---3_J$'.'" "-"'3" AN /3/1 ORDJFNANCE T H E Lords and Common; PARLIKMENT. FOR’ The fafety and defence of the Kindom of England, and Dominion of Wales. 9! S It was commanded by both the {aid Hanks to bee Ingroffcd , according to the alterations end amend- ments; the fame having been firll refolved upon the Qxcflion by both the Enid Houfes,to pafle .' On Saturday the Fifth ofthis preknt March, and fo to be printed with new amendments, and (‘one alterations (race, and fo appointed tobc reprinted the x,zh ofjune, 1642. - —_-. _-..;—._..¢_ ..._.._. ..._.... _..._ _. .... ._.. _.. ._... ....__—.—.:_ fa. ‘Browne, C"/er,7’arl, — ._..r<._...--n LONDO ?rinted for ]ofep/J Hun/con. 1642.. (1)7 Hetcas there hath beenof lateamofl: dangcé- tons and defperate dcfigne upon the houfe of C0mmons,w hich we have j'.1l’t Caufe to bCl€’€V5 to be an efltft ofthe bloody Councells of Papifis, and 0' fhél‘ ill affcfted llerfongwholrave already railed a re? bcllion in the fgingdorn of1h.2zivd.,A3d byreafon of ma? uy difcovericgtve cannot but fearetfi ywill proCeed,not onely to {line up the like n_-bclli-on andinfurrefiions in this liingrlonaeof £220/41/‘.4! , hut alfoto back th:fl1_,With forces from abroad. =0 - ‘ ’ ‘I For the fafcty therefore of hi’: Majeflies Perlon , the Parliament St l{ingdorn.,in this time ofimminent danger, Itis ordained by the Ldldé and Commons now in Parliamentalletnblcd , '[l)a4;,11mr} Earl of H20‘/land; {hall be Lievtedant ofthe Count}/of Berlur; 0/2'7.-er, Earl of B1://i22gt'irooét,'{l1'a.‘ll be Licvtenant ofthe County of Bet/~ ford: V/‘J’//mm, Lord ‘Tagft, {hall be Lievtemmt of the C0L}Uty of Buctinglmm: Dua/bi, Lord Norz/2,ll1aTl be Lriev- tenao: ofthe Countv of Canértdgé, and'«the'lfle'oF El}: .74'fitJ; Lord Strange; {hall be 'I.icvtcnant«9l" the County Of C/Jffler, and the County of the City of (befler-' 10/1”: L0“! R"6"Ua fl1allbe’Lievtemant'of'the County of ‘W’/"‘ V’?/‘E V;/"1/"“”’, Lord Gr4y.oFVV.zr£e, {hall be Lievtenant ol the County of Cumberland: aim, Earl of K5"/“”’1> 31311 be Lievtenant of the County of Dtr/17 -' W2/lzam, Earl offlec/ford, (hall be Lievtenant of the County of '06‘ -um, and the County of the City of Exmer: Si!‘ 10/9?’ B“"”"K“igh"g Lord chief lufilcc of the Common-Flam .{h3.“ be Lievtenantof theme of Purbetk, and Com'table °f.3C..°'fl C3‘l"¢ai_f1 the County of Darfezt:,aK1z.2./1.«.m,« Earl :nd‘{“f”’}: “H” be Lievtenant of the County of Doffffa {hautblg Eounty and Town of'Ioa&l‘Sir Hear} Vane Smtor, Rater: E‘ llygtfqant of ‘W? County’ Palarijncoi DW/14'” 3 ‘y ME’ 4“_ O VV""""“5;fl'1allbeLievtenant o‘.'the C0110‘ 17”‘: 9"'xr. Lord c/;m.;,.r, [hall be Licvtcnai; . RAPE DA . L43; 1 ‘ .. _ _;LQ€thC County t:fGlouo_cfler,and the County OF the City of ’u,H.,G[0xz:cj,/fir: Plzélzlzr, Earl of flr'mz'2r0o.<';e md .Iz’a;m{go27zcry, V " fhali be Lievtenawt of the bounty of 5()'::/.uz.7';J12»'0223 the Towne and County 0.? 50’/.‘/Jdml).-'0/7,1I]d ch-;' EH6 Otlrrzgg/21: W2"!/mm, Earl oFFa!zL.<{»zz;');fl1.1Tlbe L'1evtenant<'>t/the Coun- t'~. Otfferlfofdt Frazzm lord Dacre: fha‘fl._be Licvtcnant of the County of [fe;‘(fa‘£'d: E/1.-v.'z2‘([, Lord Kjmlo/1022 shall be I i€VfC'1ant of the Couutyot Huzztizggto‘/z. Ru/zcrt , Earl of Lace:/l:r,L0rr{ I ievtenautof lrr/zzrzcl, {hall he I,iCVIfC' nantoFr‘1eCount§"ofKwztL, and the kity and County of Czmm-lmry.°’ FIJI!/.[?',.T,‘O?.‘d VV/2arzo2z%_ (hall he I.ievren:m't 0? the County of Lmcafler: Hwr}, Earl of 5?z.:x2ford, flzall he I.itvten::nt of the Cotmtyof [.5550/it’:/: 7/J£‘("1)£J1'"'z!.< Izarl of Lfvrcolzz, (hall be Lievtcnant of the Ports /Qvflazwzz, and IIc~/z'am."', within the Coun’tyof1lz)m‘lrz, and for the Countyofthe City 0fLi22co'Iz: Fraizcif, Lord VVI//ozz‘.g/J- 32}, of I’rzr/mm,."n:xII he Lievtenant of the p1I'tS()F[«I‘Il’/_[z‘)', within the County of Lincoln: Henry, Earl of Holzlzmi, fl1alH)eY-ievtenautt)f the County of fl'7z1’a’/efc.x:: Hmr} Lord Spcmer {ha’=1be Lievtenantof the CountyoFNar- t/Mm/21072: job», Farl of [l.zre,fhall he Lievtenant of the County of Nottingbdm, and the Town and County of Nozrmg/Jrmn x!.{gtr*oon, Earl Of1\'0.*I/mm!/tr/dizd, Lord high Admit-allot Erzglmd, fha'sl be Ijcvtenant ofthe County of T\{orz/,mm&ar/zmd, and Town and County of Nmrca/'1 1€UpOD Tjm’ , and Port of l~’a;’nv1cl': R050!) Fall ofV»’arnic1'.fl1allbe Lievtenanto.‘ the County of Nur- folt, and the County and City ofNorrr2c/2:\\'://mm, Lord Vifcount Fay an} Sm[,flxall be Lievtenantof the County of Oxford: Dazizl, Earlof Exozz {hall he Litvtenant of the County Oflztll/4726/I Edmml, Lord Liz:/axon, Lord Kee- fvcr of the great Seal OF Eng/‘Ir/11, {hail be LiCvtCr.auc of the County OESJIUP : VV1/liar/z,f\’1JrqL1:{Te of Herzforz flull be Lievtenant of the County ofSom:rfe:: Robert, Earle of £fl_'ex,Lord Chamberlainc ofhis Majcflies Houfho1d,{'ha11 A 2 be J \ I‘. I. (4)- ’ be Lievtenant of the County of Sxafiord, and the County- ofthc City of Littbfield: lame}, Earle of Sufolé {hall bC Lievtenant of the Countie of Sufolk: Charla, Earle of Nottingham {hall bee Lievtenant of the County} Surrey -' Algernon», Earle of Nortbumberlami, Lord hxgh Admitall of ENGLAND, {hall bee Lievtenant of ¢h¢ County of Suflkx : Rol2m,Lord Brook {hall be Llevtenant oF‘the County oFVVarmick,and oFthe‘City and COIJHCY Of Coventry 3 Hem‘) Earle ofCum5erla;:dfl1all be LlCV‘¢“3m of the County of VI/'eflr»erl45r1d.° I’b:lip,Earle of ‘P¢#1b70"5 and. cfliotmtgomcrj ,{ha!1 be Lievteuaut of the County of VVz'l:::Edmzrd Lord Homtrdof F.f:rx'gg,fhall be Lievtenant . ofthe County ofVVorceflcr,and the County oftheCitY Q‘ P’?/'0rcefler: Denzzllfiollix , Efquire, {hall be Lievtenant 05 the County 8: City oFBrzflolI: Koéert Earl of Efltx {h3”_b‘ Lievtenant of the County of Torlgthe CountY°fthc City offorl-, and the Towne and‘County ofKinfl0” “P0” Hall: 7/zilip, Lord Herbert (hall be Lievtenant of the Countlc °fUV[02zmom}1.- e/Qgernoon, Earl of'1‘{,0rt/rum}/erldfl/1 0"” 6’ Lievtenant ofthe me of Anglcfej-' Phz'1ip>L°’d H."[”” bC Lltvtcnant of-(fig County of Breclvzork -° K3‘-hard Earl ofC‘arber} in the Kingdom of Irel4xd,fl1all be Liev— tenant of the Countie ol'Cardzgzm -' Richard, Earle of C47‘- ‘’’'J in the Kingdome of _7i°c/anagfhall be Lievtenant ofthé Ounty ofCanrMrtbc'n , and the Countie Olthc Bllrrough _ Olflrmartlmn : I’/no/ip Earl of Pembroke and /V0””’X"”"U fhzlbe Lievtenantot the County of C4r2xart'0n-'B4fi”:L°""°' Ntxvrnhzm {hall be Lieutenant ofthe Countie ofD£”’5’Zl” B"fi”> L°"°" Ntwrnlzam {hall be Lievtenant ofthe Count“? °f 9”m0rgan,Robm, Earle of Eflex {hall be Lievtenant 05 the C ountie of Montgomcr}:‘?b:Iip Ea: le Of1’0nh'o.(*: and ‘"""’£”""'J,lhall be Lievtenantof the Countie ofM!*'1'0' rmb,lr:‘.dmard, Lord Lit:/mm,Lord Keeper of the great Seal °fE*{g1472d,lhall be Licvtenant of the Countie of Radfl"‘ Agemoo»,Earlof 7\Ldr:bumlrz-rlamlifhall be Lievtenal?‘ E: t _4l C 5) the (‘auntie of Pmlrrolze, and the Town and foflnric 09 Hawrford Wcfi . And {hall feverally and refpeélively have Power to affem ble and call together, all and fingular his Majeflies fubjeéis within the {aid feverall Strefpeétive Counties and places, as well within liberties as without, that are meet and fit for the \’\~'arres, and them to traine, exercife, and put in readinelle , and them after’ their abilities and faculties well and fufliciently from time to time, to caufe to be arrayed and weaponed , and to take the Matter of them in places moft fit for thatpurpofe. And the afore-' {aid Henry Earle of Holla2zd,0lx'ver Earl of Bullingérookc, William Lord ‘Pager , Dudley Lord North , 34:71:! Lord Szrmge,]9lm Lord Rabcru, Williarin Lord Gray ofwarlve, jolm Earle of Rutl;md,VVillz“am Earle of Ketlforxl, Sir ]olm Bani-J Lord chiefe iuftice of theCommon Pleas, VVII/iam Earl of Saliabmj, Sir Henry Vane Senior, ‘Kyla: Earle of VVernvz'cl» , George Lord Cllandojs, ‘Plz'.’:'p Earle of ‘7’rm- brooée and Moxmtgomer} , F razzcjr Lord ‘Dare: , Edward- Lord Kimboltan , Rglzerx Earle ofLeice/fer , Plnlzp Lord VVlJartm,Henry_Earle of S:azxford,Tl2eopl7ilu4Eirl of Lim- €0lIze , Frarmk Lord Willouglybj of Parbam, Hem’)! Lord SPMCFT , jolm Earle of Clare , e/flgemoone Earle of 7\L0I‘- zlmmlzerland, V Villiam Lord Vifcouut Say and Scale, Da- vid Earle of Oxon , Edward Lord Liitlezorz Lord Keeper of the great Seal OfEn£l4~7d, VVzllz'am, Marquefle of Hart- ford, kvolzert, Earle of £fl"ex,],1,;m,Earl of Sntfolk, Flzarler, r Earle of Nottingham, Robert Lord Brook, Henry, Earle of Camlverland, Edward, Lord Hou~ardof£_{lri(lJ, Dmzzll Hol- 1‘i%Ei‘quier,Phrlip,Lord Hrrl7er:,’1\,ic/yard, Earl of farlzcrj, and Bazill, Lord Nenmzlzamrfliall feveral ly and refpe€tive- ly have power within the feverall and refpeflive Conn. ties and Places aforefaid, to nominate and appoint filch perfons ofquality as to them lhallfeem meet, to be their D°P“‘7- I-i€Vtenants, to be approved of by;b0th HOWE! of Parliament. A 3 And - ford , Sir Io/:2; Bank: , Knight, 1.0-fd Chief C ‘ )« A nd that any one or more of 1:316 ed 9.-‘Id approved 0': in the a{);e:=C<3 9 ofrhe {aid Henry, Earle 0fh'o//-gzm/; V [2'ng¢{27’00k:VV;[[1.2'77z, Lora‘ Fag Dad/ya ~0- {.é.id1D3_;7uLt?esfO.’..355”? C1‘ by rh€,C‘.3mm3” Olnw . Earle of3/Il- 1VJft;), 14”“), fixfitf VI/1117211771 : Lord GM7 . I D ' L0“ 5"'4”1€"= *"’"”’ Lord K0 pd, VI/2:’/z'am Earlof3c'd-9 of V V arke, jolm Edd of ‘Kw/5 (I/mmozz Fimi 3 I/V21/iarzu , Earl 0;? 5‘d‘”'”r-)'’_g;l,:”£::”:] V.meSenior,Ro!zert,Ear‘ieof VI/'zzr:vt61’;(/“’”"<§>{" L, 9}“: ‘P/:2/zp,F,3axl of.-Pemlzrook and Mormtg<_W< 7}7f':‘f’,’_[L_ pl’,-[Mr crex E:/ward L °'K)9n'ol:0n.R"'eE'°f Laflflcra Pi’ . Y ‘£57250!/I [0-'3 Hen’) E31-lof. Sfdltfi/off" 7/JCUPIJIIZII Ball: 63 \ Fflccr) Francis Lotd_Wzl.’owg/r&}= of Parhzzm, He/1'} Ofrldfld’ Iolm Earle ofCl.z're, L/!{ge,raoo/7 EJIVC 0* _M"’ )1” of 5,20,,’ Wi/[mm Lord Vzftatmt 54} and Seal, 'D*""'”l Bar 6 563.13 0;‘ Edward Lord Litt/eta», Lord Keeper of the gr¢€¢rlc OFEF Eng land, W11’/mm Marqueffe ot‘Hertforz/3 7{£’5°N:m./W ham’ /93‘; fame} Earle OfSafl0//6;. C/Jarfej Earlc of ,.d°Lord ‘K95. Lnrd 1>’I’90l', Henry Earle of C amficrldndsf ‘E’ d H”, Hon-ardof Eflzngbam,Dcnzi lHol/zfir Efq; ’ I71 ‘P (land lztrtt ‘1"\_zr/mrdEarle oFCor£erji‘n the Kingdomeo P: tho: and Bazi/IL. Nenvrz/ram, {hall have power and ud re‘ ‘5‘7'f0;‘oc andcxccute within the faid fevers“ 4% (aid. fptflivc Counties and places '0 them atfigned élfgfiffcng 371 {UC17 Pmretsand Au:'hr)rities beforc 3“ E "5 e Ordinan-cc contain d. And the a."orci'aid HM» E3715 of ffolldfld ' - . r , Lofd ?4g”3 , :1 er Eafle or 3n[fmgoroaK,Wf '4'” 5",, DWHJ Lord Non/J, 7.mtt.r Lord Strap.-zre, [obit L0fd‘‘K0.”. ”: W’/"Mm Lord (1'rl}'(-)="lVaI'£’C lo/2nEare!’e of R”‘l*‘”d°W' M l'ar}cofR»1 . '- 3 r ' ~ "/lz'ar»E11'I.e,O. S I V ecffo. :1, bit‘ lolm Bani’! kmghc , PH _ "fink, ‘ "l"‘)'» 531‘ Henry Vane Serixor, 'RobkrtEar1€ 0* W . . de (’“”8‘ ‘Lord [2 d e» F "Fem&rol‘t‘ fa ; U""’’‘<§ 0”" U ac F ;l¢:zn::):‘rL:)r);.ib1’)1’;:PcrEeE:m.IE‘.é’:z§:zrd Lord K/"ML uy;,ko&er: Earle ofuiceflcr, Pbzltp Lord Wbarton 9 £1 I’, Ei"]'.:_ °f 3" ”f"’4, Toeopbilur Ezrlc ofLinro_l/If a frffld jafiice of the“ C 7) Lord Wi110ugh1v}ofParham, Henry Lord Spencer: Iolmfiarl of C1476’; /1komome,Earle of N ortbum5et«la8d,Wz”i4m l-Ofd Vifqoant Sajatnd ma le,Davz'a’Ear1e of Exerer,Edr1‘ard Lfifd Li"1"0fla Lord Keeper of the great Seale of Englzwéla Wzllgam Lord Marquelle of Hartford, Rglztrt Earle or Ef- fix, }'.ame1 Earle of '5z4ff61i’e, Charla: Earle of Nmzngbam, Robert Lord Br0o£’,H€2zr} Earleof Camber/am1,Edmard Lord Howard of Eflric I1, Dmzzll Hollzs Efquire, rhi/zp Lord Her- bfffa Ric/mrd Earle of Corlxery and B az.ill,Lord Nemcn/241-ms 013.11 b8V€ power to make Coloncllsg and Captaines, and Other Officers, and to remove our of their l’laccs.; -‘nd make others from time to time,as they {lull thinkc 5! 501' ‘hatpnrpofe. And the {aid Hem‘) Earle of Holland, 01:- z':r Earle OfBul1:2zgbrookr,W2/[mm Lord Pager, Dudley Lord N""l7a,74'"¢’5 Lord Strange , 10};/2 Lord Robert: , I71"/11/W3 Lord G”? Ol Warke, lohn Earle of Rut/and, W21/tam F311 of B"dfIfd, 511‘ 10/222 Banlaglfinighr, Lord chicfe lullicc OF ‘ht Common Pleas, Wit-lzam Earle ol‘.Sa1zrbur_y, Sir Hem} Vane Senior, Robert Earle of VVaxwick, Grorg Lord (“lum- d"J":Pbi1:lpl£arle of Pembroo/z Francis Lord Dacre: . U1" ward Lord Kjmlvolton, Robert Earle of Leiaficr, Pbzlip Lord VV}""’0"a Henry Earle of Stamford , Tlorop/911141 . 53115 “ll L"”‘°/'19: Francu Lord I/V21/ougbbj of Par/mm, Hear} Lord Spencer, 1019;: Earle OF Clare , t./I/gernoa/ze Earle Of NW" lbumlzerlond, VV11/mm Lord Vifcount Sayaud Scale, [)4- 1'id Earle of 0x0». Edward Lord LittIao~,'Lorcl Keeper 05 the great Stale 0fJE»gLzz2d VVJ/ram l\'l.1rque:Te of Hart- ford, Robert Earle of Eflexjjamtx Earle oFSuffol.é'c, C/Jar/(I Earle of Notting/Jam, Robert Lord Brook , Hem Earle of C"”‘b""“’d:Edmard Lord Hommzor sfiricb, Drnrzi11”v’- “ E{q”l1'C : Pbxlip Lord Hcrbert, Richard Ear-le0l(0f/2e- (3 ‘mil Razz ’l, Lord Nmmbam, their Dt’p11EY 0‘ D°P"‘."‘3’ in their abFer:ce,or by their Command, {hall havc POW" t°l¢3d a Condu&,and lmploy the performs aforefaid , ar- Iiycd and weaponed for the fnppreffion of all Reb‘:I11Esi- C 3 D . ons, lnfurreaions, and invafions, that may happcn WM“ in the feverall and refpeaive Counties and P145“- And (hall have further Power and authorite , E0 lead , conduct , and imploy the Perlons aforcfald arrayed and Weaponed , as well within thC1t {aid feveralland refpeaive Counties and Places, as With- in any other art of this Realme of England: °1'_D°‘ minion of VV :1, for the fappreflion of all Rebel!-tons: I nfnrrefitions , and Invafions that may happen according as they from time to time [hall receive direaions from the Lordsand Commons aflembled in Parliament. _ Add be it further ordained,-that Sir lolm Grim 3}’ "‘ C05 Garret, Knights 3 and Aldermen , ‘Thoma: At-(“M Al‘ derman, Sir I0/III VI/ollafloz Knight and Alderman, 1"” VVarner, {aim Tower Aldermen , Sergeant M310’ G°‘,’°" 1'3“ 5"’PP9#a Or any three or more of them, ¢°8°‘h°’ “ch Randal;/2 cfllamvaring , Vrzllmn 9112:, lain: Fasvke, tum Brwre, Franri: Perl», Samuel VI/arner, lone: Rafi?!/9 N‘"”" flit! )VVrigf2t, V V 11114;, Bar/I16]: vflcxarxler NIfiflg’97’3 5"’ P55” 5./I W351’, Owen Rowe, Citizens of 1.011510”: 07 3,97 "E or more ofthem,(hall have fnch Power and AuthorlfY '" ' In the City of London, and the Liberties thereof. 335"’ of the Lievtenants before named , are authorifed to ha“ by this Ordinance within their {aid feverall and rc{P¢‘ filve Counties (the nomination and appointmcflt ° Dc‘ Puty Lievtenants onely excepted.) And it is fart C h ror-r ‘laifled-. that fuch Perfons as fhall not obey in “Y0 ‘ha pwmifrfisafllall anfwer their neglea and eont€mP‘>”c Lords and Commons in a Parliamentary W8? 3”‘! "0: 0‘ therwife, nor elfewhere. And that every the POW‘’“ aranted as aforefaid {hall continue,untill it (hall be “her- wile orde red or declared by both Houfes of Parliamfiffl‘ and no longer. Fluln . . I O Q . >, 9 . I . . ‘ \ 0O 00 V RARE DA 412 1642 . G465 uuvuunw or unoouu - oounnu ELL SPC RRE RARE 1 2 .G465 II I |IDlA|i1I2Il6|‘iI|III|IIIlI\I O1 0-006068033 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes SafetyOrdinance1642 February 2018 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. 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