fizwatzalfii Cmmtiesqof this Kingdmn, m Read «figaififiii in V #5 mu-u-am 9 Y ..‘. ,g‘ 1.3” ‘ V ‘ v , ‘ “ ‘ . ‘ I l _ . ‘$245 an-“ya n . t 3, ; _ H} _ M J‘, ‘ 3 . - _ W .. ‘ . I . 1 W 1,. ‘ _ . 3-1,,» _V. ‘W 4 P“-«, r M». ‘ W ._ - -w ,;-,0 r'_ ‘ N A ~ - .- . » :. \ .« . ‘ iii . \‘~ ‘ *1,‘ ,, W "" ~'Ve ‘ . . r - ‘ I *4" ‘*3 ‘E; MU ° ‘ ' “ “ 4 "3 '1; ‘5-.,»«;..% .‘»‘r‘ . <43’ u: '.-, 4:. _~ ‘.“"‘- " ;3.- ‘ re‘ *3’ 1;’ nu? ‘vi; Kg-miiuflj ;w»'- n " ‘ . a ’ ' . . . ‘. ', 3"‘ 1 " *9 ‘” 9 i ‘ 4*‘ -;=. . v "2" * , ,_4,.,.:~. .. ‘ V ?:§&,;”'»x5 M ' “ 3 @~ ‘LEW the wifing 65 M p©*W€i’;°f 3 and Emm as 'W"f:H Trained Emma 35 efiwersfi, M @@§§ ME Traymm and theiradhcmnm, andthcm m%9.mfi ¢‘*"”i‘."’ and imp-riiimfi am an fight with R1113 mzdflay mfifma flmii oppufii my af His Ma‘jefiies%§0v§mg Szgbjfitg aha: {MM ha iznplmged in {his ififrvicg byi‘,@ithfir ms both Huuflg f %' “PARLEAMENTm A AW ‘ .. J #9 ‘ ’ an ‘ k p In * $1} M§~3md mm this D¢c§:31*atmm be farm with P.r;n~t¢d§ ’ . f}€§¢aEZj’¢za'ge, flier. IPEM. ,D9C.‘mvm. , E A fiféfiiffi 9» , A J.i.wm"an, Printed fm: Eaéawd Ffwémzzfsfi am % {am .E~‘9"Mc£n X 554.2 ¢. A 4 mg: ’% ’.;»:~: aw “EFF W?” W mall £1 Dfimfimamon ‘0fd§9iE1§~§§@ma§?e$ 4 «FPARLIAMENT; 2 ’ V"%5-‘5’::f%‘fea‘eas <:e:'mim'° hmfarnm gm“ ” W’ A an is given fii'<:JmMff:vc:mifi1 pm of t%£1e%AKi2~2gd¢:m 3 Tirm d.§i~*e£‘s ’5,§)”7a*«£"2»:v:2;ps&4 «myfi; ‘E .._ j.%:. flftlflflgfy Cmamm of thc Kingxianw ,3 and timfiw.» fizhmrs Emma Comt%nifi'Em1%¢ to mife bmh mfg MM Fmrm, ta wmpcii &~-Eius %M3jefiics Sufb- jcfis fubmit m tizfiiiiegmi C7w1m%":eVima2m Vrohf” ze Hmfé are ‘ imploycfi in Army,4 0w.m0?7 ;émA::mt§%*Vtm flab-" 4 WW? E5W1ibs.*3%’ty Qxcflfl; f;’:Hb mad ¢%:~;&m ®f$th@ l{i1i‘;@;:§£:%Er37 gj fm%4a:*~: “E‘»c:*?«;‘i:@»5: flremfthmr: Athem£'7:?:Eves% fim*tE2§s“a*vi«r;Ef<“.e& my ., 5,“): . 0 tcmmpm iflaa j;~zym WM} mEmedPmfiQi%1 A }"m‘7im- fl <2» “ mmbufimm am; A twpm the §<§.i2:*z§;.§d®nm A mm -3.’ ‘H %@om?3=u{?it>n aiafi civil? warre", byfevyiaag % V ffarlcics3g;:_i—:r1f’cthe%PmfIiame~nt;V mad» by chmfé fforecéco aka‘: the Re%¥‘2.,_ and the zmcim em: Gavemmemé, and E:ezw%fuHh%crr.y of the E’{i’ng~?om ,:m& m imm%d7ucc Papcxy and I:.:3_o};atry, mgctghm Wzth an Arbitrary Form A M Ga.:..vcrnm:em :* And W pez*fi13nc@£here:::u‘?,‘ luvs trsaiteromly mad rcbclhémzfly, Iesryed Waa'a.'c agaénfi A the Kérag, mad by fmre,‘ rabbcah, Ipoilcd, ~ and fl.>3»i&‘n3; (3i V'€£’S of His Majcfliesw gee} Subja.?€ts,[; abiaut their Imvfuil‘ and neceflhry circa; Kw fions ‘in the Kings prroccjéffimn according to Law, and namely tl1ac."J f<:»r the and an}! %p.ur.po£§e aforefaid , ‘ The E;aflc:w"oF Nm‘/:2... ammazz,:E1e:Lo~rd Dtmflrmm, Lard EVi[[.i:xz4;g‘J55y 95 3ri5~éy i7;m~to mharfiarlc of Lind/2?y', If/(wry Hmflirzgrs Efq; and diuverssother urzknownc p;erIoz'z,%s:1n ah: 3CoL1n;ie3 of Lizzcolne, Z\(atti2%- (mm; Lmcefleri Wa2'&witle,% Ox/{ard/?9‘i;~e, and; 0-char placm, amt} the Mar‘qucfl7s 0F‘He;~'t/a}"d;,, the LV0rd~§Pa‘Met, Lord 5ey27zare~, Sir falum S£mve[1,%r3irl{a.!pb«ffaptané, 01272? .Di$r~i_'7}: Elk]; mhcr timr A’ccompiiccs- have gotten toga» great. 04i‘C¢S~§n: gbge fflmlmy, of 9v2¢2er/Em h " 71$‘ 5 ll The Lords and Commcms cluely coll; ficlming the great dangers which may emfua upon luch their wicked and Traitem-us dc» fignes 54 And ifby this nzcancs thepowcr of the Svvmd flmuld come mm me lnarfiszaf’ Papifls am their Adlzercntsgnothing can be expeéted but the mriferablezg~inc and dcfo-« llatmn of the i§lmg7dume, and the Tblmcly Mfllacrc if the Protellams. _ A l A Thcydoe Dveclgm and Ordainé , That it is and {hall be lawlull for allllis lvlajafllcsf loving Su bjcéls, by force 0? Armcs, to refill: the f21icl fizvemll Parties 84 their accomplices,‘ A and all other that {ball raifeor c:ondt.16ta.nyl other Pom-25* for thelendslaforcfaid. lAn'd that the Emlsc of Eflex, Lord~lGencrall,Wicl‘1 311- his Forces mil’:-;*cl by the authority of Par.» liamcnr, As lilcewiféz the Lord 8a;eLievce: mam Of Ox/ardflaire, Earle cnf @et€rborangl5 l Lievmnzmt of Nortlmmpton/Zaire‘, L Lcxd‘ I57’/Jwmz Lievrenant of fiuckirzcglaanz/Mere, E.arlc0f%Staw22lf0’r*d Lievtcnam: of Leiceflerw l2ilere,“ Earle mf 'Pem5rao/cc Licvtenant 0f Wiltsflfire and Hmzzp/Mre, Earle of 139d/Cord I~..icvI;enam:~» of &9i’73l'.‘7_'/.;[I3'£/}?1I'§~ and» @£’*’U072,> L.o1fd: V.» w “ ya ?fi«?...a»é;‘.fW'€‘i.V A gm Ehzmfé «.»<.%$ W» 93M w‘k$;m A.e;....m.. ax " V ‘ .‘ ‘u « v .. «-4 .. M 15%;‘ 1", "‘ %,g;,_A@%§ii.»sE§L;'£v§‘;;2%%f’£ M ..M@fi:,/af’fx§ l fl W 3; mmzy , 4» fl _ W fl ~u 4; In ‘ ' fie4a1§r:NP§.‘:~ami§:V@s;§% Esiy Qa;“d§.«- W? ‘ $1 _ V ‘ 3% H ‘ ‘ %e;?:;»3? Afiyofia E-%+zaie.eW, Am g»@M5a1'1m‘ the: V Dwtpm%;c .¥I...«ie“v*i“a:-;:“atm*m's. 5. Vgzmjfiifi 6 -w $;""': .'‘m V « .mjLm % A , E§ie%':eVcma;iata;%ft§m2 iCity4;ax2Ad§ @«:=eum“cy' mt ‘;?;%*§fMJ g 333:3 fiwz Maymrs Izeasmfi mfzhaflizjzm aw Wepmzty-Lim’aam a*smm them, "and .?.iEm:Emr Lzevmmmm emf €’;3un%s:i@s, ffiheziifis, Majars, Da:::pmy«.Lit:ve:e~ ;mA:;m:sffl1ail mifa an tine pmm-res“ and fmces af .thc?ia‘ fsverali Cmnxunies, afvwll ”Ymymcd m;ms as @§:&€¥SJ Amd"fl1:«M¢{3ave povwv rm €om:§~uu€tVm1d'Iea:§c time faid“£’3‘m‘*c::3s 0”»? ? ‘fia;I~d Cm1m§‘es,agaimfith@ {aid ”Efl‘a.ytm"s amid « -"3 ézzifl 34 m:%« fl;;3ya§1A%A1ZmE:a by fmaa {“mEd_ ¢r:;A:pm4VV it" heir? %1~‘%s.&ém-Aerxts , amfl awith fléacmam-fi§g§;%aAtg«VA _§mfc fimm; mmd fim pm*fi:2:m5®:§" t2*';ar~:* fl:i;§*1&.“EV "“"i£”r;zia:®rswa1md mghssfir 14*M.v'%%:*ca*Ae:%:22.s¢*?«as:3ci 4%m;§:;::.«1