" Off the Lordg the"PV:ar1ia<.m mt an M‘ ‘_‘ - 9? “Nu . I‘ v .-4 ' "'1 " £1“, ' _'‘‘-‘‘.LPr' «‘ ‘ ‘L,-,_w__ ‘V H M, ~; “ ,. M /_ ‘ ‘ J . ‘ p? u ‘ w ,' §@@=%@:%@?@%;@%@@%%s%@@ ‘. ‘ “LV ON_i, D 0 If ‘priAmea»'by ; rorqiczm 1 6442. rd $efl,»§O6’mber 8. T ‘,9 _ ‘ . 1335 x; .,@;:§:;'.;‘" 9 mgé U 4%.,“ ~ "“w..e~'-?%3‘*.~$.. F1 7".,':x3. ‘€:§.T.‘-efii? W? A F‘? W l .‘ K I van .« ‘ L‘ , V Ec am Comman-dad by%a.th‘:er:,—- Lords and“ Cbmmons L2?1fl«Enr:»=--we 4 ;b1ed* ir:.1',¢V1»”i<«'*:~~» Par1iamcnt.0f77 W V‘12:gglwd%“ro figniflc to. ,yoVurr%V _ . V:*VLordihip_y5 , :tl1a4c«,. they~,,haVe:—J A .?~:<;hofc;1.A,a:1_d.V¥%;‘§§Vi?:1rt*§93A.~I!*5 ” A ~ 44 V WA M ' A :‘sm1::e4a%d,;e;i3‘:;;é &to;:%;%I 1421:‘)A*+*I‘wrMI1‘lzvingggthcggn¢,a.smfl‘c: aI‘1;fl;~r;p_qgvye1:W\Vl1it3i1‘z:V *eh&{z‘~n0\v enjbfir. M f”" With er that rhesaxvillbe »FoxVw;m. ¢0“41*i<‘«1t0 n1aké_"”u"§3%~fla Ev'Zes¢4whe.l:ave.A%vb;in§ufr:fL1&Alxszm dz ‘W*fi3‘fit in fi3*:11§#;"rm A '» * A C”1{1fiQ t" l:>c=.* lIn1~‘be‘ !1indnn1*ed.“bLy»meme in our ji.1fc;def'ence,n oret1”mc they will» dee any =t‘h.inng, sto :aggraV_ate“.the -mni-feries and troubles ofth is Iiingdmnnneenn, in ‘the !« epeaCe»and l3“apj3inefle x>§%l1ex’i3C3f”t1'ieye haievee*~‘Fo511nd fmeuceh :zed?v;3ne- tnge,:md by‘~fuch unfriendly eand"*iunfeafonable lupi /\ plye of eqnr cnmmonn Enemies ,’;em:zkea ,way1:~oe ‘ 2 "VVee 1:heere£c31*eefi~eedefire: ‘they ~mL~yibefi:1nesjepke finte this n1ifel1ie’f;"e‘:an.ed-having fear:-heed A it into the ‘ e‘, to ef’cop"tf1ee f.*¥1fE'hEreepfQgt‘Cfl:C erf it ,\,Th3c tfI7'éyVvvei1~1’~npt’«fufFei* C*{'e7®%n’vd»n13 njce~,~ A Armed nr; 01; my <>:ite1'1e1f"1ilee”'wariieke‘L>pi‘o$rifion ntonbe brotughreoeg var »toi”?£%%z*engt‘lhen~eImf= who aflbnone as they {hall pgevail qgaipfi ghe Pae}inmentA (’ according to their *p2;in‘e’4i:pleees ezmd”1:*£te;r‘e Pea" by? Wlyieli they ztregnidedk )1 V A ~ W3. 4 H ‘. . A ~- V ‘ "'“5't ‘ Q-. :-. 1» “' «raw i’I1i4u-f 4:1‘*“*V8:~hat‘fi-rAe ngthvto .%i,thc% rmm V%%of~thao~f¢1‘%"‘from_V th§'yAi11;wcVilnadeitg ‘ _ A elefi rethe y would n»ot"f:n~.d»0Vm‘ any »C'o.u~n-' ‘rwt.~r:ymm.%A:oA f7mth:er;e:o2ue1" ~d:e’firu?é}.i@m- ,% he =*W€;f€ fit‘-‘fl:?-I ='-*:«t1<;>L tghem to: .th eir;p.rc»iCh éshath ~b¢c=~:n ifo «c+laawr- '=rfit1ly.and p!c:m:ifu1l.y.haizardcd gaml ?Vf§pcn~tfizW.h M and honorable ax by which ;vthc;yh,avc’*becn fo :i%21ong%4prcfr:rved , and to which 'rhc,bl0ud