I _ ,.¢u.umw~fl'~ M ‘ 2% vvhach“ 6 V A »u'( ‘”*vA«:3i47cAeA1:Cr ,Ae:{1*2LAnt or dmy. A AA A fliopswill,ri:Lyeve1‘yP£irfd5r1.A A A% Par!imei2tA»vIwi¢1uthe + # A AAVAAtiAhAAaSAC(>:1fiPc$A<:fbAA Af'izc’If1A‘A3§eA-x*A[’A"<22z1sAAaA~: A Aj i%r£Ath%:: E-‘I0*u&I'eVA<)f"Pe‘d‘ A}AA1()AIA‘iA§3Li’r 5 w11e::e~ Anfw. 25 the: W5? %V9t¢$, :*Qf...PA’OpA1.fl1 :10:-as W0P~:>-M {hall bgf jof yfQr¢e,4A‘tho%z1gA;h% gzhcsy ,,A A V A ~ beabfiéntA(f01‘the1rAAea{e and {<34- curityj; {Cine fiich Lords may Imave r;11ei1fVc>t¢As_., }3.SAth€}fA4Ai/112%” cllifié : A'&VhoA it A1jl1a.’§7"A (I564 *WiI1AAd0€ £§nc>r<:AAAA?»;‘v"T;fl;"I’1“V4z:fié%in,,then AiAfth<§y theAmAf’eI*vAes*fl1m11&.A s.;i¢Vet11é1n~4 A V Si;1cl;A1stS1~‘1'1A3;y t10tinte1'p1*et0rdcc.Mre Lawes, pag, gm ‘witliaut hinifelfcj (Awhich yet the Judges and iz1f7e:1:Ai€)LAx17C§0t1rts; n'A1A:?[yd0e‘) Whofe 01~de:~s“a:1ci ifdix'i:iAx‘1cAeVsA~15Aih({eA*hm: to‘ bbé:dEenCe;. Wl1*0A$,1fia3?A V mtcommancithepr::op1e to defend tlaexnfélves Kingdome... A A 7 A .BtA1tA:AA1%1eA»e~% iA1im?AfE~.%Ife A x‘nayAA,AA 1fai{’e‘A eXt1‘a.¢U1‘di11;.;.4¢ry pagy mg, fQrces»%;AtA11oi:g13‘Athem:1>r;ézx<:eit1f1ér aémall ifcéYi*nAAr::1ii~ A ‘Kira, 11m‘iriW.fi0n*;$A+A% “ ‘A A” “ A A Such 3,. 0116,, Whereirx 11ee411m:I1a negativéfip A A AA 7;” M ‘ % aguga V r10f%rfiA¢dAd1.Wit1i rtIéItté1‘sA0Fot1ieAr Anfw~ro goé ‘;;A) ‘_15i1e;y’bma_yA,,.nmretaiize the Membeets afeheie A Hoeufesg whobare his Houfehold f"e.r‘VantAs, or A emp1‘oyed—,or fem: For by him. Though if they .-“mfiv. to the ”Dec1aA.M2y 2.6. Pug. 2.. % AA}3aAg; ' V An‘fw.-- tfithe Dec1a.May 2.6. A.=ln§'w.to tbe _I')ec1a1*.j e ‘ I9.'P3.g. ‘C0 Ivlay 2.6,; A feekegazhe abolition of doe not, then becaufe theH'oufeswiI15be but Athin Aandw nAotA ,11ubmer0us)Atl;1‘ey ¥f"a.{r€ not: Am ’ efieemed ‘9.sbPaer1iza.*n%1ent, .bu;a,b;Af':1‘6t1onAA5 ant? be A thOf5\Vibtbhbh113_£l are to be 11ftnedAt0,_ ratl1erf;h*efle * A A They 1nui}:bpimiAfl1%fi1<5hzesfinieetebtogether"to t11of‘ea1A*e‘ calledw ho metf"i11eSbuthwa1‘k¢9 and 1v0u1dxiQtA1A¢At§ the. Cqnfleibleeerake =a.waAy their Petitibn) bufiiax no :»A A” e- A... A» “forcefhe people throfighb feaL1*e,; “ or ehem by cunnivng',(a_s it was inAALond0n0me« Petitigm The1nAAffo:*fix<":h:3.m.Aeet;ingeis~=aRioer, as A Wall, &c.)e or gatlmer together-. btmnulttmufly m - A What Lewes arenewiy A A A 1nade,andtobrmgth1s to hl§.‘Q:§f§:§JA§A.Ad€fiE”E39;.S_m AK~er”1t'; A ” A A A SL1cl1i“9?.b one a.s'n1a.y not {ebongh A a.A Cmnflabieyb Sher1fl“e,A&c.ma.y) rad-e any fumes to put them Orders or_De.y‘ag.z. flw Law, A _ A V A ' N Affixzners ofa. new Power to T 1‘ae1n‘f?:Iw:s. "I”ending to 3, pure A1*bitm1"y- Powemn. ,E.1'e€cex_'s 051111 upfimt Authority. 4 They have wreited from Us our Mzzgzwizre, "Exnovors oft11eL:m* ass. 1'ubim:I1<:i,1: Wcw. A,,;,;,_m;9_ “ ::m& Towne of Hull;., and beflrid Sirgfo/m Ha» « A ‘Nations... \ M»..;«:,mo in bibsVbo1d~f1c«:*dhT’i‘é::Lfoz1. z A VV6;o.ken¢1'sof"o1uf juif Authority, a11d_.-due omzmne offi1*ax1ge fliaxxxclefncfléw M ‘ A P-13-:+:« Such to whom our good Subjefts oamexxot ofliz-1%“ m prefént: theirowne juft griewmccrs, c>1)1:o‘Sufi'ox‘ia1g;—t;, cmd mhoir Senfe of the viool:-,u:ion. oftho low; A A VVho lmve féized %onA%thWf1‘oney the King A Md? borrowed tobuyhim.b1“ead. V The; Afitfioails of both Houfcs‘ hecve 3. fl”1*ong1>ag.;. A finfiutenco from the fixbtill InForma.tions, mifl ohievoxxs gwraéiifés, and evifl Co1,mce.lls ofAi-r1-—~ bfitious wrbulem fpirits, difafFe&ed to Gocis mic": Re1igionV._,Ou1* I-Ionour and fa.f'ety,,tI1e pub.» like peace mud" profpericy ofzzhe people. A Vvho Wotuiifliave Us divert Our. {elves of 1°15-5—» - Our power, and Mfume them unto it... ” Vvhoi take care to dffhonouxh Us in other"P=tfi-7»? -A3? Thwy * A 37‘;A‘.s:.: 1 2; . ~.e‘%-Rn, iv.‘-.1-'A.. tcr "Jae ; VA A D,.c:3.a.I\=i:1y_z6. I an A 17’v:g;..1x. 1 '65’; -PAL‘-igAaAAA2..B&' AA % IAAQS. 30., _.A.~‘5mfiAv.tAic> the % ]:9«.‘¢;1;1.1\"1CLy I 5-.- lhg. 3%. P.1~',-‘A_i. 1,044 A")A..1* A ‘_;[..1a.‘!I, AA A AA A \7\7’“11m1eith“e”“1’“m: A A 3101.11“, Safety, :13 a.Pri11Ce,4noms a pmva e ' A fan, T11a,tAx;Ve~r11:z§/11oto_n1y bf: inn mbre dew fpigablc mv;a.yAt11enA4a11~y of Out‘ 7APredecefi‘01#sA.3 A A A B1aA.fie1's cf his Declaration, xAvAith,abo1d and _ fénfeleffa izxxpuccxtioxa. A A ”rheia~v%1>eci:iAons boid,t11reatnir1g,fep‘13bC Ilfijll. ” I B'I::Afb1‘e" AAVV«11AOAfe_‘_ACyA_€AASA‘c3.«AftA1AA_3.flg€ A n1i‘{’cV5 cit’ e1f1*orAiAS A A A ,C%4§1,i;7gb§JA»3QfAE5§“fi§171pL1§f1CI1,t, 11;1aIicio{2s‘ :11*en,j tcfgive ‘ tiielm no x%“ Ade1naAndA in ef’£fA'c~:é°c atm1c6 A AtA A A depofc ozuv ff3eA1Fe zmd Ou1‘A“P0‘W€1".‘ A A A “ A A 1’)ifA‘cu1jbe1's *0f,t1iéAc0u1*fe bf ALaA.W, c0unAtex1:m.~ eziws ofRiots._, difc01ix=1temir:1i*:cf:j1*sAAofLziv;'. A A Th¢y'mea.ne Us 110 more poWe1:f1:lie11 om”: 05 0 Lu: C Quz1cA.e 1 Io1'As..A A ~ AA ' Am“ 1?.it="I'1t3 H0.-AA e ‘bm:jAin 7‘ A % A 11’rea11e1*ax1d Vi1§é1‘AAc0nditiAA01‘:1‘ than Ath}:*: lowefi oFA0 L1i“ASLAfbjAAf§ &s.; A A z A A ... _‘ 'I%ncour%aAged andinabA1*e‘fi*%V‘*£L‘*MaIA7I¢§:nam: pm W3 A o«:oL1nte21anceinj11fi:ice and indignities Q53» fe1*edto Usg A AA A “ f A B€giim<€1f$A 05% war agémff U54 H DeflmsOfageriemli{combui'fi0nA% V rflle now AMA:1j ” r partofboth AH0uf‘esA AC1f.1‘C‘3A’iI1AAAf4Ai:‘A-A» E3red*byAa.'fexv Malignant fpim‘sA ,Av " A ‘ AAAAA”fA11eir odiousV0tc§,, and the grea,tef£~'xri%é1ati.AL AA 0AiA1AAA0‘fAQAu1‘ PAr1v1ledges3 the Law of thc~La;1'1d,_, A A V Liberty I;A%i‘1é:e1¢t5r»:04i”;t,I1%¢::$L1bj,€é?c4,{ a::u;i_.AA.t1*z¢ RigA11t0£APa:eA liAani51de;1t; 0; W3 5A3ff*;,*v:1;1eiC1%xL%i:§, fi,1Ch}_—,., tI;1k.=,1‘c‘“n§-2eAd;:; no onlircr toe; d,t2{i1‘O4y King; ax1.d,%I%-Qplefi, az1;;i~A%ts»I'1;it "Vote i;f;, '17‘/mt 2;;/M2 Me Lords, (lam! xC%oé§z7é2aiz.v%Ad:3V-24A aim n?/mt z‘/93 Mn! 0ff&eL4fid z;c~, it mzgfl ins: zzji; ~{%z¢£eaitb,4»m7 ‘WI tc11£d.r,A01a;e:A&,; AW“1?:'vicI1 ‘o %i§m.r'c: mt’. digfiaa Heath’ g4iV¢I;*1 the%l*eaAfl: evi%dCii¢¢CAf t;I;i'ei1?' pa:'17ti.cL11:a.:; _ \ aflfbfiion and Akiiicfnéffe as us, but havé d,.:A{l gomptcxxaszced ma? hixxdered other I\/lens‘. Then? Declaramcm,t11¢:cQx1mvmcc ofa. few fluftious, fézditiozzs” pexfons, ii Mlalignazmt party? jgarhcs ?_x7r.r-.::A:~;t,i..1[ M :bqx1*ox$?%11cf:1A1jy zu1,c:{ za.A1:nb11:i0n., _ E‘ A \ A Theyj ¢1.1dAmVQuL' by 3,11.‘ pa-fl?ibh:2 Vm1A<:aamA;::s to cc.>11te1;np1;i§)1e to %a;,11%fo1f1‘eig;11e P1‘inc€s. Wilma- d%c§IAgrwAi%S, aA11edaJ\va.t@s hath becrn tQ‘a.1t€*rt1§1§‘§ g€W€”133.1Iifxex»1:t»%%Qi‘w :Ci*xflL11i‘?¢;i~h_ zmd Ssta.jce,; mad t0,fL1_h~.« j,k:,1,4:§% an A%I?édpl‘b: i An bViIAtraAryAp0Axvex* arid” g0v%ermm¢I1t&«~ Th0%fi1th¢:v . i'a.c17iAAfi»(;€: V th;€L F .Q11aL111Q.r‘t-Wealztlfik to A111)i*z'.t0 the T 41%, 1 _ Rm. - agar fin’ u. have nQ.‘1ir1infcI@~. t0.A bc:[S,1..m1cs,AA th€'y« 313$, not Az,1n+;- wiIlingt0beTy1"antsA % . _ A AA A ,l,1?m»Ag1'¢za.tefu.§l, meg«1,wipho11c7 modeffy 9u.:1jd dsuty. é,,“1*A?¢ In a}mi~{ Mable "c0Jiditio1J. i.1~1T'3hd%31?¢11d? 04*: V Rag. 6&4 VP;1g° If».- _Pag.; 190» 1*ei1dé:1‘ 113 (idioms: to "cm gem! SL1b.j€.&S.)j.flfl;d 1931*‘-??‘*v’»‘%#1>%’ 36: . % (5) % V < mour Subjenéis, and Them difloyali to 11;," AA Thcffixry and 1I1’a.1iCC_0f't11