\ ———- ~...—v_;_‘_....; ,>«>ortb- Moores together with the vindication of the PA R 1.1 AMENT from fcandals which are call upon them. Offififcd by the Lords and Commons that this Declaration be forthwith printed and publiflled, Iolm Browne Cler. Parl. LONDON, Printed by E. G. for EdnmrdHu.rbandJ‘, and Iobn Frake. I 6 4. 2. DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Com mons In PvARL1A~ML 2111*.‘ W " Hr;-rcas in a papcr.infcri- bed~,TuOur trufiyand? wvclbclovcd the Lord‘ ' Ma.jor,.A-ldcrmcn , and ‘ _ Shcr°tffcs»of the Cit_y2of} ‘ ’L.é:Id(m,‘d21tCdthc I4'0f Inaé 164.°2."*Ic is‘aHim'ncd.tI1at great la- bour is, ufcd-'rto1"pcrfsI'mflc [His Majcfiics 3'IIbifit§1‘s;;1:to:*x~a'ifcHmf::§r am} tofurnifli xnonéymqzan ‘pre£dncc‘of'a2Gua rd For the ' Parliament, but id truth; to bcjmpioytd ’ I}/’ A: 83l3t>5 againft 5-‘ J ‘ 3- ,"’;\:.'.~xn11fl2 H13 I\/[ajefty 5 *1-he":Lm-d"5 .eJ,,r§):1i1m§>11s doe declare , fhatgflle dgfigiie I’-1eC;Il.lo1§ pI‘OPOfit°lé0n'As is, .fQ;_m¢rr R-clzafc > to m3int_aine the rotefifint 15 ¥g'°‘?> the Ki!1gsA}1tho'ri£i andel.’-3:‘ fl1..ln[.-‘I13 l{gya}[.d1g£fitiy.;‘{e;«;~ ; {@6166 ml £4 0 )uFt1cc , the Lawcs Ofthe Land 3 the Pcacc of the Kingdome and privi1€dge,5 Parhament, againfiiany force whic Q dedclll. QPPOR? them. And they dofu1‘th€1‘~' din dr€?th3t 93 the forces already atte§1- hglflls ,M3}€fiy, and the preparation X 1C 1 H” Majefiy is now emaking 0 - m.1es’H°rR’>3I1d Ordinance,from with? in his-Kmgd0me and without, at firfl: C0‘ v9(li1rcd under pretcnceof a Qua I-djdog ea 1 Cmly 3PP¢3f€ to be intentcd forfomfl g.reat.and extraordinary defignc, fc‘,’,t}1c}’. tg1‘1"‘€P)l1fi_caufc of fears and jeaIo11fi_§.W: the. a'l‘3m€nf5.'And doe runyjutfifré elr Votes ofthc Kings intention Of 162.: gang War agdinfi thc.Pgr]ia,mem; , to f etogcthc‘ f’¢¢ from A any'ixnputatiOIi bf’ bcandzgll as is injurioufly cafi upon-fhdnf y that PXPCI‘ : For) I . 5? <3) ‘Soiiongras His Majéfty {hall csmzraue tliofe. levies‘ 8: preparations,‘~The Lords and Com -i moms in l“;ar‘li‘ament , . having beene often eh-re’a'ttned‘ an d_ rei/ile'd for their y I5t(}_CeCCli11gS¢ about Hull and the Militia lo neceflary under- taken fforrhe good and peace of the King- (tome ,' they cannot be lecured by His Majtu {ties liolemne proteftation alone , exprcffetl in this and other Declarations, thatall His defires=and‘ purpofes are for the publique peace,and that he hath not the leaf’: thought of ufing force, except he be compelled to it for thedefenccfof his Perfon and protcétion ofthe4Lawes, feeing His Ma jeliy in a Decla— _ ration publifhed at Heywartb Moore doth in- terpret the proteéiion of the Laws in fuch a i manner as giveth jufl and full occafion to be- leeve, that by proteéting the Lawes“, His Ma- yéfiy intendeth force upon or againft thofe who fl1al1‘fubr’nit'to ;the"'Or'dinancc of the ' Militia.And becaufe it appeares by divers ex- preflions and proceedings of His Ma jefly,_He hath difcovercd an intention‘ of making foine attempt‘ upon Hull; In both which cafes the doe declare that whatfoeverviolcnce {hall be ufe'd_ ‘either againft‘ thofe who exercife this -' Militia (4) . . . - " 6- ll {(6 Militia, or aga1nftH:aIl,they-cannot out ta M . - ~ . L " etc? it as done agairifl; theParl1ament.AnCl W11 t as the Houfes have UPOn‘Ioane recC1\/Cd gm“ ' — ~ - ’ ii in firms of money forthe lervicc of Irclrflld fro the Companies of the City of Loiilf/9” (‘for t which tl1€}' give them great & hearty thandh? thc)’ doe declare that thefe {urns {hall be 1 * pended as the former have bcen,to that 09¢‘ ly fervice , notwithfianding an ‘rnfinuatllfllfi laying an afperfion upon them, as lftllc} ,3 done otherwife. Further,whcreas1t1sdeela- red to the oreat reproach of Parliament, b that the fummcs of I-Iorlie and Armes nerall pretences perfons , how it is their Members, His l\/Iajelisy {mm is contrived UPC" 36' by fome few a faétious feeing divers of them arc defired towards the railing . we leave it to the VV0TId ‘.0 lad €’ I poflible the Houles {hould .haV€ ,3”? moned to Torkg, and; t;13‘-"¢»-’ contrary to the Lawes of the Landand pri-:1” viledqes of Parlianient ed tom the leciondly , how that can faétlon which is done ‘by both I-I-01.11403 "(Rafi hament, the molt faithfull Councell His sb.i1€.41- But ’ deteyriedi, fl3)’PFQ§€‘r jufiice of both Ho};f.€9 "9t”~d Q BC Ca_“C,d.a»:- «cg . greateftCourt ofE7IL7l4”~”l2 the ” . (53 Btitat lireh language as? this they wonder not , Confidcring by what wicked Councell His Nlaj’elitie3i'Afliaires are glfidfll a “E1 by Whatilfllaligxiants fpirits His Majffiifié‘ 83631- 0138 to the Parliament of late have beene milled. - - ‘ I “Both Hotxfes well weighing the pfcmiliesa doe Forbid any Nlajors , Sherilfes , Bailifles, Orother Oflieers whatlbever to publifll 01‘ fpread that Paper, as they will anfwer their Contempt to the Parliament. And doe aflilrc themlelves that neither HIS Majefiies Com- mands nor His threatsiwill withdraw orde- terre men well aflieéied to the publique from doing their duty,in contributing lhch money H0}. Cand Plate as will be neeeflary for I116 Prdfcrving the being of the Parliament , the PEI-Ice of the Kingdome, and thofe other ends before mentioned, for which they are Cleflred ',the dangerous and mifchievous in ten- tixlons of fame about His Majeliy being fuch, I Confeienee, and honour, as religion, liberty, and publique fafety, are like to be overwhel- med and loft in the generall eonfufion and Calamity of the Kingdome , which will not onely at whatfoeveris moli pretious to men of f rte Chg i197 C ' 6 . 1; he 11 vcr [C I 6 1 but OCXFO ' lenc . 0 {£10.13 ’ 1;/0”’ 0 V‘ 115 L0’_ 11 ‘ 0115” q(L/it)’ aid chtldrc bffhc RC9 3“ thL"11‘W' 095 . ..f‘afI1 ha‘ . f f 1:1‘ 0 163 he “ . c C 116” 2117‘ 1:411)’ ’ P / C d flcC;197 £5 aflfllmoif’ IP63 doc id ‘I’ c (6 (15 9 31:! off ftb tho I/ofd {C h [60 re)’ corfhc V, tho tho C10’ as i.rI1)‘ons» «this "$355133 7 [0 fltous Prcw/5 39 ‘1‘C,y 1113)’ be chi‘5f('5 f 0 Mr‘ [W 11(0) new” . , 011“! City(W1;1cl1 C 115 , 6 t d def“.V;AI° , 0 I‘. ‘ll, {East P396 cafl 1 d [)3 hat Y b 31 {o In ‘2“1c:2tI11‘3"15t:a}1’a;€‘5t5 ‘irrl1a‘h6);g’1fl3’ a [1 f6 . C , non“ 3:i,e9_C3{;t¢(: g°°.:1dut7’ .1116 rhclrrpand 3:, rcpfqil Mficfilig thfl urcd, 1 Pofi/cnt’3CCfi’cy 21114" c in do’ 1151 (‘C by ‘hiliaficbich ‘ fed [hc32“’acc‘11 ?‘t9“3f s of Pa enfiw Pf‘ ‘ C 4 11 C Cm‘ 3§cr.=‘“’;?éo‘“,33r °“?3§v" cb°’”y:h6i’{?u1ly Per V',Vil1lcV6f RARE DA 412 1642 . G74 anuuvovunou-count ELLSPCRRERARE 01 0-006068426 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes ANewDec1aration1642 February 2018 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. Some pages have handwritten margina1ia. 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