v » '»,. ,-o->*‘nI ' _Il_ ':-'-'1v.':, an .s- ~.‘ A‘ :16-.. #4; 2 -11‘ «-5,. .»:.._~ =¢.‘-r” 5 *1 .~- V ‘~“~‘;.'r' 1156.-J ~ .w ,-:,_.;.“ As; «V 1" A--V?‘ 3"-'~<*".“".anf' '5 ufi ,'-3* "'\’-' "'.‘r'r-'1" "— " fr"‘.'v' _ ‘ - ' ‘ .' ‘I v"**vfi'?W ,‘~‘ $71 - gs.aaaasgaaaaggagasasgaaagasgg mg.‘ 4 0 ‘ ( 35 3 - 1 .3‘ 37”“-‘S3 $30 ECLAR A'1'1oN§§ _ the v 99. ‘SE LO RDS and COMMONS gs,’ Affembled in Parliament: L 53 e % ConcerningaIate.difference betweexfe fo-me£§‘E , Olficers of the Eng1ifh,and fame of the Scottifh ‘S0- ’ Nation , for the prefervation of the Peace, and ‘ mutualmmicy betwecne both Kingdomcmgainft the ' V iediciousfpecches‘of fomeillafi';&_cd parfons I who feeketoraifc it toaNatio- A nall Cilgarrefl. aeasgmgggaga Alfo an Ordinance ofboth Hou fes , nominating and agghorizing diverfe perfons in fevcrall Co‘mtic!,, ._ .50 bee added to the Commicrcs f.-‘orzhc weekely Affeffcment . Wséeeeeewseefi Die ]ovis,f2-3 Martii, 1642. ~ Rdmd 12} the Lord: and Common: eflfwflcd in ‘Tarliao \‘ want, that thi: Declaration and Orlindnce fly %$.$,%%5r3é$5r$ ‘Ob .3;5w9'tb Trzntqd and pflb/xjbed. ‘of Ex . . John Browne Ck'1j.ParIiamentor. £3: Sése-3,; 4 a<.(,.f'°' ** and L O N D O N : ‘:90. March 34. Printed for John Wright: inxhc Old-v .90‘ ‘-9 1 A .21, , .' A Bailey. 1 6 4 g . A . V -"" ‘Ir. ‘W I V. -A: “_ . ‘‘.. : .‘ F:;A,;A _» - . ,; x.‘.‘ "v . - V- - % 33 «£23 as-..;=;;:.*2~. i.;;*.,;'*‘.a ' .a ‘ , I K p ‘s . I ' I ; ' ‘ ._‘*‘?:"‘.; 9;‘ f’ \ . 5 ‘V , 1" ‘ _". " \:-V; . .» K‘. ‘ "f ‘*-.}"—i-7x~ ‘ ‘ _ . .-" _ ":- *‘3_-“ :.. '... I 9 _: (‘_’r -I, - . . as 3 A sszarrzaths :2: E; 35.; I . ._ n .-n_oV '. ’\_ .y:“<.\‘\>" '-.‘,r \ -_4 » « 41; 4:-. 1 «ts: .‘ . 9.‘. if ~ 3!1h,95WI5d9)t%%e::5'3£b_33£¢{ 1: ‘r;{;;9:‘::'.:~“.—r.:r)f3= ‘1 ‘K n ! - 4 P - ' 2. ,‘ r ’ ‘ fl ' h. “ . v"’ "afl V'- I ' ‘ ‘$13933, 3é1—1O_'~?*»~?.a&bmer{Ii1;;rx<§ 51;"; : 2:; .*:-3z£“:O kg-}j‘§=“’ ‘::.§:_~‘,‘3':+§‘z:_;q‘. 3:}? _7§-:‘=_I:c~t3;.v :’5}~;1q 5'1} 4" L:i ’ . ‘ .6, ‘ "".' ‘M 9" '-‘~‘ ’ "‘ -wan ~-um-f1—4uQ-a...._.,,.,..-g _ -,.. « a _ . '.g;.?5i,'3i_3'131\'i gt (‘?i’.v'*‘£-‘I, :10 ,' _ 5 ¢_%;.,.u;s.4§».; gymnast». ma;',~au:«'3 Ha ‘E.-16.’: ‘zitf Q; am‘;-2 . ~13 _ \ av . ‘ . ‘I’-Fr’ _' - -_ . . ,- - 0 E , , ‘fl’ ’ «M... T ..;...._q. av-Q-s.aya-on-ks..- _....-...-*’ J V I ’ _ ‘ . _ ‘A . . - . J’ ‘ ' =.* . - _ 2 _ ' _ 4 ' -. K ~ . . ' ‘é .53 ;:*:<~;.x«- A ....,s. 2:», ‘. Jr; 3-1 I . _ - -2.1.‘ ‘C ‘ .33 ‘: "Q §‘?",§';§ 1 ' I 1 - _rr~ ‘ ‘. ‘M . .. _,. , _ _ _A». . b A_ “H , _ _.‘ V, ' . $ - I . _ ' I F.‘ - ;.m2m:vmfvj ‘T? .';~1.<, r.= .25! .- 4" 4‘ 1 Rfifii DA 4:2. :a*%%as%ss%%%%%$% DEGLARAATT ON % _ .— Ofthc , LORDSand COMMONS ’ Affemblcdin PARL1AMENT5¢ ;_ ‘#4 ‘1; - . ‘ . A . Die Iovis,‘2:;. Martii, 1 64.2. $2 ipnzns am! mxmnnns; taking notice of a mffes-‘ rmce between tome £D% % " cars of the ¢EnQ1ifl)8nD_ fame oftys swcotttm greatimx is 310119 unmpfiraminatton ,- Sana ‘ %bmmnfa21neb_ti)at tome fllzaffetten as .9332. giirmi out femttmxs W€1)€5; 130 fJff£tf)trn%ittq‘a‘ nail mtamii, at at this tune (‘mljen 21 2 there tilfitfisizu 3!%i31"J%»*‘[>ii$€t!"{,Df i %tl)z1)eat1t‘s' Lam‘ afiztrrémzg cf c13:z;pmr;—. ‘pie 5*? hfifij ii$i'(IgBD1Ii£§, ztfipzztip €23 _;m ’z~a%?t1E3_z2:at13§aing €:"}w;Jmm£n ‘ zf :n:_:m%efi¢:aazanni§'Lmm tick) fa 1113.-in at mfaxfnn arm niftmz: .¢iwhttfiWf!1€1H»%ff1£‘¢€bnt%fi»‘ias rm 'm’tYJf*tn’i7atbtt‘ hz:»:1y,,<§ aware men: am: ti): (ante to mantfcft Rmnv: fit Usilrurtson; ‘flit i£B;zD5»'&itiJ (£0111: 1II0113iJ¢W?,_¥DD1IE1Jt an ,.I1mbvm D12ciz%’c‘é"tf)'ent. % trenching %D{ajk¢}ef fa znifctasemstlsiapzarrtfe, "afnb in ma: ‘7 aunt? 3? . r } ’7~ -' -' an ' L f‘: .-‘Vi .' ‘ “ i$‘_{.&"'e 77 I . I l U % . ..».bt . fljmvwmluaon ‘* - - .,tn‘,x9age.I51:tl1a!1*£quaII%s@§e [gs git ft”zct1zJ _1’Wb2n1€emes 4. V ‘ ‘ } l j_,-'-.. K, at I t. ' t ’— 9 ‘- A. _; \ ‘ d¢“ \ i ,. . ..-ww-......... W‘. ‘ ,- '- asap-.«.-q.> .» ;£:w5J&'wr:=fVi§t§)c;r pa£zt25’ a.ni1‘% éttbizaboum tn=abi1a1%nte «rm pubhke £32/white’ ;%"aut@mefo2e Jtb%vi1teé_abfl12%crzar g%e% ', e:%1D;§é2;;’o nc 8I! pwifins;a'£»mcu;of%taéW as. be % n%t13et‘5I2atinn,% to fizzhmvc ail pzobor» tationg mica; , ot,iJt:r,, amt; %toA‘cr3z21'::: we in znm.u%% %ln%tvv%anb imbibing Ibitbazutf '335éfe%ntz1tent sf any tbatg bait to the m’i1u%tbanceofthatp;;¢.ce %% H; fa.1wznt%%;Vffi,mI1€b~:hcfic2 £0 132$’? arm,‘ in this ttjeperpert ail Due ®b*3W1€¢,at;tIv It-ill f£¥;.¢1=¥1I? numb we ~tU8fi!‘fl8I1,*3fl?£liD;fi£ :i&r:c;rg1bi?I¢°% t:I_e£a1*c1I .tr_ou111at5':of‘_t139 mace hes (mews the two iaingnomes. » ~ V, , .. -.3 ‘ ' . -A’. .,- ' ‘ ‘ _~ _ ‘.' xlpfi» 9-o_-> I (J ._vj’!|'?!'3‘, 71: (F8;-(..4 .. 1, . . M I . '. V ‘ 4-. (, . -Q I’ I -l. ,\ . -.. . A:fi3] f Di°% ’j',.‘¢,.f.',;‘_ §‘=,.§_,;L-. ..;{3"‘., Die Mattis 2, I Martii, 1 54.2; Whaeag in the flbgbinance of both % wgufefi to; the tuiftng of a meekely conttihtttton , to; the tttazntenante of the Enemy taefen by the iaatltanttettt , the fiameg of mbette petfons mete omttten to he (Item: emitteesfiogethe crauntiefi 0? H°1Tf0fd)tKc‘nt ; Norfolke,ASomcr{et, Suffolkc, Bedford, Sur. rey,SufTex,Dorfct? A L _ ' 232 it ozbeinen that fit: Iohn Gm-fret; zfiatonet , $11: John Read, maronet, Gravely Norton wfquite, Both); John Kjno motto; in zahyfttk {halt beeabhento the fa: atoms mittens 3 nameb fog} the ram cmtttttp of Harte ford ,8 SWO fiit Robert. HOniwo0d: $113 3!}? Peter Godfety ikflightfl, Richard"BroWne, Robert Scot, William James, ant Map];-Dix. well ¢fquites, Emil I326 53%?) C9 the fail] diommittees , fiamen top the {am ctoaatg Bf Kent, flflb Edward hfiugrktham, 23$: tenet , almeh to the dinmmtttees jaamen fo; the cfounty at Norfolke 3 Hugh Rogers‘,-t john Afh, _}oh.1Pync, Clement Walker, arm Robert Blagh ettquices , than be abheh to the committees nameto to; the rain clean: Q’ of Somerfet, ant] $1’: Edmund Bacon it an!) fiatouet, Qt: Butts Bacon, Ifiatoattst, h It 53$: Robert Btookc; Sit William Soamcs," £51}: Ed :vardnDukc"Km'g1)l'£, Brampton Gur- ’ don, Wifeman Boikcnham. jfaac Apleton, Henry North fiuninz, Robert Reynolds ,/G31’ 7-’ ~ quit2£,Tl1omas’ Cole, :R;icl1a’rd Pepys, Na. thanaol Bacon dc Jpfwicliagshfi C1iflCl1 52:4 mag, }ohn_C linch of Culp re, Nicholas Ri- vat of D1-in gsfionc, Gibfoan Lucas flames , tbt zilnermau of Bury Qt. Edmundsa fitlh. Tho. Chapman eBfquire,£t)all btfifihfill totbe qtommitceegfog Suffol e-, '-I"ho,masa]ohnfon of Albo-rough, c15ent.a fill? Thomas Alfi Ron, flab 25317011817 3 $113 Roger Bur- goyn, ismgbt, Thomas Rolr, Humphrey Mo- nox, William Douncombc, ]ol1n Vaux, Hum- phry Fifli‘e,]0’hn Neale, Oli-vcr Botcler, Qfifr. quires, mall bee amen to the ctomnuttees tag the ¢o1mtp of Bedfordmlthfiol tbg mama 0f.jBcdfonc|, tbe$j9aio3£qztl1etuucbw1g, an}; mama3mmer,maaoz In gamer , ant fin: Tho. Grimes, Sit oh. Grc1ham,Qit]ohn Lcnthall , §it Jo n Maynard , iknigbts , Charles Hoskins,Edvv‘ardg‘_ Bill) [£lIiD3,Ed»vard Bilh itlfllflz, Edward Bagfhaw, Jolm VVhitc, Robert Goodwyn,]ohn Turncr,Edmund San- ders, Hermon Atwood, 6131' quirefia lbalba 811:‘ Ben to the ctommittecs name!) for the orounty of Surrey sanb Richard Role, Thomas Cccly, ]ohnHenley,William Sydenham ginning, Qljfs quires, &;d1heanz'o_ta!1Mtonnnictces% mcbfogtijecitountgé of 1)orfct;;aTt'I1§§it.5-5 ohm’ ' Cha'pmao«jk$ti§I)t?iIhd>mé§MIdciIg';p§:1§. _ thuc-=Fo»$:xcs Isawren ca’ =“A{h8n1rnétaam}.’,7Petéi-? 9 Im. g2o1gms,;:1:ap:aaie Cayman , Ctafstémg Ev_e1';']1cn;» E’c1'w’}ard..fiiiggon§5,W4%illi:m cnwleyy R9561! 5 ? Cfiftiflifififi “Jail 5’B"&3fl§II§6 3 the ciommitteegk fog" tbzctoutity of Sn flex; fog the ctmtntp of Norrolk%e,‘L"$irT‘AEd\i3ai':d3 I?a'mden ggjohn Basb¥id§£§ ‘ "' I . ' .1 K I I I . 5- F 1' ' . p 3 I’ T .51 . . .. . in I ._ .., '.»* V ,‘- r-V ' . -. ‘_ V .4. .,» . l\(/ ~. “ .. » «. -«.J‘9"- » ‘ "Qz'_’-.42.: 3 _«.5._.-0';-z« -5-.- _ «' . ‘ . N3--»._,.~~__v . N..- -1 ~ ' DA 4 12 1642 . G7 eL£"s""pc'a' 3512:: DA412 1 642 .G7 Illfllllllllllllllllllllllll 01 0-006068202