‘Hum... U W)- a Day of Publiq Thanldflgivingy «» And dcclaring Setting apart The Rfiafons and Grounds “thereof. 1 A 4 ‘ AZ? be firtlawitb A A . Dic[Veneris, Juni%i,f1 6 479. « A A _ Rdered by the Commonsajfgabled irz(l7’m~1ianu>°rzt,. printed andgmbliflaed. 1 _.......__.._ London, Printcd for ‘Edward Hnflmnd, :KPri%ntcr to the Hofiorable Home ofC0m-Q mons, and are to be fold ‘at’ his Shop in Fleetftrect, Vacthe Si “ Golda:-Dragon, near the Inner-Temple, 1649. _4__...._ AV ;Hcn,: Scobcll, Cleric. Parliamen tf. A 116 Tbélt 13,355 gm of A the v--' wawuptuuup--~n»~»p.q-u-n. Illkr». "M", ‘H .,. ‘\mI’m’“ V‘ ‘ ‘ -‘-1%”.-rt ‘ ‘ ' I ? j '7 :: . -V -zujm M :2‘ V - *2’ ‘ L‘; ‘ _ v.» , ‘ E .4» ~ or I Act In an. 2. ‘” .,g ‘ H ‘ ‘ V ‘ “V, ¢ ., ‘ ‘ ‘ mm w ' ' . ,“ . ‘ ‘i ‘ ‘ ‘ .4; mi ' val ‘W5 - ;.. “N. 4,,-~‘ ."\ “ , ‘ ‘H I y K‘ 4 ' 5 ‘ ‘. ‘‘ ‘ ’ ‘ * - " J?‘ & “ um ‘ ,‘ ‘ J . W N ‘ I w .. “ ,. m " -‘ - -H ‘ ' ‘ A” . V ,. ‘ IF x "_ V , ‘ V = ‘ \ ‘ t‘ a a 0 . ‘ ‘ h‘‘''” H ' - ) V * " K ‘.- ‘U" ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ V 4- ‘ \ .-. “ ‘ r -" ‘an to . ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ “‘ ~ ' ‘ ‘ ‘E4 " K 3 ; ?J ‘ 4*“; ‘ .‘ N V ‘ ‘ . ‘ I » Y 2‘ ‘ R " ‘ ‘ . \ .‘ 1 “ W “ , “W ‘ ‘, ' ‘ ' L ' \. 4| » ‘., ' ‘. N ‘ I‘ ( ‘ ‘A ‘ ‘ . V ‘ .‘ . K ‘ ,,, n ’-74 *" ‘ ‘ ‘A ' » ‘ , ‘ .«‘#gr ‘ f “ 3 ' " , “ W9? K ,‘,W ,V I . ‘ 4.‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘g, ‘ 4 I, ‘ ‘ A .‘ ‘ n;.,,\' ms 3“ 4 ‘w H 3 ‘>1 in _‘ ‘ .‘ A m ‘ ‘ Cw» mi. m > V ‘ __ I‘ V 5? m‘ J 33.! ‘A . ‘,,‘vmH fiaftn izhc R-cafons d=‘e’md+~Gro 4? ‘ , ‘-h” I *« la‘ a - .61‘ 7 ; ‘I . V M .,n ‘ r Io, “ "W‘|,~ \“‘v,w ‘ 4 "I: A W + s A A A cc ‘ I } , 7".» " : V ‘* mm. d -' ‘1, W“ t . v . 4w w I t. n\ M M , ' W.-sc‘*' M 4 Ilmt p Tm 4 Mil. A ieafwm appear in t % manta Vt Watlf J ’ V A + mm = ~ J M 2113 23i£%'%11otigf:: M‘: W ‘ IN ~« .r;{!w ‘;-‘,,y‘ ‘W 4‘ ' ':‘ "fl . “ ‘ I ‘ “W mlst crco 4 11 w . . M - ‘ gage,‘ ‘ h a. ' H. ., ‘;, Y 9!!’ ‘ . " “ ~ ‘ ‘ fl"*.;‘“, | "Kn 9., x aw wt aw‘ ~ PM M i eciai Wag ¢mt~t~: ¢ t or % u. U ‘,3 y I ‘ “- -a ’ ,7 aw w ‘ n .=«'' W; M. :<~ " N4’ .. m, as 3 % , . ‘ S la \. I‘ ‘A 1 .7‘! Q g 2,-my amiigmcnt arm tmtibn, Vmetehbewmeamp: tam twang, zttmttettainehnemtestg !;a;tmtatttttt it fame inih-‘tn‘t,a nunuecousztrmy ftot’u4ht:ht3F1e*iI);- boz5%’tiut1,tpnutenmtiike at ftoqn, tin unhrtting h mm; a waugnhant past» in trjzttumg, enm- mzznta conitmtcttuntt.mtth the wit, at.» they 1HI'gDtfn3auU-aupfiutbfi hotteftnmztp, annre; finzc thc fozmetmvztantlvgt againtt. hiclgttzgoth mains mum: ‘IomttbefoztrtteflgagtméahgtA all thid at mch a time, mhenthc %tvntp‘h(n3h*iEh as, unntvwab, the mo bifibIe~mtan5 of pztfmzning both tfitttliatnent ant) 5I’)ati0“.;t\?DIII,1ltt‘;¢l3,t‘filiIW) L mas mfpztfeh to fat atutmet, as nib mum them Izfg "able to await in patent an zn€i1Ws%t.tt0 Dtfctibh t tbtmteives ; mt 310211 tbintbéfi stoma? mat? havehhttaharntjtnthc feafonablethtblwtton sf Wales, the total Defeat hot that gtttcat Jtmy , by Iefz than half that mtmbtt, ottmcn , mcatten with emceann laugh atcbes ,hgtb.ittg tinntmts mictoztesrmheveotmetouinnotthabcmantcnany f tune; mtthnut"nanget .°‘ EE'}»%,t“1’ine'M;)anB nutmtfcarts ~tm'nnmt“anw onetbtwenoub fez Ame ‘ntiesapazxtago th Ii;ttItpattntgt of tbttfemral 7 Tljflfitififigtbe ennttttnn DfCo1chcficr,&flD all others thetifinmns ama¢aftles,htmhithLbp font» phztteaa t itI)ct17tth;Bp I)aDtft1tmt3eII;flflD tljttfihy hag lmftn httogthz; not nutty at mnbztftllthtt snelibettfdnctit. to fithis fiatiuntt, mam hcing mtnen in a fecmin .mat; hutta tccunn um-tp1eat~ctnnqnzmvtrtbfi A ‘ 11308 B mtemy“athntgt1z;Mann ta bear 1't118f$ht3g&iflfif;mtb:j¢,; (£'t‘jI*m’t1tttcttohfhtbflfc ;;3mbam ,V5 ,,,, « .‘ wt A. cit: fiountrtmh the Ibbotlt itfinzttvfi gagtmigfltmnutnih ate *D7C”%f?¢ha§§g fiatibfial :%t1i1 0 m1:+- N ‘M’: mus tell an '1I»,t§t.ct oh.t_t:th2n , D913 z. t * natty, to 9: YD ;th at amt am aamimme ,A camtmt%% 1mtrecbmt11tT it with aiI.i)mnb!e4%thank. (277) 951) mg amitaiizetiif fulnefs tmtv VTGEDD 5 mm mmfmtt tbe%%me; W mozput’»im 1em11er%tt‘y,t1)at z13z%4 Aafm4 tfijefé‘? gteat c1zbera nczs,anb% mang€dj$i9mbmm1ces4ofV the aim! btp, carrying nu the imitltantcnt in t1J‘é* ~ ¢):ecutt'DVt1,Of ¢%‘jufl:ice upon tbejcI)icfm%ut1jm%’o;$ any fame of moifemmmt gnm:umm¢g%V gf gm!) %‘tjt)cfzmats annAtI)at:f0t»m em!» 0 I % hmn mane it fztIing;tne?5oe~vn?1§é§en? eiiomtnmmaltij ,in fat!) anw as ( bp.mg; ‘ bl4zI1'in:g) may fetutzMitaAgaire1ttI)2: I‘ik¢.£p;:anng foz the future, arm be a fo“n%uuatinn of iaapptnew . V mm fit€€D°1'*1s3U’1Bt1)€%ttbeiaawlfatneztt ( awn p tmfetmubljes “in a%Eng1~and , been iz1te1?cup:¢%~ W5 t a; ntimnpe “sitcom: wit mm; A ¢ I % %V%uunces~m1n met M neftmctme to clfiorbetntnctxt;m1;)%u,$niflg§tIge%ef E‘ $1155, &£t8b v‘§lA¢f11:t7tic from fcnm'ugte1tA%ef stn ~Ire1ajnd ) my newt efolbe “ ®“oDz»Va£fi.Etancc). to fpema c:mfiVn2mahI¢ *jfuzcc%‘ V wither, A fa; tenuging that ilaamtn t f . e of "the 1%bat1ta1mnt,nf Englmii A 3,“u%3‘§’§$§f§ baht been fufpecten £1) at any, * efcciallp “fuct)a"%g" . %1)avevzofcflzn4a%3ea1fa; fish, ,;, 19801316,; f1)0l1ID%I)ahz vetat4nzD In A%%go%o.%:¢a. mm“. ’WA”a %”fl)°*31°’1Jamvnantmou2>+gtfic%narum.-% 99 :3 <5 6: ("E \":5‘ N 4"! as $3 3 H D ('5 N R‘ a $1 ("3 Fix 9‘! "3 D {'15 [T1 53 (IO 1 Aon»£elf*batng to cc V 3 ‘:3 U O-it Q & 5 _ U 3‘ 3'3 H n 35' '3 S’ 3 es : . , ‘_ ,. H :1 ‘ £11: 9 % tbiltg bmof t1)2mfc“1ms .%mtg1)t not 1;_an_¢a)¢ . (which owe 3 Arnctrt mt Iaonoz, Dl'DDBfiQflfWD1lICKan jti3at%iJat13*¢b5gm.%% ma%men, to bztmwe Jfmtioll mtocamfu é A 350? an [P2033 W”‘I?19,’f¢{m4A42lZi1D;;f%;C3I3&B arm; ::[;V;:'u_é1 % 11¢? 31? at 0n$.w,% %anuiV on ma at 4 tre11“EDtb?*tDi5 trmevawme.v% WVW an :39 to tljst mm, a tmucmg 13136-1 V , - a . iaatiianlzntm“t1)e~ti)u}gs«;, Di mfg W av mz.m§n:rza¢Ane,%%1; g tttfeIm»% pvt“? a; mmzn 1:; mm. i,tts%%*?“anB W um may asiy u:nnM%£nm¢%wiefi f ffimw in tbtf m‘m% *ewemnteD9vA~iM,3 an is mane nfl?“mWfi‘%*‘3mW? %m‘.W:’?’ z+%emamms.of ‘SW ole jfilati A % - w.» . ijlnmg, ecitw ffi gfilm tlfifit 11:0 t1J‘¢19Fj'3-131tZ;5%@fi;13 fin?“ 50$?‘ Mf %£§ji*¢ iflf:Bti0}dM:ffi£¢”17é‘3 iflxfltbtz fltmfl ‘am’ WW5 ‘ u: - M. ‘\ ‘ V ‘U ‘ __. I . ‘ “~ , , . is ,» - V, . —‘ I A ' , .4’ ‘k W. "~ I ‘ ‘ i ‘ C‘ ‘ V K‘ g‘ "‘ ‘I ‘W w J‘ ’ , ‘V ‘ w 1*‘ ‘ " ‘ ' % - v ; % ~ I. % % _ + . a ; % A, ; ~ % V s M ‘ "‘*" '”‘ _‘ . ' ~ , ' _ W ‘ rig . F “ "4 “ M.» hr E ..=A , ‘gab ‘fin. {{ “ H " H - ».r ‘ ‘9 ' “ "4 - 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘§ ‘ ‘ ,, " ~ ‘ I ' " ’ “ '3 ; {W ' , ‘ ‘, \ ‘ N, I ‘ Cr 5 ', :23 L-9 V ‘ R ‘ ., W, - > ‘ ., ‘ . W‘ -‘ , = ‘ ‘; ‘ - » / ,. 9 L, , ,,v,;g. Hg “ V 4 W ‘ . gm > V . . "7 y, A W...‘ “ “ ‘ ‘ 1% H ‘- 4' /‘ " ”' ‘. ‘ M‘ ‘ ‘ 3. ‘ ‘ ' Q /J’ v, ‘ ‘r s.' ‘ ._ w.vH5, “ ‘\ ‘ * ‘ 4 ‘ ‘ . ‘ . '-E? 3: , ‘ ‘ “€'%’*".‘13 “ . “ ' 1 J , ‘ - ‘*5 v ' l ' ‘ . A ‘ W Y “‘ V , , ‘ 1- , ;! . ' “ ‘ ‘ l . ‘ . ‘ I ,‘ ,r, y ‘ N‘ N M A . ‘ ' Iv ‘ "‘ " «AV » »‘,y‘,/ I ,u-\ W Viz‘; ,v “W \_ "‘ » ‘ ".1 ' . ' ‘ r‘ ‘ x ‘ w ‘J ' ; >‘ w ‘ 3 ‘’ .. ’*.>}4j' ' ‘ ;,-¢ “ ‘ <2” ‘1 ' V». :9 5y " , n ‘ , ‘* ‘ 9' >\ ‘lg F ‘V’ ,4 ., ma“: 5* J‘ '. ‘ : - ‘ "‘ ‘ 2‘- w x ‘ ‘ V .-'3. ,1? ,‘ V, ‘,1. I mama »nuumet of 4*~'the%%:9% %*DiWP‘W%w D%W@:%’ V f »;c”tW'ce%of%Ire1:md,4 at anifafifectto: mmw $13” 3% Wtfl’ ; mm E3 ‘E in ‘ an Mei? lath %f'J,‘;*J¢:~ +9@“’"” 2 Ir~“c}1a “ ' I AA AA ‘ - ¢ %%ai,n» Nth k4 5fi&?L 1 * W i Fa “ *" , ‘J, 1- . ‘K g“ ‘ ‘ ‘ >1, , , ' ‘ v ‘ . 1. _ ya (ti ,y, 7*,‘ . . ‘;. “ ',,,;* ‘ J ' .. " I; __ .‘ v‘ «. , _ ' ‘,‘. ‘ ‘. ‘. , . , ‘ . “ - ‘V6 ‘ 7 4 -v 41 “ \ , . 4 -, ’ uh‘ ‘ I " ‘ ‘ Q - ~ ‘aw. , ‘ ‘ * .4» V. —» , 4., ‘ V x ‘ ‘ ‘ A ~ ‘; ‘ ‘ , ‘ W 1‘.-. w, . \ ’ V “._ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1.? «E “ wa , . .. ; ; v ‘ ‘ A é 5 4 ,' " 1 v ’ V‘ ‘ W _ : .‘ ‘ A " Q 4 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4” k “ ‘ “ Vt. . ‘ ' i < w - :3 “ ‘-g’ ”“ ” ‘ - \ , eat I. I 5 ‘ ,1 ‘6 ‘ ‘ '1 « ‘ V ‘ V‘ .W .\ ‘V. ‘$3 . ‘ u ‘ _ 1 I 5 l » W’ . , U ,- W‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' \ ‘ ‘ M‘ ‘ H ' .~ '5 . ‘ ‘ -. mm“ .1,» “ , ‘., . . ‘.,, “ ,» , ~ ’: , vi‘ -H ‘ ,9 ‘v. ‘ ,‘ 4‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ .\ , W " ‘ w B x ‘ "L- y':c we 3192* a - ta M w Jr J; M, V. u 5,» ‘ ‘ ‘ I we J ‘ 1‘ I I ‘ I ~ emu fun ~m,au 2 e - ~11: u % A ~ % 2 %%ansAgan&nuap£s%ti)‘ V _ 3:649. taait ahrtrthes aao ae®D;@I?D.fi5“et A eta flitiw Of Lon aha aha VVcfetmit1Pr¢I',‘te e of ¢0mmmIi€a,€fflt:15 at-to tit of «Ii my , arm in all other shutters mie~ta 1 ‘II n‘ Iotthtn England ano Wa1és,lJI1 fiilhortoap t 28 new of the fame moneth of June, 1649.2tno the aaaritament no earnefilp erhozt ano require all that truly fear 6m: in this atommotmoealth, to lap afioe all bitternefs ano oppofittott agatntt the pzefent otfpettfationso.f clfioo tonoaros this flax 4 tton, ano to«eoontfio“er'—hotmttthttt toncerttsthe filnterettotecthhtttt, his firuth $1111 People, nttethemfeihes, attatoferbe theiarozoarr pzohtoentes with one thottloev «; mnoto t A ‘ 3, 6 thus rite of the hano of woo in this merry, ahpteartms bttthlp to all that oofaot mtlfttttp that their eyes, arm to tarefhtein it, anoeameaw to befeeth (I500 to rebuke that fipirtt of t'1attion,ano to knit the hearts of DISDIIPCOPIC to alote am: tflinitp; aao liltenoife to beg from .6500 a {portal biefftttg upon the jfoztes intenoeofoztlreland. arm a her: A footing of his own moth to his 0113!! glow. than the Parliament no eniopn all the %t’nflters of the sniper throughout the aaatton, to ute their at mott enoeanoe, 3Ehat.stthe fato nap‘ of ifihanafs gihfngbe golemalp ano eitgiouflp obferheo, that on be not oithonozeo ano pzosboaeo there»; hp; Stun to that who, that they anoeherp of them no give ottbliqttet notice thereof, by Iflubrz lifhmgthis fact in their teheral othurthes am: dthapels, as Ibellott the iozns soap uertoos fore theoay othithanafgtntttg, as alto on the napto tobe obferteo; mtothatallajozsh, sfhertffs.,o filtttttces of the peace, atto other wffiters, no take care to; the one obferha-- , ttort of the {am my of fihanafgthinmttjat W’ A use)? m’a:>%A*:a;%g51caf¢h+4to%w accwt the mites 0%’ his fispatticulatgannncligljt in, annm m1:Vt1)zttttus1m;t1)em gn;-. ‘aim in make ti)t£%y5F2atten a”%p2affeinV $13? 3% arm» 7 A fl :4. « ‘3 -"‘ " ‘ R ‘ ‘ »’h:.wmu-u-.-u-n-u--'-nu - ...__‘ ‘ " ‘mmww-~u-mm--mm-wk » _.»“"‘~"'_V"“".%"'% ; * . 5l3ieVeneriI,IA§‘wnii; 16493 A M ¢liame;nt, That this¢fVbc:forc%”Wit;h* printed}. azéavpumhed. en: S cobell, Cleric: ”Q’arZimnenti. § w ‘ -w-‘ ‘ ' .w ' ' " ~ ' ‘ RaereabyVch¢commops%affembled Par» . ,5, ‘-4 ‘ ‘ . 4 “