92/I «a;ea% ~ ?_%%,?i~@I’*@ @’@‘%@@‘ . 3 THE Hunsnrs g ‘ " ‘An % Q f -' L .). 3% %§$$ ‘ ' cfires and Propofitionfi 4¢«_§»&»<$&<%:: flfifi or :5“ " The LoRDsandCoMMoNs inPARLI AM£NT,t€Ddf€dtOHi8 m+4~+++«:~«s¢ fiffififiéfifi I\/IA}.ESTIE, February I. AND ~, LONDON: , \ %PrintcdbyRon::rr BAnx:1L,P:imer"~‘fi ;_"r. to thcKings mofl Excellent And 5 if -,r§-.., bythcluiigncs of]onN BILL. ;«‘~.. @ ‘N 4“H"HfHN‘N‘Mé9¢9*HN9 4’ 5 0 o .\ Q ~ I I I I f I 1’! « ‘ ¢ , o ,. ,- '_ Q. I out ‘;\. U 0 ‘. Q’. I Q , Q L 'a. '.h o -‘ . '9 s ' V -J1‘. \ . ' I --O bga &U\'--‘_. Q The huznble Dcfires éndiPropofiricn§ ofthc Lords and Commons in Parliament A alfcmblgd, tcndrcd unto His B/Iajcfiic - February I; I .6.4 3_.- - Tour N14 Vzfliey mzfl bimzlz/c zmzl fait/Jfitll. uljcam, 'f‘,)l? L~om’.c am} ; Comma!!! in ‘Parlidméiit eml)/car, _ 3' /Jarzzing iizomr tlyouglnxr fl)6"C[0r_y o_ % % V‘ God,]b21rI\/Liflflier Hoflour,am4H2»é % ‘Profperity. Toxtrrperip/e, df}¢’l'[}¢’ '=-" izzg mqfl gricq'/oztfl)rafi7i5t'e.. wit/J t/)e~ »prcfl;I{g IUz]Z’—* tic: % azzd C aldi;/itim: which bzzcze 041'/CF11?/Je,lIl€«'52:r)I!r‘ two 'K_ izzgz./01:1: of 'En.glaxid6 awI‘I.1dcl,:'1‘nd -,$ firire‘ Tour Majeflie, bath, by the perfimjinzo 04):] om»- ccl/ourJ',' witbrlrazvn your ‘5’elffr"om the ’I’arf£a~a flair, rqfied, ‘tgi. Eff?» no flJ€‘I‘(\.- .3 3‘ J \‘ A x . I’ , L 1. . \‘.'.'\'..‘ 4%‘ (2) qfproteélecl DeIinq‘1¢€'7’’’fi‘’”’ ‘'30 7Itflz°ce of ‘it ;7 cozzflraizzingm‘ #0 Wk? A_"””f_5” Th§Defe11cc of our Religion, Lawslhbcrtxgs , Pnvnedgcs of Parliament , and fol‘ the fitting ofthc Parlia- ment in fafety 5 wlJi€lJ Fear! and D4/zge2~: are continued and iucreajerl b )1 the Kaifing , Dramizzg together , and /[rming of_gre_at Izmjzbers ofPapzfl7; mzcler the couzmancl the Earl of Newcafclcf lz'k_exrz'fe by malqizg the Lord Herbert of Ragland, and plher kvonm, Pzptflm, Commander: great Force: , ivhercby many gtie*_voJu 0pprefl.7om", Rm. pizzey , and Crueltie: have been, and are daily exer-_- rijed upon the Perfow Mel Efiafey of Tour People; much imzarozrt blood bank. been fizilt , and the P.z~ piflr ha?/e attained Imam‘ ofcttempting, with hope: ofeflefiizzg their mifcbiet/onu Defigne of rooting out the Reformed Kflliziwt , and defiroyirzg the Profef-. on were : In we manicure and "’”’Pdfl;o;z of thefl B221’ .5‘ , under zvhich Tour People and King- dom lie (according tothe Dutie which we owe to 00.5, rag... Majcflic, mitbe K wgmz fijr w;,,'.»;, we 4"‘ W"‘fl'd J”: "'”fl‘d"’“lyj' 4"]??? , That an ertd ma} be put to tbtfi great Dzfleuperi mid D{'fl;-453,1. 0'” 2 fir-lb.‘ D"f3I43i0fi ‘-which Jqb threat» 4” Tour Majtfliex Dominiom; And 66‘ (3) .45 we ‘grave reqealred , andflill air: remfiz ti) reader W Tour kfcrjeflie that Subje51’ioi2, Olicdieizce 4/261 59"‘ «vice zrbitxb we owe tmto Ton, fa we mofl /mp!-3/If bgfeecb Tour Majcflie to remoq/e the mu/ea‘ 0f 1 I1,’-" FI'}zr , and to «wucbfafe 714' that Peace and P rotec§'z- on njbic/2 we and our Ana:/lore bar:/c omzerl} C11- joyerl um/er Tour llfajeflieeaizcl Tour Royall I’re(1c« cc_[f?IrJ , amlgrariozeflj to accept and grzmttbefc om‘ I7i0_fl__lJ1£fiIbl€ Dcfvrey and 1’ roprjitionr. _ 1- ‘ I-lat Your Majellic will be plcafcd to disband ' Your Armies , as we likcwifc {hall be ready to disband all thofe Forccs which we have raifcday and that. You will bcpleafiid to return to Your Pa!-‘ liarncnt. L U. a That You will leave Delinquents to a lcgall trial 1, and judgement of Parliament. III. That the Pa pills may notoncly be disbanded, but dif- armcd according to Law. IIIl. - That Your Mzfcfiie willibc lcafcdto 've Y0 e _ all afrcnt unto tlie Bill for ‘taking awfylr fupgi-j{1;{§i8zs Innovations: To the Bill for the utter abol’ ° and taking away of all Archbifhops, Bilbo , d-mi, chance}, 10:’: and Commillhrics , Deans , Sub cans, Deans and Cha tars, Archdcacons, Canons, andPrc all unters,Chanoc1Iors, Trcafizrcrs , subtmafurcrs A 3 SW‘-Cclltort, ics,and . (4) Sueoentors, and Saerilts, and all VieZ1rs- Chorall, and Chnri Ftersgold Viears and new Vica rs ofany Cathet{b1ccts cast their aaeltgtqu ~('tb¢ura_23a;occttant;1£:lvg§ton.¢in»Ivi}iclJ $133 19319 xfliemgzbnm-Dafla fagcyrzamiban. ann=to'mm'cvf1}c train me a mtifmgfamfise) -flsa;'c°.1ames, mamas. zanmlcnges aprmlfafetp of aruaanmt-mere to 31$” gctieia arm 2_fta1Jl1t‘£;::D, oz 9 ma to be fq by 1915 W 3’ ,;eIiteb°efn2can99r,mr’mas ymtma znftiétns, ant! jmtg-bgfszcantpmtwniprifitm fox!» '5 Mncfenaeytbflt lftI0i3b1i2gf}8Ilb8;Efl'D8|'Il‘,€I‘.I-‘1III('«fl)8t>‘z':z as mercy to ti}1§ Mflqsxmdl mt 6uf‘£ar)~t3+z ggsxzlz sgsfi w€.’61oon which 1011,! be men, am we baiaiatzcat mute!) 1uu£'ufoilotD.\33tIlI12 u n we "zmhzi tisc 332: fufetfi. TBDWWW £915 3198462 ' i5tefs31ne.i3%, Ema mbatfllccgnznts meter '13: man he comgzciicb ts t=;ca= her D15 liitgbtfi. anb mm: mm: p;0'ip£rBu$o’, fwzsaifc foemzt st (ball pleats @599 to visit’: , £9.32 by $13 A 28131188 centant cfinncabomfitq p_2o'pag31‘2 am pm. suntqttyetruepxotcfiam ficttgtazz, mm by me; go, Btflflfln accefliffis (0 t %h1mmt mamas afciyz mun, accozh.ag to 9:’: Even ’ ' pzmcitatisjzts i1mD;;bcfo;z summit? Gfion. march mitt. atmsms jcmmtablz SNPWMNNQ fl?€:3"’_ gztbwbmcf ibaxrhamm. . obtctbefiifi mmib £11813 ’ C-3!; . ayztebitfimltttfi ant ljazawfi fuzme Ieafmcz mm! matntenancc of tiyofz -. 6:12, azaleas iagctcrbatxczt of mum) lads 35.9.1ze£tw mmmoma t9 the may founbatum an} mum to: me true $)app:mtI;;nf 9:11: am $¥:’I"I3¢°P"~ RINIS. 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