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'0 . §*‘~*‘>:§ ~;»"’;%~4;* ‘5-3‘ £29 9» 5 ézwa 2* g ’ _‘ *"%...§s-'5-i*'9“€"e 5 N. S- -«m K T‘ \v d" @553" £9 .7 1" r .2 :1, .»':.§ 53} ?:% “‘ 5 D 9;? gi 22-; fggg ’ ,$f;, F «Q? £22» 4''» V A Ea; A A ‘J w #3‘ 19*-on - .r M *andnow re~pIfintc:dAat Lamzém f€C333.K«.Rfijy’g‘fli*}.I5;§.E'. ’- * V V . ~ I...» ; F _ ' "'mv.¥I"?'—-E f .. x " v "r - - ac ~ ‘x.5*v' u.\ r1"“‘ "11"; * 4' “ w ' ‘‘‘li‘‘'*‘ a V “"- ‘. ‘. -\ ’ -V’ . ‘ :5 f"'."“:! " "H H‘ " +4: f"‘a'¢a+§v3‘éL»»V+:'.‘~r"»:,««:;%;.‘ n.-3 "l«“%‘:.t5r'k'\w"fi;“;%1‘6{:£?L?¢Mi:.;‘£§if’31';lJ.:‘€;Z:§'fi;::?m‘?!;E;’H:”§':T&4!d§4h‘2J,fi?~'l£.5"$‘Mw‘\i'.. . -A WFmm both E*i§@a:.fii33 of A A’, .1 $1?’ 13$ 12'? P1*i.n:;~:::d byHis;Ma.jt3fiies Cm.mnm.m;{ 2% ’0.$:j‘E73”¢a?, and K ;'E.MaW H ‘Y . , 1 ~ ‘A +:”M_a‘2A~»%s‘.fV.%r“ «V gr w» 33 v 41 »-+a;~wa,~afiifwm-2:@2%%*2ma;%~‘*;~.sw.f*..?sma Far the R13/92? _r.:7c>V20z2mz!9"i[6 "At!:IeL0m’& % A cow: Er7;11Z<’:md P-r.f.~«2c;‘}3+;:»a~;’[ Secrstgaaiy t-a%H¢£5Mz12’,.—z}efl‘y,c1r ~ %«!$him, Witfi t:11eV1’et'it[io11 Qf.b"otI1ThoL1{es as is dééiircd 5 {Oak mg. fg,1¢1.~ Co1n1nittee ‘cidnfifls %of‘Peri?:ms that ‘have nc;1§ .*pg:g::3 by Hi3 Majcfiy ¢cithe.r by Anamc; de%c1%arc cl Traitaxsf, pm, «,(()'Vl‘:'fi‘1(‘;1fAA:\'?l7'i'i}3;:”4 £15; A A ~ :fl"o1 hej¢’:>f HiAsDé<”:1aratioiis dr%Pr%tic1a1"hatior1s exec’: I ;‘w*§a‘in‘{t A $ian1e;W1thHi8 inmmioxu «Marixvg to proceede I A 2” V A‘ " ” Ti'i'i‘itdrSg A ‘miifors ; A:-nifb as thefaidVCom111ittVeé: come mat with more when thirty: perimns inthsaxr Coxnpaxxyg and give Azmtzce before ixgxzrii ofth-air coin mih g.. Aciud fizrr» th e fetid‘ Committees. bifetmrh wfea; curity,His Ma}"ei’cieL1pon the receipt (:17 %theirnames4 will give“ 9. {are condL1c‘i:{<&3r«t11e111 Lx1ad'cr”Hi:-3 All-i"and and Signrsrt. This being‘ 9.111 hIa.v‘eincom%m:and to deliver 7t23~fy'ou»r%Lord;fl1i}a¢, I! humbly raft. .7 A M Tom‘ Lari!’/7%-ilps mafi /Ezzzmzé-l a’ LS”er1;vm¢z' Edwa*rVd Nichbhs. Reading 4,. N0'v€fis?b_. M the Right E~i‘onourabIe%tf1eL<:>«z-d%Vif¢ou11?i:»*i‘f7%-fI5?.M¢vlgei%fiin.g:i'"}¥€§ A pal ‘E3}%ecfetm'}f iml-135 Majve{?c‘y _, «or abfihcgc A E. A Zimrds rim Peers attmiciing His Esfiajbfiy». Ivijrlord, A A A % A A ; Alnrazave we-me%dn4~Commwd Afimm at/ac Lardr«m‘cyd:g$ f‘.:zrZ_i;:£r;2mt fez? 'y%»o%z¢tf9‘e mama’-4‘ af £2270 L%o7'd.r,° fiazft’ ta Algernon Em! %afN'-arthumberland,%~P%1ayiIip afP€-mbroke" 1v§“%011rgDVrr1x&ry, awn’ 0fAju.fl4fvfl?'}’é~'6’fi'.$' c2ftbcHm/3 0fC'a77m¢ar1.r,.1’l4'. P er»: point ‘,5~¢TQ§[1,fIj;}a-1]1f2T E01111 Evelin ‘S/‘fl/'1'1tS;,«9If‘2azd_ 5?? Ghrf Hip pifly*,.5€$ié};g"t'/33A % Cémrmitfeeéfs‘ wofbat,/0 f:7o;¢fE’: appatifirwilto wazzrrwgd W VH2”; §/Majefiy 22551:}; H;'zmé!e%Pétitian diréficdfiam zt/yam to P1135» Mflj¢§},636firimg]ou%r Lardflip will be plmjéd to maxi: H22: jldazjc’/ziy fiafm Tlzaftefe Camdzzfifl to %lmfl7e and repay? finder H12; ,KU}.;z[[,:E-Mnzif m¢d\Sigvzyt%fag* the pa, 4g_flfe¢%mJenrx'oma?d.% AA '19:’: ?.&@,£,¢gA.4jz tlmi I/mzzéiza C‘arI::3W:§fl'Zawz,.1 ¢ F _ A Your Lordfhips fi*iend\a;n%d%fe1zvant% @r&y GFWark¢‘ S‘1:§t?,*a1thei‘perfo11i11 the p1i1ce"oi Sir John £fudz'wz,t hat-istncx inchzdud igflthéi‘ exci1"fio11,l reflz, I3.c:1.:‘{ir;,g £11559 6. of _ A % _% E .H 1 % No%:,'c':*m~.s¢?2'. I541. V FA1.I$.*LA1‘“~lD« His M a%&fiiés% faf'c:“ Coxldzifl‘, % 4 % VA Vr IVi!:’.az12r1pZe;z_/”2:tz'~e 1;!’ amsi «IVs jaloe —lom:!2y$ i ciaétrge wad ‘ Command all the Ofliccw mzd Som’di‘cr.r :af0Mrprefi°2zt zir- _)r,c‘}m/I am“:/Minfiflem. ¢_indSM£2ieEi‘.r w1m{fl:2emr ref Ow,-_‘?4 afirmflj mad right we/lwéalvved C'c=m:i%rza*%‘ mi M'C"o.‘a.my3E=YJcV3?rJ‘ Algéi-fibn’ Tomr % Loml_;’3';:i2»f>J* V;*':2;t~.z;rzr2“’,5.:’¢e_/%T:’r"=zI.m»;rz2 ‘ LE . of N brthif1i*ybe:1a11d,TA and ’«Phi11.ip PVe111brcaoke oa*;i2z:«;i*I¥‘/I"<5~i1t»§A V A gon1éry,z:md Ow 7¢zIgl.,vrtr:r»;gfz?] W1;~zg1a:«mz,.m;zam 51092:».-;.i*A Thé- mas La: V%'az.~mt VVenm an, and Our rm’/fy and w¢l—é2a1aa2_miWi%l»- 1ia‘1iiA1’%er:poix1tEfq., and’ Sir John Hfppifly “1Kr>’4¢?igf=7¢?'*% mgé?/76'?" Awzt/:r {tbaz~r az¢tcj:»w1m2.f.r_. rap; wceadimg Ath*zé*'wzz¢:ffi«;éV:rfi2;[q:%;g:zZ;«)4:gig %;pm flf‘ Md repay? ta .umdfrjom,,V:,m%tloey h¢¢ing :20 12v flmzfi to _% 1/::m1% Kr 3éé.it% fa Peritianfrqmm éat/0 CW7? Hmfidr afI’.m“Zi.ati?ze7¢t.‘;:’ %‘II7'}9i: C)iZ’Tfdfe.»Ca;%::- QM? uzwlér Um» Royall Ham! amt! LS‘zf’g¢fi=2ét«,r/;'/‘e rkvzzrga Md .¢ Cunammi *2?/cam madewwry fp;%fITc‘?z%x»¢?!lji%A?’t0$;z§véj7e¢*%z>rze* w§za{‘wé£)3,_ «§«.s*§%EI':»z¥3i Afiaiii’ M415,-”w¢r~%¢h¢%c0n&r¢rmy“at1*/aéér”#‘t£E’#Wéfi7prrifiLsf%. ” : 1 ; A X A V A A A u % X A A ; If wen *atAVMi(.)ur’?C»oufl mt if?§?Ez::f:fr¢g¢vthi$ A ‘ fixth of November; 1 6'49. +%%%%%%%%%«%%%&$%%&%%a the Ifingx zA72*¢:fl e:fac+ntpcrfons,4A;1dfi.1rthcr Weighigxg "tbs: Additi- Can ’<'-..fL‘0ife,4~ mifcary and datnger to Yam‘ Majéflyand “Your Kitigdom which“ rnu.{’c V cnfue,‘ if % both Armic-s fl'1%QAu1da'g;ainjoyniii an other Battaiifiegazs _§viAt%houAt Gods ré~f{;3é%ciV:iI1BIé{fi11g,A,& You?‘ Majéfiiés i.f:0ncVL11‘1‘c=:z:1c<=: with —YOUr'%Houf::.sofPa_1-Iiameht, will 11.01: }jn:%ob_abiy he 5-?‘ voided” ” t T % ' . s M ‘A ~WeA%canVnq;~butIb;c"1iecVcA113.1: ‘afutcflablc itnprtelfiofi ”_dfTéVx1d&::1‘E1¢fTe” and ~Comp*afi.”1'c_)n is. aw;-oL1ght in Your ’M'J§j:ffiics “Royall AHcai‘f,bVeLi:1‘g Your S crlfe in‘ eyE3w~it¥-A Jiéifc“ of the‘ bloipdy '*a'.njd: {arrow}: d :2£’crL1€t‘i‘q-n of V for mwif%QFYour*VSu»b3¢5t$»A0d~rb~%R{Y9m¥ 1‘/19:i%%<=f’i374%C10t7fi app1~chend" what Di.m£in.ut,i'&m1 ;Q£"Y:'Q t;1;!‘ ovv'n pcxwcr Aandé »gr¢atncfI'c.Wi11fol1.0xé5z,and ;itha.t all Your Kingdoxixs ‘ E You1*M;1j.-fi:i::s‘111o{E lcyall ixbjegié H can affcmfilecgbr:inga.fiE3é%é:d with 3; ‘ac f;1dVcVonfidc1‘at1o11 of the g1‘:s ~;:sf‘a1x2y ioil-afilfiflodoto this Scam, Izxzm. f'v¢hic;3.1 1'§:‘ig.‘=«:::;‘E%2;o~ We: ;iifi.lk‘60uY fclvosmchztt Your Ma j.<:-; fly xvii} bc ¢::*xc.1.in‘ed graciotzfly to acccptoo this our hum- ‘b4:i§fPC§11:}LiUflo,« that fine mifcry and d:fo1;.u:iom:oofthis »Kingdo1nc maybe {peiedily moved and prevented,’ for Linc e€.r'cEtin~g whcreof_wc moi”: ahunubly-bc{‘cocE1 Yoou;wM;~;oj_'i*.i“ %i1is*;fo1~Lc~esA ioxwfif ~*ALn“néibn to*e‘v*ai+&s;~Us, whicirriarh 11ecefi7iAtated Qua fuqlden Rcfolution to march, with Q%ur%%forg;g:s **Vf‘Tt>'*Br.a:ii?1w(:”e§>s)rc! _,\°h:1‘ve thought herebyfit to fig:1uifiyco%VV both heoe1%{Bs’oH?a:1ia»m¢_m%t, ThamVfVe.am 1110A 1&fi"c ‘idwfiroim offizae éatit th::Kinga%m ,;dw1n~.W¢¢xréf?c:4im?~:0;L%1j%a§érrr;:“:E'i»;>;% ¢—,%~zm'2?.?¢:s,mé%; '7:Tfi‘5:P~1Z0E0.fit1i@%?3%?‘TW§5¢’*1W36@311 W=i11i§7géy4% ,.,¢j,7*s-.rar..;:12”.f We,._are,. finddefircfifit mayVbc)t@ rcc+eivr: mean j_;a€ :;mi2:me7+ .Tf®{r}d this night,0r c§aré1”5I t0,rzf1}c$r;fp1xx#i1n0r::i:.:g gffhat iii A p',eE:Z;1n may "be"m iidfe igfi iii) Wgb aid’ a%AA%»~=a%.g'‘o4Ari<, ; and f‘ V?i;;§;£M¢C‘Cp1'3‘A§;Ki:‘.XVf1*iiifE]€,#ff’.$3 3' un- W citiiéffivm; 41i£;§:1;%..tb* interwzzrezmay 5% = ..F 1;;Z‘xZ”;Z 1 “M-rm =>'...};;«‘ ~*=* 3,4 A.% 'W;» ~ %;rf: ._ :ip«';‘» ” , V '. 1 V, «%T~u~* V *‘ Q ;~,-:~;:z:’J'm¢.:~..E’-.»:= anM.m.?qr.->'yVi;~a:m{:aez