‘ “ r'“H I‘ M 1 pm my 1‘-kl‘, ::‘;(''‘y H r‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ :J‘\\‘\‘ “ ' l 1-1;“. ‘z ‘Cl V ' l ‘ K, I’ ;u9_‘0‘s;}€N MK ‘ . ‘ A ‘V ‘ m H»-,-2‘ ‘A figcccfi-‘ole Mailer Iao VV-H rm 4 A Coun{él‘lom-l, xioncerning Epilfcopaqnl A l , Pi~{?:opl.2.cylas lip flands, in this Kingdomc,’ colmpre-” . he.nds.in it in lin‘q4lre£?a,tljelfe§ 4.dcgreesl,tl1e Deacon," , " tl1e‘Presl:>yter;,theBiifhop.andthe.A~tc11bifl1op,Every Archbfifluop lwades tlnfough evcry;.Oft11elE:l0rd inarily. ‘ " Oftluc firfkand lal¥wec~:l1avc no vefligium in the holy % Scriptures. VI This .Deazcon may Préach and Baprifi: and hblpqthc Presbyter =to—admi~11ifizcr the Lmds-l Supper , but may r1ot~cOt1fecr;.ttc theelcmcnts in the Lords Sup at * ‘B°°“° °f°’"'l '- A , _ . , _. _ , ’dl' fl.) contmvrytowtl1§~Scr1ptu mes, by wlnch Preach andBapt1l'e, c§3'.‘.’f‘?‘° ‘ ca‘ is a full coinrfigiflidn for the cxercife.. of all. tl.1cl.minifl:e-- I_iaIlfu%n<9cionfllMat. 28. 19.; M ' l l r _ ’ * The Dcacoln mentib-nod in holy l_Scripturc,l is the lime in Oflivcclwilth our l Cl1L1rch-warole’11;,Wto laokcllto the ’ ¢;_l(3lhurcl1’g00ds211d the poore, 451‘: $64 Tim. 3.; it , A ’”fi_'l‘_l1é.13r¢sbytcr is of alllluandsacknowledged to be, liar; wmo.‘ T A l ' ' _ A. '\ f l1eIBi'{hop;Es conf%dcral;leinrcfpeébofliis traync‘;, and v econci y,in re pc:<$.t of »himefe.,_ 4 _ V 4% ; V - A H is Traine -arc‘: tl'1efe,""l4lfir.I’: tI1e:Deanc:ax}d Cl1'aptcr(cal- V Iecl P_rebcnds, qzfza lpraebcrcfzt 'auxi1iumEprfn{po) ‘and’ were orxginallylordalned for. I115 cqunlizll to adv1l'eh1rnin dif- §i§uCll§1F:s1{q.Q.el1g1of§},:fnd t%‘a<£1g1l‘c hzmlm and ctgfmltpntg 2 us 1 pa monso nsvpo <2 Ox1s,Ca ’. .r.l3,,_ c:an:je*«.Lan Chapter ofNormichc1tAca{e. "~ Ll l A A V Secondly, the Arcl1di;1con is the atufm .lEpzfiopi m?¢li{1 3 4:0_vcr and unifh .ofFcnc¢s fpiristuaall and {?,cc1cfi'a{tic:¢ll - mthm his” imits , é’ mama Efifoopt; , to ;prci«cntlllluntQ hi;'n_~ fuch as areto be ma,dc.Dea,cons and Preslbyters 1‘ to. Tinduéit as he admitg and infiitutgs into Bcngficesliflfjggeil 2 ;'I’l111jdly‘, his Clgncellors , .,Vica_r§ Ge~ncra1l., ‘kw A ~ ‘ A .z .. . 1:3; M-..s:* V‘ . «M .{g M " Cafe ofte- flutes ac , ~ (3) R mifllities Olficials Surtog‘ates, Regillers ”, Promotofé; and others helongingto his lCathedrals. V A t ‘ Thele be ‘all mcerely humane, % and maybe taken away withoutpffence to God or ‘confcience, if there appearci . jufi: caufefor It. ‘ V ‘ 4 " “ The Bifhop in te V ‘Barony and temporaltics and his fpiritualties. A The firl’c,' is merely Ex gratia Regs}: , and in this King- dome began 4.ofWi//3:»; the Conquerour :*And by veg. tuehereof, they hav had place in the houfe of Peeres in Parliament. 7;. H. 8.41 84.6 Ke1.it2 is relblved by all'the Judges dof England , that the may hold his Pfilflia-3 mentby hirnfelfe ,”his temporall Lord§ and Commons, “ ‘ithout any Bilbo ,: for a Bifhop hath not any plazzein garliament b "tea on of his Spiritualties, but meerely by reafoh of is Baron , and accordingly Aéts ofP.1r-V Jiament have bcene rn .,@the"rtimes. A e A V A ~ ‘ A ‘They have uI'urpc€:l"thel name of Spiri.t"’uallLo"rds ,t_lbut' of late ,2nd'svere fit-fl: called fo :6 Rich. 2. cap. I. inour Statutes. l e * * _ ‘ t « . By his fpiritualtics , I meme thpfc%Wh61'€§in~he is more then ’a'Presbyter,t8c”therein I comiderllis authority over liresbyteriby the Oath oflCanorl1ica'lI Obedience, by whichhe mayecommarfd them to colle& tenths graunted H a We, 2%. Rich. 3. cap. 3, andat divers tin convocation, Sac. 2o]. Hen, 6.613, p. 2 5; L 1 Secondly, his Gflicc which is partly udiciall, and partly minifleriall , ‘judicliall , by whic 1 he is Judge in his Courts of e-l~522llltmt1ters Eccleliafkicall and fpiltiruall within h A gudgerof the fimcfle ofl'uc’h as are ptefented unto himito e »m{’eituted into benefices,"Co£:.rep. 5. Spam. cap. _ ‘g A M~ini{ie~r1i2lI,—'and thereby be is-to Sacred place; 'DCdif CECCKO ‘Divine $.erxicc.9 . Ham; 6 .4 I 7;i.;pz:{g.l8 . Secondly he is tqprovide for the lofficiat'ingbf ‘Cures’ invthetlavoy-” l dance ‘pea ofhimélfe is confiderable in his is DiocelTe,' Cbé. Rep.8.'1“ral1a;2:.C..Secondly, he is L (3) dance of t.Ch‘urches on negleét ofthe Patrons," p;ie~{¥:n.e V» -etitngwthereunto. Thirdly , He is to certifie Ioya1lnMratri~» mony,generall bafiardy and excommunicatione. Fouifthiy to execute judgements given in quart impcdit, upo;jtI1e V "writ Ad admitrendum Clcricum , and other ,&c, A \ V pimy, to gtrendiupon tryals of life, to. reportthe,_{ufi%_.., V ciency or infutficiency of Iuchhas demand Clergie. S’”i‘X:t_~?4i-; ly, to ordaine Deacons ’a~nci*Presbyters. 4 _ , All thefe I conceive to be {are Iaurmmo , given -to thefl: Bifhops, and may upon caufe be taken away from them. Bifhops have beene in the P1‘imitlV'C Church , and are A A poftolicall and from thebeginning. \ To this I anfzvere, firfi, that in the pure primitive times . ; y of the Church the hifiory “ whereof‘ is recorded in the .A6ts.and~EpiPc1es ofrhe Apofiles, (in which the firft and beft~p.zt:e:°nes ofChurch9;overt1tnent is exprefied) there isno mention of other Bifhops then the Presbyters , as A appeares. it ~ % V A _ Pirfl“, the holy Scriptures declare the duties and-Qfficg ofPrebyters andeiBi{hops to be one and the flame; The Bi- fhopis to teaich andtule his Church or Con _regiatio-11*” 1 Tim. 3. 2. sc.andthe Presbyter is to teach an feed his fiocke,and to ovetfi-e,Carefor,a1ad rule them,I Pet.5.z . 3.. ” Secondly,‘the Presbyters are in holy Scriptures , {aid to be the Bifhops of the Holy Ghoitt. A3: 20. 28. Pduli chargges the Ptesbyters of Ephefm to take heed to the Hock whefeof the -Holy Ghoft had made them Bifhops. And other Bifhopsthe Holy Ghofi never tmde. A A A Thirdly , Ephefam 4.11. Gode's:£1id tohave given to his Church fotthe perfe<$tin' of the Saints, for the work oftheMiniftery, and fort e edifying of the body of C‘hrift~, Apofties, Pro phets,Ev2ingeli{ts,Pafi‘ors and Tea- chers,he're is an expreffe en11meratioi‘ro,f% the Officets God . hath given,,whereof“the firfl; 3. are extraordinary and-ceaa - fed’: at-1d.~the iaflonely teumines, aendis» totemaine untilln 4 3_ ;” "Perk. u pom d %,AxhCor».4_.x7:. 13¢ . '33-I5'«3Cx9,;-.2. 3.35 W -J‘t°d‘3.‘3-A33-~ (:49: ‘we a1’I“efcohm’c tb-..per~fe&“ion,etas ‘it isfvex; I 3; and‘:this piggy: in relauen to hts flocked ituzzlibw, and Teacher in , petua1l0fli¢e_r is called Péiiortv, whome hee is.to-governe. in 5);’? iefpeéhoflx-ivs duty to feed them and, is ,the_.ve_ry, fame w ith the Presbyte;-,as appea res above. , '4 Ldrgurm mum 4 divifione ejlfbrti1{i5mu.m.t The Bifhodt p, atshc A z'1iseany.d—more then a Présbyter, is none. ofthefe ,no Oificer «- given by God,and therfote on-.ght,mt to with the word of truth, ChrifttheKi_ng of his Church ";1-':"H5 fllifiifilll in his Heufe, _t not.;o11ly as fetvanttaa ;.w1fe;t wv;.rw,hut as the Son in an ex- . CelIe1tc;yt~a11d edmirte11cy,Heb.. 1t;p:.,.rtai1ies. to appoxxlt the % 'vemment of his Chu,:-ch 1nf,%r-m°:; witgh 11is£:tit'11fult:e3, be in the. Churuchg, .4 ‘<5 3. 5». and t0 his kingly Ofiice 2 O"t‘ficetshen.vilIe ufe‘ for the go. . ataliém 3 and it agrees not no hcgleét or mnit the :xpp<>intment -A of tIt1cms3.fid»'t~1€avc: his lwu-IE€,LisChrzrc11,withodutfuch Oflio; ~- c_ers;.Heis o11e!y..wife,, and t-hcxrefore h"eit~.kn0wes what: -~ ()1'fi(.‘Cl‘S‘;11'C'lléfiffund1:O:If his Chur of his C 1“i‘L1~1'C1‘1“, and ¢tIhrte.t'efQ're,_h;1th npt, § left 7 her twithout 3 any Q fficer fit: to;.1m. ,1 751114 in thcjend of.F:ml;s Erpifi C»..5o~- ‘ V , 5 the firft B~ifh~Op1Of_C rests’, VS E‘pii’cI,es unto him, 0 .- , * G.=d.6.infi';ze. Scjflptures ,:md as Bez.m1)fcrx,rcs; 3’ f"o1*Tj1n.bt:e, antient Cnpies to he found m.to.A¢zs,7.%r3fl*€d * by m09E* 13ir\'in’r thefe. things 2 ow“ I £7) A i ‘~ Secondly ,fit is againflzthefundamrrhntall :Lawesof tI1isW?’”‘”‘"”@*""‘ V .. i ». . r » quash!/c gm/alzp Land, whereby they thatare_w1th1n;ho1y Orders, that bnjiatui ,,,,,',,,,... _.1theyAmay the better attend upon, and difcharge their du- rgmz C9‘fil:l3 ape. ries, are not to be intangled with temporali bufinefle, and };::jt“;’?’”“‘d‘" Qtherefore ifany fuch be tchofen to any temporall oflice, .z,,,,, ,3; A the Law hath ‘ordained a Writ todifcharge them thereof, .5Wiflcgatii}:com- mg. 187. 6- T ‘, , W4 , The King tfrayicommand the rferovice of £11511 5.11’ orders, ' _;1ndit11en—itt1s tobe given him naturall -allegiance,“ . 'I7his.ru1e admité two exc.e}5fi0I1S andboth are in this Cafe: firfi; excerpt the ferxéice’ from that perfonibe againfk r the Liawiof God ,as here it - and then It is better obey ” God then man , in ’pr.cfEint_ia mjqrzk eejfat potejfar mixqrix. % .§eeond‘ly,1fthe {érvice coneerne the Common-vveaith, V and the ipe-rfon of whom it is. required, be not fufficiem: « k M for it, nor brough_tu"pe1i1rito% it , the command is againfl: law , and the rfervice not to be done , if the King grant the ‘ iOtfieeiofithe iClaWrk'e‘ of the Crowne toone not brought A up to it, it is voyd, andethe fizlrvice not togbe intermccflgd _iWith.al1 by him, 9. Ed; 4. ‘S56,-Wintei: cafe. . . 4 ii Secondly‘, that part of the Bifhopsfpirituall office by - ' which he claimeth fuperiority over;'¥Presbyters oughtto A i be taken as I conceive from t11€ifIl_ra$ being againft the Will. . ‘OfGOd.“ to V 4 , ~ V, V. 4. A i The Apofltles queftioning among themfelves which ihould be the Surrpetiour, are fharply teproved by ouriSa— V viour for; it he tels them plaineiy it fh;t11*not,befo V_' "hamong tI1em,'M4rk to. 42.~ Lula 22. A25. Mandi Diqtrophqx, 3 Iolm 9..is branded foritgthat he [ought preheminence in V the C‘ hu.rch.i The myflzerie ofiniquity inthé Popifh Hie- ; rarchy, inltlie Presbyters exa1tin,githeI1_1feIve$-y, begin to r_ \ ‘ i iworke * in the pureit primitive times, (rats we fee, in Dina, 2 Thcf.z.4~7«.-, ‘“:ro,;he,t';;nd Pererrcafiieat , 1 Pet. 5 . 3.) end neverlefttill ~ a_,, itcame to the Pope , thehighefi degree and top thereof ; BY .?Vhi¢i1 it f€€m€Set0‘im¢r¢Vid€fit : ;’¥hahFti1¢aV¢. $.13: ~'P%‘? i , . . A,:—.._' _. I , A“ I, - V 4 1‘ t£rM;WA T3) terne ofchureh egovernment fer downe in the ~worc1ofG«0d,,. to follow -thecexamples ofgafterages upon a falfe cr1e-.oFpr’i- mitivetimes,is toforfizke the pure fou~r'1taine,.g.nd"vva‘IIowe in the muddyfic corrupted fireatnsof anticl1rifii:mVamb'iMt ion; 4. A fhi-rdlyg, that part of the fpiritualf office ofthe B‘;i{ho"p...- wherby he istto inPcru~6t the people eo mmitted to his charge, with the l1oIycSc(r_jptures,,as upon the 2._quei_%1'on put ‘unto- him at his. Confecratix rm», he undert»£akeS.to doe ou~ght_:( as. I‘ conceive) to he reduced to ~aepofl'1bility for-I1iz_I1t;-“to per- forme it.fIt eisimpoflible for him'to‘ doe it to a‘vvh0Ie.-I)io- ceffe, therefore heeefldould Be 'limited‘ to fame particu“Iat* Congregation tun-to which he; might'performe"this truft; which-requires f1',1f‘H‘CiC11Cye, attendance and~diligence. FourthIy,.O'rdination in theScri~ tures isever *exprefl'<:d " to beby them in the.» Church , that «ad authority and ’were«+ “figs 1.4.33. officers in thetChurch’,.as*c A'Qoftles,*"hEvangeIi{ts **3nd aff-» he T‘-‘iLus 1.5,, ter by the Presbytery ,- Iffzm; 4; A14»: 2 .Tzm..r. h6.tAndL2’w €6.78: T Ihadovve of this remaines in our Lavve‘, for the Bifhoponely 1°s_o~~not to lay eha*n~dsttup.onthh‘e party to be ordained , but thee ”’B0°k?s~oFor- Presbyters there attendihgt*t‘are to Ajoynevvith“ the Bi-{hop ‘““""’34¥P ‘M1’-‘ th‘ere.i‘n.. This 41% conceive is not fit to He in the hands ofany one ordinrwy officer in the-Qfmrch ., the V gifizerningof the : §i~fts,-ab.i1itie§ etfa~ithfiifhéH*ee 7ofperfons’to t‘ordainedo P;jes- - yjters,tequ iriengegreat ej Ltd<,§eme11t,care, &»:circL1mfi5e’&iony Rlmviderzt atuli gnaw ocg4lm},.,.The 1i~*kee'eeI fly Ofdeprivation; .\ “ Fiftly; .oEx~eommunichation’dy the S‘ctiptureso o11'§ht“to*’b‘eh ~ ‘(ml-y~ it}? ca-fe~< ofeno nmous éib ffehces 82> obifti-neacty hit one’I*y in the Coengrégition whereof the p.,1rty to be excothn--— mnr11~iéaPe is a «me’mb’e.*r,: I ;Cor, .5. 4. Tell theChu'rchCanI1ot»' Be nieant ~6fo»ne:.man,M4tt. 18,1 7. HDiat«rephe: is blranded for tdléingupon him :_11one,to~cafl: any out ofthe Churchl This =» ‘ am; abmed as wen as wfijrpgedh bydthea Bifhop; is to’vbe.refoLr-3 medi. ‘e 4 -.- ~5‘*,*t1%Thfiiruti¢n3¢indfifiiéfi areutrurped By the mops - 7 theefundamentall Lawcs ’Ofth1§ K1nggiomc., byoowlxickzlh 2 itlle Patron alter hisclerké W <2) it as 'f(51'.‘a3,IiIfiQa5,_alia w‘it'ho‘ut any mo~re.t‘ ii veft him into the Churelz. See ;Sclde1b oftithes 8.6..lAud’a relicjk in ofthis Weretaine [till in Churches that be doitatives. ; .3 V . ’ Seeventhly, The jurfifdtétionof tithes: Caules matrimonialls,lsp and can fes teftameiutary in -the times of't9hye_incteafing power of the P0 pe,w hen the ‘Bifhops thereby grewmore formidab_le,w_ere taken from the Civill Magifirate, to‘vvl1’olm‘o=riginally they be! longed , upolnlpretence , that the tithes wierelurei divizzogtlte r Churches patrimon‘y’and marriageyasacranjent ,and trlaatitheldill ; pofingthe goods of the dead , molt properly belongedrtoaluiim for the good of the ‘foule in-pu rgatory to redeeme it thence, to A whom the cure of the foule appertaihed in his life time , ‘wide 2. R. 3.’ Teffament: 4. 11.} H. 7. 12-. B. P/«mad;-22 279. B. Foam 5. Col’. rep. 9. 37, B. Heufloe; cafe. ADame1rep.'97;’ 3. Lyalorx c. Scldezt oftithes 415. y A" A i V V i Eighthly, The mattcrsfvvhich are meerely and only f'pirituall,' . (which are properly of Eccleliafticall conizance)were anitiently by the Lawcyers of this Kingdo me , heard and determinedina the County an . _ b y WiL’i4r_n the Conquerour thefe matters were taken thence and appropriated to the Bifhop alone, 2. K. 2. Rota]. Parliament, mum. I2. iselden of tiths 412._Booke oflvlartyrs, I 54. l “And by the Law of God (as I conceive) they ought to be heard and determined by them thathave rule in the particular congrew gations and Churches, Mat, I 8. I 7. I . 5'01’. 5.,wl1ich if it were fo among us would be a_. wonder fun ll eafe,and fave great cl1arges;q the fubjeaét. l r l “A A 4 V 4 a A l lAnd where the dilllcultyy ofca fe or greatnelle ofthe perfonst whom it may conce7rne,;or’wl3€r€ the lGovetnours in particular. C-‘songregatiosns demeane not themfelves as they ougln: , it .yougl1t_" to be referred to ‘a Synod“ of Presbyters , fo many as {hall be thought meet, as A315: 15‘. a queftion ofdilficulty arifing inithe particular _(I hutch ;ofAm:iocb, and tl1e.difTentiongrowit1g greats about the fatt_1’e,trheyl_fent tfo Hicruf4!em,y and there A oflleszi andfmresbytersy convened _;, y debated, concluded , l and“ decreed hundred Courts by the Sl1e1l*illffe and the Bis{hop,_and A ,' ‘ ‘ d " ‘ v _; I y '” 1 ‘ VIM‘ *' [0r&at,',L4'W,%17‘11adCil1’ "A _ Commons'Hou1Eo.fParliament CONCERNING A ET I Sco%i1’e/10:: Ldndbin-; Printed for Thoma:>i\?'¢l‘4~5l€I§ and at: A mbc {old at hisfl10._p, at .11?"-'4 figflfi 0311? A A % %Bib1e,in VFopes~1V:¢ad<311¢¥» ' A!?&1w:«;A ': 1 ' ‘ I ‘ /‘ W : ‘ ‘K ' I V . . . . « M’). . n _ “ " 9?. , ‘ \ ‘ ' ’ ya I,‘'“‘ ‘ { ., ‘ ‘ ‘ -s:/’ , . 2'‘ ~ * " ’ ‘ ‘ ../W V A ' /" --’“ . ' I \L .‘l b *1 .E[l"X.C. I4,‘Efi&.-.‘CdP. 5'. V "1 ElEz:ca,t e7.lac.=cttp-'5. ‘t~ed:uced'tot‘he,CommQnLaw find fI1€d5fQr‘e§hete5as it vvasrever M (m)i the mattergtafna impo {mac meddle in the tqlieflzion without the .Presbytets' a11<_itothertBi‘—7 ” fhops, there were none" t_hereinor 1'nthe (:h11,hl.‘Ch€S.‘.AI1df‘a€]ic'i2!J;_ . expedimztur negotid commifia plmribmf, inthe n¥1u1tit1id?::, of C0ut1"+- fellors ,,there is {Z1f‘ety,VProve-r5‘, 11.‘ 14. t A And the change ofout Lavves (‘in cafe‘ this t.HQu fe {I1-;1cl fee caufi: for it) vvili nottbe fo gteator difficult as is conceiflvedebyf fome- For Ordination,’ admonition, fufpention and deprivaw-i ’tion=0f'“P1‘e'sbyters,t and the judgement 0f"the fit1=1e[Te ofpetfonét to be invefised into Benefikses Ecclefhfficalhand the careofpt-0.- viding for the Terving of Cures d.L111'i‘Jg thetvacmcy ¢;1hn:.i -way» dancefof Churches, and the taking; ofthe {hbfctiption of 'M.ix1i—~' % efferst to étlie ‘Articles of Religion: ’*‘and the vifiting o"f“ §r—I0fpL+- 4 tals , whofe Founders h:1veapp0intedno vmtots, whurh are .’:ovv **‘in’the Bifhop , mzy be fettled in :3. c0nvent1.nn of 1’m;hyters., ‘to beapp-Dintedf ,f0r~every liuzldtedh ,_ ‘froth whom. 21 pfigé .116 In.” -be had‘ upon every gmvamen to a. greater h‘eA;fK::cnhhIyehof'tl1c%n1 ,, and ='thofe Presbyter-2.‘, A or any one ofthem ,,II1J.y be imhled to give the oaths"of'S11p1?e1mcy“and a.lIe;1g.1nce ,, where the Bzthzipcie a1it'11orifed to give the fam‘::. *,fA:id Exc—oan:m1x1ic;1tLo:1_m2.y be; ordered totbe cettifi“e.:i by t]“iC‘Fz1r[OI‘1 , hV1'C;1I.‘” or Stipen;i»a.;;y of that Church where the ptrty is exco:n;m1nic;1te. And 2211 C ' ches ptef'ent:1tive,m=2zyhbe filled by im/efiure of the Patrons, and.‘ all queffions concerning them be tdete’r;ni11e:;.{ byvthe {lime rules Y oflzaw as’D‘om.tivesate, And Ioym M:.1trimon”y'be tryei by 3., jury where thewomm is pztty. to (the fuite , as nozv it is where {he is not party, (0 E 1. . hpys .‘.jI—I_. H. 4..-¢.Bhp. go. mat as it. istnow ,where the itfueis 1\(ientfafemme, 1 2. E. 3.B1‘€€fl‘: 4.8 1, 5-oq.E."15't. B37. H.6.h 12. _]h“t1c 35. ‘H "9‘~.~AP". Ito. Chm? 8. E..4,¢ 1-2,. a l.ato2’2 And Bztftardy genetall and 'B.1fl:.1t-dy ‘b.:,=yo;:1»:I Sea,‘ _Withifi.t11e St;1tut‘e,}2-5 . E, De mm}: ultramzre , M..zy be made. try égble byjury , a1s‘nr)'i.«v flieeiall B;tfl:..1t-jy its , I 41-. A{T,. zo. 3*§".aff.' ‘£34; 39. 19.3. 31.6. 86. 7. Ed."6:.D‘ier. 7.9. P. 52. So tithes m_:y. ’ 7 obfervatien ‘h_t her"eof’ % and other Churches , vet. I. 2. 6.“: 8. The Apofcles wvould not hut-. Gofpel, I-I-“ab: 9. 19', 85c; hxmextt ,, i.vee iconiider the-priceof foules: Out ' moms and the Committees thereof 5 haci not doneifuffiiciently initharvvay before. V 3 i (It) 4 ifi the tcafc o'ifthe"K"i5ngVorhis~debtor 38*. a{T.:2o.c¢%._ere* A 5&5, a‘C’4Wd7‘,€73 C3i1f3a’£ifl?Ci,11S’~ifiS bythe-Stz71’te of 2 .a nc_1'3. E. cap”. 1; ’ Afitl forthe Bithops attendmcie ontryals of life," it is needlefie heVheihg7ino iiliitgbtttgthe Court", who __I‘D.'1y appoint any Citlief , ordo‘e’itt11emife1xies. iAh‘difot?5;S;zcring of Chm‘C11€S and othetdeadfthhlgs it’tistiifitii’to‘be negleéfted zmd left of_f,iibei11