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T:I’1~e.Aj30fi.l€ siTi;1 thg ~ch;1pte:* C4?» the.Vlawfi1:li. fab ¢é;‘.kimf1,, ¢ phTc_ %I?A;*im1g,ce54A:E¢ .«-A 2 ‘d?i€’é L3‘§.~V‘S*'2;AIifid cbminanfiementé tends “oficI"y“t9; the prom0tion%Q£ thcjhonouz: andA%”g1‘5fY4Of the Ki11g_ofKings.“a§nd Pxince of P635556 Ch.1'if’c]efu SA, 'Whc>’F0ev“e1* 6156;;/“I tB€2'd. rcfi1‘%§c&th~Vth~e power, mi?» fieththe Ordinance*0f G0d,\rve-zfi 3. fax Rulers 3%1"€"‘:I10tatLe.rrQrUtQ go_odWQrkAs4 bu}: t9 the evil}, if t}’ie1rfoiVethe power Be‘-to? {hp preflé evil and? dc»- fcnd good x.?vo1rks ’, they tha.~t 1‘efi«fl:“~that power §‘ih%2;tl1’1,*"ecc[*ive-to“ t!,1e1r1f”e1'»%.es—% d-mung:-i.ong rvevf 6. For forthis can Fe pay% y~’ot1dtriButeA~2;li7o 3,. 7. Réndcr 1:0 A2i11;i.%their du «:5 1;, Tribiéx te » to % *W11o4m 'I71:—i¢~ butt: ‘rs 611 e, Ctjtflemlc t5@»“*<‘é.vliQ:z%1%% ciufiom 6,; F céamz to % ~w1iom~ fE;zr,,H6nbL1'r'~«to’—f“x%Vhofin 1h7o1m‘Au~r' 5» and no. teach tI1is'd0%é°cri~ne o£‘obediencIe%tL0 Mz1giflrate~—eJ WEMiPi”&??:‘i%$V.A5‘?“%“di afid‘‘h%?$3ub§,€& *0 Vgbw fofC0'ni*‘ci"c1rr%1':Ls$anri i%’a< :41 * i’ifPcc!1i1<1—.“. » pfkérs r1‘c2i,W"pLef C:n..rt7~i n morfle gar: @f;vth'c”VL:m <31 dork manifefhm W V V M A ’ . 2.th; N}9et}3%§m'v$14.Z5jé*€?3= 772¢is'_,/55 4 3‘2*4"?e gt'?:?e: or fine Sm9j€é?s‘?%' W %* W _ A sex. {The quemo 11? i*s%£o@1%i£i5 and imey," £m~- all V :;:::eniA~e£ 5a:5‘5xjf1*~€a1~f0r}»a=1:51‘%¢** cagacixy Vm11%g11a41m {that <5) 1’1*in:ces ought to ru 16 thfiéirfu bj efi s wand F u bj ecfts to obey thci‘r1aw£u1I. and u.11do.ubtedé% Princzcs ;. but I 2.11fxwTer& that Iinfics d'@ notrulcaccording " to the P1'€C€pt-fGOC1.S\V0rdj5 mu; Aacccardig to A . .thci1'own Wiglls a+11d~p1eafurcs,,Qr the wills ami -p1eafi:1ré's elf t.heirEay@L11*itcS the fL1bj 6&5 lmzd by the lé>11g’ c_o~npti%~nu ccl;G.oVemmenVt ‘E Parr V 1iaments,1naymake Infiitutions a-11d.OVrdi1ia11¢ cc$togove:1~,11thcmfikves by,a.11cI their King his~o:u:1a.A at his AComn,1ti@114i.s¢b0L1»nd to nming-7 min Elm ’fi1.mée_,. axzd fee the obf::1~vatiQn';th.e1‘cof ducly pe1‘fp1*1mdbyl1aisfubj[eé3r;s;, 4; C3:Ch7. EWre.=:/2er*:zzzg3rdi"vir2&e¢or75WW2e 52.120222 Sub» 16 Ito.-kecj) cm ./frjnzy. Qf:fl’}‘»121gCr5 iz2.tf]) e 21¢gdoz7zA to 21-mg- 335(.’r t/96iJ",K_p3cg‘ .1? A A T 0!; I kncmz11oVA1:my0~f Ptm11gc:rs hatlagfiqcne 4 rnaiV_ntai11ed~;, except yoL1,mea:1 the Scot4if}i army, K ‘which W1ae11;f0;r- the p1*ei7e.rV?.&t_iQn of Athei gj Iiwcs, .llAc1igi~;o~n’1 .¢u.1c;1 AL%jberti4¢s LmdTc1*mi'1aed« by (he P1165» 1atic.;.11[1 -and Papifificall E F;a,mp1i§ht,:h¢ixA d.i€fi.1‘Cfi3,‘Wé1‘t Q AA 43%? fin %.§5‘x*~m1"1“19~1)Jr‘if54«i”crah~gde%r%s., calléd ‘ in ‘to’ 1'1*z&afl:er‘ itiifé %Ki1;1; g ‘which ag:a~i11" -»;d¢p.L'a:_r t:.:%n«g ‘Witl1;oL1:%'i; N %=wj'1fu%1i « d 211*na”ge Am «chis&Nflati‘on,:h3:%veIA i1:3f;dc,it Aap;parcz.1Ft we % .the"+;3;ro1‘Ld, ’c:}.mt »ngtfuc11V :in;tejj11ti«.o"i1was in the"m m “ch e »Par1iamenr mo VAWe¢z:e %11:eceLfs¢i‘tat%ed m *11’1a.li'»21t?9;i=Jm fhe7rI!14L% Eifl‘ wt~ht_:y%.:had t1mderA4a ’§fi1II%.:md ho ma :~2.15'1Ve 1pé;‘ci:fi c22;;tim{%and ;+.¢icm :ci15iA2;t;isVa%ct-wcm :bozh%NNa:ionsu.% -A :VV72ctlver i“:at1{t€S\‘}.i7%}':€€d %"1»e]aa:n .z:‘7:% e‘.[{*r7"2%g‘%_r_;- —wir7é tlzie %a1u~e7g,fa=2a £23179’, %-221511 .153 of zzz;j!f(}}:ce /’.‘i‘e-r"£i*2{j-/1‘:ie*‘2r. A‘ A~ V A ; Sol.§% A%N~c;>A..S tatute 4ca;n fibre *'fai~d “4to’i;beeAin"Fo1%c€%d5 wherx the P.a1f1i2.me1’nt pleafts .t:hc%Ki:ng -in :1;*xi:2£‘ki mg them; an~dAth?e~Ki.11gw _p1~eafet;h’At4IaLc P7a~kr;Iia.me11t 111 '-fgnirgg : 5B1.1 t‘ iffa. Pa1:l;i351‘r1«ént'>£0r the”-vvca3l :i11d”bc1;;cTfi‘:~a0f King and peaplcc make Laws, of A %1-’éfhiC*h fihey arfc ‘i:(31'f3J--L1ag€S,§;iid#3t1'1”€?Kifl4g».i».f¢€.ht3 A from; the famc;, and r.:efi.11=e~c.h4to»fi~gne fuc?h VLQWS, V they h;we'bi11 in former t‘i~mresA %aVcl:_4[, ’ =n.¢c;m~¢11fl%an;4 ding 1:.h€ Kings .c*1ifi7c%n4t.% A A . A , C,a.t}1.4%VVlvet/yer in our @a:rZiamer]zt;_wzvemézkepf: V qfftlw .S€;¢t3»é‘q}“ cur ‘(P~c¢17*Ziozé~'m:'?"zt.. M A A 50?. NtaS‘A*-IS/1AembErs '05ufP%2i1‘l%E’3’i*r1%€nté;’ ?«ii‘722.dviAceAbegiVcn4to%uaching the emi11'c11t~ d~a-ngaer A *4*la0thNatiMons are p111z:1;ged in, tzhr-mxgh the: malice of 0F th2 dt:Vi1:m~d his isi£“c1‘L1mcnts;,"P::z}jii7£«s é1‘r1d?P‘ré1a’t"s;,*»a’3‘i ” i0»y'ned‘ix1 league and‘ fi*‘at2:r11al1" afTc3ciation,fi1ch CC”.L1I'lCC}$? “m'ay='be:byr our P":1r1~mznm1*ts~ rcccwed’ a%nd:z11a‘d;e ufc 012. for“ sthg weal and'pro-fin of both: K1ngd‘<3zm*. A ” ,J7mC:1t1‘1"L P7?/fiat/}'£rAt}iereAEéé myfV.rc;.zdiér may fa flrwzgtfien‘ . ”1?:?}ae}jy,.t/9é2a:Vf0’*61i:vidéV2%}3e- Prmeflafit‘ Zpémy 2“/ye‘ i2m’e1,7ei¢;l2x7at* A % "€§}5.zirUe*2:*=;¢79¢¢‘fi¢z‘ qfpx1f'fic:m-l.>zVrCbuwvbexeé 5°?‘ ' “ Sj’0!»".',.. The P7:g11'1'iamcncdifcm1nt~zman_cesindcpendrmc Go:-V fgtAc1'nnf1.€21_t,% z1c;E£nv0W1ed"ging onely d‘epcndcn"ciet'heV1*:mf ‘ 4 to l*‘xa.n;g= L1p~0n.t11"e'40hc1y «Doéhmne of Oh riff and his ~A_p0-: ”fll<:‘5;v P.fCfiI1;1b¢C,fhflI1(i' ffatdown in- thc 'C'2’m01aiAr:z1ll: v»friti11gs. bf theNGv{I~T*@fi4iI"1n=e11t%~ x5?L>11d7n@EV db ez1d?ént:.1%’ox1 Ram: A . 7 1 :::,a1c{Pc?>piqfl1:SLipe:'fti:i0ns, "Do;.f7t;;irr€ zufd Di‘fcip1.1r1c';, Tmt‘ ix: h:.1tE1~bcenthc;€ p0};iv3yi§=.~~40F t-ht2»‘C{€‘Vi1, b~}r’%1iis=fe1*vaz1ts,4Pi1+ pxfts, Pirminizm.s,& and’Sc11iy{h1:1tAic:1H fiifti011s1.0f g»gz¢zmz;% ‘co divide C h urcii ~(?0’vc:1‘n-1ne11‘t, 4 a:1d'A111z11:6: it indepcndcxxi: u_pon my c,e.x"::;ti’5n &f§)L1:~1dat'i011§ W1*71"ich c0ur1d'bc efi‘e:5%¢~ ‘ed, may 1m~:1~ g.<:Lmd'111e:.1ns E10 «p1*on1otc'"and" fi1'engthcn P0»- pcx'~}r:},]j:‘;411t44~twiic cm1”yir1d7€avour of t*I1c-P;1\r1%‘ame11t h:-.11:h Abeen m C(15) rxixpof e »t~he:~fe4~dV%iv1»fio:1s,,by abolifhing %t1ic%1m1*tful1 Ju-» 1i«i£"dié’ticanA;**0f?'V 'I3?%1=e%1ats:«:i21 Ecclefia1fli{;:x1I"«1n21ttc’1's5 and’: n1:1ke thé G'0v¢:x*n;u1c%m:~'4 Of“th(*3 Cfi.?.‘11'_€hr depem..dentjoi1é:l“y V ilpon 3:113 epuhre :1~ndfim».red' rd7of God’; ‘ ‘A 8. C‘:1t:h_. \W6t*t/fér Me C/521%:/154* [W29 4 Wm/'9 I/1112;‘ rm/zy'?éeV4V V}?:~;wz»{*¢7%72;-;i;z.% g;a¢¢¢*s :z*a2it"é2fr2m*1é%=cmé*EngMd ‘fer 2-kzgetlrrr» azggzirz 5’ A A , v..%’al. If yen n~1<=:ax1 :21 CliL1x'chovE’fl011€,‘. "yoL11*qm:i“ti0nii; &d41<:~.fior 27L?:1~~1ne:n %kz1OwV-imntzft ~¢BeAb1'olg:5cn if taken in pi<.=ces:- A A B=..1t,if"y0u me.-an t11€‘5GOV€l"l1I1”i@I’1t_O{“ the C‘hm*'ch,.% tillcnil a;1{"i~*§:x;,; I‘f5t11ej~Wz1AtcI1n1 €'I‘il"bC‘ eithezr unskfi1ft11l'in1ufii1g the ”V‘N_z1I:chD; :zr1<‘1Af0‘mm1mit eit1‘i<:r‘go £1111“, our mt at all, O1f"C:()1‘-»~ A 1‘1Jptri‘ L1,, :,m<;14fi) flurry cmd dr:fi.1e the W£1tc11,1wt 11=1;1y =be%.ta1z:en4 \(,.1~i.3.*» p,%%A%'c:g;:e:~;: wn:_h0u,t brc;1,I~;mgby,,,3~~.S¢1{1%1fL1l1 W’atc11make1', M §g11x*g'<:Li fcQL1r€"d3i;zind‘%f€t to.g§thc‘1‘égain xVi£vhou£Ab1‘e;1k«- A ‘ lflgw. <3) §:n.g,*a%néi 1‘fia€3e% go*:n%¢r¢t:~$ *::1*v,,%;12..*,-;c:'~‘¢ fl1i11c rnw_o1*c“b1‘ightc1*~th<:z14 bsfore. ” :; A = ‘A L Q9. Cawh;"%.¥/¢’?§mZzcr Rs~azz3%=r2r.4~€an .l2e,r.'Zédr »ca&aermi2zgt4’0s% €):z£f2gf flxt CK£';/:fW$’j'!°‘ ‘V 2., AS095.‘ fixt C11,t}Qfl 7% cicear ‘pa.f*T:1ge,t@ Pbpéé rfi. mid 3; 6. ?.yiT agjazizafi fire‘ fi%*:<%ih' TCs;1s;.0n %gari‘t'110»u1;;a1 1 . : 710; ‘W£rc.t..?:si°;1Szzéje4af?5 may iVm}~ofiJ%¢;¢0az%z§pm ~z45e2'rVffa%/Z5173? AL .~z°3'.??!é?:.5e:’t,-f3‘5”1%7:€a‘/Ziblsétii-/;'&"L5? ‘!<;'é72g.. H V“ A L * ' A - V A 5.9!. Ifkkae 11eCe§;1ty%requ11'e *zzx1P0ar%1"“1 of sh»; Subjecfh 1:53 A r&2'}i'.iifii;‘<.}‘y’€’.if1‘,"‘i“.vI%."1‘(f‘. evAif1‘;afi"c6t«edAand%iMézhignant partyoAf_V:11cki.ng« mm? —t”h2m: h:2We‘b:r0L%g1wrt fu~ch;111ifcwi1i;cf up0z1;:c’11”e: ‘State, jb0c”§1 ;zg:.iw?:*HG: ~th7e Religien arid Lzwvs by %t11’e11*pc1*m:c1ous% vpr3%c5iifcs5 "E7116 high Court of _Par1iament;‘may Vt:-:-ndc1‘zm ’ 0 nth zerjtlmSL2-bjcé*c,.mf1:hat pu1p9fc,and mz2.yA4.by the: Au? -thc>rity Oftliait <:>m=£ be inmpofcé and ihj <'1y*:1cci,wit11 more fziffity and 1ea1i[ty.=, -rthenthe VP1‘€1_3t€S05_§~1t,h e.~¢*0”L‘io5 or xhrz Oath of the late CQm*0c::u:io21ind%c:wV01'rrcdA ‘to bé.i111» pofcfsfi, EIPOI1: thifi ,Cier,g~ie £11-.eir AA1a1:c:»Ca;10gns by jzhcm. made '~w£n%:hout thf: K-i;ig.,'* I 1' ." Cm‘/2. fi’F’l:*etber we/.'m-we M -mix-:2’: 51:17?! \ 5%’ éwfldiflg up 3 Clyz:';m'bt*5f,, pzaflimgi Meir; Zlflzvfl.‘ ‘ A ‘ C. :up paixafufl, A3;ez1med an V AS014» Th? VVm