Spoken in NW - . . 1,‘ _ .w ‘ “ _ ' ‘= .: ‘ . V M 45 .9 . V? M- * » we .5 «_V;; N " gv ‘.9; - -2’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ " ‘ v "M ‘ ‘ N Cenceminglgis Majefiies T£fi£_/211! qf a 'T3*ea.ty Qf ‘?e:zce3 A and what is to be done thereupon; Two; of them fpokcnby the lordfronk, and one Sir: Hm);-y Want, an Tucfdaythc 8.bfVA%*mrem. 1 642. ALSO; %Z I3 Si F thfl Hfitlftfi Of PA RJAEWI A M .E N T, ma&e 0522, Mundaythe 7. 0f'Nawm. And read in Gzx,.?!d-ball ml Tuefday the 8. offiow . 1642 .. rinmd fflrfmrt flair; and;;:mt:;a"bc f m: ;'hi.3’“ % A A iltthfi fignrof“ G%10v¢,at1&I;‘y0nj;ncerA:hc % A lajaflwfixcbangg, _ix1,$§,.g;_,, A V Spoken in NW - . . 1,‘ _ .w ‘ “ _ ' ‘= .: ‘ . V M 45 .9 . V? M- * » we .5 «_V;; N " gv ‘.9; - -2’ ‘ ; ‘ ‘ " ‘ v "M ‘ ‘ N Cenceminglgis Majefiies T£fi£_/211! qf a 'T3*ea.ty Qf ‘?e:zce3 A and what is to be done thereupon; Two; of them fpokcnby the lordfronk, and one Sir: Hm);-y Want, an Tucfdaythc 8.bfVA%*mrem. 1 642. ALSO; %Z I3 Si F thfl Hfitlftfi Of PA RJAEWI A M .E N T, ma&e 0522, Mundaythe 7. 0f'Nawm. And read in Gzx,.?!d-ball ml Tuefday the 8. offiow . 1642 .. rinmd fflrfmrt flair; and;;:mt:;a"bc f m: ;'hi.3’“ % A A iltthfi fignrof“ G%10v¢,at1&I;‘y0nj;ncerA:hc % A lajaflwfixcbangg, _ix1,$§,.g;_,, A V ‘T./M Lord l 0 0 K» has Speech. ‘ A “ .. .. _ *Yl I.or*d Major landtAldermen,, rand ~25-*1"'“*-.‘ A V ‘) thelrtfi of the Gentlemen “all here . ‘ Jg oaflembled, I am to deliveralvfeflage “"'"'*“"’" 1@*r«*-3-Q:-. ’ to you ftom the Lords and Commons now afiembled in Pa r.liamernt;but he» AA 2 _% : lorel {halldothat,lflaallcraveleave , V. I V a 7 to excufe fomethingglthate hath hope- " A ll? .. /'«”i’é’//’ onedfl : There {houldlhave been divers A Lords, and fome Gentlemen of the % .......‘.-.«".l£~‘.=.:«- tohave done this work, that is now % o . ‘ L . ’ put upon me, if they could“ oflihly have attended the fervjce, that were appointed by the Houlg, as the ‘Lord Uenerall‘ of the Horfe, A the Earl of Bedford, and fome other ‘Lords, but .youf_wi¢ll all conceiv-e, that they being all menixnployledl in the Army, they“ could not attend this your fervice, but they are about youtfervice, and the good of the Kingdom, which is giving order for your fafety, and «tlteirsg and therefore I hope you will take "H t f'C h f 5 E»... one o omtnoxns ere, at tterr. jciin good part ,A that" there is noothet appearance here. I Gentle.» Amen, tAtha«t1have to fay to }’0U,1l1fl10rt,1sth1S,Ifilpp0f€ at this !.'i1“t‘tC;. ofa&ion,jyCot1 -will not lexpedt longprefacingss ilfyou do,I am th'oeot:‘n-fittofi: man in the world toodo it: I {hall therefore fhortly Ck‘-9 3 liver my Meffage; I, doubt not but you have heard fome whifpetings of an Accaornmodation, no doubt of that, and no man that is an ho» heft man, a Religious man; a Freeman, that loves Religion, and the Kingdom, but would have an Accommodation ,, fotnothing is mo re Amiferablleg and nothing is more difltafling then War, but that an ‘Accommodation fholuldleoxne uvpollnlterms ignoble; and dxfadvanta» gious; that newer was in the thought of eltherH‘ot1fE:; and} ltopc “nevelr will he 5 I ammcen you, never fhall be :1 "iagn/at thisttime to intlteatA)’o:1.,iLntthe*na!nelof*both thefloufes of lI’arl‘iament_., to go ori ”cotzragioz1fly,;an.d fight, and tprelpja re wilt felves lo I‘ that that as at hand; weheat, thefinlemies approaehheeret every day,wl1o aim at .A“ W “*1? "ll * WW M a . ootlatlrzgfl-I.e norhia:«4g,%Aé§f6s% ‘fi"uw;t0.%fw9~11@.W.*dL1P“m Rwéhgxena lures; I«37E‘?!?Ei€§';{*fifld }'_.fl;-;;u:<=;-s”i,' anfi therefo re1I._' bpcqmes yap t']Q lab’0urto d*éfendithem% all. I%ha;ye mo re to fay, 511511.15 ‘5’35'5.‘~?1T5%'9%»1.d hf-1?: they are th6Vot¢As§;>f A the Houfc: of the Lords and Commons, Idefire they fhould be r£adV mate you ,» and :hAerc:igfi“+ye1u°on 'bein{_g put’, W~;W:e¢A—a4 a¢m:;fgflgég%2¢;c¢;ze%a 3.459021 rlzcfi’ term: A? If pa-ft w.ith;t_hc:A Ncga%t1ve.; I Vz;V%az%zvi;t4 A T; 3 [Jim Ax A is, Th;:1:_r;:Avvas‘a fafe Co'ndVuc9:‘fcnt by His IvIaAiA€B;y,<:x$ Afixperfojns; ggvvo %@sf’t116:v%Hou>f€%0,f Lords, viit. The Earl of P£fm£?Vaée“,ug3fldthc s,»*;:%7.r1~sA in ’“the.« H‘QuféV«oF‘Commo1i3,!:‘fic%me;£t:§tig of tldis Vete “Earl of? Nazmévzgméerlpzxdg and fouqnof the Haufe'%‘of;;C0mnfmns; ” admit fuck n1L€mbi;¢.rs,asxéy?cre agpointéd % by boflx Hdiifas :0 Pre; A Agugnong tfiefe there x«w'asmii:c ?Ejirfo«’:z:~¢c‘?zz:a2,'i:¢$of Wilr_/&£raA., theK[i',ng jwould’ rioi: let ihifri have 21 fafé %Coi1C5[t1c.”c%,%bék:';a1t3ii'€ he wwmae that?“W‘as named by him a Traitor ch: day béFc;»1'<=:,a.1'2dtha,t%-wa~s {am is thought) done oh puqi of}: to cakehim off :;~"mm being Acne‘; therefore the frloufe of Comrnons did lo0%f{1zAp;0n_'Lhat,Aas that hcciéuld norhavg‘ 5; faf: Condufi :% This ‘ Vot¢A 91’; tiiciirs [Axv2A;"s4 p r¢fenAt;e4g1A ms % Hmzfcof Ib€ALor§Is,_a33dAt_heycon<;uri"Cl{vg;‘igthiEL 7 A . ‘K-.:f?2l7J€&2' mpoiz tfJ¢w_.57;:tq/$3052; A V % _ ' . '- That~ti1is H‘ou»fc holdef-h:hatAeq_%bea %eniaIlAoEHi5% MafcR}',Aand aA rcfixfgfl to ggant 3, Tre2.tieA¥t<;p[_thew Ea fliaxnmtg %in:eVxA:cptin”g: agdrhfi we ofthe?meH7c17igcrstI1a£% wv.t€*§:td%p:r€fénté. i”P'e£iti0I3t'O:Hi5‘::Maj6fi.% both am; p‘urpore, and%mring»%:no them 3;, fafifi cm2.ci;1<‘%.v¢T: A A A ‘ A $’v€(Zé,Fz.rg§¢l“z2pqz¢ we % Mg/E022 A A Tlx3€~~CQ%mmizn A A V A A 9 ms: (3ii1:y a!f,:”“ LQQCICERAQ, tea #a¢qLxai‘n:i%;h¢‘ Co”mmo;1A{ Ha;1IWAith;V all Athfc W213‘ «:1»: the Pa x§1.iam):ht% hath Amfed: mVAApxocz1Arc 215% "fi‘éa.tyVfor—a4 %peacc["5 and maid mt it , and £9 q511icke11 my-,mA:o ia{%x:efol21tian»of dc ..-.—. q£ z~2'.auIes V an 5:24 %appoipt_¢‘d ro go as fezacising and maintaining th€ifLibcrties , ’an;dth7e.Air Religiolh Aiarith % their ‘Lives mi F¢»%r:u:r‘=%«is andVthar my have 7iaP.pAc»i%nt%¢fv‘in;»g. th€m_ on ” %}:o_’this ‘afiion , and eeto‘*’{1'ie\nr Tyoiz :11 fhe A wzyes they eha;ve'111ed"(’1f1t were poffible) to have pvoemreda Treaty fora peace: Onely hereis one thing in the end is vjery re- e .markeablc,, which YQ1! may very well take en.efiVc.e of, His Majerfiy will not, ‘bL“I‘E“11’P0“fi termes altogether llnfitting, accept of ~anyATrz-_-a- T A; fron1f11s%,%”bi1t arthe efa”1n€;timf€':% is willing to receive 3; ePe'titi‘(%>ne V V rem thefiebiells in Ireland 5 “We are no[Rebe1se, but durifuij in V‘ all we do, they are*Rebel15andYfraytours in the judgement Tofaii m:e.n,% mdyet he will receive no Petition frornus ;'b‘utHe*’will4re~=. emve a;I’ctitié>nfr°m”rh¢m~ e W “-R T V .4 '.:\7f A j.we"zioki19r3' Speecb; ~ -4: . v» A 9f their endeavours) notrlorxgifinee e.tq.fraanee~ a;Petition,aPet1tion : full ofehumilityga P€£iCia;;1ifu1I+ofmod¢fiy, 1 ”weher<:by £h€}i'did dfime \ eHiseMaie.£;ti;e§t1aat‘ thejr~mig~h£3appiy j.ma1;e I’ fopofiti‘ons $0! asirmight :efl’€fi: %tehi;s“eag%jreawt2 Petition, that~Aite efiiigiit he aczam—ea,« theythm:-g;;:ee5=ce:£o‘g {enema as thisNbbg1e‘Lord hath Amide you) fix perfzm-9‘, two eofthe Iv0tmmonsthalve j’ th<:>ughteiitih’ fit to acquaint you withthefe prpceedingsgto let you vtiiknoiw how carefullt they are by all good wayes, and by all» good I mamas to prefent their loyalty, and duty to his Maiefi, to take heart of tlliemfellx/es, and all that helohgs to you; but when they fee all 2 willfl not take efi"efi:, they doubtnot hut yoitwill ioyn cordially, and A inylti-{t1‘ef0.lutely5 iwitth youtpurfes, iavithlttthyeiuwr endeavours, aij.wclia;ll i then; l'yei5l"‘intlyour pt>fwet_',,tot acquit your ‘fellves ’like men, to defend 3'6't’§"13.fellves,to defend them that have lelabl0ur’d linfyourlworkgitiltyour tattle; and wh_o“are ;w_ill_ing totfpend their livesand blood irtyour l feWiC_ié_j‘tot theVutmo£’c mane; th§€!‘€f0t‘t‘, they clefirethis otfyomthat fince the}*ha;vl”e tt_a.l{e‘nl this care; that you will hearkeniitb no Reports "-lt:i1a*:2~lA.l‘i;1ll'll‘tiT€1*1d totthe difpaiagcincnt ‘of their proceedings; b‘u7tiwi“li tthtmimaufly eonicuxf, to t1e£¢n;t;,v&,m felvet againft that viiolenee 9.2? ”*““"“”ie'l *‘i “i~l A 9” 5 ~ " A oppxst oppfl*'emon,tHat’i$1Tow"'a'l§nC&’ at jtotit doors zrnd“ this is that we %h%Wa*v'eoo%to%t.Vtecommend to you. t to t A " * A ~« ‘ A A A %;7.%-2.5; zfjo;§d as am 0 K5 4»;-V Sloeec/7.~ ; A EaA‘tl'eme.n:’I htive butonewordMmoteto t’roubIe‘youtwitl-i;%Thi§‘ V A t No~bl%:“ (3.eVnt'Itematnt Sir Henry I/"am hjatheexpreflt foifully all-that’ ' wasJ,i‘h4the m%eflZ1ge,thattr11lyI& [_}1$_t»~lL‘[,\4y'!*C>I‘fg_him and my’ felfwtoo, 1 if }Iti:”fl?xould fair any m0I‘€;‘5U1€f€f0‘1‘E”f‘§1:f?I”1‘f‘f1Qy&”f.‘€3k;€““I0‘£fObl of am othet thing’, it “is not fit arij,*Vth%in-fig c6’%K%?e”%$2;s?t’éf{5I J7n;.§e‘:: ‘I*§H3e contte:;1~» L le'd¥fi“to%Vm ymx: I éame Atkiis to thtisrfliw E 5"E1Ei§§‘%i6t1fe about 114- mothtet bizfinc-He, I have aI1*eady%% éoi111n1¥%¥i3‘31tefl""'“r?3"fi1y * Lord Maior; and the 2%;*lt1e'r%men,*and the Con1:a1itree,0F;' “%§?§nk‘it wikl notrbe un- fit ‘v=o~t%1tfhfo1;1I'_dknowit;I have theoctonient of fonae that txndexfiztnd ' 1:;}:4'sjbL:£3m:A{i22t‘my Wefl tot»tH»i"<3I %no\2vf't-ml} do; Qerietlemen thee megragtemts this; it? vmso mefiflage f'ro mh1s EXeeIV1eone1e1,=1t is toflet‘ %yoti‘=know howneetthe d'é‘hgCo'f'iS‘at hand, that‘ fo you‘ tmay.-_.§ird"” V tip’tI1e!oynes"oFy,oL2raRefolution, and do lrkes men of coutaget; Gentlemen, Citiz'3z~1~: of 1:.oncm, (better thenwhom, neot--man did" “:23:-1‘th9a;t Ari7n,y"w‘e lied abroad) the Enetmiesx, the ‘Foot as we mtdéjri-«J flI2md~atre%i»*oeo;‘}* r[reeroSt":».ins=:t, the horfe fizeyware about Kingfton,’ we; cz: ty1‘1'an§:3yh,::0 make usflaves, and fro; owrthrow £11.; Gentlemen, me thi“n%:s ‘£556 aface, and fpyywou ready‘ to doanyw~thing%, and the ” §."e:~nei:";a'*1is Rfifohltioil is , to go out to morrow, and doasa manjof cozmzgfi a_m;i xfiibiaarion, and never man dxdhkc h1m,for heAw3.s not «mi-,« L tzmarall , but Ccmmcm f«ouId:u:r,for he led up has own Reg?» I. *m:=ht;, and he led up his own Tree?‘ with his own 9erfon,a nd when V ~~:E%-s«=:* 3:35: Tfrmps 0% horfrz deceivéd him, he broézghz up the right '7éTi‘<;:;;;2s;A%11ehimlfelfiwill go out again and do agMa.ina)s much as he i:l:::::r: mag; and all is for your iizkes, for he can be a frcem-ma,n, A be be :1 Lientieman, hecan he 2: gram: man, go where he W112, tjha-'1*ci’ozfe%it is onely ioryom‘ fakes; h€iS refolved to go out ta--A m<3row,his forces are weary, 131% forces are 1pent,'fom€ eLfamebu:c;¢ 3;.=.& night i:m:c> town, fume m—9.rc,hed :20 mxlrss march 'wh1;:h1sa great ~ ma rah (asfome that know vs.*hat it is can teil) but Vasw weary as thew ‘Fifi 5'13 1’ :£re,l2e is reibivtsd toga o:a.t,_b;m:if you will afiéfi the .c3.ufe, arfl ic>';,*ne%v;:i:i:%2 him , himd Zi~3:"i»d heartand fword, hewil! take it fora fai'«m.11‘,.:.’:»11t.:fyou wiii not he doubts not but Gififioxls {Ward WEI! do the zmzrflsz Moms? 5% I m:::.%.E«:c not it that L’ dmxba: ymi«,hu£thatyson3 wo:*is:f z‘c:~i'Z,hIe%5 that 5..=;§*:<:-;m VOL} here the dmmsiiafiase, ( far it is »rfi~s~~_, %"?:.:-i~m;¥= that cm: d mms {half beat mmm'owf,ou-r &rums ifiaaail beatmg t ffjaizd cm men, and the Cm ‘nrri:t«er:¥s drums:f'ha2l%%beat to Read 90% 16%;‘ min fzwzaotfl béfeech you) lam not of the Trained--banfia: 1*? wt-flfi '3 an-.%:‘i tI*1iS{7.1:1M_be Zhtiday ofyour delivcmnae. ‘.01’? t.‘:?§e¢., :' that, but cioubt not to gm mat to _.worke andfightgohxmfi