a*4=*¥m‘wwm-wmwwwmwwmwwwwmwwmwwm m9w“w:==§‘“-wiwmam A1» 3;, % ; ", 0 ;.5;_%*e "'~ "14, W In-—I-t 3 % THE HUMBLE +%%“‘ ‘ % W0 F A % Q: The L 0 R D sand %‘jCo M M“*%~ N s ‘$3 ‘ Tothe King;‘,% For‘lcaveV‘to remove fhr: Magazine at Hm’! V -t thc Tower of Lofzdon A "7’ And alfo to tzrkg offthc V Rcpricvcofclm fix 4 ; 2:: ate C‘-gig‘ :mm;d:.4nm«* m%{mh%~w%Ld 4w~+§"4£a. Tvgcther with %His A A Anfwér thcrwxiif "I §:‘§%!> ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘. “I ‘ , x - ‘ M n‘ u, ‘ l v .. > ‘ L V ““ ‘ “ ‘ .‘V‘’'.- '1 ‘ M A ‘ .. 1- V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘wk, A ‘ ‘Luz. _g‘ >‘ “ ,_ ‘ 7-. Y ‘ ‘ . \ “ x ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Aim: 4 I ‘V J!‘ n 13! rvmc A 1:, P&riim'¢r°m Ag ;\ _ ' ' 0”‘? ‘r r ‘J’ fit“. -' _. Ki 3..-waft A xéell i’I‘4wi1c.humb1éPericioh cftheiordsan A I affcmblcd in Parliament. Mafirtg-4ciau:%saraaraiA;%n,;d ‘ A thc« Lords and ‘CO.-m'f_1('fl0fl*f5~ AParHa?-- . %V VA men: aflémblcd, finding thc fiorcs of *9’ ‘ A Arms and Ammunition in the Tower ofLo::;la{2 m,uch4diminifl1cd;AjxA1d ‘t_l3a4t A jthc neccflimovffuppiies for Your A A jeflijes Kingdém-{of Ira-lA4%ml4(fo'r Vvliich they «elm-c.AAbccn% iifued fi:oVmA dhence‘V): daily i-1“1Acrcafc:tAh ;-. :A~ndithat thco‘ctafi‘?nffor which ithc‘L Magazixicplaw c‘c%dA.a?t..Hn!/?i‘sAnow takciaaway 5 % Aconfidcring it will bcrkepthcrc with l‘cfl'e.chargc:ia»nd=Amare;Faf¢tit,a:ndjffianfl :pom"d éhcncc with m7uchA~morcAconvbnitnt:c»Vfor the Era "ivizz;c'of" th¢‘Ki1igIdo3rn ofIrclzmd“;: A A A ' A A A A Thcy:’thcrefdre‘ humbly pmy, Tuba: ?Yo1i»r Maj éfli ”c* =w’illA * ' 3,2! mm Our molt dutifull and loyall Subjcflzs, ‘l~i’c’gratio4ufly ‘p“léa1ed~to givé iVlcavc thAai:‘ the Iaidi ‘j?Arfms, CanAnnnAand%Ammunition, nowin Mag:;z-j -z.ir_1'cfa.t’ Hzdlgmay be *rcmo7vcd% torhc Towfcr A0?’ Lomdzm,,’a"ccordi4ngA%as fl1a1 b‘e ’dirg&e%d by bDthA’YOflf" Ifloufes ?c)7fPa1“1.i*amcn~t; A 4 A A Md Whercfas fix "Pticfi$VnoW¢ix1 New-ga.tcj,arc cbndemf-'-A 'm;dA.to d;ic',a4n d by Your Majcllic have bcfcn »R«€?P'!§:C§f=Cd ; A A A TVhcyht1AmV%bA!yVApray Y’ourA jcflic;xA0- be picaffii cm»: A «the faid. Rrzpric we mary“Abc:=Atakcn A oA£’r,.4'Aan-d'V ¢th€.'fat'i d A ~_;F.1*i»;,§fis exégutcd, according to Law. A V ;;hg—..fo;f;egOing %P"etition‘ ofthe L ozzdvs %a.n%dVComnwons Parliéxiacnr-AA ' ¢ ~ratfiawm9tcten mam Uabe%;[ M119 is ; H .,,Iy.ng,=}“(;I;at%v%nwuiflJo%ui%B imhe gtbw zflfifi a ;21acabIV'fi1I,fl3Hn fiobm of $;Hu11vmitnowc ;t1)£r¢-3 a§;‘a§n£tJ1«£111Q4a%1IiIie‘F%3z we mom nf the %p_'eti.-=< §I0JI.0f,A iR!;g13l:,2@. . to-be 11mben;(foz flgzafiomzng of a ’neenIe1Ie ct)¢at%m24uu_13abz putnn your felhem; ' %:.anHap;;}qu;t§1n1)x2.a% wawifon ijath/112831 A ' A @uv;:onfettc,,t,anm%ou1nmaafimeten ta AgibzV;@1t;r%;com1jent ,%.fo:*i1)c remohallwofn mm %it7‘£&5I'tw_:Et- %a11iti4on.C.®unnm,mApgopmmeng ) W011 ftgo1J;i_gB?I1;2;%ta.1;irizeafnlifir , ,a:§;tt1ne,en¢gi1aaz'tza gzsfagttgn tu%..£D»ut, iuixgemzntz. gnu mm awiyaiae W a11a~hc%tbJe;hut:ttg@e;g£%..Hu%11 Pom: fliifiumcntis. we mpvgln giaimg 4 hgV¢*§nfogmzi3«, fllflhg Qua: mmti iazciia 'I:?fiU.?11( 911¢11if”‘AEV€t";Wi‘~iirlmimxn: of V 1:138 fleiTI'%Q'mz5 af %a%pt1’t%3n1 ti;e*;3I2oztBB.tn parcg) ‘mag mt mo amps, fufiicfentgvounn%fozm15to put‘ a aearfon of 339%‘ it:ouv,<1?fl2t1I11¢; antmibierniflgw;s3Re;p1:ta.t:éom t’m:o Va:..1@fwn,&1:n,aifsptflof »é1f>m2%%ora11,ivotzere mew mm 39*3%“‘ % (I3) .V§$&%.a§§1IB Ian; £113,986tmfamerzx:nMeuv:A+1?€%3J®x1'i3% .. ’%irantz:10U§,1Jfoz ‘mm, to cn211.zuitVtm$.f&11te @7o‘m11 a«n,n%J;gf4o;$ (Aimitboub @111: mn1.‘mt;)> to we was 3% at John Horham, Aitntwa Wine: unagr2éabIa%to ti2e*:wm !iff9?11e5HD»9@t13elimit?W138 %.~%§ b12£€: WE dW~i0fV‘?19I5,‘1i1" Pmttfi. M6fi;A13;%%i3€4"”€*2%%2imi€i3%9a ( fog mama are not mitmut fiaibéienge toe Wig name not ail tI)i$41mE3iI;e comp’ % E3 3 5! E: «r::»‘*‘ 53 3 r amanerzc that clgatplace * Auetfatsj fo2“.ramj parttcularfetbiaz, 11% {mil «1'imw« 4 Tfixgcij nimrantfi 8&6 flJdaIib2agveza»h1z$tw9i£bnAnw, A mm aamrou: Qua if any of ‘tuezn he nzfigzzen rm: Ulflcr 02 L¢iflfl<=Fw youImam7naeII+c1;e%conmpance ‘5mi1I%. hz%.+ttto;ae§e'$ie annw conbrzttient Emmw the piston: %t1)ea2A41tn*marz t % mcwe tnu1t¢teiIvpu;.fiUbat if clgzgifeam ate -fogteadcfvom;tI3e£a;pt&5g1:1393113,. ;_03¥0WTD3t£t£I11‘4FD2E€a ($5 I5 v28,f@1IB¢D:)f2e4mefi 'E'm11%.EV,“3“‘ 130“ W39 "9¢.%3’%'3;fW@;3?1rI0f@WI¢fiA&nn~ )3@Lt1‘lI.tI0tt— ffllhefem oAf"*tDI[$wvA;3fi;;1g,n;p2u A ratigmt. Wu f€I5¥It0"4 cam; arm Innz¢’*%j¢fmz1t{%i3¢rree ,. ~mifi)out fame some taken fox rupp!@¢",“ *%:emc¢a1:»g if v2'ou&r‘es% mmnbeési vows Engagwtent ca.mr%mcs»mba imss o» f;°3 that vzowmioax of 'A9¢3*$.t1?*z:v:6,;miiia4:ieia ifiAca2z— ¢eine,n%%in%12u%;zprmzmaty.» J,.fi9%A mat, 3 3 t=i94im:%1:1ac V tiséri ajfoz. fiinisfiatv fmviug of fivmgta Maud; fiwm . up ‘I you {mom in ow VA;gteat%qzzanticiwwe have afa figmzn :1 cm: of Qtwfeherafl fitozes, ;mi9tc1;:'n one V £21;$g.éottat.%o‘$'¢ mg % % ii‘mE~.£1§ep"m2tei %csme; we % iaoxae y2nu*4mi!%Vfeavevieniaaen. are; we W» 33195}? “)3 1’0W40f{15§31’» %30m'!10I‘I.% A CBMQ3 05 199 %»::eceaaa:~%p% im 0 313138 meat anD%19ious«mozR%ofA aRefugsmati?ofi5 * E-B«'«'% am? it mijniwto *eu1;%;% nAec%m;£;zg{1;mbg, gigawpzt tfu¢9,12ou1: 3Refoiut1on ,:£xg111£wn;to l;“i)z—£I13trt*§r{f£t'§ cf xfaluifwz, ' :®.u1:wa1:1:ant,fuz wetmepmne wiifitttié unmet, arm tI;e1Lam4t0Vim¢A fi:?mI1¢fE»% 4 flan .nom 22315 its ‘ to hufihanimma,armtn%iat1I;:atpi3:as%muc1J%:§s Mmay be, annex: qua wbfeflagg : §;6oiJ%hnmm;5 pmftmcti» Anng Wnf flats imngtmm ;1nant jg parent amzmem) A Mi! lzmte émaiaev heatmw to am to, aa 211 am mafifsof 11136:’ we in p2opo£e~:noVVmngz:pa1:mEou~=.=‘ tats co=32nu,%i;ahiug no Iucfico—p§eafz, 0;: he m1n+ev£= 1fonD>bWuu. Aqbz ‘pout n&:on~ttm%e fozibamzanr vzmfi flD.IIt pattzmlat :: fiat b(c%[ut;e p¢,i9m::e an cam!-_. {peeing care at we wubithggg tyat ~15, of (mg, m1zI1241RuIz;mmch%pg¢rerneg §Wi8;:’@'i}B Mm of the man : meferhz M@gm§1z,;%ann[.%13zma team we to tlgat, git mag meI1A[;%{atb In 8; fipeecb mane by a pzmatc agrarian, butAmzbIt1ben% bVp£D'2.»— A * net of we mate of oliommmtfi tbifi fiatiiamentt: ix! Irwws ;-um: .GooUand Evil; betwixt Jufidnd‘Ut1j1;&:AIfyoutake P‘z77rx_s A away the Law , all things will falAlinco“a Confufion, g;‘f,f‘,'{‘“‘_"; every man will bccorncia L“awAVufi%tQ* VhimVfc1f,%w'l1ic,I1 %:s;u1c (.5 ’ in the dcpra\*cc;1lA_W__cogditign pf mturc mu ft 5fr»~fl‘?W- A needs produce rimny great@enorrx;1iti;VM”,Lu‘fl Aw%i1l“bc-, A cornea Law, ahéi-Envike £vi§l14becomé“é coveroufe 4 ncffc and Ambztion will become’ L:Iwws%A;% i1]1"idA WhflC..I)i"'f V A &atcs,Wh:u: Dccifions fi1chLaws WilI;produ¢c, may cafilybe dirccrned. gm; ¢faibV t1)1t%:d5ea;Vti2xttau, sum ‘ Q. much maze hm; melt in nefmce of‘flmz4 fngam, 81%?! % again£t.£thitraw zgnmer, 331: ifi rn0;mj%%ioo!a§:14¢g;“ (J6) ',g""D‘bg-‘E‘- ann'Acadtzrmréng; am if %t1;eivz§a7§eaIsr£*ws w”e%1tt1c2%iof t: 4 V;eii%A@g.jotgz£tant mofeffion . am: we moft%1BefnIi3eBA ;€Bt£CttDw‘Df tlgelamj, he tmmoft }$.ne§e1Ia~gg mttyolf aazirtce, 13.22’ camms .h2Iegb2 Jbifi mt€etabIeVi3!%§fig;1ce , arm mwunnemanagug can be tang cm wnuen between 21:13, >wenatm1g ;.xsften ants 2arne1fw2cIar&2a. mean to be we omega , It %efire5 of Qua: final, fifth tiywnnf, mm ifiuié nfatlwut actionfi. % grog Ireland, m%t;am fufiicimflvy: am we hope Tfati£facto;i11we;p;,eiTen to afl mm: goon %ubject:3; was hmtw {ante qf that faafiu1'mc£ITe,% £111 @111: Iehztaij . Qaeflagefi tn tI;at_Qwgumszttt,; “mu: zzfperé -daily n1_,®ur:1a1t.of tiyeptgtytu ~or~c1;m $30:-1etiy,t soncemtxzg+®u.m3efoIucton fog that %evmcz: ‘flog’ he f10€€Dvs..JIJo11:;;umbI2 , am: full menzfagmautcz rmaszwof, we puttmve 1201; to" win all . ~potIzbIsz fit-:.:.t %1?it1ance,annpzefenc Quince. 4 ~ % A » % i