%®@@ §:é.g§a»¢asssa~aass2.5;g2.:aa % 6 £1‘? . "'55 THEAHUMBLE é:sPE‘; ITION §§ In Parliauzent Affemblcd, T 0 T H E ’ E3? /0% % I N S } Mofl Excellent Mjeflie.'% _ J For afihcification between H is M A] E S T ‘ J * ~ and both Houfes. T - Vcnerér ffilii 15. 1642. , ‘ Ordercgl by thy Lords in Parliament , That thisfitition be forthwxth Printed and publiflacde — - ?0. 73 R 0-W17, [leg Parfo a%£?5wm@*a%~ Larzdon, Printcdfar g /1i(7Em 1642, LORDS and COMMQ,NLS°% W §":;-3 H v _E- "V».,.¢vr - “‘.' Y. ,."' 4. I1. - ' 5 -' 1 V " ‘ - ' . ‘ ' ' % A - T 0% T H E 1“. ‘ ' . ' . 7. V-5 . ' W % M %% ‘ .H0mblefP¢t1SI9n%ofche*Lords % % atid’1C<5tht‘nbns"iij pa}11amén:%~%Ax12m51gd..% \ 41.;";;z 2‘u;'5~J ; ‘ _ §% ‘A , «hum”b1e‘ ind frutli u11‘.%sub)‘e;sts, thea- , F;'I3017d53!?3"‘C6ih rfi’bhs iiiAParI‘.'°7xnem . ‘aifézpbfed uav¢,b'ea§ M,» % pp). ; % %x;ifrfiéhy?fe%7m%ér1>eemofis: ‘Sup-' \ _.‘ .' ',.. ':' 5;‘-.“'.'f _. V.,,,. r;', . .:V .-,__-‘._.g_;__‘ .;_V_‘.-W5 x % %%'P*‘¢“?‘°*?3,¥F’ 37.0%” 5431?“ VVh€r¢1n€vs{havc — Areprefcfzfgd our ‘dut; lTA~ff'e§{iong,~ ad. \ N A J vifing"ahd* 'cf't?li’r‘1°‘1'1g‘*"tI‘2o!E§’f‘1*1‘xi;_93’s ‘v€iHi2fl'1% hem .‘ 2 moft : _ ‘iii 2re3t7{."_. rfifia-ations'f"for Wargéiboth King?» A om ;“&'on ‘ rom beyond the §eas; db’V’Arrns and violence to +ov_eg—rule the Judgement and; Advice ofYour_ gfeat Councell, and by force to . determine the Qgellions there dependihg,cou- J .~i1‘§|i— (;§oycrmn;'e11te;,ajn;d*el Eibertyear the i—e 1 _'.' ‘I, ’ 4‘. if .‘ V i 6 , ‘V.: (4) V £31c2fiE‘Be<:e"fT§1'y1l"or the pre ferv21.ti.o.u of Gods {rife e Religion , Youv Majefiieys fztfety and H onoi_1r,,. - and the peace of the‘ K'iyngiom».5» And w~i»th»mucl1- ‘furrow do peggcei\i<<;,‘Tl;;;t our Ma }'efEy,incens”do by many falfe ‘Czilunihiés and Slanders , doth L 4{;0I1tiI1ue~t.() raife “Forges againfl u9»;.._and(g Your L- sfither geacxciigble atldgoyall S ufijefisgandfi make .1‘ ‘R ng o-mi"; "yet fucli‘ is 6iir:e,:irfi”éfF:'defif‘e'of clif- V charging» our duty to Your Majeffy and the % Kingdom, to pr,e‘ferve the peace thereof, and to. , ; E pyevent the; mifegies §Qf;iCiviI grggnongll: e- ‘ *‘Y_our Syubjeéiis ,1 hatirioitwitljfiaindi ' * our-{elves bound to iufé aIlth‘e means; and power,._ which by the Laws and _ConPcirutioor1_seof this Kingdom we afe trufied with forldefence and; , ypjrotoeaion Lhereofiandi of » the Subjeéis from force and vgiqlemce -, ‘ We_ do in thié our» humble‘~ alid, loyall Petition profcrateourIelvesét--Your~ y Majcfiics fem; befeeching Your Majcfly, That ‘ 3 e:m§au~w111 be;pleg{ed‘,tQy.fo;bea¢r, izfid remove all ‘ :Ercp;1ratiohS~and Acitions ofarg,-particularly - he _ it-he Forces ,r-from}iab‘o1xt Hui; from Nexvqdflley. ~.7J?m°§?é» iLI°?*e°-'4» and 1iz'i¢6?l#l1?1'rv;ea i and all“ i _ y mhqyf% : ngjwé hold __. ._ - A,_,.....___A_u._ ’ (9) other Places; Andlthat Your Majeflzy willirecall the Comm ifsions of Array, which are illegall; ’ Difmifle Treops, and extraordinary Guards by. you rai{¢':dj;-~{I'_;l1atr Your Mizjefly will come , ineerer to Your’ Parliament ,’ andr-,h‘eé1rk‘en to i ?the‘ir_, faitl1fu'll7A'dvi{e,3 randrrhulnblc ‘Petitions, ‘ which; {hall -onely-tend t0 fhé‘ defence and ad+Z~ — ‘A vancement Qf eRelig;ion,.Y§ourn owne RoyallHo- jnour and-\faf'ety,‘tl1e' prefervéttion ofour Lawes l and iberriesg And WC.1113Ve b€EII,x_ and;fl1allc- ver be carcfullto; ~preveflt;"znd:epunilfl1 :1lIl.Tu-e .1 mults, andt feditious ’A~6ti0ns ,- Speeches ,; and Writingsg. which ‘may give : YOur~« Ma jefly jufl ‘ caufe Ofrdiflallcoe-apgrehenfion oftlangcirs That Your Majefty will leave -Delinquents étorthe due courfe ofjuflice;-. And that-nothing; done or I fpokén in Parliament, or byany -Perfon in pur- I finance ofi the ‘Commands and Dircétions off 2bothlHoul7:s of Parliamenggbe quefiioned any; i _ Where but in Parliament. ~ L * And we, for ou-r P‘artrs;,7fl‘1‘al‘l be ready liy _‘ ;- _ldow?ne°rall thofe preparations which we have _been«forcedto make for--our« d_cfe=nce. : ‘And for T the T own of-.Hufi?, and the . Qrdinance concer-T L . ning the Milflt"°4,,as«we have in bothrthefe _ar-'“ _ ticulars , onelyfought the prefervation 0 the A r ~ Peace 0_fthc_Kingdom,-. and‘-L-the defence of the- " Parliament, from force and vielencel So we- r tacit willinglyt-leave; ~_;the_ Tow-n‘, cf .H{45 " mt M in the Rate it was before Sir fob?! H0‘tI'9J5t1’71 .:_drew~—- any Forces into it, delivering Your Majfe_Rics~: Magazine into Yovr Tower of London, and {up-~ prefsing L whatfoever hath been idifpofed by us for the fervice of the Kingdom; {hall be ~ ' i *ready.to‘fe‘ttIe the Militia b‘y*a Bill, in fucha: f .w:1y,as {hall be.HonorabIc and fafe=fo"r Your e ' it 1 MajeI‘ty,i mofi agreeable to the duty of Pérlia-= « mentr, andeifeauall for the-good oft%tt11eKing-4 “'7 ¢lom« 15 «That the Itrengtl-1‘ theijeof be nét‘itfipIoy- > : ed againfi it fetf;i-etude that which téught ta‘ be for L * ourifécurity, appfycd todut ‘And; ?' uhaf the Parliament, and thaféewho prc§feH'e and L defaiieé efttill’ ltoépreferve t1aeeP‘mtt{t-ant Ré1}igion; :I ' " " ‘ b‘o”th;in this: R3ea1'm,eag1di ifi-I_7?!Md»- mayinot be" : left naked,e andé indefenfiblcgt _t'éé‘th*c~;t171?il’Cl3’ievous - > ifilefignéss and cruel‘! =attempts*o“FtIiofé,‘ who are ~ ’ ‘ the pi-ofefl: and co‘nfed__e'rated enegfiiesgchjerepfi in ” 1 Mourei Majeflicsi Ibbminiégnsg Fa’r§d"dtf11ei*Neigh- bout Nations. To which”,7 if -Y011t‘M'aiéfiiés ,£0.urf¢S-gand f Coui1‘ceI§‘- flfralbl frdifi1*hefi3£e-f0rth‘te ‘ cantutre,’ We‘doubt.n0t btit€we‘{h21lqu§ckIy—ti x115aket~it'«appearJt0 the woric1=,=t; bfwthe emi- i neacefeasvofitove and Duéy;—\ Yéfif Ma.-~ ‘-jefiies T petfon all ‘f'afet'y‘~<‘-,- Your iRoy’a’!I -’H;’0‘nmt1= and;*GfcamcfTe‘ are much dcerefito‘-Iisitfiiéh our \ own Lives and'~iFbvt'unfes; w4l1ieiii?e¢#E*é;’_‘jd6;,moft' " ; hean:iIyI;I§ed~icate5ande im.-. * pldy<%f6!=. theifiipporf and ineai-nferliar-iéé RI N11 RARE D A 412 1642 % .G729« A IIIIIIIIIIIIIliifiifilififijjfllifillllllIIIHIII University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes Humb1ePetition1642 31 May 2018 Ricoh MP C4503 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. 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