"52; withgod Canfisiencc make rcfiflancc. F V Vvherein th c fin. % E-”',? "'iJ& fzowérxt/mtée,»ara arda:'::edqf§ad, V Prinmdgfor 20% Barber, and are to be faldat fife Sigma oFthe%Gik. . H ‘z. . ‘fl-‘.5-“ , “ _. “ 9;.» , ,2 ms;-,, g..- — » * M :1‘,,m ‘,~ -; V B . s Y ‘or ~ «J W 1’ _ 3; A. . 4 é é I VVr£tten ” ENTITVLED \ - of Cazflcfen (3. 52199.22 t/5;} “E39; Whetlucxfiupon this Suppofizitm, at Cafe (The: Icing wili rao; defend» [m is hem KO mbvm Refigim, Lmzm‘ and Lzéerm: ) Subjcfis may 3% rigirxall Rania, and Fundaw menmlls ofthis Gov:-mmcgnt 0fEzzgl4fld,TQgCthCr with thofc A A A Awcwvo Tf?KfS of Scripture are fufficicntly cleared. viz». A , 42$“ ‘ . 0 M‘ 13‘ I_ . % Y La’? wazj /t'7‘&:¢I ¢ éew/‘wéjafi mm #295‘ éw'g_~1a:r pawcw .: fir there :3 new power 552: qf(?W3; «aw 1 T’ I P E";1‘..z~.. V .$‘z:z5m£t):azxrfl°lz/ex mm *c'*z;c2:}*r 04ra’ina;umw cgfrmm fir the Larclxfihé, ‘afivlsietkr it végfi to the ;a"x:'“;;»;;g ttI«S&2?P7‘c%m¢, % % % ” ~ % A ‘ % § 5“? m... —w-.....-— 1... _......——- ‘m"“'*" %@arze 63» another %zfm*£70z¢r.. Andby him revif:-rd and enlarged by occafionof ram larcPamphlc:t:; » A Compiaining in the Name 0f the City againfi I-he P:ar1iamcmt. 1 ¢..——...q.n, LQNDON, V ~CUp if‘! P4561: Churash yard, me-are tq Lximflim Gate, Ic+T4z.. ‘ ‘ %@@v%%;;@a%s&2= «&§®s§:,»§m~@ gggaaag Ore er,n1ing the Air, and Subjcét of the ‘T7{E /1 SE here Anfwereda A “ 1-. ._4‘_‘h ..u.......,. -——— r""---— 1 “ w , r“ % A % . {ead:r, *“”' V ~ lick Tmgtifé Zvere mjfveml, intbe Title, or V flake qfit, [c?tm€.f_119Z'l‘b tjbe_barve% to ériflg [ "- w - -efm%0Llzrz1e 5mm"/a af{zzj‘2’ty t0“tbetafl2'd%Arlza * ' of CaWfiémc'e;, [mt doe bat lo"ake‘a’mWw,arMZ , 5 I/vewflmlt fee the Vnlizaras tazllomx, carryirzg‘ ‘: A .:~=;~ d3firc'5r.wzd_, mm’ fijorzjerimg war tbeg5n’y%iVmg- z . f Carkagfi: aftlre Stamfar at Prey : BAe'1 mt like A -53 Lztrlw. darcd :r7zzto”Me M‘: by 4 fzzifited HaM’yA0f' %;£mwm/gal A A Cmfcéeme .- Coyafixiemem/mt new name which no mzmknowes Emmi.‘ but he that hath it, No mm can write well cy’z't',éz¢r lye muff (am/5 E'‘¥“*‘ 1&4 Ezekiel) care thfl R4311,"/.76 muff lze Swéjezff my well ;p.rA:¢t/Mr, M" mm, c’xp€7'imt lyerem are only elaqmmt, wfmz ( ms the L/Ipfile 2 Cox.-.x.4.; fjihltkes‘) as man is 41516 to cenmfort others vviththe fame com- fort whetcwith he lmimfclfe hath bean cwnlfortcd of ‘God. {;‘ozzf;'z'mc‘e £5 adizzmaml, and will 63 wrong/‘Jt M /57 nmyiivg Mt daft‘ of’.Dz1m2md, fiacf/was comritian /mt/9 gmvnd it ta .~ Or/yer. ‘ $122]? Mzile mew carry M13 Svz&$jcé?, but :15 [birds 5105 went: M 1/Mir «.Nvn#&AWax%p1x§? V1 2 A ’ ~ W71?» ‘. ..‘ _ 1, . A.'...,. Q A V“' . V‘ _."»§ ..,,,,,‘,h | "' ;§'~"»'-K:-93'—""‘ \!.:'.~' r;"'1",;.;;3' <-1:4 , V fE:.cch.£ 3. 17. ;y{oiz2zg[,ivz%:Ib'éir £?’ealée:,nat émfls, amridae éut (M Seneéai%/J%e4,§g_¢ Difccrc Scholae, non vitae, /Mmmcrizag, and éat fuéarningt Learning intqd'ou6t:,V not deeds, they may ( with My Tr~e4t;‘j§E=r} i“wa:z'teV Cafe: (:1) cover: qf can/Zvmce, but reflatvve mm .~ "1;zm léfiew tbs moticm af 4 1’~upp(et, t/1: lmgtmge of A mam 22¢ f‘ééeté{e'J‘g'L" a’r'jZ:az:rfi:~z':2 t/dz’: fiaéjeif ofcanfiience of the wt i;atcrefl2aa'm;¢_»;»z 9 ‘ A ' It would make D«.:II10CfitUS ézarfi agnine with laughter, iqxfie A léowfilee an wife ewtizzg ‘T/zifilcs, [amt/7 ta famllaw t/aemfiarféaref 9f%eprx%clrJ'::, A Daéwr t/mt :3, or ’ti5 12' Ice maid £21: 4fl C9#7f’~@'b4P‘q iaénej ,«x_p¢’:;M_l:fl, to mwmipie L695 {Joly Tbiflie ixfcanfiiéme, fflq/3 Km fl,zmZd‘[wm£Zo.w itV,p:rickle5 andaii Ijj'I.rcb 4; anefiematbingarigbt in this fiz5jcc'.z‘,na mm~z2e1l.- Zachary mi/1td!£u'mtr’2ere¢zfl272,%lae is an Id,;all%.Shc:phc;1rd that leaves the Fhzsckc, and that-zj the {word flml be upon his right cw.-,and it {hall be utterly darkc._ ncdggnd the {word {hall be (/aeflzycs) upon his right hamvi W005? ifzlv wary iifiefy this Proplzefle :25 évconze Me lszflory of r/7%-;»j;«<&;jw~, wécreiza the Imam’: offiwla M /mm éem qzvefiionlfle deelpaflfif,;ggf7f,§§%*;lae ” prcfirzt fward: N 0 Marvell t/zen ( Ifiy ) iffimé 4 mafia »éMe‘wg’*i%'yt sf‘ _% mrdt/E453 lqft e ye of prej zwlice, *e@:~.:z'ally iI3..h'7£' afliox: ofd Pmxlim went, tb.atA./mt/afl2 nearly touched Mm in /axisfiwe-/Mia’, Wjtadamay '1 é”évz3“'L.z1rc!m’c4cmry, it may fie we ar mm af ..l7ffBti¢£;f;€5, am?“ ~»wJfam9x2:Vwfirj2af4il,=alH:.é: Imps: of/zqémiévgnxbrc. tulcri: Gracchos 1.’.--------0‘ %z’_[I:, 15:39:21} éy the may afmmm, w»%2:;¢f3¢azz£::;are M Afcédeamiq; A milcc afwnfliefice, fir rive mo}? part 2‘/.2£"Bj{;§§wM mat%’xr:tf2¢'[;%woad, 1'; A a2et £mt clap! 929, in rewbjame tickler mark; W A ui'stamferreuS ut teiicac.f@”£**V1fBz;wvmJn¢»~!I*rw- Here TconfE:fl"c7 much béfidc the CM/Maia onthc ” ght upan fuc t%hc,Ixing:s,tak_c up Armes, tht acfha r5‘}>éz“iw2 of‘I)cI1Vr1q;.1€nts f-mm tr !, K550‘ “’%3‘MlxflW3» #4336273, and. m'Amtx“Qfpxgvgn;i9n are, I ‘g‘,.,)! V ‘ .1 . ‘ k._ V! . ‘a I .5 ~ ~% ,4 5.». * .." : ".§ H‘-'1'-uf. ‘ r -' ' &‘¢‘0:I“§ ‘ J '1 .. ‘ ‘ “ .‘ l ‘I , ‘;v‘. “‘ ‘ 1'" ‘ l 4" “ " In X If V: 2' '$'.;,.“\ 2,) V M ‘H ‘, I‘ 4 -‘V » H‘. ‘ ,, u‘ ‘A 7' ‘my ‘ , G «‘s':; M“ . ‘ft ()5! ~ v ~ A « ~.\\‘~ v ' ~""' -‘ ~'“.. :;;;;s- . ‘M’ % _ .3:-‘” '-44' " 9 . -4 A * . "U. . 1’ vi‘ « a’ VA ' A‘n A1‘1fVV€I‘tj0 a»T R E AT 3 3 E Entitzulsd" 752; i'~»3g,[oZ‘)2i;‘.<-g of Fonfiirrzce upon 2351;? Q¢»zes‘7i0n;,.. Whether upon fuchi 9. fuppofition,orCafc as is D0 W Ufua1g~- E3’ made ('IhcKing will not difichargc His zrufi,é’.9’¢.) --.-~..._--.-r -‘vi .,.,,.... §~ Liberties; far 10 we fire the: the Parliament mi fa-nt, flatly againfi may and 5'oufa'2'ar.r, to have: bean don 3 ea. .-5. A A to paifc by this, (, asthc{prop».:rty of Hm: = but 3 ‘WTOW WW5) thc ‘thing that hc~prof€cu1:cs,though not propof-‘cs, is, that .Sm72je£?x to tr:/<9“ wp ~Arm¢.c' agaimfl t}.w".i° A Me pmsfl'm~Par!iAment prcta-m3.r rm have, 3— . Tlaerefira ma .§Tm’2jaé?_c.am rzzkg up Armm: mi-r/ngoad cm:fi'z'eme.- V The bcfi Way therefor: M A 3 . A ‘}’&zr!§4m:nt%- ef Emglamd 1- N0flrPP¢2fiw#, W"-« :5 3 bar/1 mat; and LAM: and orygrxme mug//;:mwda4.,,V tam; mandsfi-f hc: wfif;-6. A 2;. Th: fimn and c mm and%thcn 2 .— rmxfime fl cafe 42'/5 _——-—-gun-u-4-—_ efill ~imww_[z'a Law af this mcmnt to more than 14 M]? cum .a:-:t‘}2a:r°z'2;.e AnfW¢!3 bC af§:i'Viig2-.e=f%4l: ofthc States v--—u-sq v, I,-owing a;*1dc:thc L77/Iaagfflcrjr ofthc T£tZc,V exsfmiaar, S3726 of this “Trmtifi, as but the pi»-dufl of it, »: the Letter .- I find the iixbfiancc of’ it to be V % % pafltéorz ofthfi P that gildx but intercepts. a groundlcfléfit '-~ arliamcnts taking up Armcs, upona bar¢_{?rp~- pafitz'a.1;2.0f‘2thc Kingwmccrc izatmtimto fubvcrt Lawcs and ' qucfiion it fclfc is propofed 3 » Wbttlacr upon _flzc;’1~ .4 fippafitivx ?-.«---T/ac .K"ix4g W271 war, 86¢: we have much of the Cimire upon the refio’lwz‘ng part, but fiippafifig part; forwhc: ever maintained thzm a bare _,-/Z'¢;2po_,fz'rs'.:ars of Tush a mtzerc irztemivfi of“ #4 0f Liberties, invitation and /16» A ‘ yall. by Lu W’, In ha a party in=_Armcs againft the A NP3!‘1i&m¢m,t33CI€:by to (1% j]?u’.w,or at lcafi to rM2o'm' it without‘ the Homfil con- % very Parliamcnt, illegal! C ommi £7}amV to imply #957», % ppq/iziom of mean: £71tc%’Z‘ic9m:; but * which ufcs to have .3 broad rap, Imwrmriom offiirraeégm Afr» &c, all vmcd in Parliamaznt to clean: th efc three Propofitionyg may withgémd c'~anfi‘ie::c.e',~ in defiflcar 0f.K£5ag,,m mcfiablifht, whcnimmiazcnxy cndangwed, cfpccxafly whczsgz. : up Armcs*- With'Quf54 afid% againfh ~.thc l(im‘g::p¢jr[5_z:m*? ;Com«» fizafgemew concerning whét‘ rhcfw rcfidcs in the my l-1a:g,(;.LofI?arlAizi~ ; 3. Imi F‘ " (‘M V In this finflli Refiliztian 95’ $1146 Sfmteyjmiggmamt the Eaqpfe a"f5%M’fd7r¢§?, }aétfx&, Lg“ a;5aa'£e;zca? phemta may with good cow!/E:ier:o‘a*, indafinct Ofthc Ifiag, Liam an&"~ "gaz:e;=~mww£, Aéam-c and z;.~s%A e firmer. AA A A i V A ~ L V A ‘ % ~ *’I‘hef-.:§ mada-.‘: gm:n:d,tI1c anfiater to his favcrall Scrftions will but vcrymfic. If my maze t%m§-<<=:: muchl days: not anfwer the: Daftor ira his three: puopofcci .l’?Ze[5»"v€-S £19011: §1i?.fi;‘%M/Fiém 31 anf.» #3? I am enforced to amfwex: what he waidd fay, fLsz‘(t§) fay trL:t?r3)ve{/5Z“v£;¢g3 as hf: doth, upcm aA Qgieflibn that never came: in@¢-ya fiiqm ; ‘fhmat: ma» r:o22j,’ ?:.i¢m'e up%‘cm_A {inch 3. fiqvpofiziazz as was never n1ax£e,cmha Va 131% growmi fa? fi.1«?:h a’z~.«.fiflmm as was Haves: a.m;z’a.»rzza.Q.,- zagbc faycs%(u»pon the xnattcr) zasatbifig at 31!; Only fats up rm Array! ingagcd in a qxmrrail of his ewnc fame , 31 ¢';;‘£¥«15}m=ér.z:+';?£‘- cf iziamwflef dresflfng, which hecudgals into tbs laws hcehimfclife ‘bath pm :3: in A: %H¢ dz'.§p”,.»,¢ze: with his mm1e%cornr::z- (ap, and ishisavvne 705,4 .4 j\Ig;%g.r, anamaxévrzzaz 5:] 4' bmlm : muzrh what as Xifazxzzte./zazmlzgrx ufe to do.;=:»,A wha mam: .1%2azm“r£.s-.a%n§.?3;;r9 bczctcr te‘iE1lt'izeir p/:,zJvflw~.r, And to aznfuvcr him ‘a,vm'& by word, a3 7:1: @923 along in the iZ'r.e;:ztg;/2’ (whcrsim far mine name ‘gravity gmcfi ifcmafé be )3 tit: mare: tc3Az;m¢«~;:a and Emmi}: 1.11:: Raa;;{er,% he: makes’ the ZVw22iim-«I. %.2f2’:*;I..*::%%caf3 in cvczfiy fimkvzca, 1:0 givczzt the: Z13 *'a’9¢= twgiw-/E'a7“a at fl»v1rr.5;»:g)% woulgi fwd} tE3c:‘A2q,”ms~=r mtitzs rm; great am.afflzaf%io:1 upon tlmfm difpatchfull and urgent tim :33; Haw Fflan3’13¢’ec'/(gr fox-war the 720550? hath bc<::'n abmzt the Trearéfl, it is ‘Wail knmwx. to mzam ,fl1=;f: %anf'».w:r ccrflc not many llmmx the cknixag. A A A ‘Z°ro‘;>a/“,1. AAP4zrZi.wm¢t%of"E:'zqq2:'o22z.4Z may with good cwizfcimca in a,’l:fimce at“, ‘ ffixzg, Lmazx mi g?a%z:er;4mm;¢{’:::~1l3Iif11eci,Whgr.rrimmi;-semi; enrlaawgcrea/, cfijfifliieilly whsrau »1et5i‘W!'{}’ iWmz»'c:-‘.41’, takcup Arman’ withaut, and agaiuPc the King: par/5m/J‘ ¥Cwmmz.m2’.s*, sf‘ £3.21“ 2-¢°fi;;f:~‘. ¢ % * A4 % A 1 1 E‘-effanc We ufigcz czfwhat 21 Par[:.}m:g:;::t c.:.vaf1dmiz"2 ~52-gland, it will be necdfzll M: ’i~;:faé:smr.v;>s;*.1.*3.a£ &§ihdAmfVga*ézair:msemr this“ _¢_«-; %a;¢% ¢_-_’{~m-.«;£gr.;-3 fa k:wW,flf1at Z~3';z<_g»jZ.»;z;2-air £3110: 3 fi.1%Anp1yf%,s3or.:!i:mzive, an‘7§;3r¢5j1fl)';’z¢l'.é';15fimf"§"“@”‘WMdi5»m..»« H-z-'£~, and, 213::-z'.'a:.:' .fl%:z«’.w=m:rcr’.V:}' ;. '1%'his: mixrmrc, mi Caa;~a'£mt£wz is in the v»e‘:ry Swpremzzfia wzfj’ mt pmvm: it L::*ifi::,.V. m1?:g:rw1f: that .i...??~fa;mrc-E} were um: mix: : al1jL'~{mm~c'!:w.c% F éuavc 9: mimma, 01* «::oznp~o{ir:i.on 0ffi¢z5arr£.£mrc, and und%cr~mifia62rs% in them; but ¢i"“m‘m:‘E".&-.: {—.J;:“-?’l-5T”{.;)l?/z$:E?.:'£fff£fly‘, an /.1543/Eqflf p{‘s'I.,m':r,i§ 1:: f£:-1{7c'¢'ampoz;:mrlcd~3fi‘ ;; Co0m’imLm’% E1-3-~ i7‘a::2te:3, 2:; ;*fi£.::»Cg, wm% £r2’azg'2%;;3~E P~;wi%aJma:*.+r;t Mg; 2.1mm EH37 mi.9a°: powrzr no» wflkéa ;;;c»~%a~.~;a’,»E:z.dz,::.n=’ ;r:»axt§ma'itj.s* "ms=.}-' :5 11 any mail? ;f~;;~';'.‘:3§-:<:?':a:jfi}’§”“¢=z:r»::;“e'. A Th Ar*r;:.1f<»: i*2%~:;>'1ds ffili, Sm!» mi '2.- Amrzcz. :~..:~«:x:i::* ‘Z7~i—flf:»53:52'?i‘3l°: A)/I{?§9?‘o?fi7P7¢rt:=v.r zmj-;;:' amt iirivczs ; hunt in ri:i§;s‘«;~.sur%r11ixt highcfi pom ;~W€I‘, ‘:i‘5“:$~":1W31f3:§}z2?'r4.’;£,:¢;2z‘i;9;»;!,~ farm‘: a UA..*.«-2~d.;z‘,~»z.,Ira;::'.s.~:~s .: 2amdf‘1<:1‘:3 t1»:.* %mi:Ahc:r rule: §‘;c.*‘:MS as ‘£fr‘§.”:;-2“, C0a?';:;t’£:a=.»:zf::*;i7rg:‘®'.iz?c?r;:.v,Kz¢:,:"1.&v1‘k’;—zz3‘ Caomiimzztcs §.7.:2p}’J1A5»} Cziflh Otfifiru This z%:m'::?2rz:a°'c* that: .‘.1F‘:E‘-r”5';t';A“'.$' wMz+:;d§:::vi%%y himi7::.EfZ:: :3uf3:cm gyicaffci in FMS Declmraztiaxzx m ap- _g;?>t.§a ‘$533 33 é"{v'»;%.¥ £c2:~'4~:;7;z*'.~:~;~‘.J27:§’»"_§,:’3* >f-itimi efth: “C1 é/émztar,Aithé Kiwg%i‘§7"‘?.}W§®érfi: m°isbrA A fidouié? ‘fie: t‘his“ V 9 filwgr sshmi etAh%ers‘§'br xmzach exploded, _‘§‘»i>rjf1:?¢“3yc':r tamer (as; = ht A{g;s:21§«£-:38)‘ cf thila -5’ '(]q'z'errm2efi¢tbcfi‘~fi)f slam E_A/i‘me:,1h¢ ;r1ra¢AdAnm; may Z“/5&?‘.eéUWfl1?2a>26‘k'_ (‘A he {psalms 95,} pg reckon éjr, that one 56 /tiff? t/am three. ' ' '1 Eu‘: yam’! my, what P is neat tin P,:zr!£.w::¢é;¢tj?s¢éan{£;zm*.e m the Ia'§;zg 5’ me ;hey 1*gs;';.\:;‘;$,*a,H,5£';‘!.‘i”»’2.£*Crz4"".£‘ .9 I Aa;'afwcr {Ti fl P.4:'5'!z¢zme.w£+Z:aE"i3"3'a'1t bra“ fwd pmpariy my be a Sraé:-A W A A . I. £96} , A1:>t3»::::‘c21'7:2 t%1c:%I(£::;;;r §f3ap2;rt, and ‘Eb 33:23 i1‘x::,»m1«:! bi‘: :¢.é2ie&2“”- to i’1i€17};1“‘‘?:;‘.:ffl : may '1?1m‘ :3a‘.."s.‘: the mo J:’~:?'m»,/.2’: v.=ir1"m=u%%thim 4A§azZv£sfi‘.+*.;A cveryl :mcm%%bcr/2=a:~y€;s=¢gVt;a%+:e;n ,'T:‘- % %izzJr2r.éa'f/j!,‘.§s aj.S’w5z'e~E3, but :31} cs:!!e~62%z'y.m‘.in$ t7r3c:%ir% 17i’r2.z;fl*.g cm::% mar, nay, i73mEZm thf: 3233,, ;z,_;,5é,,!rgW,, ‘égrcfmz I;.A.awy‘er7i$ ft) b(;3'1d,;as 2:0 Q37, T53 If /cmzmé 4:391’: /aim, écfiaflex Mae Y‘:-(,,‘?"{"':(7'Z~‘ -,‘;W,,3..A Zmp; W/J;‘?”.c¥z’5)r 1:2./2 zit moan??? Ifiwzg, z’z'l{g?2r:¢zV'fle has Can'n* of Earls: and Bqgr02s5,. {S;g_fi‘i£it’m:r:5 fl:i1«izags, no laigifzcfl pz:~rWer is raw fi5_,,m3 ..,_,,Wg9. A H V A % V‘ mz'res.}3>Aszru;=ze$,,%,,_ A AB%utyou’1fE1y, how can fh<3_§? vJ1*:ich am every one a part Sm’2ic.£Ex, mt bs all 3”‘ M‘ 3%"- Szzlniaffr i:x%t}3wir Hafiflf 3 D035 thfi‘ Ki’°’..§’,~’ 527"?‘ WW55€55% thfiin 9 No, it was the co2qfe:¢r%o*fbnt}: I€i;»gg' and people, ii} the firit caalitéozx or can-flirz¢ria:zAAri>@ €116’ jg-0'z2;£;’r‘;a*.*3i:5:2:-ial‘, that makes; thcsm in maxi‘ fc;v'eiraI%1"AHo¢::fe.r coo;-viii:-:z;'e with his A.M'a.. igfi], ncjtfmfiqrclimre :6 him, he W‘ clfa W M3: M11‘ .fl}f0;2‘“7‘€by :fim£Vvr 1n0re.£AhcnA*Afthé;.t A c::f‘2"’zmE;ie 5* But dwth mt th»-:.~% Ii W’ri£‘ ztnaietc them a P.«aw'.z?m;aa;zt'i_’ %It?dofi‘hAs mciinariiy, in zaaffizz c=:c'.ercim, but in axis"?!-zfi*_z_9",?z.~,2a*fa,~ it i:; the Chg/§£r:ztia.;¢ 0f the g,»;«...A re,-armcrwzswr d~:flg:¢e5't17@1nt0if, a11d;Aw:crm3i:1g}y pmvidex fixer itin an m.2;m,¢/1, or m:u.=:.5r zrzmmzz v1vcifl7itAuci“e*; wIm=:rte% Iwtxzz by the W2«"£y',« H13-t whereas it is Qffltfin‘ !.1?f5~”'»'fi‘t§‘,;’th;1tt1T$'}’;1r€jbi.1f‘-13f?"€0:€*I?:**C€s*’{, tab: ::::’J5’;/:7 .6): V/Sir» A; it is tmrr, that aims a{;\5’f7"l2’ an“; em .9311}, cm: jE;"}€}7 saw a.. *7 mt":firiz-»com“?i1irzzA:.£o.vz%manta b,-3; ¢»[g=... : . A §'f‘six1j;’ Abm: r.;g7?q;2a2a’t:3 h§1‘1'1,, n€">4t LEJ imz:au:?£* (213 ’C.}1~Z-‘afiv hia‘ LmA:.1'r*.r-— ca C6333’ of‘ [::,.(;!f "}I;»,«,Z_;;;».o»”5%a4c{'*.f€!cs: 1'2:;st.is0{.'ély'%tlm I(’i;gg.r, bat their !tfim_g*;a’a;=z¢.e-J Cawsw/!,%% eleéhdby .232‘, »-flfiex gm-a-— 11;}: »‘§:-i‘;*~,::z_., 2‘::;j ii I'.'3::z xzwwgzly 21 pmVcf‘r‘«céyfcms/fi2’:z':2g;', {mt c2‘§'6onfia22rz';¢ag th;:- 1»:/V2‘; his eremzg. .:_=f£‘.,AA ‘ f2:f»:f *z~'h¢:% %I.~4h.“:a:,11'%*:.' £>i"C'::‘::mrz1¢'3I1&is% ma’ fieciczzziwxz, :35“ a;~a.'=;y’é~;2r27é*r24:[z¢;¢.¢-3, hmV€:%ver', a,vgr_';_=,F01‘~Faz 32.. .E"(t.‘1j{:.~3'$¢M"e/V‘ ‘£:T"*.~'."'J-,i?'£1mA«§§°tc‘z:2;:§’z‘§‘?z¢"I 'c2«;:::+az‘A‘;E,a:*<.*.: its canAAb:::A 3 Law, wfnerc-1-Iriy it fuificicz1tIy%ap-«- A“}d,"3‘i”°* ‘I i'}g~,~::.‘%}"qA:~.:?A':»;7~; ‘«*.§\;§,.v :2 w>a;~Q7;'2z.AA-ztiwcpegnaw: in the ‘:1’;-):?':L,2(’:l:'pf"#l7~?‘:Z;’&gr¢j‘&‘gI1.3I’-fig)-3‘.;3%T£¥b‘fiE%?riI‘)fl£P1€ Mpgw; /‘Z_£‘;%g;:;‘l{:'::2‘[:; ?, “Q N F f vfifzra if, thfi lfiflzxmn ip//Eu wjzgm‘ C1 .a..a+‘?'.’-‘E’-‘a5'.$‘, V ,}3'.2t‘y::n..:’A1 M2: the::':: mm? than one Iaigl:-sfi‘ SA’ I*~?I0,% thf2£'ti."“iE-3 but 0:vzc*,,.b:,"a‘I; %"""::7_‘?iP01‘€’:’:‘<3‘: L " V . 12:22.»: pmpmew ' ur %‘f}"‘;'.V-'13," t?‘.F;’;? 3...‘? :*‘t~‘-.“'.‘Z'.»‘«z;‘1‘ £133, §;"‘I‘1i.4:'.‘ "I"»;"."?.C’.’.‘ z'?§’JE’\f th§s—A_.¢;3;r;%n.u-:.¥z.*1*_=‘cx1'1a°s~z‘nA: “ ;i7j3fi3C§'1 P I aA:*17§wm* 7bsfr?.zr?§Aa‘:za h1iE3IF."’l'3§~.‘i»‘§3~‘.i»‘3S abwfva :nr.2r1t§m1=2a:1%c«:=nfi:i”§'im1,%a%r1 ‘«(f.6:¢;‘{;/J'»1'?ai€:*;filf‘cC-H‘it. 7”‘ JFaWzj/L%*€%"%i$hcZ*r<2§z1'?§uUa1‘Id.hGin€, L7" i:«;_g is ..Axwi¢‘§¢{i§¢r;;r;g ;T{1}.%$' Apaagze ;’.’s}* new aN3.~:~?‘ ;‘2’Je.’sX¢ t.9;:.¢;'?1gg‘2m[1‘qf'§7azz%crwi§ricfi3fiama: erg [am-2 f.‘,??,;,;¢,»; %V‘m”‘,:am 15‘2?fi2jj'Ef*£L*§’“.a}¢c¢:?3L”i§?é'E;i5 £3‘ 4;; ‘pa/3Ti;id;zz’:!eATz:2«a>t% svegmlipazwxg Arfimw. hsmat :':s:.m*w¢s any’ {F3-Z£.",1s'~‘,~,,~{»fA3.,*;:~,;fg",s{,';g;_g.,zj,~"‘; }J.1£?a';’2‘, qua Exam» V Afihl 9.2 5': , hwhhn oppoifd ta ggggaxll. i (4!) A A V4 thing eF:7}reekth kwawmthe w_erdA P ollitimll Aimplyeé a mix: ‘7’r£ncip4t,fpcciaW ‘Bl1ty€)L1’1fi’£j,=‘ ( wtthe the Treatf/Ii‘) the King Kingheforc he takes his 04th; 3 ~ \,.r in H ‘ * *_- ' V « - a 3‘ A . W . TM mu” but he 13 Iouxghut upun the fame tern}? whtch hts Wredeccjflaurx %( m A '"‘~‘“wft=*iTi§:ht he farllawcs ) [mare to ; andthe 04:5 which the Law pmvidgs fat the [<5-img end his Prcdecejfamr: ‘to take, virtually hintjs him cw,-,%n bcfgrc ha take 11: , Whllfl he helds the Kmgdome, but 111 thenght offimcfliazz , fer. the fame Law that comreyes upon him the Crown in tightoffiaccefliam, charges upon him the taking efthe fame Oath his ’7’rcdc:.-.f,77;ur: have dencfiom whom 4 by the: Law he claimes the (‘row 5 V in that refpetft it is, that the King is“ faixfi A in LAW not to die, but afemiflt, hecaufe they alt’ {till live in him. _ But Ayotfi fay, ‘T15 hard to” apprehend how the fame men that ércAaI1 Snéicfis fevetally, 1’hor31d in their heufes not hefiséieff, but caardiamta with the King .9 It may appears cafily thus: a Father amd a Senate are hy a deed mfimfitmmr jeync- ly entrufied with vermin: Lanai: to uG:s,, the Somme is itillfizéardzmte to the Fat A that as Som¢e;but as Feafie, in the tmfl,‘ he is not /Znéieff but caardimzreaanii ~ Qytnt with him. And thetfbre it is net a little to; be wondrsrcdat, that {o many cipecially of t11eLan;h,who are fanciliazrgs mm7,éarne (‘games-flmr: M the St'm’c',im A - whetn their {hares both oftmfl and finrercff in this Supremacy ofpowerein eI’m*.g rliammr, the very canflitwtion it ielfz: of the government hath inm-fled their very Hood with, fhould he £0 much Wanting to t/aemflslm-1, their poflcritidx and it, 31$ »~Aupon~a batew/W31: to defer: that mxff and intm.-fl in the gevernement, which .their.F.s:rée-r: with to much of their wares convey’d upen them, and fa much A0? . their Mead preferv’d for them; Their very Ftiie Camite: and Pam-xttim_p1y in \ Parliament a aaard£mm3meSac-iezyhwith his Maiefig the government ; they are; A a in tParZz'4mm: his comm; his Peerx. I know ‘us ftronglytA‘talAleaAdgedttQat “could not Pray with fiifity for mzm and mmmlt: .- I mufl: confeffe ‘us much to hé ’ wiih’d there had been none;hut the Hazafex alleadge againcgtheyt hindred them vwhat they could, and thczrewas no Law to punifh them 2 fpecxally ‘cumming A A hut as Petitioners, and that his Majeities feat-e W33 fa Iithtle Fram them, that the tmerrow after the grcateflc of them, he went into Landon; with an ordinary re- titme ; and that moPc of the Lord: departed not, till long after all was qmet ; g what hat-i become-of' Ifiw/, ifMofE: had left histfi/’”"”g’” “)9” 3V!‘-“Ty t#m#i£?But ofthis but by the way. A t V - A The ‘world 1-mh;bc;m1o_:ag abus’dhy_AACo;¢rt-‘7‘rcac£rer: (finch maybe as this Doftczt ) fir(ttcr§,~'iz1{-_;_§ up thefzle D;£wIm°ty of Manarcky in t generall, and then what, mutt fivllow) the aéfivlnrem-_(]7e of this in the Kingxfble Per/Em. NLO mata- *v1e11,widfi£zz' ;¢e:ga,ti.—..by ms cwzfi they a*orAt/m'r living. Now they, doc(W1th this 4:‘: Rcjflalt-er) hbeginto fore» fee and acknowledgefihat Aiffllamrcbj were ofmaméf and J?}C'c££1?l?-'£n.f%£tf£f§£773 from God, it would at once ccmdemne all other formcs A of government c;§'re;'et*t‘it1§j.9.;a divinely mamxz, and therefore nnivcrfi/Z inflzwti-t ma, and make this Mounrchjh "as unlimited as any cather; Forwhat limit; hhorafierv H wand: can man {ht tie giads ijgeciall :5 _fli::m'_’om.? ‘ That there be in all t.S’mrm:.r of‘ map 4 m V ‘ ‘I - -. .. w ~ cw‘; .- - E‘ " «W: “ firm h€43’W&:*~,~ M9 w.‘{‘,y to :2». fm. . A.mz .. M)’ ; ‘I ‘ “A” -'‘> mm‘ M‘. W 0‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ u ,' “I 4" '9 m. H “:.y“f‘<: %.:I‘'‘‘ I: ‘ H‘ ‘\‘ r 3: mm,3£W§;»«mm.»,»m~ (5-apablc afar 3 9;¢z4fi f'El§f£;() m 2... M .:7guI..+. F .1“ mi: 3.,» gm: M. m .¢7«'z«:>7:;zF;a"ae:;:~:H :1¢.m:u man and) mom/!A~ but fhafi this zww'c::1neainba;:LfU,»:r»r A ‘ “K . ' A ’«@»’¢-. Emf-E111; f;.73. h {Haw or com/Etmf‘ r"~’%? £‘i7‘e:m'°..27:f7‘;2"=W‘ gmw hs'.mt<:*d,2s%asqL1r-A .z;.,.;m.,u.,. .w;..a:a t cpw ~~ -: 7 ¢;;~.,,...,«» ”‘ 1 W In .4! W M '1: 3-1 -M‘ ' ‘ "(‘~ -A’, ' ‘ ). . v " M M W N ,ev w:m’d, Ezrmm pa:»M§M!.c-mrzé popzsrlocfizmw-3 Zfmrr /am; JL «av.» L A I“ E Va ‘ I ’W\ ‘I 1' . W7 V*"fix ""‘ '" " W " ,' J" 9 « I 3:’ felfc Qtmthc Definer tcls mix?) an fiflzm aft ?’mr>*'a!2'a?"I«%'%‘=i"§ H3 ~" ~~~”~~73» 7*” . f M. Mr M 4»? Nu.‘ mg W,‘-E’. ",“v',r‘v“" ‘r A 1‘-"' ‘ "'7 '" 1:2 ‘ himmffi ac§I;.nm.x,r1c:dgc3 mvissfisw, cmazfaflirzw .¢. gfv “CK ‘ 9.22‘ Qafiadl . 33 ,-‘ .;'“x My / ‘V . V1 .4‘-n nu f‘a;~,g_z:g *3 ‘E_”n‘:{':~:;M"'f".‘”""*}:;\'.-,’ a’f‘(§‘_"£"l}.*:’°.>""a'?;”»°"(, t 9 I 0 iv .. .' v N £W£cLJ?2£”1S:]fi'¢7‘€6v.'.’!«%’$i>20, M: mm §."3€EhfiK.1i9z.?¢M3n0nm!}..: W W‘ Y’ %_ ‘L if It was hm: wmia {Emma guod 1”z.s,I}2zt-‘/'3.£;e;j:}' v=m;.£'?;g;,_o:'.’Vfi“ w2~»~°-"N«»«;«“»”[.¢ 3*; n 3* *=.‘.*r{1 ~ g?;~m g~.~f’3c:= Qkigfafizh€?”§fi?’:73€}*3£’wr§.fi;wZiMia‘ King, 03? 3/ 5? 995’ ,;:’3”' ‘~33 "‘%‘W"'*’ 5» “"44” 3"c;:*.,%:~3.c‘~.tF £3}; 0?‘ am W-2} hLmf:::-m=:;° 7.Ca-‘m;»ui5s :4? Me ¢;vz4::2:»2.,.aa-g M 22:)“ :52: .r 5 5:6 M-w ~.2£*a £= ‘mZv.r.».2£'+~7s=:m~~ a‘.£fm.= rcigflalt 0%’ mrwew ‘_‘.&«f:”:H ;: 65‘5:225‘:/;?¢LZ'€4'fJ?‘.!I‘ m.::n"m::°.» % ‘ 'V *’ -w ” ' mg» ,z°~5’~:~“ li?,;=.:‘~c1xt.;~»";;~"_ zf‘.«'2’MI m:Z"“(,;*f7 33‘/’.’:«..€:r*m' awst-w., ice fl ‘. ‘ ‘ " I ‘ . “ :m‘«qu "u.;'.h I4 :3 £2 E;:.w..r 3 timw aawfaz five’ aw t;."‘~’."2‘>I'3.“I1!;'3.'.*LEI?:L‘-.-M"‘*:.«’+.:"‘Z' ;;r:¢.m. wt. cm. Wr3£7 F2”ef?Z;°‘ :’330:.w7¢:2’7 M I‘".gf€JD:£’ .c7m’.'-"'.7»”-” H} mm‘ rzflcmfi I1’ mt d I Z‘2:“tW';3c7 £3 . A u ‘ V v “ . ’ V .. . Md-1?,» —» 4 ,.».. ,,q,..~ «~.~ “ ‘ 4"’. ;":'?3;2;‘§§'E"3\L1EE3uV'x;:fl*o,1*;:»:/yam fa rr9.m'2t.>’«;:“»_.3 ‘/ z”lmzi*-w!.«.f’ if/ 9:?J"y .'?’:.7.m./.s’}.' ‘G: M /A,2 .».~.~_.)z*w’u:~* cm §,;;.1L 12%;‘ }?T‘r;if$‘.r’€"E~‘:J‘.§f«, £754 Uifih Wm £’?z“.~a'z““c.@ l§1?¢?£’6'6’ r:f}‘“" £2215 ‘C«1(i«1'fi';.Z=‘.'11E:"i 3: <.:‘:w1.~;'i ’;m.‘a ’ .~.;:rc ,3?:*::;:g:*u?.2f 22.‘ F0. ‘ . r ‘. , 4, ,~ ,¢, ‘ ~'w,,‘.. Mu . R00 xyj w'.- _ ,.- v »‘,,.-¢~ , fig, ‘to pwqrya-mg ‘;j‘;?ft-£u?“7mp_€ }”‘i‘f¢,';w}r9 £:"’.I,‘K."4A9:»"/i"i:',-‘E’ hi 1~>’.‘\~f.;'~ ;..“'»' /.+.<;"x ,4" M ',4cfz’fl 5,5, ., ,{«,.,.~,’.,«;, £r;';:{:::a"_1L.7fl 7§;i.".£&it'i(,sx1z*n 630.4! (M ‘{‘?~w’:n:~».?;«e2 fiamjr ‘\‘s*?*'»W‘ ‘t'mLé7‘»'3A£ii 3 In 4 if A an 2!*z::".ar,n5/<9 ‘ _ R I ‘, fivvm ; r*.{1.;’fij;If5:w5?, Sic-» W11 mm is:f2mc,'; mz.‘-Li; mzxfsgg; r:w*:~p~« WW Km, §,m_ W, . _ \ H: A ‘ _ we I ’ . “ ,1 4' ” n _ _ \ "mrae.:fl1;arm:fi.:iiY fub01':1’cM:c>1.2% 22:3 z§“2:~?2':ffv7;3"5"4*{“‘V9’~‘%‘%*”“‘i*‘" €“iEf%fl1.‘“%*= "*:;€ii“W’7‘§ ‘£7”‘? Ml)’ gfumf:-”0E""° ‘I... % ,. :' M I 5,. V * ~ 1 -V ~ «r A» - - . ~% .c 31:1‘ cm} xgiaawfif fimnasl, L3,: §,«3;¢I_.I‘},;,“0»’;:’«.’.:',‘»7 ‘:.:‘ta xeimgffl J5 Eafl-~.. u.uC;..,.€I‘:’ OfIl%S‘f1'1”11W, ..xm.’i r.hc..:..cf32,qc3 b 1» {AL ; xcfi =’ ‘ ' r’.:’..:,u:€.;,a*, arm“ E3«.n:::;zs.:&; mz1c~: 2:; zi»r?€*:&p:¢*r}}7% aigatnfit ‘” W" W" -A’ * ‘~ iumf:c1orz as m Wis a.£§v.'it:‘C§, .«.2:»2;a .2.*Af‘.:~% ~ ,‘ W" “ .‘ ,4, 4. w-.. mt -u - :*,n« ,,m .,‘’.i‘ :44. Y am, (‘K _, . ' " i 5" I“. ' ‘I. ‘ 4‘ m1:=n«:: WM. Cam, 1?»: 21%» 3 1’: :r;?I+§’:ij 6:/,I~'~’~" ‘*7 J” ~‘~~"W A3 if M» K11‘.-33 ‘E70 {W3 -3 b(:r§;»P;Q,l1[cdfl V ' ,, ‘ ‘ M,» -av." » . x, O V’ %n;‘xg/zzas :5:2*;?*i5s:~f;3; i¢_.~!.~Z£é’.:"2f¢!s€, I~..~:*_;c*1z.-2 "°“'“t;"2"“‘“g%:‘ '5 W’ w‘*'*"‘‘“ W‘ ‘«i1W ."i!1d W ’€’¢'."‘”P W313’ rm’ 2 2 n 1 1:71) ML ~* z/Luat M/W etf I.).A"’«'i<3.’~5‘ }»*»:§fl?, :1 XI»! )1 £k9;*std’ if/5:9 Ikfiizgg 5.; M W 2:z_gm’;5’ 0 * int 5 74'.-.<;»w efjm We 2*‘? Qwd oxawly, man? 3 mm’ i'Z7L‘i”c:”;‘F:?7/“.6” 2%-:6 Ozawn 13; 24%‘ M «1’,<"»5' 2 f5" f*‘5"""I/¢¥‘~‘«‘-‘£7 ,2 .7. .1 '44- 5:»! r 1”‘ 1' ‘ I" ‘ «'*‘,“‘ W91“ ‘ '""""L*“ 3* """‘m $i‘0£fl,_-3'0 mm éwrt gjaal ;, ( \s.,74.7§w'c:a3 ‘JZ?wmzuy' ‘RAB aim mfi mzmfi 61! m.r:.zL..C MC. Cm: wmcne an OM: ssmci, 3 E7022’; is, ‘T.‘m.t 22 z:~2;w is 2:0 ('r7®<9»a 3“ 0"W~"i9 ‘/3’ ‘1‘7**-*“"7"i»‘A‘*"‘m‘5“-" W a 1 ‘V ' » ‘awn '1 .3 0 .a «gag, Im.‘ in thtrrcarc g parties mu, W30, by W/:::.:r;~.w 311% ta ‘W/J:v;>;,»¢ ;‘;:»*«“:1‘¥;-~:«:: E‘!‘!«’.ifa.23, 12 3 1 <..::3;c ‘ » % '4 % - 2,, _.;z. W33; tsimy, mt‘ cxxarsrue Vflmzuf Axa (Sufi, the pc:op1c'arc tlt2®e“pa1*ty[2j wbvfirt 31:: fW'€‘ Wil1telIuS,%*"fl7at t}1cAKiz1gisoL1r1ie‘qa Loni, gs.w¢13. 33 V"~;’€31f‘f;1'S 1i'v51£:‘6’ *.i1*§‘3€>‘:"/$3» thatia {V23 tha Word fignifias) mmmz/Z} éazézzcienyamcjifi m 0tha.*1;.;rA .AM t‘j1=i..2‘3_‘:‘a:_7ci f mm<::h more of this ‘Demetrim divinity W:-‘£8 oz‘dan22r11"ym*mach & them: 5 awi” -“ififi Iwg’. Lfimfawiggx, and’a11buponthi:§2 trrour thatchc mam rq/?:»*zV"wé'eF Um, i‘hC%trth¢.f*W _ g __ % * A % A % _;u:¢;;rc2x:a.mm +6) %§‘w;.«re2saacy efpmver was in thc4K;ng: P¢rfv’r%. and that /:isiudgcmet1tWastEm {fits i"uprc;m*1'c mle of‘t§13tp0uger.% Bgfl: xwwgm arm. A u 0 Nmv thrs and em‘ m.::—;w£?:: of thia mzxrwe of the 3 Eflam In Athls g§‘M'art3mCntg, am ma fi;_j,V0f fifinaj, as allgo*.*erx1<:\r1mntzayzr:»::s at fifiij, fr: tins tmnpzzrirn ‘:1: at aha r1i;a§ain%g tlaizs fi?j§x;vmorcfiy€?~«a1‘ 1m*c:HTh.¢.~; cxmnx-1'_-awn 1nt c~r'<§Pt ofrluc whale may of'.thc: Eiingdflimé in Parliainarizt, thus tjw1i_h~*:c1%w'rth th“eB.1ng4s, r~n>a:l<;c:s-t.ha. (ls./vie ofits drake? offézféay £_h‘0n:,;:,§j@r : S'0"thei1,..,_tb_ai.* +gmvr11:11:¢::z'§t by“ PaW‘E?$V,rfll?3 ;,m:0firy%2‘y1tSr;:d, £3 mrdi11arxI,y~bfirru5;%cd%to{he I{:%n§f,g3,V wh€§‘t1»n, 1f.?m;* fe3.§I~:;‘i' and rr:fE,;£'£:~, ¢ithc:r to f§:.:li4avJ thfii rm’: La Vi’, or to m: cm! i;«a'£:ft}?, ‘ms cqamzmrex m this; m£.,~m»:n—r<:-f the fuprcaxns pm.vcr muf’c’ .s:ccm"di.r?ag fat) t}w«:.*:.§r t:‘u§.’c j%;2;,=/y, Em y{2u’l fay, there 33:10 W2-iz2wz~or /"z}22.:!.:«z::z:wzza2/I ;L'.:wv far this. I zmiwztr to fizmakc: proptriy) 1'I’T‘i€‘.b¢.i‘ ‘*3mz';?*%.z*.s?.»z% it isfwper/grzzfiswe Zinc}I1fltf:%!M§t'o1??:8?2;‘u22‘Y,W7Jz‘I‘¢fW 1:3W.*’3:7s,’£}’33t v...=c:fc”n<3»t Lam/cs b~...{"m‘€ Wir‘z”rs"m, are mpealcabla and altemble, cvczn whiic the govrzrmnsam rcxnazims the fame", 2?s«’}¢¢{2m'$'£*F'3I?&‘.[3"iL‘£i‘m"20?f : a fwundatian . mufi mm ‘on’: i."’z§“rr’d wh:lcthcbL1il=;i§n;;{%amu:is34 That of Magma CL’/mrm, v.rh~::rI-4:.'~ O %‘;«::-fl: t}zcf:%]%;z2d.vsme22m!x are (at 1#:af3:)izm;)1y:::L*i mv.:2.sz ..Z'..«;z~:=z2 bacfbre “t was Xivrwrm, and but th:.=ra;=>,A anal’ thcm, coilcch-.ci fiat crzztaficzr coznfazrvation zmd ufi: - % but if we: . .9 wouid knmx,r wimt £5 mmnt by thoafe flwzalmmanim/I Laawchfi‘ «amiis Kingdoxn, fin much j:::er’d at in this and gm-r Pm;2pi3f.«:~r.r ;& it 1&3. that mri;g;iz3::a11fiamwf:his 00... A ar:!ia2.«:ta='g0vcrn1mn: ofthc 3 .é¥;zr::A»rViz'm 1%2r'ii.ez:*nr:m com!/efzfwi to, ‘and camrriwm by the people in its firi} z:mfz‘£z:4r£m7,f_a11%d fiucc in every icv‘cra+11I"Mgz1¢ confirm’d % both by triutuall 0%»2:.im bctwccn King and p*£Opl€, and ‘confiant mflamc mm (as we fly) om afmimd, which with L1$ a:n<.mnt*s m a Law, when-éin thm mic = xmlmm gizapraéazmr prceflmaz'rm', it c:2m2":ot be: d1fp:mvv"d fintzm taki11g place up» an all occaficms, tberc:fmc% it is to béc: pmfum’dto hams: cormi xcd fhomthc be» ginningmven in rhr: Parli%ament Summons of'8'ilnmrdA I’..f”?‘~ fi}zéi!i'ra, cg“ i§flttflm&3, m»'cz.1%bt:§s;)rs: it was ."> Wcard, % % Now as this 2wz'xr.w~e, the mean unto thzs flallcrfzzfiry, diets mt, “iris not pzerfi... mm’! but i:2c'grpawzr€, and C‘o;~parm-ianx(thc Law fayczzs) die mt, Io, that Rcwffin or (53) An ePca- ?x:a_.1ii'h’d and kflmvn Law. 7 i5,C31¢%f£i%a Lm % mf£z’am: of Srzéw fiat firé} mnmlzfd it dies. mt xucirhgr, it 1iAvc.<;«PcAi1lin that ~ which :h¢1aw¢caUs thcflmfin of that Kfizggdormé, tlm Warm‘ and Qrdimmcax 03? Pmfliamzmr, which being the fame: (an the com£’crzz€hr:21 wfxhc: Lzwv) with t}”hf1x": % which firfi: canm}v’d‘a‘he g_a7,~eW2me:wt, ‘mu;”c needs have Pull powemr to n2pp{y%t%bis :z:0ardinm‘i0fl'£Jftl’1€g0~'b'e$*;:§#¢€?Jt to its cndfazfzety, as xvvfll as it hav:iatf fiI‘fic to intraa V ? date it 5 othcrwift 1': thzmld not ftifiicmnt irum in {hit t>_}ji_§c‘v (T)f;.31i mVmr2e tp its wn~:!._ H.:rc,i2z aux‘ prcflanz cafrr thc neczsfliry oF:zpply§1A1§z t§+':i:5 cwrdinmion %o1*mi=.wm'c% V of t'r;c;~gaveW1?P36’J¢t is §rz*x%Jain«-?I¢c¢ 0fdwg£‘?, mvihich (ifany man will ‘ make: him»-7 iiitif-.: fin very a ft;-angers: home and ta» all thf: Wmld br:f"idr:¢);1st%o d<:my9‘it%,% the“ matter isnor sgrcaz, .’t‘is camm mm jzxdire, “§~rv§1V:as~waz1c.‘¢tl1r:rc ~:11o%::~tent%‘arxd <.”m“.I‘L‘k- iA%i’c:«3j$4a{qc that? raw F2'cmfi:( whs3rc*iz1%thc:* l,';azT47f'i1':1§{¢.’S the Rw4fi;’rr ofthr.-2' Kinqdam V ‘m1'¢fia*"§~‘: )AA%?Lvhc:aE1:av<: by Vote concluded it ;% Njvsy the KVié¢;(;r5:flf»zz'¢v.€?Jy Zjixxwzléfc ¢w%_ia£km:a wl<:'d§2:c8 ii-smimnce fifdfiwgfir 1' n his Writ qf5':a‘mmaw, /IL{.ar¢;2’aa'mmc_;»;¢ad3 {£0 nfiai‘:r:z::¢%,di&7Zj¢rzearz, weg¢;£or#m4 azrdgaimrga ;:eric;a»lza immimntiéw,%%imzx1inmt« flafigflrfig % (7)fl daayrx: where, (by the way) vm may take notfca; tI1;2tIz2°s M3j°e{}_y is by the A abum-«-zn4:,ntiox1cd fi:z%1da:nwnt;2ll Law ta cal-1a‘Pm!z.:zmwt wvhcn tlmrc1h:a11b,a any Aimmimmr daqqar. % £ %_ % w % . ~ ‘vVr;I=l, in this ivsaav-.viz:.v.e;¢ra5;cmg.er.of the State, the mean: thcaught fit by tfiis the Efiiirzgdomcs mafia to this cru.i1:ts%,/5%/'$t}'*, %is,%t11c f<:CL'z?~ix‘1g0’Fit$ Cj5‘2?!?£i¢: _- ( mg _/;'»ed.c o~fR_c:f};r;:1ati«.vaz1 an-mo bcflwvm, and no man but makcsm h1Asfi:zce‘b~;fTm:'c he ‘ foxmzs hrzsfiedg Hie State in its unfcsunai and mtten parts t-;3Ai3c.*j./m2c’d, it may be difmm/fired, and m;*h<;a-wiii §_3;m:::: ab«:3L1,1c%f:,:e::i1 :1 cure, but has will EH3.‘ bind the, pzzicmrgj I n th§s3,tE;m m‘d.im.:'y Away is tai«:x:=:z‘1,3.3y‘:a_Bz{! 0fi‘:m_~:! thc 1’("z';zg,l3c: «rch{,;f;:s to pm: it; I kmw ’t:wili ‘fa§<.7?_, ha x>mv:.‘r n:m;u:d. to pafi: it: I t cmmibré «sier- nni’d butthath¢:1‘cf'uf,:»a' m pa :2 it :.m«:m*diz1g; ta ‘Eh: advice z.y"z‘:§Jc’. Hmfivy, W§m._h % is ( fayjfis the Lzwv‘ thrzé i7m'n<:~ r=::v<::1f-1i2*iz1;;%r.mg?;';=z m’.‘":h:: a5t:rn:=:: that fim‘; .r La W %-"€15 A 1 , at an V a'.>cc;a.{'i«;:naVlE {'u;?s,3.5.y afthfiws c"aar¢*.im4riz5~;¢.uf aha g_§ov*:z‘n:.'r-z:::1e?{'i=“1 clzz 11*: =~.i:»:f‘.:;%>z3s: pa mg mg. fL1f;z1l)Is:2x{’c the ¥"Ji]¢j)ICi‘11a.?L1H I."LIi§"§i3,3€'}L?H‘£?: c0:1tmr:zs.=: b'.1?:£1i1~’Ci11§;»::L&£w2:%n7§y b.:;~1mj4, Em: y'.uu’I {Z1y,ho-»_—v, and wh-tare death t%11isa’€y:4~.«g/z2’;¢ af thc: State 3:11:33 fCiizjIWg in V the ‘Date: (sf ‘Pa a‘1i:m.nem£*,1ivc in tha; imrerwlx oi?’ P;%F‘§§.EE11»‘3Z“3f. I aznfivcr, z.»z’r.*m/Q ‘it Ii»-~33 t0 the n:::<“:".r?smft11;:St:ate, in 213:: pnrczfrcmt Lmw, tE1cAb§rrl2s of th:;r:f.; Vore.r, ,-gmrmtia/9/ m Pariiaencnts to‘ be: C:31l’d when there is I‘.1‘c';’.'¢d,1'.t bcmg bu‘: w-czsfiamszi, ncécads nu mntimmd a»:.‘:"tm1£ axiflcnacc. A A VVEH, hercupon thc ordinary Way MR5/l€1i1ir1g,,the Hmufiés mu!?c Ur;-3'-flggfgrg flueir trL1{‘E, but appiy it that way which by the cal;/?!'tm'ia;z {:35 the :.;;avcrnu mm: in fucfm c?afc%is%1cfr th¢m,that is, by thutir Ziatexaxzd Ora;/:)vzmzc'.a'.r_, fizheraia as beFor<::)t11c {Iamc,{€m{5.sz mfthzt Stare fltiil lives to p11:-f.1:r.,i:i-sfifi:}_ Vfhc I§_fi;1,Cr fciflp+::z'{ix’%si:'nh1s1'cfWall,an«§»1%%n%*‘c::ec*i of ;‘):1fl"ing :2 ‘Bill fiat‘ rhé.;<; {«‘:*mrcd U7/E’/its’; .jmi%ff::s.m: firm} againi} their Ordinmw 9:227 ir, c1;aiming tbs: tF.%.ffi‘4£'Iqa-faéahf‘ my b:::.‘- E0115; to him gthcry deny it not, fmlnc: difchargc it by this entruéirmsi Rm,6.»>z thgcw %Kingdon<2,th<3 advice of Parliament:.% Hc will diva itfiuut it {MI}; b:::“: by that ad vicf»:.: mfthean a;;'minf7c Wham iv mm be fl:«:urc_-:3, whom that Pgzrlimmmt hag; mtefjl ¢"mc°:mir::s ofthc Ssatsgfand a.9;;ai.m.‘t whom mei'pcwc%}alIy it was; firfi ma,/lm’: Nmv ‘rig -M , - ‘” - . - x % .‘ a mlmn Law, Inter;/z‘ :”ezp»x£3!zc'¢¢ mafléa re 72%; m #213 z~:t.1‘P‘azr[£dmwt, no more than the kmzdaaaa mm» %t‘},qe éaafyg m=zy,, mcr.y 21W.‘ mt wzmly in }§n‘11es‘ag:xinft Law ( Viitliout its mu « tmrity, bz1t::agg:r:1;3iE the wry bfrmgj; 1t Wh1Chd€§;';?€’:£3d3 cm P.¢zr:mm:mt..* Vflm. fl::ai1thc;.: mm mher I€i'fl.m=.r doe? z~mt°1*1i.11g bat an firm] is lseft whc:r~::-by tom» ' §_)3"a;-3 ¢:~thg;;~{?;: emeirzicifi 2.»? Iizhjg and JCir:gc2’or91e; the thnrd -E:i‘?“2t£g the Ifiimg, 5313 ‘ a farm f:*¢:~x1*a 3<;>yming to r%aai£?;: an e/{Way to their pz.1rpw1E:, as hcwit1vir::s%—a:Aadd::- ' taimszg tluééfiz: c=:1*1e:nia:--:4 the If'i;zga’0m’a flmn its j'...1{'l*ic<:.*: Whar, {mt wit: that , pc:z:x~w* in .~2§Wm5, vJ3.1iUh thcggwcrnzrnmr in fiich‘ cAaf§.1* ofthe: Ifiings r:.?:fiafi1i1hati1 cm-~ fFz¢,€3e:”{Ef§1€1TiR'W’iI:?Jt{M£“.:spVcfi~?'W».mzm and mixt gum-mmmt, m:.1c:partsrcfizfE:z11' mm-znpzs mt the other fireom its dmry, rmr mm} is: def?~.:«m..r[ the whcmzz mi’ itSflsf§«- 2}; f0, it Ih«;::»1.1H Azmra the wiry Md oftbat its ce:rarz:z’2';-:.~arz"s3c22¢-, which is ( as WC‘ liavefeczw ) fizdvpfy, far wIth~::: rmsref.écwis:y ofirs./?§fc'.!j'. ’ ~ . % Nam, at all axmms mazr I1?‘a.r:f_,’2’; 5;: p.:3?"‘1-‘ i n the fi~:;3z~c:n:3cy oi3”p0w'ct,aI1«i" in cafif: €‘2ftE1c”: 0fhr;?'r1:2:3.&‘tS Z3bfl7;3I"NI2<:2:,11‘sL‘3 z~v.¢5'i.%2(%%‘..slfi (math, wirrzmlgz the wfzmfe, but l1‘mI‘c”’.'fl.'3€-°- cially at this; rm <23 nuw the-. 1::’i:¢g l1:1th=b0undA 11ixnfI+:1fi:_ M_Lm-av I“10tt»::: a’i[]?»l.ma~ thfzm wviflwout t‘he:=1x* cm ml : f()I"ht1Tfl"%V€:‘V€F many Ptilc thé noWin%thcI(i:¢(gx abfstnce no ‘Y".caz~fi.m.2.ewr at 31%, arwd '??!i$ 1‘;/i:1j:fiir;'s own P.:ag,oer:h;ax*c f«.yr1*z*:cr:«aprc;'f.1 fis tr:nc%ing;tI1aM.‘vay , y<:°:: I W«:.L1T.r3. 9.‘l:;im:;: !<:.a1<;‘wv-..g'«.=%.’¥%1c“:*tI'ac:1'- thmrr he 110‘»V'2§¢fl”Llfl‘.lY- A in é_‘.w;._%¢£zm:! :3. I’.v2,m*'i¢».« 3;=m«1£‘ mt z‘1e:w..m.~.fE %1izI"1f1:1f‘E;{ii}-¢;>a*21 'Lw::Eng§ able: m d.:'flT2['¢?.«'::‘VI‘i' Without tmtir c0;q,e';¢r, thcry carmuz ‘6,"'»;7§§1“Yf"3%’;?i11‘;fi' $.28‘, 11r:%it?m1* ;;¢‘c2.¢<;§fl'r:1? hm‘.1“1 b<53<;,,‘s‘1wi'3t.‘:i1'1’s.:1 : ?La:3;m!!y x3iiiD1*w2: ithc: aczrmnot by M73 sa:m::a~;.:-23?, £42», tl‘1e;:'z111::.‘fi'a<~:=L:‘:«.i (wt: s1‘:1;: to d A %‘s‘!.'1‘I‘mi‘L“¢ by his m25fl:;'«zce* thcwa i1«?.:.°:.";‘:‘I:~‘"; by rm pazvarn ha: fl1<:>wl«.ibc::ai“)1ct:cmI:_5=wp.+r a:‘rd 5rc'az:@l"1§$ Law at cmcar, fbxft?%4zr: .«<‘Méi’ ;.1;;3j;;»zi:wtfl mm?-m.»’}£' w.7itT'1'V‘211*£:f $‘r;'«‘?{;"2’£a?fi' :15‘ well as difjbluriaw: and me»-' gzrzily a’.i¢_{]”.;:1’a-,»c:~ it in: czazmm, i.£’fim’iflM'zv’o{, itwrm11&1‘:::tr1ai:1c :1 fc:q22/['[’fl?‘[i.azma°fit f'5:A?1l3,% ;~1:'z£.=z£.;.ar}r¢.;:;ma.1~::::'i: ’ml<~::aw213-’ aV{;{z9t. ‘N «:11 their), :1 Paw/imrrzmat it Hill ma» K71'311iI"§;S ii? i€.’.i7f.."fl1‘_.; 2‘aE'"ld fl .1.”»’€"f‘l'I'.-»‘?z';’.WA2?t,";5*2£", ‘W/I‘; §'~}1:_‘)1_1lg_:§ if; nut hfggw; {ha-Pmygr mfa P:2;*!2’¢wzmt?a PW‘/.i.r‘3W3¢;?»5‘2'!7a?2V}’ patvw $14: the: frg/épraéle m.rl;r mz :E}i’* «DH ‘"Paarli.»2wmt“: 'a=.gw}73?m:;taLtal«;1;f1r:;2,, fin mas;/¢:*2* N) am: am! ¢::>f :1 ‘“}Z"~"'a.srz.’t}a2.2'M:~¢::r Iiifl :u‘n1 its»: P7"’£5:"£?7”‘?L’£'i7:2’4’:e7I'i’,,~ amci th..i1;*s?.'~:i:.a «;;*£"’ §;T§%1:;?‘!*‘V55'/:3t$’yv””'-7", my zmgzvly fimgr ;:m;?mr':::r «,;fth;at Wyalw VV§‘1::rC:%»*JM‘1 itm ?i;’r*f3..‘2}"‘:’-/éfZ)c‘:”rSl'€ .5” v.,;,,~‘.=’tr}r WM =3".‘.i.M th e ‘r?’W£;+Tv be ¥i“‘17E§“j5;r£1!:¢td 0Fit.<;_ /¢_afl"tV7',t1”lr2cc=M gnfi dmsmimriwa m that power z~:cCor&1ng £0 that}: rzzlm in riature, ]7z'm»3 flfméet mriwwmfirmae in memliémr, ihe and hath the ..aff?6‘e$’ Qfthcir firms in ‘mam/[.{, amfi Fwmrz a/at awmm rfjfe, the firme g,iV'@8 cimam mzfamriwz and efféwce bath 1”h€ and thmhbcmg tha’ left lxmhfi exemtimwayct firfii in the imwtian ofthc egfiaiwnt, rraufi weeds quafificz and rc§%u1ata.zE1c5’1i*ar.é@, V Yes, 2: fine Way y@11’Rfay“0fprfl%rvingg the King bywfighting againfi him; am {nah n2att—:;r,the Ifimg hath 3 double c4,m¢ci,jy, paiitidggzad mmrazlzg in his paiirick axaawciyt as Ifing, in g%t4i.wg' for the prei};rrva::z70z1 csf the Lmm’ and I;"z'ng&{a:mw «mgy fighg; fiat him, what I(i;gg ccmia‘ he‘: be withmzt a ICi.1::ga'am'c° to govcm€,anc§ jigzw ta govemrzfit by 2’ in that thcrcfbrc aha Zimav mils us‘, he came: ‘JG fcrvtfrrtd from his If £33-a’a22¢,or Pz;:»z"mmmr im rcprafeutatwet body ( then’ never 12:» féxrc in Perfibzm difizant frmm it) And in his r4.at;mu’l.m'p¢2cixy, as a man? they fight not a» gainft him in that neitfhcr, they humbly beggc E1i$V:iEziHerprc:*fi;:r1cAe withthcm, atlaaft hiswithdrawirzgfmm hmand thcm mcmics ; nay,th¢:y .fig_r;ht fear him this Way tom we mver reach efa Ifémg once ..vzzzZ;;'a:;_g’a[bL2t he is qtaickiy mrzwzamd mo, thcry mdifiizmgage and. unrhrall his Perfon fivm tiiat unfafe andL1n-=e 'm.'@ra:hyVéxmpimymmt thof: ememicis to Mm and his Ifirxgdam put it ta7,in%mzfi«;img it a /Jae/zmsa zhwfir w9$‘h§3$ cm :2 .w.m’.r£ rwi/I to flmslr mm a»flaa2:;_;;;*mr,% W high they fears flame his Lmw : fnfr }E2<;mrc:'»’<:‘r his M21j'c::i4’ty may b::‘: pm¢{§rmd»v?d by tbcirzim ‘Ms his mz'».9/E eng;:ag,cd them_.,(m<:”:>& mf'thc:z1=3)’t§sA their own c_g—::¢i:’g: and danger that A %1:«.2tE*=.-= egos-.¢;_gaa'r m», and ¢.=;»;ztFg,»a‘,«;;3v¢::»¢2.’tl*1r:%:%‘11 «:0 aqqgqe hi :11 ; and aiclwazzgh m their mm» fl’;22;33.1a.”;#z‘;jf.r§{§t’aVi:J:;‘;2§'.e', tlmy zn;zjm‘§1én§‘:€:ztE1ers tmzm fer u'~:a", it 1113:; bwmirhcr fin°fi-% ciezwzdy E«e:a:';:«.a:w:.rs '=;'~;,*7i*‘sa:»_,,m.w;»'s- {mi zr c:auMEr,wE7at de_ptE*i0fi».ra1'r::r tiwzy a’mw;cerrai11- c“v;’;¢&‘;'.4J2’¢53zd;’fL-‘J es)? the hm: aflrlzircs mi this zazznd Atht: ncxghbmux ;.S’f7z:‘.a.r,,=«:,‘zmz2m; bclcmrr: »(t§w’ vmzzzmvn ta his Xx/E:2jafi%:}', and it, may be many an A ‘ bouthim ) Atfiaat thflfit Jayzgwsfoaxes tafecd with thc:D.::=m7/I with, (as (me wig fE*1:m)th¢ ]q,*'3z5f‘5””:{Ttt3vI?7 at §‘i2«:3w-"-:‘:€ 3i“E!T,3 abroad throtgghwut moi} parts mffilarifirfxam da:sn’m13avc(%rh<3’ at a z:"I1Pc;a13<:c3:) t§wf?r:‘"2‘ and é;{_rp’ac/?,,am€ rharflwrafiy-awgd? $74 mmca fimw “£3 A/faiefijw JFWJ/Emit mzmre/x, bayrtxmgg thwir unfecm lvawég with his and his A farm E65; :Z.vzrera§?.r,;z12aking them but 'C(‘>‘j,~,z».v1’/{iY:‘thm: Om» ~‘.=,=¢Ew,.=i%§*...=: thcftfir 3: ’ih{-_,’_fiZé7*z’: H33 j:9r~ies%ai%111:<{ bc}?sA.m: Z:?2*i1“a§g‘ Ms C :r‘a2/W2 oz:z‘a:;,1fw.::m<,;{/f?.:2€;.=, Lewzij 1 (’ may be) mzmy c,~f3.;E2c::;n imt at E<¢«3g;én%.<§* uE“2fF2”a1ffW brzufggcd‘ 0f“hi3) his }”mx“:y’.2§ ‘:23w7§I' ;1:;%c§~;sAomt fifth: lm! M, but tha:»f:: ‘B1-‘?[7‘l,Z5;’!'.iI€’:;r ( that mil with their epre: at «;§_<.i§— aiaaia, upmm " - "P -4. PD. Vi: 4' ‘ " fig‘: « 9 Iv. ;§’¢*»’£:; was We .3 mare mzh. A Is.'J ‘ “mi : rm .- v .r I’ - ‘ '. ~ 1- g . . “" Dr =~;.3s’ ;;::>»?1/1 m1¢lmflAz;2g rag/Em cg as 3.5 §:z*z~m=.s' ,c?'«:%»'s*;1M!, £.¢:?..?:=.':T:=§*¢%::§:‘.2,7»‘ .- . ~ * % ~» . % % * rs « H: av “ :1; 'v-\ ~' ‘ _ ' . ‘ 1:) 3 “ .;§“e¢§'£. 4.; *~ A Am? fl:m,~; 352; s+;g'c4:*.f,::tr::3:;’ szmswér s9_,"?’::;.v’:*'.+.":!.»'5c“’.4<»'»*t§s°r:-4w4:e ;$‘>'.<2-,?*2ej,-/;".m';*.r £2? M19 my H0;wfi}§ 0fP¢£?'!£;wJ.ém?; W121}, gm "‘.Wfi;J'<.’.’;‘:’23.3"'.‘.’ 01‘ ‘sh: ;:.,‘7iZ’»:2:»m-m-%.-‘Z9: or-filzprmmapaxwr m«.;»§_ rm-32]? at Gm v=:.25i~m2;1r:;m-, 233:: twu -nf‘ ?%z;~[mm%wzr m.2.kizm; a coordizwe pm, xvhac is their 3’ §.«:"0*:.2’iiZz3r, 'tf‘1:‘:a.‘:*'fl’£:thr3.KiflgSgrwr§t C’amzs*a=1£,%« but Vxwrhmg onlym ~ca;¢,x’.z1'!rwP T'h;‘:::1q?.-:‘:s"m:va17$r:{f:, =1’, muting: uviaz avrsr-3 53:0 clafi gm.,»m,% who chm-1 Aa~"'t* :1"-vf"'”.~'g“}‘; {:1 ,.’~‘ (fl.I;r[4'13-" hat». by . fl?» .1‘? Q} wt‘ fl- "4'r¢“"9 A 5...: cm. as mao.vn a.‘-M326. mic A=.. :5 at ta ccann . wma %,)?~axa,~=3L:». to cM,.mz. %w:fi:a~{1%xzn in the r1wi<.z:"s5g,'«m‘ L;xwc3thcZ1i:;§,h«~:;*§7: aéfirs-3 am” Gawwxammr ; but hm W a C=nuz3cr.:§§. waltz-va:r2zAr1Z!.f»,r aej]?~::.me»1'hy Man {as *.//I»._:m~<»:d.;z:~.:.«; mt :4:;5»z’.«2',~’{ W, whm ‘he tail as fifthfl fii'z';—2g.c rigkz 3:>y%crmqu-:2-‘E to ashes: iiixlsggfiitkillfi .- Cazflcjm w (1 emu» -II‘ fe€‘{?:,‘i may g?.v~;.fxuah :3 :*ig?zc ;9!':¢.m¥.~f7'a°2*: 12%: to take: im1':.m:.f<::s they can ::»:1,zfi~s:-r, 3 ma‘ in 3% 1102:: a?3L'«$5v4i£s7‘?‘a=?fi$3 {as that L?m,7 {"p:3g:?_.gfi) ‘a jm zwz07"i?5, not *&a‘e;aaramm« Aria, a'r‘sgi1tc:"ft::nL1tc, bum-J t=:;.*mam' oE'ri;;re_;:1t=.:.*; haw, not ozmiy Ui7Lj&O Z%‘f)E’&Hm bw: haw u:1c?;n*i?f3:iaV2"'z, ¥nhz3:nr~v=x»V:a éWé.»zr.£f’§?2e 2%: it ., to t.:a?.l~.:e;:- ofa rig."-;"’3Mt 0'? CM» in 5-: 6:72’/i:’z’, 3 6VJ?‘{7fi‘iu§?¢ Siam P 'W'.::-:‘<.”: 3 L.an;".§% itimimitcd by‘ :Wa9!*zw.r.~1s' ::ms:§; Tz:gar£ only cox-.*q.sz:9 i‘1¢nig_;ht gwvzz: vs: rig;ht,i3ac;1L1i: mzm": cm1l;Jh:1aiznr.é any o‘thc:1‘ 2; but an »mQ:3g‘ wem%c;1€:fii«3n is aboutgtE1¢fl:.¢/aw % wrwa that of Legs?» dm-re, tha Law is th%c%;«m:'a, and cannot bz Fmmcd wzthmxt E1}. the: rim;-: Efl.m:e:,% biit Whomufic appgvzhis mlc by givxwg it the final! and caé- Ttiflk‘ refilzzrimz of it’s fiance: PA A Without which the Eec22m’Ais but the Slmréz, A"tis "*$h~‘-1%-396% i3 fhfi‘ Xward ofthc Law; fuch a pawkar orfmrnlrjtherc mufl:% be In 3-- mzfy icgallgawcrnmmfi, after all dtéatemcnt to givcymwfis their f;'.'nc¢,A beyoné A A A A ” %% all {H} gm fi¢rt¥éar" cicéwtvwant, mherwifcr, theére ‘WQJUM bars: P7v'are;g7”m 5;: ;mfi;2£m~m, dim Mz'wme,~wti?Mi1%up=03f1 deézmtermewr, ' anti as mamm aV‘t§;3§'¢C§S_£Mfi92§I@2a%’fi, £l':..p cm‘ 1.3 W z'xz;- ‘ @032’-3-mz'¢*:¢ca:,. cvcm ah.:sm rr2‘x@’2~:i;ii;:a:*: §Eil1Iiablc:_ : to ?‘;;1’)cu’z[:?r 8.: mfg/pew;idz“r£am:,bsmz:afa* rim: ma1zmme 0.:%?‘I*{fl.‘?5 ta imw-prar% mm .z,r;~a’»’:g/5':¢_; “true; A3/‘ct we {cw I/flair iflrerprmz-.vimmnd Oaziéw mf.;::1l under fim/m dmetamewd flfill, witncfiéz (i:>r:ficie:.*M1'1:=z:%a;,,r uths.-;~:) the late cafe s:aH‘.6 p-mramy, thr Omiathcy ta7;1«;mam;. z?«.3;e;2Vz.,rjwz¢,%:_ T:%%L3:3,£uy.w¢/y,% aF%z.»gnrp2»im%:p!e it ;m}»~ be? hwzmm 2 a‘i%%Li~.:w£ cram‘, Bus: '3,~s::+z:z‘"£1 flzyz, _ "1V§’Law¢s eztamywtw'§":':..*x“x”th4:': pr%%m.*§%,n1:;:* its .a!a£z»m'2~a’ E..W:1Nl3iC.§'I""«f. m::»m‘mt:“i: zhcy in §.M:h% %%a‘c:a{I: Em: declzzrm‘ P K amzf-Nwtherc £3 mtT::’:.‘i' r~.:.-?«:«.6i xvi‘? dc§"£Za3V§i2g+’t~L1§ ?.zw::3 thaezaz 09.? «~ WW3’, _3‘.37?m2?e n19=}’im: ;:‘::;:V*e%rn<:.wi by alga‘ bfdgamw *w'r¢’w. .».:-:32 mm»; ‘mat nut Em? \4 A‘%.;s:zj§§.$*aw. 5653.5. A 5 :2 3 waif, tfh»:.;'i%* mrflaing Qrr.m, is at ihuading pcwmmm Afi im fmE’?a,”'c:?mm at iwrgfeg aim app>1yAi:1g tEm'r1 by thcz-:':§2:" interpremriom-, a tr.2an£Vi€:nt mm-1*, 23:2 mi ajggwgycg -Q daifl€g‘.' %Bm: 3.10112’? fay then, thin"; declarative pcvwcr be: for nr:c::':fll»:ry, and fa nc:~= ‘mimrziy’ m W63 H-+:.“*=~»a;If.:‘&§;§ how i‘h:z11‘Wx3"c’30i.”in Mae zmcvrvailx GFP.m~li¢zxm;m .9 I and fiver *r:?:"xc £z¢dgeme;:»tx 0? infisrimmr Court: muff my fmthcr debates untifl 3 Prwiémm fimfim-3€3‘1£%:§ ?f€Wf'5«"‘C§L*Z2f~?*{?i“3ifia£&{;j¢*:#z»35‘.9zt: by, .whichthcwforc ihuuiei by Law) be, was aysaere (at :3 A Wail then, if this lafiz cafiing principk be {'0 nccaifarys and cammmiae fiizrzfawwswee, _v;hy not the King 2‘ hflcannot in himfléiifs ”om:ia-« m'a’m’, the P4?-?’fié‘f3'?33?@f*$5 E’ I anfwcr, firfi“, though the Mcmbcm hrs: cfiewiq. dmaig the Wfiaiarpifim +$iWt carry the ’Z'/‘are cannot be : Next, W23 primaipfa it 3::.'=i: aims were J my 9 {in M mm“; be a camperewr mm mm, and rcqmires Wm tfizingsafi fl5'5&’5@’ I~»”«%’1<;?‘»f‘:*»"«¢«»’3-“1z*§‘5}”A; aéffilzfw m Egziaaaar mvhatim is M jaadgezg, and my hm: 5 fbmawrter «,3»? aeéizfigv ~m tzisk.-3 cmggaaizmcés E-sz.2:&"c‘2bjy*; Evfiaj c.*sf:*;«:.,~:1 praf=:fl7.:§s hizniamrz ma Lm~v:;r.«:w~; thmtfmrag rim "E-““'.‘....~..“ ' .' ... % W ~:«v_ ~ 5:3 m:;.:f: by hm ‘C;'c?:¢s“z.€, 1_2.aVt"i*:«m: m<:me::;% of .M..rE’"22cnothe fZ.wzf¢:;w@ pafi: Mamas gaad m }L2"w¢', though that hang»; by P:~m:’.~::mmzm m m ‘.2?%~:j fltmuttazl ~opg;:c::»{Eai2‘; : wE.*2<:.**ma3 themié rxeatlzing xmwa Fmqammt mt gmmpesv m I"»c:;m’z'az.wa=:a~zmj* :33 :3 °cr;:: re?:smj,’?E a7;sfth£:i§1' ms‘ :: “E';2t' this: ’E飧n;_;€fye;%u’E1%;aj;:}>» hm: }:»m;:;»m§,/iE».m ®f"a2iTi*5[%:':2m;c":iZ‘%'n::zr.: §.',7a?: in £5:d.:‘j¢'m3.W;T4; zmd aggaixa My %.Lw°a't»‘9a= i‘Cz':¢§; 22:: M ms Amgg/Z ofo.-:1 to dé/2.W';:m 2‘}=.»91?2vzv¢*e_s°az*zs*;qa»a2¢~z’ ,~.w;e;z.«;.*:'Hc*'2;~*z"£E; +a*m1.:.:gi"L2;Ew '§?£E‘§§.'2*?.‘!.‘i!;‘~t";S§ Pzzwwhawebin tamzhtto £‘p:;"ai«:c iwhzat Kings rim aéimin ficad of 'Vw’hi?3€ Mggfi,/7M¢¢fai time, bLztm.»;;fl:» m:11o,uram.g;’2-: but pmwprx, at1c:a{*t but gaartmu- E:m:2r..~2;»§,”cE3; c:§€'"':;«:“:;:.~*.J mo g»“,:rz*sc:g:=2§'l c!.a2y:r22e».:m xii %3‘1aA§.;~ OI‘1e3:«“C)f'»’:}'l‘g’:w*!;’£/5§.f~":.'§"3€ Ic.’"imgw gmcfi 0m‘s"~s; ¢;~;+;§;1c:,%%bL1t t'zothimg;j§_ for Ii1~:«%%4!_y, anti it is-c3’§‘:a%%.7%; mans: aftimas ::u~r2 £7.,:m~*23;'c:ri srr.e::»i"’c tr-flA‘2;.z.~::§ €723? ‘é'.§':Ci:"* ezzdr a:'.1*d ‘?7::~"z*e.=re:~ £15 t3;52r.‘xf;: «::=’Lr"1“.;.".':t:Az.“z far tiw m 03, 1;~::;2‘=+."f} ~71»: aaéfiuktramr 1]} E9fi”:%7cf’, ' 4‘!’,.u«'..,W- 49i¢i:z;*:7m'~7=;=c°;»2.t‘ I5.’ .:wz1.m'.«"~.s':? 5*)! 1?»? am f2aK57c*'.¢_ 1."’rs?2‘m.*a‘.f9 8: :3. are :;?:’s5;*;i‘*~£,);_; ..,,., 1; .::;: iz?.‘mé.‘:‘»:.3l”1p.’%?~,fi;Ii-—- cf: ' _ “' ""‘ '1 0 ‘ _ ..»-~ , no we ‘ " ‘ ‘I : bk: and: c;%*.:sJ/fa 5'.-:uz2:':»w£ to rfismftfs mi‘ 305 as Prapcxafy , ‘Pa*a%rzZewfgfl, 35¢. vm:»Y:.=2 *-“¢&v**,,r}.‘1?‘.C“;‘i ti I.0;cF£7i”:.i':f';rZi*l”a7>°rf‘rfi!”.? eitlhcr .:’£-.':.».cc",s' or i;»ztewy?*.s' cszrmur thus»; fiafila gmd £ntevf;‘&=r, fake“ hE::*+:1‘1’x:3c‘.‘3"s; arc? zaii ?‘.§u‘::wj *::£E'%:s timmfirl vesy; mm mfly amrrm‘?.c:~u;Z *.W'1:fi, but £Z;:'1fl: am-mfi. ééi in thgrfa very ]);*iz2ifec{ge: aitzd prapertzlmg befigiws thay mar: m.z.Wy, M151 fa Eh say/A dqt M 0zf:!§.a—{’s»a= mom,*;2ut are l~t:4"i7::f&u.az/1/,.aaéZaé;a*s mat cafiiy Tedxxciblaa m my R1 wf" primte s:er::m?j?‘;b&3t by :3 near %cqm!iz_;y afVarey§'ym1’1fay)ix1 Pmrlisamemfi it m ay came to an ‘am'a’;naz1 to%cafi: b}',az1dAthc;1 this: Wham trzagfl‘ axsxd ¢}w.*ewgfi bcazimics 12:1, him wbzoly. ..V‘p A (13) A 4 ‘I anfW¢r, no I'uch* 1rra€tem3It£wbéamAA;9¢ilr%ii£§'3tIfi4VWfl% é“~*‘%5W?j3‘f CI6Pj'}~%fi3/W i¢hc~1w:edde1anad¢;hnermaua *rhé:=h’mL1mg’1a»1re‘V:*&1mpry:;naerAd t1*&’et¢*af1y of?L»tlw areai:%.ao:hbuc4Emr1us~~érfien%4*tis~m:>vW®Ie%v~awo2EA«®€%om fieteamm the mheé, am; catrym:l‘A;AAb5* thé*~wné"V—W MW by 1"» We who§1d*‘Azoi;%thc a?da’e*tdfi¢‘t&}1§ ‘A .A A »3riéw‘~fl%-:§ri;!Va5:4ta¢::refl Fziox .‘«¢Em*iAen ~mcmf:z-1«*- % _ga§¢:dA;,, mg :y«=au‘~ia4;fitnétf;:whé%Vq2¢;%;éttsiwisiseamac: grcét ’Emhcr»o.f the ‘Am. A A ”{I;.a‘{x.r,*fo;fm1:£c%Ti§méigfiifiesitthc vééifdbtfi~:::Eth§s*,g¢~é&rnn:i;@fig‘ Vbmuww ;tbcmis WerP'1‘iI1ci.P1¢s§iY§1l¢§€A~QT1¢sA@I‘x>@b§‘§WA xcfeivfi ?A‘:I—»»an$wcr add ‘ qaualifitialt AAAp3;§f¢§; it Wag rim‘ *wxfci*o:z1"o“E‘rh1s‘gmrcimamcnéigbfifiH1E%’£ia§?;*§§fi§2apm5fi¢ya... " ‘V 1 ¥13wim?2¢on mix: ant‘ w55r;Wfalu2¢aaa3fu1mwm {vi¢ori:rn‘;~f&22**pZ#;r gm-m=£A_§m¢ntaramV» :.elc ffomm bam£n#m,%igmZ£ LnmfiIéé*o:~é’l§:v$fi=5‘L‘SZmtt1*:5£3*‘11v3~vim'74qrz¢mWragelimz-rm’ *, i32fsz¢fzmt edirm, and fleet tupim that number of 300. the xmjox: part of both Houfes film to bc. A . A 1 ', A ‘ But you‘1fa*y~5’how ifonc or Both Houflzs be dcvidefl , and that into equal! ”+impo;%éi!iéw'won?¢fiAdcfifisiskwdmes. i§i'€1Ré£fihiA¢$AA@§¢ %fl;0W<5 ~b~"=f <3;?ii?fi1iJ1téddnI, it tggnnot be; fbr in finch a cafe of eitlfcr H0ti%f”fi§ % ‘he£t‘"a‘3;jihe"5C~’3t9V 'jffi‘f*1i&iifm-»f0rm4c%”or A fag: off ‘5£§i¥hiW3fi:EewVz#1z;ja;:.:t»1*o'%«“A;;abin=a;y‘; fo it:£1Ei1-l%.rta- lf}1é_1iniflg.t , Ac‘jZ>m&é~ ti:maiii1éSf&r:1¢ lier¢‘% -a?u;.é»i%'trmg-y ‘(fill ,” em ;~Aour.;:for en- a A %4 fits ‘fl'1o‘u1djrm‘_t% teAxiy;§yA;i;hat fame*govcmmen:7tc§pj'i1S‘ivhi¢h3*thcyabagaffiwt 'i11si>u1c1Q%bindusL%inj';&ggt:% uvhéré1‘wn"’fi‘1&y*‘WTéfé fh¢mfelv%s§%fi*c”c;;9:'“i”t?Ai»§~thc« privilcdg c£_%:3c;dsd1aws~4%on1§¢T%6?%:i§~;d5iatxfixgexééfiaie,3na;~&§:w1iei~¢=§'§'{oa:wwcwasmgms .5i‘“t';"?:iz‘*§’é:’,§“u{'<:”,b1fA1i:‘ Where 51% inwhd cmfcm m u - V . » . A rfgiijbn 6 ’f1i¢?7”air: F?f‘%A%i?n??t=AWi1¢£%l%h1$A§?¥:*%?€ar;?=A%§>a¥1aA1c%d“aw ‘ha11Aance“d=b>» wAWwa trwfia .‘%Ifiz't "é‘:;r"1€fi.A‘&" ‘t1s‘be;ft*’i‘ecuréd‘ ftVbm‘*&b mgwrt 9;; iifi e”‘raa‘£g:i*£'”a:I1»~%3pVddi¢ A thc; M?! £,a11owe§&ivf}gi‘¢g:§ii‘e$1&{§ %ses:;;-k2’£‘e$1u;:i:+:sn o£‘£fiaA;,V and: «chat, fit A A x»;re%;1x~&a£ tc:s“x‘*»r wan ” ‘YtI“1%“rqfna1;i’i‘*;s &f;~2;)i11}'¢:5w~#é&;;;g¢w§ga:inmm u y ‘"4 ,, I; w . tax .A e 3% wfl WW!‘ 23:: mmvre a w % “D7” ‘~ «Ann “‘ 3wrd;g maxgfr o:g:«%zm:V1:fihe yam farms: §A “ ‘r V 3.?f’4W¢)f‘ii1513:fiélel:5}tj§*:‘iai5:*é iifiwiih¢*3:§ciEifxi1$<3:*tézitiy’of‘—?_du §%:;;z¢yi%%ro :»Agiu4eA% ~Law, its fina11?6fii€“€5R?¢Aby ;A:Wh§7Afidt%:hcn* t‘:ic?I:::su+1Ages in chg ;%:'¢s¢»e.~q4i;;:2.;~+czsgmmranhcr :bift4*tis??‘wiZ{?vhfmeWhat makg to [0 that . Fo2'teficqr.fA$,; ”“}’i7éf’é§tésV‘~r1:e&:I~€*£ngAsrfzig, A .:&a«é:n%A;h=:;v:v:Ia-éwriAb¢ré VPz2rzi;a:»a:~~%$4:-2>:1a¢g‘~A£c;x :me:Ajet2s£>W£2}%’ate%é@/z¢;sz,mamy kw ” '*i1?.«.;i.<~t>m il1€$m%iM£;:7¢<:.fl_¢~ 1* gm ” a«.f<:wV%dcp4cn3€11t mms MI;‘£5w..c?M:ry_day¢a*.$ ¢%:,W:‘K‘v1«‘23I‘Wi‘:% tcrllrs was that a»»m12.r am; imtter {’catM6"1E;:§curi7ty fi;"nc*;:=a 0ati13,*i;14?t:@lL111%’ W n « hm tlmfcrr fimtczfefix hm“:-2; (gm gm?) aha mmmanid csif th‘ofe?wa:t/q.w,At0~hi1;3d a11:,t1m W341! fsm tag their fcrvice; betfidfisfi mg t'1mr% zmterrfii wxth us t;(mhe1n A gpgrc tflhflm 21 3%-int’, in war elafhawx pfthem. T my ens 4mor%‘£0*1La[fi4¢1‘r:** What t,1cy%:dQ%1€flmt ;&;_i”1l‘g}wdjt:*.Ab€_G£1Uf¢,VW‘i21t r@cyidg:»,~2rr»e fig; in fiherm, and ~f¢:1;ffWW;g,, m,1¢:+1eicqm¢j%ii:1f?;: raveflgfli Wily .7 I Aijffit%hc:‘.irs&%.::>c ‘t1V1Aef.‘x*e:a1& A %,aa2‘M:ith€fl:atci1‘1it?,€3«Dd What fiCtil'1g:WW§&‘§$#.S Q‘ judg,mcnt~xV11”%,£.i§;Lé¢Wyiithfin «( ¢iA%f0rti'oz::£-) 1nusmhA1r.pprcAw1xcnit is czzdagagergm prcvmtzmmm tax be uzfizsafi; N 7 v‘1?J5’~f 0.1% A ‘fr: tlfifimzll RefiIz«£etién%cftM Statesjwdgméfit‘ it/ac: peopfe gstifé N we 2 5; Mai in m5;aml;* 5dimce thereto? mm] with good am/kicme, mdefime of flu‘ IC£wzg%% L¢»zw3*,* lzalifid ~ gawmgmm amlujimrmes. M V A “ t» ~% V « V H338 W »m3rmbyA‘it v/eflési End wrzwfimg but how mfidies it in them? imfalfiwjy? fizaa this ‘ilifififbizzer i;mpa@f'e$ mm A ttfthcir Idbl£z.erx(3sAhc4 fp<;:aV1-gs) no; they arc: mt thctrciira in thmnmvas _z°nfa&!iW¢fi but tom £fi3wi$a5{£; mm" ud gmems we not mzfi3r.a?!1ea£f.,”tis our intérém mm‘: mm ';z*m‘¢_fled and i'%:rfl.1j%b;§eéj1jcc§¢ m their dl\4€cifiQns%: mm‘ uoigmmts are And: énfalizivfy guid ad frapm gigging: qzxrimg with them or difizring fmm them a bum‘ bmmfi up Tfiil3',anC§.[fl1Pe?fé.%§£“by {heirs rmm gaixmcw-iaying; my myzamca; h¢rgXLVcbg;MjW¢ fee) is Q0 mmfggmgm =7»;zWivy at 3.3% (33 mm Dmflwrc pflmfes W deiwicéaikifi ‘Mrni2:%1£M;,y¢§l £a» WW W K§,¢iAt ;Hwafw,, andAa1l;,:in étdcf to ihcifafe ty cfthé Kimg,Law and S2-m‘e;Thcy ~%~ V~* ’ {§§) ', i:w3‘2WWAz?w¢!» #é!"rW;¥e4;:,r¢3%fifi!; W «L,3VV is4Aca11¢sW*Wfi”¢ A€€PP"5’”a amimi wirhow: p2rifi¢H$$;a,r14F¥J1W133Wrxi:a1%éI§§:fl1<2111d'b¢.? (."e3A5;F1‘3"3‘¢3,f' asmay 196) {*9 t°0s% th%c%P+6?1i4??¢MF;7= %fiAi9¢3 ii?A§7’i #%i6ré3a"$,i1Eic £,~é.aM fiifiit ‘P«AW?zm¢”t 5 Law~m3k¢W” fhoulfi. P*"W44V‘53‘A3~“*¢”A"“’“/?”“7d‘?‘"‘5 4 mm; ar;ei~z%(V s,hc£w~caksJ b1at-w¢sx»~£v><9»VAAAat mvfih but P¢¢?£€s of ¢1’~'11?kfl“S{ ‘S5? ;walkiI15grMf‘?*‘3fiY¢?Y¥~?1}¢1?5!§”"iffQ51?-%I‘1%i3m¢Ii1i'; ( .‘ti871ii<:g11fe I:.O:t‘d1’}3§h,'§Q_ “alllikeliéw iizmdprqxwgé thegr;e:tcn.:n;1n1?iE:cx*A;6% %,t1r2?e%Co;;2moxa“sd Hglwfe ,%%g1ag_I)_§Zif"Ji'l'S%%fl1£1iE.' A mat’: gem At’h“e7 d1Tpié§in_g him; 93: if f}1*o?u1d ,. *:i‘s~%*:ve:y"4X rhuclq Aif‘ the ‘othm _mmmhou1d ;;~;mpcwi:ha1%1:m~minixggcha%;A‘erfa”m:/Ilaan-ad; Wclfi than; wee fee w§1a?t1powcr“%tE3;6 £?3?fi?a %'1i”roug11 ‘otir E1"u1};gi\’c5 thctwb VA _m 4 _ . Tjudge by the mtfam c,-{this Smzgand ml: of EH13 Law (bothVrcfid_1ng mtl_1¢tn) that V an thme,%Km;Ag§LAw, and /{z22gdam,’V(iz1V%L%W: 33% Webévé haafdg bcf"ofc%t10tf¢~e 3 % ,1iame%ntV(f¢.>r tbcliing’ rcftzfmg, vm may A paraitlm) A2xrc}not% only z'.mmmmr/}¢mdm:gm=a',‘bi1tmE?avml{y ”£x7‘vp:;c{cd by an e.g4.'r*.-4. way, éngagedby the adudgcdfirfeitarfi V0ffth€Vi1‘ dwn lives , th*r;rc‘ rcmaines Ha A way1r3.VthcVhighefirefi¢lt ofthc States ?¢'pz,9/E:vz¢t{>‘§:>r€fifrve‘ thVafe ,_AVargd%prevc1*it A flmfefrwm apparc;1tAn"aiic:h1c% but am army to A m md'zm:¢w3 may in aéiuaflattcm1rt$_ufh£3i’ci1i:y;Ofwhmn{hauld$thi$‘.¢:#m} 0&7 W itbfiand this other harm] ready chafing? comfifc, but tbo!e%whé;g"$a%r§-” aitdigzzrgeréd, may wflmlted, yes afialfltcdg and glxrzndemd mo,nay,_A2:2x;%rdarm§Abcfi::r¢e A ’ A A A .much as man 1z_:fim’,. all before Wm: km fl/Mfle‘rja°%,A a’n~f manning at Fgvm,‘ for in my lfarliamvcaitzarxny ghcrcjwasfo flhfl kingdomcs mater d’cf:ucc"agaii1Pr I?onjaig;1%+dangers. Well the c%a£l2%t1Aaus Winding; this gm ,‘ ‘\ Ow Cam‘ mr :a»AoE:h;¢1;gngdcm :21‘: Pa;-.. mcorerémrvba %_ now ("better than our forefathers) W’ Hw'fl“'W4 _ . . , M M Q ,1 '~ 3]; 4 gym that mama to the E-Iw1cs)1aycsAut)tm om: oft}?-13 now mcccfi'ar1ly;y,et‘"vo- £1: k.j'”‘:’;m S (1 M Iuxmtamilyarmy tod,g¢ and bggvéx; rmsnot/gar cmw: and /cm comm, fza la ‘M ,,»,¢,r¢,y W 9%,. ~ .+ da this vma’/M dét/2 it;Vand%fwyh¢rc1’nAl+ csnowf» the unccmfizionablencfie cof this MAW’-"»“‘ 49“ W'5?" A Obedienccffit is mwrnl1al1Vth¢facuitics and members in ‘th¢w*natural1“bod‘ _ _ » to the dcfencc: pf the whale Accammanded tq fl'1¢i1_“®ffiCC$’A‘by the ‘ur3defl,}éI1],du flags Mt Wfwir or A % ' cl mmw: ma 3 1:: 3 % g m Iflclzmuenex, wax.’ av: mac. 5} 3.5%; is rm: taxi/Id . 45¢7#35i€i$\P01i!?3'/bpflffi’fflfiwfiifi‘thm right eye’ of'”po1iCie, A A W~5‘MM’?’] £3 but the /ajfia ihéz wfiérgfiwmagwhqt czithxr axithoritié bath a Shcrifihr ;.£w f.mgmm:,af V ham feces, A MWJ3”) the cbmmand of the kingd0msp«.2’erA(in order to its fvgfivzy )9 “I153 its " 3 i3i3‘d1“nuf;L" Ahavéfh:s4;m2»m::::2nd it"g’””5’5’ "1' 5*’ ii” c;;;z“cuti0ncri'mpLxt eummaléfaéharfitgo.";;§§a,t;f:PMia 3 wf‘I{zz3f,c€‘fIii1CiC”!1c;c: mufi have 3’:-""*'W“’*‘5'l‘¢II‘* wfomc hxgim fo¢2txng?,‘t1s<3ac§s% flccafimptarit, AM bag that fully mm F11'{h;T;amsrrkanz Of4C}:;§?3"§1:37 9 in the fi:e;‘}tb% tcfitxfimandernent, éiema Hmm ,, . ‘ . A Q, . - .4 , ._ I «aw» winch m,tg:m1y fnrbzxm zagwzr Alvrr but mmmands thus pm/m:;mar: of mm @w*'n«$z' xii; fxfpagigg mar ,m=1ghb@ours% égvgs. .€a¢:¢:oxwd1y,mfja;.€?ic:: 1?ma‘"a»r to all 71..-%.»l.~:-av A £3 dye ,, and we 5:0,’; M, that m cflwfthc Kings reFu1%aiI‘(alrcady -2/am! fry t‘h;fi"L_.i1jgflem§; flamcells #153. \ 1: Lflfifvj x.1’e.‘m'A-2.: ‘l a_.$;zm,, 2. 3. 3:8 . A .be£‘tctfa£éf4yg8?z £b&rii f1?f1?i¢’¢htyi:cncfl%: G A " fl‘ ”;i§n‘pt fifiv ifany ”ASoL1i1'cl§ic%: in V fc*c1Vcga11yf¢vA¢rcdcb if-ay ow; that hAch%z:hA;kévarr‘anc endugh‘ A 4k16.tbcLD:»é‘tors ‘Dd-%e‘:%»ir»:;»a%z-“;r?v‘%= mt that #6? rim ' fifitufé ‘éF’tI3a”t cf théfi ai5‘a.-ms’:&‘of%:h¢£es‘V‘tixi~ie:s4. Afi~t.Lons¢,bcing cleared, the Anfwcr to th%cfcv::ra1lS1:é’tio1‘rs‘(l7F h%i3%**”*Frcati’fi: Wfll I J _vcry rhortafid cafic.4 ~’:‘a‘“g”é‘i‘fifr‘g-6fii¥2::a"ce are zéiif-fl:*av>:e MM J’ ‘ . I “;%”I‘fi¢fis&4s¢&i¢za“ ¢ontaincs11;mc elfc’ ‘;o;féérifci¢nces,‘ difcomfc, by'afl1im‘?n;g “A j&j1¢kdingifay*4irf1g%‘that %hc~thcV therc tells us;thatAfa}I hisfbllow i*{z:2':'m'.r *ale'n_y:fa?thc» A % A is1fifr”Se€tionA¢hetells us‘tomh7a:: A £:b£€fj‘t;d.g A 4A{p?fay)%amou11ts‘Ait’icflr‘: to, than ’a A ,a5g‘ain mo‘ 7a’;1 mo£7c Nth: Licxt word,in ‘flat {A-rI1a’t%ccinfcr1tpf”Aa1l needs th A {t11cbughtiieKi !5;1gA1nAI’ezjAfOn wit A g*vc;»,fZ°mi‘tiéa¢:ir.r;i4%c 11at‘I1‘Vfu%fi'ic‘ientiy appc A A with ctaem‘ro"qonf§n.t pg giijffeggg c§§13er;doubr1cfl‘¢_ ghgrg ygg:_;_1A<_:_1A§§ ggoycfifiance A *‘#n@.~.d*sa§a:§!.e~ 4 " W M ILa{¥1ie",«o‘F o9c'Jidnté,fr§51#iijaflffélmxAtdE"&I3'P')' 3M£r‘Mn:éV%ofwM;mJt3:3r:j?‘am tiqé Lbrdsfiaikg. Sa}*$é"s5 S , 1"@tir»:*, wel1éVé;fécnif”vVéS%thc ;brdimznw“of mam: tfm {fiifi mcsn tE1ati*z;1tAmdL.1{kfAéd AfHcAg0ve1*11mct1V{tVoffiiifii Static; ‘ ndw of mm arcarabzifiétd aL1:ni,ni“fié;r%that goverrffiflptltz Lét [bitIé’Vi¢e?ft%&bj¢§2 ir.~,,;§t;J3§ ghiiz?“ P015»:-rs (faith :mAt1"th'21t=n%o‘tf'a5f wmth é§n.% t3'077!$flfi? 71&_[fik§_;*“_\7¢¢hi@h piaéa 1 £1aa1Ifu'Ffic’i¢,nt1y‘.t1¢£:rzmon) bcfidc-.9 Dlw?zI‘it1 his*o”-mi! iLl"‘éAfbr1‘cc;ufc:d an 9fmP:;%35A(th¢i1§h 3333“ ‘ % Wicflihafiiéfcén rim ACom:_cliha“tion’ ofithis highef’é ‘ppwer ‘Vih“thi§ Ecingdam Em Ews A A ill (if ité ’<¢fié3éy:fb‘*ifs énd;Atho11".ghyesn‘c pm:mrit1adr“avér;‘if;heA1e;ing AC efpcccially pgjxgkf “has nvotmdiifolvc this pté{%fi‘t‘[‘aorz{irzativn he fiiotaid be able‘ 1¢gauy% m braalk Ath_;: Zlmér, thcfi 'gJb3zcr11ime11twc‘r6'%‘uttc§!’§( zz6[é(3t¢,‘%or ratheg‘ Aabiolut¢}y ima Aj3aj]?;5}‘1e%, and ille4§r%a{{y4f h¢A§¢Jannbt“,A for thc Hatfi Aprovid’&:d“tha”t%" as Mk Adfb ya%‘wrong;A(fi¢st1§ig~;“% "a"gaih{¥ Mhavizg‘becgaufqhbécainrpot, (‘ i‘I1“that Capgm aCTiJ‘t57)1%b’e41&vcrca%*%fiam11iis ‘Parliariacnt; an thAc/aa.2r]F.':”c5bi1';ririé_1ids Aiardim ,§fbAWhiC1i thé b“iAdS ué ii: befzaigeifi. A A g A A % A A A ‘ _ A , A this‘ Ar1;Any{of7the K5153 and“’I’a.rlAia»wa’rficmtsVaT(Fm cy ca1111ot’b:)”dIé Arfdt ‘fatistfitfl ihi hiswdwril Con- fcithcfi, but Atbfitw he fins, and t ‘ flpVo§P[&r,btm much what of the “*An:1 nbW?tI1%dfeAthrcc: ’PropAo-- ToapCwe;: t;hAatA all his arguments infl3ixc¢s *abf:51fLjt¢Amlxrmgwphims;,A%wlw%cr£2as«thisw ours }‘hA‘.,]()\-,1g7gv,;‘e[A' :7 ‘M We theA’tALi%ruc;A mm: ‘£5? ¢p¢4'Ag&a:‘c*,’;.¢zV"a: d la”: Vt/Mirna: whic11~Wha4t‘¢(I n r!u'tmry Gov crnmcnt? and he denies that in “km }i7"Eit?4rj* Gavefiézfidkgt, and yet, inh‘ ere if the fimz/Z I udgcwtnt be in one? how that ‘areda and for his; er an if that wérc % » V P 2 I an 15% :h¢A1ca_ag)yct is f2iAid t%¢Vfn:gbt*%£b%4Lard.= E‘me1l::AVnmw;;- ~% b7du:1d”h‘it_nfe1fA by! Law« King‘ lave ~ ?é’n*:fi%$f‘%“f@)g.biH$br »i$ Law: 1 {‘g;;3;m: cafe afts oi‘ the bigbzvf? pa.-+;W»~%~ hat (as th‘AAc*_" Doflbr urjg‘cs'fo'of’té1i1)D'%2zm:m?2§y :*.‘Ifl Far his c%o11fcie%nc:: if‘ ~hcawppl‘y iE’t,;:& ifhc .. thétfi tfic Iéfyitag down %of*Afh¢~»ma13n§2r to Ath%c% P2*apq_fi;‘im_'gra11fcci ,* ‘not‘ wflfull plcafmcs of Ggwermmnf, mawqugg is mcdaéned Am be many.» iordimam nmzi and mfidcs i:1%:tI;x2cVpat5:’ qf 1'; traznwlxiplx the £A%>A%t;{:x«..’r though ~withah:awia1g‘f15 %p¢§r{on ‘cannot 1‘:;«z!z:;c~:%it, ,a;nd~t;o«Aw!1ig11 t11¢I.é:.wi;1:i"ubb§4 cg.f1A"c;$ iciecraly gwes it, including (as wei*iave1eeAx1e)iif1Ait ekirtpxyz/(y th;~ocher part me}, A who in his~poI:tipkw~alar£an cannot Abethence (as ~Ki2a:g)divAidcd ‘.2 chcmeauirrg ‘ .- lowes him to tbgwordxnmca of mm: for the '.1LW”61’.3' fiyke; whezn thsit Papziizs pref-1 fizd wivh Lhxs Tex:-r% aske us win «wee, that arc [0 much fer obedienee to hiszluar 3 . Y . ~ .p¢:»w¢r9,I doe nocii1bmit‘%to me Churches higheft laigbefl power an hé, Pope ? We A3 azifwer, ’ris a ufixr-pi, not gm araleeirzed ppwc:r,z1lcm4 pratej?Jzt£;¢,4a tamer ex ywenma ‘,A%pa;gt, gf tlgg body, a pgwigr. ncverseitheg can/mmi to by the bpdy the whale V ~ “ *" _ A '* *'"*"“* A A ‘\ - M. ' Aahmth as . -4 A '0'?“ Elm place thtxn mufl be this ; The pawn.-Ibm: égr ( 1;, L) flu bx fa ’eP:;a};2l4;_[he;; by I A wnfézwt bf mangart ardaimd 09 Gad no he Aoeyeaig gr (’3£:.ads oz-,;{£;Amz¢c:e(:11;;»c V1Vm:cm fl1iou>l’d%‘?Alive4%under %fi.1me=gov¢ArnmAenrz find,fm!emi;M‘%wi:hwpur%9“,:/ifhzmze no mat . "kintie wfAfgovcrz1mcnt..tln:y have by can/ent~ef2‘a2£v2i/bed, jam(%::z:~s.Sa1nt‘I’r1?2*er ‘Fa!- ‘ I Peter 'z.,'v- ? ‘A A .‘ E PM-r ,i. M. siftfh 6, a:1;u~¢:«,A or fifl:{?:i€1t¢d4by igs. Head c 3 mi 5 T‘ $33 2.: .9... two‘ i«;in‘d‘e3{:i (‘WW me: to firyor tyran‘ny,we-jfimihyix and?M%n/wrpmimfiq, that whm} A 6383+ V" A vériely “inf GV’Werm:=ma=nt, thm1gh“nev;fcs* fG%*l!eamc%wyet be endured, mu; m,‘ {y ' 235 "t-l7¢ grind (' Kaye‘; tlucflpofllc) £»x¢:f It/14' firaward tow, and thus. rcfom IA kmjy Wm m anthdt dféffiflds the sauna Tribes i'¢v5c;)l£ from ‘R5/aoéaamm‘ the Dt1:n65 mwher Fmm the Dcvizlby briberyjzlond ,mp:m: agfxdtbc like: the cmflztamm ai ayes Fmm mans cm/Zwt, the imfiimtim aiwayrz-3‘ f7mm€jad’, Y9 aha: here is momrhm A - Gods b-‘arc pérmzfliam W‘ appraéntiaas rciclaer (as nhe'Do&0r charges ms coImd..} ” hereis in ‘every ardszimd powmr as W¢1:H3?0t3%'si#flitwtim of ir, and wjnefiiw of “ obedimcc no it, 9.5 mans qauflitmwimm 0? it : T/.mt ‘thcffi és a. Gmvfirnmenra ’.tis nf God, wbmftlxis government {half 5:9,‘ whethcr L?!/Zannrc/by or e/friflocrmr}? 4» at if Lfiwlww-c/2;, whcrhcr fimpic and meereEyfi¢éard£nm-c, or mm: audfiaaru £i.m¢te% ? ‘us of man, To than-, Let efmry flwie égefizéjeé? ta wI;g;- gker pamrr, _fo“r:~ the pawn“: I/mt éagdrt ordained ¢vfG0d, (i. (3.) tharvfaraalct every {mule baminefi to power; um wifilx) becaufe Gods p‘rj0videnQc hath injfitflted £‘;h.&m,az1dfa {_:b... ~ aft as mans cement hath co;aflz'mt¢dVckem :. WW We havefufEci4en_cJ"y feene by thti mmflimtion of the pnwer or gravernment emf this king&~»;::m,2‘:he: Law (a:.;c;h¢ rm'e)_‘iS put into the hands Of-~th B t .9 Hqufw of ivazliamesnt my glam Vmg, (33 it’s rm/Em)whe-tin we tnufi: rcihw ~ ‘applyérd to its t.*nd,th¢ /hf}; MK. 8: Scam I won tier therefore the Doflor flmuldl in much infifi on this Text; far it’ ha: cannot prove (what he indeed dcnyesjzhc govcrnmmt m be ‘:35/alum, and foly in thy; King,~ht: cannon hence cnfchme Mubcdiancetgoihis yparfamll mm mandsa " T be next tax: is that of x Pmz. Suémit to mérjardinancaof.mm,whemiu A ' Wtha. Dr. hath efpicd a doubic a:1wntnge,»on¢fk%0m thc: Grmakm ward aef:26§m»7;~:aa«a " w‘hich%rat“h%:.=r fignifics /mmmw than of man, fa that it is callegri /mmmm (4; c.) zim % or am mam (as he wauld have icjas only the;/Ezéja-53 of in nu: axzay may chm camfie : fem m-gage 2 Dc»&ur oi~'Dmnix:y&flmu1d mfle: thus “with. $cr;pture,a.nd as $1900» A A Amgéyerx doc with cheis%I;.eatl1c»r, wmh E113 teeth flretch 1: thus mhis, Lac/f, doth A "be rm a few "fiinm afzcgr acknowhicdga (to ufi: his avmc wm:d.s) that the faw¢:.«.:~ ,, W/be rim" Mmraby, ar Arfiflacmcy and qmadgfiaatéanx qf citb¢rflr»rme% gr.) if Mwnarc*11y,, wh;*fi1a~r~a;bf:riu:'e:° m" j:‘em;¢V:;c1fcd, are 2mt:__7’wre.- dfiwina, what flier)? not jxmr d£a&al£m Iumir muff be lmmmza chm, and in jaw hwmmrmmd as "cis oppofedw “ A m ;z’w£mwm,man {Mat is the: camfcand Authur, and not that‘ 13,2? “> <.mIy,n say Why _ flmufid rim: word kmmwze be them at afihbufi as contr;1difiInéi"% am what falmww, . for c:a4;razga 5“ why gxnlcffi; can make the fiance this? amt aéchcough am am?ma;;;¢ A at ;govern:m~;.~n:j,in th::*{¥5 maxmer «sf its cargflirmriam be fimm ar;mw,yct hcc;1u$¢~in mg ~; (:£A~e.) :('A{;;A§,7%A5}1W) E§1”g~3?wflr%Zzm°mmt : but me E’azliam¢wt is mjgw, my _[e=m‘, a daffcacfmte (aw: §:.=*.wT-'aA) as gr. acas bAct~.;.x,:eem:~. taaand flow 5 we Vvcehavc aita‘m?i}>_ iécazc ham.’ thcfiifixag is iAu‘Aa1'e;1me, n0!;'(;as tlxoféaf S. I’m:r.r %ti1Ams) aéifézfsxrezy i“_o,bu: in hiaméxtme and c,a0fdimztia22 vqithhis Pa.r1ja“mA:ntA,in " gvhggh away {=?J§3cC3¥?: 15 a: £%x.1E>gAe.r&A £%i}A{a:-;V the ‘D..mtor urgcsjout the: whole ¢zwaraZ£- Mme Par: ‘wilh mm an the fwprmma, othczrwafz they cont 3 not hinder bun from A A mgkgxg Lawfcs, «no: fizia1}yAa.’aciareALaw withojt him,’ the two highcfi a tag of "_S.wpréamAep0w;‘r, A _ _ A " I A Tha jtAl1=z§Ard Seéfimn e{‘pec:r;:11§,*coma1nes t%w<> mther tcA:»;ts 0}" Scripturcgthfi firfl; (){:h‘?;w'¢fif'g)_: 8.1;. 3; we Kimgx Reggwe. Iarafwez“, tis {pom-n of and by Wg‘/dame, fand"”flGth* (hes: nm”as Ws;-flA“i'a§.¢ (as followcs) 57 meg Naéiex mm’ .§’e=mmr.r gm,” I;¢dcgefi¢c?}’:'t'? VWh'-1?: is heruaici more of Kings Rwigzzm than of Rxrlxaw rximgts Dwrzw, they fhmfd both be guidedby Wifzfame, that is allthe place EVAN} heart“ A A % A ‘ A 1 AA A The fcmnd p';ac~: is that_‘?[aI.8x. 6.. 1'l.4wfm1‘?a’}ea we Gadx 3 A and doth hem I10: timer: 1300 (when heipcakcs it) flumd in we Uongregaztion of the ?m:lge:.r (as A‘ the tax: fpeakes) rcpra'vi?¢g‘A flu”/v M jezdge maiufily, and accept zheper/Em: of Me: A wiclgd, al! Rulers are §adJ alike, (2%... 6.) Godsfméflitmrex and raprmntativcs A town; (15 men, upon whom hcc derives fame of his power and authority 5 dfith fnot ;hg%%AVwAaAzdApf' fled z;o1:ne 1:9 them ail alikc? (i. c.) as it followes in the Dofitars ISW11wOrd§,AV’d"§0mm§/]'?fln fir #5: fizttifig zap of ag0A'cIer*'m'n_g pmawf, W herccf the manner of its ‘confi1:*u9a:1on, bee mmfc1f;::A:AAA befm; confcfles mbc fmmthc pea... fife, mt God; did not this word come to Pi/at, as weilas to (2»e/Ear: Tilat I! had not his pow¢rA buAA:A from‘ .ab0v€',(as our Saviour tells ‘hi~xn,¢)A2s well as A them §h§D§J57tOrATpca‘k'¢s G5 I Wondrrr Much not mme e:fl'2:0§Wa°a‘comcs nu: Wamarig thicfirléfl PA gins‘ u!'m}§yA it dmtlzj a 'V}§"I:‘:~:c plainefiy ifpoficetm-A to I(ing.r of {OM 36 .AMaF#0¢13G%%p¢0Pl€ 09 K A I ‘N #5’ 5 thcy were (faycs the W» yum MAW, "AV£‘y’ "cx't)“ Kz*ng:"‘wbam /Ewrcprawrdfor tlwir falm, [dying touch not mine mma ‘ "V A " A mointed. A A M AA A A A A A A What temairzes in this .S¢&i_on3% tis nmthing wife but a fearing the fundafi ;jAmenta1lIaw"es Gf this igingdomeg f‘-f'L aueg {WA flat’ might I know) maintaimés, Whafnerd the p:;0;_;t>Ic remfl';z¢m:A thaE‘W3A".5i:_7§”§A3 in fifwvazém Ehé 5?“5’?¢1iFim\5df th%ffi30v¢rn¢m::Am thgryrcfervéd (as hAatI3ag»g}:a1r¢d7m- .A0 xA A A " IIuv‘BIhwIIIu¢’ A . V ,,. %vA:mie wzze afli (.20_‘i The fifth S-:E:&ion.'. E-Ir..é:m~ w.?:ehave*x{othing but mange Aflinxroiutionsgsf. y;{}é _ matter‘; a.;1dAu1tang1ic1gs of thcR<2ader, mofi whatinc<»nf«i€}enras% ‘well as ima” peptingnt, Qnc whlla: thcffate lmz I9‘ manna: of pNfl:7"zMtionfm‘*/9 as the Lam? Pu». H firiées, and yet not t‘:wmt1el¢znes_afccr, wee ceznnornrxp_¢:’&$6,/To/1¢).*»:’me¢z:a¢~;”,}r fiafcty in dz /huge, mcancs 01' prcfem’7at1onV,but not abfalutcfafécy; ifA;it §:~e};::- pm-_.. Aggfcrved, qucfiionlcfle ms a.b1oluta1y~p1*cicrvcd, dmémm fialztamqyidat o2fiZi~§;l,z£»,',_ »m~¢_m:;AA1;e film gives not abfaldte iafes.yvwg,ivesnon%, again: th1S;Chi£i‘8p0w¢r and again migcment (ha fi1ies)m.m 1%: in m_ i‘carce*twe1’w:: lines am-'r‘%but 79¢“, . iiflmmtx bee {ayes ).azr.e t/are ml} Aremedy fin‘ the dflemprrk afrbe Kimgdbmfl Rzrliamczxt is the Qnly remedyand ycc the MI] juidgernetxc as in _zitu':: King, % .An& y€t%agai11e%he tells us in the f’ame%AScfi:ion,% that‘that o:;1Iy"judg*¢m¢p;:mA0% J40?‘ thc King: 13 In fee with’:/air aye: f/Mt are (rfdz‘fl‘7:r:nt jmdgegr¢:rAmt4%fram him. A KN hat rcmaines in this Scfiion is a claims £»a_g_g£n_g of three gm/3zan:*h&:: would Afame have LISA ta mamtame. W A A A ‘ ‘Ei.tf{-Eytlzat evezy Rate wbctlm reférving if or no, hath thisdmcanes of /Tafety by refifimwce, and to this purpofc: th at of theC’/mzrc/zlis *obj,cc‘§:}’z;:d : a State indeed, but AmAi%?chcr flcizzill nor nf its awn cafiflitmimz, uhi_s,&atc C.hriPcAthcl1eAaddid not aonly £;e_/?£mr: but m«j?smr.e 12: tom, _£a‘1_fid CHat w%1c11out;,.?4¥1Yfiianmrx-exace of its own .?&:0;1{EAnt.A Thciuthe Cimriiifa as i n Termllimzytimc hard bbefled; as if they wAew—;~~ 3 c%£'w7/1 difixntft {fate f3'0mtl1eRm:mn: , In which they Lived , dr the Tqrnan other "thcn an .é::.éfo!zA:¢ta Moxuatehié: by%cemf.»m: of the Sam: (:13 b¢f(An*e.) "A ficconci quelhon bcgg’d1'm-._,A that inmfe the K'aE:«:fgm1Li Parliazmww /amid 17452 rim‘ aflycé.-%;e:rge zkcir Imfl, tr'9c' 930,016 Amiga“ V16’? -W21 fiidké rc'fifl.r2na"¢ dgaiésfi‘ éatk a poficiQnA which :30 m#a;1(VI_k,qos,«,»} _m‘Aaix1taincs the Paz*Ahaments,1s thqpemplg-,3 V M aéa32¢é«WVcqg~é[&z:t, W11i:é11.Apz1ce%.pahH'ed “t:he:yAi:aiIin%0t raejvqkceé 5‘,/1_1cc4.1i’ci1l:purfllgs his QW-fie A ‘ d::aa,m¢o1‘ tbs peoples 'vc«r{fl}¢mzWAy ’g.?}0W»:j-T,\"W11E:'CaS WeAcW‘”ack11ém%§&r1cgig¢VqoqfiqAwer F " ‘ - . ‘ ‘ « t& ‘A "“ v‘ ‘ - 5. on ‘ ‘ ‘ . . 4. W can be xmpiuyed by: what 1s,ircj¢rAmd, and the people hays ;ciervc:d aw gaowcr m g;::»;::;:,:::** thcmielves mmtxmcgarexmin I?arlia§r1en_t. “ V‘ _ Hmgzaafcoma J T his grouudlefie p2*ea‘flum‘-fig .a,.1pm-non of~chepc0p1¢ramfumznggpmwerl was 412251361/2711!"... mnderd thb D0301“ fm,much%i;afi£%{%"em%n it Al‘: AT1:¢raei%é%%ix1da:§&Va I%2;,t:br01‘Aaji737‘0f A jffielinquents there (and H3‘ mavrvaxie 11'. :fl+1ch:A&W1:1uld 1:*c;afl,um&*: :11? A 3?dI'13ap?1¢3an¢ta~1jy . . po*w¢.~fyby 'z11er:;@1-axing: T£c1é”iz‘£1aau1a"b¢eaIog,n€ny%manofV:hefim¢‘Tmag‘go this 0 the dmmftors M: A whcrew gfzicr many I19;l§:'?ma§i€iOl1m.‘§ iflziizxders on the PAaArA1Ai:i»AA A meuts procccdiii-gS,#dzfp1joVd lbngfincaby aIm¢%:»{1i,cv¢;xyy.rx:ia‘z.19€3§P"3t=4€n¢€,Aas well A as fevcranDg:cVIarar:oxis;al%1 wdifab1cA:%*w¥?ar1iam¢mfr9mz r1aéfki1igd°ms;¢sw:gem iprVcfez'vacion; in; gay way that he, vsgxxttcn Lawes pref¢;‘r1be1n'ot, M (: as;~1.;t5 gm %J§umi1at%¢¢! afi eizigeitgcfqs gfpuffiikc Aa:c?ciox1;s%§:gf thfis [aft did not (above wpjtgqn ¢ALaweg; “ ‘ - M’ ‘ ‘ -I "*4 ‘W T!’ “ 1 w 'r em ,1’ .‘.. 14 11 M, . ‘ . ' ‘ _@nLT ref Uwlmm fifirfir? .2 m0!-:22. ‘:{a%.’.i' '=;»‘w.I.?: ix’: {)§i‘s.,£.%3 Wgiwi’ m ;r.ra;“£“a:';&'".:‘_fi)) [j‘j§"'gj_3fgjH3 Mm. WW6’ ‘C’? ' v.7 I /M ' FJ - I” ‘ ‘.1. I ‘K “’ i. n , . ‘ T fl‘»"Q/£m;'a.€x£[, at g)?”é‘?.*5L';*/Jicigf” I‘Za¢fl‘:~0¢3 01%’. . flay . aw éL:‘N.33:' ‘;¢',7.7’°é'.°'4£':'¢'»'v}:31’¥a'-.~".’«’;'.vV 7l‘7g,§r:}g:¢)y1 :3 ;fg”‘L-xi E F?‘ ”"‘1"‘]"”""‘L‘§»’a thc”-“;"~‘:Zh ”“'"‘~”“""V*"3'1~“%"’T/%l‘;“'?v"» W5‘ I-.“;1“s~:r,i.'m"“3” N Q Wm «E ‘fin. ‘? “V ” Q‘ Q“: . 1 3 - u u v 9 3» ML‘ M‘ ‘"3 V‘ M1 if H Sn "I '- x _ ‘., w a V vv “ , -' . ,- .- ,-,_: '» . ,, L 4 ,, __ ,_ ‘ r V I ,_., ,1 fi“... 1; U 9 ‘~. L5. H U 4-x cfivwr gfbfj,’ §"_»Lfj,; (E L}; a LM‘\“4‘L ‘fig; 1:: :,_r“‘.‘g‘,_j f~ ‘ J.,_\,_,,rn "..,-‘V W,‘ V r‘ ; A L W," ‘ ‘ M“ 3 « .a “),"J'\ 3; t 3.,‘ 5‘, A rd” ’ - ‘ an an -.-,-, In [*5 :'M«'-r- fig Wgv -*5‘ ‘..'1m‘.:~ ca -W‘ ;;. .,.- .»‘ 5 .3. .‘ 9. ‘ ‘*7 {"3 ' " “ ~. - . M mm‘ as J :._/-‘V -mvrf» 61.1 m.~L.1 ~.’1i:...s x... 2%.. ».;: H..3.s'.;!. W 2 am: me: .£".r“~z~f.%'~’;~::,5,-*“.=*%2:*a" «C /§.*.€»»",:%.’,‘,:.,¢;;.;—_;~ -;%3‘.&-Q-\.,?L.,...(' ' . 3‘ . 7? ‘:5 ; 3 r m ‘V ~ 1. " " ‘*-‘- '~ “-1 “""' "" ‘I ' u #54 . :3» w,“ :3 ‘; ', ‘. . ‘.._,, ' . 11', _ W; ., ,. ‘ \ WWI” "5bu" r‘fjfl"“;g('4€ ‘.’ afld L-‘'m’** 5794.? «W ¢".¢«*;’4:?/veI¢r.¢F~Fa1i‘.:” £J;3:L.‘~' 97$ ““‘.%‘.‘:“s;“T"“ :“‘,«,;7z:'.fx".§’ "sf; K» r,.. «$531/19 W 44* "- " W’ " V -an ‘p 1. I V‘ ‘-4 “ 5 IA 4 ,- a v. ‘ . i~'}- ,¢ W as " J “ " '5 '“ ' “W 3- K mum’: V64]; xwiicfflc-“, =.~£;€...W1iE‘§M“§,’ .6"-.€£zA_zr)i.3 W;>;5‘ uz ;_‘_: & um _?wM «,z,~;;W M, I , .. . 1 . {_ , Q , 4 x #44,: £% ';..-i ‘X #1 '5? a ‘J W ‘‘ N E “O 1“ W ‘N ‘H ~*V~u Law’ ‘g -' «-4- cm :1‘ ~ «n. . .1» 5 .. ., W , U‘ ._ W. 1' -4” 0113* M ‘~15’ 5 «<3» W n Kw: as mat W-;‘:‘ cm .« mf: gr kn. .222 W (ca cgi ::~.«~«—~ : ~ * “£1 2. 2. w I '6 “W v u w ‘w ' ta §§'1qE(’¢ gr; /,g7‘,r'}‘»,w::nC-,3 ‘fin rzm* "-hr» q».~u’I.u 3' 5.-» ..?a. % . .. 4/‘I 3.. ‘ 2“ 4 “’ *1 '‘° L“ " J L ‘ ‘W ‘ -3 V ‘J’ "* ""~'-w‘ L -by L-‘$“..‘-'-"A:/" L’ Efiuwfl to '-u‘. ’,:‘;r":‘;I'l3‘«.‘7|' vi) F ‘.4 £“."§ ' ‘r “F” V T1. ‘.... 1» n {In W,fl?7"'?~":"”~’,§;{' M W3 5'00?*‘~4M»"3'fi3!‘é&’ffi all $30“ ~ M‘ (12 :I*.r;,r’é7/.-7:'}".:&.:~«=.“:e;%“:?., I :.‘;: ?~ , ‘f /.7 .. -. . " M. - VVI - % V ,-« A’ ~ - ‘ ‘ , ” " " -‘L W .. mm- Qhhf ‘v‘5f'éfar ‘Wt:E7‘:.‘. £3; 3 {£13 :~i¥.,j0i,‘-2?l“é" _._/1j£”r¢,«;2;,;4,v»~,;7,i7J'vfi 1§1.r.’3g_}§g:€ v2*'§:»,~ “fix:-g A :1, W3 6% ,4”. .. -4,“ i‘ . V. “F-‘ ’ H O “ I I ’ \ “H WV‘ ‘ V H ‘ ‘ “ V V QB 4. ’ ‘ ‘H" M K‘ "3 :12 :v1 V’ 3 n ‘ . ‘ ‘ “ fl ‘ . —~i M.‘ ‘V rs -,4 ,« .‘p% 1:33 3 2 \_ , V _‘ '_ I W’ ’ V V ,;.o"‘; ‘M H " WA _‘ V .? .1‘ .l;’U. . C“ Jytpny ‘ »‘.lJ.}:1. L Eta ' f"fi"s ‘ w A ‘g '3‘ : VA ’(!“,V;‘,r3.: ‘W6: “V‘iV:f.'f£2i‘ f:hr,-»;zv4;?;n xx‘n:;*_'2" ‘£73 2‘~:Z'a}’;_ new an , ¥ %. N. "9 L‘ N. v- 1.. ~ ‘. v ... Ev F 6, . w it 7‘. ‘d U “‘ ‘:7 ‘""'”’ “‘*' ‘ A7:-4 ,v.~ ~ ~.. "2. " “ ‘ ' X?-. “ ‘ -no ‘I- 1. Mm I3,.K._..Xt,- . L I,. ‘.‘, ‘)1 7f»! o .\ ,\. ‘(,3 ‘9 .. W ~“‘,R ‘ § . M‘. Vw‘ h “ 3 :4»: L‘ iv in w an, r » ‘ '1‘ ‘I‘ 1, 3“ M in '; cg. V ' :1 *~ . ' 1 2’: M \ ;~:.{ % .. ~“» " “ um . A _ A ‘ “ . L’ A 1*]; ‘) ‘—’~‘~E~~ %~ 1 53” 5 M » * ;. gm :1 ‘v M.“ ’ ' rm J " ' 2’ ‘. an ‘- “V at i R W m am wag,aw1z'2rr.s* ..ra»;[w;e,.mr /9} 3 W 35 ~ c filzw; -~ I W M ‘Q’ 7 - I ‘“‘ \ ' .'‘;f*'‘'”‘':'‘’f3'‘‘'‘'‘ 6; " ~§- ~. :~,.f flrfi :3 ‘ - - .. P L.’ v. j: 1 1* % is " lk .. “ ‘ & ‘ . " 7.‘-AI ,~» ‘ . ..‘~-‘, 23/ :,.:u. a 2 pg u 3. \ J % 3111 g .:t:;§u3 4‘~5~...=;”“»“_'“,' é.<~-..~g; )2? » ‘N > ' A»-JM~C.:£-«u. &i~t ‘. g ” % » . . . % ‘“ r"'~.- 5% I 4%’”E7t""“"!:"%fZ‘7 3? Péhfifl ’Ql~?~¢£J "7‘w¢9’ ".7‘"* ~» *l%"*;m»-. \~‘V““"‘mw‘“ {K .-MEN M ". ‘ “E Wt n if J5 (E/..mj€m;r 4).; ,_-,",.)x..,~‘.:h‘<».“‘; 03”) 3-[M flf“ M A the ?'::*f:'a:m:.:’/é;>£f}7z1fi*W ”3‘M.‘¥.7 S.-E .l§';1sfit't.W'a*5.«’;*i3?,_ ‘ I ‘ ' V mg/m~ U ‘nffu; ‘ E N‘ “I” ' 33; ‘éhrif e£‘0».£/:7, am cam the: 1}m’}u:n sEl«;»:=‘ .25/3fl'i0*w (‘W 4; flflmrm 5.. U3, lbrgia/\..,,zlz‘,%fm1: o ‘ ‘ ' M ‘J [W "’ "* ‘v-4‘ ‘ fllflqx .3‘ k. ‘. .q I-9 "‘t" . wwww 11* M31 c:%'.?;w<:=11";+b»:":rs witK':-&x*ax>:»',A 1‘}7“‘}£2x1"‘*()*‘¢:F~*i‘it z~hW~=~ 131:1; 451’ M21: wiwjc 3 if 6y “A H " A‘ = V‘ « V ~ 211.1% mi'.* ml» 1’cw:.c:*f:rt "“~¢§_"'*?i"" ‘fl’ ‘ .s w ‘, , ’ VKJ .:0:.L1£f€I’3’:.‘twdE§.w,‘ 7UA17;V.{,. MM fiJ*3.4§WM6aW¢ igzféggv ;gd.3w;gy,:{qg 312; ;«:,fiua.:$» as :am gx fif¢:;*aa:;y,hCMiv cmriiy 1115:;-:';ht: they .. _ _ Y 3:5;-aw. mi 4z‘t?2S I"1m” .. - I. V. ,, '“ , *- ,\ * ‘ mms mt: BMW? (3% WP“.”3’WJ' C“fl*’* 1‘W‘c’fi‘iI"“ V V ‘EI'7*(:«d ‘gag’ dmg 6,:/mpmflflwg ii”) ,Mi1".:@H.“‘@"i'1'$ . ' “ ' ‘ A“ » 3», W33‘ ¢a":-'?"»w.:2:¢.';5* M ' ‘A L, . ' % "‘ ‘ $**"’‘’”’]7:« 3001 H-'93?‘-h€C:%1“I1@f0th€' Pa5%r};iE£E’1§€t§1t$é3i“£Cl d;%g):+rtc:&&y it M tn Iuntw mi: ab” *nn¢~~A 1Acanm*nwm~e»is wm ”"’i‘*‘°“”“5 liwmvw ‘M A _- m::mn—. E. J, ;. V , “ A: s. 1* we I zri3aana:r1x.a§.mtx1c fl73:&,!'31’1€i?f'£}fpITf,.3£?rjf,'e¢“?'~§n;:3" £53: £13.»! wzvm ;£2'(f‘- .sm:[£*,: {£1,731} P3 pgmm be winded I (;z::rmnlv 'i£&,rhgm fig P P % fi In % .::v fart, qwm?iion1¢:flT: has awn the: oflimfim PW "Dy 1 ‘%.§a.3/flffiam rm a[¢:;§.«.;y€w % W: isthAat%.m:rtiz1 this co:nmI:,.’ 3. F W Yigm I 7“: ”§§ ‘W‘”' cflmws and fukg W ‘fimfihgg Emm ‘ am mE}:’§‘:’:%_£”§:§;::“é:f“fl (?h’$éfi1nc:2ffl of {main (Magma?) re... flaws —4~"FWw¢»'€’~”£ (Em f-vcaiamh n ”‘;£]m“‘”3‘3 f“P1?~‘35!’=3w“t?1.:s’ts’3'2a“: Dmw L L V “ 4*‘ AI Wm WM 7W«‘+’?”a for mzmli iris I%.«’f::mf::2f%y hafi ‘T W 3'7‘ C3?-:I=’ 5 €"fa:;:"23;-~'~“ A. it is: ma}. % mi: .£ggé y’ .z'x‘;s.§ 4.; N" M u .-M“ av!» .‘ ~..* 5, {£311. ~=v‘\ *::-*»-«'-(w 4''). ($2) 6 Ae A %% V «.22: ‘Va -'1:talzmtm~} gtfiard’ 3,n& t_w,v§mn tfitmy 3$gd~,on¢3f’{~w3fi, f?_,J7"‘::‘zr.*3.:’.€, ’2:~;-s.: jr;z;,i;‘1a:*1" an H.142: ‘fig/£E£"y;*L‘:.V33f‘l‘£i.?$‘if lzm‘: z.€£*"£* £'.*,:«."z.«'3e:»*.=»:»'V,:=;":3:.'>'»:*”’ 2'“ " ‘ ” :‘Jj;;w.rT!.c.:§; hzmz bzisgtg‘ by M‘ct»:.* but " dw berarc. t§*3e>=.:% 11‘: mug of sm ;.?m11y gm «s;T;M£.«ii?ej.’_; His Ma-.. “:§é£?€.” '5"'\.r‘»rwr- m , fincéa. EEK... . '*’ .4’ .w v :' W O ma’.-7,'»:ua£:«.*«:z::..‘5:°» -7 ,4... H.” ..,' t:JAH‘ WE ¢«:;f.’;c5'Wf$‘ C ; t}’1c§%' E:a:.ac1i%carcc {Ea mv¢,::?*s :22: M: as gjggugnd um I:h=::# Memxuer» «:72 cm j*';§mi' 1,4,5 {7}} ‘ ¢.g‘_‘,;.N,)uu E. 4. , 5 K, H:*p: ¢ A K 3'2 .%. 3" n:::':»;‘i.‘ Hzazfi, zmci 9. <;<31§:i"m):* ~ {t"::svc%mm2:2«ce :e;'§~_;s !' X1’ “ $1. J».%...3:3.*4.x... go 1*» :_,,e "'?' "U"; ""‘ 2'5 {.2 L} .3‘. A An.‘ TH“? in-in..‘.o 7’ £2. ' *3:'u""H"‘I“' ‘E “-?"")‘\‘{-A"~‘~* ‘nu £3 Zn.¢’L.L‘§.'n£Ll3 I15.-«:.3.'»u.. 55%.? IE’. .-r,, n 4 '1 the Paa;'fim;a;z 3:221: amsifl ‘ zw : a ‘o 5 it £416.?‘ ”»z~,«’e2r*€ 5 ha! 5 {W5 25:4 ,5. 75.; '- 4 ‘E 933 1" « 3 rife fins. 147.; ‘:1, I J :4 L at a . 3.‘ . ’ , i N ,..n ‘ _ _ ‘ .__§ . ‘ ’ . ‘V ,4’) " " “N _ V g: ‘ E3‘@T .3n’I3»§3€3'P’§'Cl'i.n 3'§"£3, &X"h.:£ ‘W ;J'—jZ“N . =33 aigcggwfi lamb; ‘ ' I " , ' "M 9 ‘.4 ‘ , Ham 1-» n o .». ‘. yr? -1 , I .. "I _, /E n eff mf.';-_3-'.f::*» 53¢ A» m 2M..'.‘IQ C’ »r,v:-sf, 4* .¢~M’o”*.‘<.1’fiJ'5f, M’/’.z’;:.s, ../’i'.f«:’3.~:a¢..V«;7¢c;,V;“:.-r",&;:, Q»: m. yw-I1 '2 Va .. ,. G3 .¢r?3?’4."3’:¢>=3.f:%'~f»’W;?«"~ .1.‘ . fl / fl ‘Z510/(~’ «E3 5’car£»a.;.«z J."£aZ;,'“f2?fifi;.;‘.“ *’ w W V. ..'!..‘..,;:‘;7. ' <::nV°r:§1;-::'.*z1%1zm«.; ;.2,n~ ,. M: W. . .a§wm fi"o“‘~z ,"- . ‘ T , g. Q Aké ' 9 1 am 1: am; xzzvczfhvcm E1113 ~3m.mn, ‘(lg <:'?=‘e:T”°f.“mZ3' ;?;vIa3v:r‘ff3£‘3 Pr0ta:j_;‘?’mzzmw, to czwx£:au=;:.~ee z"‘€'c=ia,;;£a.¢-2,, ' Hr ’ x.‘ ~ 2311 that 1 h::-via w flay 22¢, t1mt.b:=:h ,, flaw» 'I"m tl'1is3_ 5.222 (J71-'z”;<2i¢f,:5’5§c:~.s' Pmmr mimw name: fa.» real} and ETas::z~myH. §;’€3’.' 2‘.“h;.:!;‘r.:’ 3&7: when the mofi **=«*'“"*'F"” :3?"/iI.:WM;s’§‘.£' W:‘:1’L‘ '32 :‘+;1m:::r éotrome W {at tbésfc 0:19.. 1; +,.r:..L.% their my? if"th»€:'? dc) it new :. lkfiflw lrsis%1\zi~aj¢::fiy(4i::«;:*ifiL‘i«~:3 his co:1{3:a1‘:i* C, ‘MI 4:3 st. 1E?;?fi?’§3‘«f?_?/if and Pr0f&:j%a3f£0?i.fi" wife: wwrzw/z.’ :§:":c;‘.§,* ggiifcharge mg: ml fixcd gmudmrs ofd éfpofiti-an:)‘h3th mam m'2d; ;:3;m' ti:::.:° Lugjon-?hVim~wFbamamrm£gg;,_;;;m2r&;, v 5'": ZL”7‘)"%.§fi,t}§‘!CI1'.'c1i]4"§;'4532337";/h£L;7€‘J.i£‘i'”;2Z)JL1f‘f all imamzia:za.;:"E§%Zfl»}‘1%i¢«;:~>~;:a.r e’;.A.Vr‘:;»€*:*g;,.:»1':iafz§c;,~:ip r3:s;,v..r‘-"’ in 2-‘M3 will send’ znufi: v.':u-,.; with the: Em: wfi¢.?r.s‘r:»*.?‘r;hs;:iss,* uaigggswwxats, m'1e:“ic"v'cn thofc in ¢:z"m:?:~u::£:s that Lznmv mm: by i2zre:’!:gamce»%a3 A,z1§~,_;;«::*1s:, hm: ethfiizowrfm as mctn, are things that upm fi.1E‘t}1fii"l§§;3“‘¥f;LT2i1!J§,’§S wry’ rm ; =~::': 2:: Law" am w<::~ wb:f'é21*vc:d bc:fi’:m3% 52$ z=mé~sa:V,@;~z.»rmwevrftzda émer §mn:2r:w firing‘ g:.;>v::*w:::‘z* «:::z“2t *;‘»::a *§?:3aa“*ze.‘i my, thc 1‘r1e:}& W ' -" V ‘ my . -‘V r -. F: " 4- vs 15* w ~14’ «.4 u‘ an r :1 « .-an ~u"~‘v- in 1. N." n D. «W33'l‘mW 19:13/W:~'ti«9w»° or .1 ‘?‘U‘£t~’..%J«£l'zx;50’g Ekfiiax‘ Q‘ xmm i‘.3.'3m..=,<;, uumsm. his 1\'1zaj--gm ‘ ‘ E “ ‘V’ V ‘ 3 ‘I: v . " v .'. -w, «E 3" . ‘I 3. -. -‘ ., TV.“ ‘ ,a~' ‘I . _“‘ M. , fly mipr:.*:"zcc"é5«. but bj.-: Km {mz‘2;a::M:z:;s;. :*;m% "mam ma ‘}}7’i"r2sf".~:*.§l~3‘.avz.;2'c:;#:t3 x::.{»:~ mi» ma mom: . -M.:~._~ . 1.,.\ mczmg-, m,Aze£“7"2v;2.efl»:’, «.r,,,¢~_§,§_ 0 \ .1 ‘ ‘N V.‘ . ‘K V’ I .. w’ ‘ Mm‘: aim, ‘If Mr ‘.?~;zr'J me ’ »-~- «xx! 4:. L -_ - ,; .«;':a 3'js.Js:’j:?3 ‘ma’ ax} twzr w:aa*u'3?;2r’.:~mr;z»r;A we “ac. - _m‘,. ‘, ,’i _. lg‘ . ,..., « . ‘ 4 , M‘ (“w «,4 ' '1‘ % E. 3 422:2? U 5... .7 V14 5 ‘= 0. s *2’ '77:’ ha. . ‘*1- '2‘-* W’ I‘ ‘ :5 ' ‘ M In :1 4 mm 4 . up ./fl - \. U M , u 4»: 7 ficézzon C4:3=r2§.’u1m’7.t»1.».mi(:: ;...~;.:.m": » ax :u;:“f:'mg aan firzctfi ethwrszas with U M . vi ' ~ .e':. ¢“"‘"»..-J‘ . . .. ‘M. . # : 1“ , % 7..£ w"';:a % W t:‘za:.',* .m:z:92%:xs.="m“ .4-.. r:u:*.¢rw:z‘m..~;:r.;‘ rm »{:;*:;a2 4* .=v-.::~r;¢1.’9r?,./::'2¢'.s',., fiw_.’fl',, ‘ 1'‘ I,“ "' -‘Y .- I I ‘ -r -‘ 44 k r “-4‘ V F u‘ . - . -V ‘ ‘ . I " . W (‘ *‘’5m’‘‘‘-“?a J »==?1¢»:>w=:’a«»-f’*~“=:°-6‘ ¢1*w',=i"*:=e*?Im«6*??é“ 6‘? mm‘ s§’!s~:"=w}' «>:{~;¢’ "“~: ’~:.£.,=¥Ef3::a;“:a*a m;vi" «:7. has‘ vxrtzlwmfi "‘ ‘ T“ 5- V I. I ‘ " If ‘ ' ‘ it "" ‘u‘.'.' n ' ' r‘ .;.;. A ""4 a‘ M 5'} ~ 5 "‘ _, ‘ L 1 9 ,-« m. ‘ -I (- "‘ ‘aw: q ,fl.-‘,. ' ‘mm ' ‘ . ‘ ‘ nfid 34 mpi‘W:‘.5 «USTM. £33.?)-::.,;z.*:';*5»’ ; an ‘amt nu My) :2 z“‘* v'11€.“h."~tc;:1 safe W H‘, '4» V. .«.‘.‘«.. HJFW MS Lim i*M.3n£.2:. 1" N V ?*:2:*:_*;-u’Z:7m3;:';' mc'za_,’2~L+.£::;~:; was Mm P‘wZézw2c2vr,,z;%1‘1z:‘§‘gm: E §*3i§*sfz.A',I};>',} 1‘? amu% r~':z‘:f.§ "M ‘:0- V. ,_4'““?'‘ WWW. “-31; -I" -rgw“ ca A W V’ V «w W I ‘ h‘ ' “ _ . mm :;,,.;~3':..~,.1§ m..£.r:...=:,; «M f:::cw1n;,; ti’: mi 25373. 23': dark {”‘fH;‘2~:r'a':;‘f«i§‘°:9« am this f9.2'<.7,'.z..v'fl"§"':c‘:.‘ Arc-A. w£c‘.fgfi?‘ i:so1:h;%if gTI€‘3€)£;;*k€ but 3‘;1’£‘If1.¢£.“ 1':E:zrtE'm:.+A ' :15.“ at! :3 pi::@::: Em zfimmve V _ m n " '3: mm: thus preflggnfa W Liar: flaw-‘.h«: W331 ml}; them Wm they % raawg‘ mixntecl AA mum and «§a“:.~ .$e3«:£&_§*-' mil’! qfD1%?i(gg‘r¢itfe:, anti ~ A-1P;k9;*3“_§Txffj{wv/‘fD“7“?“¢1§££"73ff Apmaw cum 4 Ciutxrmé f :S»;£vi¢ 5h‘, % fioufly mzzlicious byi%tsv¢ry%% _ _ V . fl iefis than thofc: 0f 1"a1sgmzr Cozmccll 2’ How W111 Rama mug of thzg. A. % fuffiélfic hsom the mom/9 of £1 ‘173W£«5’f}¢’E?9l M “ V‘ ... M,‘ , H V that 1;*;‘isaj:;,&»3\:%cCa ‘ G % % mm ‘c:;3u'=:}ti3.10%fieJVz« % % % % _ % M * that Michael did wt fiat; % A "for $‘hu{?;;,c:rxm:n:y ‘l?r.:are::g A m"‘ad% ;t::::Em;,fic;s ( as has calls tipcm) gmumfecl on ma- % 'pa*ePar;zriam5, 23%’ flgeenex Religion, ,~W»~W,fgj,, J;;'~;;?;;:,- m,yrc‘epring Irclamdsa m’z‘efi,c~§-c, I have no more '30‘ ‘th€:w,,_~ t1":a*r‘$vfbr *I;F.;j€: hm 3 mr, imam an the esecejfi in-‘ic, lts exzmtzm zm*ma’:jt," mg m¢_rmt"h¢: batter, an Enemy 1% E‘ 2mj,7 w%mmAb::~:tta-zr t_:h<:n wzfitxm em: owue mores; B.«:€"i«:ies,% §:f§t#:.:»x~ra‘igm*.- S»1zLm-hm: (poim_13r) with their engayggcmfnts a1tc:rc& tifmr 5é1:;;:z:&g.ndcs,; *2-‘.=E3y;;;gc cm:.:€a.=:mne the wzgzimcy of ours that (away ma) was it «::m:«::r'::s:-: ».-mo »i;=u:;=y:é.;:;:xes mam us 3;,.j;;_¢,W;i:;{_x; 35:: n8 {a.‘«:~;f?.;‘z‘1c: X,a535‘»fQ::’A?'# I’: f ‘ I “ . é M ' 2. 13m'*:;ha:: ;§}__g_¢_¢wsz5 Reizgsamit was as We/3 izmcvwmfi as he {peaks} before as mu-u=;r, but (_z:::12:a3w '96:) m3tfiw;L1i‘a1yfcarei, as-as mats: hcarcléaffg azxrangg P:V‘:£5’fifi- +*'~"‘ ~ 74 * a * W 0 ‘ca ws mam : an er «mm mad ‘}e~ z¢«Vm~.sM. 011?: oz p1.2Lms at baa: Om» 1. ~ . A . H ;.._ Qg%,g:~,,W-511; ‘Eflg‘!fl”&s cfpézcially nmv, whm we 16:6 in I’e:;~jp143n firm} raxirzd m fimfl.“‘;;,§f3,gg~g-, W3u:n1thec:1wen1ics%0§ aux." Smw h2W<.".* arzmcl thfi cnemms of our 113... it. u . :2 ,, Fm 1"»: ‘?.::«rt ezaf" Pap2§f?‘x to his fl{¢I’_.&6’/3jav___EVhC’m F-11¢ D9559?‘ Q5115 {N}? £f’”fi fit: much better than the ‘Pmlmzmem : all that I ‘W111 fay 13, that if iuch ar¢bEcUKm@"tE1¢K£:»2g.r lzertzh-fr z¢e:*icE?.r, (jE“K;rz.‘i.i‘1é,“l;;;_gi> 11151-W3,‘ . F ‘ % omfi lcft gwhat? finch as pt*@fr:flff: m CW€.’." a g_rc:z:at!3rj@v165WW F0flJ‘07'7”»%’W¢ W5» and :.mSt;m*, mm: mfly uttcrlgi cmftfm ccntccrcd 1n us xntcrctfi 053 rate‘, but mm-rim» %Art£“clw of %Faiti: to this mf MS yafizcs, thitfe #5 if-”U:aj:*,~:,:’?3' to lgfifi .2 gay W ‘C}“3f.‘£:'i‘;’f3 % fig; it Ms em :~:‘1:_ght«13azar:d m éfatter Sm? _ , ‘D05z‘W? AM yet ‘May mm: the $363 SW5.» AA zxaigge by thsir u£2sg;cP for Mall farts mf mm ave beam not mm mfthmn by héifi lwiiajcftim Army plmdmiycit ; 1111?: themis f2>m;;(‘avs.ww:t, thqic ¢_;3Q:ar£,zaa3 dmrs are JjI5?"i:¢!{a_.’e:2l¢ with fame: wlazat qum: .2}”'m’}2=o*;vsr fa flbiamztiy yo " “3a5Z;;:;?.;‘:y.; for if-“»<*:'A-'5WI"'«=‘~‘«':* L1{E°:t}:c: K :3 A ;‘prapaw gm f*Q'a:uc'::_ is this? <:::_~maai'7;: <3‘? a"%i_, «;:°a3_;;*'?;j'&t t15'f’»fi ;c’J.fr.‘-‘fi.v"~'s7‘."«:f3&c7'J.¢ (“sf 1?: , .e;j:M:.r1 % Mz«£1‘£f'i’“ % ‘I _ M m”§.‘1c:*:wii7a:~bm ; - w.::v:.“11,4.V ;»:.=4:°.~:z«_flz7.rA}: us :.:-:‘cE$ ‘W, é:-M: man rx fiaafeag, I '3' ha mat ilxmrtly :~'azc(_fa'a7?2~¢(a¥:1&iiai.3£. Writ 5 % inrza mmias. cnéwire, if i8‘ my x'e»m fmefmre was pavtefifi, jzhaz am pray 60:31 if; 1’ ax . P m 53%;... ¢ can z»§r:::a*:’<.:_.€ and .s%Z"a’237c’;’>'%*12%;‘)“a.3s. , F. f‘ is 3-'2:-.m=:% prcvailcdgl pray Kiwi it1mj;.I[fm thatfia%arh:;m A the agreatwfér rtff%' ; rm? are HDU sclauzisyfit fa fi§1‘re‘::- wmufad Zmxre it) far mzghtl fee: they ggrmv V précm affwlmmds Veliajfé, if ml} the ref’: zhrcat was taken, vmsj C;rm%zcz~; ism es‘ vsmrc: has mm _ 3 Z’c:.:2{m; - ézémmims c.¢z:¢te[az:zo2¢ meet, Stats: jrrszlouw i he: hath Abut zafcw gaoi A fi10n1<::[T;7,thsy cmjay thm % .f?é';-fly fiL‘}‘D‘i"’£ C:£?‘3?‘.@}'c??‘, ‘&§'1e,‘,1 % _ Wm,._~a my w.r«.:=:r;'y fame} ;£‘pca1.AjA%;%:%a.'“;i.% ‘ ” V A V 4» I‘ 4'2: "‘~ --‘\b‘v""":nr'- ‘V * ‘ I’-* “Y »» ~. rum‘: -r ‘ . «'1 V ‘ ‘ ‘- ‘ “W, “. ' “ 4 A 7;§3*x.‘.i§.1,;:;. mAKAK‘M“..a:?;.;:;f»’ N§".A.AA«e1~'”£A‘«.-I~’.’.Z‘*...,,iA_'iAA-a’AA ‘Cm g.3x,m~m¢ my? L3 ‘\.;“iA,~r, ngf a,fly§tmA§';Ey «M5; M3 pa ~gfi,MV7¢I"?;'E “° “‘ A ‘ ‘ A a:;M ~v»...;if r«;~3w§f¢ ma» ‘l7xi¢:é;h13a.*t N? ‘ ~...« 4 5*-’« ‘ V’ “S ‘ IV‘ PM? ,-' 3 Mr vwlr r:-* -3... ’ -— .4. A , ‘ ‘ “‘ “ “ »JtM," in W a.m.n,,, m~.: ms gazuztrary mt‘ Paafwzmfl mm=z1m%ne;AAA . '4'! ‘V A A ~ sA/ Q A‘ II ‘ fl.1C‘£?1i§~§§E~fi3M'fi€{3‘%fi§.7~3?” a Bu, 3 * 57*‘ *!.:§"w$ 1 A AA ?i3.“z;%?: h:~::Ti$ : my M x~vfLzi1y ‘,a_;aaf.%zx‘::’=.w.=A"2:'»3i Ah A A 3» F"‘=x ;:,A A A‘ "M 4»? M .1 -an 9 ¢01flm»%n<§5 % A ":1": V‘ w*",.A :,A.,, p3 .4. ’ , mg» .;~2"*;~,.A‘3.,:§A~A.;?; aw ;;;%.,1%«;«,f~;'§,1£‘1=.;; W * M t. u. ,~~ ;; mu .542’: ‘ " .5? 1- .} jfl; ‘I i 2 -. L‘ 1‘ V. 3 u 3? . 4" AA, AA‘ “A ‘ ‘ \,(' W‘§'u::A .».,m1::“ but them: é:yf:.“8 ms mgh ‘mo '1! £ xmém «C22? h§s;;w;;’1*2c~:i4“‘E‘“’*"«::saLz:r;rW“ aw‘? ‘ _ '2 tr 1 "’“p« M .,.« V.‘ ....,,a., «. .. “ ,. .. '_‘ “J » “Hui”: W wmfi m..».t_:m:; ...£<;;m W’ ‘\ifi£~m‘i‘1Q;;"fi':'g§al¢i£: n:.”«Hf'. is; A’£.,;:axA.r ,;is m fave WM”: o-fi*nr:x."s <:y'r?:5 §§1»::»”«*z‘:~:f'" W1: i"‘§:.s *3‘ %’"‘;‘,1‘»%:vr”%: A ;:;;i, % mm%f% “M ::.'£1 gé’**=:«:i”7k $1’;-a;z.am;c;-H3, h<:,*23‘;;¥"2¢:"w that rciWr.$,* A.§“7a::A=7 w..?u. IA7A‘£7Z;$ tm::* Lrgazm :m<:‘3i fir: {ha h2T:‘:"E‘*m;i"tt”E"«:“_v’ar«:;c;tri' - mm ‘i.mAa“’e~:«::£7;aAm:::* L:is;w W-a;z~a:*; a V’ :;§*.:m 13'; "V A K 4 w A um-5. ‘.,. l 1.‘. W V AAfl1§'%::s.’m in wbaéyxlmg 313:3 cm‘ Rfiwefiiifi m fixflifizg in A A A