‘;2é§:£1‘.§§%f,%§%§.§5g§.§.’§$‘§.%:3.$;£é5.E?1céé'i % . *3 *s*%?"%?%‘W:i‘?”§§ eh. vv I""' %%Z \ A D E c L A R A 1“ 1 0 Lords and Commons NOW ASSEMBLED PA RLI A MENT, ¢ — AA A 4 Concerning A , W A The m—ifi3rab1e diflraftions and grievances thisKingdom new hath iu,A by mgfics of Jc.-{uiticall and * - Wicked uncellors now about “A % E His MAx1:s'r‘1E.A " I A Ordered by :hcMLo,—rds and Commons, Thactbis‘ Declara- °'§a lion be fbr'chwith"Pxinted a‘ndAp::1bIifl1ed. A V A A A A ‘L 4 A A ,_ I-Im. Eljinge, Cler. P.«,zrl..AD. cm A , ' % V LoND0MA- fl Printed for Edward Hmband, and aim. ‘Q " A A Fm22l'. July i3. N1 64:. ‘ A » w w %¥%s*$*%*$*%*%‘%*$*%?w?;~;*¥%?%:¥§?$ V AK? 3‘ fa “Wm ” "Va v» ‘.‘«,4‘ fl W ‘,1: km A my-4-.....,«.. 5 "£5 7:;-::.~»'¥fw W ». ., W as ';!=‘ ' ‘ xv ‘- ‘ " “av . ‘ . V.‘ ‘ ' "' 4 ‘ ..:M» my . _ In ‘ - .,. .- __ ~ . ‘.3’ .u ~ x -7‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ -2:, ‘-.,,,,..,.u- “' 4 .‘ “Pf ‘,_, “ .( ,“'»“-mu-11"‘ ‘Y ,3; ‘,1. .13. v V IX ' ’ I116 Declaration of theiords and Conimons nmw%a%fi‘cm‘oIcAd iii % ‘PARLIAMENT-p _,,. Trgamnofc be unknowuto the worM,hu‘w;? ‘ powerfigdl andafisive A the wi‘cI=rc:d Ccum 3 cel1orsA;abc;11r*%A-His Mfiefty have: been; ” '5, both before and fince this ParI“ianaem,im «.{éckfng ti) defiroy and %e:»:.tingui{h the Vtrue wProte&ant‘B.e}igion, the LiI;;:;;i,;:wg % “rt Laws owe ‘mngaomg ». the Parliament by Grads providence ~di%A[E:ove«r"<=:&vam4d f1*u£’cra:ed‘;‘tf1eydre‘W4His Majréfcy inm the ‘No«rthcm A parts, an d~ in is %Name did ivtarsfazl gm. A dalg >3nd‘Vii‘g~nomi;1%ioii$f ifeptdacfiéé ‘agVai"nPcfthé" Imfcis and Cfina-e mots, A%m'aTk4i!§1g AH%iM5:3jj‘e{%ies%Ce>1ii{t ‘a‘i§ari&53;u.=zry.fc5r all injndc of 'eEinquents%ag4a‘inf% the*]i*1¥I’rice% an'dpj»1-ivilcsdgea of Parliataacnzg-’ aznd drawing xoAA1wAAbyLemsé, grad Qth€i'1’hmE§m3, d“ivez*-5; Membars af both Houfiwg‘ °a4nd% fasting up‘A;r:7i erc-%a E;()11‘i1!:zi”rff€§§“f 'ima"g”inar"yu£3Age of %:h¢ great;fCouixc¢114; Df:t"h¢% :'§“§:e;;-=:g¢_: in cJp paw iifi-tionftothcParliamerir: _to%%%t:};e%,‘gr3;,;:*¢)_a”t dag*ger§ "n0w;nIy%o{ ‘mvg % A di£tuArb‘a,ncc3%«;*?but even of th:3 -fubwverfion of %:_Z1a: ogiginazj gqpm. fiicurion and frame of*.thi5*Kingd0m”- ” " 2 ' . A 2. 1 ‘ ‘ ‘ It .'I-..‘ A ' ‘ 1‘..I.r‘nn.'~?ufa ‘ ‘. afiter many trazterousmdcavours ag;g%;1_1fh mac! 6? ,—3g,g:“r;1t1amrxt immded“ m*ighn"he*%A”‘V%ma,d¢ more eafie and paifln r' ‘Bic: many of thofé who hyaivefhcwed themf?-:Ivg:s¢ f}1ichftfll' to the caufé of God and the Kingdd:a1,,¢i:Aher in I§ar»Iiamem: or in the Country ‘are: put out ofrhe C-0mm.ifl'1o’n ofLpc‘aee,and other pxablikeemploy ments.The VSherifi‘ of Leiccfier there labouring ' to keep%the"p.:2a.ce, when M.:=.fi;er Henry Hafiing: marched from ’ 1:,“oz¢g£>:5+aroz¢ge’;J;'?11 Lggjccfier Wit?) $ib_0m 2, mwiezezpue%&<>mch‘:: prace%vo:*wga ‘V §¢f§*i.r!11fi"€”n= iii i%1i1qviiL?4%313%5é3ti01‘5 6 55 “O30 :akE:5é‘é’ ar§:~flFo»ria:!1«E’::r;i'c”e'6>f this time; when Ab many flips are at Sea, and E516 Kin :{c;Io2ni1”‘1 17? much r1}oubIe%a%nd difi raétion, that there can hardly b.‘:~n3m%fed 3 mor e mi_”1'?:hi¢_§(o%us%V~4c;ffg.fi,g)f % wicked” V (4) “ * é Anfl that the my ta th€’g1'¢€a; ch3Dge ia PLe”i%fig*Eon andf Gav; C0WC~‘-*i3%0r dm“6¢¥A¢+111‘% fi%rL2re:s:.o§nAfiaLioz'£s» fine bc:.?ea§.ri“n5g thrfl Scare ef ch: {amuse o£:.fg% +n;y1;.ia;gnfi,vertuouVs~ a“Pe'rAf31A1' ’Aa;'s%f.hciis.; %%Th4¢ 'c«3,nfi‘dcr;ition 1Aw}aerca£gAiéFo:yce¢h bmli H:>ufE€»S t<’5&:¢1a;re,T ATM: rhéiy cé,nnocV::himk ché Kingdom in % A fisfety, nor t%iiémfeE.‘£res to hairs di.1"‘c"1Vm-g::?d% Agfize wh‘-ich lyf3$¥ 4 upon zhegm, t,iIljVt}1§=”yf£1£MW-E done% t%fi€i; u:;¢:;,mg_ft why a1l;fi&%% %W8¥e33~ fi3’PAF0‘3Ui‘~‘5‘? ¥%'7?=3f 0?H‘¢¢i5A%}bA5 Ff-fib“?¢d§ WT1§«$;s2by::th?:A =O;,0mm.a-méfrr W"€€3¢d?AiEj Eh? €31?¥r7z?7€=0f%”‘1¥3f5 ¥?§’b1? Lordg. .1; , Qzaai “ thfl S~;h§p:’~:wvh§¢2h are 'r13e4WaIlS fl of thcé Igingdggn, g:11%;;y;?:a»ga1n%v; A A % in .A .. In the midfl of Mchcfé unjuflc and difiruéflve cmzarfés to blincfe A the eyes of themulrtitude _., and“ difg1ii.Fc% their malicious ‘and c;ruAel1 imcntiaxzs underthe fizmblance of%ApeAace and James, they have drawn bis4Majefly to rnake diversfolemn Prorefiaci-- ans, with fcarful.%l imprecarions upon Hiznj£E:l£_,; an invocations % of Gwds holy name, Th.a::Hc:¢intc'nded moth4in%g but the peace and wgdfare of His people, the maintenance of Religion, and pha Laws of the Hingdcxm, and {at His own Afécm-icy cmly, to rgriafé a guard for His Perfom Andtharflc did from His Soul ahlhar thecho-ugh: making Warrey againflc the Parlia-menr, car to put; the Kingdom in-to a cambufiion V.-,« but having under‘ thiscolour, gkept 2-bunt him, divers Soulriiexs and Officezs, and gathered {Elma firrsngch , ch<:i.:;t>1ntions do now appear with a 1A-3::-ms: open face, by theft: His Maicfiics cufuing zuficions, and proceedings. A % A A A ‘A M Whjgzlz tlm Lordsand Commbns have thought Quad topub-A ’ 1i{hA,V 1113): all theWSubi:2.€3;s¢»of the Kingdom may undcrfh2nd_.,=' A Iypmvcnrczd. % " 7 ‘ A Garrliém of Souldiers irby His Maiefiies Order: put into ” I\Tm;~c.zfi!c, under the Camtnami of the,AEa\a"10f* Nmvcaflle, who: flrmmidalmava fomtzrlyfcizeci! pun IaT»1!,, if A by tl1e%%AAWifi3fd0m of tile Pariizxn LTIII hcmad not bean prevented. A w A “ A " wbacdangcrs and iniférries are coming upon them, ifnot time. 1 A Thep§p1fiSi13CZ9e_[5ir¢ Imvelatcly, in a very peremptory? A xmzancr, and in His Maiefiies Name , demanded their A:-mg, ta... % ken fmnawrhcm by dircfiion 05: both Hgwufiswuf‘ Pafliamcnc ,, to bgagainqefioged. up ‘thaw, »44VA%ThcAVE}1rI4River:, lamly a not~r.A>ri~T 014;; prQf¢&w3pap3_.ih,' and fffl1A’fi1fp€&§,d to 22¢ a Apapifi 4, %aI:_hough At he now wmas 11u¢Ch11r.ph5 as many ozher cmxgerous papifis do, } cm purpafit, as is cox;;c;¢Aivz:d, tomxkctthemfialves capable of&{m.‘. A ploymeutais pu:inru%tbe.[C‘omm§fli4;m of. Array, baingV%again{?:L Law, and the Liberty of +;:he,Sub’ic&f,, wlfich hk: Imh se;xecuAter A iviv, h %1'igc>ur% 5%‘; afnd%ha%th’c?1mn1itft.*§.'d% divers ‘fpcarfons to'p1fif0n”fo'!3 V It IirionA og Right... , Ix Mufingtp fiibmit ti}er€iu¢nto,Ac0;£:trary to%1:keLa%w5 and aim paw; Thémouth ofmeaiver 455 mass fm£3a%%:ed, w:w;.~ebyT,cAb¢AA L A» M “ V" “A 3 A ~.Vwl:»o1c::* .6’, 1whdL§‘:T°rm§e of lV:m5c;y?’lé'f0r C<'::Ie‘or eiiherwifé» will has {i*a‘E:vm ieft an be ir1t€i‘rt1}_3i:s?'d._%:‘=;? h&z;fi)ever Hiia» Maiafly fhaI} pIcaf&,4ami ;rhe[Ciey of L0r2a‘7a?z,3I}'flza123t2.j,r ether pzzrta cf the Kingdem exw ceedingiy burthemefi .-mad difireffcd. V %A % A A Sh§p laden with Canon forfiatterygazafi other 1:3-{Ear Ord- ‘ nance, powder , and Ammunition isVcome—Vi%mto-rim 71%-‘Liver cf’ Hmnéer whieh a}fM3:1r§1 brought, dhrers Commanders fmzzz =forraig11parts,-, aw Em this amp , as WE; recredibly informed, were M. Henry Ffilrrzai, Six 0:57: Barlgfav 3 and S31? E-i?1g£' PoIImz?; ghree sf thofé whey {Land charged in p.ar1iam,%m L‘, ‘fm*Vb*;=:img pri- vy maize dafigne of bringing nprhe Army ; and among,[% N oz:hcrs'the Lord Diglgy, a perfcm Vaacufed in parliament m‘ high ?Trea 122211, who when he began to Be quéP:ion£~:d, fled out “of the mrzgdain , and adviféd His Maieiiy by~L€cters to-£213”; co'urf€': which he hath fince purfucd , 4 ca? .witI__1c1'rawingi laitfifelf from his parfiamenc to a place of Strength_., an"d‘that than be inter: dw ;¢;d to c~:~3meto~h1im, and in the mean time would ‘do; him iérvice A M %A ‘Divers othe%rV1a1'geitrrepagrgatiqns of % %WafIi%5w ,pr‘0vifio‘ns are V mzda beyond tfie sea; and fhortly expmfied, befidées great num- A bring in their horfes for his Ma~iePfix:}s Sarvjice. her of AV Gentlemen, Hoflés» anti Arms drawn from all pa rcs of “H~.e:Kiagdom, amd_aU -that Gentlemen iné Zforlté-Vflnire rcquirrsd no A Sundry Gommfifieus arc granped forraifing lzorfi: , and Aciim “vets Oficers of the Army age already appointed. M [*Ipon' Munday morning beingrhe fburtlx ofj’zzly, Hm ‘M&iafiy came to Bwcrley with an uArmy%‘bf *2 Acoemfiideirable’ number of Hmiflz and Feet‘, flame Reginaentskoffthc Trained~e_. % Bands, being Iik-ewiffe commamdedto beraifed. Among she Soulédkrs in this Army; Lthercfarc (Wars papifids % and othsr peworzsof defperare forruvne, andmndicion, A ready to cxeente any v~ioiezi7ce,Vrapix=ac5 and opprcflion W: » Some Troops mf QHorféV arc: fént into Lincoln..~flairé to V Eh: A great tezrrour of the wcI1-_- afilzfled peoplc, who 9 are thereby emrced gither mforfhkc thcir dwellings, gr mkcep them with mm. A % A A “I M ~ 4 4 u A ,’I'b:'~:y ’“.E.%"Y*i;:y b£:g§.z1“aIre:ui3yVt0%:akc: awmyn1e3ns.horiE:':s by farce, -anfi t"E:>corz1ri1iicc>'tha~r Afisof I-Iof{1}1t'y,, and ghwe uucivifly ufedj ' ahd‘A{£:a:chz afntieman flint" (mm mm f?ar{Iisme;z£ with a ”§..et--,; £ M Provifiom ar€£'t3*fl:rait'1<:.‘d From c<3zn'ing'm I=-Julia and his Mae j',~.;f%-ywis I«hort”:y expaéhad to come thizhcr with his Army , not- vxizhflanding the ylacc: is in the: cufiody of the Pazrliamen-t, as hath bx“3€I'l ofte11d;':ciared to his Majc:£‘{é;~: wh0Imve%been»cmp1oyed by them in any publilm E'::.»:vice fnr’£h:'~.'{E? c:nd,s~, andfirhorow GodsAbl<:fl"1ng to difizppoiniz 2:hz::_;d c-fig;ns and ex»pe&*a:io:%:s« of zho_fI:x§vhc)4ib~ave_drawn”his Ma -‘-2% iflfiwo“ c0urresVat1dmuAmf'€1S37>sin F'~:W¢i1PA%C?fI*I¢% P3P?fi9A» 3%? h:t£7w.m ,A~£«%"rhé "i1i~**I:*c+l&r2&':‘5 “flab ‘f€3r,r?iigae‘ good which zbsty will zdwayes preferrez 'biefom:th@ir own lives and Fortunes 5 And {hall €V€I“' '§J»r2?IA1'}(.'2<fl€?fz*1'%I'3ti‘Pl"iK-1 their counfiels and cnchzavouflrs to prevents» ' % ~“:f“.."wii1 Wm « and t‘!1[oi7€..~: mi£E%:a§>lc: effefls 3.: Amufi needs-produ cc,. if mha:-zy ;*i3v«_Qy-C3.¢;cigV¥gi-ij1~1_0ut ;c:ndaVn&ger§4n%-Athéx ak«&%rat1onM_-. A of GE:h£>@.,‘w%hm i1m.~A bé2.’'c:in% : tfwflmhors and Counceliors of~his Pviaitzfiies u»t1d£‘Z‘t8.I{"iIIg. this; ‘vvmsm, zzxni EVE“. Ins:-:cc:fl"eari"2 y draw with it a 1053 of Libflr-~ A rg.,r”,. zmci §?i1bxrerfion of the Imv emf tine Kir~zgdo~m ; fo1h“a'citrefi:3« cSrmT.y_rb—.3t :he&rec~»boz*r:;wEng%EiR1 Naficm do confider Whfithfif m’rm:y wi11_ad’31ermo th<: mag: and his Pazriiamen-r, by which 5 “ A 4 ~ } I 1 xhey have 5) long enioyed all that is dear tmm them} or m the ‘King, {éduccdby jefuitieall Gouncell and Cavaliers 3 who _ ghavedefig-med iii to flavery and comb: fiat: , which by Gads’ a‘ blcfii mg, ané our joym: mciaavours may ha timely ‘pate-vm-red»