«»2a«e,*:~»;~s:a»:-ee2»l4m:9e:~e:a:«s;»»:«¢=;aa;~:v¢~«:»§~%22T«2»e::-:4§~;»z~%~a2mm»4~%«:=emr:ea:~e:=a.*a«zEe::»:g»s:»s§ea:«2e:~a:»e:-:»e:e-:4«:e»z«:¢«;a«:«ez»»:ee:» -2; 2;»M»:«¢«y«:~«m»«Mywe~:~;:wms»zsczp-v1.sa:+:a%««:r*i»:V%~J:w»:I~e:~&~:a~cW&~»:é«:~vi§«a*.6«:««:~~~:~vz~a1w* % .’ {-4 ¢ ,.... - u i WT 0 f+Io1zf&}ofCommns, ‘,4’ _ ” AN 5 Rcfolutioxm taken up by the: free Protefiant. SuV.1b-- A jc€£:s 9f the Cities%0t"‘Lmdo2z an Weflfiiiflfifirg ’ and the Counues agaccnt . 0xFoaD, jm«§,1«md by oMN%A RD L1 0 I-I E I E I. my A ‘ 4 1°z»~.£2:;<:er{m she vaivezfity. I 6 4 2.‘ 1 ¢~¢eew«¢¢¢«»%Wm»¢~¢«i»1«¢o«w«:««m~»:«~M«a~a:»e:~:w:«~:mza«imexw-s:~»z¢g ‘§¥ii=%=°K°d1*w-%%"%=%%*%«%*%‘%%%‘év%4*%*v%%&*%*’-i$‘%<%°“%~i°+%véi°*%*iWi6Wbv¥°*3*i°‘i3‘%6€°*%‘%%$~*?'%%=z%*%’%é=%»~fih:i%~i%%’%’i°‘%*%W-%‘ and theCountites adjaccnt,. A t}t:\'t3t bénthqhuitctt, t'iH fI‘}<3yl7>{3 [borne to ‘£1165 Lmves’ of the» Kiugdoznc as A W111-=CI1\~V'(3‘{n:1y cI1:z1Iengt3oFri%gI'1t, andth 2 Proteflzamr Rc1igi1@n%tag;viz":fi A Herefie 5* Ilfld th;1‘tttheht Littngvhot‘ ;I“I1ett)Chut'cIiis c£t:1;;b1J§{hed htyfiAh'6t‘ of P:1_r1i:tmtéht.t ‘V‘..i<: bttfccwé’ V A A ‘ A V V r choicexvasg either to pm: M ” ‘ mm _ ‘ . ‘TU M « ~» F’WW;;’1VV"!“ V‘ '-M W-" ‘W ‘ V ‘ mm‘ <1-“Mum V-‘»'“ “ t‘ ‘ " “ ‘ ' '\““ W “M w ‘r .t h "651 Hm ~.\,:s:~—-._ as $MtmM%w%wmMw .~-3°. W‘ %%%%fi ‘C Comfilaint 4 to the Home of co MAM o s, and *“ tflefoltttioxl talten u b the fi*eetProteItant8'tth~ . .. .. P 3’ 4 hgeéts of the Cmes of London aI1d”W7€fitni11fi€t‘.fl r&9;(_“’9a&Oofc:~rs may {peak hyautI1or£t;v ofa Proverb, anti.“ Z} {(3 then we are fute wt? ought not tohe filehced 5 wt: :5 L 3’ have Teen and petufcd many Rcmonflztzmccs, Dc:- clarcations, Votes 3; Ort~I£nances,.‘:§z: our vote upon ‘~2,.)‘¢;£5' ‘$1: them all is, That it hadbcen happy for us, nlottc advantagious to our ReIig.ion, 8: more honourable LO our N3.“ tion, if they had been fttzmglcd in the birth, and ILCVCI‘ walked . abrogzd in the light, St” that it will never be Well WI*thL1S,O1.‘ the Kittgdonue, till they be huticd in obthvion %: for wzvc find for 21"1L1ChbI'LCt(31‘nCiTC and af'petity in fon1e,fo xmuy jealottiies and fcatcs taifi:-d it1othcrs,hfo“o1itt1c truth Min Amany, and To’ much dttnget in thczm 311, that wt: I'fl'1y,AjUflZ1yfc3M;3.F® fome Conv- j~m7c:1*shI"1:z3/t: been :3bl‘O.?d to m.i{.’:: ctrih‘. {pi1:its_5 andtthat we flhall L1f}dCI‘.,gFOUIld; VVctl1:.1ve‘1i\~'cd to f<2etrtt’:;z1;y cI1ax1gcs1'n (.3hut-ch and Stzitfi’, as nmkctout hearts «. U: ; aka, !;3‘C%C¢?it.1t{"(:,* Ifbt the mofl: wire they mic, {till forithe wotfl, and “’v.vfh1"1e“i*1wtcéMOuId not IZ7v(i’.j§.C‘(;‘.‘ei‘fdt‘§{R"?3CfI.‘5(.E‘yQf1§IOuF$mi_rC1’iCS,hVand ¢’t’tht:teht§1hptoz1 built lzogfm; of tfé;ic:~n«.éh11<3,nt§, our trade of fi1fi‘€:ri1"1g A 1‘? tatught tw K1CWdC:g",i.‘it‘6S of :;Z‘Ompa1‘1T()It 3 mm w.iI1thi.uf’c;:m<:-2 in 4:1 ‘ fkivv, zmclhy them I73;'L'3‘{fi.:;tE.I'17lh"JUI“'(;‘?Q2h C501‘ W"C~11.h'IC not gcztchtalls, no more titer: It:”ttt>rsr ftt.’f:fi.I’r‘1"101”li_a1I of credit ,wirht7ut :1 mime to towrm thexn.) It is gmn"te;.i o{”:tIih;.1ndst W€i‘v;1I‘£3f1t"C‘C Sttbjctftrg, out birtflrtiglwt, at we hn:1a,int%ai'n tthe I—"opm'z., and all other Sears and V ‘~43 flotwj comfidtgt ltow we were uf:d in ;1;fT"ltIo3t§£' ti; trf <’;"‘.flf."“‘$' Vmrljtéthaktoti axmqy m3dm_- the gentlcegtetnxrss; <32? Br311ex't‘o»§";.=o»:vcv=‘% ‘??T)¥";‘_'1.d~ Loqnec, fw!;¢3pe that “i“ffQ2‘1?L!fEflaECS and Land , or lye ,-t“« -9» " ‘v M “ 1,7,} It C4~l3o in Prifon» :. Whenl we found‘ tljig Qj'f’€ffrLIfB§'VV€ fan t«§1vLdw for proteétion, and found by wvolnll eicnemence that gnngcenm ‘was :1 worfe crime then felony ;, for he Ehat w°.‘z.s cornmirrecl for A felonv was adtnitteczl co lolaile,‘ whilell he mm: was ;fo‘mmlv:rec:l for no caufe was upon his H aévzlza: Corpm remlandnzl .:m'cl"co21ti~ glued in llrilon -' Thus it: fared witll us in out? Lillfierrinosyltand not much better in our Property, for '.'-‘v‘L1;-l.1«EV with chaorge'of Arm-Les and Mailers C Vvhere th.e‘Lord Lieurenzznts, or Depu- ty Lieutenanrs fpleen orvviif made 3. Law )~ and hillcftting Souldiers and the like , what we enjoyed was at‘ the will‘ of’ olhers rather then our own 3‘ and beleeve it ourlives were in no {mall hazard, wheuM;1rtiall Law was to flreelly tallcecl of: Thefl: were no {mall lofles to make mezzfpeak 3 llmtl Wee filenrly fuffered, and not long after came our Petition of Right, which re-inveflzecl us in our legall inheritance again, ~ and as we thought had fccled us in that happineffé which was ifmmovalble~ 5 but experience foon taught use the Vconzmry, for 3, way was found ow: to create offences by Proclamatxon ., and ' and a Court that could make any thing an offence at their % pleafiare , and puniflmit how they Iii’: ,_vvherengre.1t Lords e mural more.e:tfilyfimpol'e five or I~oooo..l. flrgelllforlzalinew .l’n13de”offe11ce,tl1ef1 payothe tenth part of'fuch:z{nmmefor I-ll1€li‘""O‘.VD jufl: Debts 3 and to make their ferltezzcenu more fe-a Vere, coulhsi finde outfne4W Przfons, and clofe xnjmprglforxmcntl ;itQ' :fepamte the dtftreffedcfrlom then‘ fr1e11d=',h yea 3I1d_\yh1pehemVm1 W Sc lnflli5tlo.n h.erccnjporaIl Vpunifhmentl, which is A not plc:-4;:4.-~ A fing to us in the remembrance : Nay, 1.: was growxnll to leach :1 height Ofnaughtlnleffigtliat che baf e Prozeéficors and Monopo--- " Iizolx-sf(che bane ofrhe Con1rnon-wealr'b)m':u:leufe of thnx; he Clourt of Iufiice (if 1 lo we m:1y_ call it) tO’L1p'l10ld their veil la- ny (let that Ringing Sope P‘ro}'eé’c vvicneffe whether we fpleali 1-rutheor nOt.)Ancl"as if wecould not havebeen undone foon he- nough, we had a M1fl:erPro§e€t invented, to fubmit. all out e--— h f’&:1ltes~~to‘_“ the Kings plealure a new dexrifed Ship-writ,where- lay‘ -the Kingfm1:_g;h1: make 3 necelfitjx at ple:2;f”ure,, and, then n‘impofe»what he thought fir, which after it had he-en4hat7c:.l1e&F contrived by f'oln1leo~»-‘er-learned wicked brains, wa"sc‘Aouh5t{c- financed under: pretext of Law bytl1ell_IAudges, (Vin mentioning 4 (Bl C 5») -‘n=f which we difntendn ‘ &iff.‘f1£E1" Walter, HMMW, or €‘eae»F~'»'—g,A A who are dead, or eC7”m’,% when in yet 1;iw'1:;1g,; £91: thefrw meem<';~ N ytiescare p1reeiiAouAsewi%thi us Foe Iifionefiz men) .nn:1nrI1;:txa_3zb1ni°I>1 For 1‘I1v3. rne,A or at le;2e{%*q;u;1ke forfezzr, to think how chey nan:-~1e*d‘z2egood? Kine? andcheirgraciousAMaPcer, tonrllc grievance ofhis Bet’: 8135: “ jfifisn A In aH?hé’ts us to thznk of the preffures we uenderwenr bv 1 new nnpofts and that Involuntary d;211§>;erot1'se pfcfidzeflt of eye?- cife OF 40.5426? Tame upon vvir1e,be{i‘des divers orher g_;rfeva;n—~ ces- And yet: all thefe pafi curnzm: under the .p*ecVious:111dV plaufible pretence ofthe Subjecfksgoog (which Mr Atramey Generallfound, and focxp1‘ef%itin his»: 5:1,»:-iv)» but wef'ou1t.-dA the quite contrary in experiezxcew. AM as eonnzft troubles were "thusmultiplyed in the C<:unmon—-wealthi, foe did z:hey*nb"IefTe -e1f1c1~ea{ein the ChL1r€:“I‘1 5 we11e;2d% new devices Ieadiingfail on towards Popery. I I? began nncler the fare pretence oforderly fe1*vice of God by railing in the Comm1.mi0n Tal?>Ie, _ prov'£- % ding Church-0rnamem:s, and the Like, (which we are 10% Fzirre from condemning, that we fh:ou:1:d have“ hadJCaL1e{'e to I:h:.In“1«: them if they lmd Raid tbere)fOr we we! approve 0f'harmYef£='e 3:: ino~ffi:nA{ivc C.erem0nies, and‘dex.:enrr fTorm of Gods wvorihip Se.-rvice)bu:: what Wirh their new «('3.l*zrifi;11ir1gj,o-i1r Commu- nion-Tables to me zke them A Icars, fiarz-inf}; them AIrar~wAi{e at the upper end of the Chzmeelle, advancing’ them upon Peeps, in A A fozxme placers‘ clmngineg them frqrn wood ro flone, fe«tringn;s- 4 CernAc1:fix:es,8z tbenebowxnge Sc crzngxtzg, and the bold Sermons for a.x.1ricfL:I;1rc011fe!f10ns 5 freewnrili, merit, real! pref'ence £11 the Papifltxcall fexxfe, and fuck nrher flnnffe ;,we could not well tefl where they wmzld refit unrxll theynI1adebrongI1z;1n the I do}! A nfthe Mam-:-,Im‘1g‘e~worflai§p,at1d?theIikegand made rheArCI1-~ bifl1op'ofCaz¢ter!m'y equal! reaPope in England, w-Ito to our: A griefe had’ obtained that commzmd in Church and State; and A that, power at Counfell Board, Star-chamber, and Hig{h~ Commiffion, (befiedes hisennder«Imnd“ewing the (Tomnwn A ~ Law Iudges no betray the Lawno his will) tImth,e»~Lorded'ft all the Kingdosme over, zmdbv the affiftance of tome of his under Ii’-i{h~ps(as «bad as him{e1f'e):md (; »t!xcrs' more eafie‘ to Be A 3 A * ‘ W‘1‘€)IIg..h'E' <6) A wrought upon, he brought the Clefgy‘ ({C_3m€ icwgodly Mini‘. V {lets excepted) (whothen by way of drfgrace were termed Puritans, and now Popilhly affeéted Malign‘3nts) to be at his .~ Command, A who p1'<3‘2.1Cl'1€d'( or rather prated ) nyotl2‘ing_ but . blllltilfi obedience, and the Kings Prerogatiyey and F uCl‘1tl]1I‘lgS~- ~ as they uE1dCfl.lOOCl110‘f, tOl1‘13.l{C: us odious to our Prince, and raife rhemfelves to preferment ( which Wasltoo ready at way in thofe times to acco1npl.i{h theirdelires.) ‘~Neiwould1iot be . 1'I1ll-l2;.ll{Ci1, as ifwe did inveigh egainfl: Archbifhops, tor Bi-at ll1o”p:~;_, or bore ill will to the Clergy in gene-refill, we like well oftheir digniti_es and orders, and there are many among them; who by their pious Preaching,gracious lives, godly examples, and orderly Government in the Church, have been great irr- i ifh-ux"nentsofour good, End by their depth of lmotvledge and llerning, Pcoptthe mouthes of Papiits , Sclzifmatiqnes, and 1-lereticlues, we pray for them; and that God would encrea [ e the l1u1I1b€I‘_Oftl1tiII1, and if it had not been tl10ugl1tOfl1C1‘WiiC' yfi«tby”tl1e State, we fhould never have denied the.Bi{hops :2. place in the Lords Houfe in Parlia'ment_,r and hope thby {hall yet conrihueto ihave 3 name and fit power of Government j in the Church , tl‘1ough their Votes in Parliziment be i gone, (wlhikth for the manner of'c3rria§.re in taking them away(if all be true tlmt we hear) was not {o well aslwe. could have wifhed for the ltzononr ofthat Great Court which we {hall ‘labouri to uphold.) By thistime we prefitmeyouwilllthirikivvei may yfpeatk to‘jthepnrpofe,Forour loffes were I1Ot5fi'I1Z1ll~g, if the Io{i' e 1 of Propety, Liberty, Life, or_..Religion be great. But ‘you will objetit, Tlielewere not loflz, onelyein ltazerd, “and that all their: are new putoutof danger, by abohfhmg Ship-morxev, 3hd:1llOtl1C1‘tl3ingS ofjthar nature; and by orlier good Bills “ yyt,3.;rll"ed this Prtrliaxnent, andi 3. Bill ready to; be pafi”edfor;tSy~ ,i1od,ii”tl1eKi11$.{willgiveHis afl‘e~r1t.g Toilvvhich we iimfiver, and acknowvlecige tlieiejoodnefeelof the King, that he iclid not extend His Power in the cafeof'i.rSl1ip4-money to that latitude, when time was (:15 our Judges putinto His Povvei') and when ,HeW;ts ztdlx-riled by His Great CiO11I1l.C“l‘l. it tyas zrgainfl I.”aw3, He yeeldecl to abolilh it. tWee confefle iH«is Grace to ‘us in ti1l3‘.i?:illla0l‘tl1.rf‘i. Trienhizill Parliament, andih regul:i.ting~His r ‘ ~ l l Courtfell <7.> Counfe1l’TbabIe, and putting down Contt of Stat-?~ch;2m1-e bet, and Hxgh Commiflion , and othetgood and" ptofitt;tb1e$ A L;1we.§,confe11ted.to by Hizn,-entd1rm,de form th"issP.1rliam‘ent; A and Webbblefife God Wehave {uch 2. King 5% and p1~:1_Vhe;1tti1yfoth A long life, and la3pp_Vt,R;3.ign over one; and pubhfll tO“:3.'Hth*C 4 Vvotld, that we doe 1’-‘tom our hearts acquit Him from the guilt of all out fufferings, andta thonghtin any ofttsg of his in+"- 1 clinetion to Popery,:1ndwiih,thatt thofewhoare in Authotityh nndetflim would learn goodnefle by His exatnipieb, and“that« the Whole Kingdom WC;‘1‘€3'3.S found in the Ptoteflsant Religiozl, V bnttyet with;zl},tve'mnf’t let Him and all the Worfid know too, ’ that out condition at prefent his fo fart from being bettered, that is grow11eXtream!*ywotfe, as if all the evils of'fotnnet‘ tnnes had been epitomized into the Volume of a yeare left pail or thereabouts, and time qninteifence of ours and the for mer Ages grievances extradited and given us atone dt;1ught: ‘ It is true we had :2. Pathament called before this , one which our hopes depended much for redreffe of out evils‘, and how nnhappily it ended we too fenfibly feele. Whether he that is dead, or thelate Comptfoller that is living ( and would have fet that unvendzble commodttv of Shxp-—n1ony to {Me in that Ptrliftnnent for I 2 .. Subfidms: ) were the c:1u{'e ofit, we jildge not,t:otco11demne any. And it is as true this Parliament to out thi11k1Ug€V;!SC&U€d fezzforzably for our reliefeg and the unlmppy d1.fFL’f(31ACC3S3.I.‘ifC11iH\5505153725!) ahnofl: miraculoufly qnieted ,, anti out Btethrentof that N‘a‘iO1t1'CturilChd home: ‘peaceably (tlzotzght we muft not forget that it COP: us 3 o oo o 0.1. befides the many.‘ thoufands weeklv their 4 Army , and outs had for their fupport here, which wec":o11Idhwi{he11.:3;_de Imd11ee11fp:1ted.)And we oughtliltewif e to acknow1edg;(forfh‘ite is a truth not robe dehied) the care bothHoufes of‘P:1t1Ea~~ ment have taken for fupprefling Popery, difcountenancing‘ MiniftetsPo.pifl1lyafi’e€ted, and the n1:1nyeexpreHi‘onsthey' I1ave§n:mdeAt~tfot n1'1ir1tai11ing+~our=Proteif:2nt Religion a.nd7 A L,awes 5 But for an tI1is5_wehhaveenow more czrufe tocomplain A thei1hevet..; At the be9;i‘*fningt of thieshflarliatment they retnovedi” A one%hei§;hIycI1atged for endeavouring the fnbvetfiontofbthee Fundb"e111ental~1 Lawest of the Land, and inh:znye' other Tteafongj A [A = h ‘ A wI1ieht;= whiCAIi igow fg1or~g11iltyweodcterczniné 1xor_.;A *béca13f::- Awehcard no eyideoncfc, 2.1.13 r though we are {um he was :1 great caufe of our fufi'criz‘1gs,j*c~t wocould wiila hisAotr.:zinderAn1igl3t 112Wc;b*€Ct£‘z‘ in fL1cI1z11anopri, :1soIo;thcr:»; takingixaorice of his ~pr.usifl11nc’Ut, 21'2ig!1cl1.aveofoa1'od to comzmt the: like cmnes, and not 1'0 to pumifl1, as to Iaecd. 2. Docclarzation, that hismam2erofAApunif11» A M znoot would not be di*awI1eoi.n,to cxoazniolo afremratds (the row ;_ dy w’;1yé:oodr:f%.%V 3. fufpioonupoa“1At13c _fmPc.1»Co of ms f;:ntaI1(:<:;) E:=utio‘i“oo;1;:F12f1d;1n3cdr3.liLzmesobe z-211 fubverrofl, 'vvhat doth hizs puiiiihnucnt gjcaA12<;: .> The HOufcs’1ikcsvife took care. A for cozmllittim, r?::::r bflhop of Caweréury to the Tower, 4., gudox; B4IFt€1{{(;i5L':.1t.f,'>1E§€i‘iA&‘S of Loizdoiz, Sir George Ratclifle E0 the Garca!*;oe;o%o.ic, and aii ‘chczfls: for no 161% criznos then High Tz'c.1{?12:3 5 bL1tsvc3,1*c:3 a.{11;m1cd to think that they fhould lie in’ A E7-'?ri1r:»:1 ;2’§:ov'e two ycercs rogerlzcz-r wztlzzout :2 Icgalb trmfl, ' (»s,~a;§A*:.AE;:.*?;1 will be :1 Fair jufoificgtiolx of all our _]udgcs of infcriw our Courts for delay of Juflzice, and no {mall injury to the free Sxxbjeffcs of Ezgg/mm’ in the precedent toobc deprixed of rfmsir Liber-av fo long upon :1 bare furrnife) nay wt; ljezzrc” (but M H gjix~’c11o prcfitnt credit to it forthc: honour of both Hou- fles) I:h:'_tt OI1e of the “Iudges ofthc Kings Bench is kept Prifo-A E?u:“ér iootfhfs Tower For no caufze at all exprefh, ( or any juPc one th I w.;+::;zn le.:érn~; ) and Judge Bzmly thatlies under theimA- 1:»:~:~;:cI3:.‘m2:.2t: ofHig!.1 '1"re3fon, appointed by both Houfes to {it jtiigd agziigxc in that C:OI.1I.'!.',oWh1'Ch if it be true, we mufl: ' plaitiiy tcI1‘yox;,o “£1121: we fearc: the Impeachnlent againfi him (as.m:~1lagazuiihalfleo a dozen omoA1+e:of’hAis brothers, that no- vmfprorcededfurther then auaccufitioh) was rather to awe A z:h%c*m,VoandV;nakc rlicxn f'crveA tumcs upon‘ occafion, ('ker:p’ing rfixcmmltieii t11c;Iafh)o than out of :u:.;I‘eof JuAfticc:-, or'fOrt_I:1¢ a°o1IA111zoox1“good. A AA A A o A A N ;a..§.z.;. vim: havegooc1a&mrri1%:menr, (for we oarcnot fo wefl 2?C‘qu;1iL1ted’thc P‘t1Tons, as toknow by’ fight) Aoofmany hum «sircds comomiéttcd by both H oufes this Parliarnerzr (Where by AA the wvaja we fhould be glad to know how the “I-Ioufi: of Com—- ' n1on'<,b€1ngt3nf§}7 pom; ofrhe Body of the GAr<:aAc Covm{'e11,and‘ % no C oomr of Recforcl, have got a} power to comm]: Tuch asare o A E035‘? "05 E13631‘ Mmnbers) fidorfi ‘Awifo mom and good’ Lawyers Aqu‘¢fliom quefiion it) we fay many hundted committed, and gnot one A conviéted except the Lord M ajot Sit R2:/mm! Gating’, BizA'z2:’w., and the now Kings AttotneyA,; for the latter ofwhieh vveate not fo vvxfe as to underfland hisAfaul1t,A Ah.etAng;a hzgh point Aofc A - new -Patlizzment Ptiviledge, which his Judges could A notby wag‘ A known Law fitddenly finde any Apunifhtnlcnt l for 5» and for Biz‘-4 A A Anton let it rel’: nponA the confcieAflCes;oll1is Jtrdges, Whether be A werel Agutlty of the crtmeschatged by good ptooffibut chime mnft flay that we are not fatisfied, bntthat he ought to“ have t -been tried by twelve Free-men upon their Oathes, :zccotAd.ing . to the Great Chatte.t of ~Eh:g;lrMé?§ and not by«tl1AetL’otds,‘, who; aAte11otontequals.' .12-nd for the Afentencef it l'elf‘evv_'eel1avel“l-0» A jult caufe~ofeon1plaint,,that if fuch arbitrary juftice proceed, EA we {hall findeflittle cafe by .tAransfetting the Star-chambetAA" from one end ofa/-if/?mz'22ffer 1—1a11,‘ to the Lords A Houfe at the 0tl1€1‘_:,Z1I‘1d it will be much alike tobe committed by the Star- chamber to Czmza-7/*-‘L20/“Z Ca‘file,and the Lords Houfe to Cvlcfim-A5 A [far Gaole, and much worfe to be committedtldtxtixtgtthe plea.~ fin-e ofthat H»oufe, then the Kings, for we finde himmorec inclinable to mercy, (though we wonder much how? the King loft :1 power ofpatdotling, or {hewing Amctcy in any crime ] whatfoever, that did not concern ape:-ticular Sub jeét-J And for the honeft Lord Major GztV?2¢_9*,ifyo11.xviIl beleeveug (and n:nmy ofus were prefentatl11sAtr1aIl) hee mtght With more l”1R_Q11O1I,r—:z%I1.€l<}lL1lfflCC too, have been acquired then fentenced,his A g;A-?:ateAnt fn11ltA being; hie; obedience to l1isA King, andetrueferviee to the ity nccoroling to h,jsA Oath and Duty~of dltits place. If A. thefe lZl]17l1g5i.l«l7(1“ true, itwTiIAlA1nal and 1'i1f%ifi;i*5B3r;~ % Law the lcg-3.1~ity of fequefiring 4n1ens%c:£’eartesLaL11d 1n!3»er1t;m{:»es,, to frurn thevKiI1g’» ou;:—of‘f5’3isAP0wv€ra:‘ 0f1mkii3§:.;§11€riff€s of-" Counties, and put: Vtha: inthe people» anci by c<;n1,€‘1henceAde—» duccit to tI1en;ifel*vc*s 5- nay foam ( whom W66 b~luf11~ for }Al1ave*~-~ ncambeene afhamed to put inf prim: a preczedt-_nt for depofing Kingaand could finde no-better then King R.w£Wd the fecnd‘,“:A« who 2111116 ‘world knows Gm: the4~f'canda14%1 of this N'::u:i0n gwasfi tsraiterotafly mt-1r«thered~,the wI’101"e: progreffe of Wh1chA£?c was aM;h(i.r1~id“ %Treafon»upon the fairefl: relanon of’i1n3zC%11r%on1cIe.)¢-— find thc~:reforci.wee beféech you blzmne us not, if wee here by= A A way%ofeXception. make:-‘ mexmion ‘OF them, that they m:*ayr—notA:A ‘V lmrcaftergbe cizx:d%‘AV%to4t}"1"e prejrud—iceAof us and our p@~f£eri::ya H Wee Tcravc: leave «now to lay: dw~n%tru1yLand%pl?2in1y (for our~~ conehzrin: is fuch» that we mufl: not paII1at:e)tIm rc=:dre4fR2!of’ouwr-V*~ A4 grievances th=i.s: P351-Vif@.Hl@1Tt'~.r Index-:-dv, wee tcknmvledge a V grmt‘ea1‘e ofjzeafra aafizlie Houfe; i%n?*C @m*m0nsA If! qw:f’eiom'ng'e Praje6kors,..Mo11opoI1?zrsgand the1%1:&1&e,V buc1tAwasu@0%4hot to¢»—.. .CflI’iflUCy~ fm-we donor knmvofne @F'rhem4 to this dayrpw niflhed Nay %I€i!V?.2'e-W t:h_at:- grand Projcélzor in the 40. per Taiwim excifig fab far_£romp11ni{hmem:, as wur great M«aPm;-rs» of“ th£2HVo.ufe'%’f_;COmmons were; not to nuke ufe 0L%Fhiis“ *1: skill (wh®~1'ts% Fmflwne to~Bevery dcmmurs to opprcffE5)- to I7")ave~~- drawn all? the peer Vintners*A0fiEi0mf¥a72 to mafia Fi-r1;c;anc! Ra 117- fome~,%.and% if tlacy have~efcapcei"s tlmcsy mvay%‘%tI1a+r:k‘rheir{ poverty‘; anc1‘.nor~ theirinnence himv thisromes to Ap-affé Awjee kfioW?=LV4 not but t11£sz.we~km[rJw, thrat M*dcrman*- x1’*5el?=‘( K‘i¢lwrts& 6 Qmfi A A % radio in that 4?bu{i«ne{Fe)‘was:ai ; ~ Imam ('and"rlie Kit71g'gixres 421-» hint, a>s4.xfoncVo-fthe H‘ou:fe of C‘ommons% (3 Jcryrng fin, if it?!" be true; .cou1*d~ take many) saI:1d‘~ whAet%11er4I€t7v€*rf or AWée_1marde~ A '-fm-nd$tI1ere,4V an:c1~-;fogt4 it-- is mvwb evidém, that A tlmm Ls..mabIi‘e frxendihg th¢%rei—1t1’Vc"at'1F@s,b’@tF1%at~C0mm1>ttces~ . a::1d";%in%tr1'?ierI-Iiaufe) xmiwhether imhe -»examin3tion> rhAar~ A frxm1fcthey;fiumb>led"t1pon fame Grandée» 01-~12!-zers as-Adtaeji im5ha.t prj“e4£’t1~as*they5 wecbaxinot-tel?~¥ :%fur~e>gwee~ are,they'w are~«at%I*iberty»,~éa;>zad Tjunpuinifh ed, Awfien Vmam» om: hwonefli bray-~% 1:-¥a~1€£!3;5. 31Wfree<%.Subi@3iS*~~areA k‘ep§:«im: "form%a1Anm:tjnxn§V~ ~ z»heain¢rig;;:s 1,. -.4 ..,_, .v ,.,‘_ my A great adoetwlas maclel about the C ulflomcré For thelt éit?-5 afiihg Cuftomes; and Impofcs.» but the conclufionof th2t'bu?- "finelle, fhewé plainly the Houle oFCommonst;1imecl meet!-y to ggetn money, for the Cufifomets purchafiéd their pleztcc-Sof to them? (wl11cl1 phmfe founds ill m a "pl.tcclof Iultice) and now’ tltle Houfe of Commons again{texprclI'cLaw eniaét the,l.ikc Ct1fto~me:~: .:1ncl’lmpollzs.ll which“ they diljoofe at at pleafi;1re,‘l and thinlc an rigleltder of both Houfes a dif peI1lEItlO11.,lt(3 thatlP7/'e27+:“zz4- he i2'2z'w? in tlfleir Adft of Parliament. which weelfeatelvvlfllofcéz rce upon: l:22i1- and legall ttlall eiccufe : Whztlthink y‘o1fof the Projeét of fealing Gold and Silver Th:-ed cmcl Wire l(whicl1 the poor Artiflas about Lomlarz fo muchctiedont upon 9' ) If 3.ny- body hath beetle punilhed for that abttfe,’ if is hhoretthen we ‘Could ever heafe ; yet we, and both H otlfes too know, that \ ;gte:2,t Lord of the Houfe ofI‘3eeres,, and Sir H rm‘/dmlrztj flzill ~of the I-Ioufe of Commons, that dipt their fingers deep in it 3 na.y,fT and though theKlng gives :3. 4 gentile r'eptool'e for it.» V we: fee nothing done‘thereupon, Wl1lCl~l makes us beleeve, that it was not altogether pure jultice inevoting Otit allhdonopollilts and Pro:‘e6tors, 35¢. out ofgthe Houfe ofcommonsg, and yet to ztotorioqs a one kept in 5 my by your leave “web can tellyoul who elbaped turnmg out uponthe loaneof’ gtooool. which west ill news to us, to think thizt Houfecoulltl he Hired With’ "' mony 3-, A and" yet we have wiihed fince, that all tlirc Memhersveoef “the HonG:- had bee-ne as able to furntfh money as he 3* for then petaclventute many as wife andlas honelt, antlof .fts’l‘~lCle2trel*1*‘e~“' . «pure in the Colmmotn-—w~ealtll1~, (though tlieinearllste fme£rom« gxception) which have heenc Voted out without :1ny~cauf&g A t1xi~gl*:t peradvexuture havefatethcrefiillgandlbytheiir wifelom*e‘ll V antlt modter;2tion( if that beeof weight there) prevented A meanytll fudd‘eh unadvil7ed‘lVotes, I‘lrl'11Cl]'W1ll feared he fottthe honour V of Parliaments in fucceedingoages. Antl filnce we are thus uni~ ’ ha«ppil‘y fallen into'lthe Houlegwe tt1ull:('thot1g*h’hytdigrelfion)‘ let you know how l7enfi’b’lewee; are in apprehending thetltntllt ‘ of ‘His Majfeflies Declhtatxolh m* th at (clednecolltrzakry to the ule, yea», and the honour of P2ll‘.l.la,.* A men;ts‘;~ntQQ)e ntliingsxyere nQtc:lebafied= byreai {on and fhengtll of Argufiuent? blL1;ebynput4t1ng;1t to tlielquefhon, al11dca1*ry111gi!: by mo ivoyces, where the greater ‘nu mber vvere lb» farre from eundeerfiiaiidixng many times thefforce ofArguznent:=,.tl1-at they did not after the vote was pafi COflC(31\’C the flare or fenle of tl1e‘,..quel%ic$n,. Anbuititlxoulght it wwas, enoughfor,tl~1e111 to vote with Mgfier Pym‘: or Mafier lflzwzpdeifi by an implicite faith, andfifrhey differed, (as l7eld'OI11e-1.‘l1ey4clid ) then crofle or pyle, vote at adventure : doe I1Q’_E thinke wee are fO0bOlcll1e1:ei11,0r abroad (and it were pity they fhA_0ulld_beeco11cealed,V lei’: they ihonldl n:otMbee1amended.): l~~Blame not us for complaining elf‘ thlem,e.vs}hen we fufiierifoinlteh tl:I.,-le,11].f5 and if it be a breach ofpriviledgenve hopewe {hall efc;ape.aseA well as Mailer Lame»- rem? W/9Ictml='EV~*'» the lat:e=C lerke of the Councell, fbr a-farre greater,whO fearcht.Mfafl:er Hampawvfipockets, and t,OOl{e:‘ away his papersloone afeef‘-tI1e breaclu oftl1ela{’a Parliaments. ~ small yet now eontinued a Member of the Hon e of Com» A moms. Indeedgrvelaearemuch cerniplaint touching the lzinreachg of Parliament prLv$iledge,princ1p1llrly that to11cl1ing the Lord -Ki1.m£01f0”:2fld the five Members of the I-Iouf e of‘ Commons, V and we fo% farrecliflikethe Kitlgégoing E0” the Houfe ofCom-- mans‘ ,j as wee, take in ten. he agaxnftflthe. prmledge of I A i ‘ A n ment, V rhis~lisbreé1ch of priviledge fern when thefeg tl1ings are told» » Parli:1~-~ W r (213.9 V Ijlflllfg and with vvitl1:tI1~out hearts it hadlbeez1lfo1‘bor'ne :°Bntl after the Kingharh given ‘lb full fatisflaftion ther'e.i,n, and in plain tetmes made an aeknowledgementt tl1ereof“(a rareth.1'ng inaPztin_Ce)t11atitfl1Quld {till be nuenrioned (?.SifallC’1'1»‘Ot1t'a' ih :12 Ki'ng were never to be forgotten) wee mutt needs thinkel thereto rirthot that care oftmefetyi mg the Kings honour, and de-?- fire 0f"eunitytlbetweenel1im and hrsapeople, as all lionefiz men. wifhfor, and that the Kihg sfaul ts are norlaing neetelbr ntany A arse-e pretended, that this nmft be to often.re17terated to make up 3 number. And yet by the way Eve mull: hint thus much, h if that Lord 02‘ five Members be gurlty 0-F T1*ea.fon,.wee {hall not fticke to co11vié°c tliofetlve Members, anal: fee thern duly [ executed, according to the old. Law 3 for we never heard that «any Parhament man had a pmvtledge of Parlhiment in his triallof Trealbn till this Pa1*lj.3ment,. and wee rneeane not to“ 11Pl10ldp11CW'CrC‘;1t€Cl privileclges. Surely, breach of Parl*ia-~t ‘ me11tpx:ivil'edge is not a lime unpardonable (if itbe) it w=ill fare ill with {bane of both Htoufes tl1at~dilZ:o.ve1*ed the cliffe-t renceof opinion obyfOn1e4oftheI-ioufiz of Commons by name,‘in.tl1ebulfin'efl'e"of the late Earle ofi Stmfiqm’, and the well-afteéted Lords in the I-Ioufe of Peeres inthe btzfinefle of ‘ the Church Liturgy.» I and with all the rabble of Brownifts andfmlabaprifts, that with unl1eard of impudence clurfi aske the queftion ublikely at the Barre in the Houfe of Conr- nlonta, whot ey were Whiclwppofed the well-afi’eéted party in that Houfe, ( a thing unprefidented) and thatmorenoble perfons'of the Houfe of Commons, that did nocttfleickelhlto aske the like queftion in the Houfe ofthe Lo an D s (tlzough wec charge not_that upon his {core (bl21IT1C;'tO them that injoyned him that ‘taske. ) Nay, What {hall become oflther multitudel of the zea1o,us*Seétaties_., and» rabble of ignorant‘-r people fentto both I-Ioules, but fpecially. to the Houfe‘ of Peeres by“ Captaine VM and his wife, and 1/' 4216* P €F2‘?2ii2;g'-~ tom tovcry _lu£tice,]u f’r1'ce,and3~ NO Bi {l'lO}3S*: No Bi1hops,and to terr1fiefometLords from the I-I_oufe,r. and awe others that A were there 3 twee‘ can fl nde no way but a pardon, or an Aetofr oblivton : for we are fure there were never hrgher breaches Pfarliament priviledge then thefe, nor a gteatrer1'taineupenv B 3, Parliament. .r “”"Par1ia§.tnen£ proeeedingé, % ‘(’m”) God gfant they rifehnet up in juag-3' a meet us and theN:1tion. VVe‘are1oth to rubtoo hard eupoaz ri‘11si<;:1;::*e.-p wee ke0'vvhh11:h1e aytender place, elfe wee coukl C1 teil firange irlhings dozeethisPar1iaznent. unothonly extemgzare VQ)t_(§S.: ‘ but Bills” psdfe ex remp0Vet11efime day} they were firft A -read» contraryeto the-grew/ix:jIh and reafon ofali hfdrmertirhes, A ‘ as if they could as Wei! vote and make A A613 of P.1rI1amentbyh- the ijtnrit e.whte2n1z2ore, as their Levltes can pray and preach, and ,7 tofay the truth, are mue11 ‘alike’, which makes religious and" wife men afhazned ofboth, and 15 no {mall czzufe our com- A .p1aint.. "L et: no maneethinle this ah'bufix1efTe-of no concernment «to us, it 15 no leeffe then our loffe of Pearlxamcres (whereby we {hall lofe all our happinefle) if we Iofe the honour; wifdo meg». gravity and juftice of them : and we mm} complainehtill we ‘fee amendment, and mufi Crave pa.rdonof our noble Lords) Vmtell them, that we fee (what they know robe true) fq much fiding and engaging one another in their C hommfittees inmar-h -ters of civ'1'1I juftice, thateifthere were :1 fuperiour Court to eonxplaine unto of what iheyhave mifdone this Parliament A (befides the many delayes and protraficions of caufes)h,whihI"efl V -hthofe who fhould attend to heare and judge, are_in ‘be‘d,“0r at :p!e3y, or fome w*orf'e employment,_ ore1d1e2t.ethehbefi) our judges; of inferiour C0—ur:s (whom we formerly complained’ eoef: and notwirlaout c1ufe~) would be reckoned liittlfl gods by way ofcomparifzm 5 and Fe-wof theirebeft Orders are wortla EhBfiCh&1‘g€'Of'a!TI:€nd3flC6§' and Lawyers and Clerkes fees. And % fu1=el~yrwhenthmgsare thus carrzed, we havecaufe to fpeake, the vvorfl:~h1's~ye"t behind; for as (ifour Parliament (which was wonth to redereffe all our g1-iev3nces")=en_vied our h:.1ppi-- neffi-,4 and‘ fludied our hruivne) they have found“ out; new Way tro, deprive uspf 011reLaw:-es, Lrberty, and‘ Property; This may be t-houghtvvery’ Pu-m*nge_ arthe firft fight, but we {half {O p'1a.in1yhdeme0n_fh‘ate it, as we doubt: not, but the ( Parfiaehmenthh men themfelves/being. reafonable Judges) it:wil‘Ihe aflented A unto forran‘~ unrleniablee truth? avncle‘ in win bee evident ‘ta every Ord1naryunderfi:and1ng,‘ that underrhe prctence¢ofdefc-nding our La;wes:handhReIigi”on, wee areeozenedieofbath : To begin w~.ieh our Lewes? (and fo11~Ow?« for the prclent, thbugli in I AA A ~ A A an err; ‘e ‘an lillprefidezzr, in puttingl Religion at the fr 4 gelend; wliert " 1. ether bu finefle is done) we havegbta new Law of Oltdilnan-4 <;es fo ca=llec:l,rhat hath turned all our Liberries,Pr0perty,, 19¢-— : A .tirlonlo.f right, and all other old known and rightfull Laws ~ out ofdeors 3 8.: if we continue fo fimple longcrro fixbmit tO’= them, the free Sulbjefts "of England {hall be in worle condi§- tion then 9.» Turkifh {lave «: wlrilellftliey are at the mercy of ne,we atthe pleafulte tzmclcoznrmnd of hundreds, to difirofe @111‘ »lives5,.;Iibertles» efletes, wives and children,. yea. and out Religicm to according to their humoz+rrs..r The 'fil‘flZ'fl.f1'lCfllVumi1it:yiIerh‘in'i and cvcry‘o1i‘e C1133 kw,tham‘rom~ the ErIi>?peru~fa11Vofi:hati O rdinancerrweciwere nefolvodito ~oppofe it‘ no the do-athi:wc found ‘it evident enough; th2zt,ith~ey mightbyicl1cA1i’kcindew law take hrheioother noineteentli » art ofourcflsares when they pleafcd, andour lives too; And A of the I-Ioufe of Commons owe-re n1ucI1%mii?:ai:en , who thought it aifavour to us in 1' paring our lives inrhis 3 for he: is "3 poore fpirited man that would chufé: to 1ivchin‘anp1fifon‘,ando“ “co Iliscftare takcn=from h‘im,and“his~ wife and ‘children turned foeggings and *baniihed~~ ‘: And therefore whee-I mtxfl now deaie roundly for the truth, asotlxers have donefor wrong. VVec would faine know how long it is ‘fince the rnqking law byOr-- d,in:anc:e was idnodiufe 5, for forms ofns (as old as fincc the begin- ning of (mean -Efizcsqzoéetfis time)never knew it tillthis Pa r1ia- mentl Inde¢d,rw-e* have I1eardioffi1CI1‘things that ‘were of an- cient.fimos {W-srIaat4icu~ld:nt:ver%findAé>rrdc~+ 1*if€4this knack forging new; Lfzzwgs1in»«;£0m1cr;§‘Par1_iizmmts4?~ V ; 1133 ‘$1119 A m3k€:1';3 %Th3E%‘:at71*V.‘A;*Ord€£ of Vbe;zth‘I'3}C11;f€i$,§M: _ A V V W 4,1,;-13A#A_ But wee flux? h'1::.'EeAcom2:iencc made of as in the beginning, ca.-i.€fFézfs onely in,A %.“hi$;uT11CfC1€nd, orgo to prifon;,A:He1+e1end, or take and fell‘ i a4o1e,.turnc wives and cI1Ai1«--% ' ~ii1“_(3i} out ofdoores5an%d banifh them.._ A A A MN . r;vi1ich you r1'1_il'-c;:z‘I ma 0rdimnce,bi11ds us dufingthe Parlia- *m31'lt. If ycm had but made, or doc ye: tnyakefuch an Order, VA “é.'his APar1i21A11:=:z1t can never diflblvea %and4we»muB:4’A re~c.+111 6111* Lthanks for our'1“rienn'iaIjBi*l1,for we 1715131 be made uncapable '='=0ftaki11g f"1aL1it_?)y in VSec-ring you are p’1eafed.t0 premeed thus far:-6,, we b€:£’:€Ch jjmzz nzakrs 0116 Ordinancefimorc; That bo*tI~1 ‘Notifies {hall be .3 Corporation, Vrorrrlce Lands arid goods to them and theif Succefl‘o"rs,, and £11321: they {hail ‘me ‘:n‘eon.c1 ~E?’z‘¢0je€mrs 0.9211 the Lands andgoods in the Kingdoms," and %wi1c::n:a.ny ofthat Corporation dies‘, 1'(?£‘:l'E.£'g'i20Z?I'€3':thC~SI.l1'V§:* wit zmd Home @1123 »fl1:11 cllcofe aSuccefl"br4 to %perpefu.%tjw%.LAnd% .§Vfthi.s be bizzding t::5‘%rI1c:“.f§t1bjc6‘:s (as it muff be ifymi2rV»r1zles E:«‘%1o1d) Azvé have 'fpL1n f;1i‘1*é t%I1redi1i,fe11ding Knigllté a11d"i?m§;=‘~ as rcrthis P;1z+1?im~m:r;. In_dc-e"d‘y0u havc: dealt gently with (in c(1znpi21~i£bn) tfal1:;i1.igb11-t the Twenzictlg part, V11.:m’ng flfljpt all szm: Lkiingsggs, Clagccz1es,Aand Princgzs Rt:-'~ve1mes;, iA%an~d*AIefi: 4 A ‘t1mnt1 t01ivc~2u§:>0E:=.. £§.in'1a3s ( which all tnen"cryj_hV1me of)_;mc{- svebeleevewill :10: be w<:*.I1;takcn by 0u.r‘brt:-tI1ren%'of W:.:le.v, ~!t3.m.t youfhmid foAVA11f£:~itI1e1r '.P1‘1n<:c A3,; how bold {oever you "makc WitI1'01'1r I{i11g5tr1i%Iy,» ave fitxdas Tpcicious preambles to? Fthefcnéw ()“rdim_m*:cs~to ruinem, as to anvffoxmei-AProjcé1s ‘and M‘on0poIies, which makes us thinkc fame r,)FLthe Kingg Gdunfall at Law, am gotten into the Houfe ofCo1nmons3 ;9a%nd?u1=1dcr~1aand for tnfcjence flake, "betraybotI1 us and rh*e’izt7 ‘Mater 3 and we E-are ere 10_f1g,%« if bhe‘feT;?4co11rfiésV‘ 1i7f0’“1d,"M3f-7%/4%", f??i2W2z?2g7;‘0?¢~fhal1 have a“'M0nopdIy of hxgh-4~way¢ pa£{£age;;A A315” '2. s. 11:2/Fell, Veflzablifhed by0rdinance4for the goolbf the people, which now 11:: gxafisdwitI10m;c0mpt1*0I1,. 4 ' V iW&3 befeech'yO11to tI1i_I3k:¢ us not fo _voidjGf" re31fon,“t0be7 ~ :thus%%deIt1ded, 1f*'S elf} :11-_1t P1«'*z;/é’<3 g‘~ or the'm0rc1éarnéd 1W’..f_ ?{?m“~ zwouch it*f0rAL:1W,'We Vfhallno more Abeléeve; i?t%A'up;0r1_ tlzeir, ”~WO1‘dS5thE‘I1 wedidhis*'COuntry-—man%]11dge;?072£’s, in his opi-» 'nion% of Sh”iprmOn7ey:‘AHd xievez« prc-:fe1j1d;td‘%us that in cafes 0%’ ”necc”ifity %youmay 6:10:73 vrfhat ‘you l‘iPe,when% 4pretend I iberf 1 *tytodeclare ane'ccfEty4W”12¢n ypu4_p!éafe; 11‘Im::rwc:eA’ro mak’&: AA -ems in far“iév'orfc"condition"§hen%Vi:hé”kSAhip-moneybufinefl°¢,wc2 ‘fi1'al1,findC t00%many ;n"b0t11 oufizs full of zrnscéifitiesi: And Afmerevxs 13¢ we*4b&efeechyoumeconfiderJ{exibufly.g£1::%o~::>zmV¢~3e+¢ 2’; %%Fpc2*$a*:w+ % If or Q) A , ¢Xi%g(3£'-1;'C€«S‘_VN:§3 mjc: €;Z1fi.£"t3_11,*3~Z1:CI W-if W€"F.L1d<3,flO*t fivcedy “ :?<éh1ic~£c:»~vc up *1” Gmeoof yew‘ OWE P*{i11Cip1oesoforopra~ fecuting our »Re~fo1otioris in‘dE“fo11ding our Ielvesz. ijfl Cafes of 7* ‘ V urgent and unavoidable nec:e«{firy h.-._: hay, :m'd it iahigli time to doe it preI‘e11rly,:i%fyo1‘1 h~l1avefent for an Army Of~SC‘0f53 -(as we- h'e:1re~y()}1L;l123.v<:)t0 makeus_ 3hCoOflqLi€TCd People. 1 A VV4e{~houldxvea;1‘y_ our ~ah_po;:ticnr ‘Reader, to 2::-11311 our "di-.~ % Pcreilfes, ‘and how thebufine»fiE~o~t"Ire1:WZhath Evin carried, and AA A ' trenched too much ‘upon the honour of thofe Houfcs which we {hall Rudy to preferve: VVe forbearc therefore further enumeratxon m our cmll calamzties, as unpleahng to our moughts,-, and in a word or two to! you,ho=.v it hath fared: whirl:-A us in our; Rt-21igi_on and Church~Govcrnm~cnt. God be bleffed’ h our Papifcs and Iefuits pull in their heads, and good crircia taken for keeping thcmunder, but are with it might be done accordxng to the Laws1(whxch« are flznét czlouglmfwell cx<=cu- red) and not by_ plundering and torturing 3 for if the Law be % not the Rule, we, as well as they {hall comcundcr the flavcry QFA1-hitrary Goovernn1er1t. And to {peak truth, p1‘C:.1Ch.i’1'l§7:_1‘-S much advaxjacedg but what wehget one way, wchIofe_nvicc:::1so muchganothcr «for one Papift beforqtwo feditious Sefiaries and Schifmatiq_ue$ now; we would not be miflakcn in out em- prcflion by [Se§?drieS] and [5o5z'/'#92wt£g1:e.s'] we mezznchot re"- liiousfland godlymen 0.? owomem, '_v¢?‘Iio. _m;:1ke wéconfcieluco of fanflifying th¢»;Sabb?2th5hhA frequenting Gods Oirciinancas of praying ‘ andh ‘prezc~hing,~ obh1E:fving*FamiIy€durie.c, or pray: ahdh ixifirtxfiing; their Familips in mthc Jprintiples of * Rehgxon :. Mabflanmzg from a1hl,finI3c‘ thamfelves thotheir A power‘, and for eonfcience fake hfiiendly% and charitzzbly reproving erhers :««rhat doe ofi°“e'nda a;nd“ in fh0rt make confci§:nce4_~of every: finnc, as it .1"soa11ofFen;c¢3~;z1gainf1: Gpd ; No, God forbidgwe flzpuldharhourh fuch a thought: in us ; wve ” honour fu<:I1,2rnci’rA1yA Ciogi cncfrezcfeg;:he"numbe1j ;~£tI1*df vvhether~ theyh be nick*narr1cd»Phr4ri"‘*.%‘m» @r;.1oohfc Pr0teJ‘*41m§’h or any erhherhnw Gffcorni cMmvat::cr's.not,;:h we A an-c¢or;1t‘hentc1earncd‘me‘fn er,Mmtafz.Bra;wiz2§{gge,rI%eflfi¢!aQthough Biflmopss, azdrmrye, -Wt?x~andh<9rhIaersp.rlwug1a.i~nh P:r«é“fOn1‘h.Or4 A 1 ftsfpcfieck’ 4 IF.’ "U1? fi1l‘plecS”teld_‘foi~ine11liopiihly affeéted, or l§lleLitra‘l.ill’:s : But we- intend Foch as pretend to putity W'i£l1011thOfl€fly:fhaE i11veigl1 sg.-.zinf’e tfivearinggand tptaéiifel lying; cozeinimg, and deceiving ;, Common. Pmyer, though fir better then anyitlteyecén Frame 2sal1emfe:lves A, t’I’hat would llrivc no jGov‘e't1n:'nentAiotl‘:e”Church, but all to he indepenclent 5, Tha.§tpI'€L1Cl'.l_é, _'§Dl“:l&.i{C§_ aild l1*:l2*it1;~ rain fedition, tiling in A1~msilagail1ll the lfiltlgl, Gods ali".Aoiz;31:e«.lAt, that czzimot enfiute Epi leopzll Go:‘ett1m‘ent or our‘ Book of" yea; depofing; and lcilliog Kiogs,q(th1‘tVare not {ucli :1}: they A would have them) Tlmt take more ofirience at 2l..‘l1’3‘23E1‘ilClTC. Ce-A~=~ A remony, then at zealous incontinefncy 7:” Thefe at‘e7tl10lE:~tli.:ltl we inveigh :ag21inPc,,.tl1at:1re come like the plagueof flies,“ lice; ancl caterpillars atnohglt us,and ;2teACo1m;.t_enanCec:l by nroI1'n;ea~o ones inboth Houfes, that {tick not to allirmemre l1;We*l1:1dAno ARefotm:w.ti~on in E 97;;/zzfld hitherto; andfo make ottt Religion (in whicli we relolvc to live and die) either nothing,‘ or Ahere-— ticell, and by their im pudence, ct12111ing'fl3ypolcrifie, zmcl feeme ihg liolinelle (deprelt with defetved poverty ) and ltopizig to catch good Fifh in troubled wuitetsg c:li'l‘quie_t our Church,‘ and taife and’ foment difcord in the S~t:2te,' and yet are~fufl'ered to: ‘P-REC tinpuniflued : Nay, the Laws againlttliem in izilifying 3; clifgracing our Cl‘1urcl1-Liturgytotallyl'ufpended.aIt may perladventute not he beleeviecl that uch thing fhould be: but beleeve us, anew Ordhtance will do ftrangetliings in Church ind Coimmon-wealtl1..l Naygwe expe.f?t”ete;loi1‘gto he toldg,rhat" an Order of the Ho-ufe of C oziimons will the an Otdinance «too;;. at leafl: binde us by, or as alLaW 5 for itAhatl'?i been out irt A A prdélice already to Pray proceedings i1:1€oiitt‘so%f_luflice. and free a,'13g1@n outAofP‘tifon,W’itho1it trtall ; l:_a;nd Allelt you think A * wee: eoyxi ulnttiuths (a3.fl1flf’as fomecothetsll youelflrall lfinde by? their }0l.I'I'I1‘:1.ujJ’ A Vvl’-iero tlley {t:tliedA4a1ll.t1ien‘ fiemlpfdceeding againfi Sir T/r1m.~ Dawes, add dilishargecloxtlc corhmittecl bythe A Lord Cliiefe}11£itice~Bmm}0fl0I3 fd Newgatefor Felonfx; iii A flealing the _G_0I.11'1l‘eflé o‘fg1E7ifz2er£A goods; 1‘ltfidtv'V”e ”<{:annotfor~ t getfthe traeriundet the Téffé f IVL PM, two Vcafs fince, ‘fete tgaekingthe Ri2.iles from the Cotiimu*nionj~Tab‘lfe-V». when’ the {H€ill'lS7lZl'll «ve1vv.mlzlcl»+l1ave Relzgion Sc Clmlrcl15Goverrllnem: unfettleélg which »ha'th been tl1€,1I‘ worlz hIth£‘1?tO5 anal we ncmll 1;l'lJllll11C£Z? 1*:-:'q~uire a Sytlod, luck as was known to fo.rxm::r ages, :m<;:ltl1at we may notblufh to own when occafion :m3ql~xii1-es ‘Tl‘:ls~: cer-4 ~mi1._':ly_ {jhould have been the firll w*(5rk,w::.:3 pray it ma ‘J’lu"'ilZ.‘.?ll iettlledatlzlaflg. But wclfci-ar in fliizzcl’of"Rcl‘O1‘rx1:mE~::’«;:.;.i W63 i"l1a“‘ll halve fomgz idle l1’e:.1d”O”1‘vt§tl1cr vvilllbeel framing an .:5la;ll“i;l‘w":?z* “lifts w1ritingt0_011r C0mpIa‘intS,x~.’l1‘iCh we mull: téll y"ou uvsil ;';;l§lx*c3 1 us no l‘atisfa&ion;Or we (‘hall htwqa new l.)c:2cl;=:1~;2.t.lol12,1ml~l'lRc—4~ lmonftrance, Cwlrh an lijlgl Stbi-ly of'”*l:o0 Ol"[(f;l"Z:.l”lR;‘pC'5lt€€l gmxfcdfrxages Gfofzjrvvherz any y0'u1'« Oral: nanGes‘%tl1at~1nvaclMc our Rlghts 3“I‘Cf'tlO bee put t1poz1‘wl¢:,l=l~ll:“t~vec never mifll: fame fuch :~c:l-ling to actotmpanytlnemyand ¢gi;fll= us‘) we mull tclllvougllt is lno cafeto us t-A0 be toldl in firm’w0rds,lWc‘vflaall:“‘bcl olifabu«fed ., -wade fire you w.ilI'lbcgin ferioullyto ;A6t§ and lvléave:W~fi,tihg~, far we fiinrcl L1 pom all you; writingsgyolull lmave flill gonelll:$y‘tl1c:* 4 :W01‘fiaWl1iCh makes ' U5 bcleeile yoii havajnot thé bettel Caul’e,—~ A but tfl1th~is againfi yotyhavizzgltheadvantage of FA rn:a.11yv‘2il)le men lt1C>.pen5.:€ntla:n lnlclin:m'solrr'nrl"yoiir‘p;zrtsl to c0l11cE':7i~€ze=tl1e . lslefflfiféwhatlyou fist f0rJth,alnd‘9'prciudiCacly'm’Wh:1tl i“s'~Written —it1oppofi?t~i0n.VVe~ therefore humbly "and hearfillrelbdtl1l Tfloufesvtoldealare rlmmfelves for the mzlntziziingzxtlre Bodkrzi Qf qommon .P»rgyer« eftablillued mI;aw%;,lftib111ig:ilrigVIl§li.e5 car-5-l 1*cf&mg,qual~rfy1ng, or altering fu¢l1‘thin'gs-_, A and lilndfffcrfiflt C:€r~?111bn1wes,l-astola Synoél lawfully callleclsfhall*5be;lflmug9hrt fit, land »m.ayjuf’tl'ygivcf *af‘fence 1:0 weglce coivlfcilenct-§sl,l *'t=—l1j::;°tv ~~ J-afiwes may be‘f111adr:;md exec'ut“ed:lagalinft all Scbi"fmatique‘s; }l:£f€ltiqu€S;and«l epara?:illl$,and?i:l1el”é alrc:ldymads8Jex.ecurec:l g ( be 3 } l r 2i2gainl’e'i’apifis~. That Armies may be d’.ieimr12.:ied,neiiee blifhed :The Scots ( if’ font for) clii&*lmrged‘; and’ our ‘K.i~m-re denied nothing that is his by the known Lzzw ofrhe Landgbub ',sre{’coredeto all,and, he fuch a glorious E371-mm yQu§pgQn]j_fi;.d§ l1im.That the new Law by Ordinance; 21.6. ‘Order ofeithee; or both Houfes may beebolifhed and d2;.mnedsll,es «ms that of i S~h1p—»mony,and let us heere no more ofa. i..egiilari~ve.powee.. but where King,Lords,and C omenons concur (for we willno“ more fnbmit to It then toe new Lawrby Proeliarnarionflind V we require that we may be findered to enjoy our»LiveS.,Libe“1e- rties,and Property, according to our Petition of Right, and known Laws,_and fuffered to try our Rights without: Parlia- ment Injuizd-lions. Thar thefe tlunefs may be done f'uddenly,. and this Parliament diflblved, that no we may have liberty to proceed at Law againft the Ieveral Members of both H oufee, who. Itlaké ufff Oftheir Priviledge, to hinder the proceedings, l ofijufiice, and owe us many rhoufand pounds ,‘ aiidithar czvée may have fome fruit of the Triennial 1 Bill. If thefe things may not be obtai11ed,unlefTe without breach of Priviledgqwe may have tlnenames ofthe firfl Pro jedtors ofthefe new Ordi- ’ nanCes,:s~.nd fuch as labour to uphold them .. Wee mull let you know, our Refolution is to re-afl‘yumle the power we put into you ( for wee told you beforegizivee men work upon your own principles) for you having rnainly broken the trufll we repofed in you,in fubverting all our Lawes (which you. fhould have preferved) we may take back wlizxt’ we gave you, (and we are A Certaimyour eleehons are more cond1r1ona.ll upon that point then our Kings Crownywhich comes by inheritance and {up- cefliong) And.vx(e;aren; fu1.’:e;_we rla;:1ye.a;$ win, religious. and l1o”~“-é~*' neft men left behinde,yas we font to the Par-liamenr. And in _ cafe of urgent neceHiry( which is our cafe dire&ly)our Laws being overwturned, our eflzates and liberty loft , our wivesand children threatned to be turned‘ out oafdoreigand banifhnandl — our Religion endangered,wve«mayl~ defend our {elves by Arms, and makelufe ofwlmt is next, and we have :1 pre fident {how-—ne by your {elves for the manner offthat defence: And {hall not J be afhamed orl;afr:ri~d eo adventure our eflatesj andlives foe; drsfence a:"2.4..'s‘ A ~vad:"efeW11céOfoVurkn0w11I.aws , and tru_¢~ P‘fOt€fi&tit Ea-eI‘ig‘ion, % and man dies {lavas moré to the name of a Parliament, then ‘,'sl rjo any Tyrant» % We bavepuélifégd tbi: hfére Wafaflldh itzzdérflgwd-the »._Rqfivlz¢,tian of atbér Cmmtie.r_.,tbe time: requiring it, and cozildwndt expat} tlaeir /iérzfwer; % 1f't/ae.y zzpprbfzre it, amdjayn in it,W,we défire t/at-4m to dgclaré fizmmrb P351- Vliqgzcljyqnd ta dac as We intend to do, mzmely,toMl/y vpp Ofl’ will ‘1¢€7W?07rd£L gxgmcjes, and ,rnai:ztd£1:.a¢tr..R£g/at; 6; Mr aid and known Lam, aflij££ng ‘each at/a¢fffV\'aT»11"xg/2»Lz:f¢9.zn_d)Fa%rtztn¢jim%tbz3',. aux, R-efiZmt£o22, far Gad; gig}-7%.. &g21}~_ Cbnz1tr£¢,sfgaod§L ami_Vo§tr4w oWnMfrtadomc. V A ?%%?3?1¥i‘31??31f3