_ V ‘‘r‘.. ‘ '*"'- " ‘” V, " ‘ =:' ~ ‘L. .. 1 ‘ ‘ " " w- my I H H ‘ 4 Mr, . I I ‘ .-‘ ‘ . . ‘' gr -4 I , M \ v .— V 5: «:5 2- .. 5*. M " ‘, _ . ,-F‘ ‘ ‘ w ’ , , .. r . * v v ‘. . w ‘ I I *4. _ 4 I I ‘ % Iohn Browne CIcr;.Parliam€nAt~ V plugufi 2 9. London Printed for Iglm Wriglat. x 642,. &®?v%%w%v?%vvW%%$&%_ ‘ *‘ .‘ 1. '* “.:g‘_.,'" : . ‘ '3 . 7" % 1*: , "‘ ‘ F’ ” . ' ,‘~- V ‘.1 f,, xv.’ '» H on, W A ‘V A” -gt % V M V ‘. ‘ ,_ m . .» H -.. M . 2V V ,, 5%’ X3 ' ' - “’ ‘ ’ 1.3:“ L" -5” - :.r2‘§.V;. ‘ Vi-It cwma K i t Affzmblcd in ~ y .’ . «gum «M; Nam M ' .‘ ' ‘A.’ I ‘*1 "i ‘ , , ,3‘ ‘ ‘ 1 -‘ ‘ in ' “ '4‘. Q A N ‘ ‘VA lg lg‘ .15»... " ' V - “ ~"”;_ , _, /.1}. '” perifons dif-13 ER-»@ce% mans H0u&,under—cr)lr‘;s.uta“ t:1%'2arr?aV*vey are P7<1Pi{)55a 01' #930 % Gaptainc) [hail be ptirflleai and punifheci accor- A %:§¢_ %%%‘é%%ri%@Wi% 40rdercd lzy the Lord; and Common: , that this 19eal,m:tiarzg%,j %%@®@ ',a * . -‘ _' E H flu‘ % - -"‘...:'w , —«..f_*ii.a" T’ l V. 0-.‘ ‘ " > . - h ,. ’ ‘ P “m mmmW . ‘ w 5 ' 9'?%'ie's MA %ADeclaratior1. (if the and _ J Commons Alfembledin PARLMMENT. H'ercas%diVc1§fc Souldiers havcina _ tumultuous and violent manner broken into dive).-fe of the Kings Subjerfis houfes, pillaged and ranfackéd Ehcm, i;Ufl"' dcr ‘colour that thay are Papxfisv-I-Ioufes, or the houfes of perfdns dAifaH”e&edl5 The Lords and Cdmnmons taking the premifcs into confiderati0n,,; dot: declare and Order, that vvhatfocvcr Souldicror Souldicrs, flmll Vvithout the comma;-1dof'thcCap~» tainas of their refpecfisivc Companies _, 03: tI1e‘OffiC€i"sof the field, attemxgc IJPOH _., cs: brcake Open’ any homes whatfocvcr, or .. .3 5%;-£.§fi§ piilfigc or ;-a%nfackc3 any hdufe, {hall be pu‘r--h 4 f«.32c:dA:;‘x‘aa'1(f puniflxt, according to the Law as 3:. E:t'1011'_, find the fa} Lmfds and Com- A A g A A mons f2§:id%ns &o;5 feuirc all Officérs of the ?%min?p10y rhcirbwt ¢,nd€aV»IIr%a F0: ch: brinfgingof any ‘Aft-mh. S ouldiersJVthat ,»fl1all. gomm.Lc% adz;1Ay0_E :he%in1;or1e:«cies a%t5rcrnd%, xi‘: migflfgfie _puni.{hnden%.;4,i that‘ thngy, may be?Ai'ie?x.z%.ere1y: and .eLffem:Tua141y p1:m:r3eded’.a« L 3‘ " :*?{,§€}1.€;raUb %i3%.d§E”rv:d§ _.,V t§;3at3l:hiS Order may firs duciy flrmy, in the A hi-:'a& of ¢a;cv11pa¥»’fiCVu1a;r Com pany.'. % ordered’ tZ¢e%~L%0Td!%#72%;’ Cowman: aflama élad in parliament 9 thgatthzir Order éefmb- ’ with Pr£2§;teevIa}2d1i{u£?fz'j'77ed~° f A john Bro. Jet. ‘Parliaxnen; Die» cit kt 1HDz'eiVe22>27'i.§‘zu6. flzgufli, 64%;’, % A rpecia11 rder%o£~b%oth Hourea V concerningirrcgular Printinganki 1’o%r‘AA -thc4fuppr¢,ffing4 Q.f;a1l fa{1féandAVfcahda1o”us% V A P‘WCAMPj ifs? -rI+- « He~1feast~he_1*e hath j gix _ % eene of late great V“ :3 :7 ~ .:;difo1*de?rs_andAab*L1% V 3.‘ “.5 - Wfi 7‘-V H ‘H xv . . ‘ ‘ \‘ x\'\ ‘ fl 2,? ‘ V‘ \‘\ Bill is 1n%.preparation: for the re.» drelfe ofthofe 4m1fcahiefes, whlch by reafon of the p1*efentd1flra’é’t1~ fins cannot jbe fo ffieedily perfe;- fled‘ and paffed‘ aspis d@fi1*%ed;, 11:“ ‘ ' I .\.:Ir a ‘ 1- - ‘ ‘ ‘ . ' . " r“ ( ~ ' ‘ ». , 3,, ' ~__ ..m ‘fry’ . ‘ . 1.4+ . . , an ‘ _ -I - ., _.r . _ 6.. q :‘ ‘. M ’ “ J. ', ' I - . r,_-,. . N’ ‘_. .. .. . ‘ -..'_;-L ,1 '7 -, no-_ , ~ . :. , ““‘- ' 0. e 9% 4 \ . ‘ . . . 3 _- 1,. r W’ '_ _-K p ~ x | ' '- ‘L ;' " ‘. I "4, , A . n , v5",‘.:I’ ...; fl“, ..‘.y.5,. an ‘ _ can u “ Q‘ , x .. ‘ O H fes A by Ir1*€gu1ar great fcandall ; of j.‘ v. -s ' ‘ax ~\ :::<2-.~:r:;‘ \ .\\ *2, 4-, ‘§..;.=\-‘:.Q.r%+;?:‘~;‘;A,,,.“\ ‘ \_‘ mm ‘«.' ‘ ax... I Religiml and %g0V€1‘nm[ent, and a % A 13; .a"— A thei*efo1*e Ordered by the A e ‘Lo1*ds and C 01111110113 inPa1‘lia- merit, that no perfon or perfmns fl1aflP1*int, publifh, or utte1*,, any ‘Booke ebr fPamph1et_.,f {me 01 fcandalous, to 1'h€P1‘OeC€€d1I’l:gS’0f theH0ufes0fPa1*11ament 5, o1*‘e17_- e ther ofthvem, no!‘ {hall Print, ut... ,ter,,e or 1 4AL1bl£he,~an Bookee or P Y epanaeprazegwieh ghe name of the 1erke”ofeitlie1“e ufe of Pa1*li——~ . 'arnent»fetfhe1*euntv,MeQr with any *e:2p1~emon prete of Order efi*0meb0th«01*%e1therre0f the. fald H0ufes,VvithoL1t fp€Ci2tI1(..71fd€1f from the £213 Houfes ,,i or extlmer of them _,, 01* of the G ommxtteea ‘0feI1em,,0,r either ofthem conceim» % Hing ‘I3rint111g; eande the "be entred m V the AR eg1fie1~ Bookeof fhe faid Gonipany , according m the ancient cuflomeeg and this: J3»/Iafler &:VVardens of the com §B;£1i‘1V®f eStatioI1e1‘s London %.., m“a<;:¥ 4 tfhe V fl“1e1* of the Blaeii-~~1”0CL, {£3-.’7££§“ Serjezmt of the C01H1110l1S‘HTOL1E‘:‘ M P:u*1i;21ne11t amit}1eiz* -ep:.:—- "ties ,, are hereby auth01*.zZ7:edamiL :rg_eqL1i1*ed,t0 make di.1i§;e11t iZ:m‘e.§e2 from tinle to tin: , fi()1i"’A»a].1fL‘1C.‘Ef"3 Bpalqes and Palnphlete 5,} A to “A 'fiie1*eafte1f eI3r'inted 3 andtl*1e“IE1me& ‘ed exec, and teéike, together xyithv V rhe preffes , and 0i:he1*p1“iI'i€:ing Iviaterials _., w}1e1*exvifl1 the fame ffl*-1311 be ”}mnté‘7Cl$‘%";2i7i1Ve[ c:e1‘1*y them tzotiie ee01*nrnor1«l=mle1 of the {aid coi1”ip2m§7;, there ‘to till either Houfe 0fPa1‘1i.ament Hull m'hei*»viefee~ deiijzaofe thereof; Anfi A % A 31 a11hiS“Ma.iefli€s0f’ficeifS flial irp- 011;1‘€‘1’+1€‘P€a aYd‘3 and 3mflt0 315*“ prehend ofiend efsin thé131*em,i~ fesg and to brmg them befo1*@t@l1eV Lords or Co1‘I11”1'101*1s§ Houfe of ?’a1*1iament, 01: the Committees appoynted for Tr.inting ,« upon vyhofe report of:the Faié‘c, fuch courfe {hall be taken with the ‘ faid % Ofiénders ,, as {hall be And for that purpofe the faid Committees . are to fit at Tfuch times and places Was they fl1a11.w thmkefit; A A ()1§a.’cred% -E} the Lord: anddammamj afimfiled in A P4r'liament,“t/24: tbcfcwtpwa order; befimbwith L -73-irz_tca;l zmdpublixbcd. %A A4 A John Browne Clérgmrlianl. FINIS.