SPEECH made in Parliament by Si‘ SIM ON DV CY Knight : On Twefday the Eleventh of Ianuary : Concerning proceeding againfl the 1 2 Bifhops accufcd of High Trcafon, to bring them to their triall. Prinnccl for F. Cole; and ]"_ Bank‘: .‘ 6 4 2.. Speeéh made in Parliament by ‘sir SIMON DVCY Knight 1 "On Tcwfday the eleventh offa- . ‘army, concerning,‘ proccedingdgainfl the twelve Bifhops accufed of High treafon. Mr. Speaker, Kr» _}] '; Elaying prof:-cution‘ ofany bufinefle of weight and confequence, isthe on- r 1 way to produce danger,efpeeially ' .42; it be tending to the removall of » -—-45:‘ emin§t;_t evils rastifed and tihreatned " ‘ gym and wicke pirits, :1 ing them elves on- gyto a& fuch thing‘, that the fuccefle thereofmufl ° 1, ve the _ 3:: gain; and defh-ufiton of the State wherein M,..g,L.1«.-. Li ht offences are’ eafily difpenfed withail or remove but grievous crimes and great i mifaemeanouts committed by hi h hand are trou- blefome to be refhained, hard ‘to con-e&ed.. In "V ‘'9’. Pxocggdings agatnfiéfttch , there mutt be both ‘ ' . A» 2 ~ wifiiotne ‘ filling of their owne defires, or ‘ wifdome and courage equallizing the fubtilty a nd power = . v_. _.,_»_.'.t ‘. . y_ _- "r_-. k - ..~'.,.‘\‘ p=rfos~réf»=2 cr. is zsvhé ls ordinary, ut 5% of &gfiqgn*.ao;-1m- peachmentnto bringthc f¢me’COp;erfe&iofi, tog .. riods I0 indzemtntewhctheg by,the.fvtord of iufiiifcie to cut offfueh accufed (if found guilty) as unfound and rotten members ofa Common- wealth, thereby to prelerve the whole , or to cleere and difcharge the fame, either Way fatisfying the Kings loyail Subjefis concerning our proceedings: if deferving - death, you Know Mafierspeaker dgngerougig is to protraft time in their triall and juft fentenee : you know, dangerous to a City is the letting on fire but of one h" e in the fame, you know no better remedy to prevent this danger, but by pullingrdown the next adjacent houfes to that on fire : Even fo, if there bem_aCity, State, or Kingdome, wherein are {otfie fire-brands members, threatning ’ lnti“ run the whole ‘Common-wealth wherein} liv jigs any part thereof 5 whofe tongues are let on fire vein with the fire o‘fHell,‘tfTuing forth, flafhei,‘ fpafléeg nay flam.es.o£ wicked tenepts and doétrincjs ‘_ Ieia, {ant and deleélable only to themfelvcs and”; mi’. ates 5 feducing in religion the children of’Gbd, :13 I verily believe the laying is fulfilled foretold in Scripture, fuch feducers lhould be in the wdrldfihae if it were poffiblcgthey would feduce the v'ef§‘q[¢‘&; drawing all men as they"ca‘p; tot ‘j_1-yfa‘_€iNi'dn;J'.6r‘,"elfe feelg‘ehtheit_‘ utter ; ,b_o_th th’elr‘liv’e‘:',’1i’. bjerties, and e{ia_tes,Th¢fe ‘H h " . a. .- ,.S.r¢r. hath 'catpllt_‘1n‘ yver ',}?la'¢’es,¢'af'thls Kin‘ _ dpiie5ea’€'(“‘a§ get} ¢m*a’;‘a‘§ wpgg, an2i'V§llag2s , sna‘;eg,g.:g- Jr . -l I 1. ~ j ’ :akei ' ' ifhthe n_,nby.pul- O}: (iirciiiblililgyiithe Or iginall root . ofthis danger,"biit the neighbouring parties; no‘: i t e bod of the tree, but lopolf olliby ttlieclllitriiigdilifi s‘he{P°°iy3"Y 2 the 8"-'“‘°fl arm” iihereof for the leffer twigs, they mayof thcmfelves wither ’and dye in time : they will indanger the whole kingdomc, and caufe great trouble and haz- zardin pl-efcfving the fame from mine. . M,., speaker : The fubjeéi of my difcourfe is con- cerning our proceedings againfk the Biihops, by this honourable Houfe accufed of High Treafon, That we with all convenient {peed bring them to their - ' d t u on the fame. . "’;}}._’f’g:,L‘i_,.g;e[i1c°i»leh1¢:ve:h us to be men,ofcoii- rage and magnanimity, not daunted with any feare, (ff ra ed by any oppofition that hath beene zgtadle gogtiin us ,...and our proceedings concerning the (hm: , to hinder our perfeéhng thofe things in - our profecution of thefe Incendiaries , fo much im- ' eace and fecurity of his Majefbie and $,rc1gnsgki::‘g‘d§m,_ The evil! efieflfs that we have ee=xP¢timentally found, in'not' performing our de- fircs and the expeéiation of thofe that fent us hi- mfl-: by whom we are intrufied to preferve and fwd them in their perfong, free liberties, and right- fun Pofleflions; and th_€! I-'m.1_‘Y and “3'8¢,‘“e PW?‘ om which we hgv¢.t€C€IV€d,‘- not only from the C1- fizem’ of u,,,1,,,, but from diverfe other parts of this kingdom‘; , exprt their loveeand tender affections to his Royall lV1‘=_|i¢“Y ‘Pd‘&'"‘,”17fi_'°' y 5- their confidence iaipofed m—l_lS'Of our [aidi- flit innegiity and true heattednefle towardaoiir . ~ Countrey, Conntrey, in the right framing and reélifying ail things that have beene arniflfe and difordered in the {axles the red fires, may as lconcetve, be fufiicient caufes to {litre up our hearts andardent affeéiions to fatrsfie them -. therein, and not any longer, for any caufe whatfo- ever {hall be pretended in -oppolition ofthe fame, to procrafiinate any further time, to bring tltefe Bi-r - fhops accufed , and all other Delinnqents in this State to jufl tryall and deferved punilhment. Mr. Speaker : The evill effeéls that have fucceded of late, by reafon of the intetmiflion ofour procee- dings againfl thefe Bifliops and others , are not 1111*- knowne to all men 5 of dangerous Confequeufitz di- llurbing our peaceable and jullproeeedinginrall - our def .=, ~ touching the greataffaires we have badin agitation both of Church and State 5 inden- gered out perfons,by giving them liberty to endea- vour to put in execution their malicious and divel-‘ lifil plots againfi us, the railing and caufing great tu- mult: and uproares about the Parliament,’ caufing and ptocuring the members ofonr I-Ioufe , great Pillars in this out Temple , to be accufed and que- fiioned as eriminons pexfons; thereby to avert our ptofecutionagainft them; canfing evill fufpitions - and_§ealonfiesofonr' _ rities and loyalties to our graoons Soveratgne, our native Countrey 5 in- thereby their favourites and well-'wilh- an In aheirtvill prafiifii ,— .noadventm'e.rIpon any ihatagema againll both onrpetfomand proceed- ings : ceiling of their nnjufi grievances and oppreffions, and the {etling oftrue Religion in this = kingdome: their loving enoouragements for our ' cheerefull and willing performance oftheirjuflde « ings : Whichywe, Mafler Spv.-akcr,(ifwe in time 13. : bout not to prevent the fame) may with too 13", rc. tpentance, bewaile thofe greater dangers and irrg. -coverable troubles threatne-td by thefe fire- brand; e of»State ,_ who burnes with mifchievousintentions . of our utter defirufiion. Mr. Speaker .° My-humble motion therefore is, -thatconfidering ferioufly with our fe1v¢s.thofc . Countries things which I have briefly mentioned unto you we may lay afide all feares, depending only upogi Almighty God his providence over us , and our loves proffering to defend us, whofc fer- .vants~ we are; and cheerefully with good courage the greate and magnanimous fpirits , go on as we have begun, to bring all mifdoers in this Kingdome, efpecially {land chiefefl of them, to their mall and condigne punifhment. RARE DA 412 1642 . 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