... -...-en-—v7 - wv ._ ‘ - A ..a fl’ - ~ » , , — - » V 2 - ’ ‘ ’ '’ ‘‘'‘'''‘ ~~ __: V » ~‘‘''’'‘'‘ . ....... ‘ ‘T- ~ J ._ "“ A‘-' “~ -I " - I ' V ‘fir’ ‘J’ '-'-K ‘I --“"9-4¢'~ . A ,. “ - ‘Hu- 1,-_' o “ H. "’?‘ / é Iv . _ ‘ , 5 .—.————---Q r . '- A" ‘ g‘ . M" .' , ,....._.,, V 5 ' _ . . v ‘ _‘ .. ' \“ 3 ‘ ‘ i - V ' .1 2 ‘M ' « r ‘9 2 :- *.,- . ..K K." ' - I ~ -- ‘ ‘ —--—-...., V -- w .-o" ('7. .\ ''''_ e‘ "\ _s s \ '4’ I a ,3‘ f . ' 5: I g‘« ... .... O F 2/. Il\¢IPEACkPI2i\4ENT BY THE C3O1M1W(3IJS ASSEMBLED IN .PARLlAMEN2 IN Tn}; NAME OF TI~IEMSI?LVF.S AND All the com M 0 N 5 ,3. ENGLAND: ' A A (; A I N 5 T , SIR THOJ«Ix1S G//]€DINER~ Recorder of 1211:: City of Lo7:z!'u22) fa; 1‘Cx,em1] great Crimes, HILL M'i{8cmc':1noL1rs com- minted by him. 73» oz» as ""*"~—~ -~......¢_.... LUNDQN, May23ol54z. ‘ ’ “ - _ o _ '~'~-"— .- :-~ 3‘ .. 4 _ ' r’. H“ >~~, 9'.‘ ~:.ue. ~ . _ V‘ ‘ I u. ... \ .~ . y . . 4 I ... .M ; ur, ARTICLES OF Impeachment again“ Sir?’/J0?I1»1;IG'di:-_-“ §[z‘7¢er Rerorder of 1/26 if} cf London. Im]27‘z'mz'!, i 1 Hat the {hid Sir T/nmaz gardixer i- being now and for 6 years Iaff gafhhaving binRecorder of the ity ofLor:don,and having ta- : 35’ in i . em O’ V. ken an Oath for his faithful! 7; 31 Q. in « ( Difcharge ofbis{'aidOifice,and ” - '5 « to maintain the Fmnchifcs and Cufloms of the {aid City, and not to due-over the Councclf thcxot‘ to the hurt ofthc lime, did in the year ofour Lord Qoda 6 38. contrary to the Lawes OF this Kin°dome,and contrary to hisOath wicked- 1y adviie, te€t , and eameflly preffe Sir Mxurire /!ébor.Knight. then Lord Major oFLondon. the A1- dermen and Common Counccll ofthe Ctid Ciry,and others at fcverall times Hncc. to itnpoie, !ev'c, and trtkeof the find Citizens and Inhabitants , without their co'n{’c'nt in Parliatnent the illegal! Tax ot'fhi’P- money . and being told by fbme ofthe faid Com- mon-(’ou’n‘c‘e’II , That the (‘aid T -x V *‘ Oflhiipa ‘money was againfl Law,he the {aid Sir 7 11017144 Gar: A 2, dnur at/' ' C . . ' 1 \ ' ' . ‘IV c u - V. , , 1 - a - '1 ) u 7‘ . ,‘ ' L ‘ LL .7’ [ .*l ,1 x I- n D‘ 51 . " - c‘ A \ I - 1 Ir‘ ' "' .; ‘ \. I lit?» , ‘ A A I41’ .4‘ ' ‘ ' q ' 4 7- - » r‘ “ . , . V‘ . I‘K'\ ‘ ‘‘ ;__' __ 1 J.. I . v '1 V: ' /‘ , / , .\~ . y ¥-Q 9 - .- ~ 9 I ; " y‘ ’ ‘ -Iv , '. .. .3 % .. .21 .11. umx J7.» «Ur-) I ._ ' ‘ A, ‘ H .‘f«¢ . ‘ YW‘ ' ," -v ' C ’ V _r , . -)..'.lL1‘ - ...; :, L I‘. -\4 ' - ' I . Y ‘ _' W _ ,... ,- .«,‘ rhsf TI1“, ‘ .‘ ‘ f‘ I :“‘ \.;\' .’_J'\“ 1!‘ I \_V,A '..A\_ __,u\« .. o- . r ,' ~ . . T‘ 4 -— -« ’~ K‘ M9101 C V ‘ L‘ ’ _~“_‘ ~ 7' L1 H ‘.1! .1 ‘ A 1 '; 1’ ‘_'’‘‘r‘’j ‘ r;"{‘ ff,‘ T") f.1.;1:C zmgl 1-C’ L i , , .‘ :0, _"‘, 5»; L31; Trained Bani: ._ ’ T j C 1; 3 ;n his \ Ixzrcs guts OI‘.'3‘Cotf I - N ‘ .~ L. 'F.C:,: #1 ~'."7iCVer.VS‘3:"'}C“"f ,. , i .. A ‘ __,, cm §7- v, .;c K;n;,;.A;1n<2 1 4;‘ .3 .1'.f ~‘..\z_:j.‘*‘ .».‘110' . —‘ . _ /‘ . o - ‘ ~ ' "' K 1.11- ;“_"_ I I :“}\,‘ ‘L-ik\.l“:'L*3 ‘ ‘ “(’ kl“-"K ‘ . A . . . ~~ 1W, :1; :‘:'(_~ the fa".‘<‘ % ‘T " ’:"'j: ‘.; » .'-\..'.’ no urnc LO ‘~~-‘ ‘\'L“‘-uh’ ""' ‘~_A a ~ , . A1 I _ v " n- ‘ I ,— i‘ '3 I‘ ~,.»¢ ~ *~ -1"; 1’ ‘ 3'4:/";./:"»' Y/. "9' :.€Ck P»: “\ } ’.._'I~ '\’).'].-Y(J.",' “rzti , % % .- ig .' ;’. <1 ig. <~:V+' ;:‘f'-\’*'4~€ "Hy 1 1 . , .1 . -' — If y(;.. 7‘L“—'-1‘-A -'~-7-'~.-'I'- “('1 ‘OJ. L -5 ‘ ‘ ‘ ~. . V, . (~-n'nr.{] (‘l,l}-}‘!C.1 C . " . _ r,«'.’*..‘D~_}.r '!"..fT"(.53‘3”'t .. % .z% ‘r’ -"V-v’ mg Kn " “J” 1 \~o‘ y ‘ ‘~;“‘ ‘*4. A, ‘[‘Lls4\)A5"n1Uz’ |(’ D r [A - .- " 7. J 4- ; _ ,»,_ 3 I_;;};,4,. .-.a‘s'i .‘ (J. 1 .. bx, 1*»e1I11dC0¥.1:r (,i‘(’_‘(;zm“m) {,«;.;;; .-;.: .; _ , * ‘é11n’;{-La‘.V; Y3‘. {.473 p::“’g,» 113191‘. 01“ [£_;s". -'_. ,;,'_' 7 !;_>,:7;zI/5 Q/7..'r«i.52z:r the ihrnc was then ;*e=§.z;;xn_c. 3); the {her I.m"d !\i.2_:'r.:»r, ‘I rizc ;no:1cy ( ' c fizm-'3 0112“ cf‘ L73 C£x.1!:17.;:r o.F[,o:;» \'.':!{.oi::: my .:onI7c::o1‘app:‘ob.U.ion 0 the 121171 Ccmtcf <1 :11- nzcn Crm."..‘:3U. (Y-‘TWY1‘..‘-.:'}’ '*-.:?:c ?_z[:»:*-+"r- ./“ «A |LA..‘) 4... “‘ 110* 1:5 ofthe hid City, and In ii:b'.'crfior. of: ( 3.-« - -HAo 1'7,‘ Tint‘ a Petition dI*c€::' zr_-‘his ?vZ.r,V2a'1y . be’; +., D I [hf f:‘;1-(J Ital] i.o1‘d Maxor, Aldermen, ‘tn? (“o:::m011(,(,1:r* «$4,; [fD_L‘5-"§'i:1[:13Y..’i‘.‘v‘€S am’ .‘§::;::;c< oftifs I\"2r3.:;cm, an} the (Thartehv of the {iii ("fry , i0C\Cf;‘.1«[{I}(i £1:(iC;:'*x:n»: and In51.‘.'L::rm:s<,;' {.~,;' 1 c,:1*.u.A- min:.i1:g1I1t.1xCs.tn;1 {C£‘V.:.‘”;S, \\'I;~;-rcbynfsMaje- Iiie mght be pIc.‘:1"c-'1 not ro ;0.".Cf.' izc *nghh1]~.‘:'7c- mand (n“:n;n mi mOr.=Cy fr. 1:’: L;.‘L’lT1, and the 2'{'.I<{' Sir 4,57,". : (V :4’ mr,L‘0.'1t:.:1’ytoh's Us In .1n<3'duty, 5-{his phcc. .i;sl ”-’;'VC.11’.‘ md d1.‘£"’r)l33 u \ .\I. 'c:’y‘ theircounfci. '...J:i~c*r mtcrf ‘rm r“ 3:1 very or t."1f. PCITOI1‘ 3:2’. ’-" H 12.} ::;c pc;"o.1s A,-3 rm‘.-'gJ '0 J.‘- livcr rhe:’l~~.~ '--:f~"r-L‘ . r"‘- 2: Magcliy wouxi Lc.-J rcsivc no [’r+mrr*'* ""‘FI* ' 5"?" . VJ‘ That the Fax‘ Sir Time. .1! Gm-dz W, N) the end to p:c17c‘:vc b{m{e .c 4-" -.'1 v'_‘ ' ng q'.1cf?.nr1c\I ‘or the tinny C[lmC§, Jaboxlrcd :0 Mud; . the calling of‘I7.1r— I’amcnrs : An? ‘here:"- :'n.'rw ‘ month o{,I{.¢;, in !he yearc M40 'D1‘(’v'énfIy1f.(C." the c’;_,',’I'u7vmg ut" the "arI"1mcn, . tn‘ 73%: “fid Sir '7‘/.*o;;-;.z.« _L1"..’r~ dxmr advi‘e ’ «". ! pr waded Ike than Loyd’ Maxor, Aldxznucn 411.1 Cqrgmou c”oung.gl1 9.f‘.WL0I2Janl I...‘ I — U ‘ . Mr "V "'"' ‘.5; .,.g . __ __ _ £0 lctzd the King tceoco. 1. for his wars againfl His Ntz,-e!“r:'e.< 1l?b}€CfS or 5aon'm».-d, and albeit: they told him,:'t H as not me for them to do itmhen the Par- Sitzment and Kingticm had refufed it; yet he earnelh Iy t‘et‘{waa'ed t1.cm therunto,and in or about Iuly in the {aid year x 64o,when many 1 ooo.ot the fiid Ci- ritens ot‘Lana’ax joyned in a Perttion to be delive- red trnto his Majefly to call 2 Parliament for letting Ihc’ d2if:‘ttt?icns ofthis Kjrgdome,and for the peiee and welfare theroF, and ofhzs Majefties Kingdomef 5F6’/~=‘rIu’ 3 he the mgd Sir ‘I ;.m 44 gardum dtd cat- neftfy d:{,"mde them from it ; faying, ‘it t'vasdange- I_0I:§ and r.e-ed.’e{?'e,and thePetition would come ung- :e.non.bJe to ir.tem:;t the Kings Affairs. V I. That in Dec ember 131% , when a petition was prepmetf .?1T(j.‘t.L‘1t'l.”'t)C‘d by many thoutizndsofthe mid Cizifens to be preltnted to the Home ofcomo 111005, to a2?'u.re them oFthet'rgood afieéiionto tbc biirg and Pnrlictnenr, and not [C divert theParh;t- ment in zheirjuft wayszhe the {aid Sir T/Iomaa {inr- tz‘.-‘>-rv mtrfed {came or the I’Crf't:'(..f‘.<:.‘.= to be {em for , befbre the Lord M.°.j()r and himfclf; and quefiioned them as Rzetsrs and Djiiuthcts ofthe peace, {aying t1.:.r:*.:: (I: that you may titan)‘ your fCIvs?y.ow'h1ot2ds he upon you; cm. :2 !.C.3d.\'; gnd he utedt other thre.1t- ' nnt; free. hes to U’ !tO11I'.‘:;C‘ and rerun: the Pedrxoo nersftom t't:rther prcct-ethngintlteir {aid Petition t which Petition was ;1flCH\';i1(f.)' prefented to the I.O1‘dS Lords and Commods in Parli.1ment,and well appro-'. vcd by them , and doth not contain any dangeron; matter,as w.1sm;tIicionfly by him pretended; as may appear by the Copy of .1 petition hereunto annexed. V I I. That in Ianuarylal}, at a Court of Common- Conncell In Larzciax,an Order 0-{the Home oF(.‘om- mom was {eat and delivered to the LOl‘d3I1.l}0l‘, Al- dcrmenand Common—count~ell of the 11:’ d Cr‘ty,.ip- pointing them to make choice or’ meet perlbns to - a ve the Ordering of the Militia .- Wherat the {ind Sir T /Jormzr Gardmer was prelcnmnd took notice of‘ the {aid Oro'er,.2nd declared hi; opmion , Tm: the perilous of the Committee formerly cholen for the fltfety ofthe liid City, were the titteil man to take that fervice upon them. W herupon the Lord Major audS_’neri&'e deli ring to be excu{ed,the perlons of‘ t h 3 (‘aid Committee were chofen by a clcer Vote , and the1'rNa.mes lent to the Home of Commons, and by themhnd the Home of Peers allowed and approved Of. Yet afuerwittis, he the {aid Sir T/comm C7'.1rdn:cr endeavouring 8: plotting to hinder the Proceedings in P.1rliament,thc peace and Iftfety of this Kingdom. did moi} malicioully and wickedly advile, and di- rcét,t be making amhlraming oftwo bile and {editi- out petitions. And he the {kid Sit T/Jame: §,i4ra'i;;er “ ruiizllof them,afi1rmed, the matters contai- ned in them,to be agreeable to law, and to‘_the Cu- Home of the Caid City ; therby encouraging divers ofthe {laid City to fiibfcribe the lI:me,8c to lend the oneofthem to be prefented to his Majelly, and the other unto the Lords and Commons in Parliament. which petitions do contain in them, divers Falle. l&and.1lous,.1nd {editions matters. And if? patticnlu, that petition annexed heteflflwa 3 COP)’ Whcmt W35 afterwards lilbfcsibcd by divers Cttilcns, and. pic} {enter 3. A 3: 9?’ “‘ , #3 "iv: %. A’ ,\ v+.a~,;fijj A V i V min‘ a" . ‘:33: .‘?‘ci..'\. v)11w'.‘.c€ m '_‘‘'.7. ':’C It) - ‘v ‘ I ' f\' L » ‘ \'- ,x :7; up 111:; () Lily: ;.u'L K.';1d '‘ - p E -":3". _‘.‘.“‘/f :0 .\r» L 7.. 3.’? _‘I: an n THU 51%,; (,}'t‘,';:1I2d .é_t‘,., '_ _, ‘ _, ‘ __ , .-- , ' 1- ‘7f.,[‘:‘~-L ~ n gm .. ,<.-r~.rs,_,«.1 1:; my ‘I/m7;4.:r (:',1r:2;'.:.':V7‘, 3:3. '7 i " ; ; - , ":"::i«:.: 1;‘; ." :; "‘%:<'>1,‘.1‘s COH- : W1‘ .3o:'t?1‘: 2"’; cf}; i{:~';:.< smi i)1‘.\‘Zi€';!7_IC.?Of- ;:‘. 3*“ “ ‘I ‘ 3z":7:\, ';7.1‘*;':c%, ‘;:‘..3;::-; tr. '"t'::-7 . :":.9. ti. :‘.3 «.im'%:::'i,).3z:;t: of'LI~.3_ ‘ - I‘”?:); C” ~ “(CL » ( ‘r - .~ r)1(‘-*5 A ‘ 7 - ~\-v. ‘ - - ~K..« u. . ‘ An 1 :n: ma <’[,c:1‘r71r\".; ‘>3’ frr -be-;f.1;"on to U79-'1~“ ' vv - « z 1., .. " ‘=33! t=-3» " '1‘ '1' 0;‘ 0 ‘ vs a nu w my :.«:::.‘«.1tCE ‘A -v . . g ) .».,‘« - ‘ k, W‘: r»t};<;: % re; 0:‘ 12"‘ 'r.:1‘ £f:..‘«.i!*.f’!f3‘.€’- ,. 1' ‘ 7 I I .., .'.‘ 4 ‘V‘v' (7 " 1.1 .1 ~,; . a)./),'.;'; \ I.¥.’..;.,'_§‘ , ‘ l; ‘H, ,\J} ;g";‘)’.l)O .0 ‘ ‘ r . - - Y 1" If]! ‘‘C'7 j_ ' I ; 7‘- é" 7 ‘‘‘_"7‘‘ H ‘ -‘}’_r;J.‘i;‘.”)‘ hf.” 7“ '- ' f I . , ... " i - ~']d II-'.£\e 11ntHtHC1.z'< »\x-tr: :'<..r*? Eu‘ ' I ' {.18-0.. st- ‘ - ~ ' ~‘ :1 ‘F 0: onerxzlu. runner prov‘ 1'! ti‘: I7!-cu’ ‘Ix 3s wt 41)} LI: I . . . - at 3.7-‘, {Hm “‘*“.'j> .‘-:*“'“if,"~ !I;.‘.L;(I’3 II‘ 1: 't,~-{ed H; rh. .»T7,?§ 1.1‘: ;‘:.‘.1!cf:.2.-‘J’ Jc— «r ':f.m' rf tI‘.::\« “ "L %"2* ' .''t‘-’'’‘'_ 14’ .=.3"“" [‘.'f.V. Ii”. .: r:'::’ ‘mi 82;" ‘I ;/;/A -L/.;7‘z{r « r rffwy )2 put. I’. :r‘:‘7:.g in 3' ;\~\~~, {:34 pg -1, 1; ~,y\zaJ:Ent.1‘u:‘u P’: 3‘-,i3rw,;:: _\ ~\~»_(_»~‘:~ ’rX.1-‘~1,?“.n-'_ I'g"‘!jf7T(‘I1i5I‘.‘.CY F _ I I , , ‘ f [7 2»- 72 1% *1’ r»' :L.;3t:. ;:.1d.2n«1.‘i:d, :1: .5 3L'IC»‘~"t‘*-5. 7. ‘xw em 111.11. ._ 1 I ":3 uuvmrvunuu-couuu ELLSPCRRERABE lllliiiiiilillll 010-006068006 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes Artic1esofImpeachment1642 February 2018 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. 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