DECL ARATIQN, -$230 m%?§w&@%m mm. 5 "3 ~53“ wt? tag; oygfu an‘.- ace“ "-33-" ‘'’..‘'?i‘‘ Q! *5 T H E W’ “e’ ‘V0 T 33.,‘ eand »-OR D ER of Aflifhmce of both. I-Ioufcsof PAR .LI‘A«MENT, ‘:21? 9. ge we .5 ‘TF*‘5 1 Concerning rhelvlagazinc at Hull , ‘and rS=ir‘Id£m Hatlmm Governour thereof. Lg; ~ *,=€_,*’5*a* A N D His Majefiies Anfvvt:rthereL1nto. L '3 """§ ta 4;’; With the Statute of .1xH;.7.cap.(1h. mentioned L, 2% -§v-A in the faidAAnfwer. ' V ‘.§. e «.7 Pzzélz Malta etlweré Hzsezlda .9 its C'amm*zzr.%. A v n ‘egg? V *' c I‘ V H... . C: ‘U the 6.‘? .@,,‘$7_ 6“ 1 _m ‘ W _ ‘ N... ‘L O N D O Prir~1tc:d‘by R 0 B E B. T B A B. K E 9., Printer“f0 A the Kmgs mofi Excellent Majeflre : And by the Affignes of] OH N B I L L. "A A ‘M DC X L [L §‘?."?'*'~3"*"'*'“*’*"«5 % “Em” 7.'."'""-W - ,. KJ¥"v“"3;I’5'§mmT'€'»m*"'“? ‘ es e»‘e*éWe‘«:» %**e»?e‘e»”§*e- e ‘:5 » QC?) 1-; _... ‘ € >§%€:~s ox» v 9 "re! p 9“ H 1* W3. If M .... ~. .v'i”*~§te~%:=~§; ‘ ‘WW’/3 ~wqpewwwwmwewwwwwwwmwwwwwwfiwfiwmmwwwémwmeye v x A... u-J,_:..c"::.£€.="7l»7 ~‘a.;,:,.=- £:mg,3..-.- ‘mg: ‘,5: ':5‘g.r'.L(x-':“~3.;0_g4"$4_g,:‘$.tA':*¢f‘ , - mm: ~ we % A : :2: ” J A De¢Iara_ti_m1A, " es % A¢{fi&a{nAoe o%fbo*t‘h Hbufcspf ParIiam%cnt; “ A | Concrxrning the MagazzV —’ in 9c am’ A v: :‘ »\'.*.:« '4 “m sflk _. ix mm L ‘»‘.ua""r p. » ‘ . ’ A . ’/\K- ‘V n. ‘flabé Hotfiam Governour ‘ihcrcofifi W : “ ‘ Lordsand” ‘Commt3m“?in ?a~rf¥amcnt,;fihd+ ' H ,},%f ‘:3 ;i‘ng*ft1ffca1:ITe*to *Fe:rr,, W mt ‘thc~'d§f£J¢~ _, ' i X ~ra~t¢:,d‘ef'1g12res , ‘~2r1%rc}=1w$ cps’ mf fix: , " «fj * 5 vtmaligmmt ’part"ai%c~aM*rmaac‘, bu%tVa?}fofflwe may lice o3‘."E1'1err1i‘cr[s,, ' a'b1{<::Ia'd, ‘7'1"1mug1"rt: it nccdfiry Far the ‘faffififi ‘‘‘‘~‘* g -i _ ‘ fhris ':Ki*n§;d~om., to fesczarrc T-<_:)W\.n~o;€‘ Eingflan u*- ‘on.HiW,4 13'eing,*o'n*cA:'0ift1*re mofi can fiéefablé’ ‘f'or"~fl*rengt“*% 3,; 3a**rrd TfifFGTd‘in‘g‘thC 'bc'flE~c01wcnierrcic ’I‘m*réIing df "%rreigz1‘Fm*ce*s;%%a&“n8‘Wh’c=rc‘a%'grc%ast par~coFA~£1ac:Ma~gazAhm df‘sflTe*K3i1Ig&wm far ’ti‘m’t: waspfaccd 3 far that ma 3,-‘ pdiri-*tt‘:éi "S%i‘3:fl W31» 9flzw%~nm, om=:«oTi*he crs *t'1fe:'“FI“ouTc,: V **CUm‘m 'b7éirirg"é.@'mffcm%1n;%o’f’th crfmnc Catmtyv, oftgjcbnv fit%em“bFe’:Fmm:muc," fapprovtfi *VEInrv.:gx?it » 4, to‘ta*kc»%*upon%A“him the %g0verr1$mr:t1’t d’PTthat7I‘aWm, ‘andto-'é§":*av47t~11'ié~h"er* A£bx”nc~roF th*é*‘Tra~ineil“Ba11ds ‘FUr**fl?u*eT**GVua1fd t'h'€1‘c0‘f : In Wh%‘iUh?*ajppréhcn~ l ‘ V -V- "II|.¢,_ v . Hon mm refdIutionJ1ihcréupan"ta’l;cn _., t*h~ey«r%are¢£h4c*mor'c emin- fi1“m€d*’by‘ fhcz“ ‘fi%g“ht%_ of Tome itxrem:%ptcdA Letters~ ~of*' the lard ,% a Lprifmfipali peéxfwn :a1éhat& Aparti:c:) AWrittcrr‘A_‘*vto lthn W tt"'€:“'?3‘l’§l'»‘ =#1;’I*rat pa1~tfie»‘%;%;&i”fct:;;v::crc4dan e111i1?eavc*?u’r'ft?c>fpcrfwzfltflis”*MajéffiE""to"&cé1axe Himfélfi, hanfl réifirae ’i'm0“fofn%t2“pfa”c“c:‘oT*I%Fu’13it‘*i;1#f1jis%i;q'g€io$r!i1,’in~o tf:3W‘a'yB9 “df a&ccum%mo&a“£i0n ’pc¢fl15le-;.i%n*' to give th-‘c %'b“e“:tcr~oppartu:1:fity**tb"‘1:fi4m‘TeI¥}*anE1:*¢jt’rmg‘ Vé1j2mgcr*mirs'~*par1’bns t<%’r>'~1"<=."$fm*t “fk11'"5i‘C“13'Ef1?%f‘T,',‘\af.{J“""}:li_‘é"'I1‘, Vcioniiféf ‘bui; 72m in. cm“: "l'LI3¥i7s’ Niaiféffit “tin “take *?a g%iirffk "‘=7’:”*T¥i:sA 3Pa¢t%a-mvrrt A 4am°1 W” . A z T M good .2: finiz ~ :33: winifcwiczbsfiwir % wit “H ,‘r~,~,w»: ~ "‘ ~ " ‘A .""" VA WI? M ' 4 £1“ of (2? good Snbljleélls, andmiferably tojirttbroil this Kingdom in civili A Wars» A About tvhich time Captain Légg (a man formerly imployedi inthe piriafiicelof'the‘Arrr’1ylagainft the’. Parlieim ent) ‘had direfiion by Warrant produced by him , underthe Kings hand» and figneManna11, tooenter Iclaim~ed ‘Traitours befbre the Walls of the Town, and _ thereupon ‘difpatched Qa Mefiage to both Houfes , therein charging Sir Joém Hatlmm With high”;Treafon,“ and aggravating his offsnce, becaufe he pretended the Parliaments command; ( In the mean while hindering him‘<;fJ»ealln1e§az1s of intelligence with theeParliarrent~') ‘Fer His Majeftie irnmecliatly catafed all r‘‘‘ l Paffages to be flopped between him them ;And in purfnance ~ of tl"1efa’me,; one ofhis:1””e1E'¢'anltsn, Who‘ xvaslfent "by“him“with Letters tolthe Parliament to inform them of the truthlofthofe, proceedings, was apprehended, his Letters taken f1*om\him,end , his perfon detained, wherebyf contmry toy the cnmmVo:1lihnez'+- tile of every Suhjecfl) he was not Qnely deprived" of meang, Alto. % clearbimnleof "that heavi-e acctxnriornbm of alllwayes of tercourfe; either to receiv.e direflions ffonul tl1eni”tli*atlltrufleltl l him, or to infbrm them What had happened. The Lords and Commons Ending the fétid proceedings to be 21 high eiolatiem of th e‘*Privil‘ed'ges of Parliament, “of [whiclz V I-1isMajel’tie had‘ i'n‘fev’era‘ll‘meffages;e:~cpre{Ied'”H*i1nfe%lf"l'm‘be fotenderg A great Infiringement of the Libertie’ of the ‘Sub? j'e&, and the Law of the Land, which HiSlM8)'€fiie had In ofiten lately profeffetl {honldbe the rule to governhy,‘ and ‘tetnclngl to the endangering of His Ma jellies Pez fon , and the I{i,ngdoms ~ pggaceg '1"Thonghtfit,las well for the.vincli«'ar;i0110f their emu Rxghts zzndellhiviled-ges,e tl’1€;I:‘;Clf'~mD1ty of tl1:lt.wo;ithy perfon l imployed by th em, as Fo1'th.e.cleering nf thei1fn_ow:n pmm:_.d- ings, to p ; former tclatinn thatcame fimnethe Kxtzg, blifh thefe_ e11f:;1iz1gVotes=,«Vwl1iel1were ma .e upon :21 ' V \ " - ‘ , - _ II " . 4 1 Dn1,,.n ‘ ‘ -‘ , - 1*‘! 1‘: O‘ I , 5 V L %li:~‘a high Br F Priviled %%%%%%%%: <40 Di‘é' 28. Afp‘r'il,; 2. V Yv‘,.M" . ‘W I . ~.. ,1 ,: » V ‘Sir Jvziriz Piaf i K;nigh»tl,, ‘a£:cfa>"i'd‘i7t71}§ fro? *thli‘;» Commaaa-cl lboth %Hu«f ‘ef P=ar1ialm&mt. ,« T l lIa’dtl.0~i1,'l‘li’2rt:ll1 c-lcfmel liqfhingbut in ’C?)l5cd.icI1€c. tn the rRa[a£=z5zed5:é~c; Thattfilisl »d*e:c~larinl»_g*cl>l Six: Ial'w'$£&rlbarn Traltoufr, 'béin%g fa oftht Ho-u:fe A Commons. fie fisf Pafllialmcm, ariilglbfslrflwii 2my2z:zm:;V lTlhatl*th’ls'D_c A>c"1’tic,<3lf:' the ,‘Subfe&.,ll~and agdinll-. Vibe. Law of thc ‘ ' I‘ ‘.7 . J6‘ ‘ ‘" '1' 4"‘ '7‘ ll; ‘,l§"”}l<" g») l * ~' u 5 , _". "“ {T116 dram-AdfAfl1{lanic‘e‘i*to~*rheA ‘nets d:fbt)fth‘Hoi1f¢l, cbnctffnihlg tbl “ Hull. lAplril.%2a. 1:64.. 2. ‘ _ V T .‘ A [_ gm Traftofir A véizrthbut dlue l,prt:ceH’e “ojf~lLa“W, ‘::*L:.- A jagainfi "tlhe 3 W ll ffereas the l‘lI43ar1“o£" .§'r4rnj%*rd,‘lthe ‘llohfidlffiifiilloixtgiiégrl 7' bfI?éz?/aam,9ir Edwarql V _ I 5’ A .-‘Wrazy, Sir Samu2l’02;>fielal, ‘an lME;1fl:'¢r, Pfirnzwtf‘-,A A ‘ "are by the Lbrds*'al11‘d Cbmmdlns ’iuParliamer1t'&f~ ' ’ "‘ fed-lbljed, co"mm*a11deld‘ to make "th'ei'r repair *i-‘um cg/ai':~,;'lSir '~"C*br'i[%upi’Z}‘2r j tlie Cotmties ofT2’or/Q: and Linca‘1nc3and the Town , (1ll‘Ki22gfla¢¢e upon Hall, for fpeci-all Service for His Majeflic, and the Peace and Safari: of the Kingdom, and accordirigly A have received particular Inftruélions for their better direélzion ~ A W 'thcreilnl ; Thefe are-to require all Lords Lieutenantsl, and thciir V Deplitics, Sherif-F3, IuB:icesllof'fhePeacc,Majors, Bailiflk, Con» A A fiablels,anda1lllo_ther His Majefties Otficers and loving Subeéls, {hail require. to be aiding and affifcing untothem upon all occafions , as need El Hid ' "“"*"‘ “""'-W ‘V.-*1 » ‘ ‘ V‘ 1‘ “ " .‘~ “v-'-4 W‘.--« ‘ ~ -m u ""~'\ --i".. ..~‘ '“‘-4.3}-0 ‘iv-‘.:s...m'.'L, ‘.:o' m‘.. ‘ A» - fa; s4 I E 3 ~ 1% Wm’- ‘ , .. l..: \ ‘,7 ~ ‘, _ I , , ,. ‘ w" ‘ ‘ ' y ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘. J»! 0. : I . ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ ~ I ‘. . r ‘ ... ‘ -- ; ‘ ‘ -an n '1. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘_ , ‘ 'P, n ‘ ‘ ‘ ( ‘ ‘ -I I ..‘ 3 V’ ‘ ‘ w “I ‘C ‘ ‘ W Vl‘ f H . ‘ N’ I J». .. W..,,.. to .. ,. m.. 4£-4 . ‘ , up .... . vs... .. . ‘ ‘ -~ _;‘ - v 9 , ‘ . ‘ ' I‘ I ‘ . V Tome Dc:cAlaratien, Votmsf, i0rc1:6“r of as; HM,» fin: May 4-. 1‘ 674};-W % 1.291-gh-H»Cflf¢3 ofPér1iam¢114t; A.=9o4nccrn71z1g¥th§_ bdagagigze 7 ‘ V ‘ x V. ‘ . ‘ ‘ \ ‘T '- ,n.n '1» mcapipufi %££Im2.9ftmi3»e fiat’ ' % 7: mi!" to bmmaamzg at iamzlifiamgnt iaaavittsf amsnt efieren Vim: mm at E '> ,. . . ‘ * ‘MM muuamu-n uunuanvnm-a-vuu..m.. . k ‘ £Benmanning33um an cm atmm ~¢ watefi Huy11%iv%JmhnH9%t:ha1Ié '«)jI$ ‘I was timught mm» sf an g~'¥$£.mfEW¥é£;3ia1;t»." at ¢ mm of me am: whzzigaaap co am O mwcaumwamn$cmf7%v.iJe1:n¢¢ imm~m mmbmrww the flhzvmxazmzn ;ni"1mW M’ £I2:.a¢stimzi;¢ am A g W was gum wnmwww £»s»a:i?Ia"I1::3:£:tif3aa¢4‘i:e«*2&¢ me ‘ha ,_ , % % 4 mmgaafiasmm mm W %%a:$-WA *W$;.%fli1IfQ3;A.,_A ¢ A ,, ym : .% wW~m¢W~%W= , , , . w 2% Mi“? '3? WE?“ mwaumem, awnmawwem W %v4§%t ¢ ;; mxmmangmo "5 ‘"' A ” 4 % ,1_$ ‘ 61- : ‘r If % berm ‘wifiwfifif . J 4 VWWIW95 vtmam w M:t»m mi ma n‘ c-. M u‘‘.‘. *3: stsfi Wmifis £5 V ~ W? W V a;W=w:f'e ~_¢A4‘;£%«J2z'%:-$ 5 A Mam ’ % f@?M afir*i3zfaas‘og1*B;Iw§n, 7 we 4 V, w % \[ :+-game 331119 0 fimmcc, m1,’m;i;w mm aim???“ -<6) % A~tmm1§ at! Vti2e—~p;i1wat¢«31ntexew gamma of a1! mm: goon fiubjects to alltiuembannfi am: ctiquanas are aonfounneh arm nefttnpea. %aftevPym munfeif was pom. in i3t'5.%p‘eem agatnfi thz ctmtie of Straf- - ford ; (pub1I'fl;:BBi3’Q the miner of we $oui’e of App;oVha_tzn‘n:.4 £119 mg. f:@IZit‘1J;IZflI%“l’w’;§:5WI1lI af tnte'cpo['mgt§32w am:m:z,% am masnme monm1&t%tW 9“3¥WW0fl » ‘when men eatccutagemm hath mm mm ., &&‘IiJl3UéI-111333332: omen to mulmutmfi of aumai , ‘unimomrt maple, gmenticefi am; macaw 3 mm mm zmompanwn gmtitionfi of new flvarm niixtptrw. V V A V . 5fo2t1Je¢ma11tW 0'5 @103 gmmgffl Hull a%i193Wfi2$ uleanlyfet rogmmbefammn mac ;919efl';;ge £1} 70061) '{9g%:,m;esknf mat 25uft_tIB[TE: gfima Em any jttztelugmw gihmtto %t'r Iohn Hotham’o‘f aaxghfimnténn to nag? % met; W-.». to A ; % — H: Ml.‘ 1' , V ,v 33’ M‘ 3% /9 I ‘ , 4' -A ‘ ‘ W‘ V . ,, €:‘I“o) we we army A aw “ 5 It» ~ H Hmmmmw $1! 6% rewfimtfi mafia gimu hin!t4&%?t’{ ” “ mg; %rtV1*t*¢“a§7t’cé‘; owaft’;m=€fifvigi}fi:A ‘fiiaxwife own hem mmK3’nro2¢%%'iBazné* gv mfufirfeg; cu amugifi %§ua;[%ms« gw %e~ ¢ru2%$»tzam be ace! rm mmVtW% V wt;«*emenw*i;~w meg ot”mIegza:2rc~¢V Emma ... arm we 192m”ei’£a;4;tri*:aa1«,%«az*»t*tb& W % am gamma: 0?" @w@ttenam1stA °( u. A w %vp4a-gmvamg 1 emzsamam 2: :5: am ab B 4 £ommea* ima‘ % iA9W:‘ % A a ham (W ] “meg, M Ma sxeW& ~ 9: =.t9t‘»-w4i‘;aimbi2%t3pg:ifi2i=t>‘ new $0 mam *bEi't1%V 1;mrmen»:%% V % % jimge* ) we mfieahmttwfie W: " mm aifrm oi9mI%@W:»~%W€%£WV$ W A L §iiaa%:$a;g@;%;% as sits? %éfi2aw@eIM’% ” 9% A A 115 Fm amg:Aw‘;W;%1cMa%mc:anfie£m~wm f?mm‘"ui¢%” $ V *@ma,% imfiet fiuve ” §v'¢WiW9W i wmeaxm %Wf11i%e‘% % A 1,4 ma n am @mmmz,~ saw 3» in % una~aWm1fieLnmfi Am} 1 pa .4 yr .‘ ‘ . 1 ,. , 4 - n V if an; ®n $33133‘? raw anwg¢ % *&g&En%"®% .m6i9=am;w mm%%m£WaMmé$i %a;az1:am: saw em W _a*aina:%@:gg%¢ce4;as@ 2mmcenta7e% A % F A " 4» ’ fi % \ A \% ‘ U «:,« 261 «is go. mu 3m.fiwwgAAfwm we -mtte Iohix ‘%;4x¢c1~mm&s st: mag wag tetra pt L m mminnrmmfl :2, tVf%%fi;%13wB:@aftwfa+ W W ' ‘ -7 ‘E 1' W,‘ ; v. ‘ 4 I ‘ yr “ @a?it1;;m«%2M;ttn)%% ¢temet= nn1‘2mv ligffi M W Q %umect., % W lame W? W W gm)‘ moaew;tngfi=4 Imam, ma mom , %nwwwznone% t'O8%ztht’€znge of wmtIt:nem:4h1v_ Aenai» 1 fi*=1*wfi”p m ma?mam* ‘ma ow tmnmwtuwa» 12 @‘*W!?*% 4P9*?¢¢*“v‘¢??m? %WWvw% %W%44cttcumf;a;1:1%¢ .o£ aw afi;c;e: g w2$m'ie 3; zrfm chawim met); swjaTm‘,A aw “ VWEV in fimifiwv, wing W V man“ of t@é£a«dLtfz: W " % &;w~:néw® iywbastmen a attmiiatgrt *3 iwfl ,tfeaw~w1mjza«Ewufie§Amm«nfwmifi A mil, = % a Men uponznis, ohfetm A A & R 2153 W Wick; a“ tmn*c»m rim; ravvrogmwfmnewa mmvgwacmwitimasésfieari ._ fl em nWi,wt@umaw4is~ nit new not enxopmf @132 ,aufsz;wtvu1¥ fififfigé V rm we at! we mogtaiumt :- V W33 .503 9193 3B2c;.obetp.V am: £n34aincenancz%~~of:£Duv known mm ~ uxxnouhtwgafifigbtg, imnojpzomifein the Mpgefmce % of %Imigg11m®on,% arm afi we hope fowis biefiing in fl>uv1?LIt§ce1Iz,¢;ti;aAt mem1”IitnA we uttnoitiofwum. Eiabéetg nztzmana zuaintam we true aagntefiant aggofemott-..~ V £132 Ibaiium the Man , the Ibmzrtg of the @1511 12:13, am we xutt mmaeuge annVfi:eet>mn .”, :'jf'D2’_tDzj- $21321: of:fl£fI£tancz:gti:gen to tyeommr» mttteefi ofbntt) ianufzfi, concevmngtiyew going so I-iufl, maeJ£balI% fwnomoze . huctbat mote par». torsfi t3a1netIintt;at®2Dev..1m pzefumz will gm no Gfommannza, oz £DucgnonA:@ubject9.ohepomens, than mQat,ar2 marrantchmtbg Mm (Wm large sum ugxltmttzh foeiamige S‘?1II?ECt:Iol15 awn; the {ism £twctto:1‘§% may he )4 £02 to tiygat mic we wall appig @1115 mm Qcttonfi, am! by It reautreanaccnune mm other nteu. mm tflgat aii win: goo%n°@uh1'ectg wait? the hetterfmom their Butte in mattewof tiny uacu;‘e, lfletmw £32111 cavefuilp to pevufctlge %ta:.» tum m the eiefaanty mt of H. 7. Chap. 1. 11 1198 continue mm) Qfiaim: Pym-5 mmn moms: If % phc Prerogative ofvthe %King,ovcrwhc1m the Liberty of %thcPc;oplc, _; itgWi11V,b e turned roVTyranny; If Liberty» yMundc1émyineAthc Prcrqgarivc , ‘it will grow into Azmrclaj}, an-w’fo we tayvimn cflnnfufion. A «‘ . Anna -o a ' fl 3. ' N V ‘E’ . 3... An .- _ 6 V 10 I I ' . I. ‘ . . \ 1- iv‘ . .. r , _ .5 H ‘ -.t~-_ r , V--t ‘ “I,” 4/ M, 3,; I 1*: 4 - 1 ''a‘ . .« ,‘ , v.x~~.. . A. ' ‘ \ h ! .‘_“3’-..w ‘ «".‘ "' ; ‘ ,“‘I .‘ ‘ . ’ ‘m’ C ‘V .‘ n’ . Hen.7.Cap;1.~% 01‘ I ANc-mt tI1at fl1aII attcndupon thctKing and do him true} Service {hall be attaintcd, or forfeit any thing. V ilgeifiittg“ our %uhttat'g,u itogn tamug to his .ttmtm~;- manta the hum: of allegiautt nfbit futrjttté of this -1 ljisifitalm, am: that they by rtztfon of cut fame ate ‘ 7; *' butmn tn fetht their mince mm %Ul-Jfirafgtl lam '' ' “ % fat the time btt'ng,t'u big (flaw. fog the ntftntt at’ him mm the Matt , agaiuft enttpmbeuiutta .i£9otvert,emn 9;Bt'gbt, team agaittll mm, mm with him to tnttt mm abiut in fttuice in bat: teil, if tafefo ttquire, am: that fa; the {ante fetbice , mbat fagtttnt that fail by chance in the [amt bacttli, agaitttt the mitmt am: will at the imittct ( an in this man fa-mt time; pafftu bat!) been Teen ) that it is not teafouabmbut agatufit all Laws, ttafott, mm gum: tonftitutt, that the ram fittbjetta going with their %on2taign ilotmizt Cflatfi, atttltbitlg upon btttt in his patron» , 0; being il10tb2r«place$* up his tmttmatmmzut lvttbitt this lamb oz without, any thing fbnttlb loft B3 .fo;ftit fogtmiug their true cutie mm {twist of Qlltgiante. mt be tbetefugt Emtmitztn, Qfuattemnnn czfitmtmhtnttbp tbttifi-iug out %o1atratgtt low, by the azmite mm tafftnt of tire iI.n3_m3‘£apit'i« mail, mm ’«ZEem1toza!I,tmu the gztutttnmtts in tufts pgtfent martian nrmnt aa‘emhIen,;t am: up flutbugirp of the fame, mat frmn neute- text!) no rnatmttnf patron, to;.petl’otm'h3I)atfnt1m: be :3; tbsp be, that attttm upon the iK~t'ng,~ann s%tmtta2'gu SL030 of t his mum fume. time being, in his ptrfun, him ttue mm faitiafull fttmte of fltltgianttt in the fanmog be~t'tt otbtt mattts by 31:33 °I.mnma12bmt:_2t t t A tn 0%€¢B%;55*‘Wu*?WW1fiifWWi&W—t2,.bfia%0%*:.V V co:zWrJfl4;:fi « :?a,%a~ciiaza2Vem, v@%:btb€rmifeA-WWP t1aswbeatwP ibis‘ ma d%¥%%2:xufif¥Je3i11ia&¥i #111178 as f1iZFc£t4i;ff€:‘4“¥-fi?*%“:5» 7@‘£1?£.!Wflw5V W~+‘-“W3 %a1i:wff2fifi;an4fi5*fi2£mitamveuc~w.:WBma:matW»4%:;n2Wmbzr rbinw 1:xxt;m?m:zi;vfa2‘ Wm wen -am sfnmixzmzswwfiua m?%~aVvgawmfA~az1:y nrmtimx, trauma, :2; We. fiunif any ass, up acts , cg u«tIm:mgm:e{i‘e um-3e flan: hereafter , t1JA¢4neJuyun*W} this 2fw1fl9%Nb&ppemoE%he;asaM,ccxatrarp to tb:'$®zaz':zan;ce:; that I§1J,Qn~i‘b,,at@Cf. 0z4_.%”Ictr5:» uzotber ipgateffebf £1333 mam, am%Auaurne:n2r 4tl;Ar2pA~=£ball Iw. fiammrwu aim m£eerI