£fu»Ch1iI?;.diffi:r.¢nt_. nature: manAicrimes, that it is a good reafon to altcr;i_z:, onely,beC2ii1”fe' a, it 5? ii C%1‘v€."M I?€:.I1OEh*iI1 p [8 ig, g2q;;¢!i «;h'c;1§cfo.re%I%;d:oV¢ not fee that, the;AxiAu'nxI:£é'r %of’Pecicioners is any »good?r¢afbn,why it?‘Afl1ouIAd:rm;‘4:AAA be %commi.:ned;,Auc: rathcrV the »%cont‘rarie; 4 A New f0I.¢t1T¢iIC:3.I1'i3Lg€;.th~€1'fCam~‘3 ind66de,thre’c or {bite h.uand4redp£;thc;I~5coo,i& fame; <3f§»rhe+ better £;c;r_:_wof them, a~{1,C%:§11¢r¢migh€%§J%“é gcxc-zd;rea:fon;%,for icf have h:ear:d:%'lt harfth e-“re. «Bron ghc a‘ Petiri0nL w 3 % ,fon:1cprivie %CVounfelIo1L1rsg," ‘ Wimtlga; tAhOufan’dA%ha%nd‘s~ i~ 7' pg is , @'_an.d bein g. bmught onelife wi»th&Mfixm4¢~n€,A,Qfthey, :2nfwcredV ‘man: 4rhey fix imighA4A£A Write %thofe IhD31faiIdAhands .3 ‘if;:h:erc:were.‘athoufand tshac3oy- I media the Petition ;why» did thcy%%notA %cofi1fic4too 9 »And« W3-c¢‘_h¢ard it objeéted Vbu*_1:he other daie,~in;chis %I.710l1fe e:%é1gaA1a;a;{t 4%;tAhc: ~.Mi:1i£fcrs Pcwziori 5% that ,.rh¢rc Wc.re4i11_d.¢:cKdfevenfi «e4igh:=%» ivh1mc£r%¢d I Ana‘mesA tgiitfg b.11F;tWOAA%~hand.s Gaelic. %AA'%I7hcr%éfofe it was ~D0tf‘-Vith-= out: caufe,-Vthat a;confid%eravb‘1e number?fh0uIdw% come} mth a Ps:t,i@V:ion%fign:c§:by%17o manic butfor any dife %9¥d¢¥intfi§ix.s=arxia%g¢g 1~faW~none afm upon aAr1;_;in«~ %t~1mFation;Ai«n~oymcwoArdfrom:this HouVf=:thcy fort!» A ‘f_winh4:eHtired E0 thcir dwellings. Asfor «‘thefub.je& mfitfifif Qffithf-' P€titio%r1;.,. thrcé ¢XC€pti0 us axfe %1: akén V - } w rhiingsvarf contempciblciin git: ‘ .,.‘ u "'.H» ‘~«‘“ is tMI'ia;t aboutw 0:7,-%z';1e e/jéIm»a—re ,‘ fez; forth. ;in En glifh, find %othgcih6r iirxzaciomllgfoir that thev arfguefrom perfoqal faults of Bifhopsagainfi ;th;e%¥o{fijce it? (6156 of A A Bifhopgandin othcrchings argu6rfr0?II1 =€f¥r:£’cAs;VAVtvi1at A p»rQ£€5d fi'0I11iE by %acc1dem: :, if clam? _c¥idflie v at M Andin zheiafi place, that "thciripraier and cam- dufion isbolld and prcfumpmous, defiringfoboldiy an abolition offianding lawes..To the Ed’: I a'fw€r, thaE f0f1i6.thin§3S m ayj{};em%e contemptiblc in them- ‘ raves,“ A which éic not {Q inthc i%%r4Cau1fcs; norin their . A3 ._ Cfitéisz ee ffie fies, eas:‘th4e fuffe.rif1g»-oF:{'u;r:he l§a:fc“ivi'ousP“an1~g9I1Iéte to be epri:er1;ei:eed,a‘nd publeifbeel, W hen uther .prdfitab‘le writings a5.re«f‘uppre{f'e d, .othe~<:1:ifcoveere a pri:n¢iple~, V A fl%"eia;nd:eperophan;efI'e,V ( ewheic;hewiIl helpe- ~cc)eEifr.i.1:1;g..e in fuspee“rPcitiQ;‘n)ies emfore fumble to theirhi-A. eeriarchy th en the coin trTarie,whic“h makes them com A enivse ac fiich things; a‘sare’ apt to pr‘o:d’uce i1oe‘fenefl'e =andee1ewdneflE,‘~.a.nd this is no contempt-ieble ec£Fcé’c, noxedetheit prcceed from a-contem tiebleeauefe. A :In the next place, farther: whicg feemesughJthere axA4ethat‘undertake A. :17; mi) m1¢1ys;on’.e: fjente.AAn:ee::A1:‘h,av%eA;AT0f:en%: baa, r Aci.tedAA; om ;Saint4:$ jjéromc tharé in? th& 7 p.riA:mit‘iV€A riAmes;,,_% A 4 0Amm'a f§'0?7$?13fl7?&i:AA 6" lerA£coMmz» §aAnriIi~0A rtcgre!:=exz22zm4 :% a?r1i:'!*$: txue_ly;ffoAA:farAr“e- as the A—;8cs*:+of Athc-4Apo17‘z1es,A an d:"tfihc' A iJTc{fia4u‘ld. A happen m 13:: excommunicated thereby, that after they weiildbee little .cficcm;cd,4~or obeyed as Kings; ,+for1:hisA ifit fl1a1lbe@cleai:.édA., as itA+isaffirmed , A that the removajll of the Goveniment by Bifhwops , or of any%thingth¢1‘.cin doé any thing flrike at Monzrchic, 1 {ball nevcr glve my vote-,nor confenc thercunto as l0I;ga,5j I1iYe.BLZlt+to clca1fc;th;aV.c chzs is not fo, 1o&‘c: . to you%r-confidcration ghatbyche law of this land, not on¢%Iy‘“a11%Ecclefiafcical Jurisdiaion, but alfb ‘ all fuperioricyfiz prehemincnce over the eccldiafiiv cal Pca!1Lte,,is .anz:%exed tome i/mperia1lACrown of this Realme «a;nd;*’may~b4¢c granted by$Comm‘i(fion un- der thegreat fealc , to fuck pcrrfons as: his Ma;'%ef’cic V {hall gthinkf: msicte: now W,‘ if the King fhould grant V it: unto .3 Acc%rtVainV¢ numb an of.Cc:mmi(I'mgm=:rs,; equal!‘ in au4;hori:tic ,; as hecma:y¥ doegthis were”; an a;bai*i.tio‘n QfEpifcopacic, iandycc noc:diminu’tIiori4 of Manama: ghyg ¢bu¢f‘*wthe truth;is,&Epifcapacieis 9. kindcof Ma»-» I1«%4rC11i%qg;1fld;$r 2 arching, Em; %:;i%s= "therein azlmgcs; thcr%1g:,n1i~kr€ %A§heg1gi“vi1I GoYr:rum:nt4.,umder; hi5'M3MajC§f' {tie zp; flag I£4i;ng*t%:i:;B;ein4g;i head%bivéif2 cpC;1t=fia{’ci4fi3%1a%1iAl%£’£at%¢;a*r;xd;:I£*ie:%civi:I1?,.fwc fl1~iH:6n.d“e%;éhacA in the aéxe:Ifcifc:ofA“ sf:.:i:v&:jl:1:;":s fiuurisdimom r, in 4%ia1*1;;;,Cpu1¥ts l1nd»e§4h%i$,»%P"f%1a;3fi£’£3c.,. iS:.T'.41Y1:fl';0£fdfi;z«'afl,‘j and .p1'§acied% H in man[i%:e,A% arid :1?¢vin;.anA«¢~g»&:gas .;app.£aetc thisahigh » .Court ot Parliament , ifis—fi1eA‘in£erifiafltaufts of W‘¢fimiT¥3 fi§%”€I-Ha1:l%_.;&T”;i1; +.th£°Siz%:cs5and%S¢11ions% imtzhe 3W.h".iI§hfifi.é :61 ckbyma;iE1i:e%Co:n3;m.i:fiOn¢rs, % a;;1%‘§3;;;nQ;e 935:1}; ys4;041;e3 :;Q1":h iwdxzputies, atiid Gmnmif~ : f31';i.'€3_é :1 €355 li;v11-:f;iAS:.:.'1:.l1”A' i%:‘tli1L*¢?§:I“¢I$35;fe :a@EK‘.£Qk51fi2i3;i9€3,lfI ‘;%G.Vo}— A B A vemcmen: Q ;’;<8u » » 7”gdvéimcn*t;As;:€b :He;Vpoint.Ti)fL€&tc0h1 .*pafinfg*’;th%ac%V%.‘i*:did dAiA{fo1vfei*nacurai11? %at1d%civli31lT bbfzdfs ?Q:£dnciAcg as: do.th:no1:;, it igNhr:ii1decd7be¢ asL’-térri: Brinc1es&.v‘£,:4aV4s:=ni:é A iws+:‘xcp"r1efént»éd...; —r§ai:Q%;i :thi1§,¢i%thcr@:ria&c§ aszqwfbbi cfli mt: a;?ti%o t31i, "pr?c~hey«"a~re+~3h:dz: iAAi€thAey~* bee n6f,';21iihen ?‘t1;"ey’ n%¢‘ed~.wé.§ }i1:.1;II,€:V%t2::2.f'caneea. P£ésby;;:e;rie yon. afi..»£fl?Te¢m%b lyig as a~‘Bi§g- % {hop in thAat.arief;Se€t~:,;Ti£*1:hey‘b ¢¢,;'a-they h4avs:f%as4»mu%:E; “§<:>ffAciéZ”r¢mAt€ro+zn: iffiops samicafiiwife? fro;:r1 :2 Biihops in A thtii Cn*§T0caV"tibn§;as%~fr;m~;Px‘e1sm‘df:%b£ A hope%‘4,1~+£fidJ*?aft¢j:vv4ard§~ A £e%und;hméan’é*s (bi-7 fuccefféig toWd'r”é§S ‘ithea i‘711t*rp"c:I%1i1’c:ix‘3Lg* aga*i1iséfOfthci%r .JV‘VI'u;”*2i<:*r%fi4:it.it§'xI1 f? ‘fI‘aTtriéL-i;n:to;th’is4 Rcailmc:;'} léanclfilzhcy“w%r,ou‘ght%f9 »‘d;iii*~gei1t1yT upon’ this- fd11z:da;cion,“%~that"tLhe»yhavcgdvagd-cad their? buildi;ing% my %farre3 amid ghow“ pLeérAe h”éy%Wé" tom”; %fEt7 ‘the V’ Roo‘fe~,5%«IAl%eétve;ifm:4o yxqufir bon=fidséi*a{:ipfi4;4 fifor ch :29 c.i7ilIs.LwhiiChVr?vtz,ec£ have *fu&7e‘redr mar Civil%1%M]‘ibE'if,.t“*,r,V and"1_the;r‘ight of our 'pr0pr?ieties, _ ‘ ‘1C'OhCeiveAthey; h&V€'“.pr0cc3cd€d+oflt Qt";-=iE}3i$, anél~1fq *§z€t“cd*f1£0.fl1 F8?‘ if§:t:br.er e;ha’kf"4%een¢»4nb}b«féain e:§*c‘%7%‘ % w;ou1dhfav;‘¢been»e names t4o4‘héAivw%é17%hadV‘i~é'courfeAun#-, EQ nhcjzf e b xfq1i’e~‘1E1 45:1 £’cei*n 6-‘s‘i‘ that A‘c*'a.n hfoId*"1'i?b jvifaté 1*; ’ - bm::%.th?e17¢e; eirrgi» ~_Pcop1p§4gé% ‘gP:1%rk1men V Vpjiesg .that::WVasmi16&l<:iéfi§m?©f létitiiiii ij;:it1?1_‘;é)T'zi":;fz‘:§.;fi717 Ch azxisnundea:&b:n»r & ma :a»é‘p»ot1%i:e‘é? %a?nid1»othe*r% -i1IegaI1‘%; ca*x,esL%§‘g: :zn~dai~mpofisions=,;V-.qkcbmpanAiéd= with II':‘3"I1y'” othenh£aVv:yfi5amdj.*fo:‘e4 br‘eVachcs%o4fjmi“r 1Vib¢rft~ic*s;% ow %% th;A~c;r.e;;n;e!enied;‘"‘gJoxAria ..‘hfavé$“i‘*b,€e :ia%iiy”;V%b%-fé-é4chcsA"V % ~ A " ‘ B 2 Parléamezttg % mi J1’ CI) 24,:;4mgmA;,%had n*o;c1aie:eu:a.%fo:;c?c4hing: difificed id g:m;,.;»and Wlgagnt %::.i:c2c”o11ld nm;;b¢:»ar::y of ghevA{q”civi11A_mat:t¢exs~ phat: brrféd%1:*hcA5rfl:%di’fFerence,fIf they h?-VjC@TjQ§¢Cd‘¢§1.'0f1§1£‘O£iC-,'tfhflffiforfi I. Acomceivc ii:wa§*t~hi:§ ~'I,h+€ Pmelafies ;*’W;.i:;h:.:i::h,.ci1:.a:dh:-ments (c«»%he.; V '.«ia’ts alai, %t‘3%‘3%;%%fl«"~‘? ¥13?i¥:1g:; mhémr. fbmthcjif “i‘m:F&<:%;--5 rear";a1d451wai¢s w0k¢.*U‘p?0h~F2zx£zammr:wich an Av.i:11€Yw¢ra, 735: 7110 13t§it?I1d. t:z£Ffis:e?s4%' and fi1n::&ioms,— an %icafiw:1§e; ;hei%rL wgddjgmcies , Aland ~f0rp¢ -Qf§E"h€§1§1»r:h:aV.i?mg% filwayesi g¢r7ace, t"“Q‘j -136 V 5: 4:?0@:€,1*‘e ;z:;f7t~h¢%; Eriimtstacaafes ) rh ey have -a‘}?VWaiv§?$%~A~€AAn%d¢3 r bree&1:a%d*ifa tf'e&ioa.'9'1.=i;n~ "fiiifigs {K3111 Pflflififivtfltfa aschc«prc£fcL ,and1‘pu41pit=do%e&: A abpumdagtly; W»iffl¢1§:'@ “avLidV«balw1asL%; mo ,;;,:.=,:A :ma~c&i«e by f Bu-c wee %havre aAfr€sfh and bJceding%»irn‘fiancc%:o£ thiégih th‘e*%c0:afiVrmé1mi0‘n«im:?his!‘MréiiBfl:icsname, A which they ‘ progurééi =9 b<;= prefixd.ed%;¢hefteachc:i%r booke of Camnm;sawh9rein%%~:hsy:d :mw¢endewW“=d4L:o~Fm aka this imapr&f§i_on.uponlhis»Majefi:i¢srroya1l‘min;d.5tha.c the autharsand fomcntors of the jealoufies in re- AfpVei9c.of.thenew rites. a:mi c;e«I-emonics: 1ate.‘~l~5r. mm. V ducc<;iin»tO% which WcveA ' ca‘1Minr1=nrvati.’4 A nns, Eiifd”flrik¢%ap, his 1:;-'oya11 Pcrfon%,J :as=if~hc:e wcxté A pfirvértcdin hisrelbigion, anddid Worfl1ipGodinVa A ft1perfi_i&ciousA way , -an intended to bring in Vfome infnovation inmat_~cerpf Religion .Now‘Si*r _,;who are \ - A the aut‘h£: >rsof rhofe jcaloufifisfiid they-n0t~“come as % A comp1“aintsinthepetiytionsfrom the ~Lbwes% of fc- verall Counties Tabb laflz ‘?’Mliam¢cn1t,and from _mm‘c th%is:p%refc%nc Pnrlzkmem , Aafynd who-were ;thc:fomen~ :m;s%o£nhej1'¢4.j;ea41,oi1fies? di;d;.notA-ch,c.gencm11.Afcnce A of (II) 91' the%1afi'PgnfIi4men1 bctmcurre in it‘, that they were inno%va‘tio‘?ns, and t'ha1: t_hcy_ were f'u%fpi‘tiVous,a*s intro- dufioryto fuperfiition? nay,-, I appeals toall thofe chit hears me, which are drawne from all parts of the ’KTinAgdomc4, whether t’h~is~ beg not the gene-rall Tenc%e%d’f thegreatefi Aa'nd"* mpfl Vconfiderable part of the whozléliingdomea Ibefeech you then co coma {ider what ki*n*de «offices thefe men have done~:b<-:- tweeneeghé King and“ the Pmfliament, betweene the ~%a«:;id iihe ‘K-in ’gdio%mAc3 fpeak 0ftfh%c&grc%atcfi and c0%rifider'ab1~¢péJrt ‘,* as giving denomination to ihe’ ?wh0*l-*e.%~ _ A And now Sir, as we have gaff our eye‘ backcward ," i‘fvveemv\sryi§11_1f)t>kVefori2vard$ , how doe» t’Y;1c4wcl;értrds“'th¢i+c¢1-égfm what *diVi’cV;A;{;‘1ions5 yaea4~«%h?”9~I dan=3éf§”%3“0e=h¢Vj =hrearen4 us Wichail wpVr0c¢¢ding 1’fm‘5*<’”‘“‘*?e’f3m°"1'9°‘¢*°?“ChI1I'ChG0‘- vcrm‘m%¢nt»and t1<=i1>? forthernathads‘mipunifhmenr and r¢mova19ff1%¢:h§ pcrfons,arid the putting of bemttcr in t1J_1eirr‘99.1;g‘, V.A;g f9r¢%tho%I¢—evi1swhichproceed frmehings;theyré1To,% #r¢rfified%4iedbJYAremwal0ff11ch«=1:l:Ii.r:gsas«§!é;eziJ;« fin;”f<=“‘ titles c}mc¢r‘ning- Willéé 5 %Ie;gaci¢s;,. iitheg; marriages, adulterics , which allbélo-ngipg~ { rt) théCiVi1lj§£IiSdi€’ciOn, and arenomoreof fpi%ri5,-1A tfia1%1€0hfid%éréri0fi» t5é11%rape‘s,thefts».~Ffé11oni¢cs; or,-I7 treafims Mbee; Sir iris £9091 yvth mévfirsr%~bi*rrd;4»4 would ‘ ha%ve n:s .%owAne“%k§¢a:her 3.»ememb¢r¢{ when Wh*e.n*4bnc» éraxfie t‘»o'tou"r‘%32zvio%§r»¢~*c'Ia}-ifQ fa ’ 7ca’:=j7irE% at/mt /94ee;2zv0zz[d mafia/ai.r‘ Bro:/aér tadividgy rI7e- iiz£i.érz’n¢nc¢ A Wii/7. /757?}, bet’ d.)f"bz.773 , WI70 made biffljflé z[9i22g,m;»h:~::a%m d maynot :w e askew he [made them: , —c%ha*t take; f'the7’tnfe1v*es‘tb ib¢e -1‘ uc::c’efl‘ou¢rs=o£ Ch‘:-ifl:? and his Aipft‘les;,]udges offi1chVthinrgs?I“ Ma"nywinc%bnveniE-+n~' é1ké chase-: .0?» A Many are~excc’>mmunieat»e,d»“for pigges“, apples, and t1uit~s; _ and fuchlikc things; A 7b%u§trtht;* emula- which no ccd.%in%t11e ecc1cfi~a:fficaI4l¢v1&aw¢si5and ccpné-~;V flijxmigmfi p:inx:h¢erIa us:%+*ore., ,.w4:h¢icI+;:.is ,% tHeLy[ h€51 ton nmcvh of thb\*ce1?7erIl1<:~.rii’a<1 1: MW. Aidd‘? h”éét‘e9 A Mr, sM;ge,,g3y;4¢A*me;1cave:c.o_j1a:ne.mme condition? V Qffl?:hi.3 our Chur ch.of England; béyian%d'.Vth%at~g:>fva1'l L<:)-*<% 4 th€:r.% reform hatches 5c sit-cati%fn:4:iu'mjb‘ an M "e»ér“e*{-7%‘ monfi%es:i~;nf»c?h e=*i1i:d'gm;enc4%ofifémifs: zi1"c+ri¢'$:1‘n}i:;wi?1iIi’é:é;’n to b:«¢7¢’"i‘1'7€‘j€'€C€dl;0f'aJ;1 _'(3{hu‘1'che%駑,, ii'1Vt'h”e§ judge eéi -.:%‘o**E A “ all otherreformt?d~Churches;to§‘be rejcéitéll Abyfliem, < and _A:ir1jtVh.AeA J‘ udgcmcnr ;o£ou I‘: own 5 4CL3%§1A;ch\és~vb in; <3; f1F§TIen,t ¢e'rcmoiiits¢:,;a*nA=d hays‘: yvh at%i.:i;%%—reVr1*é4&3;;§zégij What diftraéifiorisw2h2Wé.:t4Héfe:::siri&i1‘i?¢re:ic%d%cei*emon'i¢‘e<:§ j“ raiff&d2= amongf’t us hat nhathi :”dep«riv»‘e‘€1~‘;1s4? of {o ma favi.t1hFu1wl,,Wabvl¢c;arid %gOd1§§ mi r1f~iPt¢_ifs. ,* 13 :1 pt t‘h_b A ‘=53.S§V ah}r:.:<%-and‘ask: 511:7 fin: 153911 agcfp .5“ }1;o‘1;~ Ch-aI%~ge««;¢%;%U%h9,tV: ff-LI%‘r1‘C%',%‘c§ii’« [OI?1,>,‘*~4%'%f%$‘a!S% “ail? «dA;{%€ ~«I €YC«1‘=;pIOd11C€din the Chrifcian World fimje the A ’ fimc r :e€I+)e . time ofiche ApoiHes,: fay ewhat: vhatb 3 deprived by ofrhem , but thefe inrdiiferent ceremonies Per what hath-derived us of {'0 many choufand Chrifiians A vkhieh defired A (A and in allrorcherr ~refpe&s deferved ) A to: hold ocommunionjjwith us 5 A I fay whoa: hath de- privedus ofchesn, andzfcattered them intolknow noc'wharplac'es and corners of the world, butthefc : indifferent ceremonies P W hat: hath caufed fo ma- ny hard cenfimres, and harder eexecmzions , A but thefe inbdifferenc ceremonies ? What bath oceafioned ochofe calamities, and dangers, ‘ which We feele, and A which wee fCa‘1‘€,bl3t,thOfC indifferenrceremonics? I (1131 fay no more of them, but I pray God that new ’ 3,; length it may epleafe his Majeflie with-this his great Counfel ofmrliammt, to take a view of them, a,ndif'there be a ucceflitie to rertainc them,Iet rthern bee retain ed 5 but ifnot , then letous remove thcm,; A before they mine us. Astoche evills and inconve- A niiencesr thatrarifee out of t:hC*7G overnment tic :felfe,b I flaouldhave noted foxneching amiflE:,asrrwe1lr in the legislatizve part, min the (xeaativerparret , but in the“ formerl arn~;prev—em:ed by what hath been: alrea--’ dy votedrconcerning the Vpower of making: 'C;an-~ nous: which votes if they bee brought to perfeélie on, they will fetus right in great part ,4 in that re- A fpe€t,_forfure1yi,r before the power was neither in A the handsre of rfuch. as were rcpreferntative of that which is truely the Church of Engluizd, nor yecin the hands of thofeethrat were truely reprefcmalrive of thcC1tergie eofefiaglande, if they werethe whole Church,a3 indeed theryaere.z1ot.;: Asro the c':acét:a”fz'fvc~ part, which confifieth Tinrphe cxercifer 'of:’eCc£'eEa”&i- can (15) tall jurisdiétion, therein 1 note alfo tw o difortlers, Confu{ion,and Corruption, Conifufion of the Spi- ,_ rituall {word , with the Temporal] 3 lay-men fltrike With the Spiritual] fword, and Spirituall men with V theTemporall{wotd: nay, out ofthe fame mouth, and at the farne time proceedeth an .excommunica+ itiony, anda fine, or commitment, otboth: I will not fay pofitively , that it is unlawfull for Clergie it o men to exetcife eivilljurisdiétion, becaufe Iknow it is a_quefiiori, but yet faith a queiiion as hath bceue determined by divers Canons of generall Conn»- icells, and by fome that we-remade in Synods of the Church of E;zgland,._ thatit is unlawfull , and that ‘upon gtoundswhich are not contemptible. l Asfitft, that itis contrary to the precept_an_d‘ praéiife of Chrifc and his Apoflrles. And fecondly, that it is notpoflible for oiietman to difcharge two ‘ fimétiohs, whereof either is fufficient to iinploy the whole man, efpecially that of the minifiery {'0 ‘great , that they ought not to entangle thetnfeives A 'withthe aifaires of this World. A third ground not i fo Wellohferved generally , as in one A part thereof, is this, “that Minifters oFtheG¢o¢f'pell, i ‘beingfenlt e-- f'ptcially'* to gaitie the‘“(foui.es of metr, they taste‘ to gaine as great interefi as poiiible may bee ; in their ‘mindsatid affeétionst: now Wee know that the nay-+ t-fife ofall men is fuch5 that they are apt to thinlte haytdiy of thofe that are any authors ‘of their Paine) and puniihment, altihous3;h‘it_heein away oFjuf’cice,_, 8:. thereioreiasit iswell ktiowne, A that Clergy men ate Ii.0t.ri20b€p1‘€f‘€flt§23jlt61i‘t‘i0flzfi¢ga!i?2iI, (owe fame i teafon extetidskitlfelteato the adtninifiration of ail C civill 5‘ ll I “,5 % civiil jurisdiiétiofl , andthcreforessweernayobferve that our Saviaxar 6‘/mfl, as he alwayes rejeéiced all cia- villjudicarnre, fol one the otherfide, hewent up and do wine "heaI'm»g—rI1ens bodies, and othier.wife,do-9 ing goodeco their nutward eii~ate,; that his dofiririe might; have a freer , and. fairer paflérge intone theirs fouies. in For the corruption thatifpoke of in Ache exercife ofEcciefiafiicaiiiurisdié’ciona.,I do not mean: i any perfonallcorrupt;ic1n,bnt aideviation, or aber-- ration from the prefc-rip: of the divine rule, and though it bee not eafie to finale ewhat cihatliiis in ails particulars, yes 1:: is not hard ti) fay, what iris not}: aneed that I doubt may prove our cafe in diverse things .; Ecclefiafticai uris difiion weknow, exten-s doth either cothe Clergysonelyg ‘ and ’confifieth in » the Ordination, Admiflion, Sufpenfion,?lancl Depri«~ vation of them , or elfe it i extendeth to the whole Chnrch, and confiftcthsinsexcommunication and abfolution. As to the Ordination, Adxniffion, iSufr- penfion, and Deprivation of Minifizers, we fee how it is wholly at the pleafure of one man, and that of fonemani proceeding in a manner arbitrarlilys, ' and: that nfone rnan whofe ineerefl: is concern’d init, that the doore lhould be fhizragainft able asndepain; full preaching Miniiiers, and a wide dOO1_°€ fer open wfnch as are unable, and unfit for that funéiion: many and great and dangerous eviiis arlisfe from hence. *As A firft , chatgthereis a commie" farre and fewd» betweene the Escclefiaiiicafl ~§tate and the V Civill, betweene Prelates ,, and Parliaments,‘ be- eweene the Cannon lawyandsthe Common=1a.w, be- EWEQHE theCl6rgy,‘aI1d~the.Common-wealth, ari-:-.- fingf acme tfirig frotri thedifproportion, and ditfimilitude l tliwheich is betvveen the Civil! and vEc‘clefiafl:ica} Go- evememeent, however it may feeme to fome to agree ‘i Wellienfiough , but the truth is, if wee éonfider his ,Maje,&y as the Common~head over the Ecclefiafl:i- V call Sta{:e,as vvellas the Civil}, wee {hall finde that in the lexercife of all Civil jurisdi&ion,in all Courts under his Maiefiy , the power is not inany one, or lii§iD.€‘pn,ties and Commiffaries, as it isin the Eca hel\e{iafl;icalIGohvernm*ent , in the feverall Diocefiesi V throutghout this Kingdome : if were looke firfi: upon‘ th.eWhighePcl;1ndth.gvreatefi: Court, the high Couttof Parliament, We know that is a Counfell and a great Cmlnfel t,oo.:In like manner in the inferiourlCourts - ofawefiminfier-Hall , there are many Judges in the point.oflhaw., and more in matter of faét, vvhe"rein*e-” very mantis judged bytwelve of equalli jcondition unto him , I meane the iuries , which are judges of the fafft, both in caufes Civil} and Criminall : and if Wee loake ;im:o the country, wee {hall finde thesef-v fions and Sizes , and other Courts held not hyany‘ H one, but by divers Commfsioners. Andinfhort, ‘ in the Civilh Government, every! man from the grea- A ‘ ref’: to hthevlcafizg hath fom.e.{11areinthe Goveornrherlt aCCOl?CiilDg-i2Qth€ ‘Proportion of his Intereii in the A Commozzt--w;ealth, Tbutin the Goviernmenlt oi‘ the ‘ _ Church, all is inl‘~the*hands:of one man ,In the feveral Diocfiflies, or ofhis Chance'llo:1rs,or Commifihties, a'ndllheeexa£is Canonicall obedience, to his‘Pon- 4 atificallcommands , with a total} exclufion ofthofe A that that-withfianding have as much {harem the i’Ch;;m:h, and confequentiv as much Interefilin the C 2 A iGovern- V (18) government ofit,as they have inehat of the Com» moma'ealth.’ (Sir) uentill 1: he Ecelefiafiital ‘govero“- men: he framedlfomeching of another twifl:,.lan-do be more aflimilated onto that ofthe Common-wealth, fear: the gEcclefiafiicalgovern'_menc will bee no goodoaneighbour unto the Civil, but Will be.1':’cil§1.a cafiing in of k5 leaven into it, to reduce that alfo-to “a fole,abfolote, and arbitrary way of po:oceedi«ng: And herein ( Sir) I do not beleeve,thae I utter Pro» iphefiesghot what v;re_have already found,and fc-11:. -A A e“ ._§’_—‘;Se<;ond, and that a great evill ._,and ofdauge- mus eonfequence, ioTth'1s: fole and arbitrary power e—o§r”?l§3iflaopsovertheir Llergy is this, chacchey have A 2 ?Th=é3lZI1'1¢i'33.I1CS a power, to place, and difplaee the Clerogie oftheir .Dioce{Te at their pleafure: anaemia is fuelchoea powexyaslforemy part," I had rather c'he3»"- hadthe like power over the E£’cate,and performs ofall within their Diocefle :, for if I hold the one,’ ~h1.1*6?:‘at the will and piea-fore of one mao, (I meane . the Minifiery-,u~nder which I moi’: live) I can have bot little, or at leaii: no cerraine joy nor comfort in the other. ~But~thi.s is not all, for if they have fuch | A a power to mould the Clergie of their Di‘ocefi'cs, ac- cording to their. pleafure} we know what an Influ. ' eocethey may have by them upon the people, and an to themfelvcs, as formerlychcy have done, or no- thatio a {horn time they may bring them to fuch blindnefle, aodfoamould them alfo toiztheir owne- A wills,as that they may bring in whatfieligiorz they pleafe: nafvghaving put out our eyesgas the aPl9él‘2;«’fix.r did Sampfom, they may afizerwardesamake usgrinol, A a and reduce us unto what flavcry they pleafe , either 320 (19) l toothers, as.fome of them lately have hectic for- ward enough to doe, Now whether it be fafe to walke upon Stilts onthe top Ofthe pinacles of the ~ Temple,.upon ['0 high. precipice: , as are themat- tcrs or Religion, and confcience , (W hich may have alfo a dangerous Influence upon our, civil liberties) 1 leave it to Vourconfiderat-ion'l:for my part,,I thould not thinks it fafe, thatfuch a power fhould be in any _ onermaftl, though you fuppofc hirnto be a very good man; t A » A third evi1,%anid that Ofd'3Ii1g€l1'Oi1S confequcnce, is that the date is'fhut‘ againfi: able andvpainevfiulli Preaching Minifiers, and awide doote feet ope un. fro thof:-3.thatI,are§unalb1e, andurrfitfor that funéiion and i;the‘Bifhope‘i”rltherefi is ‘concerned init , that it fhould be for.‘ ‘ I'I1't€ICf’c of hotioz1r,Intere1’t ofprofir, e andillnterefiofijower, Iantereiiofcrediar 3% :for -they fee . thatthofe painefulli Preachers carry away all thelcredit from them, and they neither catmor will doe the likethemfelves: they cannot by reafon they are Co intanigiled with the affaires of this World, and i . civill jutifdeifiiona they will not, theitgreat Digni— ties and honours make thetnfo flately,that they thinkiit isnotiipifcopallto Preach often; and ion. theother fide,they are fo fat , and live fo much at their eafe, that through idlenefie they cannot bring their minds unto it,;and remit arifeth envyilagairnft 5 t hofethatd oe take 7paioes_,.a.t1dhthence -aftler ligating- eth perfecution. In thE_fi€K_tflp.laC€ , ttheiraelmterefi is*concernedi.nmarter of oro.%fiit;%tVrlfolar they fuppoi“e,i that iftheic teditiof their‘fZ7h?anae“lli.e;: Fallto athrg ground, , ~ their gaine will after c,elafe,'a:i1cl;;trh%a4tthe people wi 1 A i “ ‘ C 3, . a at A thinks’ A bb(tm2b’_) *thin1t,em;1ch that Come men fhouid take ea11:.i ethic epai nes, ayndothewr game away with all %the ProFt. i . it * *Lta{i.l”y,etheir Intetefcisconcernfid in hit, in ‘ point of power‘; for they find that neitheerfuch Preachi_ngMi_nifiers, nor Cth€if=i3,DZdit0UI'S.,3I'8 ('0' pli... able toyeeld b1itxdCanonicaI1 obedience, as others are A: and [bit cortcernesi them in point of power to 41' {top their mouthes. And new itimufc needes fellow by the rule of cotitraries, that it muff be for -their A profit, honour, and power, to let open a, dome to idle and unfit Miniflrers. Butetherc are two psgtticuat culars which I will notewherein it tconcernes them 1 in theirprofits, to fer the doore very Wide open, where there is no fufpition of refra&or1n_efl'e. Ftirit “ we know Bifhops hiaire manyt times Livihgs in Com--‘ t.Il'iCBd11IIl and pluralities : but there is hardly any, 4‘ be but they have Impropriations, whereof they are to fee the cure difcharged, and thereforefitisfor their; profit, that there may be gjtmd iCfior‘e oFtchea.pe_?Cu— ratesgvhich cannot be veryifit and able menétwand with fuch ordinarily, they furnifh the cures of fuch plates, whereof they‘ have the ‘ Improptiations.(Sir) In thenext piece we know, that Aordet-s“atenAot gi- ven, bath: a manner fb1d,for not onely the Biflmp, ‘« andehistfiegifter, butalfo his Vfher, his ChamTbet- iaitie, his Biiutletgand Portetgtndtalmoft all his me- A niali Servatits mu-ft ha;veitheiti’jfees5beforethe poore Ciarke with his Box full ofifltdets ,c;an’_pafl'e the Porte~tsLodge.V' Ehe-ere mueh of the legall Simob-' my, which tonfiiteth in the buying and felling of ' Benefice-9, but whether this dothttniot approach'nea- it “ rer to the Evangeiicaill Sitnony,which cotififtethb? , 11.14% A <21) the buying and fé11ingivc$f‘t»he gziifté io'f‘rhe~ Ghofi :, I ofFer«i*t to your con fideration. Now (Sir) for E.xcom;tnunitcationeandA Abfolution, all feemes topbeout of'poinit, for Excommunication is neither in right hands,nor exercifedvu-poin rig ht grounds and matters,.,nor inai right forme andgimeianeir , 1101‘ to tight ends ,.and then it is nomarvaile ,*if it have not ri7gbteff’e&s;. (Sir) We know our Saveiourhath lodged itin the Church‘ (for foerutnsithe precept) _ dz‘: etclqfi¢e:~~no:W (Sir) thatone man fhould be ‘a Church, foundesfirzu-ige.1y in my eares. In the next place ( Ibef'eech.you Sir) confider about what their Spiritua1l~$wortd is exercifed,»abouit things no: way.1ying under the firoke thereof ? A man {hall bciEixco‘mmunicated fouta Pig ,0: for an Apple, "and fizch like things? I heard oncea Gentleman of A the civili Law, zmfwere7hefreunto in this-Houfegthat the Excommtmication was not for the thing ,A but ‘ tferrthe contemptgand the Iefle the tihitagiwais, that eeewascotmandeedgthe greate‘r~was~th*e‘ econtempt -: If .thiStW€?1‘:€f'Oi,fi1iI‘Ctth6“gF€&?t‘C‘ris the crue]:ty,« to lay icommandiiiupon fo fmailelia matter , th at draweth as-~ . tier ‘i"€f0 deepe a cenfu1?e,a'.;g to ca-ft 9JIia;*;n down einto .4 A Heliett ISuptpt"Jfeati\/Iatgiitréte fhbuIiti«etjnimand fonie A triiriall matter, ifome ceremony or ‘other, under tvpaiiaeof Trea:f'ont,~ar1d fluouid procefed egainfi the Infringers: of his’ commandii as iTraytor.s, it: were ivmuich tit) be on bted ewhac sheer? thie cjotm mra:ti‘d‘*tiid not tpartakee moreiofCru‘eIty, ttiithen the ?difobedien ce of G0tflCCII_11p-7t:3: tiforrwheni iauethority firm}? {'0 far I0'0fe:il: A » ,fe1fe5fo1ut»i%om,4 ( Si: )1: ttamzd com%mi1t3ti9nA cf Vpcnance , but indeed is a de- ftruaion cf uh: otdinance , making is vpid of none éffefi , andfurcly Gadd never fet his: Minifiérs to fe1IJAii:xé1xi;I‘g_cns:_cs~iAr; Ahisflhurch. The egcI:1t:h%aLc..%§g to pretcdé aVbfOIfinion,dcj&p4renda.‘jam I3£¢lefi,e,.¢;fl.m« do, (32. hathalrcady becnfu4fiiciAenclyfpokcp. IIMIP; ' m the dcbate aboutthc Caxgons ,Aand zhercflam there will bdcct no needs of {peaking mm: :9 that, Now Sir, I am com: to my lafl head, whJ¢reJi%nI {hall bee vcrybxiefm and Ihatwis concerning the <:x;;i1:.ls ” tI1:}ta1‘ifc fat”, the bcncficcs andVdigni'c%i¢§ A gf ,r1=;e Clergy, the: ccunmon caufc being frcm1;:%th¢ gincquaga ‘M905 t‘h€%di‘tIib“Fi9n“Ofthcxna .rcf¢;mhldi:3g A 1Adir€1f¢'9?[Y ‘<51?d,i¥‘3¥3’ ~e4F€h;is time ~amon&g&%.ghilg drgl $VV1hi¢h.thcyCaI*l 111$ rickets, wh&;r§in.Achc am:-—-» If 5% V finer ‘g”:,¢a.t* ans 3 and thy: lawgr %~pai-mpin 1.0 1F .1A5% i71%1.1, » ‘hf? Clergy.» “ {Q11}: ax.-e—4 :fi), 2 A padre at %xhcy4‘Vc4n_nAo%t ;act;tmd £h¢i»r:minifls.riAc, m¢I1f.g9“¢?€;h?11%t0~theupper;pgrtg, A Whj4§hVar¢»o=5 A». buc£aizxc.to kecpéscxmxes. A16-hqufes, A fame o%fth¢m$5 and f'OI11Acothcrs9;rc £0 flatcly, *-they %wi11;1o;;at;ten,;1 their minifcmyjz 54 ad In 4A;T,W;be%cwcAcnc them Tthetri the fl~oc1;e*ooo{‘:arv‘es5; but ouréovilrsoh;wcjJIio1=e 4 C942‘ 1A i N efpecoialiy probe¢d'ed , A fIom. ‘t_hc excefsive _wofI’dI‘§' fwealrhg, and d1gz';itics%of one part dfthc"CicVrg;fr_ ' mcanc, fizchas eight? are inApofl'53{Iion,‘ Qriz1li'1vop.c§go%f’ ., Bif11oApriCkr3AsVfoi' the-:‘{'c rear opiates‘ of hq. nour; firflz have bc-cue the obaires ofamb‘iti"on”,. _d‘x1‘%.:;.i ‘thezi they boecam e-the apples of con ten tiof1,‘af1df lafi o ofan thefecds offuperfticionu,‘ theone bcing a {tap and dcgreemz to the 4 other, L and 3'11 of thc;n'%1¢;td,if:1g‘ in the end to the corruption,‘ that I may A vcrfion of our Religion; Sir they amfirfichc ;bo:1its Iofambition 5 and Ikfiowjnot by wha;‘fdcré;4¢_au1fe; b»uccxper"ience fhéwveth us ,, that. whc::14 dC‘1*ergyme;1; have o11%ce‘ta~fl:éd the fweetc ofword1“y"\Veal,_tha;nd A honours, thcy are morc,%oegogcr,and' ambit,ious”V’»‘"§aVftei:’¥ them thenany other fort offmcn , héreupozi other godly Minifie-rs, %_that4 live more a_Cco rdVing»t”o the fimplicity ofthc, Gbfpelfimdrhfi o¢?F?..”3PoI¢; bf C‘iiriIfot audhois“*A‘po&1es,;cooé;tmo:A?:—obut beamowi:‘:1cflZ:_agaid‘&;’ their worldfy pomop’eo‘an‘d‘ vcI;ignici"es,oo'and' focho‘¢fii§eso, of contention brcakkech fOI"'§»h.‘ f _ ‘_tru?c:‘l % fSir’ )§ \ the flare of 'theIC1crgy isvotfy like to’ fire hf yv;h4i7”c:h;o» whiim itikeepes ir.v.tffo:} cfiimn ey ufe to warrne thofé thataoopproach tmto iico; bufiPit" once breaks out iz1to~ the ho4L‘1fe;ar1d ‘getupoofi :'h‘¢.Ai A hot: {:2 top‘, it fecs a%I1‘o*n’ fire. A S%oVowl:iIe1°c’o;I;e keepe.otheomfc1o‘ovéé ¥?wi1;hin* zohe~ooopu1~p1;o,o;h¢y jqr¢ ‘Q’? A great u=£'oto fiir up th"czca1‘c ahd déjvotio_z1of Chrifl-:*’; mans .5 but if they once flyc ou;-._ intothehou{'e,o%$ if they begin to medd‘e with Civill p1a'ccvs and j§1r]i'_f_ZL cliéiionoso , and efpeCizH;y%“i‘f'theyonccoge‘:4;w1j%go“t’o”'$:hé' ‘CounfcI1~:a1;e'w,’ 1: f£-'eI:ciom‘c’,’*1'eé:"i1»éoo;f, A *’bi1r"”thzit“ length l (Q5 Q3 . «1letzlgchchey.reca11on firegand what it tliar‘rr1a"l§cth the fireffcobrleakeout of the chiéz1aey,but too much A ;fuell:ifth*ere.be but a moderatcr proportion‘ of Fuel, , rhé firckecpes it; felfe wichinlifs bounds, .-b'ut“;ify‘0fl A keepe {agar upon fagot, la-whollel cart‘-load toge- A ‘ r ther , th cn lit .bre'ak<:th out : (l’orSir ) if there? bce 2 campetcn.r maintenance for the minit’ceric,threy w‘iI' heaperhemfclves within their bounds, but ifliving . beerhcaped upon living , and temporalities added to fpiritualicics ,xrhc flame will {cone brcalmout, « and {er the houfcon fire. ( Sir) I doe not envy the wealth or greatnes ofthc Clergy,*6ut I am very cori- fident if chofe."vvere leffc, they would be betrer»,and ‘ do¢_,mo,re fervlice toClm'fi andhis Church, and 41 am very. clcarcin mine owne heart _., that the livingslof tf1clfC.lergiE-lbcing more cqualllyldifiributed, the»f_'cr- vice ofGod would bee fo rfarre from receiving airnyl V prciudicel»,v'r hat: in would becymuchr radvgncedr, and wirliall a: good proportion of revenue mimght lretum '_- again elrunro thcflrownc , frolrnl whencc it, was firfl: , defrin-d.*l*. ‘C ‘ Sir) Bifluoplricks,Dcalnariesfind Chapi- nets; 3..I'C‘;lik‘C to great waflcersinl a"wrbod~,» they make» no fprocsfel thémfelves , they cumbcr rhe ground - ., wherconl they fiand,and wizzhthcir Q-lrelacsarmceand» boughcs f’crc:;tcl:1e’dllrforrh 701:1.'Evcr33'“fid€',1partly _byf % V rhnir ;l11‘ade; ,. ,..andr ya rrlly; by :rhei_r= fow‘lrel“dm'9.pi:‘n: gs; ffi«_¢y~ ,h»i;;de;_- ‘M33114 A ll-[hell éypgung; wood lulnde rt .;.t:';~h€D1‘ frqian grbwing anrdc’hrivlin:g..r 1“orpcak~el plainre‘flEmi' - gliflhg, ‘thefe.Bi{1mps,,¥Dca.nes,,an‘drChapircrs,<:l«:>e -Lit-}_’ crleggclgdr th,¢m?fellyes bgypIl'C3:§'hl1'lg5.0I"OChlCA["W'i{C‘.,3’FTd;é L” V 4 ifi§M§lh¢y=;,§zszger7¢ rl£cll;cd,lr lagreé1:ldeé.lle*sof lgbr3lif}ii1zb§é*"r~fi r l n}~irg~;E1%rrE>Wc:;§}Qul:r.Q:ll1tlof'f :hl¢m,for;*.th¢iqf¢“sof he Chu’rch?l ”..ve I33 andr 7 rd $4 , \"“I- "$96) % §nd ‘[§.i.;}gd0m€’Tat¥tI¥1~is time. % A fiooremfrfiree « Ar %feu»»rc awe -Minifi"ci‘s miagrht L;£priVnV=g up sin thEi“t' V{’c'ea‘d,-c«o very -god pumpoiiz inn cliw.i*I'c* wow n~"es<,§. _,w'§1;;;;hL,a,y-e o;;d&.nar&1;y~the :feaa:csA fdf clwfe Epifcol, g;;dLC¢1=1;,g;ieane Ghu 1~Ic=1ae_s- AD 4:che;:priva:t.=e Ag3;:iQnse»£ d“ivers- paafiothialii (3hu?rche‘s~migh‘t*t11rim;e: muLn,d.;g.ro~w bex:«te11, =wAh‘ichenowrhavc15heSmmffimds “wonéy, :1 meanc chca?:lsear‘c an ,'fpiritu-a=1:l :prenchi:még? 9ji§hEr«:ao-f.kr*gfp?:A~?from«sham, an-d*live imthcw'd‘:rt1g.ca*ct:zs« A ,_ fhade 0»f¥i«g no»1:a»nc;c, by rc~afcin fI':,1a,1:A%>2::Ml?I? %?t‘h:'mcat1e5 is “cakenfrom ~ch*e.m,;an'dtappropriatcd=u:1m ?Biflm:ps, onto »»D¢a n.rie‘s,_.~8z ‘TCh9c;pt:era,Vcarntfachzcr {nah " ‘ l1-- k.eg:iacc«é?hi1rc'he*s;.Befi%des fuchsas ‘dnc tdrgrmw an;4l;€fh«art up chro”11’gh t:':he~~v=o“h:ttpw'i%rrs~:'mf :;1?tame~m=- mongfith em-,5, A4 orA;by~;£uch’ ~pmachsit1g:as chc~y:them~i £aa1xz¢s»ha‘v%e:pmr:u’rbd%:.5yrrhLeir. '-évalunm-by%coz1uiiibm:‘i-i ons#,% {herald not -{fill bee .droppcd:on as they are,,;% £I7;Qj£’Il‘.I3h¢7‘a"1';I'Dé5?3fid‘3[3p€I13311665 WE thoA£E,gmat'Mra£§ M w;xs~», *j81;1d fkC[JC'.‘dQW6;-»"€DI)finHfl»Hy .by:x:hai.i~A;!aitt’e%r M pc~i*fecucions.. T-“hat: rwhich rcAn1=a?ix1esr.ntmw5:is .t:to:fl’1ew~ how» rhcfe gm-ac .rcvchu_cs%a»n ddig‘n“icies,.:b4ecame stihfi" f¢6ds~~ofjfzipem‘fl:i%cion.;,.. V33IId?*fi.ha'I'”i8ThflS§;:a. %=iheaC1ergy* in»IVhewmz1i[lI£fM>tm€*=0f vtheir gneatnafié =3 “whi'ch* they are anzeithrcrvewmimgetorfoxfigoe~, rzuor-.:;y'ex: %wrcll“ab1e"w:% ma.'mn7:ai.nc upon; thc;.p1:i-ncip41cs~af the mfommed . lgigirjnfyfin-éling“I:hac:t§he:popifl1..+p-ripéiplesgg ifwhbrefink .c;h4caBifhap:of Ram: bufl1:%«his'greatncif'e, coifaicfé: w‘el9l’*; untb:sl1f:ir~ eniis, tab at ”makc,th~ them: I:0fid€";1With :th‘a't ’ pa1'aft~ ;;, ?a7ndA‘~ thafmufl: :needs~ 'J:3ring~rr’inV .;fi1per‘fl:itibnfl2? a“;nd»%%as “ambition, allurezh .m:1%%rthe% ”’”O1‘.l€¥‘7fid€ ,. af0~<;the* ;a1:inei.plb8=rhey~: gee-by», xiraw~ ;ch*em{Aon farther, Lanai QB-E:-hM¢f ';l.'._j;,_,‘,i§%,f:14£Z!‘I2h3@PilY'3M;E'1«.t€fl‘gCh ¥3I7UhEl?3fth5D‘3'flXéyv’ A them:-; w; fiizhgmfilags zfifixifli, ii£1mndcdi;.*Whcnher Ta 136 uniwicla Bmmegwemc . " it no eiveiryi one 2:w:iud:ge i am, iifaq raceommodafloin could mve been =maéciins. F A,-Emc :fa£hi@nior~bthei:, * ~w.ith «the4$Cha=rch «of Rama; W+DhC«C»1€I§gy’*ig1;It:3;g2iflCbfE.3C3p§b13fiffEi1'11’2‘i’fl8_ pr-et..‘ .Vi.;£er,mcnts; aml Ctti'diw&§1I.r4capp3,§~ahd tthis‘ %is‘§n9~%i’i:1»a’I1i M New ‘*&i:r;,‘?I Aicndi 2' 9»néér~i1?3rrI«{I1;a;Hi i «@ij1it*tl51Xrefei'zcanc‘1'i1fircams éwhiic M acankefivé 5.}@1§e.a1genly *~’:e.».-mi i:vh;a;fit«ci~«gi«1*lijmtisdia A nirigand d¢:privin.ig¢af3Mzr a piece only iof 2 are about to :1 am ei';‘:~‘§%[ ‘A ‘ they fllall he reads in V 4 " 47?'i’«l,i'a1ti~? : A hr % ithinihimfcflfe: lbugt {amt ¢;do1”u1mf awhastit Iii hfiwffayd ."~‘v"£?‘i41¥ii,.. l ix aw-— together W-itth *Eh_€ii:r;rg»1?cai§reV¢nL1e$5aIi5h3i;?*l=I pilécesi af dig.xviit»y,, cm’: we cwifis. which we: fflgtfifiigfifmflfitéffifilfifiliginfié 1? that chai- {ole and airbi:ts:1:aIii~y"£i’,fp-gfy?” aF7%%iVfhéps ’in the ordai-v nication, and abfo1‘u.tion, is another great caufe 95 the evills we fuffcr in ma.tccrofR.e~11g1on. Thi:rcily,i the Ptrifl: urging or Subfcription ,. and Conf0‘rmit.yi to the Ceremonies ,,i{ai-x”:i<:i' WC3I1_OfiS of the Church, is= another greaic caufe.~of*.EvrlI mvihzch we fuffcr in: ~ matter of Rc1;igion, I _ % _ And now my humbali .mqc~;Qni#i.».t1I1:c We‘fhouid'taker , i‘; v .1 confideration, but thewhole W the Mi:nif’cers- re ;§f']; ' ° A ‘if I9 i hachbecn i read,. fhouldii be réferre A 7% I A whichiyoui aillmochcr petitions o"f~ii ’ * nature‘, foiifoohe as j"Oufe', andthat the Com-ii mictce may coll"e&*out of them a”ll',fiicIi headsas are; finforxhc. confidc1:acion~o£ this houféi, andifurely D3; i chat: J :-by fcmeaiéce in ’ a.ns.:, iafld i-nexcommu«4 §bn1yr'hat part of" , %*petitionva