E A % ‘W fl F ‘ $3 5-_ ; x.‘ 1 cg - ‘ V :- .3.’ <11" _, Ail .4: - .5 - « ‘x A: ‘.9. . - w T 1-1 1 - '\ H A i ‘ % O R D IN A NC E AND DECLARAT1ON.fi 0f’th€"LORDS and COMM~0NS,f0I~th_€ Afléfling all fuch who have not concat- Abutctd fufficiently For raifing of “flzlomjy, Plate, $95,,“ ‘ - WI T H H I S E5"TIES. ,.ECVLARATIONTO% all His loving 311bj€é’I:s upon ocmfion thereof 4 wt ‘ ‘£932 ‘T " fig‘? if“ r " Z’; 5" ‘4._ fl: VAC/mrles . , A ._.., V; expmfléz pIcafureis,ffharM this_Our Decla-. M ration be _1?ubl1i11e§i 1n all &:3:.‘m“ches and C.2hap“p<§ls wxthm the ‘K1ngfl.s..z2n pf Emglfarzd and Dommmn Of VV4/;3,s' , by .tl‘11:;: I>aMcms, Vmars or Curaccs of the fame‘. ¢ 3 Printed by His M A} H 3% 1* I E s Ct:-zrm‘:an<:i V 5153* 3: “‘.‘.". ..... =*€:3:m » A at 0 X F 0 R D I2*ée::€m6. 8.. J ‘ n. F:-' t. we BYLBONARD Lxcnmx 1-am: Printer to we Vzmverfity. 1 (5 4; 2.. " .I,-”.', w an V ’. 4' "“r.‘n.'. mmieuy. . I »..»'E~‘.a»‘.:."s?..’n:. ~i..m.:«m»-r- fig V ‘ , '1 N V ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ fl 3). - G’ ' ‘ . ‘ I .i'*~w. ‘H . " ,5": H ‘ ‘ V ‘ " ‘ , ,n I 5 , ' ~ *= A ~ -9 Wzha>‘%¢**W"‘ W: ~ "§ V‘ ' _ mfivefl . ' " «W 4' 2.‘; fihwlzklflklkhmru ' "u-t*fl ti " “ rflw ‘ \ ~:%»%..%° »’*~‘»*x:*s::.~fl?’«§5*"“»*' ¢ 2- -' .: » *1‘ «*1 "~71 ’ ‘ .‘ Ki Q ‘ ' :‘ \ A ‘ ' V; E 4 ‘ W 1 ‘“ .4. W»... ‘* é o "N ' é “ . M "JL|b;.' é . ‘ "An Ordinance and bDec1.4ai’atim2 (1%-the Lords and C ommom in ?’P.azr!irrzm.»:*;%;2t. . ._Hcreas the King mused by wic!:.2M as wail as orhcrsbecha,,i.T §§<:~<:i m c«.~:»a*aI:z'im'erc am .t’7£")2W:'3xES«E',‘!’i3i‘5C{:3 thereof. ' B‘:;;~ §g.m~::r:;{-;-gia-e~i0; ¢'."i:a!:i’1“C'J€ii3¥."i‘L3""ltV ih€YC0f.i Elba‘? ?f446‘ Pfwifigromi. Lord Major 0f'th"fi Citty of'E'ondw. Sn‘ [Wan W0/Zdfiofi Knight and Alderimn, Alderman Tom-:,.A1d6rman W M7167," Alderman eflna al‘:5‘e22re5,.A1Cierman*C/mméam“, Alderman Farr/Qex, Sir Tbommibgm imam K:'sigi')T';"‘2lHd Aldenrmarl. flaw-zfcil Vétfli?/Z, I0/.m4 Vm, /I/Iarrzir Tévmpfafli and E2"ck.4rdWo2rrin,C§t1z.cns, or anyifoure ofiithcm, flnallhereby have power and authority to nominate, and appoint in .. cvzcry W':m:I Withinith€‘City- ofL‘amclam fixc fuch Perfons as they”, or-anyfoure ofchemi {hall thinkfit, which Paid fiixlb:non1in'atcd9., 0;.-any -fozwfi of them ,.{ha11hcrcby hays power to «f:nqm»ire ofienyii that fmiiiircsmain, or be within the fand fcvcrall Wards that have 5 notbcontributed Upflflfilfi Propofitlons of both I-Ioufes of“Parlia.. Amc:nt;concerning;thcraifing of Moncy:.Plate,Horfc,Hbrfcmcn,andIv° m-mes? For *deFcnce of thelsiing and bothiiflopfcs oF*Par1'iamcnt, andt >“= alfo offuch as are able mermhat have contributed, yet not acccqrm dingto their Eflatcs and abilities. _And the {aid {ix pcrfbnsfo no-vi A ' .minated,0r any four“0F them with-m that fcvcrail and rcfpccftivcz “ 'v.mrds and limits, {hall have pmwcr to ;affcfl”e fuch pcrfon or “pa: .- A fonsyas are ofability and have not conyr1b1it§d,and aifo fuck as have - cantributed,yct not according. to-their ability; to pay fuchi {um or ' fmms ofkvloncy according to their Eflatcsias the {aid Afl'cfl‘ors or an " ny fours 9?: hem [hail think fit 8: 'rcafonab1e,Mlo as the ijfamc exccefl ‘l A not the twemzictzh part of their Eftatcs,-and to nominate a-ndap- oint fit perfbns for the iC0u€&,l1'On*th’Cr¢0f- And ifr;1ny perfon In af; i ; fcfsed {hall rfifuk-i—to pay the many A Rfsciécdi uponi him; it {Email bar iawfull to andflfor the £éidiAfs¢§$_t,%aLndVtI*1_ereforc We willingly hconfentcd wit forthe‘I;t:d en§nity at “On 1" good Subjcréts AA ofscotlarzd, (who We hope wiil.not thinks the worfe ofir, for being {(1 caftcn and fa cheaply Vmention-ed firm. ) But A that a Voteof fine or both A Houfes flmuld bema engage... mcntupo%nth‘e.pub1ikc Faizrh, isas impoflible,asrharrhe Cemmitteeéfthe Houfe C0m?m*ens for Examinations, «fhou1d—be the High» Ciaurtbf Parham«=.-nt. 4 A I A A And Whxzt is 01-can befiaid with the leaf’: flmaow bf z'eii-- Ton to juftifie thefe 5Ext're1vagance,s AA have no? Alatel y hsardkof the 01d'fundamentall Lmves which ufsd to;war- ~ ran: the Irgno vationszthis n”eeds aReFuge c:‘ve:n beifowtltmfé foundations. They wil}%fay they canfmt manage thejrgmat undertakings without: fuch cxtraerdxnary wayes. A Wee %thinke*fotoo"A, but that proves oniythey have undertaken fornewhat they ought motto undertake , neat ithatit is law» full for them to do: any thing that I%S%C{)i‘IV€‘!1¥£»=«'EfIt for rmfe ends. We remembred their: long agar, ahd'We czmnoidoc V it too often,ofthat?exce1lent Speechot Mr Pym55T19e .L2z_w is t)Ewt‘w:6z'c/2 pm: 4 n’:§fi'ere;ace«éetwixt gqadmzd ervi/l,btmixr A and m¢jm""f5 Vifywtakeamgy t/we Law , aflfltéings mi/If;/Y AA afmo A4 configfiam, cw:ry77;w avg]! i‘5ie§nmc§¢~Léwiw¢¢a /Bimfleéfe, av/52953 (4; 9 whit/3 in we aitpmtied condition if/mmm tm‘ure,im¢flt Wm’-? pradaqe matzy greqzj Emrmity e.t,iiLm‘2, mi./1 éecamé 4; mm, and Entry mil! éwame A3 fiaw, Coirsuetaz4f22L’fl3.?r47/Mi flméittion WI! éemme Lawesgawl w/mt Difi4F€5, mm _Dca'ifidpJ fin‘/51 Lixmw will/produce may eazfily be dzfcerfieaf; It ntay ittdmd ; by ithw’: fad vinfiaF+C€S0V€r Eiww hole Kiogdotttto. i‘Botitttvil1Pofto£ rity bt*;‘i?;t$t~Vet, that in the f.:’tI1’l»’3- Patliaimmt thio Doéfitioeiiwttis it avowed with that Acoiamatiou wt! and theefeittftaoeceis aim‘ A ptodttcedf Th&tit1i;h€fami':‘P.ai‘iia\l1Zi€flTC..fi1€th~‘Carfi vvasta‘— ken that no man {hould be comntittod in what cafe foever, witiouttlte £Z£Z'ui% ofI1is‘Impri{onm,tot exipt-e.fled,ii and that all men fhottld be immediatly bayied in ztiiiCafi-:3 bay1ezt- bk‘, and duringthe fame Parliament that Aldermani Pen» fliifigi cm, or ittdced any body 6116, but the fwome Miniflem of I uflcicmfhotttld imprifon whom they would," 6: for w hat they would, and for as long time as they woutlck That the King fhould be reproached with breach of Priviledgc for accufinig Sr Ia/m Hot/mm ofhigh Trcafon, vow». with force of Arms. hqiccpt Him out of Hull 4, 6 and dcfpiied Himto His face , becauic: in no cafe a. Member of citltcrr — Houfe mighth be committed or accufod without leave of that Houftr, ofwhich hcisa Member ‘A; and yet that duringthe fame Pzttiiamtrot , the fame Aldertnan fhouid commit the Ema of cmiddleféx (a Peers oftht:Realme,) and the Lord‘ A Mcwmrfz‘ (a ivlcmbmt of the Hobie of Commons,) toithe Cammr witltout rcp1t1*henfion .9 That to be at Traitouir (which t is defined and every man uoidorfiands ) fhcottldf be t ttocritrxto , and to’ becallcd Malignant ( which noibody imowos the meaning of) fhouldi be ground enough for csloié: imprifonmenti’ That a Lawfhould be made, that whofoe-. v_t:r fhould prcfume to take Tunnage and pouzidage-:with» outan Adtofm Parliatncnt, fhoultylfiiincitzmhe ptt:atItyAofat A PIC: i W43 Premuniregafid it: theiaine Parliamentéthafthehfamhe imp7't§§ ' {ition~fi1ou1dibe1aid upon Our S‘ubje6ts_, ‘andtafi_keniby=an i rderofboth Hpufes, w"it:hou1:and »a:gaeir‘:fi‘Ou1‘Cbn‘fente La{tly,that the fame Parliament, a‘Law fl1‘oui d bemade tea declare the proceedings andiildgement upon Ship-mcmpey to be illegall and voydgand-during that Pariiamemgthat an * rideizof boith—Houfes=fl1aIel,upon pretence of neceiiity, i111’-3 able four: ‘men to takeaway the twentieth part of their E-» A A &aeespfroma1lth’eir Neighbours , according ‘to their dii} .« cretioenee _ L ‘I =But*OurgoodiSubje&s willno"longer'lookeeupponthefi i‘ and the like Refultsh, was upon the Counfells and concluiii-it ions ofiboth Our Houfes of Parliament ;_ ‘( though alithe; world knows even that. Authority canneverr juftifie things 1mwar’ramab1e by the Law:) they well know howfcw of the Perfons trufted “byhthem are prefent at their confultaa tions, 0fab0f;VC5i®f€D not -305% 3.Bd“®fAEh€*‘H0L1i€ of -wPeere.s, V :notiai.fiEth iipiarn»: thattheyiwho are preient enjoynotfthe A ==P1'iv.iicdge and Freedome of Parliament, but are befiegerd *byan»A«zmy,iand awed by the fame Tumults, which drave A Us and theirfeliuw Members from ithenee,m confent to what fame Awfewi fedi:i.aus,i Schi£'maricall Berfonsieamongff aithem d0eipropofe.' hefe are theimemwhojoyning winh 4 -the Anahaptifls and Bmwnifis of Lor‘m’m,firfl changed the i -Giopvernment andi.Di{tiplpine;’f§of—~:hat cm», and inow by :the pride and power of that Cittyrwvoqidundoe the jliing... A A :wd0:nei;;whi1fl their1Lord Maior A (a Perfon accufediand «ikn owniwbe guilty ofhigh Treafonf-) by 3:3. new Legiflative «Power of .hi5howne ’, fup~prefl€-S‘ and revilesthe Biookeof i, .Co‘mmon+Prayer,robbe s-and impriions whom hepthinkes ific, and with: the ~rab»bie of his Faétione gives Lawestbogih §'; §“O'¥'L£ ‘1-i? ' 9t"‘Tg‘ an;_i,:e1i§ X them they will havejno ' Accomo-« A 5(Ifi$) n z1’%cco‘mmoc3ation§whi1.’flthe?Meinbersféntand enérufic" I13}?.’l”h€’i£‘ C%0ux'm*yes, are expelled tl1;e.%H.0uIE-, or ‘C70mmitt€d5‘ A ‘ imf refulfing vt.otaIf +OVu“r Life, de4fcr:vesA4thcir rcfadincife to: , aflifi V€;?Lv.it:'14fomtéAVA partnfthfiit FAor;tunes, and whim: Qthcrmefa,gi:vc.~a;TWentivet%1 patrol-f their Efiatgs, tp czaable theziito ;'f<‘:1'feite tshé ot*herNi-mcte€n‘ef,that eheyzwzliextafnd t§aemi?:.*i*v»es%asto U‘s