A L ARA‘? E FT1%-m_ L01” IN ""|'~i=‘£."”‘ 5-‘- El . 4 .1 PAM, IA MEN;fr= W/"'£th the Additiona11Reafon;s» iafi pr%efi:n:c'd% to His M A I E 5131 5.; ~ Saéédtiai I 1 Marty}. I 6 4 1', ' Ordered -by the Ldrds-"and Communs.inw'Parliaé‘ . men: aifemblcd , _Tha'si: -the, Deslaratiom:-. with the Additional! Reaf*ans7 Raf‘: prefenfmfd to 1 His %Maj'cfiy 5 .€ha1l% bg forthwith Printed and giuhg 1-ii‘-llfed. ' ; Iaafirawne, Clerz'c..ParI. _ ' ' .H,~.‘_Ez3@:2ge, €ie;°.Parl.».D. Cam _.§ Wberwnto is%annéxec1; His Majefifies §pcech m the Ce-émmitie, the 9 of Mzzmé , 1 pé 4.2.. _ when they prcfemeci the Daclaraziors ofb0th,H9_t1fiEt3 of Pagliamem as; AQW-mdrkqfo g._ % mxdan, Pirinfted fer iwfé .Bz».:z»:-%fi*aI£t 3 I 641 g_ mm ” 9% oh. no ,’ ‘ '_ ‘:5;-‘ 6&6} mfg:-P ‘=2; W § ESE . ggdu wfib oi-’: xo ago‘ -2‘: ;.e: ‘mi -..,§ "‘“‘ '*.«5 g'»“'" "’ ~ «WW-"515" ««§~»%‘”$»**t-s?**«‘::» *§*e%»%‘**’§*~ 4+‘? may it plea 6’ yaw .Mu.:]°effie; o.MofTag.é: ofthe fecond of thisiofiaot M:;1w7o5 V do give jufi coufeof {arrow to us your foizhw full Subjefis, the Lords and Commons m Pariiawoo meat, you it is not without f01‘n%m«iXf”LH;'€ of~confi~~ doom: ano hope 3 confideriog they proceeded from me mif-apprchcnfion of our Amons and‘Im:emi- oos, which having no ground of -Truth or Rcaiityfi A may by your Majofliesw] ozfiice and Wiofd om be rcm~*o- vodo when your Majcfiie fhalbe fully ioformod, am A arhofo fo,{ars~aod jealoufiefi of cum, which- your Ma- fioflie thioks to be cauflcflh, and without my jufl grouooz; do noceflloily and clearly mfifc from thofio dangers: aoo difiempcrs, into which the mifchiatvous o mo will Coounfsis about you have brought Ehlfig Kingdoma And that thofc other fears and jcoloow fies, by which your fovour;your.R0yaI1Prefoxmei, A and mofideocc have how ‘withdrawn from your Parliament? have no foundation or fubfifiamcc in any oéiaioon, iLmcmion,. or moifcarriago of ours, but are A. 2 A mccrcly Lthough the Exprefiions in your Majomm v e ie-;§‘ ‘ e meeeiy g;eeeeV&ed epee the faifiwed and malice of ehoiey Aw'1cm"aethe fepperting end fermenting their own veiefieeeéi ciefigesyegainfe the Religion and Peace of the Kiegeiena 3 dO?MfC€}}L*: t0 deprive your Majeflie efthe Strength and Afiefiien of your People, them ef yew: Grace and Proitedftioe , and thereby to fab» jefic both yew: Royall Perihe, and the whole King» dam to wine and defiméfion. ” ‘T0 fatisfic your Mejeflies judgementeeand Cenm? fcience in both thefe points, we defire tee. make a deer am free Dedaraeioe of the eeufes of our fears and jeaiouficsm which we afier to your Majeftiefie I thefe particulars; ~ — 1.. A That the defign ef aiteeeiegr Religion in thifig and inyour other Kingdoms , hath been potently“ A carried on by thofe in geeeatei%vAethex'ity about you " for eivers years tegether,the.qQ]geens Agent at Rdwgvfi A and the Popes Agent or“N uncie here, are not onely evidences ofthisdefigm, but have been great Aéicem in it. V 42;. TAhattIe-e‘ War with Scotland was proeuredtofi‘ make wayfot fhise,intent, and chiefly invited and fin» merited by t,hc_~Papi&s_., and others popifhlyaffefledy f whereof {nrehavemany evidences , efpecialiyeetheir free and general! cen"t1‘ibutien‘eo it. 3. eeThat the Re-ibellione in frelamzf was Framed .ami A E eoetrived here in England ,ez~1d thatftheEegli1hPaV- A ‘ pifis fhould have rifem abeut the fame time 3 we have feveralitefiimonies , and adveezifemems fmm A Imlwds and shark is 3 common fpeeeh amongfi the Rebels, wfiecrewith concur other-ffiviéences and %obfcrvaticmsofthefufpiticms,meetingsfi eed acme» 4 imitations} M ‘ I i‘oi€ations3 iheitmmiiiuary and jfediitiousiearriege of ehofe of that iieiigion in divers partsfof this Kinga eiom, about the time of the breaking out iofthe Iriih Rebeiiiooi The depofitionof 0 Co:-me/Zy, thelnfoiw motion of ii/if Cafe Mioiiier , the Letter Of..Trej’?Mm. Whizmezieg the depoiirioo of Zfiéamgo Cmmt, aod many others which we may produce , do aii agreeiaiithis The pobiiize eciaietioo of the Loic mo»- rod roqorrr«r: arrmrrdoocer, he flmourld, ne:~'vorrho- lécffo, be ofirhar credit wirh your Majcfiy , as ro be fem army by your ow ta Warrranr to Sir form Famirzg» rm, ro Lrmd him: boyond rho Sea.‘ 5 fromwhcncc ho vcrrrod his own Trayrerous conceptions, That your Majcfiyfliouid declare your {elf , and, more to or pierce of fir-;cogrh~in' this Kingdom, as ifyour Major fly couid rsor be fafe ramongr yourrpcoplfi =r fAm§~ wirhalltook that tranfcendeor boldncffe rowrito rotho (Egon, offeringto entertainrcorrcfpondcncy with her Majefry by Cyphors, intimatriflg form for- rrico wluiohrhe miglrar"o.it1rt4hofo1?a1't$rrsrfor which, r hedcfirod yam: M.ajefliesinfiru&ionsr, wherebyink probobiliry», he ix-atcndcdrrthc procuring of iomoform raign force to flrcngrhcniyqur Majcfly, in that oaona dirion into which 1 he. wouldr have brought you 3 Which faifo and malicious couofell and adviceg woo Eaavevgrcar caufc to ooubgmadc too deep an Imprcjil flan w‘ your Majcfly, confidcrinfg rho oiourfe youaro pioafeiidro take, of abfenting your M? from ryoor Farliamenr, and carrying A rho Prioco"Awithyoo3r whichfooms to expreflfcrar mrrpofe in your Mojfefiyr ro keep your fol? in a.rcadi.ncfi‘o for me ‘Moog ,. its ' M % ‘ I ._,r . rcm) ‘The manifold .Aduercifementshwhichhwe fiéee = . ” had fro1;1ARomhe, ‘Venice, Pm’:5 and other parts, thgzht &hey“fi£l1'expwt thaty-our Majefiie has fame great." ‘A defigne in hapd, for the alteringeof Religion’, ‘the breaking theneck of your Pafliament: Tlmau: you Wm AA yet finde meanesm cempaife that dc-.fign.e, that the H Popes Nancie hath follicited the Kings of .m-am a7nd3' .$’pa.iz2e to lendmyour Mdjefiie fgure thoufmdmen a-: piecehto helpeito maintain gmur Royaltieegaihefk. the- Parlizzmenf: And this farrajgn force’ as iVthiS.the me: A perniciou-sand malignant clefigne of all thehfefh, lb ~ we hope it is and {hail ahvayes bee fahrthefhfmm your A Majefties thoughts, beqaufe no man: eczmh beleleve you will giveL1p'y‘ourpeople and Kingdédzne whee fpoyu 1edby7t}:1jangers, if you did pot hlikewife ‘V intend to change both your owpc profeffiwonin Religion, and e the“ publique ep}‘oft1\_fi_0n;.of theKingdome, that V fo youehmighit fliiljybe more affured of more forraiglai A v- Stahteseofthhe_PQpi_fl1 Religion, foeyonr futgge fupbrze * and ‘defence; . “ ‘x fe’Cu'r’irie,."ina1l»ch‘e wayes offluxnilitie and Fnbinifidn, “whichhb*eihng”deni’ed by your MajePciehf'edui'ed byevvill A .. ' e Counhfellgwehe dot with forrow for the great and ina- . V " vo dable miferieand danger, which thereby‘ is like to _ fa! upon ydur Qwne perfon, and your Kingdhomes appiy0L;_rfe1ves to the ufe ofthat power far the fecu-7 mic and defencehflof both ,A which by the-fundamentaii A j*eLawes,3ndConftirutions pfthis Kingdoms refide$ *' AA mus, yet flifl refoluing tqkeepe ourffelves. within % ‘ A ‘ “ A B A the , _fI‘h‘e_fe are fcigme bf che grounds Qf our feares and L .IeaKoufies which made us [0 emefllytoimplore your‘. I my‘a1IAuthcrritieandprotesftion forour defence and ‘ ‘ fla¢B‘ov;;,{s:xidf$ «:.£=%:%faa::::::2‘u%1:;cae and ,é.1,1e”g%c,an%é5é £6 yam» _.f2'c_re_d"Perfon ='3_fi€§;y@E1E,CEOW.fi‘ , fo as't‘0“tI1e fecond i’§5'rt"c:f"‘j_é9g£ouiies aizcE~$’ea:s..€éf’ &is,"'cjx'pi‘e£‘; by your j‘efl'iE_ 5% wef£?n,;*£i;§:Ig.ivc. 22. 2%3.or%tsr,% but as tr._uc,. and as i.thfu11‘a*z*;'a¥;'-”°~;~."£2fi7"~:=~;r¢r?,;.:;‘,, . ' ‘»’Vhc_,r¢a‘s ‘1:’m':'§: ’¥3%..».~‘f~.i2’ajA.c'.:%;?:y is plcafed &}a.fay;.t.h_afi fear 3feur":c'£°:r?.é£acc 326:‘; the Ea'1;l.iame:-at“, 'yC.i‘i wifh __it -L rméglat be £0 55355, arid hcmomsablc, that yen h'ad1no-- caufc ‘£20 abfem: je;;?<.vb:r from W/aitelyzzig Thfis my-t@ flake as €:iX_é'gr@a“;€:':§’a "magi: of Priviledgs: of Paglia» thgt cg-ezz Fm: oz».-‘Rm-d s -:5-"j‘.=.s the heavacfz mifery 1:9 375212;-feiig’.a2§:d:§r;§;putaati0n ugon us that can.:be.1magi- §::%¢_§_", ‘find 't'he‘._- n.‘;o_£":T. .'1:I2ii'c§:1~i:e:\;vau.r Maié£i'ics de'fif'e;, laid“. ~ mar-Hands updsa-our _%;1.ns,~.and;w@ gfindesazone thaman--gi‘ve" 3,’;i1.t?-~.=”..%/§«s*~§je:-,‘e.’-‘iris any gufi ;0£C3-fi0§§'ii‘O abfcnfgt ycn.:r.fc1£ 3 ;-but--‘= th2“:‘il“' ytiur" ‘mi:-@>a‘e‘ -:-fa:".fc'::§r‘,:.,"-§_e;s;;u'§it*x};ié t.h¢_rc _ -i‘?§.?:;t_~‘§:a,:,s any Q§§§€_17. 332 X935. . {$1} §‘f*.»/iZ:f3:§ lmgms. Ma g@:%:i::3*té%.i;§,?&’2*ar3£é§ 5, a, 3 - .1? ,x;I».§ ‘J .4.‘-,;'\ A5947!‘ .4;-»V', :1; _ .‘ 0 1 ‘ “‘~ ‘J ,, ,. Vxwf...‘ *4 Y ‘ . V M ‘ ' , 3,» “ WM E; M A 2é,g1.£;?i.fi1v..~,1s%*«.;:¢I¢ :3?’ Q mm, M: ‘g, ?;;,,‘7hE;‘§<;a:fM,V¥w‘ camrafit new j§ea1QV%u»fi@s mdfearfi $VA W0fl gw.emiE& Md uncertaimirbuizdsg af0rdi%ng em ‘1.§z:x~ difwmz M@mbrm:s 0 both +-,;,:~o;nmmT§mg a pt1xgaf"c'of fireiiraining» the Qggen any mmm oer m§ssibi%1ity. Of articular Anfwcrg mm mm awmimg M may £cw.es§ Erprmf wrmw, We fiw.-;+-—~_, fmchym.mv: fiiefty to"cm*sfidm' thcfe mi%Va.nce$a§ 4 l.1eSpaeches allead ed robe fpakmin a macfitimg omfcfi at I€e,mfi;mg°;m;&z 5 Primacy 4wm;m. aftciéifri‘. it was dmyadg and difavovééefig ya yam“ Majefiy mfmh} mm mm: ithgflfutmm 3 mmagh humbiy cfimd by mm Heufm W The gm 9% Artmfim fmmad mm’: the Qgggem ajcfwg gwems mm by f0me~Aof mm mlatmm mstfim 3 butw hm 3% vvm pulflaeiy,_, mi confianxiy A .« fcpiaimaoig the Acrcdéégz {maimed cwieh&%rm;m fmmitg mm was mnthcéwimxmg kept fafh wiflafim way1‘mfl&bA@ ready my egagaiaitsof the {mm kinda? Whmewifth your Majcfiy, and mm Q;§ma 3 Wm often \fir0l§:bfi.*'§@3 Mi‘ EMS comfis hm taken ehr:..%g§.§;”E%:;t A%fR’£m;Wtm 3;11»c five and {beam them an fmzh wicfikcfi %amd&zmalicim3i$ Vflaimécrsa The haavy charge an accufatiofn”ef-*thg:.»imci embm W%“W HWi’v:> A ax V Qfimmflggfig V V Cmgampns, whc rcfufe% rgofl Ttryélél, 51} exfaminatiiong A which might fiand ‘wsflth, the Pnvzlcdgc of Farm» A mcms yctALnoAL1;hors,.no wxtncifcs produccdg as» A V '::h_e‘ia£% of thofc‘Petitions. gainfi whpfr;1thcyVn1ay have reparation for the great in;§izryV and infamy cafl: upon tiwm; ~ imtwithfimding ichérefe féwrfirall Pcjtitians ofboth Houfcs, and the aéuthcrity of two A615 of Pariiamcnr, vouched-'im Statc you are, h0W_ eafia, and fair 3 way you have to: WA hgz_ppmr:fT:3, honour g}reatnefl'e5 plenty, and fccurity 3 4 if yoifivill joy!) with the Pa%rhamcnr,and your faith»- full Subjcéts in defcnice offlrhe Relfigiom, and pub- likp good of the Kingdom This is _a‘H WC cxpgofl, frci you,% and far xhis we {hall rctmn t o} you, our A lives, fortunes, and utgermoflenfieavours to fupporit: A yQu.1'Majefly, ycurjufl Scw;c%ra§g'ntyand poixvvcr aver W,é befecch ydur MajcI’c3.rA.«.toA:4€:0nfide£ in Wm 1355 but it is not wo%;ds’_tha;t can fecurc us in Athefe emf“ V hufi1bI:edéfi"rcs s" ma ;¢anz§@tA%butto?oe ?we«il, and fore "ro1vfu§}y%1;crf§cmb4ei*whi2t“gratious Mcflfa ‘geswe ‘had frémiyou this Summer; when [with year priv.%ti%e, ith eAbriz1g’_ing‘ up the Arjmyi was inagiration 5 We cm..V flfifibut widgthcklikgafibfiions recail {flour m‘i%n%dfe”s19% how nottwa daycs before, yougavedirefiions for "thc"*abo,vc mentioned‘ Aahccufationg" and your lawn ; mmizig t0‘th}e, Comnfoias Honk,‘ that H,0uf¢« recei- K wed fromyour &Majcfii*e a gratious Pvieffage, thatfyou would ahvayés hahic Care Of, thefir Pxiviledges, as cf gromrofévn Prerogative Of‘ the fafety*of7théir pérfoasg as of youriown childrjlen : V That'which wc cxpcfi, -‘wfiich will g17*e?«jeA us ‘affu;;ance_‘, that you have. H0 "~xh;jL;:ght, _§utdé%ofpcac§.;a11;d jufiice‘ to your Pcopig mm ._ “ ' ‘ M , -‘..:.“uD I (I3 W mm} be fame real] ePFc¢"t of your goodneffe to them inrgranting thofc thifigs, w‘h~icoh the fprefené nccefiity of the I{ingdon1, doinforcc us to defire: And in fife firflc place, that your Majefiie will be gratioufiy pleafcd to put from you, thofe wicked and mifchio-o 'vo”us.Counfel.'1ors, ,%%w.hich havocaufcd ‘all theft: ;3a11«:- 2 gets and difirafiions, and to continue yourown Rcfidcnca andthe Princes. nee: L.o;.4d0;¢_§ afdrhc Parliament, which we hope will be a happy begin» ‘ hing of contentment, and confidence’ bet-wixt yoomj Majcfiy, and your P_eoVlc,‘ and be fo1Iowedwi;h~ V many fucceeding bleffings of I’-Ionogrand Greathcffic to your Majcfly, an of fcclurfizy» amdprofporitym them, . 1*11é Additiona11Reafons, o Helords and Commons ohaivc commanded us 5 ‘r -'. 4’ M M 4 V‘ V‘: I‘ é " — V to prcfcnt unto your Majefiy this furthor A°di‘di- u - tion to their‘formerV ‘Declarati*on.a. = V“ That your Majcflies return, and..c;ontio-Manse new ‘file-Pa,rli.amenot, is a matwroin their a‘pprohc'nfion*‘of ‘ A fo grcatrneccifity and importanm towards.othc pr:- V Tcrvatiofn of‘your B;0y)a11;Pcsfon,a*m&. your King-. doms, that they cannot think they have diflhargcd their duties in the finog1cV.’exprefi"1onoofthcitdcflire, .m§,1.€fi‘¢ tvheygdodc fome &.fur.t;hefr Reafons to back it? V W‘3th.¢ ' % 3 I. ‘u3’¢2o° . 6 mg; + , L W” fi2'§f¢j.;£€.§ a:,§E?.:%€éf¢? WY! wmfé. ;m% M eL§%é*1;:%f«?~Je3 2°25“ M25" W ¢%_:?%fl3'0urAge 3%!’ zwde2I°zfmz/m~*.§ E 42% ééazayar tin: MM“ P;*aFau;/zrmg far mzfiflg mmeayfw defizweajfl A hraiandm E L 1:? WT «yea? 9 2=:r»mc,§2 izwrtem 2:/we Reéels Mere, zzwgf Jifl» 4 fl e5¥e¢7ffies&*J,/@925 M #955" £<:.”;‘:ag¢.%zm M éairrzg rm evizieiam am” % r!jaeja'al@:%fic M55 zfzwfivn bei+svi;vtyv¢£y'Jv.mjq/§y3 zzmri ymw/' «replay A‘ A‘ _ h H I 4 ii" was"/J _ws:4c?1,~3w4ke2¢ mm? 3w'tMM2.v MM afifew §£fz"w.% vf" 5/fie Sw’3;'e.r:'$ fiosrzra yaw ‘Mmjgfiyatg wit/Mww/m*;M gfwfzzye 53 a.vieprzVvc% J flak" m‘5s'éféfi flmagtlz and 1% may: immfi % yzzzfiked M #26 wgafmfcjf" m'?w2gm: and mg/Swim film mm M A éwzagzmedo T A . _ A I IN. T;’§m't it will ;"mrz';r’c Md mwzmzge tire Emémmar af W Religévm mm’ t-lw»iSt..41e,p in forraign farts? M #16: A " attemptiwga Md aa‘fz’r2g,_af% tibeim>=vg‘f!Z dcfigms and inteygtgfloyw tawards M.‘ A A ~ M "A A V. ‘Mat it cgamfétlé :2 great interruption iii t/éepfoceefig V émgs g? Parliamantg ‘ T hefeg confideratiom threaten fem grgafi amgm A m yam: Majcfiies.Pcrfm+2, and mafii yam Dmminimasw that as yam: Majcflies grew 1' fi n%. they hoid it mc@‘aW m ; repm-4» {ammo You,thisf1:hch* fai§:hfuHAd»wii'@9 mm gfa whatfmcver followcthfi iheymay Em ex-=~ wfe;d;*%¢f%r@G9d ané Mane \ ’ '9"; . «KW A ‘ '1 Av.» . . - ,' " A. ' an m ‘ .* ,1. .3‘ 31,5 ‘ . ... _.,, , -<'.. 4 _. , W. ‘ M. F’ " ' ' _ A. .. W e 2...-. . . . . ‘a. \r ;“,,:’,,J v0 ' _ _] Q 3;; L ‘ ' A "’"‘" A EM‘ Q % M M A ; 4 %Comz‘mm~:@,; ms 9 Mi A 4» when they pmfmtcfi the Dacfiaratimm Qf both Houfias 05 Paaiiiammmt Ix?%zw¢2;w~!eg2*. ‘mansxpéfimd flwufidthitak this way of addrcffe ta be V mam aonvenicm; ‘than that propmfcd by Myrvifcéfa xfagfi M’ the 5m 0? L/mzmry‘1af’t to both Haufw. 1 As mnctmfning th'c%Vgr@un4ds%*of%ym,1&' Fears aw fiefaimuficfi, I wlifl take timétm anfwer par5ticu1ar1y$%w _ H andd0ubt!n.ot but ’ {hall dc in m J the fatisfaéfiion mf all the ‘World. Gad, §17nA*his good timq, w'm3%__ hope, difgover the fecmts and bmmms of am- Mots and ”‘£‘rcai‘ons;4 and than 3 flaw. mm rim in, Am c0mfi?de21M:E.*m«wm3 e3&égec;€i not Iflmuld W give yam 22. fpfiecfy Atfi‘er~v'¢r ta thisf%.rangc»and> V ” eciamtiom A And I amforryf %( in me dmraéiiom wf this KingdoVm) yam \ ‘tZ1e§ey'csM ail My peogpiea In ‘a:'h?@Aa":r:emm' izianm E A- mufi émfl you , That. I -ratfnem mapeémi eta Vmdi;ca§:i~ ‘ A wn for the mpummom 333M ma rm im%¢Mafier ;°y;m VS‘peech,~than&c£1atamymme gmerafl‘ Rummm iifcourfes fihouid gct c:.7rm“it with yam ‘$3’ PorMy fears am? dnubfs 3 mm %thi§.1':;«; ‘€:’§:my~w flmuid havaa ijfififi fihcmght 4 %Egr®mmm;§fe or trivi-— . V an, While" {'0 mmy fadmam ?Ba113ph1cts.amd Sm-« mam am laofimd izpgm 3 % aw fmfgm-:at"§iu‘muMs am ~ 504%”. rsgmgegmbgedfi %31flpi§.3i?1ifl3£d, amimguimdi in-ta I {MAE (rm V mnfcffc my Fmrs} and mu Godjm witizmffe 3 That mfiy am greater my the mm Pmtcfiamt Pmfefi-fioitafl A My Peopic and Laws, ahamfor My own Rights mt Saf@tysth0ughI”mu.i%mfiyau, E mnccivc mm, mm rmf mgfcaric fxcafrmm dangers" A A ~ M W'?natvw0uidf yam have 1 Name E vigfiaimfiyaum V Kaws 2” Have’ E~dmycd m page amywwm BM for fim wk and fccurity of Myv=VSubf«e@c§ a.;«m‘m mks A we and Prcfcrva;t_i0n ‘of the EEWA yam whaa you have dam few-Mac % AA . . .Ha.'vre any 95 my Maple hem maanfipmt with Fcarsam&Apprche:1fiom *5 ’ X ha‘veofl7emi as frm and general! %a‘ 1?a;.r&on gas yaur Mvcs can Wgvifm All this confidcrcd 3Th«em1s aje:dgcancntfr0:n~ » Heaven upon thisNati@n%, iflthcfcgdifirawoins mntimze... H A . ‘A V V "*G«od;foA%d5;caEA wxth Me and Wwafi My Tgaugimjéand ‘Intcnt+ioms4‘%arc up rightVVV~fm' the aim V mnanpe 0? the tru¢1°mt~c&am Pra%f@~fig$m%‘%4g4ma gm» % was Land: mm hope, God will bicifg am afli{E %;‘Emf@ Laws fox Mxprcfcrwgtiana - < As far the Addmonafl. Dcdaragtimn, you me m ‘\ _@§gpcé% an Amfwcrm it; when Wufim§1rcmimth‘@ A Anfwm in ma Dccfiamtégm it ME.»