'—%T x A,‘ fl ; ~» g g i j « A A -saa..—:-p--.r-—tn‘.~..-¢-u¢—-4...-as A-Q PM For {effing apart :1 Day of ‘ us Thankfgivinga To be §CptOn Wcdncfday the 29*“ of Augzy}, 1549, Declaration 8: M 21 Narrative V Together with 3. OFA The grounds 3113 Rgazflvnxthcreofl A ‘ -—-mug... » ' I ‘ 4Lana&m, Printed foVrEé1w;zé-d Hm/mg, A and are t AA Die Jovis,1M6 Augu&i,A1649.. Ra/erealéy the Comivéomd/]‘em5 led in Parliament, Tbzzt t/I725 if, A. A _ Declahfttion Md Nzzrmtirvehéefortlzzvit/9}>r:intea’a;zd fzzélg/Iyeia’. 4 _ Hen: Scobcll, Cleric}. Parliament’. .‘ ‘ ....w 1 ‘ V lsrintkzr to flit Parliamént Of A 0 be: {old at-his Shop in PAle¢,cfircct, at chesign of theG,olde§n»» A “ :.j A A Dragomnewar the ,Inner~Tcm~p1e, ~1«64;9. %%;;,;,%=: .% V A4 I ecIarat10ri&Narrat1Ve OF > TheGroundsand Reafonsfor fetting apart a day Publique fmnkfgiving To be keptfldfi the 29"‘ of Aitguft‘, I 649.. Inca the timc that tyhc Lard bfotight up his feaple f1jQ1fi A the /mzfe of Bondage, by thc: Outgoings of hxs. Almighty ' '% ~P0wer, in Signysyhand Wonders, it can hardly be ob» '” V ferved, That evét»?IHis "‘AlmightyV'Ar1n was made morcz‘ vifiblyyhbare in p’r0m01:ing,* or" thzit He hath‘ by more czvhi-— dent: demonflrations ‘d€“C17.:U3Cd‘1.;0 the world, His appr0~ Myhation and owning of any C4Wf3=y\— thenyhc ‘ in XVhiLZ"l] mp’: ‘I’;+zrlimszye’;¢t hath been cnga%cd, ; for afl"crtingz1ndrecoveryhof tl1c21r.j ufl: Jfmigfjts and Lz‘lmrtie:,with 1: ac eihgbliflamcnt ofiifmt/2 and .RigA'zteozg’}z,a:§,»h ‘Andy Ffupp1;efIi0n!anhc1 rcimoval of “ Tyr.mi2y:yy,-A zemdy an ’thc‘{c:ff«:6}:'5 y0f"1~it‘%; yJAndtyI1isI1atI1 beenhhfeén the more cvidcngzy jany abfolurcly, fincclizhyhé. h tix11cth:n:y_t*11c Paxliamqmt hath:eng"a'gcd 1 xi ft ycbrpfivefly» wand impartially éagainft th_cgreatePc‘and.,l1i hefi Exmemicsmafl ReJigz’w.andhy.Li£=ert . . V ‘yVVitl1whatya*ySe75iéy 0 y Mmmies hhM”i172fcles‘y(5F Vifibr and Deli; .y , 3 J’ 7~vé1fM¢cc’5. we hav‘c~*b'e'chh folloxwd mam the fi*lT1md:ay.f :OUI yMerc%iful'.Goc71 5 iin'ccyyt11e?B‘:1tteyl~of N»zfeézyy.«t1h1Ihtmgtprcfcnge:;;garh1ot,yI we hope, he fo far T ‘guy: of?“t;irI1eyrhh1:I1c7fé11{l§ 0r‘“» mempmy1@€77any:'g§§oody1?4mat,; has to need. a ‘w1?x‘yecapi’é‘uIh:a7tié3nor RV: l1”eé1rfa1‘;’.‘+“» A shméfi Enetfiiés-,y~ an‘hdh1‘*1a2beréi;¢~tbé'y d2'"nlr:, W‘-o%a¢Jly7}*;_Hé_*'w2&vyyzzlz0,4?Mlt/76%inbaéitzmts of Mom S air, againfl: the i-warm §'°zzc'o’6,‘l z‘)5rozzgbtl1e”Power, and Prefencelof our lGm'l,l no Sm-- very laaeln prevailed, no weapon‘ famad againfl /us hath proflmred The A LO1’Cfll1Eitl1 declared to the world, That he is a G cm’ of Mazmmzm and of V't£[Z".fiy“y§\3I1d ev,ery.wl1ere rang 1€ock,_a mighty Defeizce for thofe that ferveland tm_[L‘li‘n :Him.l; lAgainfl.all>jJerfoez¢$, andin all plat-ce.€.,? He hzzth‘ appeared for 7/15, asagainfi: the old profefled Malignant: and Royalzffs all alpngin Englwd; ag2A1minl’cghe‘preet‘ended Caruemmtem thelafz year from 7~:1T1f Ql.l.,41¢7§1:‘é'MiC3il:,. .ai1;1 Wflfiéflgblfg by rfhfi dCf€5’¢i0n 05 thfi Scars) and ti‘eacl1e1'y “of the Ezzgli/B cleferting their Trufi, all Yxlmfer was l01llT._.,éX('IC"p1?eD6’7’?’l:3’.;‘11ldlL5'mPfiflfl,"”lCV"€l'l‘ to,1?l#6li2z»:lWl1cn¢a1l I116 E ”§1.‘)’7’. Imercft iI'IV‘AT7;l€_lZafZZflll Wzfsllredtmedga =f1;31.1*_tfl _‘L]_p;~;ll'1 thofel two Towns, and tll1e*’léI;tt€r fireig htly b~eflegegbyfoeflpailmtl :1 (force wlucrcby tl1elE.ncmy VX7@3.flf1‘lV€Cl;itd:slrT.U.Cl197,3 l}rieme,l‘eee the Lore W ‘0e«Wom! began to be fdlifiitlousg. i: £7é.zl1 tllfifllblifl me: Jm£?c1lf,l~ ;d~owitI1 our Men, wlsaerr;tl1c;%elfl“i§ft1flc’l~f::~ee his pE)W¢1‘;a( w{»?ler€vj‘l7i24;a’;«€ r1w6t)l zhcljnilngl (lie faid) no l;€1‘M:l.l'Ill3£»€i'II1ltlCl:?;et'lF1ff;ea1MVél’4¢?]Q3»$5f»?Ll1Cle01~11“.aL(3tlJ‘317lPlavntatiollssflf fi1.ffiCient;flmi:ppin1gc0mlLill lgbfi gained: Lmd ifédfl; 410 cafe him 5 that.gale;eTugg'elfbe&«.€as;“&s?l 3€a&l£:£.crl.iWC?i,a-t) ltl1C:~Tl1 1j®Wing 1tl1€miI1’C0 ‘fill? Stfi4”";(l1zch am Arlie M*er_’ci?es Qgfmzzlaaetfl W ::§l?/9€i@,«~~\Wl1eQl;;l1€y homely fil:;§.i*Cl;ebuiElf'Q~1%*'the k:C5IfIi1lrgl;t~1pe5¢}§flltlni€zili7 Ae.d*cliti@na1l.ferries; to €ff€@la;11tl1li$ t£lmmmree’l.féé.urely;; *¢*1Jz"72~:tliélee;:bDlfd'% d elClC>sWn.f1‘Om,H€fl’l+:’€’% fl’? 5"’ tiztizm of e 1933: «Llrfbfizz E ‘ lnél »‘GlD[l1‘y; “%1nde:.d€f§4ffl?ill th€II1.=l. 1%?” fehxe*::fdrth:e ‘M5*:;"¢é2Vaf’l zrzivéallsvkzgzffbfimtvé, "<~l r.';‘.$£&.&:J‘en'>’ oerwfcl/vtifi‘ A 5é'J’W ti: zehus 44’! E V fidl daeJ..BZ0T0w£0”fl hie people;j7aga’liqmet£;et;;~Ki:&gc;ng;, ~xxvitl1v 2%; mgé l'i’l7‘—’%:4"*9"’l~;’*3::?“..€ apltmfmwnenmhelelm Weexneluiszsmrvlante laws; were With mumplzalnr ]}o;y§»to'llfar§s; keel mm mm, z'b.JElt;VvEC,T maflg tbaeg-adsl? 1_»1;lIXff<:1“: la. . :“.F ~W0?2~6_{l 3 l A ~ ‘A ‘A ,4. 'Té.l:tl5Er:l3;i15‘If?.WlfiCl1'”‘W(W@’?3?'f5!i “CY e:I‘1O‘~ T g*1V @115 lflffi. mfllifi filly gmrlalllelémyAfeemifiedrinfevéral E*»vpé*efl"6s lfrom.l,Lieutenant Gfinml " ye figze; l’feix1aip%u1~an«mew/hémoxablle lIhfir«umene2;n;;tl4c~ Of l H11’-Q % ‘f~ . .; ‘ ‘ ‘ M “W V ,’t W.» - . 6" ‘u "' .. N ~ , » xx Mai‘ ~:._. l M ‘J. 1.3..-él pm 5‘ rt W mfl um " lz:riie,‘cthel'lfee::;r1?d firfi (M3) firii an ehegainin the principal Out;Garrifofis i,f” as ”Drcrg-J Jaedarls», Dundalk and Trym, the lafl b‘eingt2.eken the one and twentieth pafiz. “ ‘ On --Zthfi two and tWentieth,Col:Venablés landed with his‘ Foot; thefive and twentieth , Colonel 7{eyrzol;{s’hWith»his Horfe; iche fix and twentieth, Colonel Moor, and Coiemei Hunks with their Foot , and Captain Normand, and Major 1 Eliatiwiit:hthei'rTroops, whereby this P$.Ity'ei)€C31I1€.ifl A :=fOL1nCi“0I‘t confiderable. Whereweithfial , and by the report: ofitheiei Lord ‘Lié~utenant’s foliowing foon after Withthc’ A whioleflrvmy, the Enemy eing awakened , their'euponhre~ :{"olve<:ii.tofet themfclves whholly to this work; And in ;he fiift place ,@A they did our other Water, whereby our Mills were driven , and thereby owns onto conditiiongfnmethiingi fimightned 5 butaprincipally upon the'I’eeondeinFtant, they cart upia Worknt: fiagngaratla, Within a eqflarterifiofii a mile of «thiis City; whiehier having dra ahiout“ ififmn lzminditenoi «no, befideslelirfe , = they‘ thence pu»rip“ofed 1: work eh env- iehves frward zinitheir apprach ash, and to etnhe from no ,oue£oria«ge.nfo:e oiir ifloirfegaénd grafs for our mince, wi::i1.—- .0*Uft e» .;ti3‘i"3.p:i3:f6c:*C0’uiifii'%I3 one long have fuhfifledg ane they3buiilt:Foirts”.towards the Sea, todeprivc Liisofuhe lnndu iing~.piInce, fori.ieoen5ri iemeing esuppiies , and eihisxw as the ioneely efZ1fe’iland.ing¢:%le£t for inner Forces ‘ in the omi1f1ion F 4 The Ezzemiei Hiorfe in F‘ootiappeari.n~ig at zzggaratlé, the A ifetineeiiofi ohm imPciant,ieahonteninein the I A morniinggfhien fie?- A ;:a}e1eo1*ie, ancie n eowei A a A hfmitiioufnn~deniiF¢goL3 t::intendi:ng isithenon eri e heat up ethic matters, i,éh9g»Qgfi a: pm... ntinttziéiiziniesg ;iWithiniief§ xhen aiimiie i A A ill" efideszie, iiteiiicmimei-nit Ienfgiiia 4‘ f In to a general engia§gzérI’w"nt,i;,-and?"aFtieee.emhe Enemies I V m‘ ‘ ‘ “ls, . i News ~ . » en e L - i ‘ V4 ggnnmfiipnrtxeesie zen ¢,e Y .. Me A “Tb Ann; A i;ibein§r‘,f?:eeiut' that .eheree«aise§eanFei;emohpntiz:id;«e*i«<«i~e gainii! y C 474 3 M gainft a body of a thouland frefh Horfe of the Enemies, commancled by S“ Thomas yflrmflrortg , which cmingitup frelh, and in our mens dilorder , might have endangered éteizl) fled towar Droglaeda. ~ y , w ‘ _ Our lofs of men Was. little , there not being twenty mill ling, but many Wounded. _ J ”“‘ A if Of the Enemy were {lain about font thoufand, form of confiderable quality, and twothoufand five hundred and tfeventeen taken prifoners , amonfl: whom Colonel C Im‘... A oplaer Wunket, the Earl of Fingaleland Colot1el Ritléard But» tler, the Earl of'0rmonds brothctgwere Principals, and with them fixteen Colonels and Fi€l.d~OFfi.Ccrs, liortyone C31 Ptains,Lieutenants fifty eight, Enfigns forty twmfcor. nets,eQ1gatetmaPtcsrsr, and other perfonstof’ inferior Offli- ’ ces anczlquality, great numbers; tndfl: of them of Incbil. gains Englifh, and our run»-aways. Tor ;Which isytoi be ach- decl M” lobn Herbert (fervant to the lpretcndetd King 7: who about fix days beforelantled his MaPtersr;;ho.u £l1old«tfl:ufl'in Galloway. Our men took in the place three fDemicarzo2zs , one large ifqu-are Gun , carrying a. B-allof twelve pound, ‘one Sacre-Drake , and i one Morter-piece_,iallthele Brafsz. t And—o_ur men alfortrlgained about two hundred» Oxm for the 'Trayn,befides carriages. The next day; our rnenfeizeda fire‘/§ anon , ‘within five miles of the Camp, which;‘Cam he _was richlygfurnifhe with great J {tote of Velvets ,~ Silks, Scarlets and other tlothingofvaluqwines, Groeery,with l yoyfomeyleonvenient quan-tity ofMsn_ey : alhwhitch theytleftbe» V ;;inde them ,2; nd the neighborilnrivillages ;{>lentilfl1lleyil’tored A rwithcattleofallfortsgfit for food. 7: ,, m y i There are alfataken -of Trait:-e car1fiag5e.e; and .1z}ag;gIfinS5 bee yllonginogtorthe EnerniesArrny;at thtetaleafi: threchundrcd, A geents fiv.ehi1n3red,Cowsthrcchun3ncd,andIrill1N age, rstermed by them Garrioones,~eightshundred. Itwastfor o~r1rl~advantasstthatInvbzezuin ~hadFomc days f rtefore gone fiowardsy.ll;Munfiert, et rint‘ending_t:,tori return fhlortly. As alfo thaitii\';iouitii\:A’,1fnen- fo oniggcld l;>ef'orc C [min ritikaifls all .. but they in Pcead offaclviancing A (which ourmen expe- A A V‘ (A455 A ‘V réckfirdx “comih gufp ‘w;ithMhisA AthrcethAou find of. ' 0‘7‘11"""““; naugbt,an.d RV tAhA.oVu£’m (V!/?er SW; Valffip Anfig, .,> . ’ 4 M1Lthis‘AwasAAdon%§ but by a Akar2Ndfi%l~of34mcn the tI5ird;A+partofour Foot *c0mi:ng W yth¢*p.ri;‘Ici Work ” At:byAd:[Azbe2n Lord defeated2mAEnemy_,AAby%them~ I’ V A {elves Anow .MV‘yfibk»'fll‘0L'VV.licdgfid Ninctccn r.A}71ou f;1r1d,;AA ‘Aand t_;hAcyq , havin*:a, fAr;.gfl1 raferw%of AHoyrf§,licc1c flwtt 0,? our mbcrgyuj hc f:1rncdnjg~hc’%'Razlsy’wnans (S” Ad4fmLo]tiwhriASho1§dfcQ44; % I-atclytakcnby t:bcF;;nemy,WaS rcgaincihatld th¢50ldi€r$,AA% number»A1ab.ouc Scvcn fcorc,a‘cmcrtaincd into the ParIia;«v meats fcrviAce,Aprotcffing thcaralolzarrerz A A ego accompany¢ j;1n}'f;_ longer ..Wit:k;1j theft 4 Ablqady; I‘rifl14V4Q'{ebel:A5 fiand that they wcrg fxbmt iytfirjfftyotimgirx alfo alfhofigaite. A A A , ¢ A Cflflfil? £§fltiMI' (‘if $11 tbfi 19313:: A Aforced to do$”§Awba%c they did, and that hfiffrffiftfi-£5, they wpuld liwbé a nd? dye with S”. Nor _%‘theirAfearA41¢av chem: cim Atliiey had alfb quictcd; Md?1A2AfiafWl?a%(thw%c4* Alagri of fV‘£ldgre£ and %on1c4of the {’cdr0nig@PcApAiA6Cc;s inA41r¢:Z;azizd);§fAthc Nm?,A 17022,;-zl2e»:; and": $1" 4V4a2~d:ca)1m,% cacgh&.twAc1v¢A lcs acchc le::,f’:diPcant;4 Nemr Awas a,nyAdm:y1nAAAIreland.l1kc tbgytg-\th¢Aca?flfi0fl\ of A t11?‘cIrifh;andt<:.u:*hcraifingc1Vp thc%4fpirig:s Gfj 4 ‘ A A *..an:dMv“thc#4~r¢Aflmi f the EAmg1ifl1AAIm;eAfeI£;4 ditioxfi; “; ‘waniidér It "*in‘g,plaCc lscfi: M AhIt'A%;V"tl2r2r aI11Vc, and A A‘ elm2d,WA;13 Ancgm AAin‘i;F6d“iiom:4%g mi V 4 s M‘: “AnV.qry‘ injflam: %"JVchere“no,tA ‘being an , epctaagusnagrm at raagnaaam {carom mma wetcwanetbougvtic man» tflzitfititg mm rt a; ;tJt“c: rm am:¢bttqn‘¢AA;awnnAA mi A z :‘-w‘, A, Y“ 1‘ .5 Ian bnzoftba ever 1 M0 t W not 4 ¢na£tAanD®2natn,’£DatWcdnAemaytbc6'E ‘ {Ma nap.AAAAoA£AAAApumiqmamaAI)o1p mo fibankfatvinntotbc?Lo2DJnW¢ VTN-1f¢””¢W”0VK¢fl5% P¢i11£,flflD begmivll’ m)a~pe;1s«; % tbis.% Jzwnmmiainm can-i)’%%0f A pia:Vw5%nf mm: as w«%« 62, xaz nfu Q " D13‘ 8 §zrWji&‘k4W£EDI:‘l ;i !!{fX'IEifi*B1?@5“f it%I)z%%1:&2i'pcc1:i%e gmfuifla erg ( V yum afmfaiiii, bz»4arnn hereby tbep#4ark?rmmww we fatB.iui&¢tE%ate i)mwy%%%téui;:gn;up:;mu tbifi 2mfeVmt%m&ct~amJ:e ela atwu~.@::: WWA. D am 1 %t!II &1;l * rm +~en§w‘nen t giant tmticc. nix £132? mg mg,» W *p ‘mitijim: Mg:11t®:4 mf. I nAextpz%é‘tam'a:gthe ram fl*€1f&t?_~I1i’flfl) wf A§?gu£%%,; ft the n¥«ap“fn4t%ehz%ohfcrmn5% to be gt1M’i)‘z wplc M in en: temmi mngvegation‘L;fi»%map %rti)L?e 4VLmmf ' gwetaiiv v V ‘D Di1%i§¢IIt11?:fit£€!1Dit1J¢i%*m1fiahvfilw sir ctfez qfigfiong mmfljip arm d£reirhic;e thew the 1"‘f;Wflféh.&.<flp01tfi)fB occa;fin11;“at«‘1hljicI) t%r'me;,t I~)ai? . tfjepzinpletnaphzmozepattttutatlpanufuilpim ffiznzets M‘ tt)z'5«rea1:m%e1m¢r mm haimafi a:»c£c«i’w”;,;a atitn r A fu,zmeb%ettetVubfécmtim1sofg tmmafz, £;m1%av:.=~a % iiamcnt notijljcrebgfinijihit arm fuzbin we ma: tum» of all 3ratrs*%., Varmts, arm white V " %zks %m2n3A47o4zm"uatv= %ai1mg5 ";#t«t;an:¢1%'iWt)at *“.34%flfD2§ A A _ A %@8&CE,“ 7“‘flI1%3fl 4Bfi'g,1?‘1flflV ~7 V are but any %.4éne§npn«evn:mr tam e%“£m mm mm 9% £135 , nue3nbl3wha% c’crb5V¢ fam=:4 W ?q tm;@% em we and av