§&mmmmm%m%mm&%%&¢%»w¢¢%§ THE ' -35 §DECLARATION :2: tn 2: O z m ‘x »-1 W :2» 2 0 2-2-1 OF The Lords and Commons, in PXRLIAMEHT affémbled. With divers depofitions and Letters .4 thcrcunto annexed. * a'¥'vi$=?¥:l4'uW¢€#.?9»E?»%i$'- J w Die Jovis I-9. Maii. 1 6 4 2-. V It 17: I513” {my ardcrcd by the Lardmndcvmmom in Parlidrfitxt '57-’ J aiméled, that this Declaration , roger/yer wit/.2 tire Dcpo- m‘omr,.flmI1bcfnrtbwitbprimed audpuélifbcd. S2‘ * Jo: Browne, C‘lcric.. Parliamcn. A -3-3 ‘ i "kg? LONDON, ‘I % Primed‘ for jofejabunjfcott :Tn+d« jobfl Wrz‘gl7‘t.o 19642.. w., 2 %%%w%%%%w%%wwwwwwwwwwww$ To ' vy; » = 01? BOTH HOIISESOF PARLIAMEN ’ " C{c)cl_hatb been abourfdancly marxifefiedefipce the be«-_» ' ’* e.h';4e..j:*%“:’efeL ginglng of this Parlzament, in great vamty oFpro- ‘ ‘g. * teéilonsand bleflings whereby Ahee hath not onely deu- livered usfrom many wicked Plots, and dcfignes, ,.:a"‘ . _’ it whichyifthcy_ had taken efFe<9c would have brought “ rume, and deih:u~&ion upon this Kingdome gbllt em A V afthc-Fe attempts hath produced divers evident, and remarkable advnn-~ eages to the furtherance of thofe 1'erviccs, which we have beenedefirous A to performe to our Soveraxgne Lorri the King , and to this Chm*cI1 and 8 scam in Pmvidingfox” t-he publique peacmand profperity of hiseeMajefiy, and all his R..caImen4: which in the prefence of the fame all-fearing deity,‘ we pmtefl to have been, and flill to be the onely end ofall our counfells e and endeavours, wherein we have rei'oI"ved to cnminue freed,and inIarg- ed from all private aimesnperfonall rcfpeffcs or paflioms whatfinever.‘ Irxwhich refolution we are nothing difcflwuragceds although the heads; » ofthe malignzmteparty difappointed of that prey, the Rcligionand liberty ofchia Kinygdomie, which they we-rerc-ady to mate upon,, and devour before the beginning of this Parliament, haveee (ii-All perfifledby ' new prafiiies, both 0fforccaned% fabtility , to recover the {Fame againe : for which purpofi: they have madefeverall 4 attempts for the bringing up “ ofthe Army gthcy qfrerwardé prcfieéted the falfc accuflntion 0_fth61TJOrd e I;n-~%hisg great cQug1cc'H,,A A1fi<.:c% to prad-uce;Afl1c«h:zAA-a V mi£2:;higeA;zzm.s ,dlix:«i%fiAd‘nA in%the ~~Ki:1g~: dome have mt bu-cm:%1nVore:%fixtab1e tc3~othcx‘mensevi=l—l~cciz;1nfé1I‘s’t:hcmA m%hisLA0wn»ewor{'e%d%%A, and pref;-med by ¢'hefecx:i.11and;wicked,Acounfe1Iors:. could any Wordabe fuHerA%o_f"% L0vc,w andjufticejfthen that}: in his anfwar to the Meifige fen: , to thcAH~;mi& of Commons the 31‘h~of'Decam!2.er 164:. We Adm engage two you. A fdlcnmly the word of a King that the f°ecurityA ofalh andwevcry0x1a~ ofyQLze;fifomAAvhblence , is and ever:’haI1_beAasj_ much our care, asthe p,re- 1EMrvatiQn;Of;Uw.~;andAouM:h4fldrcn .% an-‘:1 couldvany, ¢a:9:i0:1s befi1!lez:oFin-~- j;1PCiC€ and vioiezzvcc than t%'ut0f' the Attorzaey gszmsmfl , in family ac»- cufingthe fix M».:’mbers of Pariia-(mint, and the other¢proteedin§.§s there»- mpon; Withint.h1'c':e0r*foW::rdayesafc&r‘e:hat Mcffage, fax” the fail vimv ‘ wk :30? let tim dccI;2ratimnA»m.%a4.ie of Athofe p:'ocs::c»iing=s be pcm{'ed,, maxi by t.h\c3£eiz1i}ancas%(ave CQLM ad; m my m;:m2) 1'12: the world-judge, w§*apa:5e3.%.w"e3 to be taxed wichdifvaivcwiag his AMA-«}.;Aai1e3 VVoz~;i.e:, they whn have «3'3.m".T£Ch in mam lies, mynd z1mH"1AnHied t!1e:13wi%chfi1ch: fgjwle coaxnfitl;-is , or ch‘: Parlimlewnt, Mia have evax‘ m.anIifc{}e,:I with wry , .2-gné dcl.§g«E1: %r;h:=:iz* hu%m%ble;thA2n§:s£1€3§-I<3z*s as are n13nti0m;{‘im our D;2c.Aam.tim tn hiss {{%"t!‘zat-§.’iw’.:~»:;§‘2’;‘1,“.':2', arid. we {mid .2: mm‘ dayayfl h:1m"2§y ta avow there are fi1z:h,% or am: we mufi £E.a,y,,% mat e1.H*£heiE1 tifxiszgs June 0a..-';;?.ZC in his M»~;jefiAies 2': mm, h M: b;:m3cAdcan<.:» by E1§«r112'é§,€»2,% wv11m—:i:2~m.a {humid “nc;Ether foAIlowA.t‘he: c1irc€£i§.:m of =t.=ht:‘L"nvw uaorzhe .~:§;«:zi*i'im1 afo::.woEv;.3m he.;1'ts;w‘hich is as ‘nm:::h«.a3 m.a.y%bc to Clfififrfi. 3.1;-.3 fviajveilfle 55-331 3%! iznpzztationofm—isgoverz1:ncnt,4A and tc lay th«af.:uA1itA ..1.?teQAanhi$ D.’I§r;i&texs_ 3 dist.“ f.1§£‘c:.a.Cc;Iii-1~vg_<3’r' iifirmambelfa ofP,.£r1?ja&1':c:1t,,tha- (SJ 1 }u{’£i.fyi*ng IWr;T+P»éAt‘tm'n;§y: i:1’1%ftha.t= alfaagscuifiwiail, C'ii3*%Vib19flit C€W§"1m?ngtfiil t:hc< houfe vof%C&m:1W:11ons,,:t i*&c dififiiaii 0fAth‘c%VM ilift.i;e\1 ,‘? Wt .{'h¥%!:13!fl1~.:F~’MTag€:$»%§IQ%% both hAouFcs,%cmm%ary to he Qm’n:>m.~::s offo£~nm4 gsmcm 3,x::ung+aud %:x*7r:~ mote abfiéxxce afhis D/Iajzzftie fro:'nPu:.z°ii.an1.éné: 5 flla‘, he:a.vy and wrox1gfi::il~ mxcsupoz1Abmh ha%.:;:;w”. his honour] ma. t.bc:opi%*z11:®zmTE _ A Vstfiim‘t£x.:Iivi£:rm., whéch We éamght r:cvm.+m Fi:)rg,et. A A his goes} Sl15‘3iE’fl‘3,aSh'1S1Eib%Qf!;&.E‘ifig~£0%%p{'c’2f¢fV€2at1Ci concealmhem. And whereas his Majefiéc faith, hpcozlid ,wifhth.1t his owns immcdib-v ate A&io%ns which he avowes an {#15 owns honow, might mt becfo trough}? cenfumd under that Comm zm fiyicr oFeviUCoLmfel10rs ‘ Wec4¢V could altb heartily with that we had not caufia to makethat: flilc fo”Con’1- mam, butphow often and uxldutifully foever thcfi: wicked CrOunff3H0l‘S fix I heir difhonour upon cheKing,' by making his Mrajafiy the Anthem of thmfe will a€’cions,wh7*cl1»-are the‘efH.~:&softhcir owne will Coun<fi:5l1s;* AW: his M.;aj:afiies L'oya1v1and durifafl fi:bjea9cs can uf:-. no ether fiihaacoru ding, to that M;2;t“£m¢ in tire-.%L:zw‘;,,t11ce I{img‘ca.n doe no w.vmng,,‘ TbutAiFan;,r_ ill be COI1m.3i=é‘.t.f3£i in Inacter or R.:iit:‘3Jth£’: G;n1:1cc1wi;?.if~in matters of.=m1*’ciicc;;; Khefildgas mufl anfwer for It. ' ‘ ‘ V “ A A ~ ' A flu), We lay nzzmlmrge up0m‘h:;s I‘vL+'ic{"iie:, whicifi lhmzld put him uponthaézf‘ avapolageiefl conc<:z~s*aing:, his fl;~ziti1f"u1i«and 2:ea'1uuéafl"ec5i"ion ofahe px'0t%r:wm [hunt pL'o'FeiT1:>x%1 ;% Nwaichar death his Maia}-ie endeavomf to c:1ec:1‘e; tthofcg M g»re1ne%1M:41t.hor:ty abczm hzm, by Whbz'r1(wec1£Z2y‘;fl1;at defigs}e*hath%%;be§x1 pacemly cari~§e»§ on fan“ divers yceareéa, anti we masher vzriéh that‘ tfie mercies A “ of §?m.:2-..w:t1 chm cm ]udgcrm.ms may be Imam-%£’:eci‘ upen than, hm: amt there have: hams: finch, rim-rm am: (0 pIantifi3I‘l and frequent evid~ence::‘;*, max: vwczbalesve %:§1c::1‘ei$rmnc: c:-Ether pt*0m~i’t.m:c oz*Papi{%,, VJhOhfith’h3¢R .émy‘mvwa(%>:1;:ablmriiew 0ffti1Ve)p;2F5“;e%gcs ofh-ztcezr tinlvaég but eith-.arAin fcaré 0:5 h0p»~.s:.di«.;:E cexpc{3:~%a {e'.1dd4.xi‘t1:*%r: %iE3§ae*%of‘thi$ dcfigna. A A J Wt: Mme rm W1}? a:1~;;2z1Fgx*«:':fld%agair1ft the AS: «sf O5yl%ivi0h, by Fm-~ :a1m‘:%xbz**i.ny;aim: inifcndeai ~ev¢arrc.agz;;aiz1»i'i Scsitland, as a sflranch ofahacdém £f§4gzgz~ne m %~al,r..:':x~ x?~a2%’i%:gi%r:rn,,A by cho{£:- w‘vEc?c*e%d G::umccMs,,A from which Gadidid _ ~"I'i‘z.z7t:21'mR»s.73y:§Iit.;wz1 in %fIra:%1L1x1d W.1.~3' fi:*anm:5 amd Vcherifht by ch:-3 Papiih A [ mci I%~$:1¥..a~g;':s.A.:.‘m mrcy,1-:,1._E.ng,1wanri, m ncxt mnly %%%2:f{1%rAznmi by gm Pug;%b«a§Es.g, 53, A V“ M25 A But maybe clcercdl bymamy other p c é 3 ciples cf pretended Eieligiun, the. l'a.med.pc>lltique ends are. appatanc in mofes 3 The fame ReBelliouspri§1;:' botlt:-._. and their malicious defignes and pmfiices are maskt, and difgulifed with the fame falfe colour oftheir carried zealem vindicate his Majen v {lies prerogative fmm the fuppofed ‘opprelllon cf the Parliament, how much tlmflc treachexous prctences have been: wumzenanced by form an vill’Cov.mfcll about his Majcfiie may appears: in this, that the Proclama-l» Atiorgwhereb-y they were declared tralytars was for long withheld as to the fzcond of Imuarj, though th.ePmebclll0n bmalzte fanzh in Oflaéer be- fore, and then nornore but fatty Coppties appointed to be printed, with V a Fpeciall command from his lvlajellic mat to exceed that mzmber , and that none oftham fhomld be publilhed till his Maeélliez pleawfxre wereifur-V that fignificdn as by the warrant appeares, a true: Goppie whcrleaf is harem dunto added, Sothat a few only could take notice ofit, which was made dmore lrsabiérvcable, by the late contrary proceedings, againfl the Salem, L A who were in a very quick and fharpc mzmmzr procllaimcd, and thafe pro»- glamations folrthwithll difperfcd , with as much d.iligg:~:nce as might bet: tllorow all the Kingdmne, and orderfedl to lace read in allCl~1ulrcl=mrs, am Gompanicrd with publiqua prayers and execratians 5 anotlmr evidence of favour, and countenancc to the Rebells an fame Of power abciuc his Mac‘ jlcflic is thia , that they haveput forth in his llrlalieflies named, a Califleffé complain: againfi the Parliament ; which fpeafccth the fame language of the Palrllialmentdltvhich the Pu.-bells doe, themby to rail}: a bclgaefe in mensl mindcs, that his lvlafellies affiefiions are alienateda as well as his perlbn d is removed from that his great ccuncell, All whiclx dotbexceedlngly re. d raid the fuppliesof Ireland ,4 and more advance the proceedings ofche Rcbells, than any _I6a~l«(3lI:’lE.' or nmifiapprclzcnfiozx begotten in his Subjefis, by the dccllgration csfthel Rebells, II1}'L1mi9:l0‘m will Rod «mi , or imfmrmae dam of Tgu-rjir.-am W/aircambe, ['0 that conlzdexing the prcfsm flatelzmd temper of‘ both kingdnmcs, “his Royall prefemte is farm mare ncccffiry ‘ here, than 1!: can be in Ireland, for redemption or protcéliwn ofhia Sub... jefls tl1a:.°m.l l A” d I l M 2 And w.hctl1ct' there be any caulk of his Maieflies great: indigmtlcn for being rcprocwd ta have intended force or zhreatening to tl1ellParlia~ merzt : We dzefirce than to confidet who {ball read our dzzclarationin which thcreis no Word tending to any fuel: reproach, and certainly wee have beans more tender of his Maiefiies honour in this point, than hm whofeever he was that did write tl3l‘l$dCCl3.1‘3"Ci0l!1, Wheffi in his Majeflick name, hec: doth call God to witnellfi, hcc never had any fuclh tlmught or knew afany fuch refolution of bringing up the Army, which manly, will ‘. l."cm-?«:':.~.s2 M. .-«. ..,.u-- - i3<‘«‘fi‘ictf!range to thofe, ’WAhOA fl1eI1reaei the depefition of tMafiet G‘orieg»~ finforcmtioxt of Matter I’t:*r‘c't'e , and divers other examinations o.ftMa{’rel‘ twilmmr ,-, Mefler Pa/feral and Others” the other? examination of Captaitzc '.A';egg3 Sir fecofi &,;5fZ»[e/1, Sir Mm Connjezrx, and covtzfidet the Conditien and mtttre of the Petition, which was ten: unto Sir fecaév Aflv/¢’_J'Y,AA!.]I'ld€[“ the epptebatiwn of C» 1?. whichhis Majeihf dothnow acknmvledge to bee Ms 0WnE:Ah':l£1'&,3;nd being full ofAf?:em6“e1l to the P.-ar?.ia,n1eet,_, might have proved dangemttes tothe whole kingdoms, ifthe Army Ihould have in-» terpofed betwixt theiiing and them, t?tSW3S? 4:3 efircdp % A e doe not affirms that his Majeffiee ttnwrant was gmflted £01‘ thfi 1% Paffege of Mafléer Iermimeg af:AAer the dc-fire of both houfcs for reltraint ofhaligbi E-tie Servants, but only that he did pairs over after that refiraint by vertue jfig W 0fAfi-‘Ch a warrant» We knew the warrant bezmes date the ‘day befbtfe our flies-$vA; defire, yet it {Eemes (‘mange to thofe who know how greatre{Ape5t and rent“ A Power Mr. [ermine had in Court, that he fl-meld beginne his foumey in A fuch hafi, and in apparrefl fit: Llzlfit for Travailea as a black S.-attie fAuit,an& White Bootets, ifhfs going away were dcfig1t1edAthe day beferet A A The Acculetiontmf the Lord 1<'£m[m[mz , and the five members ofthe Accufi haul}: of Commons is called a breach of priviledgd; and tml y (E) itewas, on oft; and a very high one, fame zttwtzwe any fatisfafifion that hath beene yet gi-» ,Lot«I’I.i van, hmv came it be ("aid to be largely fatisfied, 1'27) long as. Ms Mejefiie b91“?“ lebtwtzrcd to preferve Mr. A"é-tomey from punifhment .;Wh0 wet the v1-- A male Acftor in it, {along as his M fiefiies hath not on! y Alufiified hire, but by his letter declared, thatit was his duty to accufle themg andtthathee tvould have puniiht him, if he had not done it, So lcmgaethofemcmbere have notthe Amegmcs ofclecring their Trmocencys and the Atxthoxe of tint mzflitious charge uratdifccuvered, though both hcztlfeeof lA’arIiatne4nt have;£2veraH“tflimee petition his Majefiie to Weaver themaflt that notcmly‘ upon grot.AzAnAds QfACoxr1n1un]t1fiice9 but by A8: of Parliament ;M? his MM ieftie is bound to doe it: 12:: long as the King re.‘tx{eth to paiTeaBi1H‘A0t?e their difézharge, alleadging that the N arrativ: in that Bill ,, is a'gain{t_his J hAtmoz.1t, whcrebyhee fecmes flillto avtmr the matter ofthat falt{e,AanVd*t V ’fl?3I1d.tlC)U$ acctafattion,‘ thm-nghttlue defez-te the prOf5’Ct_]~:iAZ‘iOn, efleringtoy paffe at Bill} for their acq£1it.;:U,t yet witi1inti1"meti»en that ttsey'nmiAt deiertt: th§:A&VOW.§{1g£h€;fi‘F c>tvneinn0c:eney', which would more wot-md them ,.in: henour, than fectm tttem in Le wk... . A A Andin mmdicetiorz ofthisflgtteattpthiledge ofPar}ianfse1at,, Weedae tmt: ARWOW thatjwe have invaded any priviledge belonging L0» his M g?e£%ie,ae ~ ttlleadged in this tieclaratiom _ A 7 A But wet-Iooke notupenthxe only in the Notiozx of a br:eae“..z of t3z‘i'»2Ai- A A A A A ledge- %(-g%j J i€(i{gCp .WY1iCh might be, th ough the accufaticyn _wem.true,_ faifc, butA“ under the Notion of a Ahaynozm dzxime, in the attmmy and all Vother Sxzbm 2 V 13*’-‘&S, who had a hami in it, a Czimge againfl: chm law Ofnatuiaq, againflthc V taken, and dc!-{toyed at pleafure, yea the very principies 0€g0vcr:1em%cnr3% ;u‘iru- mm- rulés of Iuflice, that innocent men fhould be charged with El.) great am ofience as Trcafon, i%nthec face afthe highefi Iudicatory ofthe Klmgciomg , whqreby their Hvgs and efiatea, their bland and honour are endazageredy without witness; wxthwt evidence, without W 2:13 poflibility Bf reparaziggng in a Legal! Comrfca yet a crime of fuck a natural; that his%Méj!eflies mm» V mend can new mare Warrant, than itcan any other Aft oflniufiice; it is _ true that thofe things which are evil! in their owns nattarcfuch as a falfe V ttfiimony or falfe accu.£_ation,can‘not be the Subieéi ofamy Command, gr induce any (Qb1igi:1EiOI1M0f obedience upcm any man, by any authority amzromr, tlmerefore the Attumey inAth‘is cafe, was bouncha refixfe m execute {inch a com1nand,vun1efiE: he had had fame fuch évidcnce or Tefli-- mony as might have warrazmr-2d him againfi the parties, ainibc lyablc ca make fatisfaflion if it {humid prove f1H7e,% and icis fuflicientzly knowm to every man; and adiudged in Parliament, thatfhe‘Ki.ng can benein ther relatergmnformar nor witneHé=,if1c refi as 1: $5; withaut fimzhcr fixtisfau éfion, ao future Parliament can be fafe, but that ms: nwmghers n1»a§rbee and Jufiicc wii bce: in danger to bee diflblved. Wcdgoc not conceive that numbers doe make "an affamblie unlawfufl, V But when either the end or manner of their Carriagey {hall be unlawfullg divers iufl occafionsmight draw the Cifizané to Wei%minfier;,; _Whc;e may ny publique and private Petincms, and other Gatufes were depending in Pfarliaimenc, A and whythat fhould bee ‘fourid more fatulticin the C«itizcn$, djen the refort of great numbers wmry day in the warms to the ordinary C m1rtsofj.Lzfiicc we know not 5 that y.-hot}: Citizens Werci3c:mx*i0t1fly’ prevokegdgnd afllmlted at VVefim1nPccr, by Colonel] Lim{fm"d; Cap? mine Hide, xvith dwers othcrgand by fame ofthe fervants ofthci Arch-. _ ~ Bifhop of Ym}k%: i*s fufiic1ently prmred, and that aFterw.;n:dthcy were mmfe~:.%io1cn fly wcundcd and mofi bzarbaroufly mangled with Swords b the. Oificers andSouId'iers ncerc P’P’b£rcgHa;//, many ofth_en_1’?:}.<§ix)gwi£h~;4V‘ flwt: *.*7cap<;»nS, afid giving no caufc ofjd1Pca&, as is iikewm provedby frsvemli tefiimonies , but 9? any fcandalous or fediitioua mifiiémeau %r%}0:s M theirs,that taught glve hm f\rIa}§?i’£y good caufi: “£9 fhppofc his own mperibnwor thofc of his Fuoyall C0nio:"£,%or Cimiikiren to be in a*ppa—» V mm da:nger ,, we have had no pmofe ever C:fl”ert‘d to e3thr::,r Houiéit am‘! if there ‘hadbecnvany complaint of that. kirfie _., it is me the Houiésdwould have pqcne asforward to Vjé-yne in V %% fl fuppnreflinug an 0a:c§§x* for .l'1ba§-go, 7310'1'i;0f¥fh57pUPé3?1?\53tnfia and--cIu§>cti6#néi»ciiI2:pn:“éiaiiféfl’ 5*: %fi’PP4*’¢“‘T5'*g“o~F’ti:chrumum A asstdz <53? warm i‘oé%:~:%g].biefor¢-2* r‘§:3:s&%rM=z1at«fi£e2£ °C?3'50I1 When they madaa.-n war no z:%has:.g£ux%Vp~fd;~Wfier§a¥sfi£iofle figgrm“ a:?nds:Sou14di¢ris%v wlxichzzcs iit~«tAeIVd tfia%tA x“%io1Je-’n“ce“ ‘lztp“‘*M“ mmy‘ 31’ tilétc“ Gitis “ms 37"W19"W'ba11.- Wérc7fcfi=miIflat%‘a?n«dV%* FR ted>in* hi§*.VMajVé*i1*iE%s"HIb£z*f?:*? a’z’3%‘c{5 W*henrno:=I*ong‘afce%r,c'he‘Cd1flm%::tIifi Gd£zAncel«Vob‘E,~o'2&*a'&vi¢* f%”r}é4fe%za€edA at" w W W M?éJ'%fl}*;~for1 rép:wra—:ion::4 of t“F4bl"E§' i:%n*jxaA1-i?es,‘AAi-1%rmaicaiérfiAmfweaé Cwifhww lWaTifi‘gTi€1$¢preofe: of we %!1%zi5z1;gi*§t3‘tis-¢ )7 ‘t1hhr::A if? afmx {HemWm1xwl“efi*c5r*i:1:1Vimrezizedgliig l*Ji'?a«‘iefi§’r°vv'—aA.f8% ‘cbhIfidien'cIy*VaflTu@ed;~ fiIi<“*ai”c~? 1tI‘hflp permd»byv’“t=h22iir? éwxic'cv~il1: and cori*uV;§t%”‘d&iiie”é”fib?x*§. A A VY‘c‘hOpe;‘ic eanfloe‘ be:rIao%ug%:br.contr£ry‘tmzhia:du%y+'a&ad«w~i»(Ed 01%? ‘+3; Pamarjx-rtnr»;~i>Pm’any dbnCurriiiTg‘"aki‘d3» Fr:-quan'El.§y1~‘ r€~i3£‘ t”‘e~'r"a7t»édA dud? Arcane aAdv«eVrt1z“tfrfl¢flfS Fwm%7{0me, V£7filA3’6 ‘1*’a1‘?J=,=:{t"¥d3~%Gt§h4c‘i3"%’ ” ‘”ts§»i%fithfi{b«Iifti€a5*~‘ A . g1fii-v‘6s§d~be?ma?I€élifi §c‘a»Ious+wndi"warthfull&£oArrl1e«I‘aFe?t~§ o.fcih‘e‘Stmi'e': A“nH4+We_fHWé‘Vbachc;‘%v@ry:' careful} to In-ikc our cxprcffions t”hc1'e0f,fd ei-.‘afik=:‘ {:5 p1a?in1c’it0t»he%ca‘pa“ ciry%and:iundemta%nd.ing csfx"c:he%"pdopVIa;cha1:?‘n‘m:hi%ng»m‘ighc“jum3i~fiie!érw?i:%h them .A wAirhrrefl°‘e‘€tian«»A:1pn¢‘chw$mfdn ofhis Ma;e;1w.;.. wherein" W’era§9=;= pea-lc:c”o t~he%*iudge'mm’tfof:a*i1y?iimifféteflt-4per'fdn3wfio%Ilia%I1V-Arw::2d‘a>txd peruté. vur.EoW%n'wWor"d‘s; % A A A - V ' A A W&:=mu&**ma;inta~ina4Ac:hew grsounaof om fcam,co’bwF~chat%‘u¥oment;:hat% Wc*cannot: difcliarge the Vtrufland»*dhtfy~wtiic¢h"lycs‘ ripe}: «us , V uhleffcéWe‘d doe:app1y»*oui~ fierlvemoo th€'ufE;of3 tflofi: xfichnasvs co‘ whicb‘th¢' Law‘h’at a=b1*c3:i cafes4of?tHisAA nature; ~ for%'tl1e“neceflhr"y? dbfgiawiof‘ ¢:b_e*" K%ingdow;‘- andaés himv;iMai¢fl*y%ddt%l1‘g;wciou% A y ;:!‘ec~Iarc"the“l.;1vv‘“;fha1l V%2beV>the»%‘Meafu1%nof hiswpdwur} I’50idw%‘:Wc‘mofl hamfilyi p‘r0fE:flé,- tha»c%”VV~c‘-'£I1“‘algla1W:ijié3& innhe*ru1er:of“bur~oVBadicncc.- Prunhut amjlfionrin the dnfwek. A A »«il The rw:wpwymv:o£4nu%r Dcwamim mmk eadtidw » mificiil I y gmaflidoverr H. éwhc>.?¢¢rd13t:!nWhi’s:rM'h§::flies>"flhfwer it”ybcingc’i'ndEédith% V b nndaciafn“ A 7all+om= miferyz‘andI«h;i's ?M%1'«cfi&e9s tzbiab}Ve*$, .t‘!z="ac4 wpicafifiil A:%a:h.m~m general]: taxes? upon? his‘Rar1ia’mcnzwwsicl1ouc“‘«~any:Vparcicum charge w which*:t4h‘eyema5rV~vgiva‘f.wci.sfa&»iom Asmhafmhwhath pftzen wnizhivéfl %diA{plcafurc% a*g::£n£I:*?~* rtitular‘p?c¢fan's~‘upfin ::fiifii1fo*rmaai0na 8é%:a1ebc: “ ‘ thofe:ix1formationss‘htvcrb¢igxclearly ‘p;*sfé‘ have from being %diflblvcd1%,fhna1nln neat in¢c0;ur%age;us,t'o doe any Lth«ing'i,,whichv onthfirwifehad 11ot.bcenm,fit to have .'b€€fi3*-%d0!'lCo And nwnanasc 1-cad;:yJ.o n1ak¢?nit,good befor%e“a1lLheworId, that alti'1ou.gh his Maiefcy hath pafféd ngngmy Bnillsvery advantagious fogr the Subieétg, yet in nncane 0f'.t_:hem”bavc we.bereaLvcd his Mai; Pry,of any iufl:3n“ecl;{IZarya0r pn~rofi&abnI¢n..Pit‘cr£igatis.§¢ of {the Gmwne. A M EiW§%f0carne”fi1ym defi re I11-sn;M31¢:flies Ii~EC11t;I~Ylne to Iaorzcm rim Aeupon us; 3'Wc V dep ends the very tgfiety‘ annd‘j—bci*ng.n ofboth his ~Kingd omes .7 find Ih"ffircf1f~°§ W»: muft pxzotcfl, that as nfonr the tinae npjaft , ,nei$'.hér.- t;:l1c* gcjvarna} want‘ if ;Lnandgn-,n nor [anynz Lawcsn of-. tht: Lewd: ;,;: flnnhavfi; ;1oi?c,:. cnhne,'£rn?1iF¢ ' . {Grim for his ficurit:Y;§Y>0;fbr‘:nh¢ .Fm:ur.e5 ~~nWs‘:~.fk1a11bncn:rfia£ci«y7cA:a dnnnonr .1‘,’d+-*:r3;«'.+)¥:+'ntI1‘}/ thing that my, Rand nwnichn the ,dm.y~n; can nlaonatnn 1%zi1ia.m:iz:t., W3-fi£~hnn may Ijaife a mutglallncbnfidence bémginxu;his.nn:M;£i4eflyn afici u8n’:n::Ta§;;w¢e ind:;AQma22sinfk1sn and as’ the afiures of-tIae~Kiz1gd@mcn;ndQne 1jcq.z,;1iax’n@;rt:1Irc¢:,gLa:3::;i +fs‘a?1;»1 sof i1‘1=!i:r&';c:a=cic,,i1Vilii;!2 rguirc £0 Lang alt fcimfi ofdcw giébmcimn, mks Kgiagdosmeamighg be V ruaiucé Afar’: ,; £5» 'f£&afihtR@ ea V?-F§;€{1:Qug:%4it ancccflhry 2 Lfi%1*?jc‘A;ozl:?¢£4a1imi'~§ two his :Ma3§ cftic fo gem gos%che«r- %fl€g1:iS€I%¥C’@fEh@f¢i¢h’iflg§ whiph m1aAMa§n» 3.ic i@i€3v(Tfld;?G?P¥QWUfl1d‘iifl «qh at’~M%%r:flag¢g ihawae agmad 3 ‘Below Inf .jB«;as=e§ in lmvgfir Pmppmorn gthfin fliafih mane 4%grsxt1%£s*-#4 Emmy gwihéa gBu$gj;;£ti¢;§ “Pi§§§$C\;.;fi‘Qr§ M, wmoh ai;s'%9%~¢odafi«im: 3}? mw;t%%9f%ihis _h.4.«asfiics . €fiaV¢£’$ J?—I'QR0£i:£fi0:!%~$ Q‘ l.1£'£i gills fer" preiérvatxon of our Religion and liberties, Whi;h .m.nd .gi_;w¢_i.y —g:wp;r¢:fevzw; »h§i$ ;M3i4’-31¢; aandw dos W%1@F§f0W¢Fi8 ;fi§-vfipv §hisA1an9k@fint Vbtcaph ibmrwifisfi Maisflic ,3.‘flidv,tlf§e xwe - ~ hmas ¢ivs:¢s4e:s;eePt,Ai9:fis «arc We -taken [ca-ncer:fis9g gthc Méilifiim % ¢;!tceM*;x¢sasx~ 7;im,a=..,%;(,emc%pt%f<2r %C§orp0rat=;1ons9%o.txs1y %%thachéecdA¢naym1$t;%1c way .. ;;w~hgi;ch a§x;.§fqE9§r~s xfikiat, MC*h@t¢?¢C¢Pt1:@Q«¢fik¢5 05 L934?” 9 «Md Qtmy.‘ nag-nca..£ QI:9W€‘.§§73“§l'(:.iEz193;!which=m.ak¢5a g«reat p4vtA0F4the¥yL;tl&%l -4P£¢§§€C€1i1.T0F3o .UOW”i' A-11¢?‘ .5:*<>*:;5. ;=ha$m¢%11ki¢r9£9* "‘«:fgrc»b§q;g¢V,of.fl53t;—°Pi*1i031a3+7 W“ éfirrd%;§hi%i9§R§?¢0%V?d?5h¢Chiiinz-. M ,m=21%ou.r made cicc1ara&§;QJ1«0f ¥h€0h,3”,¢.fl%¢ Of £316 .defir<=:s §0Akz1oW%%%t%h¢A,?,fif-‘Q35 Ofhis Si1tw::&s%A4Aa .?and x:<,> £6 ?E*£m= moi cm I i%:1iam¢m:the flfiéféhé VWh*¢IeEr%arcs.%, i?*1?‘9!*=ni‘ «the King ¢{r_¢fl,‘e in%oxmim:s, % eiathé A M ml *4-,_,£:,E;¢% gugim as%t1;p@,fl;. his; *%Ma§ERie as mayfikezc A harm fimya1l*gr,; A A;*-_g.J;.1;_}, A «mi;-fa»fe§yV V —bm:£;hay %m-mam, in w§fd;e%me;aJai‘Afiwiic1ip§r m£h?s7 W1fi§1Er:‘;;sm¥Wm£h €*§+§:;i¢ "Pl§1i§9 a:a1:z4aasxha11chuc¢irach QwnAfes1lv.;«nuLrsm1&- A M‘ (:13) A they wehMll1il‘him {ngh%~thiugs *1: ttxhelyeiegrlced on,lnyxva“*yl-ef O3:-«as J dimmghr fimtmet yewhe A:mf'wea:tcei% by wayeil» lief;Ordinance-,%}fi;rl thlat: %thgy:lmigh£ M}m_1d :2 that .f;mg*at-1:hcil"’plé2fl:}!*I§S5;KTl‘d {Giff W335; V‘ 'lT\.:.L ; V he elem: yhhjefie Further :. A thatsthcre 1.5+: fame_w“hatt m pres J fang an m whieh he mhld not contfcntftt with Jufiiee, to his ~lhoneom and in «- fieflv;-We and em: thereby he is excluded £fOm?filly p;ower intf the ..dii“po- vfiieg im *~the;fi=<0b§e&ions may féemleffemewhac ,; hm: ::i;1deed.;? will alp- ‘ ~P£%.f€-'2 'flm"hlifl~&Wi1¢flliE fllill ht elonlfidehedtg Jithm”. notllfingin thezflnehatnble ela:-we may charge 9 upen tliie Majeftiesor in the? body loft“ the rtlihance, that elhtlludee his Btgyaalle Auchprity in the edifpafing. mt. execution ofit , But game ieprevidedehetriell flilhqld lbel.figeified7*hy bofib, LH9afcs of lgalrlilameent-, as that channell through which It w:i.=le‘l:'ll1t:‘E ‘Law, 12213.“: bkyhis fiouxztsysazadu his: %Goums ,%j . ll_h?l-J fitting by ‘iii: W au.£b3oIVity;:expe&. not‘ihis;;%;rffi§:-nn mm:te»rs=.%:dt L;aw,lnot :anyALother ‘ %: Cirefi £6n:% ,th:¢'yj:.Ca mam: Iud*fgcin that Tcaié: .becau{”c they” are?‘Im"e*a/ ::.r;*i5buif,i nd‘appmja1aJV:lying3%:to%ihem fromPezr1i.$“amen’r. %tl1c‘;Iudgcme?m‘: , :w;her;eoE: is i*z1fit’~h’e%eye.oE;thc Law , the“ Kings .4Iudg*cment in his :::;¢h;igI1VeI’c%%Couaft, though °the,.King in his Apcrfonk be neither preiint} VafiTe¢t‘1ting%thcfx‘eux1to;::i‘ A A VA V x v- ’ :Which hisMa1ef’cy. takes e=xflce%p"t1“pnsjarc theft; '1. ;abf‘én¢¢ to far remote fromrhé%VPa¢rIian1¢nr» is §%;;i;oi;_g:gc“1y”wa*§;yV obflrmfiion; buc’may1b”¢ahdcI’cm&xon game Aifaxrg, J I. A .% Iba¢:.wh¢:i%:I:eLordsand«%Commons an-an decIbé1re»w&hatth‘eA A §;LPb§*I§3iJNd«iSa4 €053“: tilistlop onely grzeflioned, Mand.con-.1 t}vzf<_m:;9%r:%e%d, but concradifieda and a cqmmand that it {hould not bc obeyed,-is abigh breachof the privxlcdge of «Parliament. A II U _ W ffhat jthofé pscrfbnswthat a%dVvi{E:dhis‘Maiefly4*t0 abfiant him-« [cI;fc:fr0m%thc Pariiamtmt, axjc enemies to aha Peace offthc King-3 % W NdQ{_]1§: and iuftly may be fufpeéted robe favourers of the Rébelliw ,;_, ozA1‘A;?i:zw,I:"r:L;1“Qci. % A , % . “ - % % "I ' ” 7 V % ~ 3 f % A a, T~ha}:»**%AgtI1e;; Kingdoms hath bin. Of Im:e,Aand%Ec=i1~l istin f:»Veminem; dan;:1cr%bA04t;E:%f1'%om encmiesg1broad,’and :1 ‘Pc4>pi{h» and “difcontentcd ,._pagr%ie at £m‘me, that there 13 an urgent and incvitabfe neceffiry of A %%pu¢;tir_eg £z;?s_?M.aiePci%es ifqbizfis into apoPrure of def'encc%, Aforzthc :i§£;*,9,u.a.i'd both of his 'M3i§fl}7, and his pfiioipl‘-6,. .4 A { % fifiaarzlae Lords% a;z,d~COn1moz1,s;, fi—g11y>appcehcxx»diug %tvh1's“d anger, and Emaizag fczwfibfe of their name dufy ,, topmvidaa fizztablcprcw yen:-%im1; , haw: in ffafivcfraii Pctitioxi$ addréfiéfd‘tl1c1x1{E:Ivesto his % j % % "A/Ifljfiflv Maiefififto rthc or: 5't1fis15 Kingdomeg ry alfwhich i~r-Vdoth appesire reheat: :-fT1‘ClT€':iS ;no~iQo1m‘Ig~ ~“oF ‘th7is= Tfixs .th“eit we goeaboutto ’ir1:trooc«'u=cge—A~a hev{rL%aw, muelilcffe to ercife an arbitrary power, but indeed ropi‘evfen‘t it, for this ~LaW? is as old as the Kingdome, That the rKringdome-mufi: not bef}weith-- outta mean zero prelérvc it fe‘Ife,i?w%hii:h’~‘th:¢t% it t11;1§f berdorneee with}-* o:.e1I:rrrcor1A1FuWfic¥>t*1, this N}1tio11‘ha‘th ’idt ’:dertai'ri”er hands’o Wiith '£!’*‘“ Power tovprowvide in an orderly ‘and reguI»ar gmy » for 9 the’ good“ and fafety of the whole, whith powérr;' by the 7ConlV‘£itueoion 05 this Kingvdoemc, is in his Méicfiy} anmdoienifhjisy1?ar1ia4ment‘,tog‘e’$: then“, yctfflfincc the Prince “fYri?3p3jgé%$&$ rura1rfrdifabi’Iic§r; o"ahd=.:resaprei"%ricy5’aor1éi;e the 1fii‘I=;i&.§ afiqfifiiefiis ,3 r_;i?i’r’"iW* ‘ M ' 0'» 3‘ V , .. " . 2» ‘ 4» ,«,n~°<' V , " r; *'j ‘“ ‘ ii‘. H,‘ 2 .n'~:‘ hold for the exerexfes OEt§3e«{a.fl)fl powerw «rm fqcljr ca firm whererethe‘; V Royqxll truefireanmor be;:oi%‘*i3”e 61: :~d1&rmVr;ged j£a1%*d"°fHi?afio»f§areféiixgja dome runs an esiidentr i1nii?‘ii!i11’r1«i'i%;ent drangefl ”l5i'x‘~‘;v:1*’cJ'_3;~;%'”T“1'i'r:Lfo!ii5 ail hav:ing“beer1e decrrlaired“ rby*;the?I;o1*d9 and Co»mgmo4r3g‘s irti?rPCaft»lY5a~%ri7 thr re.."needs not thee4"aI;1?thrdrity ofaqy nor: is.§i:v: in the epowitr Of”any§pérf9ni3dr%Q§§i;ft,»rtroV'kW63e%fiber": or meat. : we (I 55) ’ V ” A ?mo"fi'* the Kviczgha ch. ‘M3-;.yC‘S} em. in Am urrdiria t)£iu&_i\Cg‘£Opl1H:.1fh~fi3€h*&diCi0H9 Pam»ph1c.ts md.ScrmQns: a431a:r€* A zmy w«’:;y p£€jud«iCiaJ1,»tQihiS§ R.ights.»Han.ourx%t wtharéitygs and if any qfthien1%A4hax«:e b,c¢nc. fa iafQl€nt1~§r~%iDla£.%d and vV21ifigd;,,%his;.Mau ieffies owm¢%C Qunc¢§1—and .Ofii.r;er§ “haw Ibmn em «blwaxgzm the Parliament;-. we never did‘ refirainc any pmceedzngs of that kind ino3.£hex' Q0}£1£E,.S 3 M nG1:,:24r1 f¢di!2iQus,Punpb1cm:TQ_~3¢ou£ ‘Ilka-nsa>oh;» mam. wasr«onae=wc;m&im%ncc& 9.~1'1d£‘.~l}3a filial pmfécuaiminf. ;'.»w'i5¢flf§m imernupmd by any%faraXcrm eitlm E:-iQ¥l‘Ce.'2“ wghamé. férwaxénfiflcno doc. b’iSlMai€fly Vagu niglm, _%*'?_,«_§¢31‘;fi5.£»3t m%)’rB1%ifi@¢;1~y$:V§PP€3¥% 3&1 that a:»Gm:,miu.tee’ ef Lorda and K ‘.01EI.y.n_ppo§mncd4Aca ta!<.e_fu.ch« inforxzmcionflr mil» rwd’-‘ 12125 théai ~ my danscrws fiflefiiaénd tb°!,¢f??s ésfiké £9 haviitdfif arsédw 3gaxrh§:«$.ing§,%QQun£c;4 Mhmld pref:m:,4,c;oncarning fi:dit;ious.-war, Rr»4u%i1%:s»o{£*%rflmq1I;mPhmnhcl Scrmonay mnd5.~tLa@che%Ade:-V * » , mmicmm t0—enquimAand:.._preEn4u :25 fweralla €im¢5~ mfit tbcrcupoa;~a‘and rcceived: tlfisf &2l3.fW¢!'Z33§3d»D;c1aratiQfl. from the Kings Goux1ccE1,uha;.chey&;[;nc}w: gtlfvlmfuch.thing}as;yget+~ — ’ A « % ;, V « A 432;; the {crv«icc4 é2£"fu¢¢FtV> a: finé 4 im mhi~s;Anf5ag;.-tpmho undmfloqdgczhmlmwesfi i;nd1gcwenn4mcnc; chia; “hm would np:,*A [haves _choagIm ;i,mlcwga11y:V in; h»ig;;4 m§>,wq;n;;; CQ:".: W his Ba:1iament~;;:~ vwhm ficwud fin n$'?."~4 %'Q§.« it: fincev: cvcriu ‘ ordinary‘ 1‘ Cimurc; in Wm Lam: .s . ham %.%I=:fu1éd 43» @1314 as ’f§th¢y‘T" irx5:i:he!wa pom; ofiinfgcrinrz C..Qurcs;~«tq% com.ma%nd.;e*tbc:ir awm . Efl1§E“_W+9Hm1‘?”h§‘ upon c;§1emV4.Vf_z§gh~ a;.guagd;;u 1’ _ W _;_.m. I. ;;mV5¢Qul,._drnQ5-‘ CQfi5_Zd§.~“f13$5..[Whi§:hj:18;2C* % Vclyw 47591011 thfi: 3,1‘~m1¢dg§ssof%Far1iatxxam»s~ and. vfmhichtt ] y but 07‘) V f Butfuchw a,..'gt!5~r.d A an;i.fi2;cammand¢s3.‘.‘ as t¥1;¢;l%I®3;=fes0fPa%1%¥m% % . A: 1 ;W%€tt*;dc1rvqd>“my;c9sxici%¢rms:~fA4obtax1:; af his M5‘3€,fli9a and; 4 %h94p1%%9mgf om mar ::xbas3tst,2::?‘% %q0r;tra1‘y €9~tl1e.t1‘ dcilrc. * Wasmc.to“g1‘an9Aagsrard~ar9.~smmgIzutinéficét réfcione union: ariy :fM}ér”g. z_‘n;‘pycf{oA13;,V i; yvjil nkgt Mbé;.;hought 1t1*ai1g;: 1E chcgrc A . ;-Z;’,AlTWhi¢h <;On1;£i_d¢rz§*d,xmbclccvc in i;hc%.‘;u;%£1gv;€wn1£nts4 fof weifc,a‘in»0rc thcn' ord‘1h:1r;c tc_3fG”rt di péokplpf at Wcjffiniwflér, of %4 Q19 11. ==13»‘==”~“ 15 W1111fl31¥ * 0*: their QW13 ac cc21'~1' tube wzm<*¢f1t’s. aim! h;:3PCi1;s 0f ::z1cAra£¢i¢geVqt”;hc‘ 17§9Lt”s‘jz:,»1'i::‘bbi;t*1Vdhtc)”q”é§;i;E1d §1’6;:i.yiQ1éflc¢ ;;1nflgd;1‘nL gI? of t1w.LaWs% % had cxpfx*€;IT£d.thc: Qb{cr.vac1pn of them mdcfimtely wuhom; A anylzfmst¢1tion Qt timbi, %%%a1thoL1gh% we n”cvcr'{aid%or thot;gl‘1c" any l;h%£ngIh..1c.‘m1VghtA look‘ UhkCa.rCPrOaC!1: to has Mm-‘1tic,: y¢L"wc l’1.1d£‘;E;1% 1ai1‘1f$VandwA%pro,-— cécdxngs :tt1cg¢;g,1po1‘u asfhis Mgaicme doth {cam m: lit)t‘1c‘Lo l:ké7 or gqnplfuvfi at tn:-m = for alzllough he d0£h a-c:k11ow4lcd,gc< here» w :“as;%és>AIio5%t:A.4::1‘1tnas.Mam1:23;goodtnab- " th;1tgrcafxnilchic:_t"' that graw Iby‘thac afbittary power then: complaixtcd of';yc;t_fuch arc ‘ continually préf:r1fcd am} coun--.-. « tcnanccd as wcrc mcndsorfavoutcrs,orrc1atcd unto me Chltf A I Authors anC1A€fdrs0£‘nhat Arbittmric’ P,0WC1"a; and pi clhofe, 3 ~ Vfalfé golougmw fuggéfilons 4of5iinnE1in€nt%danger‘and ficccffitics‘ “ iiihcréby my ”did{mak‘c it 4pI:iufib1c umo his MaiefliC.;fl4an%d A on’ that otrm fidc. Inch as did appear: :1 ainfl: them , arcdaiiy dif-1 éountcnanccdand di(g:aced:whic whilczflitfluallbc an, we havcnorcafon up judgc the difcafc to be, ye: killed ‘and dead “ at .n‘Lmt;and chcrctmc xmcafon to but ‘it .idJ4oblivimn« And’ A A Whilcfi?*»gfc:jbchc5Idfthc“Spawn¢s of tho it mMifchicvot1s Pxizacjm’ ‘A 1&3, cfimlht and foftcrcd in thamcw generation of councelm A Lcgmrs.-.f_r1cnc1s and Ab¢;ctorsc:g£thcf<_3xxx1c1f;‘O1? at lc2;ff1concur~T M . nag xyxchflxlgcpq mxhclr malxgnaxgczc agamfl: the prlocétcdmgag V afxhas I’arl1amenc.~w.ca;;amnqr% phmk our .fc1vcsfcc1_1rc {tom rm V like: or”; wox{c'dangg,c£.; . - ‘non 1. ¢%And her: she I’¢ii»:¢¥ Wris Anfwg ‘am am: % m M AA I3wi?ghrh:wewc11cpared.;nas.rat1hemu1d% haw-mew%: -"v A " v’vc"‘I:1ad excfcxfisd anypo .c‘1?>onhCtWil?:‘th¢1tI; *m1"i9iI‘ . 1 ' A;:316&n_3 j A nAth*e , Km! A A A V f~ But flea n Vc £fame?crroum; :rume fig £84’ the I;a;W:dorV could havcfound a mom authmmque ;f;)x:,~f£ , ¢ judge‘ in utters pf La“W;~ Athena. thcrhigh C6cixm”~1>gr}§a;;.;4 En€I"1[’.._., ‘ Icisdcctarcdinhis Maiei”cic&VAAnmne‘4 ;chac{%1ief1sr&o1vea% rd A «J " I-§eepi’4:fic—ru1c4h%&mfc1f. dndV4tC5his?fibWcft0;VfC¢i?35rC“thc‘%;f3tfie%V a11o‘:u¢rsA=*wvehnuitncedsAacknaw1cd§fé$ac%ruchH;:§§gzugm* A mufiiconfcffil < is i»1ik¢toL‘bring much bappincfit ’and4_ , a "1'JdaH h11s,Kmgdoms ;_y{c:t humxlmic we 4 we _h.avenjoc thfifruit0fit,in'th:it“C2f€ ofmyw rd ¢ andtlac Qthcr 3%“1‘4¢tnb¢rssacc9Fe+d~¢°ntr Ex Cgmmon-I;aW;’and;%thcVSratutc*~L:rWs ancf-fgéctégteruaixjecti am. ‘A0 % .%IG'irIt,[’¥iltan‘ 2% w‘): , X‘ ‘ I5;ir:iS§W;‘wvhi¢h*Céfc*v:?as cc1a1é2i:.*ioxttA‘:£s*4:1, ffrangc 3fld'UflhC31Id";-Of‘#{fO13fiQ_II liaws:~”Bmw-:%hc15;gnA1j&g ‘ .k.‘.I r " of d1iS%A1 1!fWcrA,thd' fictcf Vcftévtrgwhfimng thatiimauye‘4y;j_ A T~*5’y0!11’cf ¥=at1’1‘1;Ais4IJi1scw1fc %whi“cli~.h:1t'h: been fo~~ca1:¢¢5%A 2fiifs%Ma‘jcflicsf:£vQ“tif%¥§i1‘%Ap:rt¥7 " * ”’ g V » . % F .rtnd*ncceffliticinf‘orcrd’tisi%>' cdAA‘‘z&dc%this ,, %tl-n¢‘;[in:'orA tfictimciof pafirmhafc ‘Bifls:-TVfm¢ " A L g A f0or;VWhf¢FIiffc4‘h¥<1‘r1km11¢f’f’c€hwou~1d~~ M 4 ‘ . crrivedmof tgfic‘ fruit ¢f ~of«=‘BiFs*a *i~uavercdmc uow%wwm,raar%rhc mm ‘ I I'll 0‘ ,; . Vfouam. W‘. . % % m0fl‘f'=!1fi51€ W3f¢3fi“P0@*h1Wa_ for%%rrqviw1V%¢Ao » « <; cV3dB1J3Fs.».wl&e.‘r¢asVAV0ut 0? omV“ufmflM7cndcmrHb ~oF 1%‘ 71‘ ‘ JV‘ M. fl notV4mmciom:him& an a‘1i:~ébnrc£o4'4 VrPIof”e¢*w:e:ficcIi “ A % “ “ jg mi V 4gt~i1t*u~4fri:s% 4 EflcrC‘G0d}'3PF0"i8f‘Ca1fC,As\ AA " ‘ 4 ' m+n>..ncIthcr4%d1d*JwcWgivemy ocmtfion-mffiacla wfe1he_w%i V % ,1 » my ‘ Y‘ M‘ r u. I ,".Ifl.| zmydk A‘ V I ‘ »'1! ‘V3 1. ‘ .‘ ‘ ~ - ‘.-" - RX‘ 1 1 *-, ‘ w_ V‘ A‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ ‘j H y ‘g ‘ " - . '4" " ..,I. . ~ _ _ _. ' . ran “ J \ A “ "I ‘ I I V on (I9) mifiljli WcEI%1*1;fy{e fip;1‘1f*ct¥A;. for ATM: AfpaF<é nqtiaing of‘ A 1c;IABu‘t-fincc 'w_f¢‘are F0 férrktaxqd as to? have it” afHcm~~» v cd that wc“lf:;ud a nototjwjus and fizfife xmputavtzon Hisr? I M336 M;x§efiic,: wcAAhaAv&c thouglat it meta {Amie feat” thcjuff dcfcnce of om: Aow-n.1nnoecnc~1c; §o~ carafe ghc oaths and cxatniziatiom Whic%hAh;wAe‘bcen Atakm coAncern»~1n_g the ‘def1Agt_1c_ to be gmbl-iih-»« cdkm a‘f(1l1Narrat1on,Afor’ fatxsfaéhon ofall H13 M‘aj=ePcics j¢&s;?oucVof which we {hall oflkrx fame few part'icu1?ars5 % whcreby;Athe‘woz;ld4 may 1' udgc whether we 9<;ouAIdA Iinévc pro-V“ «ccedcdA\v>1th morc*tcndcrnefl1=:"towar& H1sflMajePcrcrl*1cn Wcl ’ A have done. Maflcr "3arvifac§ confcffeth, thAa%t the Afi1'£fa'sl<-- V»éid‘h1*m Whether he were mgsgcd 121 any Qgabalfconcernmgthé. Amy, ai12d*co£n:nanc}‘c<:£=’4!1i=mAto joyn with Mafia:-= Piers] amt M?‘zafi‘er* ;”’erm}m, a7md~Afo*me? '<:itI:1c‘1:wl*10in ttmy fhrmlcii find" » mac AMa{’t?erA Pé£r£'y': CLhamber,) where ” they‘ took? tI—71c* oat fctreéicg and chm dtebatcd of a—dcfigne' propoundcd Mnficr fir /3to£cct1retFm*Towcr,%and to %c0nfidcr‘~ 0f‘5bringing up dw ‘ «aimed thcdmxighrofvaéPeritianLimf1evA% A "éings 1-prefénrzesandg‘ His Maj@fiieacknmw1cdgeah- it W525 from His own l1and%§“ai1d‘ wlim focvericads the fumme oftshat Pctitiom as“ it was A proved by} “the Tcffixncany: ofSir 3946017 e»'1’~fN6’)', Sit film Covfyvrx, ai1d‘Cap4 “rtnyAto1Lmdai¢san& t¢Z*aptaVig;1»L1é¢g’ com§¢£1’ed4%,hc hzuif rei- \ xaitxe Légg,WilI eafily *pcvrc‘crivc fomc poxntsin It apt. to? bcgcr: in mm fofmc Ad~ifcontcn»t"‘ againfi chc‘ Pariiamcnt. AAfl&C.a.‘I51 :r»ny%m:mbeIecve‘z:he‘rc wmno dbfignc 1Vn~*nhe &*a¢ourac1ma£ fzfi¢ lord ICimla‘o’lr..hi_mfe1fI:o bc bath 3 Commander and an Aflor :~tha:fc thingsbcing fogitw%il1cafi1y~appcar‘ to as much againfi thé mmIcsofP1*udcncc$ thatclnc Pcnnerof%n1*11"s Anfiwer Ihot11d*e*r1»* t::p.tag1'c=: Mdiefifie in this“ u1mecefl‘aricA4Ap01ogir: 3 ag it is” %r.rgvax._x1fl the rulé-s%of Jtxlfictci that any rcparati0nAfr01mt!$*ih0u1x1 A ~bwc1-qhevyceldcdgor demandéd. M 4 _A ~ ~ 4 A f A 4 prbtcffedmflxs N’La*c‘{3:ie*s names that hc-1struflyVfcn{~ibIe* ~b£7v1*xcBu‘rthcx1s of Hi_s'p_eoplc_, Wfiicfi makcsA us f1<0pc~ti*za=r-Ind‘ nwzxilhzaéléc that %courfi;>wVh1cI1 vv11Ibe”moff Cfl£&tTa*ll tc>.=’mfc than 0'£t£1cr(A¢ ‘burfihcnsg §tEmtA1'As*, 3t® j«oym* with‘ h¥i*s~-%Par1xamet1r7* pm;-_ femi A ace difthe Kingdom, ‘Which 1‘14isab{brrtc exam A mm A Y,Qi%§1§Q§§!¢‘A@Venc;1resA%f@x% rec_cry~ egrrlandé ~ar1d%L flafabizxixlg A AAAAA A A_ A A _ H; ghc $uE>§a@,s m dxfchairgfi thegmat Md upm azhesmgg is Wag: m make fimwm mmch mam heavnc. m Hm Kmgflmmg fl3’f%di for His Mafisflfics Wamm tbs M:z“3;mm«~:.=m haw Emma mm musk M’ . \ % % % ex = ~ *3’ , - ~ _ ahcmm Wcmw mt mmmflcd was wfi Rwmmm Ema: h.;.w@A mrmch mftd His pmblzque Ehswgm mm zifomcwéim his pmmm Ami We flmfl M r:rm;chw in 3 Paflmmzrrmary Way, m fame His: mvcmm in man an Hmmmfle pmpommm as may bfi amfwcmfw a:‘3v:§€ m bath when he Afhaii wt %hm1":{f3f imo» Inch a pmfimm mf Gmwemmcmm Hm His Subjcfits may baa fikzcum m cmjmy Hm gufi mwicfliwzag {or am Rehi-ggimm, §;,21w:<3:; ma? £.a‘b€x"t1iaa.*$.; WW mvcr mfufcrci M133 Mfijfififififi git;-u:.“r::;mra,‘as oflcr Q2? .9; iFm;*€ figmcmd ;m=cm Omiy we {mi it mnicfi be mu fi2:mrm'e m mm prdcnz: fears and jmfimuiics 2 Anni was gave axcramm km: in szzfmem mm {mm CW rum am: am of my gum mi“ «om mm flk&m'e:)2m2§:@ bat mm emf mm mm dcfifigmcs and ammpm rnf mhmg, and W@ Emvmiac E0 {Em “wyurm m fimgeg whgcrimf WE he mm mm dfififfififiw ‘fvtd €70 hmévicm Taxmcfi wedamatmm (mm: in: mm m fimamgfi WQKH Whcfl Pmimccs. pmflcred fmmmm M6 mmrmd rcpr@;a&:E*ac:5s3 f[§.,:g&1 am we Wmds writ" H as akfififis mamrcr 3 Wm do wflmmw éhsm 031331;: 33 an A6% of Pmancefiy gmce am bounzmwhfich flaw this Mflmncm began WC have humfly dcfimd we might mbm mign; and? do {W how it Vmy ncmflm»: anfi afivantagmusa ffm.” the mcmhm of me SU:">j€&_-, Wan ’whmm mhefe 'M3{<:’.a€ A céelifildl 8% mm Ric Zamvicfi, but we fear magma: fivwy occmmzm haw mm» Zémppic WE arc in H6 Mi.:.a§cfi2z6s mi.@§1ppx“cé:cmfi0zm mfamr M/mdsa and a&n?0ns.. V A C V276 am {My uflhc Kings mind as it is here‘ &€C}§H'CC§n thm he-“ may WWO fccmsc of {hf} afiEe£h«A‘>ns mg Hm 5u.b}§cRs_, {ham ha ifhaufidmm fimdiza mad of flmrmigaac fame m prci%mffve mm gfijam Qppfieffiiefla and are wflfidmc {him he flisgiifi :m:vc,a* f’<~‘T'“M".§t gm ;.abm1d3mr%cvMmccormcgood w‘rfi1c*s Am;}1 4m‘i2§:%;agacfi5' His Whoic Kingdom, cfpccinfily M” hr: flmifi be §;>ac.m;Lz Lu MM m atémtgracmusrcfiolutzmzm of bunting uporwmz {um fiwndaam that fiw having received mformamons cit"-cpiy c:0nccms-,- ingahr: fafmc whim: Kingdom, and fihmid iimaxkwmhcm fit m confidercfi 0% we mnmot mncewe ; for aithougmhc Mme» wfmhe pcrfmn was Umémwn, ym max Wham Wmtmgge {mm fianmfl m fiat pxababifizlyfic, Qfizhé R¢:§QX£ &§skg1@wm5§[mmVis). aim I mom, ms: Mwof zhc Lfixncfi 3 but why His Ma§cr£7UC flmj.%.tv:f3d mice. ‘ ; . a ,‘ » ‘Wt ks; wé»s%fc:W3tt9VA#the;Ls5td:law :&wh¢#in;his%.%prcrunapa A was Lester t°‘rber$%%*¢¢n¢s and L:m<‘JD;w¢:,V had mcxmatcd fomc%w1ckcd Propofitxgn ”fi.rc'ab1é - ‘ tic) thar%Infé:rj:iia:iox;,' bu; tha; .th'iVSfl10u1#d ‘requ1re_x:eparation, " “ wccjhold1casfaWrrc.from]uft1cc as is;from4%t’mth’, that wcé WVC tnixt‘a1iy._Irha”1icc with ',th%efi=:f1:i:ixi1qi1rs.j,L.th¢rCby£ "to feed a LA It is $ffirnicd”h1s Maiefhc1s'd’r1v¢n?“(b1itnt51:byiugyct’)from V AI.1§,pei'i:ha.nc;c hereafaer if thcrc be*0pportm'iity of ‘getinzng more % ércdzc, ‘them wilinoc be wa.nting whq \§v'il%l’(ugg%cfi“un;o his 1?1aicft‘ic»;~thac:4i%tisvdénebfius-. And iflnfs MajcfizcV wcitcwdri-‘ véfifrbna us.-2 v:2c"c¢hopv=i‘i::% wa‘s*no%i4“by; :hjiS;Qwj1é.‘f££arC.$:J ..‘buc by. this" fbarcs of thc‘%A‘Lor91 Di M4 hi$A'rec*duc~‘Ao%f C 1" r ’ % :¥f1;"cf‘”thi:ac’n;offe:t1?sfe§i§ cara*ny"grua3u1zuarymxcaee, sL;:1”sr?‘:f§e?£‘ ‘L111 pt1“mfhn1cn~tf”fot th<~fi”1‘i‘ :n;;n1:¢1a”m*ro1m”ce and inrcndéEd.~i?io’~4V “cc agamfl: thc’ Parliament. And :h'rs is exprcfled bypttlc L'0?.d7D5 "5]L1imf€1f<:A$ when he to1dVth0f‘c Cavaliers» thatA.tY1"'e flflificipd c2i1f<=T0f his,MajAcfii¢s going %oL1.tJlofTow¢n¢.%.was rm iiwc from%4VBe%ingV ,cr;1mp1¢d¢A1n.th_c du1‘tV,§b’uc %«‘?.é>fi‘.h’is#Maic44 fiibs'pcrfon»thcr.é no~¢aufé of‘fcéa%rc in the ,<;rcatjcf’t“I1catc cf th7cpcop1csindignation after 1:11-cé ccL:’1"at1on,%'%a_I1d hié Maia-M flies vtiolcnz %c9mr”ning to thh,}iQL1fc, thmec was no {hc§w of a_’{3y,cVill inzecmion égainfl: his Rcgall P&cf1;fon,a%.Qf%w11[ichjtherc . can bcno be:tcr;cxzidc‘nce tficnthis; tl1»"‘aE‘.~_>l1V&V-'Ca\m,]&‘E11e3.‘n§xtad\aMM+¥ * wiahouc+aGnxardhirwrhe:.”Ci£i¢V;.i2vh¢rchc%1icardA[n‘:>4:hing"%ham P§:..iycrs- and Petiniifinsé nc th"rca%ttiingS.;01‘ i¢1%rcxzcx4énta; fiir {c-.ax~e, um haf*vé‘;. h£ard.o, 0r~tI1a£lMs‘..N{1i.CQic cxprcfi 1;. for he [~tayedLt1cc;rc‘a 4 A vizecI~;“ea““ftcr :1’: W'!?_l'1"€"“Hfm;V1!?1,a¢:,fCCl1fC£1113 pcacdablclwAI’1ditVi‘on, W;hcfcVbv vi/cc':z[r¢immgcdfipd,bc1<:m:;a:hé3t*ih¢r¢.;Ais.i;ti,~;xt:%his¢¢ %Maitifii‘¢§“ ;r¢%fid¢4:né<§’wixécre” may:b.éas faws%‘ v%anis*::¢%at2'$r‘!o“§.*h¢f A affuxctd,‘ of ’:h»é fa,1jtli.‘:f=4L1»‘%Zi11,ci .f.»A_fi tming ~ %AV?¢ts:%£rqma ma4;r4a.ma;;y ‘fitfléifiéiéfi \ ¢ 1 H fbiiigfit ~ publiqxtwwbrke for 2% A % 2: 3 V" :fiwair1“a$pras4- ‘ficitzolifi w ParI12if11’ént'§té‘¥ *9: isléi’g%*1'eét df if1jd"c£fiffe,7; ;fifim§ .11; 1 «OJ . \ "V A zhing feémés ti‘), L&.f;t ab1é«w< hifidfiéré th’E full L cbirga fIimm‘émVaf our défT1;fé$;a“fidéfi&éW£§ %4pub1iqua -« _ , géd unléffc G'o¢d. his iu£t%iecwr2~%c% “ fénVd+%~+rucn%.¢;a?- é us,as cuifné t-lié {~£fé‘f1g’i:h;«6f‘fi?1é4*%l§iiai?1i*:1g:iin{i; itV%fc1FesAand £or‘effe% éfiat" A—tfiti*r%6w£1eV;rfoiIy % >ére”du'1itic, R " which the P,bw‘cr:Vna4si1bciIcie%éf add‘ _. not artainé. That is; to divide ?cheVpecp1e from the Parliaa 4 f mam to-niakc then;13fi:rviceabIc ~tor‘hcVcndfs afid aimesof . , tf1_c’)fC}‘v€IIf13b‘ W’ém1%ofrif$‘ Wfi¢r¢%4§%W¢¢:c*¢fi%ra:=i9*1?Ifig 1!fiO*f;=d,.% _tfféfl* 1:69 *1;*r121Ir1”’t2;ir>it':‘ the; ptiu:1t1é*and power -of R;.u':;I'rgr6fl’3:. mad co4H‘cmourrhc King in Hifs juflP1%crogac“iv“es¢ .m‘ci“fg:>r cncouragement and A advanccmcrit‘ c"3%f1:>‘i€:ti_c“ and Ieamiéng‘, W”éé' have vcry earncfily endeavoured, and Pull doc to the uttcr- ‘mofl&..»®f1ox1t%‘Ppw¢r, trL1am1[l Phriflmcs may have learned, pious; ‘ andw fixfficicnfi ‘Preachers ,, and all fuch Preachers competent L1vmgs- , . . M Many other B1l1gaafidA Propblifi * 5» 1%fi»?prepa‘ra=t1on for__tI_1c Kings Profit and Honour, the peoples fafetic and prof cNr1u¢,, In thc%Vproccedjngsm“§t%r,;g,;; M;-aa*f4qg~=“much hundred y Hm I 4M~aicfiiesV abfcfxtié £1-am“ tfi Pégfiarficfifg fivfiféfi is a1tcfgethcx:f V A % CS 0 2 ¥ Paz1ianr=n9% contrary £9 thcufc 9? 1?nsdsccff9r§a ?‘1d§1‘.°P‘i"““ 5 1-‘M A?‘ W 3Z%z°Z§3mcmtg W Eweiay mm: timm §3cfmMum*2@& by m %mw.E%ém;%'@ M ‘. :mxnmcefim;'y Mcfiagassfi ancfi mum xzxnmaxwyr m_.%»»a;.mm;i¢-*a;~4§:h «4 qtgmxffigam Ecffic and am:"zfzv¢€Mm:% AA «.«.f§e‘2gembjw mm, - Etfiw f;:3;%‘2;,;;.;a§‘fl' «; @vcrc@mmN m.KjM;s-am Vvflafig f 3% 5Kh?e‘:’;“p‘£*®p:;§.*; i;(m.ri?’§w;,”x:*—m@m &_hc.w.‘;m\f be defmdlmd. ~wVi€~§M2a=4E€7mM ;;4fm:'mmz:.m fihgc Wm? mfl ":i1f;is~.fi:mgg.a;.»<%m:%; W " ‘ batirmy mg m me-é‘mVc»Wn«.: iwmiimzmg fig) wE‘:@ Kmw «::::':'»~“-éw §3¥m,m- mam. 1 Ewing; m h;uj..a;,ird~ me m¢.im;wg mfi‘ma§VM~¢a:~sfi thaw tha:=y mggm mm; ? be bct;raaéd4¢¢7bI§M’:~axK‘;%.£J1¢gk:fV5t.,[q§7..€i1€Wiir,WOf«%?<.i'% i‘§§i mas? fignug it A L mi wQ@§13:“§ i:2iAs;i%%2z:*£§?:r@.§?.fi1QiId%>€ %P:W§f%“@ 515% 3% §?mWfi«j:'' $«*:;i5;>m.?;ci E?i‘z@fi f"_1%%:I.£:; £ifir¢>§%g%:ElV*@*2E.‘E0%-A3fl‘£§g3'$£i§»--Qffljhai 5 Miich aé/«:6a2:@%e:onfi&«:%2‘aw: {Exam 2nacvcr he %wammg m as <,w¢.xflAc lwm; €&:*c£\:::«;%AZix§gs;: gicargzfim mic fimzavfi; fEm1niizhia:Emcmm womdc.=mm£y gmmg; aiiuzm min s:.m in am @w gniwcccclfiamzgag A Tale‘ $5; c;/"’£1x:'.ajeg/£35m? Jzvfsagc/I~:¢;*r¢’ Mb/;*z“a3‘V;;v.«2:wf°:7;r;t;/%”,1;:a?z?:r/as Aémrgmy m ".’I'.«“a"i?””J”}f g)m_7,;.g'“ W % . F’ I” , .. 5 Eu .‘1 ‘r «W ~'~ “ « av .. 4:. ¢@’}?’»“«i’f% é‘W~"*5?“! «”3’«"‘-5 mm fbfifi waus mfi/x3.«::k;r»£*~a%*ziZ.;.‘w‘ »»3;»+‘.e:-*m',"..r.a«z”¢”.%,,. ;‘“0m”:f}:* ff «;.a::=me r "5’. ‘ ‘ 4 ow N I M w 1' Q 1y N. I 7 , O A ,. ‘ M,»"“ 0 WW ; 1!} My 531%?’ .P:»”@a¢a’V.5€5'~fv’J3’51f*! fie/.333 Wit? J; c’If,-'/ $415}? !£5’£7$‘7;"$'W J73 m;T‘.’;?.¢.‘*.%'”.,?..*(,‘z9'/’1::€.°‘}’.s",?‘ //,}';“2.;a:"¢i“-g;,~‘* f‘;m,v~* pfiym (W,,7jZ{f’f W” 6!’ 3" ' N K . E , 7‘ . V‘ . 17 ‘ "'7"‘* V :7 rm». -2' u M" .. .- a “ ‘_.a M ‘. N - ‘Nb, ; 3 ‘ , mi rj, ,- C, , H, “‘ H _ ‘ r _M M ‘ ‘V _,wy?:ra figr2a% a«.ma.;..e: 3, W}»u4£1:fl.«**eI° mm wwume. .-¢2r;_g,r1¢~.~? ;:¢:4¢:2w~w¢°%,»aa*&:n .3» . thw- 4»" ‘:1’. 4?’ .5, ‘u, . V _,. 2 % , 124,3 1 "’ M }}”"*’ (‘J W’f‘”"1‘;’.«""£,v#"g “”~‘”a f¢fi"?" {M y Jjfiw yguyzfl 3-jg; 17‘ “f .w= J’ '‘m'"‘ ,’M ",.“.;,*‘_e m_ fl ‘rm 3 {(4 pl % 1%,’ I ‘ . 35 ., ) MM, fl _ Mar JWw'4:g;4;~»a2‘z§’o;:a af mam? ,3 ml! fmr g-:£m3;C‘:42'¢? f;a«:.9+W,::*%,/;:§¢»;»»» f;‘;zwyufxav;#’, mm» ~’ am —., ‘ awfaizafigy ‘,;’!E;»m’£’ fie? WW %.‘%?~’?¢a2*;ms%4z2.s.=m (25) h “The Examinat.:aioinhofC0lone119% 54-14“ Torin Ei'aith,‘T°h.a':inLem1aft '(*"as4he ramemhers) abmsxt A I2::t.hh A chehmiddh: of it _., "Six; (ah: Sgckgiwg came to him an Sarzday mornin g as hczwhas in his be :A nd‘;his”Examir;ate concei. ving he had cornczhéto him aboutfoifie hufizzefié ofhmoncy that was hbtween them‘ ;:md thereupozi fallir-zgupon; tzhac diflfiourfé ;, Sir j';I;§7:¢245'.'~a.¢"k._/zfarzg mid’ him he was then hcomc about another brzfincflle, which Was co acquainthhizn, That cherehwas 3 purpofé ofbringing thcfirmy to hLom/azz, And rhatmy Lord of1\7ew-wfilc was tohe G*cncr.fl.?,a1nd he, this Examina:c,Iievrcnant Gencrallaif he wauld accept of it. A nd Furrh<:rCii.1,,Tbat be (hauled hear hmore of this bu»- ‘fincfi}~~ar~Co117hrr:w which thisEx:22n*imte an Fwerhedvonjlyh this, Well, the.-n«_Iwil1’go to the Court; which was all thacpafléai between them an: tihzzt zirmz, to the bait of th'1-3Ex;1minatc:s remcmhrance.. To Ihefcfiorld, He: cannot hdapofié. 1 , To the fl-7ir/1,; Hr: flzith, Thar ag he was coming 'h1hisC0achirnh th’t3hfh‘c:’€t, nut (bf tht‘: Cfnzgmt G".,.n':l.arz hintd S" Martin; Lmc, he mat there Mr Iflmg: jermyrz, who was Iihmvifiz in afloach .g,h.arxd fceing t1hrisExamin::tc§, {Pmr his Fae:--mu to him, dcfiring hizh tOf.')IIOW- A 11in1,becar1i7: he ~.vould~i}weaI< with him 3 which this Exahmirmzhc did :: AndlM*" jerwgyrz going a little fim:h:~:r, alighted ,. and wcrm: inn) 3 houfc 4 ( sowhich homfé, as this cmxninate, was but yefiarday in f0rm€d,SirhjhbnSuc*bgir2g’did"then ufually rafbrr) andthitlamithis A Examimre fohilowecl him ;«,and coming after him to the tap of the.- Stayrflsg Mr 7n-myrz {Said to him, Pie had fiamqwhat to flay to him C0h!}hC€rHhi,{‘)§§‘ chc: Army_., but that this was no {it pluck E0 Fpeak of it, and c1z:*f"iré3d him :0 mrset him fhlt.‘ evening at the Cams, on the QEEEDS fid: ; which this Exmizuatc accordingly dgid ; anfd meeting D./11‘ ]arm}~u in the Qggecfihs chum win Cha mber, he was there told by him Tim: the Qgeen would {peak with him ,A% and thercsupo-n M‘ “‘§‘.e~s»:wgy.w brought him in%z:0h3h1§heh Qgcens Bed~charnbc3r 7: But before nu up An. I' ‘ 0 - V ’ rhxs Erganaznare cczmldenter mm any dxibourfl: wmh the C1_g1«:?r:n,4:r1c K "E%2Er2§.f: cmmc Emand 151- .-an zhis Exmninatc cihrl w%:hJr.2w,h”a:1«:;! Wm: E 3w 2;; C263 mm3r§".:rtE1;a—tcime,% %bAutretu2:nwdVagain the {Ema nigh:-~, andmee~~VM LMF. fwmnagain on thaCbg%eeans£1:i: , Whmzold hixn. that he imufée» mee:efiIs:~i!y*meet wish “f;>xmO.% sets of the Army 3, A to hear "fume '1 1’rap;2i'icians can carning the: Ary. The nexsgt clay, being Mann A. a',;3;?‘_,_*:€2 JE§x;a;;u?iA%::;%aca came ag.1.%nA to%:he‘G<.m1r:7i.n thm.Fcer~~nomm,an& r wen: imo tint: Qggeas drawings-C%h1mbcr,where Hgqmajefiy when : was, whawas p1<::z£3.a4:1’to tel”! hi%%m%t}iA.2t%wtl*§}a Kigag wotild fpeaic wish him} andj bma him %:E-33$: t0_T:hs: mom V:wi%.hi§1~ %t1=ié:%Gra11er3? 3* AiVz'im.'r 1x5z;¥;1ich‘R:3t>zn K;ng4’£‘0mn 3&3: came ; and His -MaVj‘%:aa&y as£v;;e&». hi1v‘nEFh.=:r;%qaseagagrzdinany Cabale comcerningthcz-3 Army :: to ; tvhizb; Em amfwered ,‘ Thai: he Was; nae : whereupon His Majafityy mplycd, Icoimt;mnd%you%~thcm toj=3yn_%&%yc9ur {E}? with Peircya am fman:mt?‘r2::1r:%:é:“:~rE:a:3:nj‘%you: 219311 fIzade.w4i%ch him.» A Am"! jafty li«E:ejcvii?.? fé2d";?‘I*:%-ave a ::i<:”§E:e to pm my Army into .3 good poflusrefi ‘ and am ‘advifed 311:0 is by my ‘Lord Vof Bnifiall : which Wa;s% the efé-% % fafi of wh.2;p.».fl?.:;i bzrwemitlié King and this Examizaate at them; timfir. ThT1Sj:Y'4;E_X3mEi13f:8»I?l]$3€C‘iIl,g a€ta:W%ards with Mr fermjn, _?e2~m}:2 told himtlmt they" were to mate: thatevaning at nine of the - Clock wicI1%*M1* Pfeircy, and flame om» ers,~ at, M’ Pei'rc}e.r$ Ghmnberv ; _ and accordingly M‘:]err1:.3:n andhe went: thither togec'hc:rA, ‘and there found Mr Peércy”himfeIF,: M? W?.1mo.t , VM1‘ Ajbimrnbam ,% Ml‘ A Pal!,.c;~d3 ‘M1’ 0229.213 arid S173: john Bxrtlgl 5 M? Peirqygthen in shefirflc place tenderedVan Oath to this Efaminaftwrxci NI‘; _7erI~2*ty2;¢'_.? $‘h<2".' ref; 4% iaying they had "taken tint Oath a1r<=:a::I 5;»: this O.-Nth ms prepared ;, ii‘! writing: and was 1:43 this (:&'E5t, Tim: flag; fl-,vos§::1.«:.Z 223;}/9324 direcffly . noriz»zdi1*e&'1j 93”}/2'J?0j/Fé my thing off t/.11? zvéicfifloazdd be xfémz faidmzn T to tixremgvzar téimé rbcmfelzge; czZ9f5Z~vedf"r0—r2z 217»: _f?c'ragI%ez2j.-gazed 5}: tin}: 0.255; !:y%.:z%rzy~ atber Owl? Wr“fJiC‘1£IW?W~!.d be..iAafierm.w'dw mlgez at£2em..=* They kaaviug m§«‘:‘e'n%the Oath, M? .Pe£r3dec12:rer;!_,; That they wxzsmf: were reiblv ed xxmto admit of “any body em: imo fheir Councafls as j 7. % And; j‘exmyrz and this E%>:aminare2 waved that Sir: jabm S.«{z¢'lzl;§r2rr m-Egiatbweceived" among?& them“; which beingoppoféd by the ~..~‘5% re{’t,a§Frerf debate? in Waslaid afide .-4. Amd £3me fpersch th\em~.,% was ofsir Iakzz Suck{iughis13e'ing cmplzagzefl in the Army; bk;-t ht; v ‘ 1 it was agréed mpan, this%E:~:3m~imte doth notmmcmber. Afterrhig, Xvi’ Piercy ma-dams Propofiriom»s,~which%*he read out A 0% 3 paper: which were [0 this e&'e€¢: 5 That the Armylhauid pm." £E;m1y be puVcim:o a pafiure to 172:: vs theKii11g, and than flwuld :1’E~2n&’ up 3 Declaratien so the Ifgziiamanza ofchefe particulars, viz .T1m nothing 4 -vwv-" 277 A nothing flaouldbe done in4ParIiamiéntconMtrary :toa.ny‘ fcirizser .~,Df pm«1jamens,:%;«%A*wb%ich wasAcxp1ay$r.:edV, ‘Thar: B~ifhops‘%{hou1d bd maintained in their Votes and Funétioxas, And the KingsPLevcriuc be cfiabliflxed. From ‘thefiz Fropofitions none of M? Ptrcyex Com- pany ;dAid[dea!ar¢ tIfwmA£ié1ves to%d,iflE§ht. Then came into cenfide:- A A arion,dif' the firmy fhouid xsm inxmrmdiataiy bebrc:«ugh::‘_to Landon, ~ !iwhi.ch, as this Bxamimte rémeznbers, Waéfirf’cprop01mdedby%M” ' ~ jerngyn, and alfb the making Lure of the: Tawer. Th_geI‘e things Ehisz Exazninate did urge , mfhew the vanity and danger of the mhter Prmpoficions, without undertaking this. In rm-«conclufiw A ma, this Ex%uAminarefdid protefi againfi hishaviAn’g4a:1yVAshing to do in either daiigtse sfor the proof of which, he appeals? to the con» menses ufthem than were pre{ém: , ancifis parted mm them. Abuut thi.f5 bufinczflé this Examinate fz2i:h,,TI1ar they had two meetv ings» and cannot difiingufifh whacpafl<:'dA at the on4c, and what‘ at the other, but the refflr of all was as he for1ner1yAcfliec1ared : further ‘Amhen which, he cannot dézpofe. ¢ M ling firfi muved thisumm him.-. he gave fomc: much of itto my Lord Dzzzvgwmn .: and the day after his iecoxm‘ meeting at M” Peircycr Chamber, he: diicovend it to my Lord of 1,\7anpart, and dc fired him to bring, him to fame other I.Mor’ds,iuch‘as m*ght beA1i1xfrethinMg% (7f‘Ck11‘A!'ll‘hy,' which did not agreed with whztt wt: p1‘C}rPQ[C:'Lli, Alvgxtbnclittcdlatway ijnort: and iharpg} not *l1‘awitn.g~limits' ezithm‘ of lf{orjrou1‘ot Law ,l” Itoldfithct King he might bfii. pl'e-afcd t to ctmfider With lll1'n1t‘:lf€_, whtch"way it was {it for him totl1e%arl*.‘ AA Tile EKaini11z1ti011'0f‘ pain-_74m4es Cbadlaég fir; .. 1; ‘To the Ix4tc?;*a{2_'p:tcvr}', and to r/jg,/35605491 % %% <1 His Deponent fafih; That abenut M‘. he was at Burrowbrxgmhere diw:1's O'Pfi‘cers and Com. p;~oz;11’i:y that the Army would be mddenxy paid by the Parlia; ‘ch and April A121’? m:.mde1's of the %A’m"sy met, to wham he ufcd fgmg; rnent, becaufe they had Vpromifed funauch tothf: King, and to the.u Scqts, zas%vw9}Iz1s tn the Army 5 but that the King: did’ commifex-ate - tIj1¢i1*cai’c«, and faid, '1‘l*:~z=..t if they would be £“ai?,12FLzl1 to hirn, he wou1di%'pmvn% his Icwels wthex %t1*;enth¢y flmuld be unpaiclg. arzd iizith fi1':1'th»€t1‘, "I“hm; E: «:2 knows offucha Letter fem by the Army to my I.m'd~ of N'ox*t%hum1;:c1'1and, tobé {hewed to the~Pa1*1ian1cnr;,. . zmdthat he told them atthat nmeting, thatthe Pm}. was much A di»fpIeafedwirMh_ t=_hm: Letter, an’dt11artho»fc who h:.d1izbfcri1':ceiit4‘A'A% fl?m¥n11%d«Abe«fe‘11%t 1761* up p2ujticIi Ia1;]y, that my Lord ofE{Tex,a11d my " I.m*dfl cf Nawpo1't=:had A%cxprefi"c-tdw muzlcérla dixlnm-4 «e~fthatLette1*, and of’ t1':m:Mavh<> hm 17?;;nt%% ifi, and «iiid,V%tI=mt7 Atlmy~had% fo:'f’ei'ted theirgnecksz. % which he had from Sirlolzn S11cI-:1511g,Mafler% D:Lven:211t,and(as he-A muccives) {rem Sergezxzmt Mztjor Willis : A11‘d‘this he dtzclared ta» % thofa Oflicers, as giving rh«::m an account of his journey, and than Vfezwice in which they had imployed him. % To? the t/zvzlwl .Iza1rcrag~;c'ta7‘y ; ; I=«Ie~£a~it1i ha hath anfwez-ed‘% bcM:f01‘e.* 9% 1 ‘Ta tlzm fzsvwtla Ifit'€rcg;zroVy%; % That Se:*geant*Majo1'"’\7x illis talc! him upon the way, as they-%' "wex'ef£ntlwi1r jouxfrmy dfeiwn into rlue Nm—t17,,%t!1rat Colormll Goring, 17v~z1su%brf..1vC: Gcntlenmm,‘ and fit r.o»%%cc:1mma11d the Army, and that“ me T{ir;'.g had 3 gcaodv inc1in;:3.ti%on i:c>~~1*:»im, that he fl‘101l1d‘bvC3 Lieutee % 1".2;zr.=t‘ C: «:1 z*;c'm11 5 and fiiitla fm'thc2r,th:1t before he came out ofLon-A (kn, Viz‘ Iolm S11ck“}i13glxadlilmwifcr I“aisgh1y mnfzx-"mended him, and f:i;id% 116: *\m:; fitter to <:om‘::’nmm:i%i1fi chiczfg then any man he k1'1cw,,% , ‘;,'-m“ci%t4I‘1:u: the”.m1my%w~as mt: now %co:rzfiVdc%*1‘aI:alvc ,% bcir»g*withouta heacifganhl indeed vms bursa party (Cc>lc«ne11 * Go1*~iz2¢g-; VbeimgA:a.way) M who commanded :a%Bx~ig::d%o;a1a;d‘ tlmit rlmy did txndifcx cerly to M thycir remix e':¢¢c~pc théryccauld White, .V»'MC-h*the i3:u'c1%Sir I0hn«‘3l‘!Ck~* ling Vviflued him to dcciarmnnro t¢he‘VA1i-ig unmthc Ohfficers, am! .d<2:h».hsle¢Ve ‘Wi??'i:s did ti-zehhkc 5 and VV-i,His told them aIFo,th:.1$:h an.‘ .i.h€"m-y Lord of Ncw'\'cafiic was theifr (3_er:cra1I, he would _fE::1H: thetm in Naryecihxwghamihiihhe, and vvauhl net uf: them ronwghly, but that t-}‘aC‘_Z§" f!‘:¢213L,.i‘b{: gov»:-rhzacdh by a CcvuiahcgxlMC-r;vyar.. V .1’ Q’ J: % €33) «« t/::V,¢le¢4:%¢¢3/a%IntE5u7 AA ‘ Q " A That bath Scrjca§t%:‘4M$11*or W5!/:2»-and this Déépbnciifl did pcrfwadc the Officers atthat mccting; to write a %Lct_tcrto Colazmcll Garixg, A which was tolct him: know, that they would heartily» cmbrmzc him to be their Licvtcnaht Gcnm2I1, ifit was his Majeflies pIca§i1»:*c to {end hién downci which Lcrtc4r,.was fubfcribcd by 60102161 1 1«‘i.:1a1mg and%,C%o1omc11Vawfiméraancl d‘iv%crs dthcrs; and wasby him brmdght to Landon upon Monday, whcrc n_c~tEf1-Citing Coloncfii Garinggg he dc» A1iv<:rcdi.‘tt:.»aSir Ia/an Sugflin, whp c;1rtfcditt%otheI{ingV, am! afitere A wards,M,brought;h1tn4to kzflat the King and Q_Ly:;cnAr:s %I::ar:d;,%ar2d Wiciaixz aidayfl of Vtwoirctx§1rncdtbe .I;f:ttc;f‘5t%a> him mgaixm, whic'hLé:m:::r this Daporicnt the Smmiday aftcr‘*cam’.cd %dawnchim1¢1fu to Goiozaefl Goring to Poxtfmouth. A; N ~ % V V . _ ?'a%1‘i5¢' I2 I;»2twj.%% V V A %That*t%hcr::AWas likcwifca Letter wri°'tt‘c;3 to Mr. E:tm't'mz°a2: Porter; éfligntd by Coloncll Willmm“"Ua'zmfimr'and*¥Celgmcll Fiefdingxvhicfi was to this An ffsttfh ‘to dcfire him :0 infotmc: his“ %Ma‘5¢aie,» that thc 3355 guy‘ was vcry firithfilll to him, am; nL9,doub"*tnccd be: mad»: by his Ma-3 jcflic corucorning their %pmcccd1ngs.V. Tins" Letter Sar Ia/w.z.S'm~£;li.xaf would nofbavm tube: clclivcrcd, but tookichinafcifc, fbrchzxt hef.-2i~c:lf Mr. Porttr kncw nothing oF'the Kings “intentions. ~ W A A A ~ A A3 % % " 7 T0 the 1 4; I mar. % ' That: when became toI‘ortfmouth, C0loncl11G07:ingG1cwcd him‘ ‘ the: flsrcngrh ofthaz placer, and told him, that if thcrc flsould b:::c any mutiny in London, the Q¢1:r-cnc meant to come: dawnc fhithcrfotj hcr~f;3f2::cic, and that {ha hszd {Em him down: money to fomfic it. 7”‘ M. F I; To (/96 I5 Inter. W That what he learned fr¢om"Scrjcant_, Masjmr Wiffik, hcfgot Vfiom him by dcgfccs, as he urgwd it fmm by way 'of,dif¢ourf:; apd tf_3a-t Wiilzé, Sir [aim .Sm:'»l{/in, and Mr. 73“W%”W*, did a3..1:Qf thtfim gwfc g*r’ca%t charge to kmp things fcicrct, and to be v.*:ry»n-archzll to whom ii}: commmgimt::n~i my ttximgt wbfch he accardzxagiy obfsrvcd 5 for he dcAa.1t~ with that: Otficcws thcirc fivepally. ‘ % A fame: C éadiczgk, This Examimtio-n taken in the PYCYCHCG 05 V5; . ‘M V V % ];‘fl}x_ * % V Iwzrzvick. P,“.Hgw.::rd. I , W‘, Hawdm’. .m:. The f¢eor1d;Emmi~nati.mA*fCa'§i.;CI9t4d'l£zg£z.’ A 'j“: 2“;: the 31;; % AA 5- -‘ % ] H3; _ Ag; _; mgggin; it Burmwpxig, fltnlfarcd Au~:—1mth§: Officm . {am cathgng {CPl1§‘0f?p3P$r': Wh1cAh -136 mdeamd t°Wh°m ‘W has: had rascawcd it WW6: arm! film Mr-IWJ” had received -3‘1f1‘0FR the K~ing, A-nd*h¢¢«f%§d'11§~‘°W‘f‘2 ‘mt Vf°“"“¢;‘°Fh?“ *“‘b°‘3¢ ‘hf? Kfng wm a¢.qu,1i»atcd with Md Anm-'-Ad Ewafimvv Farm; Am whcm he thought this King had dcc1ar¢d1n;fl:usAbufincfi'¢. 4 % Ta.th£43;aQx,% A % . A , Ihqt M;.xa»,m;skca him, if ;hmA:mught the: ArmyAwou1a=Luck their 03- A" ' s,Vm«A¢a£:de-ecfiing %I*4%9fi¥1¥*m¢fl;t ‘hW1%d%n¢tAa£rc¢p ;mmr:n4'$£r© A A A A . A % .. .V A Ha faith: filtth£1T_,? that he hm! fat d0WI1¢*¢’1 ‘WE things at writing,‘ which hm; daglarcgql Am thc Qfficgrs I[B.L1rA1"A.0§Nb.371gw‘ andr thought an lgavg. {mt 1tdAawm 1:9 than 5 Lb!“ “P°“»bi““ Cmfid‘ W10“ hm want himfclfc [and read i. tm 0Ht:«0§rAthfiI4;PIP¢fa hilt f¢v¢rally,mdnm‘ to them all togcther. And p2rticAu1ar1¥» *1?“ ha 1‘ *'-‘id it *0 Licvtczmnr: ECDIORCI1 fixzélarrl. and m Lisvtctmant Cfi11A°BE11L5i”ffi?fda That he did not acquaint thcm al1Awithit,Aa,nd thc mgfon why he chd not, wggxbg, 4;a,!»~1f$ 11¢ conceived ibmc W61‘ “ “F ‘3‘°”° Iéfigfimfint than others, and fittcrto bgtruficd with mattmrs czf fccmszxwo A \ ' ~ 4 5 _ 14¢-‘Me: czgud/fly... _Ag3'g;4;, A % . A Waram/hi 4 A j A “A W}. 574:; +4r:.d_Sm.l:.% Howard. ‘ A ¢,-...u-,‘,_. -=A. -*«~.'«; ~-, v‘ ~: ' ‘ -1 +. I‘ -': n \ ‘ ‘ '1» .. ..'v . A ‘ « : ‘a ‘ -A‘ A.‘ _. r'A~ P M " ‘ I ‘V -W‘ " ;_- '~. ., AA “- ‘ -.11‘, v.~-"A.. . v- J. "- -' ‘-'r"" "“ A " A). Tlizé Emmiamtiw ofThém:s Balhrd. L#'¢"WW«¢#t% Calaymelim, téw Lmsal Grandifon; wzkrn Ma} 1 8. I 64!. % % - T0 I,-};‘»’d‘5‘ I 99 A ” Hat he did meat: at Buyrrczwbwid ge,bci'ng {ant to by Captain (kid. E-lay, and none what; but he Fmznd there ScrjcantAMaj‘or Wilffi, @134 dfivcrs othci" Officcrs ofthcfflrmy 3» 11133 W38 fbmctimc inApr1’l1A .E;a{t,:as%I1c: rcmAe1nbrmth. A 4 V A Tam 635) To the" ac). A Tha»t*Mr§ did ~p1?‘opog1nd¢fio~ him»a¢rwdén@13'_qpofi;c1@1j$, ,vv}gich‘Va’s * ht affirmcd... hcc did receive from My. H ¢-my Iirm n, and from anothcer ‘great: ma.-:1 what} he might; get maxng. Captain: -C id/4.9! fi1rthcr (aid, the. t M.[cmuym told him than he reccivedfithofe p1=op0fitions;fi1om thc_King;-But Cbidla} told him fixrthcr, %ch;mwhm.%hc% kwiflgd.nhc,Kimgs.ha1ad,,1ais4Ma:;?fPéic A V V fi7a.id«nothing%to himiof any fitah;;propofiti»o;i%s..,4 pxopofitiph was Thachc flmuld not acquaint eaither S>i‘1:,V Idaafi T..¢‘Iflof;"%.¢y¢,»ci~a:4Si: 109193" onjem with anything ofthis defigxzae. A Th e~i'Eco1ad, than1ftherc~~W¢rc%occa{1on,tfic Army flmuld rtmowc their Qgarters into Notti1agham~fl11rc,;whc1='e thc Prince ar~1€l»t_:h¢ Eaxlk: 0f New--(;afiIc% fhould meet them ;with% a%tho11f;i11‘zé{ Hoxfe. and all the French thauwcrc _in~London;fhouldi bee m<:5un;tH,: and likcwifc‘mm::~th¢m. Theft propofitions wvcrc read by Cazptéiine, G 5:41;}, out.oFa~papca:. which hcc fa;1d»Im,had*writtc1a « him“felf5:,, t11~inking% to have fem: them dpwnc ; but». upon bccccr’ co~nfidcraj:ion\ 1=ieebro.ugh:~c11cm dowm himfelfc. That-V%thcy{ likewifc fhould clcfirc, that Co'1Qn€H“Gm‘M V flxouldbw the Licvthnant--Gcmcxall to the Army :4 There was likcwifeoi fared a.~:Papcr tmhis‘ cfi9'cc?t.« as ‘law wVas(thcn*to1d,.'I«‘l'rat'1f th'c,;. Kifig would ‘Mid’ Colomrll Gamng m«»bc: Licvrcnah:aC$c£1¢ra11;%% they Wou1d2*¢Aadccpt4of” him 5 “which Paper km, this Examinat, reffufcd to ream or to.+fer his»hand to it: but heard th‘:m:>'%divcrs others figned it. He further faith, that there was no ocfict Pa :7 pr-opoundcd to him to be figmcd, nor to any other to hisA'iknvvicdgc.; 4 ‘U€“fuf1:i*1Er’fi€ith;;thatthiSW:15“Fnet d"clwiverEd‘1=,o“t¥i¢ Orfi... cars in hpubliqucz. but fcvcrallfy. ' % A A V ’ M f ‘ A ’ ' _ Hc likcwi&< fluid»; .TZhat‘prcfgnt1yyJa~fi&f CoIone1lA‘I’awafbW fa~id:pub1:i1sr¢- I , that hcc never con£'cmc'd to thgiz-:pI'0p0fiti011Si11his hcarp‘, and dcfired uh"ca::¢* mighn hta;t‘t1fi£ft‘I1?:%¢i1*l1!7I1‘f!Clifl[C1y~5 A vx1hmfl.t‘u4}3Gn“ they :£?rt’d‘d ufgbaa a %l’m2¢IIi«I‘lg::* ’at AYarktha%433U£i% that ilhfirfi _ com: a (Sewn:-:a?~.I Vsrmt ~wc»-Md biiwg thxrm m¢‘mcry, 6 35) 9**k‘:EwAriiinatiawwaf 0»P'*"*' I-¢%ggs%raks:n 5/,Z*7j.:ifi""f 18: f 1554?: Totlaeigfntcr. V _ % . Egfaitha ‘That 118:" heard of a mating at Bun-o wErVidg*:,Vbuft,wgs g=1'Qt'thGTG prcfznt, but was prs:f:::¢nV¢ 3-; anothcr%mc¢tV4ai*Yg5 tk “g aftcf, where he was tc*>ld‘tha%t% thc §<_Zi:itg was n;2yt~";LwfcI1 fixti%F-3 E--:dv§“Wi‘th‘thC aFFc&ions of the Officers to 1a:s{awi1cc;% and ; thcréfxzgrc ‘ D *1-t“r¢5‘"{hOugbtfit, to make a Dzclaration of their %rezdim.5fl‘e:’«§to%'fcrvLc A% »}i§s4Majcf’c:Ic; whxch dcclaratton was accordmgly drawn;-, burnot finding any gt-cat canfc~ fcxrit; it waaaftcr torn¢.9 ~H;:c f'u:tl1cr‘fi;i:h, A -That the“nig%‘ht 4b¢fore4thc. smearing ya‘t.Bu:r rowbrid gs, has fpoigcjwvigh A gcwtairae C‘£zid:’ajv at;%Y*orI<[, 1wl:o“pc.rfwaded him miagec to ~B"m_frci»”w~ brid gt", whm hr: ‘had propefitioris _to impart to the Ar1a1y;;"f‘bujt~;th§s Examinatc ‘refufingco gas, has: vqould not acquaint him with tbtmaét ~ ‘%;ha{*z~i%m¢ ..«,3_ but tgfld thcm that &c;?1vzcxj’s Lqrds and Offiqers czf vtlm Ar... ;my;::»wcwrc:% .?a%1I<:nro&"A from ;the mug. mxm:mg% ‘ithc; Ea {la A ‘ A ¢ . N t)fE1fl§.’:X"5Vthc Ea ricof NCAWp0.:1"t!'9 Cemmrfhry any fizrthm‘ clifc:our{c:. » A . M. Y A ’ Will. Lagg, ;~‘_ ?”(%é’E .fic‘¢zi}e‘di21:?tz'a2z»af Calme/ZVavaf<:3ur, t4'k_m Jr} 2 9 bf/115% 1 _ % ‘ ,- V‘ %HM :IT1£C*“£§Z1g at BtIr_r0W;bri%d gc, Sc;r_j,cant §)i7",FV.z;f;[y_3;»:m-%3d_»; _ _ N _ M1256?Q§‘fi7r:&':”‘17§»:'th5;zfixi'5*th,~a;:_ _ Ban; A1A1amcrzr:%had ta kcn " grc.at mix: at the :L£:trV::rAA’?wAE=ei¢I'x ch (M14; A “ ;: ;>..«t:ir;1c< :62/maflgj, mt Curic aF”fh€‘m,%jM fttiihi V % wrifigczi upwo my Lord‘ of Now1:mrr1bc¢r§and‘;%‘. and % mat ;,hg{¢wW15m_ -fjadj money fromthc P;aArliam;.:'ntj&Foxt.%thg,;pr¢f;m:.,fl M V, __ . H '1 Em: ah: Kmg Wrmuld ta = c é'r[ve.:ry Km-1} ,1? he migszht tC£'CfV¢ afl'ur}(n¢§ %fi12e1lVmmfor. A This Extttttizaatiotl taken afotc Vs, »2:»1;sorPi11t1eceS;read, to Qflfbrtli,‘ 'Ot1{}1aHAhCOt}Jmfl&11d£h€‘C;1"3E:.:.111 Y t ‘ V 5’ Ir A A t or N,[;tfier offhch {hip or Pimmce to reeeitge him;-111d his {etvants atld e::.t-A- try him:t1to‘F“rfmcc , fbr ‘whéchthis afh ;;zA1l_lj2e;:: :.t_Awm:tant to "£11C;Ca«';M;3in or A» M;1flCfhy0u‘lfiaY i~:amp1«)y, :11itietA}='t2et*eot“y,<)u t1_oAt they we n0th'tofa.'11e as yam 4 mwill ahiwer threcomtrah1'y at yo%:,tr% pexeills. ‘ A A A A ‘ ~ A hGtvenatW’hi::e.-E-iallthis14. of.Ma2},ex 64 1:; t'7"aham'hTm_/fjv mm’ I/1?’e/2.55../atwlt a5?e:m4z%2£h % A Gc*:.d1‘ge Goti..ng G'o'o'em:mr of '1’arWm.w:!.e F53 %— e TH’e - . ~‘-* ’ . ' \ v ‘ by '9 j. _. 5. ~ 3 C V ("1<3:8::"B % W/i;Zz’i.¢m£egg_.,takenr uporn ‘ath before“ 4 f A tImLQtds~ t>mt.m1ttc:@sr uptn rhharurduy: charge; of Ofitrbcr, 4 1 6 4 A h To the lnterrgr A fArth~, Thar hcc doth know Matter Dzm:‘elh0#:mle who wa.s~rS'erj::t1m=_ 'M3)0T“_m‘ Sir * 10/MC ammi-rt ‘, doth not tcizrramely rémsemhcr thge prccffc 133313 going‘ 50111 ’th¢tArmy to“ Londu11,noar ofhis.rctumback, hut: heltcvcs . He‘ rctt11'nedrhab0ut‘r‘.Ir>mh: andlmfir. A r ‘ Tat/aenintrb. r r t t That he: was at YOrkC_W1‘.1€1‘l the f'aid* Mhaflfcrt Okzeale re-rurncd thither from Londrsn, and can fay no more :6 thistni.nthrr¢Interrg. A A w ‘ ‘ " Ta t/aetmr/1.4 ’ 4 That there was a‘‘Pctition ” preparer! to bet: dclivered to the parliament {E0111 the Army , which confifiedd‘ many particulars,‘ as to mew how much they fitflrzrcd for want of Martial! Law ,4 and for want of ay,-gnd A m;mMina~rit0n C~arpta»i‘ncr bccaufctheirprincipa1lr,Officcrs werettoramnngfi theme’, and" tr cy tdr-Mr Iikcwifefét forth in in, Thtattasgthe wrfedome ofthc King glidt mopcgmr witth ttthb~P“arIia;mr:nt,t 550 they did thopt: . the‘ j P”arf‘1axn*ent‘ would‘doe A fame- thing concerning the Kit1gs’Revcrmc; but faith he doth not remember What: the particular was which was defired, and further that thcy heard ofgrcat rumultsabqut London, and thcrcfbrc ofiércd thcmfclves to fcrvc thctKing' <9ttd Sir Wrath Ldfijgy, and ;toldt;himtwtithtal1 hate is .;a paper witha dhirtéti t,%L ‘yeti:-knbw the kmpc Pit -fccmt, 1ha,vg“?{}mewscd it tca mi) .ho&y_, if there he ma *aV,¢'A~mi Leg rim Latte; to none but Iazcofi /if/'oz'.c] , iifwo ff. ctcers, C. 1?. he and oftlie Letter $1 clircafitionl ,% I gsoimmziml you tlmt you fhcw Iamé .4?’ V ‘ «Ir, % A T Flee fiirthcr faith, he: knowes not f?0f‘wl1olle lmnéi. aboveichi9‘d11‘ee7tioxi were fit thelh V hT1*1o ’Eixaminat‘io:1 of Sirjlblm Corz7im,‘t;::iIcen ~z,;p’or.z OM11 before the Lords Commhittoes upon ‘ Prida;y~t._ho 29. of Offpher 1 6 4.1. h A thefirfi fnta.-‘rag. He faic‘h,thac helcnowesvery wc1IMafier Beach! 4 C.‘~T\Z;e.4z!c, who was Sergeant Major to his Regimen: , chat the iéifi ‘ -Neale came up to Londonahouc awméar Iafi , and returncdto the hArmyJahout Midfu mmer. Ta tl3efi°co;m’_,Tha%t J\7e:z!e,.a1”ter his return to the Army‘ in Sumhmorg {pa/ke twice unto this E:~ca,mioa,nc of :1 Petitxon to be {Ems fi‘om“the Army tothc’ Parlihamezxt, and mid him, that hecauic they did nozknow if him--» “fe3{c woufd confént umo it, they would firfi pattitiom him, that he would approw: of it, but that as ycrthere mm hm: Few-'I1ands to t~hatPetitio11~,‘ which was to he p1'efErrcd to him; and thczreforc wouid not {how it him. Ta tlaefozzrt/3, That the {aid O..}Vmle, nféd pa-rfwafions to this Ex... mtninam, that hee would Ihrve the King , that ii‘ he ciidnot, he {hould bee A left alone, and vvouldbut ruins hixnfelfle , for that allcha-:Troups under him were that way enclined =That thcrefbre he fhould adhere to the King, and got thofc wayes that the King would havo him , or words to that effccft. L h 7;, Z-63,23, 'g‘1m; hg {aw 3 pape1*,containing fomedircfiions f'o1ia‘De claration to he fuhfcrihod unto by the Ofhccrs ofchc Army : which paper was in Sh: fizcaé e/1']l9lcyx hand; he faich,it was long, containingcwo fides of 9. Human of paper or ::hr.:rc:about: the effcéf whc-reofwas fomething concer:1i11gMarciaIl Law , and better payment for the Army, toga” thm“ with form other particulars; that it was to ‘be: direéhzd to the Parliau mom:, and that there were two Letters, om. L”. R. at the end. That hee doth notlmow who hmuoht it unto Sir Yacaé c-/:ffl.4lcy*, but than both of D _ k , . whom were very mmsh troubled at 1:. He fzmhh furthcr,t;hat:he~rc was a A dirrefiioo at nhgcmd ofthc wri:ing,that no body {houid {he in hut’Sir Id“-h z."o5'.AflJ[€] ; zmdh the two hitters,‘ (1 Pwere as hee remembers tothat dircfiioxa , hut whcizzhor before or after that direé"tion her: cannot a‘f'-A firmer , Ta t/ocféwmt/9, Tlmt he neverh heard Maflcr 0~Nezzhiv}1i1nfEIfc fpcak of his goingt<:>N:rvvmcaPclc, hm: that he heard it from others , and as hee mkcs it from his with the I.*.a,dy‘Caa2im' , and that whofocver ithhwas phat mid him £70,, told hiin wizzhall, that O;Neale‘himfc1f€‘ {aid fa. " Io.'(E>m’m~h G h A A A o$'hL;«. (__4“3)t The feco1.1dcxamtu1at1on o.FSiAtf Io/522 Confers“, taken beforetthe Lords Committees 1.1pon SatuLrdaythe 30. of 0*é?0éera T0 tlaefemrtla inter. That..Mafi~‘.‘I‘ 0~N€4[$ f35df0t3131“ . that if he thiw t A ~Ex»atminant,had {Eager} VVCutJ$£13{3V$'AI] to Ch%K3-t~3g.,t'h€ Kxing wcxufd have vs-'1'itt€?tn to htizn, and t=héI‘efo11'chc ctonceived , this Exan1.ttin;mtH1ot:1!tt'f doc‘ wall to write mm the King; to which the rcpiycd, That he could not Fervc.-: the King. in that vpc-int,‘ and thtercforc he thought, it would «be? ofno ufr, to .tr4rm1b1~cth(2 King with his Ictcem. A A To t—t'9efifri3, That tht: papermenttioncd in hivs531‘mcI' cmmination to have beam Aféeng: by him in Sir Imam /fflfileéysthtatnai,tconttaintcd ditt~€t,jan5 for a ;Pt::itito1a 101% pt'eti%2'atcdtto the Kjngzmd Patrtlimzcxat : inwltuitcth ,AA wax aclmafé EOIIIES eflfcét , Thar whereas all mm otzght to give: God thatnskts, for p1ittiflgit‘i~nt0'th~’.’: Kings heart , to condiftzcnd to th~édc13:trcs of‘ A the Pa.r1iarm-mt, rm: or3:ly:tO dclivwr up urtm them many of his férrvants and*0ther5,.Wf1o vwzrr: mere unto him robes at tlwir difpofing _., but .1112.» - ‘E'Od0€many£hiI1gS,VVhiCh noncztof” his Anccflors would haw: confczzmrci‘ ¢ m«>A, as giving; way tothe Tricnnuzzil PAar12amt:nt:and granting many A 'W:;h:&r>th_ingS For thegcod ofthis Subjttfits , yet z10tm*ithPramiit1gifbmctun w".bt:1cnt {j>i'rits,backt byfrude and ttumuicuous mcchanick pcribnsflivczntcd tncnttftto be £&tisfi'ed,but would havethc E0»:-aflwfu bvcrflon ofthc govt-rzzmtrsn t Vf the "State, thatthercfore the Army,“ which was fo osrderly ,_,<§.;ovcrt:acd,,AAA motwithitanditng they had .m*martialiLaw, and H1 p.‘.£:VtnC'13t , and but flew A=fi§.ccrs,A bcingofibgooti comp<;>rtmcnt, tmitght bc ca11c*dttp to sattcndi the perfotzt of the King a«ndPar1iamcntfor::h<:ir£bcmr§ty.This*Examimmtt f.mrhcrI$xitht,t:ba»t thaw were many other %pafl'agestin this tPteti:*1o,n “'w»bitc:h Em: dmh not nmw rcmcm‘bcr,, only that there: wasfmm: €x;prc’1’7fic‘t1%0f'a~ dt5firC,tha-thath Armic’s.fl1out1dAbte dtisbatnded for the cafl: 65 the King» =dt0m‘e;;tt'a~n-d fiktcwwiffita :diI‘t‘&§0n to procure as nmny ofthc 0~flT1C3C~1'S handt',, A 3.-3=€0%‘i1‘1‘d be gt:ttr:m.t A AA A . 4 1?‘ .’v‘t'15afi*!v#m«:6,%Tth1‘at heretmem bets we! it was not sh'i$~iWifc,bl1tt -Sti‘r1..szcaét A W ..a§§flrz!ey,tlaat faixzi ‘Ttohim th‘o1E: wprds.,'@- N,ml,g0es ,0: e.I‘feO-Nwzltlh.ith he % ”% wiiléqgo t0?*1cVV~~Ca1HE;bUt which ofthc {sayings it was,he doth not wt-1 re" A membcrgbutthith he replitd to .it,“that (9~2‘(ea»l,faitd,notthing tottthimbFclfmr.% A TbisExamin‘ant f'mttth.nclon about the time that the King cameteugt of the North to the Parliament; and that he r€itl;zi‘m:€l' agai_ntoA thc;Armyi about that time when C otnmiffary Wiimatand the other Scmldiers weft: committed by the Parliament. A ‘I e To g‘l9c:]Ecamd.That the {aid O-Iifmle perfwaded him this Examillaht to take part with the King, or fomething to that purpoie; and that thcreug... A «Em this Emminanc acquainted the Lievtenant General! with it,and pres-A=A= iéntiy repaired to his own Q_u_artet, to keep the Souldicts in order 5 where he ii aid not above two or three dayes,till he heard that 0...l\[;¢ZtwasAfled. . He further faith,t-hat 0.'1\(;.ala deéltwi-th him to have the troops move ; To which he reply:-rd, that he had received no fixeh diteétion Ftoml1i3ASiu- A pcriours, nor from the King :And chatthen he oifi-red him a paper , Amid preffed him to fight: it 5 whereupon he this Examinant asked,.if' the Gene- rall , or Lievten:1ntGenerallhad figtscd it 3, to which 0. Neale anfweting they had not, he faid,th:xt he would not be ifo unmazmetly as to Figrle any thing before them, and reftifed to read it. He. faith likewifi: that Captain Armflrang was ptefent at the fame time , and that 0%-lvkale ofihcred ittttai him; who looking upon this Exat-ninant,this Examitaam: did {lmke hib head at him, to make a figne that he lhould not doe it,and withallwent A out of the roome : and Armflrwsg afterwards ref'ufi:d itigiving this reafbn, That he would not figne it when his Colonel! had rcfuiéd it; which hec told l’.l'll8EAXa1'1‘Ji£‘1ant. V V A “ V To the third l1el"aitl1,That O-NImle%tnlid him he had very goodatutho-~ rity for what l)CdiCi';l3uE did not tell him from whom. A A Ta tlicféwntlo. That Malier O-Newla told him he was to got: toithe Scottiih Army, but faith he doth not know forwhat end and purpoliehg; | would gothither ; for that he this Examinant fhutmed to have guy thing more to dot: with him.‘ A , A "FauliQHiin¢:k.r. A The E?-4'a1?7?1.f}£it1‘0?3.0_]c Sir Willi-amBiaAlfour Lie=vtei2;mtAqf the. i t 70W£7',tr¢.-i{_€J¥ tbcflrccmd qffmzc. i A AA AA r om.-firit 1:uAterr0g.hefaith he vvzis commanded to receive Ceptain and Lzhat he was told €3’1f~‘}’ flmuld he under his commtzmd.e C V Billiaggflc; itltcbthc Tower with too. men forfecming of the place, G 2 . h A73 (44) ~ " A % 2'1? €5‘¢j3“=*¢:ami§ Imtgrrag, he fZ2;it:h,Thc E 521*} of Scmffmd told him it: wmuwid % be dmwgmsmm rmaf7i: he £3aou1d~r¢fi.xi?'ev-m lat: cimm in. :3*‘mk¢:;~,£»;£2~dj fmcrmg. referrczlu hi1nf?r1f”m the Former dcpmfitions of V the three women, taken bcForc% the Confiablc ami himl'eff"; And f'u1'z'x‘m: faich,Tha.ttheEa1flcWof"Straf?ord himfclfe, aFcerl'1chzu:!'expc:>Hu.13tc’. ' E “ ;¢’c'Uil't?'; ]afl%€s,V‘£adfwOrth 12565 at the I922/;',r’é.v/l4'0a.?2e 2'22 4 ;fig¢eem5w;fZ":reg;§A 41? Cocktrts /:4a2z/T." a }qym2i'di‘z2er.r 0ffi¢‘erJ gate, V V % wlvic/5 1}: I157: 2w.1.*t daorc’... _f39‘é.-‘Y. »L2‘.2%zaif§/"a % W " »z§;aps‘.Kir£1. Die Lflzfartzfs 4“-«’£»v2’.¢zz'2r‘ 1 541 . , " that Sir _§'?m{m .5't»zc::{'ling- m'as?raifiz1g«dF$Ofi9cers fax‘ :h"rc'c Ragimcmg V ' L. fo1'Porc1zgaIZ: and faith that her: this Examinanc was at the I3’orrug:2;I.l' ;£-”_gmb:xfi“aeia2u1'ss on Sunciay 139:, ant-‘1dE1”)€:'fl.£hE4.Amb£tH~ad0!.2.1”%C.OM.hiITl%th :1[2 htknew not Sir feign 5'i!£‘ii;g'.4;?:*_g',.- amr a ray thing at all of Sir%]{9é~n .5’z4¢@é;g‘gy zraifing ofmen For Portugal}; and aha Ambaflhciour himfE:~1f"had,%no Com-~ m§i'Ifio.n ,;ormas:;f~’or any memgmhchcarciom:.of4P$o1~cuggI1;i % 713%’-45? ‘fuefaay we I 1,. cf A a}, 154.3 % "3 hr: it; xzax31yzzmzQ:14Qf A .ZL~:3gy;m. E‘ E was upon Ea{%e1jEve1aPc, and !”cvcraIj1«citncs A{§im:%e,troubIed= by V * Capcainc Billiwgflzy to exxrcr into an expedition For Partzgazll'v.*ith Sir _7a.5W 5S'z:¢ck:fi.v. And when this Examinzmt told him that he was lWa]r:‘H'.iCS fervbant, and could not gee without leave, Captaixae Bile A iinzgfley bid him take 1-10'C:M‘«f_fO1'that, he fldould havc1eaveproou1'<':d,% sandfixrther-dv1'ircdlmimrogctasznany Canomzcrs as he could. ¢ 6 A % Nzis Exaxnizmtzt doL:bci‘z1gfivvhcther they’ wc1*c1L33d be with than that :‘xif;‘}1£ at !:}1z.€Spa1‘I'ag115 Garden at Supp'c:'::% w~hr:1'cof'this Emzninam faVi1ir'1g, Capmimi Z5’W!?1j2fl¢’)’ 5011103 ag%:ziz1e%wr hisluoufiathc Mmaday morning, and not i'indinghi1nr.hem, Icfi: word; %“stZ%’x:1t hc%1mzH; m:'cd5* come to the C0vcncGa%rdr:L1 to Sir Iain 5:¢cé_./':2.:g'.r 1<>dgiz-pg, which accc»rding1yhc<3§d ;» but noz%fi.nding 17:11:": there, tllcihxrnmg my 316: w:zswit4h C:1ptai:1‘I$2'lz}'mgflcy/at thcDogTTm'er11 in X/"4.7<3i"L~rs*2in{3z«.=:x'.,, at which timrr h<:*cii<€f”.:v.1thc3r appoint this Examizmnt upem ‘»/Ved1‘zc17d&y». “E-E.‘3p&'c'sx‘;1i.{E:‘ ‘Six’ '0/.774 5’tzc‘~:’{_/i»"a;g»21 171ccci:1g”at thc»«DoEPI3iz1 in Cx‘ayesIrm-¢‘.- }azwz1?;:c:mtz1i:‘.:c«::»f'cE*x-:_~<:}:»::,wc1<. in the f’on:~nooz1, wi“:c~r%c%zhe fzm-c: daycamm fimwcthmy 27n(’..H.‘¢Z.’ which w'@m::pp(*;i2*:tnd by Sir ]m’.:v;2 L€fi[[';{z*[i;féZ’~.and Cap... mizm Iii!/sag:/lay ; but zwizhcr Siir Ia1~;:s*s:a-.<~zzmg or Btliisagflgycaanc, oztiya there: v:-mm: «me and gxwcz tlxca-nu x'zmn:"_«,r, ,amiV 1?.) .difl11.3ff them for aha; p.1‘ef:m:. ’ ‘ ‘ L '1”i1i5I31x.€;min€M1t f1zrtl’3er.‘»%{Zaith», t1m»r_CIz1ptais2c Billing}/2Lfy.E:av%§z1‘g no2;ic-xv that he had {Esme Hozn of'r".mnes cvfhis rwrtm, toici him, 31: [a1::r;Ezzm§;[éng1_';% "Vv:cm11«:::3 may tI'1cz'r1%;2M,i‘f7%he p}ca{§:cicc>.»f<:31tE':mn. j ~ _ Capczmm Bi![zng_fl¢y Iik ewifc told this E 1=eamin:.} mt, :12 at Sir ..9"c-.?m ;€»".m~:*x‘Z:_;ij_» iizgg; had furrzi~fl'1s:ci hisnfi;=it%.fo1'xnaam:y, ami.a11x'm2 comiparzy. A AA ’ A V . lab/*3 LanJam.;» A Q -’lr"1"§3'-‘ A (46% l Qgartra die M.4i£,A 1 64-1., A L1l»t.tZe.!7E—t;.J 1\7z¢tt,wifc‘t$f William Nat: ofTowct« Erect Londcvn, Mex» ” charxt, and zfam-e Barpfi; ofTowcr-fircct afbrcfald widow, fay, cl-mt .cl1ey being slclltrmts mt: ilectthe Earle (if Stmfllard, came to wane V}we;r_ . Wife offfhamm Pfizer Clerk to tl1e‘Licvtcnant ol'thr:.- Tower, whof: l.odl-tr A ging being mate mthc Kings Gallery,whete the faid Earluléth to walk, catricsd them to a back dome cf the {bid t’3allcry,thc (aid Earl with one: other being than walking. Andtlwy tluttze being then there, and peeping A thmugltthe Rey hale and 0£l1€l‘pl3,C€Sr oftlwc doors to féc the {Enid Earle, t did beam him and the f51i(l.ot§2et party cmtfcrting about an tfiza pa, as they cltm1ccivcd,tfayimg, that it mufllbc clam: whtsn all was tlill, and asked the faidpatty Wl1E*I‘c.l1iS.brCEl1er5{l‘I.lp was, who {aid {he was gone bc-thaw it‘), A the River, and liéarld him fay, that ltllfiy three might be; there in tvvelvg homes, and doubted not toefcape iffmnc thing which was {hid cancer» ning %t'hc_ Lievtenant ofthe Tczszvet, were dent; butwhat that was,ttst A lalfo vvhete they might be in twelve homes, they could not hearc lay ma.-s fan that vvl1cn‘tltsty vvallctd Further aft] thcy could not pctftéffly heart. Andthc {'aid-"Ms 1Vm‘ttta.nd Ms Bardféy fay, that they beardt the {aid Earl t then fay, that iFtl2isFox:t ccmld l1>ttfafc-:ly_guatd¢d or l'&curc:d for ltlatce or V fotzte months, thtrjte would come aid enough : and divcrs other words tending to the pqtpofts afotefaid, which they cannot new remember. And further all of them fay that they hard the faicl Earle,“ three times mention an t£'Z:apc,.faying,tl1at ifany thing had bcendone , his Majtlly A might fafcly have l?:nt for «him; but now there was nothing to be thought ongbut an ef:ape:And hcartl thcfaid ether pattic telling his Lord{ltip,that the outward gates were now as futcly guardcdas-tlwfc within.To whom ’tl“1c {aid Earle faid, thc cafict out cfcapc that way , painting to thc Eaft , .£l-‘the {aid pa1'tyandfomeotl=1ers fhould obey the direétions of the {aid Earle: But"VVl1al;tl10lE2 were: they lmowt‘ not ; but heard the {aid patty anfwmtttthty Wcmld doclany thing hislmtclfhip flwuld cammand; Ann: Ujner, V Max: Bflrdfi}, % j ssgnum, . , 't«.‘»Yiz..¢t. E. Nfltll l t " The The Supctfétiption of the Letter. For my worth’) l’rimdlSir Lewes Dyvcs 1<;g'gla‘::,, l A at the Earle ofBrifi‘all: Iaaxrfir in .Qi:5en- rest-, to Landon. ' Dears Btraflblsr, ' A IV Hope you will have r€CelV€(lth£IQ€ttel' which I wrote unto you from l al30a1‘(lSl1',30I'J# Pennington, wherein I gave you account of t'l_1€‘aCCl--t dent of O—N;alx man, and why I tfnoughtlfitting to continue myjottrnoy into Holland ; goind ilill upon tl’1lSgi'0.'t1£‘1(l,t'l1:itlf' things got: on by way. totfaccomtnodattionjtaay my abfence tl.‘1€K.l!‘lg will be advantaged : If the King (lt3Cl‘£1I‘Cl1llI711l:;.ll", and retire to a faFcp1ace,I {hall be able to wait up?! on him fl“-om hence,as well gs out ofany part of England, overattdtfbove l thclhfvicc whitzhl may doe him ht?1‘§.‘ln the mean time. Bcfidcs »t'lj_l3.t,I found all the Por.ts fofiriél, that iFI had not taken this opportunity ofSir V _§‘a}tu‘?enén~gtan‘: Fotwardtneflo in tl1cKings ferviecfit wouldhave lacenl lmpomble for me to lmvt: gotten .aw:.zy at any other time. A t A I am now here at Middl'e:bot'ot1gh,attl1e Golden Flceceupoo the Mat- least, at 0m: 6’ c'arg.:~"1’c tcrfim: ho~uft%, where I will romaine till I 1'tcc'2vo from you advettifitmcnt of thcflatc of things, and llikcwifc ittllrtzltoltiotus . fi'om_thtir Ma; U t:f’ties_;,v-:‘hich I dtfitc you to lhaflen unto me by {Tome fafo lmmd : zmcrl vvjtlaal.lto ffiilcl‘ unto me a Cypher, vvl1trc.by_ we may write un-« “ ‘to one anot.I_-metr ftctrly; If you knew how eafic a pztllogc it were, you‘ would offcr the King to come over fiat fomc flew daytsyottt ftlfe» God ’l(n-0Wt’:S.l have not a t'l10ugl'}tt0Wal'Cl5 my Cotmttty to make mt: tbIu{l1,'_ A muclt.le{l'c:ctiminall,; but vvht:rcTr:tytots have To great a {way , the ho- ne?! ell thoughts may prove moll ttcafonablc. f A lLet.Di¢kS1aertZay5bc Clifpatchtlt1i’th;:'t‘l‘p€‘Cdlly,"Wit,l3fuCl”i blacltcloathsln ‘aflCll.ltI1LlCI'I53.$ I have: aodilet your letters betlircélcd t0'tl‘1t3 Batonof’ A . Shetbom, fotlgy !'.'l1a12I1a.mf:.I tlimcunktnownc. L‘CtCa1‘Cbf.’t3l(€lTlb1‘Bll”lS-, of Emha.ttg»c‘;’ til/Zidzzylcéuramgb» A A A A Youts. Tot: t (43) % % ”}7*h.::: ;??;3~:ag%%:1§zw9.t£%a11<;:%€ gm ;C1::;~w.m!¢_f3I @»::*z:'zt\..; ta3;<;m4 b£3['(*2Efi ms wh0§7:': :3ar%:1&s& ei‘2fl'«:Le ’ - the ”:z.:2..0f 0€"—?9-'9W,‘ I6-‘H. A ? HO{_b=:;‘iif1g=d113y {worm and lex:«:~.m*incd , faith {That he being at: ‘V Mommofle in the €Cr3»unty of L«rmd<:m~Dm'y on Tlncfdaylafi, he received a, Letter fbom Colondl Hzwgiy Og¢~mac*mwz/Yaoyz, defirizxghim to €Ol‘I14:‘: tbCc51magh in the (§I'oum:y of Mon:1y.’:rzaz'z, and to”bc*: with him -an Vvcdxuefdaylmr "fI1::rl1'3ayl-Me 2 W§‘3€l‘E’Up0$1 he%this%%VExmninaz1t came in «r;-i,~j_*%%;~ir'A5; the faiajflaxgla told ‘himthactherc wcreandwould ba~t§1isI1ig§1t: g1‘r:‘;;:w:t; 2;um- Ems oFNobI~x*nm :mdGemtIeme:'1of:hc: Irifh Papifis, i‘ni::-am M 2'3 r;~h»:r?paz"ts (?)¥thCKi!lg£!0I1%1f3, in this Towns, who with }1i1n‘{;:h‘E: fis:—:::ti:::x"x*x1inrxd to tsdaafe the Came <.>FDubIin , and po'ITcflE' tlwctnfizfves cf’ all h.i:=;:3lVI;2jc3-{W3 .4=’-‘2.:12z1:z11z1is;ic>1zthere ;zmd tomorrow m-owing beézag Saturday : and than t3“1eyin:cuy all the Eng;lifl*z in... halaitizmgti-1c1'c E0 marrow morzling, by ten of’ th€C1OCk';‘ and that in 3.11% the Sea— orts _, amt! Qthfir Townes in the Kjngdome, all the Prc;m:[~1;um flwuld be killcdmis nighi ; and t} at a}1% ti"1c‘P01jtS that could‘ bet: c<-nuldv not prevcntit. And FL:rcher1E1i:§w,Ti1at he moved the {aid Izmglé £0 For. bctamthe excc:.:t:ing oi7t'imt bnxfisacfléz, zmdto dif?;ovc1‘itm the State f'or‘1;he fwing ofhis owncellatez who E-aid, that he could not he1piz::But i'aid,% that they did owe their dueallegeazuce to the King, and ‘wou1d’%pay»hi»%rn% all his Rights, but that thrsy did zhiaa for the tyrazmicali C3o"{7cr1axn::m- was ever rhezn; and to imitate f.~}co°cla.nd, who got a privilcdge by that couué. And he further faith, ”f%7han when he wag wxcb the {aid Hug}: in his Iodg... ing thcfitcond t.imc,thc: féid Hszgla {wore that he fhould not go: (But of ' ' V % % his ; ; V‘ A t A \t A . A ” his 1edgimg'that night’, but (0.3 that he fiteuld gee with hlme th? mowing t0 thé Caffle, ma faid; if‘ this; methx W§rehAd1fc.e§:V¢ted;gh/:~fomAe “;‘.bO§i}’. ihouldi diet: ffltit tMA.whm‘-¢uP¢n¢‘A A this Exaznmant feigned Afome nebeflity em-4 his eafementgwcnt e edowne out ofthe Chamber, and left histfword in paw1i;e,t'and*. A the {aid Hfigfi fetlthwhis man downe with him ; Azjtdwhen chit ‘Exaxninant came dohwne into the tyard, findingAan.oppcirt'uni- he §Ya?h§.§:hi3Ex3’1nifl§l11§‘.]I$?.$PEd¢‘&0V0£:R.W41l and twee paleseg A ‘and A fo‘tA:c‘a1I1etoVthe:Lord Jufticehhrféy u .e ,$ Qfleéttihfl-he Own Ocamrcflfit (‘IA ‘ A A e t ; e:e?f\.fi.fl.%T/Ja:ARq:£v:r£upr. .A t “ ‘ 4 “ A AA * Roi.-. (file;-idu/1%.” A, 7 TheA examination of Marie Pagext Pa;-[on of‘ Morleflanna, xjxeate Kingflzle in Ireland, and Deane ofRo_,gl‘e there A, h3d'A7tl.I1d htaken at;Plingymo(uI2, in the CountyoFDevon; ibAefi,r¢ -hhhjigsmggz Ceegy Merchai1chMaiot of the: Burrough of 'l’lirr::_rtai¢fI1‘af"0rc-3 A faid, ;W'iIli4¢m Birc/2, and lab; ABmn1, Metchants , thteee of his Maj’ eflzies juflices of the Pcacc,within the ‘faid Burrotggh, the fburth day.of (Merck, 164.1. A A A ‘ A A A ‘ V -r ‘V The.>fai.d»_ Examinant faith, that hecamc»tf5tent;~Teiha‘gf/iii? A day was {even-night, m___1dfaith,‘that the Rebellion in“Ira14»2i%'is gencta1l‘;:(cxcept the Port Townes and Fortifications) and iaith , that hce conceivet—h that the Forces ofthe Rebels in Aélunffer ; ishbetweene twenty or thinyt thoufand,t1~whichh lie“ V’ fl€a£C.'Ca7_‘.k§':a.fld Bumdam Bridge, intwo» h§godties.;«:‘wh‘ei=eof the? he :chiefe of me is B:a;to*n”=LuutgI2l4nd, “the Mxéngidrrezeg we .;Lotd Dxnéaiw, and divers other AI.ordsA: V andthe chief: ofthe A -other are Mzzmrtc Rcatb, ‘T edge 2 ddawm: ,A ‘Y1-aye tA£s’:m ‘mu ['fl3;;tm¢r:;Gl.«zckf_r,;a11cl: Macks’ Tbrnqing, and divers others.‘ ‘And yh AA this Exatninant hath; for certaineti heardgthat the .‘E.at:leAAo£-‘claixw ‘ have there :‘ andfiurther laith, that'they3threatenxt1mt atfootse w:£;_4r4h:;is%hiihxzwifeaiixt ~Arme§»A:i‘h1n (;‘annaeuai5t.*.againft3thetfingliflé APrm*efiants_egandmftlaertihith, that.hett=§noweththat jthe;;Re=- bhe1S,.?Ahave;,tVcrye’good int'el1igefnce_ AA out Qf"t;ng1a-11»,{, efall pail» Iitgeshherc, and.fbethe Amotthpiart Ipeedierfthen thteAE11ghl1t M 3$£héY;11$ve rkzofed out4tI1cB-rfifigim gnd BngIi{fmf1crc,td,rin«&-‘ A vadlé Englandg‘ alld; t:he;P:1p1Itk; m Efizglrwd-2 “fixrwhcr A faith; that they haave th‘e;1?eApAes%Legat£ amongft ~rhe~m (fairs th A T; report) ‘Wild fits’ Confiamzly in 7 cauxnfell With%Si‘1*% %Pé«Milvm:-‘ Iffififlilfg (=who% Writes h1Amfs~;~:1f'e how Prince 0mm’.-: Exam his Pa‘;-4 lace (?g4r;¢mwm .1) the Lord /Pleggannjx and divers ot¢hc1.e,,%:$ whcodirccifcd and advii'edAAe.t1f1%e.‘ r?efi:r.nf?'the =R»ebe 1ss~ - And farthest‘ .f%i$;-:h_.%;, hat xhéfl; Ix:/J; .2;1imeba;lsu wan;-r rrhatv they A%V*na~c~% 1‘:-he’? A Kings Wafrant and Great; 8ea1«C‘~for;i.?Whg1t%t.héy «Me»; zandhfz they are his Majcfiies true Subjefls ; and that my E;-gglzy/2 Proteftants are Reb’e1s, andnot they. And further fiith , that the Rebelsdoe generally reponrthat there are threezfiaflibns in Es2g!,.m.‘a',,wl1ereo£‘m1c§.is the:Kings; which confifis for the % moi’: pant ofCour;im‘s:a11dBi~ihops, with fame few Lords and Gentry : Another the Puritans , which is fupported by the Houffi ,ofC;ommons ,.f'o1ne Lords , and the Coqaomtions and“ ~Citi€5,;:in Ewg/and-1 . find the third is the rQgg2cnes, which they fay is Atht‘ grcamfkmgndg confi£?gs pfthc: Cachpliques, fame Lords, rm‘: Pricflis and ].cfuitcs;. ‘E_:>ehcls:~s the txpefiaxicau {hey have 0f.'fQ{1‘1iflfi % fb rc¢s_,:;.; And ‘£art1ae,rwfait11,A that they report Em? %_Qg§enes faétion will fer. acvdiviiioaubczcyveene thc “ A two others, that it will root out bath mfthem an lafc.‘ And fat-em they faa.%im, thaw; athae:1;.£ai«.1;4«A dwé: brarggfi flmtthc iibhms’ fit- fiion hafl1~t:hVe* .c01Iixnar1_d‘ of mcafi’: ?of'5ne Fortlx2s~:an_d.» macs bf England. this Emminam Farther faith, that herknowcth this to be ufually repomzd amongfi thfilmfor that he lived infifielmzd thfiffl two and thirty year.-33,, and »beene;incumBcnt <3f:h,csV[ai~s:l§C2%hqrch4 cighrcem:7 yggtrées, and hath%h£:a1_fd divmmof £J£;1r.ee 1;-1]}: Papifis of «the batter :%i3ort