\' '.' gr‘. . '.‘-'1 . *,‘!- V "-0' "". "' _ ‘- ’ Y ,' "",;.'.vV '- " ‘r"",',' " ‘ - ‘ "u .""’l '4" ' ' "~“ *9‘ “V V "3" .- 7- n' ‘~.‘~ 3.7-'""T' ‘x’ NW $3 ‘~\'-’-X" .5? -W, ,"$'9~'-.‘{'~"3’ 1:. 55 " I .1 - . M * _.§DECLARATION 4 z" . .\ .K'.V. xxx "Ft --A C Q!’ 0 >5‘ & O ’ ‘§THE EBRDS ' g A N ‘D ~. I .2; ~§G OM 1I\ I _ s ' Q iflrflffi’.-"‘.'*' ‘ ‘I *3 63 1. % 5 the forwhich ifié rdfdancc ct}yccr1git1g.tHc Mifitia‘.Wa§ .« |...‘. made a‘t,rd*bc’i‘” rfiéalilé tU,th¢. Cc’ éarid s ' féofkhc zahbot BE ’::2dju'dg¢;1"%;&>, ir‘,,,f§ aléhough iIic;jL:tw dée fiifirmwé ittd bee in‘ th;cfl'_ 1ng,(.yc‘t xt doth ‘no’: cxéludc thofc in whom“ the Law hath placccf dz; po_wcr for that purpofc, as in the ‘ Cqurts of Jufijcc, that 8hcrifi's ':ihd’othficr Qfl‘icers_ aria} AM‘,x‘;t_‘1i1Icrs pf" thofc Qpgjfng, amt as%theirjpowcr is derived I‘rm,the‘ King by his patents, yet cannot it,f nor be rcflraincd by his Majgfiics Command, by his great Scale .61‘ QtHcrxx'if§,mg¢}1 __I€H C Q3 D,thc.pC’>wcr'<_)f parliament bé,cor1c'lndé4byh‘is M.;;gnics gtcgmmand, b¢f eat:-fe?%thE,A‘u‘tho'?rit}" thmof‘ is of a h1ghcr"an"d, c_In1;-_ nun: natutethcn anypf'ihof¢‘Cqur‘ts. . ‘ _ ,' W . * Iris ac lriuawlcdgcd that the King is the fountain ofjuftgcc and protcétion ,b1jfttI1'cL'H<_‘Sf,<.‘ of‘]u{ticc 4an_‘ddpr{)t.c&i_o_1'1.arc mt cxcrcifed in his ’dv¢hcTpdrT oh, ;i6,r deggn ix‘ 9n‘fusE1€4-'.'_ fiir'c5bur‘by hi9('3E_:ur;.§,%u_’1':l, by‘ His Mifgi '<3l’sw_ 'o.mu dob.‘ thcir duty thcreiri, tfiough the Kingfin his dyync Lpcrfon. fliould forbid then}, and thcrcfqrq ffjgdggfzggnts {BC}?! g1‘vcq.vy«thcm:a5gmaP gficfqnus in ‘T mad,-vac até~thcj(tBe‘Kinosjé;dg~_ €t_3_t$H..¢ r I 1, , 1 5 ' ’1'h€h1°’6b«Comt'o’F I’arTi:fi‘entj;s:?pot,one?y a C_purt’of.‘ judicatutg gnsbltd b'yAtfic Lav{rs[_ co‘ adlud‘ c3gn:lj,3¢t¢:miqc'_ the R?‘-tics and L,ibc%rt_‘ics’of’"th _’c Kingdarggg, Pa.-f ii rants,’ Grams ofhii Ma)§‘t!y5§s_‘§tépr¢]fl ifciafl thi:'rcflti~' , ta, althiiugli flr¢figtfich§3'hofH by .h‘1§p§I(‘bha%IfI‘jc’oxfupaqd3, “ and byahjs profiamationipfidgg tlge g(g4tdS_;cal_,:bpt1t;s hie. wife a Qouncé yd’ rov :3-’: or twe neg:-a ,xeg;";;’_9,p' vtqt I, c imminefit dangfis; agfd prePcr\’/cjfjc ty of the -'Kin‘gdot'11c’F,V incl :6 ’ c'¢’lar_c 'thé 111%: pléifurc .. Aw ’ tthcy do , herein‘ bath the Ramp of Royalfauthority ‘, althoubgih his in thofc thingsas a'rc requifitc thcrcun’t9,' 21, M33‘ --i ~—_.,__.._:___.__.—__..... 7. _-~__,_, %_ ‘T , _ % <4) ‘Nil!’-Ry reduced by cvill Counccfl, doe _inhis ownepcffon f¢ 9}’.°|.t|0¢flUPt the lime. for rhexings Supream ct . “°g;,‘j§-‘9?‘"'= is ’=x¢t°ifed wdi waxed msspiin COB‘ _ m W aftcta mprc gmingqg gg4,o[,g;. in of is ow‘mn°.'»‘ “ “° °’3”Y‘P°'f0t_Iall a& orrcfoiacie secifig ‘h°'¢f°'¢ ‘h¢ L0fd8 and Commons which‘ are big NIajéRics greatcfl: .zn’cI‘b_igbé_fl C%ggeu; have Orda-"ed that for the-% rcfcnt and ncoeflar % ‘ '. TraincdPB';mdsand ‘|4zlzii4'0tYtl';1'i€sf§{nif1c(c£)Itnl}€c ~R1l:alTd€§ethc died accordingto tbat.Ordinancc 'an<§£hac ‘he on "?§éYe*1ht>Ul45:cdmmittcd to:hc’cuflod aO;f‘Six 3‘Z},"'§,°f 333'‘ I636 ]>fcTfé’r\ic'dJ from the attcnagns ofypapifls , .ana':,,h:; gaafignaut pcrfons , ._w1Io thereby might pufthg K,-ngdome - 82.103 cqmbuftion whichi 1' f 1 ° 0 tf\'c.§(i9§:pga¢_c,.tbht it is,.tSIcEelalE4r;oz)lrbte c.un_ngg . xgqgna :9: tliit end ;11Oncisin(ctxded5_;,5d 3,, hi; Ma;cfl1e3.loVmggSub)cCts,.., afwcll by the Law, . as by mim- Jo: tbcrcin according to that L2 be - . b'c”dbhc in aide of ti)”: Kingfirdifchgsgoffbgtggéistcgi '3 he is 13":-«vi to P¢I,f<5rn_Ic.; Arid it 35'A{of:r}r¢° from graflc. !Q‘p_L)n1fhmcot,that xfithcx fbould [refute to’ doc 5;.‘ °,,‘bt_c.. pcrfvvadgdby any Cammnffi-)n,o: Command of his M5. _ ffic to doc.tb_c contrary,thcym' ht. jumy, hm, F” .' tfic fame accoxding to tlic Law: add ufagcdéfghg .1“! Ofuf f6: thc K” by his Sovcraienty is not inablcd to ‘def? m’ bk‘ oplzguttd peotc-Qiinvd defend ‘them ; ‘E, hfoz.‘ C‘ "o_{_Parli’amcnt,a,n.d alfotbcr hi§éM.:jcaj¢i;'fa,5;c,:g&.- cf! ‘ ht to be fubf_crvc_nt t_of that power and an.» tfmfit whx Caw hath placed m hxs Maj:-{iv :0 ma; ' m._ P532‘ % h¢‘f}'IrI;fclk in hié orvnc pcrfon flzbuld neg .-as . \vhCrCO “Wherefore the‘Lords and Commons doe declare the i i‘aid’Proclamation to be voide in Law, and of none effc &, For that by the Conllitution and policy of this Kingdome, the King by His Proclamation, cannot declare the~Law ~ contrary to the Judgement, and Refolution of any of the inferiour Courts of Juftice, much lell'e againlt the hi h Court of Parliament; for if it were admitted, That tie King by his Proclamationmay declare a Law,thereby«His Proclamations will in effeét become Lawes, which would turne to the fubverting of the Law of the Land, and the Rights, and Liberties of the Subjeas. L And the Lords and Commons doe require and Command . all Conftables, petty Conltables, and all other his ‘Maje- flies Officers and Subjects whatfoever, to mullet, levie, raife, march and exercife, or to fummon, or warne any up- on Warrant from the Ltevtenants, Deputxe Licvtenants, Ca taines, or other Oficers of the Trained Bands, and all others according to the laid Ordinance of both Houfes,and refume to Mufl er, levy, raife, march or excrcife of an Commiifion or other authority whatl'oe- il Anfwer the Contrary at their perill. And y doe further declare,-that they (hall be proteéted by the power and authority of both Houfes of Parliament, and that whofoever lhall oppofe, queflion or hinder them in the execution of the {aid Ordinance, than be proceeded againfl: as violaters of the Lawes, and difiurbersoi the peace of {ball not p by vertue ver, as they w in their fo doing,the the Kingdome. \ F [N I 8. RARE DA 412 1642 . 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