:9 {If}? -25: zfijfi V} APR. 4 szur T‘H_ LOZ%."dS and Cmm mas; m Pzu:*%.mment :6?’ «';<.‘=*.:~éfi:’ :5 ’ -=;e*-<:*; ". ' ° . ,.. J H . -% 3 A (3% to this K.nnwgd01n,m..%; mac uvim2::J ‘Wand: $3.3 N452 7' , 4,_ " _, -V ' ,_ ~ w W hmem (amurngflz (‘megs mf Ewhg a%#_‘.® - . . Q r A , ' " . _‘, E Mayfirfixea late flhgafl pxwcuscdlngs) 13 dzico-» ;:.?g7fi;,_, . vmcrd, how {em*€:rm; Ca::;m7a"1:J:31ms m»;_‘1s;£m* Iiiwfiixigs ”%'“ aw'h0*?fia,y have been grazmd to m?as3y pro {aft §%pi£fla(hai*ra: iii‘: V” z1e:m:.in.:atec§)§0x“ places 0% c0n1:11.m:fl in this; x«::%_m‘ Wig-“h prsxwcx: CO raifc men and :1:'n1:rs, wvhiczla in Fundry places % thecy hrtvc pct'i:<:>x‘n1cc3. ' , . " 4 «Alto , how Sir Ialm Hmrlerfbzz and Cullen 1 iii’ Ca»¢-Qrarxz *m::rrf;: {eat to Hgzmlmxrgb mzi Dmw:2r,{5:,m m%{?:;-: if Pb. car; (imam, and m other fora-aim: pmrts,t<.:> bring; imo {his % *. Kingzgdomm With the narncs of fcmnc who have been prodain~;m;§ Rebc1simIreImzd,N I’! v ' ». ‘M M;V ‘ ,_ ~‘ “ > , (W. .‘ ‘ 4'. ‘ ‘V ‘"2. I a w__ W ‘.1 ..-‘ -M ¥'3' 0’ DE G L ARATJ * ‘ANJD A PRO TESTAJIION; OF‘%T%HE Lords and @ommor;1s; Afléiilbled in % Parliament... ‘ N fentPar1i"amcnt affembled do in the pre-% y fence of Almighty God , for the fatif-» ,‘3’~57~“" faéfion of our owne confciences, and ‘ » difcharge of that greattrufl which lies ‘ ‘ upon us_., make this Proteffatiorz, and amandflto the whole; World{[‘hat no private pafiion or ref» pe€t,no will intention to H122 Mayeihes Perf0n,n0 dcfigne ‘ to the prejudice of his jufl honor and authority engaged us ta raife F orcc-:9, and take up Armes againfl the Au» .___‘. E the Lords and Gommoas imhis prc-~ Declaration to this Kindome and Nati ~ thors of this Warm wherewith the Kingdoineis nowen-‘e~ ‘A flamed. A f , A . , Ami Wérhave alwayes defined from om‘ hearts and foulesg A ¢ ,,-;, A 161 9 m3fli** ‘V " W manife{Ee,d°4 Em £z&1Mé%:&ma anépfaceedings; madin‘fé:v::araH A ‘ %Ahutx§%5b¥e"A4P;-2~ti”tins 3;n4d*‘“RemonV1”t%mncezsV m is Majei'%ypm~ .f&£f:d0ur.Laya3ty~, anti AOhekiience toehxs Croammz, rm» A dinzsfife and ref£i!ut%ion mu dafend His fmfon, arid fuppcrt V A Hia*efiate— Wm} our fives and f«r:rtum=;As,V A to the nmérzneié A af ‘ om>Apn~w&r. VA A _ W A :mveAbeene wiiiing m paffe by not mezy more .injur1es,1g nc;zr>.%1niesr,_fla:ndt=rs and faife accufzatiansg where::~ 1 with We have me p§ivayte;=.$yc;ppre {Ed and mi:-e*edA3»L but A }%;kea.earifeL mzmy publéque éngroachmezm .ana:igh'igh u§mpa- tioné tit) pvréjudizze of RFs.~.~}igj<:-n and: A§_;%W§;*2':A=z,'V%a %<:%.4i~m bioudy Tmyternurs and criiwil pmftifes and aci-:fi;_>;nes $702+ the HHS! ruineand def3§:':“L1:f,}i03*x fifths Cfiurcfa and SU.t¢~.5~ 12:» as we might f0E'€hc= xime to cmfnehave bs3t3z":«e 11=«.:ur::~<:§ {ram that Wwicked and mafiignant party}, thofie p::~Ami<:i«:‘mA« 31.1%. Traytozmus Councalis , who have beam: the anwthmgcs zanzti " fomentms of the former mifchiezfes and prefltnt c;§A!g1n§- tiézrs, which havc and {H11 doe ciificn-wpertfais Church ans} Stake. A w 4 » ~ A That for thefamf: pu»rp0fie, rtnfl far the :w0yd§n£2;40% Ym1df‘wA%e diwf?tA=e-Ad the Earle nf ;I..m*<1\ G2na'r:1EAAAby lfxim-~ felfb 01‘ Qihers , in ifo.me% fafe and honorable way f04ACa3l1"r€:.‘ robe delivered am hum bIeP&tit§nn, wfAx<~;?rein we do defire Imthing from His Majésfiy , butI.h»a%t he v;'oLfldAreturw3 in peace t0Hi9 Parliamasnmnd by tha~?iArt:aimfu«1-I Cmmrell and Aa[dviAfe‘c«umpofe the di{h~.=:mp~3rs and comfufioxxs wounding in HAisKin;gdn»mcss, as M i~sbm;1Andto do gwethearein pro» fefl?mgiz1th»::: fi~ghtofAhnightyG0:3, Awhizzth is the {%re:)ng*-~ 3!} Obligation and afii1ran~c:_t=: that any Chriflian ,, andth%eA mofi folémnz publiqxm F ai't%hgsvhic:A12 any fuch StarAem;at‘§’ar~ Iiament can give , that We wnuld receiver Himivizh ail ho-~ now? yeeld Hi4ma"’1Itr%u7c Obecmnceand fubjrsflian, and M -faithfully endeavourm défcnd His PérAfon and efiatmfrnm alldapgemmd tn thf umrmofl of our power ,_ to e flablifh 10 I ,5 V Pétitimm. ~ wAxpef%'hisli~bwty. . M _ Byflafi which and many other'e»videnc»€.*s ‘ 85 iudLm3mmt9,., Ftfwthé c1AeHv¢?ry‘0fwhic}iV Partition h§sE§m-:H'encyha%th A A m§1§e*,%" AaI%lrAW thablefliiafigsofa A bribw W wawgne, <.a$AA1tA is m are largely expremntlzar %EWi‘~‘-‘E’ feflt 11 M0 t¥'mKix1g, hu«mb! yVdc:firinAg aizfafticcmeri uftf Jar thmfe whoVflmu1dbe impmyed czherazfiingj it: us; we Ma j«sfiy~ refufimzl mgiveany fimh. fafc%co:ad4mé1;$A C{Y.\t0A¥"f$C-5’3;".§Yfl this~' Fmz-nb1VA€*AA ajnsi «dm3ifu.¥Vl P‘mizi0AnAV4by any ”add:*&v~“flEAfr0m the A E'3flMI‘}~&% Offlfix , faviztgi tth:;»1t% ~i+:F ]%u{}ice -had4 Ei3{:c%n’e «Elam: Ihcf €Fm‘rxt3e mam AAwh%chA ,‘hmu%ght %th»s f£:g:0And m»efl;3ga 4¢c#1md4,not" we A are Fm} 37 convim;’d in war judgementsvand belise $79, that nl;1aé:AKing9Q0unc&.*I«Is,- Mid Refa,Iutions aAr:;“:A {:2 engage&t0v th@?“ii.;fbeAmAI:fY,A Mfr tAVh€4fi.3AppgN:fii»0n%Vi1d4€?%W&‘1I>3tAAis;:en af thé vtme E\;@"lVigi;Qa, 1Lthat AMI h-0p%eS0f’p&a'm an :1 Mp???’-“ €51 §«nn~ ma mc1A%ux;£¢d ,. and that it is fqlly int:-med to give faris.?a&ion- tmhe Papylr by altaaramoyn of ReIigi20n§ax1Ld.totheCgvakeersi md‘mher S.0u1d%1Zars,V by B};;vofing% the Vmalthuf tfic gcmdi Suh§eA§3£a$,Aefgmia1lytflfthis City I_%mdmt4o bef.-mkt plunw V dfmd aAnd‘& fmild by mm. AThaat for Kh€b§t“!Ifir 6Afi?-firing here“%oF,A great numbersof mpifi:ha»%vc Aim cmf0mmedA thwmfelves tome Prom-- ~ flamte Reiigima cqbmmimg Arm *th&:A Churclfi, receiving the N Si3$cram4e-Mi, andmkimgA:heOachesofa:1egampe3an“d fafree mac}! whichA Afoma of their () W1Il:fi Pri;::‘fls«have: enco»ur-ag€d- them I do , by ‘A maAin§aiming that they might da: 311 thfif-3' thingw, hand ya: comimuje gmd Catholiquas,under which A ever His Maiefiy did at fitrfl begint0fl*renVgth~enhimfelfe, , ~ thofa of that Reli gionbeing We-a‘ke¢, a‘nd r:mah~1e to‘£~n%d;uJre A tehwf envy and difcoment which the arming ofrhe P¢ap;flr» would procure in thfi Kiwngdomgamd th€r€f0F€md‘9“W0U~r- A ed m lgeepe ail jy<-:al0ufi?e::s4and {'ufpiAzj,onS by msmy fears--— A Af:1l1O.1thsandWlemprcewatianfl, czcmccimi-n%g hi3Apuvrpafe A099 4 A A A .4 : % " A93 AA AA A V”’VAA:naim--A lrmzziornining rh»eIPr"ote {?iantRrMligion and theii;loW‘es ofrho A Ksiiflgdornoycanlinngflomeprofisli Pargafflr to ho difcihargézd A out of his Army, and none to be reciriverd that would not i endure the ref} ofcomming to Churchgecrivingrhon Sacra- A fiiiffl MC! taking the Oathes ofnllegiance. 4 ‘ A A That H Is Majefiy brriing now grownoiironger, and alhlo‘ as he conceives to make good His owneemds by Armani-lis A Confidenceimhe Papiflr dothimorfi clearly apppearegper-in fonsim pirifon’d for Prioiis and jefuits have beene releafed out of the goale oftamg/improfcft Papi/Zr have be en invited T0 ‘file and take up Ar1nes.,Commifiions under His Maiefiios authority have beene granted to many of them for places A of cornmand in this War, with power to raife men, and great numbers have beene raifed by them, and they daily increafe,as namely to E r Nic/solarTbarnton,SirTbcMwrHm:vard AB3-rron=e_t, Sir Izdmzrd I»P'iddingto:r, Sir William Riddell; Mr.‘ Smith of/ffla ,, Mafier. George Wm} , Mafler EdwardGrey of Morpet/2-Caflle, Mafier Lamzcélat Errivzgtan ofDmta,, Mafier Lazmcelot Haltby all of iNartbmmberlmd , Bilhoprick of Dur- % bzzrngalfld New ccfile, to Mailer Cléfion, M-afier-~William Wal~ ton, l Sir VI/illam Germrd Barronet , Sir Cicié.’ Trafiirrd, Mr. dmlerfian ofLq/lac/{in the County ofLa'mug/ier, and divers A forces are raifed and paid bythe Earle of I/Varcefler and his fonno the Lord Herbert , and as we are informed byian €311" preflie rneffenger (em: from thofe parts, The {aid L. Herbert, a notorious Pa pifi is made Generall of all South Walersnnd we are further informed out of Torl;_efl2ire, by divers perfons of great iworthand quality , that thofe that rzufe Fortes in tlficlfe parts for his Mlajefiy do arms: and irnploy papilis,and ‘ ulc their advife in their con.fi.1ltati~ons , All which is com marry to the folérmn O.«.rrhes,Protefl:ations:,anCl l'3_rrcecraiiiorrs,,l whssrreiry his iviajnfiy bound hirnfell’ to maintain the Prone» ‘_ finrrr R.oi.i'giorr,nrid tholawes of the Larrdfi By which he on»: A dca'<;on.1'r:di no go: a confidnoco In the people of hrs good ' l A inrr:n~ A V iworld to judge. initentionfs; Which howwell itis anfweted we leave the i That Sir5I. Hizzdérfézn, and Collonel Cokrzzm men 0? ill re- port,‘ both for religion and honefiyg, are {em to Hzzwlnergzi A and Demmrke, as we are credibly informed, to raife forces there, and to bring them to Newcaflle, and to joyn withlthe "Earle ofNemcafl/e, and the Atmylof Papills which they in a tend to raife there 5 And that divers endeavours havebeen uled in other forraine parts, to bringin {irange Forces into the Kingdoms That the King hath received about him di- vers papilla of Ireland, fozrne of which are indited of high l treafon for their rebellion there , nototioufly known to have been in afiuall rebellion 5 ~ as namely, the Lord Tafié, Sir Io/art Dzmgarze, proclaimed a’ Rebel, Collonel Fitzmil/£4 amt, Dt.Meam indited for the rebellion in Ireland and fled for the fame, and yetappointetl Phifition to Prince Rzzpert-'3 And that his Majefiy hath fent for the petition of the Irilh Rebels which the Jufiices had fiopt, with eviclentexpref- {ion of favour tothem , whereby that Kingdom is lilte to become an unfit habitation of any Protefltantat and “a Semi- nary of War and treafon againfi this Kingdom. i That divers Englifh Traytors , aéiors in the former cleé lignes againfl the Kingclome and Parliament," are chiefs; counfellors and aéiorsinthia unnatuxall Warte againli his iifubjeéis, as the Lord Digziy, 0tveale,Wilmot, Poflardg e» a ham and others. 4 A V That we have been likewife credibly informed that diw vets jefuits and Priefis in forraigne parts make great eolle.» (‘lions of money for reliefe of the pa pifls in Irelaml, and the A furthering of his Majefiies clefignes here againfithe Pattie» lment , and that by them ‘arid fome others fled out oi thie A the Prott ii-ant Religion; wherein ptincipallly this Kingdioem Kingdom for ttealfon , great means are njl-atie to talte up the differences betwixt fome Princes of the Ror_nan1'elig;it2n, that to they might unite their fitength For ti-1e'e'xtirpation of ~ and % A fl'r?e“Kin g,%d<3m of}S'c0¢1amrZ Me; ccm.cern=ad,as m.:zkix1g A: he :vs{;‘:;;‘s;¢~2:w:*:i‘t%. bat? y uf zha;=;.°: 2%: %’ onus-;:':d E"wi§giC»z‘2& im,C;§1r§ mi n.aiVu;-mm, ;.;m1:,i4 13%‘ aiifiie ma» d:::f3ma% thesz1:2i'E;lvm~;g amcifucmuxxir ptium -’Cht1?C?m» H . 1 % Fm: gm $..VhM3§’a r»e;~;:..€€};)ns-x=ve_.mfce ra7fa.V£m~«c3a’ ¥C5*a':.7.‘;‘£”2'{UH”f ixmna izsw ‘ “lemme 0;-“Mb .e;4:».x‘ufi; c.;;;m;,-&.mM;t with Gogzmo W: 4::gu£1f %§%7é;-}v~::geg, :»%®%UrliW2s32md mzmmrzs imta)hisVi1:?md:w-3 Aiflxifi $%i?:1i%‘wVfi‘v%’i3'1 W fihe uAmmi3t ofm pmver zmd jmi? mam z1m,imtaiu'his t§'1itH,,, and comfismn mu“ fisiveag in his wig that we wfi defcndxthis cauf: wixth flue hazzard0fox1r§%iv£:3 againfi the Efiingzgsaggxny, mm ag:..a'm§%:a.M flmt fhal juym mm thenhim prmfigsztim M7 this wickecidtfignez , acmrding £0 thwzs: farm tum: aégm-:w'~.:d upam by bmh Houfes oi’Pa4£1ia r.a;1m.t,, m fi.7e:b,("b;ribed ‘bye bur hmtxds. And that Wfl wilfor Vibe fame and .~‘3£3ifl‘C?Ci£1Atfi3’.4QfLi£_‘ i"e1ve*s,.=md unite with ail the WM aHiac'%&d4imA xh CityfiVé3EL;§'.ié;%#? 302:.-_;,:md Othfif parts of his Majefiimr D0mimio”m.; 4’ E i That we expefi nurbrethrm 0f'«S'cotlmzd«, aécarding m A the 5:6} of Pacification ,, whereby the “two Kingd0+m:s m*~s;*': p3uaL1:3lly bound rm fu ppm He a‘I1debateMs and d%ifferek;W::s the d%1fi“urb:;anm:e3 M the pm blike peace , ThattI:w:ywil1 kxefip mdaéfiifi us an r..:1’.mE%:nAce ofthis camfie which if elm lkxpifix party prevaiie .3 mufl needs eitlmr invo1vethem'imhatAM- yteraflozx 0? Relig_;{;%nn which wil be made Aha“-rm ,1 Qt engage ‘ them in 3; war .mgain&« this Kingdmm E9 to defend A t%h;;:ir A kcnywssu Religion and Liberty. ‘ "Anal vie dumb: not Ahmticma God (W truth,,~am& the gmat prmeflm ofhiss people will affifi and enableusin this our jufl defence ,, m reftrame thee rnalice A and fury ofthcsf:-3 thzat {eels aurruinegand me f«::auresMf};m.- per:-» V fans, ¢fiates3amd1%b::M%iesof aL1thatjoyx1~withusa.% And gtm .pmcum-A and efia bmh thefzfezy ofreligxmn, and fimfitimm 0%‘ A. ourlawes andfibertiusg in this and a110thm~ his Pk/izrjwfiics Domiuions, which we dcnhzsrre agam prcrfei.T:~: bafwra:*t,m:; avezarliving God:, m be tV1mchit1fe: and 09 4.211 mm Counfela VA and .mf;fiuti0s1::,wi£hwut any inte5mi0n narciccifireaftmlaurt éx . V W ‘H his 1‘*vfl;2j@fly,eith:":r 3;; his perfQn"‘orjL:{"tME3’;e.”xWtEr.