gfiWflIWMWMWW?®%® @1 :A LETTER: FROIVI @THE RIGHT??? H O N O V R A B L E Ferdmafldo I 01d Fairfax, Sir Huck Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry [holmley,Committees of the Commons houfc of Parliament refiding at Yorke. TOGETHER, VVith a Relation of all the paff ages at the g1eat meeting at Yorke ,on Thurfday the 12 .of this mftant May With the Freeholdcrs Protcfl I1ti0n inclofed 1n the Let tet from the {aid Committee to Mafler Speaker, and ordered by the {aid Houfe to be foxthwith . puinflnd 111 Print 1 “ha AM u Lm . *1 1.1 m H. HEI/ing. Cler. (Perl. de Cam. I‘ L O N D O N, Printed by A. Norm: for 101271 Franke, and are to be [old next to the Kings head 1n Fleet fireet. 1 64 2. Wcfificficfifificfiflmwcfifi 4 7- J @thtetmwtwwtwwwww emwmmemanmm D"‘ P‘ ' I \ A~4 ‘J 4‘ A A _. _ «L’:" l (.4433: ‘ ‘ u. b - NF ' w , , _ . AAA 4. J u x ';,..’r 5:? S‘ m, K q » .J ‘.|‘ A A "O , . O .u,~c 31&“Atm§a\jflk\i mo 1 9.133333% . 5‘ f; h -.—- _ ‘;.-"a.. S 3.1!“ K Lpt $95111; ‘ ‘ 0215’ I «’(_5‘“‘-“-‘3=5 3‘ 325;; 3713A; Afl3:9-"- ‘5: Mali-’3 £3333“: no”), {‘53 :37} ' 5’ ,3; ,- 7., 13$st 33.333593: 3523mm!“ 5‘1- 10' , ‘ $7 : 9'."’.‘ ‘ k N1 ‘ . 3 ' «- _ ; . A , .‘ / 5‘ Q, 333““ A4 . ’5‘ '- 33}! {3-5301 ‘ ‘5“ 1.; 1 ' (a C Y . "I ‘ * ‘ A 9&1}st {03:31 95.; V A; 3‘13 V8533!!!“ {10‘ 33on 3.5: Ouizaam 3:; to 3:133), 53 . W’s" 1a..9AA.¢A I: 30’ ”A, 5.5.3). fi \‘ « . '._ 5" E 3 $5 3”“ ma 30133‘W" V" J11; ‘1 c‘ 1552"”).61 W1. '11va (CW 1‘ .. ' ‘g" mt..- fiisSq: ‘15 3M 0?:71‘32’3130) ins-15 A. Amway ”:2. , {’35} w * ‘ ' Ibi'.v«’h;;; :"A ' 33177341323 1:35.31;- :5") ' 5' 'l ‘5' % may 1:22—5 .- 5 A. “ I .1: ‘ J ‘ ”1-3:“: i’ “I“??? A AA A "_“?".A‘jj‘!‘;‘::“f‘ ‘Welhhs‘i’vfihwiflyx . “'33 fl “ ., ' ”CT! I: O .1 . , ad mmbns simfl mm 3251 AAn-AQA-‘ifax Aft-«AA In: mix A sf AA, v o ,. :r‘ - ‘ KS 'flibfij’Jd War??? 52": {.3} ‘~'.“ i 3515:} w” *5 . 9 ch r f . I .1 a C c, _ r x t '. . - ‘ { ‘ 4"! . fi , . Cg . 0‘ )~ a ’ - — . U * .‘ I . .‘ “'N',.'"1 {2 "‘~‘ V‘“' . 1“. \ ‘ a It -- V: — J ‘ _.~— ._ '1 - , .w-q ’ . «Do. -. . 4. I § ‘ I. ’ \ " 1". ~.I . . '1’» \ v . “\‘ ‘ L .' ¢ 0‘ f v .. O ( ' I (I: . . . '6 .I' ‘ ‘ . c L_ " .'\ v T " .., . 7 . ,, - . «'11 \v" t o. 1 .‘i z ‘ 4 1 1 1 . .3. t'. "‘ ‘, 7‘ .,,- -.'-’,-11 ”“113. (“,4 .~:<;u V‘, I-‘tl - I‘ ~ 3 O t f _ _" _ I. fl I»: "3531;!“ 11“““H’ N éfixlliiifélr’é't’thfiém dd Wm‘a f " 93““ . , a? ' 30313.51)! fitfi andfccéddwfiting'ohthc Ring, will" 3 We writ to _ yougthcn,.thécifiis:Majcfiy = ,gqmmggdcdmmgma himzynaada‘ygag. '/ j}1ng;Tbutfday,.tghmc,wmc-hee<{aid w the -»_. ‘ (”"9 .3 ,gspflw,Wfiidialhth§={mathei’tfiéf- ‘ (25$;ng .‘y 5-, 1'- . ;~ flag. he {:chch byr-agpantgcular- Mcflai ///////?v, vyfix k 313g mm,c4$hlthnr,hsMauflw «MEWS ‘ h‘c “ if; ._ . :__ycrail Mgfl'agés, between": himmd“ . Paifiamcnt,"nightfqh§d in’tFis‘cnclOQd, minted Papa-tab: «fcéalf ‘ This Was doncyi'th mgch-humming,and qpplaufc of the King: Mcfiag'es hymn: perfons who had placed thcmfclvcs nears-about wbgtc‘ the 1. ing flood”; But ,whtn- any, thing from the Patna;- l'mgn‘t gamma be“: read; with ,fo;much;hifling.fand 'ro'vili " “flu: Pafliamgnt,;that though in “M,“drduey to the-Kings P'c‘f- fg‘n, xiv; cfould not rcfcrgt i;,aggmcrwifc=wcc {hauld Have dcfit, ygt'hgnycfiucc _ ofiuhtcd, andcomplaincd ofic (6 his“ Majcflic‘. Some Wet: fo‘bo dgs' tofayfbp‘alp .That..thc.Parlia'ant mcn {bould fctthcir Héufcs in order,for many of them lhould {hort- ly have their bad: of ; 011: of which( as fine: wee arc credibly infgl'mcd {was one Hm . a fervant to oncMaflcr W'sfl'iam 095:. II this“ w 1th qugfaid by an K’ ,you Will {cc what 431$de had‘gp'v'mdiggc on: {clygmnd t mfomflcimmcdimym "“g- ' ad _ro gbg: Dam thfgwitballr-Chc nth“ Gemlcm'c‘n,‘ and; .6“ wec‘t'qu'c nbticc o} . ghqquhw'agc’ whim! icbcivcd g‘Wéc‘f’dl’d them Mimi web h6g5“ ,ipqucdon 'n'otv aroma-me in us '( 3s bin/Ia}: ifWés pkgi'cd “span it) t'o" deliver Ithc' Parlifincncs Mgn'ggc, or to flag lam-9 thoughcommandcd to the contrary, finco wgc'copaiv‘ed yo man ”“1:de be {arisfied m {0. ckarc a diff: .. ‘ ”' A 2 t is. ' I, , —- wmm-grnattevery" member ’ of :93; 'Houfe ought to obey their ,Gomtmndot'whe'n they werepleai‘er} to employ them. But fincc 'hisMajefly thought fit tcbid them,tak.e.,hced of us, not know. ing Whit (loathe of difobedie'nce; ‘Weé'mighc- p-ijcaeh :to:.jthem W @o‘fifi ’fipbeyjng’ *eb‘ceparliameng‘,:weef appeaicd ~td}"evet.y mmheche ' “Hue badge Word”or‘dced;m‘“pu‘31rék‘orifi'firi'vhte, done any thing that became not honeR men, and petfom employ. ed from the Parliament. That we; ha-demnmunicated our In. ,.fi;u&ims.mtfig Majefiy'3bcing‘thét fleewould airow all out A- fiions, and thetwe were confident Itfyvouid not be (aid, we: had tranigrefl'ed them. .'This Was "ve'ry we?! takes; and jafiified by “ ~- dmConmn'cquzéfiecday-‘them came (here thoufapds of Pree- ‘ holders tofifigfitienholighlibnebufithe ‘IG'ent’ty were {ammo- “d: but. rueifixg‘ a .Eommand'ffrogn the: King "not. to come to Comedic}: Tfoibwc,‘ and = flayed ’ ifi‘the‘izgfll :. .yard;-yet":-feae :1 this ‘Pétition enflbfed tolfis’MaJcfiy',’ and reecrvcd the Ant’wer’ muck; edtherctint‘oi There was likewife a comma, of twelve Ger;- tiemen appointed yefleflfight toteonfider oF’dk‘JW‘ingpp a}! An- . {wet-to the Kings propofiti'on concerning aGuard. but nothing could be then done, became It was paPc' three ‘ a clock: before the 699;ch were admittedgo the-Kibg: Th'is'imomfrig ‘Ttfie' Tic:- holders afl'embled agaihe'hflheflafih’ryitdfifid were. they made this Peoteflaflon melded-,fofithefi right of v‘oéing in . Whit? eon"- eetneth;dn peaoezof the Cotmtrcggas-héving' theii inter611_thetein. ‘ wimqman. met thismoming-againe 56th: Beam hears; We whwe your‘iCninmittees received-this Mtflfigebyfift’b‘dzémfl .Stanbap, That hc-éame {ram bid Ma iefly’ to~ cbm'maud us, ‘thfit We {hould depart from this (fleeting; and if =wee did flay, his Maje- fly wonld ; judge mguilty oft'hat~ he fpake on 'yefietday,,wbida ',wjas_ peeing. ;No't’witbfhflding Which Command, wee feed 11;: {my Article ofourJnflmaions- to- the whote‘cqxfipéhy‘.’ .fihqt being pertinent'to the bufixif'e’wee were then tippnfipddeé i lied them mealfider,‘ whether the ‘Pflriiémeot hid .rfnot' _exptc'fl'éd therein Echo eateiofthe KingsfiWJhir'thcreWOuld bee little heedof Gnarda: Wee told them that wee had a good ”right 'of being thete as Freeholders'of ' the County, but that in obedience. . 105.11; King weewonld departfor this time : But thhfog? ‘.. ‘ ‘ t6. ‘ there lhould be occafion ofout being/there inpurfuance of‘our In~ 4 flrufiiom and gCommandstkom the Parliament; we; flpoplld . bee ; ready. ,;.:.The§wi10le.companx (cceiyfi-§I§8§fati5f4¢?fl0m?l‘d dF‘ .nmoa Copy oat-.that-iuflruélion wfiibbmcs SWQmQR- ,ch,-rmorc; gWiimflghfifi: that: amateurs? 5.0:, #0,“). thence, :brécaufe'i: We; Khalid i mt- QBEIEE: aim, psabed'rcncbt9: the; Kings command, which otherwife bee wouldggjhafi ,_ia,id; Y”??? :c-i‘m' .;l’t'2mdy mowed, butbcswlbabbflammmcc; n ; j‘l’é‘YF (RPM- Lied ytiimigm WMrlbflfl ‘0 withdrawn-f0 rhayttthgrebvas 1,13" athr‘ng' fontheprcfi qt For. as to: ace ; ZWee ,‘immdyth; wenéqto .thcumg; aflfi‘bififwghl him,rhac.'-€iaqei...:v~5¢9:'-Vinaso file-- any :10 gdifcoaatemaeedl by film-.ajp tbfi~f3€$r0£ agar-,4 glib- ty, [hlt hee would bee plea-fed to let us now‘mfiparig‘cg lat wherein wee had given the oecafion, for wee oth‘erwrie con. ceived wee V‘v’fiiedcripiififlimgfihflf Li berty,which was out due in refpeéi of that Intggfiwgghgdhete. His Majefly mas 1621.155! totell us, that if wee would lay afide that conriitioriiiflP £1me mittees from the Parliament, hee would not hinder'iré to bee there a: Gentlemen of-;theCountrey ; Wee humbly replyed,that wee could riot-lay, that downemor could wee be abfent from a- ny meeting'wh'erexopt'ptefence was required, for the fervice as Committees from-;ehe,rl’rfirliament: to which his Majefly faid, That indeed hee thought wee could not lay it "downe, neither that it was teafonable wee fhould have Votes,and bee in a dou- b‘le Capacity. The Committee hath beene together mofi part of this day, but not agreeing : Six: of them have drawne up this‘ Anfwer enclofer‘, which they have communicated to the. Gentlemen,and Freeholders. The greater part of the Gentle- men,and all the Freeholders-have agreed too, and fubfcribed it.‘ The other fixe have concluded upon this other Anl'wer, confent-P ing to a Guard of Horfe, but this wee doe not heare, that they have gotten many names too, nor can-wee get a Copie of thofe names as-yet, though thefe be‘ very few, yet whether they can bring in any Horfe or no wee‘cannot yet judgct The King hath received both thefe'refolutions,whi‘ch with his Anfwers to thgmryoulhall likewrfe have here inclofed. His Majef’cy had. A- 13 ' declared .-——-—.———.—— —— .. _, “~V._----_...__,i , ,, .7...’ ' u ‘ - . (D . acclarcd himfelfic yePccrdaynhat he: wwld raifc that Regiment, ‘ Which was Sir R 05m Ruin-Hand} for his fact Guard,but hc hath now laid afidcthat Refol'ution. ‘ Theft-«holders ‘of the Coun- ty at; now «=wa fu‘tfim‘dacd to attéfid his Maicfly about a week hm tbctbfrc: Rydifig‘lupofi th’rcc' (mall dayes, but ~ for what fmiccwc doefiot‘ W. W, ' V ' ‘ ' "‘ 91f,y61ifiavdhcrc flag: Narrative of the pafligés at this 'n'iecting 1; WE“? ‘dafi’gcrs this poor: Conway .Iyes under, ch ' humbly referrc' it toyeu'to judge, not taking upon usto deliver ”any opiniom Thcbu'fincfi‘ckficd {'0 long, «that it hindered us fiom'fiirvidg ambrc‘ip‘etdy accompt.'Sir‘,This is whatat thin; time isi‘mp‘om,_ V; , -- - a. i . " Yo‘urafliuedfrind s . 41““)."1 . -‘ ,.. ;,; ‘_ _ . PmFaivfax. Hu.Cbol~ley. " ‘PbiiipSupletw. ‘ " He.CboMq. '- 2; 4 . - l ,1: 1.. K 1‘ 1 7..» v ' t ’ ’1 7‘1: 1-.‘ " ‘ n: 15) H13 ’VI 31341133 Speech. . “I :1: 193113 331113 of 39111113,; hot 311331113, 1911313 3 '2 'u I 1113111313 13. 713111311 3 313 out 133 911111, :{1 = 1113113 for 1 $3 33933 3931,23 131113, 3 111113 . L thought 3133 93113119333, 32. of. fucba 939; I333 33 I939 933113111, Ibo 111111715 ( {13331113 it . , confirm33 93111 1111111131111an 1319311112, 3113 ’ " 1131 31131113 9311 111911111 9.13 Italy 111913111311 of 319353333 1139113311 3933111312113 19331133131101.2911 1111111 (131:3 33113,. 3111319, “1399‘ (91% 13 I93 39119131311 ogbotb 193111633 3311311311313 £1113 11131.; It)? 331111111 I939]? 1993., 393E3333t31133311111§ H91 $33913 3919 to am 131113;; 911114.99 33333 13113 33311133, 113311111113 11111 33339113: 11199- 3 r3t'111‘33 Io 9an :53 will 33113331111113 I113 Militia . “All winch bang mad‘bls 1571,1415: pImcccdch; H , I 3311111113113 1111 paraphraf33 upon 111113393 93113 b31133, 11111333 {13111111133 931119311 thou 3 131113; 01119 Ib1'3 91339111311311, 911113 mroafon 13 30911131131133!) to 11331 9133,11 13111113 to 100133 to 9199 fanI9: 3 33313 It 11133 partof 99 1113111131; 91211111111311 ( 111113111 31110119111 b3rIoforo,ED1£:I'331 311D 9onorat3) {11311111 113113 unnortaken tbt’3 311191391113111; 8113 that time tb39 c: 1113 3 11391113 oolibmo 1131111113 911111133 you 113113 933111, 3111113111 1113111133 111311113 131113113 ~193rfonall9 11111113131113 19331131113111) 11101113 1111113 111319 1119939311 93, upon 933131133 of the 19113113 1113133 drommann. 99311311113111113; 931111113, 13 to 1113111 9311 of tb3m; 31oz. {11133 111313 111311 bafio [nought 99,13 mu) 11 91919333 31111 offobo9oblo 131119.111 3 (15311111111110, 3 will not I119 11133119311: Intent of 111191113 b31313 ;onl9 3 I113 93111393 b333, not 31131111113 3111111 2133331113 of 91139311131133 1939 11139 92.3331) 13 9311, 1mm colour of 31139111,; Ibo 19331131113113 igitherto 3 113113 Eounn 11113 113919311 qw’ot, Ibo 31113911113 of 31111111 11133 a cb31f3 131113 of 5199 coming b1tb31'( 9111111111113 31111 91191333 baring mano 393133331113 90111!) ) 31111 not to 11111113 mm :33 931113 3111 War, 33 931133 11331111101111 3; [1093111 “"33 1113 ' \ I69)“ .i n . make you balsam ;. ;_3p'oa34tmiweis me come’, a min - mom 1W2 realms tum » ‘ 995°. bg-ayozt,fgou1é¢tbiat3@9 .iyagagineis going (to be taken my firm .993, Chang-€912- Wnemomguws) nicest!!! against my Iain .: £592 .‘ Militia (mama 3mm ans-mg content) feigning- be to‘putifl Btttufion : flhn‘laifly, Sir Iohn Hathams firearm: is countgnanc-en': guru's tonfinéren, none can blame me to ap: mam gDangers. We 31 bans thongytfit (upon there (2; aunounusjto trail BMW 3 am rgfnlm WW fimwgthez 193:1th Winniban 0:12.81!th W181 929:1 Magma: 33% W) M? fig” me 11am; 3}“ 33% new W's-mm cm W L . mm may at gnaw-mm asahgég,,m :02; ‘ trudgiamtmiamfem 4, frommfiffrontr nzfnnit'r! {bat may bz‘pa’zren,'mbitbzi manta, 99mm $2 belts, mifliout marge to tbe‘tflrountr‘eg,‘ intenning no longer to keep them on, font,2 than 3 (115;! he Jgpngcp of mini; aWZEbBfl: {ions , by having fatiftadton‘in‘tbe par'ficulars b25028 mantis .omn. - . x~ - ‘. . ' ' (~31 ‘1' . ‘ ;.v: - ; ~ - -‘ Pu 6 z .-.‘ ’ an 3' "fl:l; ~ . . ‘f . .‘ . ‘ r'hvn'“ ' ‘ ‘ ‘o » x < :Zf‘» _‘ .' ’ t .. t ' . k.. ‘ , q i ’ - . , o-‘ .f .. ,1 , .’ l m" I “.‘z‘ ‘b’t‘W‘P .0 .‘ J ' } '_ ’r « ,.; ,. C ' I! :A “'3 r -L 1‘. , "I s ' , . ,s ' l4 ‘ * ', I ‘ . ‘ " ." D ‘ 0“ 4 t Moltma‘wpm dfiubn's; Oftlsirgffientle. - .‘ '— "‘1lléfl'iafi‘a¥l%ékélfi‘饧" Mil-ax? filfife‘h’fiéfl‘tfié lament the DeaxaégHo‘tlfe,‘ ‘ ’ ' where the Sheriffe was. [Mfl'fi‘khflvafién‘fififikfibfiWficfiié;‘ f . ., . ._ . , He Propofitionstafiglméykd frog): yefierday from I your Majefiie are of (“o-high concemcmcnt to the w.“ LN] akgndmmsffitflmmholeKingdom,tahd 601333; {wmmlyz 99mm;£Mfifiefiiommd'fidelitie;0£ all. :yoiac..s... {U bi €61.31!) 39n§f9113EQSW£thingzb9t apart QfdflCuCOHmiQI: onelie, dcenot conceive it fafe for 115 to advife therein, but rather humblie‘tO""b€{E“é‘6h“ybtit"Maieflie 'to impart the“ .51'§9f 3.0 ,‘Maififliqstf trequf. 'cl,oc'eS,to. .o ‘3?ng Coht‘tfldf l rllgfi'lhlgtf/ol‘vlfl‘lélé ln’g ll’o‘yallx’céfégll {I (’8 - on to your Mtiefliesfignétérfil‘ldfifeltyguhnd the profperity of your Subicé’ts and dominions we are moft confident)and whatfoevmilllfieadwmfiy your greavflnfififlllxhéx‘hifli we {hall 1n6fl‘willlng13tefi3‘bfécc and givc‘<‘<$‘t‘1’(‘t\'-‘. cdn'tfqtlehc'é} and afliflance tb‘i 3151:1121 fftfiéome us, In whoféfidelxtyahd affefiion your Mafé‘fjigt :1; "often dcclgxed :éfRE'Cig‘llf‘t,fu‘{}\h And albeit wee d$kjn§>t @1- pmc to ad‘vi‘fe‘yom‘ngjéme m3 thar particular beinngftmnfcendent conlexlue'nce, newts. thclefl”: in the behaliexoflthofe membei‘g‘ofParliament: lately imployediofit‘tenéiqu Maiefiie from b’oth‘Hottfe's; being all of themflfitfiémen of qualitne m‘dlfcflat‘éifi‘t‘hiéf Countie8c tnfif’é‘jfl‘tbfifiie‘lfl that mofl Hoh‘oiihle‘ffiflleth; blie; Wee hulfibl‘lccra‘lg your Maieflies IééiiiEito‘ex'ité [c our Confidcni'elmftheitugfiained Loyaltie and a caion‘ V i' 12:4. 0:1;3‘4‘ w“ “3‘ ‘33“ kfl‘y“ ”3%; 52% {5;} 'Wflfiw to your. Maicflic to be {itch a": your Maneflncinay flatug‘flic’ admit: their attendance to negotiate their imployments untilltl'ncy b; mailed by the Padizm‘cnt. And foflhd'm’ fiz- dciityi wee doé alt engage 0111- féldcs to 3201.11‘ Maicfiic, and' we 411%:qu 411.41ch theta y 0.111 Royall: peg-fpxi {lull bcfscurc' in the g¢na1all fiddicic ofyoux 8452267: If 2122-2622222!) w1th0ut any cxirdoi'dinaiic' guard r 1711.1“ Maze/he: 0122 war to 21225 242222222622 I . t: éytbd Sher-fer, I 1411...... h if .. Is Maicfiics cxpcas the like afi'cé’hon {1011: you tfiac c 60111 from die other Gctitl-‘ehiéh, add that he bath the fitmc' confidence 111 you,’ that Kchatii m’ tbé bthcx‘s. ‘ v fir 7752 222222263 of 260 e [gent/6222222 2226225 wen: 1,:1. 14'. 1: 1'4an 5 tthbcrflé. . ‘: . '1 1.11.. 1 H"; 17.: Sir 17242224: qufu , Sir W41124m €04,346]: . I; A 322' Mabeiv 3922”» I Sir 77202124: Gower -- .1 1.8229922241122244!!!“ .' M4142. 71202224: [Offin ‘ . . ' Hgnr} S 2' gym ' Arthur Nu: Sir "01124!!! St. Qilixtin. ' 7 05222: [‘42:th ‘ _ . i -1 Sn‘ EJ112421! £22ch 7 7 Hear; 1:21th ' -' Sfi'mllmmlra [:7 2 .lohfifltrrgr 1 ._ : ~ - 31271242244: Now/2ft. - .. -' Ja/thfl .1 '. ? 2' _' :11"! L". -S:‘r Art/yer (mg m 1 1 ' - f ' ,1 HenrJr/Itkmfl». 1 " _SIrRich4rd 4 [q _ chmWflbe: ,4 5:2 14 w: m. ’0' '. . W112” Bet/2d! Str thlmm f 4 rcfak‘ :o'g: Max:224)” 31211223- Betbell Than-4: 5202'ko ’ Lir'lobachll VIC/[24222 Gmcr' ’ Sir 24/212242» L Jfl” lac/2424 Trauma S 42km?! S 40km]! POP: ' .1 7719mm 'Bmdfird '- ' __ J TMmI—I‘L-élerbwaiz: :5. Richardrfilém ' f.’ ' J ' -. r’ .3 : ‘ gage-5'14” 2.2 ., g3; JET; . job «find '5. .. J; J Gefigemflx 33‘» V1: if“ :5 ”4,503,. A111)" (1 ; J _.J V,»— (J... 101:»: 540i]: (Of/11:41:: ‘ RoéertJS/J: ard J“ 1012:1543-3-3 2(~ J»; J Mg; m; “t r“; ‘ Vm/zizmglé‘ ~ .. ‘ » ”Iv St’i @2013 . ' Lojmll Cop/c} . J J Icr’z/ALHMnd , ' Edward Gower - 4'" " Iolm flolmelc’y r C utbécrt freak; '- 7730mm Newark: " " 00}!!!th Coax-f .".”;”-'." "3L ,HmrnyWIfin ..J, . ",5' M .. D0 1‘15??% 37" mm .nln n: .10"??? ttk/{l‘lurgd a, f 773],” éjy'zfl'fi (1311} 3; If: {9” Lméf?‘t,l ‘j 3“ 102? g” 4%” a ‘5 J ‘ “313‘“ $4!!!” ngW/zm J . I apt-.1.) W250i} rimjfonr ‘ ‘7'" ‘” r Stif/JEfl‘ mnfm .7 r Ia/m xix/461'; . . °Vp§1255 30.2319“. «'7 .. f3 fiflfihBR’lMt’bm ’3‘: “ ’3 53155;; Maw» 11: 5- J 3 .J- x Cbfiflap berWatend '1 '. 195?, BIWZey’EJ J-. .7: Matmemfintbr '1; (J7 :JJJ'J‘; tfiM,Bme 3:3,? _' gfimfilkfmnuvmm ijWXWW‘E' f1 :yfi'ri ' 13m}: m4: 3 3€Mfl7fizt 702mg. ,, x '- a: - [fa (‘II t- "a: 1;: . '5? ~‘m 0., 0:1,! V lemm Parégr J i) ): 'Cbarié} airfizx ‘ ) 0:073 Trotter E: ry Mrtbjx rm ”Weflbit . _."--‘3‘ ‘73}: Intv‘iz- ‘ $YMflg °3 V V :1 in»: (eating: «I. Layman" 5i :0} .2: MIMI: *r :3: J73: I.-. 1’ mm. #:5313113; ’Brynbccm onefhcete aim ‘ 4d“) 1 . ting gimme J .3. esfis 516d together all Of“ them Subfcribed, and amongfi them many Gcatlmcn of notc,but1tookenotc oncly of the firfl fixaetchave~ ingno more time. f _ ‘ J Two To the ‘ fimgs mQPt E , g 5 ‘ lent Maieftie. V E Knights and Gentlemen whdle 111mm fiJb‘fizrr'peel doe‘ unanimoufly prefcnt 1111s 0111: anti» @023? 3‘0 ufMajeflies propofir‘ions $931., ceming thetaxlfiagbfa rd of Hog/e for the (601113)! 21113 defencco you - 3 _ To which progég invesatiwe conccxveomfclmesbem by Allegiance, dqe willingly concurrc. For that 91': humbly def 1mg that (116 afircfaid may bemrfidsgg Authority: Anélfiéfilfie‘tfih it may conffi 6(9333313 queMomblemtfién‘Y‘B‘efigmn, and Gentlemen. ‘ ”57‘ . :XKEWWMMJW ‘53; i :1‘7 *5 HI: sMaiefiic gave them flthankes, for 1: appearedas a GI: 1 W W‘l 11 11,1111 959%?th ..... Egg :6 g 34¢ To. ,. . .. ~' g: Maj} Excellent A3415}? .; T136 Hawk}: P33130914 mmfaahqffmafldmfim 3 'f ‘‘‘‘‘ wig??? edi‘uéufls‘glltbeCaunm " " ~ f ’1' lg? If , «1,3 3.3... '_. HW’S/yewétb ‘ ‘ " Ha; 11131191 nyour Pctxcxoncrsbemg11113116111213 def-11'“ Of pCtIflODmO your Maigfty dcpycd accéfg,kcp1 bad; 1 ' with “016mg, and rcccivciqg great 33191115" from fame that’haVC dependgncy ,on you1 11112113 111113. others that: a 111 , y‘c1 no; provocauqn cdul 19111011.: them {19111 't 1109 12146119913115 dun; Whlchptocc 111gs arc 1 mm? to ‘heart, ‘ygyr Pctmoncrs oonqupo wigfundcwiaf) 11'. they avg" anfnxercfi 1n the Camumn-wmltb 1116!an with 111 113111131an” Sub1cétsto youeraoflyrasw ”flaky 111011 b iygrf 6 1116113 bavp hgc 15111: 33115313111163 12191. 11111111 BEWCE' 133191111: 1111‘“ erfiourg w 9;, . 3 3‘ 11 ..... 91‘ 81799139999: 9' cdthat mfg? uchfy 1911321 ; chm macaw: Yew” 19499? 1? PE: 31% one 3-. 9111“ 9‘ 8951., 3%)”; W1”: 1WWEN‘5‘? HM .- “We 310m. P 11301111131 . _ qugfgtogi, mafia: your Maiéflfés to 4 1193111: ' Lmdamg m with form: difta Co your PetitiOncrs humbly applicant your Maicfly, to conceive better things of them and to cafi 310111216 upon the prefcnt {late of 11115 your Kingdomc, that :1: Maicfiy hath often declared your affcélion to this Coun1y,fo now your love might now be cxprcflEd impre- fervcing I: . . ’. .23,- 31,1; ’ £1, {31,11,11 1,; 3,1,5: 1- »_ tf ”0531‘ 951 g‘ffibI pf.» zée thereof and that your M aciiy woiiic? .adam1ttpfa ht Infonmation ohthcclcarc 1n§entions quour ‘j, _ Petitiéh'Vé}: date conHQéM¢that wefd abfoiizte; and hart Obfqzmbfiemfidpnm (3111111113111: 1211113665 3511119133.: {113th aspwhggm Mggd 31,111 gamma declare, which if1t become d5vi (as, forb1ddjofir hearts ' even tremble to confidcr the d'a'ri‘gcrs ahd dqmnatiqn Qfgie honout, and {Iafgty of ypur Malcfhcgpoflcmty, andy‘K” dmfiswmmiavoyflafil b’c put upon finch: 11 is cicare 19 at? undttftfiridifigflflut1snor'adevided pair of one, ,or Ifcj‘y C6 ties that can 311014 11131: 110110111 (211311 {#51th you M5? yas’flr‘c VWOIGKInngfh‘m/hlch IYQIII may €13me . ., htfdnoi’Ml’e dffléfi 81" (tedia‘ifiing ,‘Iifa g ' ” £55:be EE‘HWXt yd111' 11111?ng dPar’ficVE p 1‘ wiii’éfbfi'fifpfls 11162“ 113% {5:11;} $th dtr’de‘to ai‘fiee‘fl‘yendtm caroubICs 0? 1111111" defiabfiflgrour’fhronem 11E feoufncs..And . 1 (3:1on bmdfl 111111151 116311: at 11:3? .1 12119811 19.121211111113111 Egéfix W? "9. , 11.. ‘ ... a???" t (g? i? 892%.: ' . 5 £5.14 i'th mima £1 9.25: $11"; - an 3515: e , my 1' "we 11%!“ 11121311111115: éfiaiiimi ”$51611dil’fleéfl;ib{jdo§sjaifg£d%gbgg 19111111139 . 1595611513 néigfidi 1502616 1“)? '11:th ‘ 03111511568139 t’o maintm Pia 19.311193; 31113- 911,8 Prevfl13§e§ina povet 6 mandtficlawfull “have: agcbeSu em. , . , .. i‘. I31 111111. r1111?! 10 n 2: 7:1; :5 1:21-41"); 13:, 11.1111! 1110/ 3‘ U 1" 1W“ "1/11"U'C;{I 'firiz' mi} 3113;121; :2": '11 , '10»: 1'31: «1:11. .»?1"/51'ig ‘IUI'O/ 1.223333 1.31‘1-1' “'3 ~11an 3 :1; 1': L712 325112.213: 313121 : J” '2‘! '1 { '( 1' .-V‘ ""53 ‘. l . J n w - ‘ . 3-.. ‘ fi .v. a y - ~ I 4 , N I" {I w. .' u, ’2 f._ i V7 . . _‘ A :1 1" .2 ‘ “vgf £9.“ ‘1‘».mw4‘)1. 1 vi. .‘ i \ aisle ‘pn. . “-. . n. . I .3 T ' , WWW?“ =» 11’0;;=‘t’}v$ W" a a .a‘ f f ““fl‘ .4 I 1' ‘ -~ r, r“, , \ . ’ . " " ‘ ‘-“'€, 1 ‘ ‘ . O .4 ‘ l r ,, , {Iilii ikiiiilis. CH '-_'zi3€§"h ! (‘2‘ . - Aalivfi ‘ Iq- -. 1% . q 1:. b 'P ,-. & "cs/it: x "u“ : "' §:;-:: 1 g '5:. .. i: éWg nfipbrtdt 3* ct, ton aftbe Cdtm :73 at 254: 1:333:20!!qu ‘E‘omi’arfirke ‘Viélu $1154 -. 1H ' c \" 862'"! "At-fw-ij r (2.: 1- .3;c..¢A.Qr,.r..,-i u- . < 1.34:; -. 1‘ ‘. ' , -~|i l. ., :; ..»=Hz.¢M4u.&ze,. .~ ,. J-J." ‘1‘.“ 1 in. .l' .2 ’ . ;.~.Au¢ing., Withfome garcichmfidcrcd this Petition», ‘. "lmivflgg‘t’h‘g firfiqflthis nature that ‘ hath bg‘cnc prcfem- 2 - x: ;. qughim W319“? nanyappcaringwgcll gfl‘cétedxomis '—.4I¢r§ic,é_ C‘Fhfiiugh. bf? h-EC-h heard of manyiu the, Contraryg) hm if!“ 0mm .tbcmfelvcsshath .C'O.mmandcd;-m63to gwc (mt! thisianfvm : :,, .;- _ ., A . A. _, , . .1731“ h?..,;9F_h—t9t411¥ difcqycr proceedings ccmplained of ,inithc Pfitiilofl , and cxpcé’cs thgpyour’and all othershis Loy; all Subicas fhall rqll flittisfichWith his {cvgrfall'Gratious Dc. ., clamcaons and gonfiant PCRCC%b1¢PinC§towards his Wk ththc sdntrarfih and f9; furthqr aiquangétzupm iuft. promfc ‘zmifidii‘figéinfi 3W M?¥l‘9-hath$9mmi£§¢df any: ; 11101.6“: in .. ‘ . .wmdsae ,?§1*i9‘3§(,<}?§t...b°¥mi¥fl Pmeszatziqn) mil-remind- :9n (hall We Bill-C.“ $9 .t.h¢%¥cr§§$ inimdoi :‘tAzth 131’]me ' JEh'i-S p‘etitiM, hisMaiéflici‘aith ghat it is f0 _c,_onful¢d the: be: h (doth pot We‘llknow what .pOfitichniwtrm give in, And-the rather bicajufc i? is gf9.lmd.€i.d- upb‘n lthifinmrmation ”bath 20f ; ‘ -hisMaicf’fies Proc¢cdingaénsi intwions; :35 masticuknhxs , .M9i¢11fi¢f;i‘itbhcc anrinmndzdtd have ypu etch“: W865 ibctwiggthim andlh'isi.‘ Phrliamchjt; ~fA1ifclfor¢hgmh¢nQagczqf -»rléis 1395349911.: fitférfé to his;.M¢1lagcs {Dede mm»; and; :4aner rwhzjrcby it-wilkckamlx 1;? [cars Phat" ‘hhzdfifirfi and .imgqtionis oncly the prcfc‘rucihgofiihctrutc protefiaat pro. fclliun,..thc lawc§0fihcland,. the Libcrgig‘of his. pcgplc-.gthc pcagcof ”the Kx‘ngdqm‘e; And the peace ofi-gbiygfimltiqin Pertlcillcr», .1 . . The ' I. Th PrataflaimqurccbolJm.Mdj 1321642; erkmus :ewmmpum . "mon's to' the "attic b’fth'is County to’Attcndfiim a! his sigmaavymwexwtsmmmmwvife with Eunfln' {913157 'pérrtiqg‘lars, oomnixfi tyéi‘honour, and fafctie of his Mh‘iéflie'sgpéflbfi, mama‘we eing and peace ofthis our Countic, and in the {aid {ummons Wgs,plcafcd to omitgthc Frqcholdetjs of this C oumigout of £9153ka c6! afipum’chhmaitejtany‘extraordlfiiric’thirg’eyyéthKon 1. .anslokppvfintew‘ldya’ifiefoti'é‘ M‘aitfl‘ic‘bat’ Gama). wfinigmgafid 'ciondam'ein‘ thIElvcs‘fiébdtfitfig‘cht‘fiwp‘m. [mn‘wt’algricmfigéqua y‘imr‘efié‘d it: ch’é coitmjdn gabd of dig Gouhti‘tydkhaléebohldn‘c’s to comb ‘ifl‘ ' petfbhl Ptd TM, and wpr'c roadie to attend his Maicfiics pk afln‘é’ Mféi‘ At“fl ‘zwboryajsqummnfwas‘pleafw'men"tdipmpbudd 'féévgrau whingmmhclpmpefi-t Fdrefiidgmtt‘e 4méé'tfi1g 136? that! @otfi‘i- - 013E,ét0tbnfiHH-a-H?anfificf g6 tetbfn‘e‘ to? hi§¥MéiHF¥é1¥fiété mg I: “ mmgcam‘ghaufewcrefliuragaidfi’ us", mun 1y madam h ohfiafiién‘tt‘fificfiéx‘ié df—‘Kfii'glfié metMNichaaemr mdwdgc ior‘c'bnlfifii‘b twat: ivhr(m&%"anfifiéfi- i} W118 {Remains wh6=’pefl- imam: 9mm wgaigfibnczmmybumms :mwinmédliaiaie aeamh’hvoma‘owmgmwfi- «- . " Wear—tbfliér‘vriféféwthéfinfitj mwaw REM, 33nd: tWaugh!Mmero’bdtoficfdflkd'Byfiyttéf69 mopmmmcwwmmmma‘ Qfi§?§6¢1‘fl3fb- a” W“ “WW 'fiifi‘fh‘ié £18 ddtWfil‘ENr ' 231mm mudfamo’vib‘itfoévé Muivce‘tm'cifflwf inniuwskwwéaua ace «argue-Wm Elia: Ideawnfomm " 'Kemade; we admitted momma ~Wté§fidth€fimmw ‘ 'ofitohmre‘tobemufinitéd ' 93$. ai‘éymdiadcm‘érwr fence tar us’ht‘zizOthfim" ' : FNIWMW flatmakb‘gdd‘din thc’lefl rcfpeé‘t anything Vgatfocvcr whi'dl {hall Otherwifc beconcludcd updflé”" ,. " F 1 11’. .1 :3 (‘ 1‘. . RARE 13A ‘412 1642 ylS WW“ /WI/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU M60679 8O