»-» -~ . , '....- aw I » e 3‘ -no :§§Ano:11er DECLARAT1oN%£%3 OF THE §§Lorc1s and Commons Affembled in Parliament, 2:::.2;:.?’—=!g».;gz:«*.:z; ;'**»-‘- -u .‘4‘,¢.¢‘- s{a¥’:\fi' Jvufug) _ Concerning §SVBSCRIPTIONS For bringing in A Money, Plate, and Horfes. ' 1 Ir. ’\ ( ‘I .. ' . I ‘IVA-:" 1' -_a.”.-...s“'i:'~ .5’? .}\"’i" .4}-"~'" iLa\"""’ ' ii Together with iADDITIONS To the former Infiruftions for Deputy Licutenattts. __4 ;‘.,”/"\‘z:—’-' ” ’ I I In _, M’ '=- T‘ ' ' Y .-..\ , 3»; .<"’. ’.'./{’\ -c \ . .4 r"-ii‘ '.JV"(‘ "‘ " ..h' \“f' In/:15. 164 2. . I p. ‘ ‘.",;5-.57 . -'/-4,-.0. 4., gig: Ordered that this be foxthwith Printed and puliliihcd: .45. H. If/fjngc, C/er. Pm‘/. I). Cnm. ;’g.,-‘3; . , _* ‘:1 «fig L o N D o N, A Printed by Lfikg’ }\’.cr!/m and 10/221 Fit‘/L1, for Fa'n*.-1.’? H/2 t".1;.:¥; j,_ and Io/,2: ./"ruznrk. July 6. 1 6 4 2. 4',‘,‘; r 5 '?-’s\~:%\‘*3* 1 ,1’ 53.5351‘- - um -d"Js,‘}';‘J '.‘§1‘ t"?J.':§‘..' . ;"'-”". .3", ’."?'« .7‘? ;}_"."5_"«..‘*:‘..;,'?"J 1'3‘; 3"‘. :51 (/9 6‘-,><
4,» <42‘ '’5‘:,‘\«.-» ...»>(.»J(<.;-r(.- ~'1'~’-".’(',- {rt '1" 3.! 1! 3.! ’-. 7 T ‘iii 3.’. 3.‘ 3'' T1‘. ‘.5 L.’ 1!, 33! 3?’ EL! 33' F! P‘! gfi \."‘_1 Lav } \"~._I ;_"v ,. tr K‘ 5‘! u‘! sj.’_' ;~‘_, s‘: ,-‘_. Ht.» ~‘ L. 5;‘ _., .-,_'_' 2. . " "-"~.'.“" u —. ~ . 4,17 3» -~». . . I’ ‘ , ‘:1, " «_ , "_ _ ’ ‘, V ‘N,’ V.-T .2" _ V. ‘ . . . “ -W. *4" ’ .g ; . i ‘ W ' ‘ 0;. C _ C . '5» 1. u ' C 5 “u 5 vu 6 "5 5 . Q-‘ Zi.:f:; mm: G- I I rs-_.vu‘ —-“»s!:«v*,~—~w W“ W w aaaataaaaaata§§aaaaaaaaaaata INSTRVCTIONS FOR Members of the Houfe of Commons , and other Lieutenantsof fever-all Count:e.<, concerning ' the lail Propofitionc, Together with the Names of the C onimiifaries , who are to inroll and value the Horfes and Arms ac.- » cording to the Propoiitions. Hat the Deputy Lieutenants of each Count 5 ., which are Members of the Houle. {hall ltave , Authority to tender the Propofitions to the other Deputy Lieutenants of the fame County; and take their {ub{criptio:1s , and all liieh Deputy Lieute- nants, or any two of them, as Hull’ Fubferibe according to the Propofitions, {hall have Authority to affemblc and call together all fucl1’T’erfons as they (hall think fit, and to tender thoie Propolitions to all fuch Perlons as lhal be prefent, or to any Perlons within their oun- ties relpeftively , and receive their fubfcriptions : And the {aid Deputy Lieutcnants, or any two of them, {hall have Authority to name fueh , and {'0 many Per»- fons,a.< they {hal l think fit to aflemble and call together eve Perfon, or to repair to their feverall houies or dwe linos within their refpefiive C ounties-,and to take their fubfcriptions, which fubfcriptions are by them to be returned to fixch Pctlbns as fhallbe appointed Re- A 2 . ceivers p I! V ,5/ ; _.- ‘A /« Deputy Lieutenants, ‘which are . /~* r’ ‘ (4) (.Ci\'QfS .. Cgycq. r L Ive (‘O . « Unuc . 5; \\ ho {hall from ‘}me :9 t 1‘ MCI] C?ftiHQtI1e flung N, The filidlgeons t0 ‘he Tr¢:§}1£::‘.1 °;°’ 0’ Proporu “Cm {hall hay Duty Licuten;1I1t.\Cr° OfL°”d°”- PM C0u:1ties ea\p0“rer to name Rot t-he gr.e5‘t°’ P 1§}thC‘ir fi1bfc)r;'1ntd~a1l fuch as fl13ICI(§¥"1m-5 1“ fhdr fcvc‘ 3‘ hr?» flmll de1i~,:I;1CiI1s , pay OF bqnlhlcr before or 2 - 0} H1131! be appointetdle fame to f‘uc11gl;’lenr?ny Mom}, or Cei . egreatcr pm by the {aid he 0“ _0r Per 0115 tn xcrs, which h ofthcm, und RutyL1cutenant$ YJ be dcliveredt Q find PCl'{Ons {eh thelrhands to ‘ {:19 («lid Pro to. the Trcafur O;.1pP01I1tCd ' {mm the fafiiogtlonss and fhafirls In IT°”'1””> named U16 fcvcrall p reafurcrs, in th r9Ce1ve Acquittanc MOUCV or Plerfons from wh Q fume: and to the ufco rothc Tever late’ and fhalldon-1 ‘I103’ {hall receive fuch 3“ Tuch as 3 I performs tOx-h Chm? fuch Acquittanccs ’9C€i\‘c r€arPq.k? fuch retu‘ 0111 they do belong: nd the fame aconabk 31IowaI1mSOfMOP*°Y 0’ Plarfiflmll that Eordlng to thel-rC§.IfI-On? the Trc3.furCrS London QC “d_ HOTFQS) fh I I Crctnons. In thofcordlng to the Pa 1 pr°f°.“‘1Y {did them "P ‘O ‘O thofe :1: Q0untics wh¢rr°P0fit1ons. 01‘ none h} 2113 were nomin C U0 COmmif5iQn5 aye ifl-11C ‘Yfo be ‘Ye 5% Dominated £0’ DCPUW icu 03"‘? Gentle gwen to fuch freq’ there the fame Authofl‘ by the gen of thofe C’ um.C°3 Of the Peace, orothfif 3PDro»'CcIiubg'ht5: and B113-lol.n;Il.QS3 Wl'l1.Ch 21 benamed Hams in th .V bOth Houfcsbe Q§ of thofe Counti€§’ imd That 6 fiyfi Inpmlq, : as 15 to the Deputy L1cute- e that cverv niflce qiall be taken, tobefiom n hears the Propofitions mg read by the A h 1 III Onty 0118 0 art Of w <-w ~ '-.',.o;.-3 _.;.._y¢ ’ . ‘ . """—'-' . J, r ~,~— _ , (5) It is Ordered, That Captain Btzrrefl, Maflcf L/ojg, jolm Smith of London, Gem’, and Franair Dazrfiett of Lam/on, Gent’, beCommifsaries to Inroll and value the Horfes and Arms, to beraifed according to the Propofitions. ssasasaassassaaassa ADDITIONS. at any one or more-,alteady allowed by both Hou- fes of Parliament, to be a Deputy Lieutenant, or Deputy Lieutenants in any County, or any other two perfons or more in every County, City, or Borough, which {hall be approved by both Houfes, {hall have power to put the Propolitions in execution, in all points according to the former Inltruétions. That the Knights, Citizens, and Burgelles of the le- verall Counties , Cities , and Boroughs within this Realm, be required with all ("peed to commend thefe Propofitions to their fever-all Counties, Cities, and Boroughs refpedtively, to be put in execution. . That the Perfons aforefaid may have power to name one or more in each County, to take the fubfcri tions Of thofe who will prepare I-lorfes in readinefle or the ends propofed in the Propolitions ; and to inroll them, and appoint Officers, and fromitime to time to view them, and to fee they be completely armed, and exer- cifed in the refpeétivc Counties. L h T at Declaration the Lords «Rant from thefaid City 5 The Lords and Comgions 3 _‘ (6) _- e ‘ i "'1' bar whofoever {hall bring in one or more Horfe without Arms, or Money to fincle them, may have In‘ « or-gthéir H0rfeS.iZvalued,‘a'I1d lil‘1ec{ibyfuCh as are api Vt pointed”in the refpeiéltiyvci Counties , the ,owners __o f th0fe{H‘0rl‘eS ingaging theml'elyes— to bring ,t.hem_-int E0 in the fetyice of the Common-wealth,~when they lhal A vberequiredbiy any Aiithority to that putpole by bot I f I-loufes of Parliament. . » 1 That allfug:h H qrfes as are fubfcribeéja by tl;,eiMefi1t‘ i‘b€l1?e3.0if€m1¢Y~H0uef¢5 0rtb3?—oth¢ iefizens eléfléjoédves l3e*fhe‘vvéd and i‘m‘olled'bj5 Saturday next’, the ninth :0 July inflzant, that they maybe dividei into Troops,/and trainecl. ‘ J ‘ i )1 ‘..‘-l. '1 . «I »..; . ‘ l. ‘tkvy 3/‘; ‘an .1. 7: ‘l_ N ’ l aaea§aaa§a%eax ~ ea fii‘ ;~p~,r3%v",\*;,§F.1-T~\.lc'*=n«>‘§l"\t"jr:- e -:_\g,‘»‘ e ($9 *‘~' "'rn°- N is "Commons aflenibled in Parliainentii ‘ e1'e_as quel£ion‘~l1ath‘been made by l‘on1e.PerlZ')ns, Vvhethert the time ‘for fubfcriptions of H0r.l‘e,i i Money and Plate, according to Propolitions lately publirlhedi by the Lords gun Commons in Parliament h were not-l,i{mitt€cl~ to f'ourteen7da_yesy_a_fl:ert _11ot.ice, given, tOt3'Hy'W'1.ti?lifl*tl‘lE_ City of Lomloiz, and“ fixtymiles ch- elo declare, That they did not prefcribe any time for ‘fuch l‘ubl’criptiQns,*'lf>ut onely dexire, fuch as were with-_ in the faid City, or within fuch adifiance, to haffen V the bringing in Money, Plate and Hotles, as much con-2, ’ ‘ t . ducing ‘flfvvvw ..r. .. . .w_, ywuwv-vi I-o ‘ 9-_V_, '. <7» 1 ucing to that ferviccl And they do further declare; I hat whofoever {hall yet Bring in Money, Plate or If orfes, or fubfcribé, to bring in any Money, Plate or * orfes, according to the {aid Propofitions, and to the ;rnds therein mentioned , {hall do an acceptable fervice I o the Common-wealth, and (hail have the fame Con—~ hgderation, Conditions and Proteétion, as is exprefled o xthofe Propofitions, onely it isoftill defired,thatit ' ' ay be done with all convenient f peed. " . .._, —é':Uf. fix . , _.,,._.--- _ - _‘_ _-._‘_V_,., , - -i_- ,_ . RARE DA 412 1642 .G49 uuuutvornuan-ou.u-A ELLSPCRRERARE DA4121642 .G49 \I||Io! IIIIIIIII O-006068060 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes AnotherDec1aration1642 February 2018 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. Faded text and b1eed—through are present in origina1 document. Derivatives — Access copy Compression Editing_software Reso1ution Co1or Fi1e types Notes TIFF compressed with Lzw before conversion to JPEG Adobe Photoshop CS5 600 dpi Graysca1e and co1or avai1ab1e on request. JPEG Graysca1e pages canvassed, images brightened. 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