‘ ;, ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 . I v > ‘ . ‘ A » ' . " ‘ ‘p~ ';-V “ ‘ ‘ ‘ U ‘ ' . »- 1 I‘ . ‘U ‘ ,, v . - ,. w. . ,. '3 .' v 4 ‘v.,. ~?x . ‘ w -x 4 - ' w? ‘ V V .» “. “ ‘‘~ M “' ‘WV 1 3 “ .1 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ "NP gt?‘ ’ * ' 4 ' ' ‘N In: 3"‘ - ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . H ‘ _ ‘fl ‘ “ ‘ .‘ ‘ , .. ‘ . 0, “ ‘_ .., ‘ . .,‘ .‘ _ . “ ‘ ‘ .“‘ ' .2 1‘ .‘“‘1»"' ‘n .- up I‘ ‘ ‘. ~ T K ' ""' ' v-"' ‘ "' G 0 ‘ ‘ ‘ "5 ‘ " ' V .-. H, ‘ . o‘ - _ ,~'r~.“. ‘ - . ‘_. . -’ 4-"'= . v * _ -‘»:= . A .. * 5 my ‘ ‘Wm . .v y :4 V M K _,_ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ w . I» ‘ ' . ‘M W ‘ C I ‘ 4- 1- ' - _‘ ,_,. ‘..\ ‘ I W “ ~ -‘ -(., , ‘ . n~' . : . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . ' L ” 3 ‘ \ . ‘ I " s .‘ ‘ W‘ ‘ ‘ . « = ‘ \ 4. 3 «L ‘ * ‘ " ‘ _ u L ‘ " J , \ ‘ I t 2| -o I F , ' " r ‘ ‘ t ‘ " 1 ».m...r' .‘ I ‘. ‘ 4 ,A ‘ . ‘ A ‘ ' , “" V I V ' . ‘ , m y FORTHE f"‘;Ur prcf‘cntVbrcaches call put: to cvcry hioriéfi Chri{#iian%i:"mibé~ A fiults pi file hWi:as:iMd%¢amHE r,t0& ;ur;1g;1Aermi;nc:; t:*h¢§ peace éhihis :King;- ‘V V,‘ ‘ a. A.‘ ..r;. v,-'1 \~ ' I, "4 Nb‘! ml :"‘ ‘at ,“-C-&' :~‘-4. ‘ w ‘ , » ,r- H * M <» ~ ~.mmAc a continual! C¢fltif1.y¢1I,_ watching agaim’£L the %in%cefl"ax1c% a.f- . A domed, thgmforszvfiacing a“ vfiormcinevitably falling its. gmod'I:7”o_ V’ ":%%A.:m:em;itwxth undaeg-fl:a,nding%righcly%informcd ,% chm: fogwe may‘ imqw how r.oVpxopofE:4the way oftmth no ot&,hers,,andA howco prflafigutc icéomr Iklvcs. -It: Imh i_evcr% bccngnd flill~is:;; t:bc;mnfi%ancpraé°eice Oflfztzbae Cmmflfiefiflf my~;;;fie»fer;ac»:maxmucc non ontzlyi cVhI:%I?rxnc@s49f(.ifiv:taI14ENat1ons,buncach.;Kirig- dori1eZa.g21inflAit f§:lfe,disi‘Ldi§1gbctwiwxL~wPri£1A§eF;,and.pnople,‘ ax1d,;il1Cchfing;.fiib4- jeéfiagainfi fubieélz, than fo they might the mom eafyly accomplilh their V .3wickcd”int¢nt7ic3na imziundiyifionsfé Lind ifiowi“z¢a§~Imafly‘?thisL%d;fignc;:.,of the :'adVc%t?*%ié partyfhath»b§cn<:%;fi7ar§‘iedionsO§3m;¢B§l:¢rc3.*;it1sthVe1EKingdomcs:ofgfrzp ‘ zflmlmyds. and ’II:¢12i2:9r1{ tbinkékthezé is no incerxagenums but theyécapt ;r¢agd;EIy wee it; in fundry partimlars , §and nQW:at.;.laIt havingcrowxmed their :mmac.m 2; math the mccutfedf frqxm —f-If _inga‘fgin%gf xbia_«Kingd0mein...amvi1l~ A A‘ wax V jw‘a%r , Athéyjdfrivé fora‘ finfiimufly in: che[?'~i5u%fifix§[t1éE% %%¢W1isV%thcii?,hAé1I}lh'd‘%fig?fiVs':§» fWfiiCh ‘mu:-f ofmcemcy u:heran*man¢,and a;t1%:u&zon;=%,i£¢%noc fpeeAdi1yVom>o'féd A .and cmfhed :Vaqdf.1e£ 331fgo§Jd CfIriftians~:be5 Ca{refi1l1‘1£:9£ by t'héirV%D.wnback- L w4x'd:m£F:.* they make gooci thatL.b afé: amcrgion of fame maiiggaancs ,.. ,'I”hatf‘c*hc VPf0t$;?£as1tLp$rofei?ion is 1:00 %tam%gjt%0»wi£h,I1ani:iLtVh¢%ri3. _ ‘ % A V “ w%theAreflm: ii .3 cc uur;'prci’Z9ntwbré?§éh*eSi;;a%1l‘fOF,:d:%}J??3»?§3‘3%t¢1f‘351"¥»%iiQ9,.fi*0§i1%€;V§§f:Y arm %i:snO,mo5rc than om’oi%wnf€iintéréfl% rgquircs, :t‘hqtA-W96: 3Pf P1Y0m'fl/F ,5i‘1V¢$ 50 tka.e=c%%u‘m%:n0z1 gnodgmd A chm: We xnayfiaejbeticer §§n ow;dur% g“ijanj”d how _We ~yaI‘€ftQV d%s?§:DQ1EA%%=0f Qq;%fi?:lves%ei£%her i%h%&thé«aHif&—!ing C,-“ff Eh¢%%Q.?n§»~fi€i%2 ]¢§€;3§§I7*iF3 6 Of”: .héV’€.$s§f‘?*ie“&%r Ié§%w“e ¢aE*é' thereu:m:3"C?Al1e:‘d‘, Léf %”b‘i*hi%:f_c'1;)7”§:§i3od wand rfaééey ref’ Eingiandpeople ,r;»:h%en thofe ldimme lights about of Majefiy ~W:ineh.%can%:a?é“e n:::rEfUrthcr.itVhez1‘Tth§:ir‘oWné perT:mall* £*;prefc:r1:11ents%an:d‘%bafszamv- aym%esida*}ead~éhe:mA;nnw:ac;cm-dingly:lcnr%peo'4p‘1e ad h*e're:.%tm:hcA‘C0un=- ~i§§HB:;~and£0mfiinands4bf the "aneficm thesothep as’%ir1v%i”f¢,i%f‘0I;£; théy J{h‘alIi‘fifl*de % _ % € §[3QJ.*@;§$fl{idEiT§E§5;é§'€HE§8~ t‘hat~‘this4z11whhhichg. 1 am: fths: Lawhes: ‘protcfiogrsigf haV%sha1fo1byhthcir¢ favourable confl7ru&iphn afi;:hm_ ~ ~ C;0mffI1j1iffiOfl;hOfAFEay:’5 ,theputing.of.hthe 3Awond*-of Jufticc into ChB‘fli.h;3iI7d§M'? of divcrsh~Popiih«Aand ill A:hafFt:&cd A pcrfons , » giving them hplacesfinh the.;'hGmm£i*; mifliona ofchc Peaae, and outing of others whichic'fl:cmesAwerctocr:ze:iilohnah;..h ofthe goqd of King .and.Kingd'ome-.. And laflly their carcofprcfcrving hhtxhw’ libt-:rAt:'iesA ofhnhe,vfuhhje&_a,ppémrcs by thofehmanyh ille7Agalktaxahtions of r;g1dg;‘and “0ft.fhci;r Iat¢hemdk:zvl«z]Jur,1;_?toh;l>_‘o;ffcI‘T:]éthe World ofafn abfaluta, and m1li1'Iiitsx;ed*i "’}:)OW¢r1‘ifl.pI‘iflUCSA.:r us“ out can % s.:z . A A = A » : .‘:;«::~a:h:;:rmati0I_1a»~ #3 Ahcretlofom:.(dflab1ifl1£d'T‘?and‘that all; the it: .%cu1ir1’fe11As;:a1xd; dkfignessxtétenddi‘ xhixsway ; Azjijd :1:flm~...fh 7fecre;r1y f’gaab "*0'Ft.;hdf:_c” mortiiiasz iAr£«;P&r1;i2amen=taJby jtzficirw, ca1:»e1n1niariions;,: and fsgliiz &fpenfidm35ck:i1in’g;yQu t;_;fih“éir"c‘b:umen~aiz¢ing,.:Cir a§I:TlIeaR n0twfi1p;'>re£5- fi,n"gx»,the»Iu4mLilcs off; Safiariksy A3]:§.fi33P.§:i3£}$\*..5.flfi,;4;\BY’QW'§3i\ii3 that fwa*rmeWS Afar % §§!a‘d~:'nLtfi1’fey t1ie‘i:§.*tt.: ifi‘iv%civi‘ifl1;. ¥z.*fif>'?!:ic%t‘ifE‘s:< 1‘fi‘g'z1=gt:d:&“;t K§11g‘d’ohJ1c= Mi 1*; this in- m&i::m~_bno»y%lxé easnci» ‘bfizsughc :’o”1*az:% %re"lf~>2‘g:in’n= 3% -iiyeasw *an.d :iibcrtics;11’a z-.ii? all t‘0.t?hjc " M ‘ l v. ~‘ , we-v 4 w ;, 3' > .. ‘ ' ‘ ’ o r, « ~ ‘ .. ‘. fi.~g:¥{§§ hmd%%_na*:%AtQ.;%.have d’£)t-lbifdjm bun. tzfhmr. t=hm;;;%%PM-lmamcnu%,:: 1,11 !the.a¢£- % “fi%sI{i1n£taa;;“3of gt‘h1§__9;*[‘f&:mhiy .:A*1EDi%»*in%VE%:vV‘6£1Idf%:%ia %t%li'i§i;::Ac&ime.‘§im fa ;a7*m *gL~*moH macaw ~ firm haxzé do;n=pr;>fld:A. t1ir:Li div ifioiis i,:in?:‘V:% iii 6 H V W ¢s;‘:a11t:rcFi‘§‘ B;£It'.'§thCA t3°ruth’ ’i'§“th*c 1i.c»n;}~. of;thefe.;%41i1a1;;%% six :.;Ib ~V%gen::ral‘l7:$agz2fii?(’t7 aisl gomd1m{Ta‘;,% Izfhdt. ft? haid bc%cm:‘& fl‘a n€1'cif;c;h;éf::4%%:m;r€Eics«ih%. i?.:ai1if _a'mcht* rmtif Tfbeum dared At~h‘cVriEi%, fofin ;f%enmy3ai1d L‘f}¢uT3)7’zia&r%:_”cI¢%:j W-a d gmcffd‘ -=*b:adl';; 3 gigg-;_: Many % o,,c‘h&ér; main m that%7chfefe‘* %m2xI’igzi'“:u§r. s"t;"ha;fwer flhé; £3pmffu€;i?ncc: ‘of their d c4»- &n:Li&ive:%%,dcfig:1ts ‘might Heck &ddt':d. A T“hcir~ fnr;q.uc’nt; of fetclfiinzg i1:i;.farrei“'gnc%Fdxrcéh to.i*nva&1c%$% 1:3“, and p"rovidi*ng .%fupp3y;aé% of azim- mfiiiciin; beyr5é11d%;ZS'easA to deAih7ory.; Fusg: hv_%ei%r arr‘; A plxing; “With‘”“7 A“t'Imi‘{hs", fh‘?’g#iti:\?es%%% %am_:1’. Qthfi‘; tbt*.i‘ou%‘sV ;d’6lin:qucn*tsg,41:o.: "thczgf lflacyv ii'1i:ght c'7fl- fla:sr»cJi”tsvs:,.i%t§hewf'e¢% Be nofi fi1ffiWcién%tto :*re%rid%cr the:i“'r *i"i1I:‘ci‘n:ié1n*s‘n§‘anry’1m"i%es%dif%~ wt: 7fl'0m~tfheir' Pre.tc£facidns “of endeavouring %chi: %%commdAt‘z ag*oodA5 ‘rhc VV‘b%r1;dj.u~d“gn. V *_ % “ * . “ % V A ; % %L§ffly , ;thaft.*Vt1t.b*c¢crafey devi4cas% ':md fr”?atxdmI~cp“tM;Jf1*c1“zcf1%(":wes%%‘caff Vthe£’mrk:h~ A ‘1‘fup.dfl..o7firs may “stars: %:bA3:be1im?’eAdg,* 1Idr;ethéir:: iemprcfiibns ; . thrcarmud.' violence, and fccming courage_ rnay pat? becA¢Efim'méd&,..'*~§?jIn% mm gt-crd*nhm: pefiplgetwat:~r’ighc1"y:informrcd of thc ri1anifc;:uld.§ b;en‘efic:a: ;t hm:FAmuflfrn cftds rc-~% dai7m.c! *t7b%:chémufi:lvesA -‘ and%?p:bfiAfcri‘£y, by.;d*e;C1iVni%n' w1:h1c* wa5ytsVahdVA‘,Go’1IVn-* hf thgfifémph and by vé dflVha:r1 n*g It E,-mhm; fl XECAG L1:n:£E1‘l3; find Vflb:’ey»-- idg,§t%hé2V1fuft::Vcommand.s,off tfic *‘Par1;~iamcni: zby» whciti 'WLi:f’d¢:rhc and ‘int! ufimy ’ f0$many:.exc%e1l:%nt-wcarkesfhave-V been: wrnugh*t\*i4:for%A'11"w, A vfliofe’ :p1*occr:dings» thbixt meeting to%thAis*i’nV*fia mt: hava:‘ btchcA~ fo“‘f'p¢irIéffi:; it but the ’enAcmj’sA q£7'7t‘hflf;;. Statb h-aim tgecnc angry _4wi:;h chem, ]bC'C»aU.(.C'"th€Y jtdrfild nfoc "bis? lam‘ -~ MA d7IEm<;_, ‘finding no caufr: t%;when'eiin::~:rc on: *acc:a1fe!%th,&¢mi,; “ wmrm‘pom.4 '4' ‘¢e:y;';'h*avc' 3'béem::%: :£bréed’< to“ brbacfi many 1%Iotoribus%1A~*un‘truth“s from time“ to.» finie; thcreb3rf¢anii'ali%zingthe'~ pm‘ A cedings"of Parliamént; *WIi’it:h%.;%~ti7m“e‘h‘a~~ vihg E0nffi:C¢dtand:%' gimcnz thtc‘Iy¢ to?‘ Ch-Gil’; ‘II7e*feth%':y, ‘ fimzh. at im- d%iTg'r~ace§ tfi¢'rn{elvcs$ Tftiiw; c?:a‘mfci?‘ they iévohf: ?;:» déllfitlcflfi%f‘t&0fu%f.thatr?’hWc*:;rbntad9 thcifffxzizmdsa’ ~': this: ‘M A .‘,’,w --. irniiefifivéfl fpEe’cheéi§%'u§dt‘1Aa!»I~V occa&&ms,A may wbnIa* n‘1bt7’l$e1*3a¢k&Warci;v "t"(‘2‘* %n6”minxate that: fa&’ious’[ party" in bath Houfes (; acordmg to Vt-heptm 'Mflfi7'[é i;;fad¢*ina'L\;Ie1Iage, am’. jhvadmhey hadcitherground’;or_:*Lx'eai'onBt1t’c“ is‘ Thitherto wee can Vucichec A heart the mime: ; of fuclnas hamctémcna Lms» ‘j3¢aAé:h*ed, nor the N‘ameAsb~f {uch as are thus thre;atrxcd«; for couldr-wt: %fi“e‘va&ny ‘thing but mere words%, was fhould the {comet sbclifeva that the *Kih‘;i_gwasi1ec’eifitattd‘to‘%dcf32rtt~he¢P2r§imfnen§. ‘ wtzxuhjswiflj thcLCDmmLon3 ‘AQKF .E‘r2g!andL were yab!e_ to bglild thgif h_ope«s upon axw; p_robab1n;*gr.0u:mdx' ‘- 5'tvh1a% tfity ”f11r3h!%d¢%%N”t*é¢i&i’%* f%*<3t1f1“tfi?1‘&e%i"e* n§en‘9, that have t=I1us'Jh.aaIncful1y dbipightfuily«fiyictheir 1?*énn:m‘e tipezmv we hr:a4ds; pf our Tmbes.» 9 May ‘%I-'v%f‘c*eiAr¢ chm isfew that can appr¢hvend~a pffibliity , -that Hisi ‘Mas- :¢j'¢{{3y *{ho‘uld ¢~c"aHy 11ftLm>kc*_‘ ‘go;{ie“ {Mé«:mneA ”Pr;ote{iatimns , ; g{arf defends. A *c:r1h‘ ARe'1igi*c51’1 '3. 7 L;z‘W;r'e‘s> ‘am! A L7iLbc(%&?ti‘es r, fo long as “-tihscfc*..:lfl_,6‘/Ii» irbpl3&vl.%~«4at*eV ab%ouchAi£-11%;‘ in me lace breach {betwixt Jfrwlmd :am:d;i1s%:,.: dmbcia:-% *l_cfl%~h%-.a~d north‘: Kihgswaraes been {hm awagainfi the ~w:bol.fomc —advicZc'«of his ‘~S’¢:'0tcilh rubje&s,wh%i1x& they ~wérc %opem:0 tfhc defirufisixm Ac0ufi£el»s%\o¢f*fome[evil “fiéicgy that in for“f'aking thib Pa *TafFec‘?ced“on‘E3 in nglnnd. the fi:d~e$14i**%a:%y Ofthb “Scots a.nVd&t hp mcachcry aof sthoiis f'e:l%lier*s hard ‘iI'oc$h*;:r d%i*fcoverVed." ThefcF§§re‘%1fr7wc%d0.c:no~‘t ftsand; rm A*cau=~ficV how, and”'re2adcrV"dur i°g1Ws* l~d”ya1to~our Vsovcrmigne , and ‘£éinbft1l%co*‘»thé*% Snare Whdrcii1%~we;i1*ivc, by wit'h*{iand3ing% and A op:po‘fin~g t’he def-hfq&‘3civ¢acown;:fi:l8 T "a-”nd%%wai5es oflhofé ~abotIt his Ma y, ~wih‘o«cn&eafvV%our nrathirrgsmmte than t‘ ~5éI1fl§!véA c11“c*ff‘ec5ful~)j'e&s ?oF t:’nisNaciUh‘,,V ar*:1‘jds‘»’tz k«wpc.th¢;m continualiy uundat :harrowvM%«6ppwfiwnA , ,ma~y«foémvcr‘bid%v%amie$ta%4¢man Achat=wcAnow joy. It ought therefore to be efgery maps wifdomc axwdicare fcnioufly to cm... “I ‘ xanmnt, they Farfakc»thmmfE-hes, their‘ Rfieliv lgima, L§Wcs;and ‘Prb,}5HréiEs ,* amd"a31*l*tihwtt:»:m wopex*«12yfbeica;»ilé1¢dAxt:h;citsA.,4 for {Wr LiBertifés*rec”€i‘vé%h‘éir 124% t“h¢*I.a4W4:% 3I~1‘El‘thc~%f?Law ita 1.%i*fé::aradA pwteifiw %»&7iq‘h*fmgm*‘ Pm"1i'amAén”ts*§ {O What §in*cafi:'~’wc rbfmfem «prdficfi»-uhe‘m»thnc.p:~.o+~ ' . VV'!ic"&i¥uhe L*aWcs~A*which arc the protafiicmof ‘aur Libmi“as,ofVnecefficywall mufi ’fa1I]"po the g1.‘ound,a nd the willof ~t‘h‘e Princjc and‘fFavour:it‘es fha‘1I‘bc*:rAhe.Law A av bf%th%c peoplcfiixd‘ fo‘hbnc‘l1:%’rnen will bAei:Aoumf’hopcs,%aénfl ddl7i:§queméa »%f¢m-g of j‘u=m¢¢-,. AA A J j V - 2 A % 1% r ‘W s L 2» A M ' There is not any age that cam produce aflory» of %a*iPar1iaAmcnt~*,{ f'reeIyveI~ir-a ‘fled and held;that“avér,did'injurc*'a whoIc%N~atim) »;.neithi:r*‘havé% weaver»? he“a~rd-* 19f Phincé at ;péopl‘e that cafiing th%cVm(22Ivasaupon this wél?ljcon{fituted ~.bI‘y9th:e1t:*t‘l3’c-:§ wereflever dcfrau‘ck:élA"‘ of pré"judi+c*e~d’*by~«'chButsffambéwfiiyhavaz (if ‘that: 4nem prmiaered havingonca=diFe*rted this gm; Gbutfi: clI;« ‘indeed it ‘may feé1ric*“fl*raI1 gé to any r¢at,¢d_. .lb¢twixt mmtlma,tndtla‘nd ».tttcomtI;1ka;nd thcningthigg .;We finds the King «ctomtm émditaeg’ and the Plarli;ament% *foA;biglAtling 1,; :_;he»T?*?K'il_Ang afiiA;m3’,,’g it agnd «th£3Par1iam€;nllt .; denying ,, in ux;1lAcA¢rtaiinlét5lr.lk:§é.cl{ mm is gzmbgrmj ‘{hC3.‘W Cd ditfpdfltofhixnfélfc’ for the common ‘good; A’ If people cotl1kltil7llx‘~iglAl*xc1yl V Wtdilfiingtfilh bcEWiXtllprote8tionland oppreffiou, Monarchy and tyranny , may — :;WQ§1l.s1 .:.:thct betltcirt ’ ltzxidfirflandll (thait ,dA,At:;Acy» irt .l;A41A"ttcl11‘titxé.;AAcs1as Ath,eAfe.l (1;efli:on-.. . leflé the tlutjz that we owe‘ unto our Sovetalglltml it doth not clc‘oy$u3 this pr}... A A-Vfi”3cClgA€t»l0f h#*Vl1flg‘F¢{P€€€ t"OA- 0utAc)yvAt:1lc V£Vafety.Now no manlwill denylthe King M4 L eta) b¢ll,tlhe;L.Q§dS annQytnted,~his Deputy, and ice~gqrei1t, and that évéry. (uh... 0!=1g*l1fi_;_!¥?? : ,b0UQ§1? A‘: an;_i%;;Qbcy.hi1‘p: 1:Q~A51rr€t§_S his cc)mrn.:-mdg cltwalrtnuc ;€lt7llLG.C9lm.i333{!"Ld$§fi6%; 5h151t_?:(5.m¢?1“;0,5 1,” <1t1dhon 1 lifiicher is it .qD€lli'Ot1ed', ;~W;l1‘¢ih¢Wt}-abffihélifi@175 li€£1A¢¢1'j3«ltQA~b¢_Y'3€ld¢d to the ult3l"awl'Ltl’l‘lc<5rtl1.ti1”at'1‘clls t f€Vl3~F1 M?18lfiV333at4*f0Y tPtF€fl1lm¢ 1301597 -Olgtfiulf ail Vcjtfarigs t.i§rtil.lA afinirmcl tt'h.;tt5 lr1éitlh.::ttlittttxed«s:au«'=%ii9r3:a::¢ ‘\.E..I%¢t’bE¥*}f"S;7ghi¢’&S A msiyt jwm3~k~¢991n“:b3‘eIl1{1vc Waite lmkitg :;%§P:3§,$¥§§«~;3g33i‘ll~ll§ ll§$o.sge_z:e;‘ig;%:el.(aL"s 1f0f$1l€7.l»All1?.V£.ll“ztlffily-Hncl Vdfir W ~ A * rpight. A fpightfulily fl1g»gi':ileldi;)’i; Btu tithe qua &iQl“,iS“m;&‘r”1;yygamfififi our. oWn~isif7a»f'eman£1;~ jju£lifdve‘f¢nc;e, 'aud;ima%y be thus flaced.Wh'é3naé the King» is Seduced Eygvwiiclced A man who haw: ah conllantl opportunity of inflilling rhszir Al poyforiops scounllfclsh‘ i*1~*1to:l1is {acted earés, venting fuch delhcufiive‘ argomeinitsilaogimay ri1oll:l;cLon°- V dune tothcit ownscods , ithelxleby: :phevaili=ng 4 goiszcq him? inniomém;thloulghx:$.aMd: purpofés to his people (the mall candid dilpofitiozjzs beingilxbjcfi to.dm“rgé‘»=j rough incoiivclniiehces by the cbnllgrmr. colnciu-urrcdcfij oi£h:cvililll.¢xj31mpLlé‘s ,ancl léounfcls ) zmd carrying him ohm t2,1,ik¢_l!p armes againfl his loyé1l§l:S(!"l>i¢:8cs, The qucllzion. is; whether in fiich a cafe of extrcamc danger it hcllawfu'll<,liprl_.tl1e fulbjiegfi toytzakciup armes in hislowne;d¢fi;ncc.; M ; _;'l“b gt a?idcfenfive«.l‘warr is lawfull and ;W;1rg1aiit;+. blow ‘in {math "a"+Céi;.f.€f,‘;3;$'itl1.l23,3wil;l a"ppeare»by thefe rcaf'o:1s;. A ‘V A W M M V W A I. ‘Bccaufeo lthecnd ~olF all A government is lg;o-make provifion for:the_;g9ag1 and fafety of the people; (that: b¢iDg,i£h€ili1p£CiiIT:39 Law if!‘-l1¢i1 PiI‘i.l1C:¢$;b.¢ifllg intrulled fihall refufc to ioyne with the people in their ncceflhry ldcfe;1c_g,.;a»t~l1v¢ *:peopleimay~’win.hout5 h~;bl.if»3lny3alV;toy afavlet th¢1~1‘lfi3.lVB:S 5' ill: being i*¢dI3“Cll?~3*1‘}’~ i: ID." the lnanirc and int”e[nt’offucl1 a trail, that necefllary dcfi3lnce;ll;louldoo he'b,az§red hnatureall prcfervaitiion; denicid to ‘Hall peoplfi‘-. 'ff._lt mull headsfhe:a°dire&¥oyeor~ L’ ithrowwingof tl-mviry f0L{uid~alc.ilo11 :,;Qfi’ pblioyilvlo fqro a .;peQf}),.l¢,‘by V p;r§{§;_rly&i,ngi__l1'iab%,¢ Vfiefiiam litollwtlieitlh;iRrr1§1¢£i W‘ =g1_;,W' lWayi13.l0;«llil;lil1¢ l.:‘?l¢l;’i§5¥-3'5;i.l‘2l;;0_Io1«:0ff V éwcalthi “ h A 5. If fthc: A people 1mightnot_ ,prc1};ryell their owpg ipemgaalg ii ihvaflon, and caufeleffe violence ofthcir Prince, We mull conclude that V 7“ a hath lcf: man dcllitute of any {ufiicient humane helps of faving himfelfis: ; ‘for grant that, and this will follovsgthat when a Kingdome is expofcd to eminent dangers, the people mull: ofnccetliiy yetld thc:irfnccl«2s and lirxbmit choir lives to the wils ofcrucll mam, fince ihe King denies clxemimcanes of fiifcty. The oftialiifé lhizids lcaclzlh lprilvfialte" man to déféndillhwiliiililillwflg? againll the M agiflzrate as ai..pr1vat:e man amflimltiragm him by violence and not purfuing him in :1 legall Way, and to rcpell force byforco, the example of Naéatlo will olcercly demonflratc thisgwlien x£éli,aé.ibo11im&ndT&d him to givc him his lVjn¢.;_l ’ yard, Nabarh refufes to comply with the Kinpzs command it being unlawfull l for him to part: with the inhericanceof his fathers: lWa-ll, And by the linfiiw iati¢r1l,ll9§hi:shh ‘W73 WP!!ll¥‘i*e5..l?.??sé¢lf1gni%ar1§l film tlim-a mm’: be put ca the cryall, a~ndfl‘“:»w-fail fmm WWW ‘ ;N:_u;ion. .2 A. 4 V A . ‘ A f A ‘4 A ;v »» 4. This Iis#watrzncab1ee‘=byzscripture examples,~z;Cbron.2e6..17, 85¢. ~Whm' Vziab ehcliingentred into the Temple, and would have burnt; lnccnfi: no the Lord, which was not lawful] for‘ fhimtlo doc , «e/{tarin+':I the wPrie-Rand inure {core more wichfiood him and eaufld him to edcepart :he.5anr9:uary , 1eSdm, :‘IF4.4,e5.’”Wsheneusiaulee woxild him 1 unjufilye put: I anatimn to deaethe at he Le couple refined him out of his hands ind told the King plainelyeteehat he flaauld HQQC die, feverall otherexamplcs» there be in Screipturfe which do: cleerely demon"- fierate this truth , That the unleawfulli aas and commands of Princes may be oppofed, ; A A A 4” ‘ 2 M f A V . A ‘To {cQm:»ludc,» thaLti>ewh;ich gives men fecuricy eein traab1cf0me..cimcte 3. is ::£;I3c iufinefli ofthe-cau‘fethcy cndeavourxo vindicate , ‘let: Aebitopbelx eplotfiamr ~ A véallatmmockeg Kfi5’f5¢1(.4I’!eWaile,'and fcducers wax every day werfe andwqrfe, yet i}J{dgr_14~ {ff zxgrim M‘ *prwvaleézj:», ~'I',hc »waiesof the wicked thoug«bet'er as rtime~th?ey~ei11ay pmfpergyeceehcy+{ha‘ll never *ebee;-b1efiEd.e;f {Sod e=hath.ehinh¢!:t;g) earned on the mark: of reformation with a thong hand , indcfpight,o%fA.:‘a];l Anti-reformers, and doubtleflé bthc Churchegeeautia {hall prevailc, though few m§§leaufn.&quld ‘faeiie, yet the zeal: 0f the -Lord .1 ofsfloqfla will vpei‘fQg:me