- ’% %%%t%gi . T E P{E P E TITI O N Both Houfes of ‘Par/zlament, i G‘ ..._.. :%°*$'ifa%'at°*£::i*'$*sb2t=-;i»<£e<% tat: Prcfcmcd, to His M A j E s T I gt)" at} York, « March 2.6‘. I 6 4 2;. i'W‘i:h His Majei-Hes Anfvvcr thcrcunto. And the Petition oftlac Nobiemcn and Gentlemen cflatcd in Ireland, and now in London. And liicewi-fc the Petition :of_ the Countic %&%%@ %%%%%%%%&%¢ of L I.NC»O L N, With His Majcflicstf fcvcralland rcfpcfiivc t ' An_fwcrs thcrcunm. “ ° . ' ( L D10 N: Printed by R o n ‘i~axjr B A x it n 1:, Printer to the Kings moi} Exccllcnt Majcflic : And by the Afligncs ofjo H at B1 x.z.. M D C X I. I I. ' &%%%% .1; 'I?‘3"£°‘i’*i%° n . . g._g_. ‘ v «. tr i%%%$%%%%%%%%$% the “ J .hu%mb1ocoPoeticioo,n%o7f .t%h»c%Lor;ds and o » mfimbledo inPEn'fiamem.. . V pleafe youro;Majeflie5 ' . Our M ‘o'cflics mofl loyali Sub- ’ 1;! jcéks , « the Lords and “Come- ; conceive that tho.Dcclaratioa1 V Turc4Youf Maj¢fl.ic. woaépleafcd to lay upon us, Erotno us at Newmarket , was in cha’tSpeéch whi_ch.Yo.ur Majcflicmadcxooonr ‘ ’ Committcesthfcrc, , and {cm in writing to both z Houfcs; T Our .addrc:Mfl‘e therein ibging accompa- picd I‘?l2ix1nc5H'c ¢,% Humility, and o_AFaithfu:!- .nef_.Tc;,wco thought, toot%c,;propcr for the rcmoving ghé diiflraaion ofthc Kingdom , thcn if we had fhcn procccdcd according /to Your Majcflics Mc4fl‘ag~é of 3135 20*“ of waved? yby whichoYofir ‘Majc&ic_Wasp1€3f€d to defirc; .Th‘é1~to we would - d €¢1j3‘:? Wha=t&}2§*ActoiI1$¢ndcd to do for Your .Maj:e— ~ . A 24 ? Ric, . moss, in Pa%r1ioamjcnt»—,o cannot ; whichYour Maj-evflic received = Inch as did dcfsrvoc that Ccn- (2. {lie , and what we cxpeé’ced to be done for our A *feivjes ; t in both which we haveiheen very much ’ 5hin~:l'rcd by Your.M2i}ellics‘7udeniall to l'ecu're us “ and the whole? Kingd‘om7, b,y clifp'ofing then/Iiliv I24, as ‘we had elivers times molt Peti-l tioned,and yet we have not been altogether n-. g- ligent of either, having 1atelyirfiatle_good;pro- ceedings in preparing 3. Bookof .-Rates to be p:if- _ fed in a Bill’ of Toiinziyge hnd’Poundage; rand liltewife the moi’: materiall Heads of thofe hum- * bled-;-fires which we intendedto make toYour M;1jefl;ie for the good and contentment of your Mzijeliie and your People, but none of theft Could be p:rfe’+f’c:‘cl before the Kingdom be put into fafetie, by fetling the M’z'lz‘tz'.t:% And umill Your Ma§e”£lie*_’fl1:1ell be pleafed to concur with Your Parliamentin thefe neceffary thingsgwc hold it impoflible forlyou to ‘give the world ; or I - Your People fueh fatisFz1€ti:on_’concernin.g the Fears and ejealoufies whichwle haveiex prefli;-d,a3 we hope Your -Ma;e(he hrrthulready received touchingthzitexceptxon" which You were plea- M —£7:di totaketo Mailer Pym Speech. As for Your Majellies Fems and doubts, the ground whereof is from Sl€Cl-ltlO-US"Pflm‘pl‘l- lets and S“ rmons, We {hall be as csrxefull to err- deavourthe removall aflfiooulas weilh:il1_uonder— fiancl what Pamphlets and Sermons are “by Your Majeilie i-ntendcdb, as we have been ‘to pre- vent a-ll dangerous Tumults: And. if’:1ny extraor- dinarv concourfe of people out of the Citie of Wcyélzzazyg/Zer ‘had the face and thew of Tumult « gm d l I and danger in ‘You; Ma jellies apprehenfion, It will appear to be caufed by Your Majefiies de- ; niall of Inch a.guard—to Your Parliamenet as they might have caufe "to confide in;And by hi staking imosW/ziteimll-fuel) a guard for Your {elf as gave jufl caufe.of- Jealoufie to the Parlia- ment, and of terrour and ofence to Your Pco- ple. We feel: nothing but Your Majcflies Ho- nour , and the peace and profperitie of Your Kingdoms .; And we are heartily» forty we have fuch plentifull matter of an anfwer to that ueflion ,WI2et/Jer Tau /Jed ezialeted our Larry. VVebefeech Your Majeftie to remember , that the Government of this Kingdom,as it was in a i great part manna ed by Your Miniflcrs: before ..the beginning 0 this ‘Parliamem,confifled of many continued and multi lied aé’cs of viola?- tion of Laws,the wounds ws ereof were fcarce- ly healed‘, when the extreamitie of all thofe vio- lations was far exceeded by the late flrange and . unheard of breach of our Laws in the accufati- on of the Lord Kyméoltaigand the five Members of the Commons-Hou»fe,a'nd in the proceedings thereupon . for which we have yet received no full fatisfaétion. e To Your Majeflies next Quefiion, Whether Tau had denied any Bill fir I/9: at/e and/Gcurity of Tm‘ 3145i 6575, We Wilh we could {top in the midi} ofour anfwer, That with much thank- fulnclle we acknowledge that Your Majefiie hath pal} many good Bills full of contentment, and advantage to Your People; Buttruth and ‘ ‘ A 3 ncceflitie ’ " - _.:V.-_.v._._‘ —o__-_>—_-_g__»_‘;-‘1,~_-_:_:-;v,:;,:-.' ~.:v ,_~—~~—~- -— ~- ~ -—~~ . ( <4; i15°¥€¢fihiB§’$¢92§€3¢‘ 4*-hi9 s T~htt Mn i_11.}0% f ¥1i¢;iimc%of ?1>a$ng—£4ao£c% Bills. .. flame % ~ -.0.‘ fithfit =518.th bccmoniaot. whiichafét dl1ions.: A1-lwhich in fixfiiccought :to have bscn born-»by Your Majtcfiic. L ’ , As, fo_r that frcc and .,-genecall Pardoxa Your Méjéflie hathbccn plcafcd to ofFer,%it' can be 136 fecuxity to our Fears and Jcaloufics, for which ‘Your Majcflic f€€ms to propound it, bccaufe xhcy arifc not from any guilt of%o’1_Ir ow:~1.A€tia- 011$ , but from the evil Dcfigmes and Attempts ofothcrs. -4. @,= To thisour humble A>.n{Wcr.t-x_):hat,Spc'¢Chs. yr: wire :9 at; _l_l1f€3_lfmati§qn; whi<:il1r~v.*lI= so‘ - lately receiyedkfi-gm_ the Merchaint A.duen{u'Eers.-at Rattadm in l4}zd§That an zunknqivnkperfonappettaining to tfie Lordiviefi ,a.di‘d Jamar folici-ace laws H‘eayl2:y.a' Mariner to go; to E4/c/tare , and to-take,‘ chargeiof a Ship Fleet of Kingof Defiimrk there _ s due’: to HM ; Inw A 'i e Ele§t.li»k€Wi{e;.hefaidz' great Armfwas tothe.‘rt:;an€'p0f¢i¢d- ;A°.fl4' we are -agent ' to give, €‘§¢:'t. tq Info;-a mations of this nature ,' yet we cannot, altoge- ther think it fitto be neglected , but that it may juflly adde fomewhat to the weight of our Fears and jealoufies, confidering with what circum- fiances it is accom‘ an-ied, VVith the L0. Dzgéie: in hislettertofier ‘Ma- jefiie, and Sir Lem’: Di-vex, And Your Maje- fiies fucceeding courfe of withdrawing Your Self Northward from Your Parliament, in a manner very futable, and correfpondent to that ex-iml flounfell. A Which we doubt will make much deeper im-A‘ prellion in the generality of Your People; And therefore we-moi} humbly advife and befeeclt Your Majeflie for the procuring and fetlin the confidence of Your ‘Parliament: :i'nd"alI cscur’t Subje&s,and for the other important reafons, concerning the recovery of Ireland, and fecu- ring this Kingdom, which have bcenformerly prefented to Your Majeflie, You will be graci- oufl y pleafed (with all convenient fpecd) to re- turn to thefe parts , and to clofe with the coun- {ell V . ~wu,m-.. .4 ,w.,...,,——~. ..v.-—.,.,v3-, A “V5 ‘ “ "‘ VD:-. W 5". h \ 1 A‘, .. ..., ‘.,,..._.r. —''y "' ->“”""" *7 /Aru cs)‘ i fell and defirc of Year Parliament, where Ydu 7 {hall find: their cimifull afl'c€t.io‘ns,an.d cend¢:1- vours ready to attend Your Majcffie wi E11” fuch V,‘ ” entertainment, as» {lia*1_1_ not "oncfy give Yo’fur" Majeflie jufi.» canfc .of ‘fecz1ri:y'in‘ their ‘faitehful-E ncffe, but otheremanifo’1d‘evideVnces of the-i_r carnefl intentions and endeavours. to. a"-dvzmcre A Your Maj’«;[}ies Sefvice,:HOnour, mid cohtex1t- ment, and to cfi ablifh it upon the {me founda-ti-’ on of the Peace and Pxofpcrity of all Your Kingdoms. F ‘ % ‘ e ' His >«—-__ - -° Cl " “. -.-— ~.. -_.......... ‘ _-0 -'1 0 . 3- ‘ Hismajemcs An To the? czicionofbbth Houfes cf % % % J P A R L‘IAM r.~N‘T7, A f %% Prcléntcdto Him at Ibrk on Sét%urdé‘jr 2.6 of,4March%, 1 642;. by tbciI;_ord ~ J M V W'i£/auglféj, Lord_'@imgar¢za2‘z’, and? ’” ‘ , Sir V./‘Int/702:} 1:5,. " I % ~ . w~.~ . {Wu ' > "1 2/; $1701! _..tU,OlIID .22 the patmtcz to am ‘j 4. expzcten mat fin- . to your law, 1%cc_u»:. .raaqn ( match " cow ~ anenng.tl99inauxre,of . h . it, hat}; not been long . '- in cguung)”n9£1Jd€953€ you mouth yam (abet: your feibefi 1713813? hour of (am; muc1;oftI9is %z£fagz. inn .2 main with that muvjazibilebgzs on alt t18rts1nerefo§>tateb,tbatt1)i§tl?8»2’°“$°3f A 25 refpom ~— ry,—.~ —,v A ————v p -r—— 'r< .»~ __1.-———————— RC8) ~ 1:-gr-« ~ tcfpoubmtit pgficftthcfi iivwnom Wm§11*~93§‘}.b¢“Wi2D at oiimgfot teutws tantrum: ask any ‘tbiugof ~w;.fit%efiagtiogqaetittonmiaim war la:tguslgtT(19,oi1i”umifuaIIfoebet ) you tbmfs fit, it itaemua ntttiaetnezwtlaz ‘tgifigg - peu,afI;s,t aqzgtbz a teatontminv we mm ttmmtttyout ibemg tqtenof hzcaamg pout mmflznges , 1 pg bzmg tounfellen be tbgfz inigo ate enztmca tum: 192804! at the: ilimgnom, am: faisuutets 0f't1]zIrifl11¥i£3J£I¢‘ lton (mime harem your zegintennaottfii [@011 ED!!! wage ttom Huntington ); you mu tanutetafl mitt flamers beteattet into a new little toom;‘31n plain 0EngIii13,3}ti5 to; ‘ taht away the fiteenome of £9111: mote,‘ mutt!) tum we law a fiuhiett, mm 1913!): 31mu1ttte;hut bang mt me leanti all the menu toumgemlaat ttw. % i i Sis the may to .tpmpo£aaItt:mfutiv imtannmgs 3 11921110933‘ am 31233613 pan out btztnutfllfltffififi 0179192 2o.nfJanua;y»~ ttpnu bane a hettzto2j.teamet,.nBe mall mils» tingtp heathen toiit, fat 1}"Vi}'8tt0*-poll Iyabtz 33811123 11115 110112.. 2Butmt);2itbctefttfa1ttn: content to 1?0II1?flDziJ81?.('mI3I€IJ you calla nee mail of the Militia) aioulabeamz intetmpai tton to cannot unbetlta:tb.t afozxtnti Militia. (which use atmaizfi fi)0ug_btt18£9f9' tatp‘ to he retcienmae new nznientbe tbfflfig ( aswe tDlD170Itil1:£D}ltiQnfTUE17 at we 28;. sflaauary, to the zaettttonoif the: ianutz of, atnmmnnfis ( 9 ) mammeus . to; we atteptea the . (except fog orotpozattone ) 1122 onelg nemea ehemah. mu aahtt by max? nfwzemaante. ants mithfach agefacerafiwe t tan tmthex: . at lacunae. ozmnoteutg L A tonfentto: lgqq. extltme m15_,f0&. aupjeomv .er.t'a the mffpofittou fl2:.IZI2flItIG§I af;:l:,. iUit1J.’3]!.tffI'G£ to; gethev with you , am: to: utterly unlimiteh. nee tell you nae mouth hahethe thmg Dene; axiom the peefonfi ( truth that erceptiotta) zhefire wax Lathe weir. some ‘ olbmah of unpntmgot; @2513 e}:treamIpm1fat;af;ehmhataansn>z=: I hmanceta, but met! fattsfieb, that msthout mm: }1I,onIe:,tt itia nothmg , apt hinnmg: flan tt :5 ehtbeut by the long tune fpent tn thte Qtgument, ,l’1)€!I£GBfflti*E.at1DfBal1gW was not to tmmmeut , but a 25$}! mtght hahe melt been hzepatee , mhtch 11? it that! yet be none muzh that we tegatn to—t_n,35,7 ann care of @133 zeeople, 111 the hmttatmne of the home: am: other tttotmtftantea , nee than tetene from nothing heeetozmerlp ex: pzetfeb in .a that Qnfmev to pout mzneni otflflnhffe nee mutt Declare to all the magic; what nee ate not fattffien mtthmz fhauebete allow £Due%uh1'ecta to he haunts by pout mintenzniotee, of the~fit'tee‘nth oz fhzteenth ‘ ‘if this muneth , at that meet pgetenae of Declaring mhatthelbam of the Vbanh Mm a {halt mtthnut 11115 make at new Lam, which *5 mama; thecafe or the Mama.-ant mhatta . r11 (16) tt)t£bucI:omttohuczan.' A '% riemavof wzgtazrnmctyt-.’P% A . ottcemtng yms mwiymumfllbahz Eaumsbp mbattbeibozh c9mp:on,ann 913:. Ba»-nton bzougtjt {mm zn1z,m.aufi1oetto4tbat wattage they bzougbt mas , that ,a5 vet we tett unttymg fgttsfien m that pavttcular. ' 9:3 foztlae tzmtmus zaampuletzaann mum. me are bntiytomz arm aihamep tn to gxzzata hatietn, &IIiJI'tj111!)tlclJ®lI}71Bl;§Ut§, iammut am: $1ltI}0nt? , five I9 znfolcnlglp uzgbcen aub mItIizn,i;ann#m mbtcb the pig: attic agth ¢1mebm1tc£pf zsaxtligmznt I5. to much mbanenanb‘ bmlaten 5 1t’ agogun be when of ms mnamc any; the mznttotuhg of the Protcftation protcflcd,t1)2 Apprentices Protcfiation ,‘ To your Tznts ,. O Ifrael, 0; any Dtl)£t,'m01IID~b8.t0D gtcat an 2):: Acute; fog.c1;2.t¢[t. . if you tbinkz.tt)2m net mqztbvpuut inauitmee babe nomz.25ut%1I%e ttytrgk Lt mofi Grange, to be toID,@17t)at ®uv. hmgall of a <15uaru('mI;,tcI; 119:2 pet mm Beaten , but. granten at another: man: um, ant: unmet a Eommann at that tune mutt, accufiomcb,t'n.t1)e magnum) o; the Dental! ofanp tbmg cite Qmtyiagig in wuwometlegallv to hem!) miytclg in mm znmtftaubtng (of match «Bob bath {mew mm M (mm are) :5 not as to bz grants BB, flaottlfl 0% am? ercwtpfoz tn nangzroufi fioflcou-I772 0513201118, which not nmly moat; spmebeufion, but (am bz1eebe)in(;1)e imam A mtatimt (I I) . g , rpzetation of new it felt ,. ball) fits: almageg ibelb molt tumultuoue am e fentttem we nee mull 1nouDet,rel;at,anDml;ente §2l‘;m:€5* A the Slnlltuctiene am: ‘alnfomtatiexts tlaat chore people hate , who can to eafilyltbtnh tljemlelbee obltgeluay the aegoteftatten to alfemble in fuel; as memuev , fez the Defence ef zegihtlengeeg h3l)tClJ.cal1t‘l0t.b81'o}2I£81?Iy lmemn to any of them , e am: to negligently pafle obeetlge tenfieetatgott , ann“-eefem:e at mueaxzgtyte lo henefittall» annneceffarg fez wemtelhefi, sue fcaete unlmemutoauy ottbem, mbttl) bptnett Qbatbee of Qllegtc ante arm éaupzemaey ( am: even by the fame zezotellatton) they are at lealt equally oblegee to Defeat. any mlgat mtemtptione fuel; lzmbe of Qffetnbltes may be to the ftw hem of futute ieatltamente ( If not feature ably teifcouutenazxcen arm tuppzelfen) nee mutt anhife you to eenlmet , ass lilzemife ifihetbet hotly HD1113 pemerfi ntaptnethr fuel): meaues he uluvpembaz names not ttulleimm thecmonftttutton of thee llitngnemafoz mu: ®uatn , nee refetre you to mm: F£!1fi‘0€¥ "tee 1301ttEeclatation. L ' t J 232 that flluefliott. of .zn1iolating..yout names 3 119 match tee ennegbmnfee to ex: pzelfe was tare mm telelutum tenbferbe theme; neelallmot expect you meulbilaabe been whiten to lzabeleolzen bath to‘ mam; metal», in; mlml; 1goubahe ban to ample me» vatatwn s mttlgete loohen nee to be res $3 mmmw= (12%) ‘ Xv pgoatheo with the actions of out Slaitiis 1tet§(tf;?«I1 agatntt the itamca ) mhno nee expzetfe to great a aea-Ie to} we hzefettt De: tenet of them, it being ®tIt 3Kefotution,up=, A on ohtetoation of the tnifthief which then grew (by arbitrary homer (though mane plauahle to o1e.m3 the fuggefliona of .ne=; teffith ano imminent oanget, ano take YOU" heeo he tall not into the fame ettont upon thetame £ttg_ eftiono) heteattet to keep the g diiule ®lIt .. ; am: to mu: oomet reunite the fame from all otheta : loot atone all; nae mutt hemott tenable of mhat you Cali i upon also to: teqttitait of thofe, gooo zhitls you tannot oenteaiee hahe oenteo any Inch} afeeagxie, ano as ®oo Qlmtghth mutt image in that -point hettoeen one . who hnomeag mutupzi ht intentions at the pairing thofe names: ointhe mean timenee oefh the Whit! to move that ‘there was any ye; figne Cmith omit hnomleogeog zozioitp) in 4 oz about the time of pafling thofe zhille , : that ha?! it taken efiett toulo hahe oepzis h8D.@l1\3.fltbJ'£Cf5tDft1)@ ftuit oithemz Quote thetefoze nee oemano full aaeparation in, at this point, that nee may he tleareo in the Eight of at! the mozlo, ano chiefly in the eyes‘ of out toning fiuhjetto. from fo.noto;i*»n t ous ano fatfe an imputation as this to. we arefat ttotnoenhinsl What tou hahefi i oone.9fo;noe athnomleoge the thatge out 4 WOW haoetfuttameo m Beeptngéhe (mo, ‘ M‘ To ~ « —~.+r.r_—vv.—-—-,.r,rr—.- ..— -—, .r—~,—v—v..-—...——u-9%“/.o.—.._._f,...v ..,.r .—. ifimties , arm i1z.re1ieomg Inland , of em we axefo texttibiee that in tegato of 'ot13ofegteat»?i‘>uccI;ens £D;‘w qeeople babe unoergone , nee have one Do pan'eatiy;fuf=e ‘ten more ememeperfonau memo, as mute Sazeoeceffoues babe been feloome put to. *tat1}ertben nee moulo opgeffe upon tijemz. ‘With we hope (in timehmll be comfioereo. 31:1 ,£Dm; offet of as fienetalli $31301! , £Duc Intent we to compote onto tenure the general! conoition of mm: gubjecto, eoaycemmfl that mete cimeo o£ gveat iatttroctzouoatfle goon lamesooof we Ibanpo lyabe not been enough obfeebeo-5 fiat tt *5 atfmnsse mozIo.mI;en~1ogmce5 mofereoo ‘lfabozz are cozmteo iaepzoacigeowec tf you me not this mu: offet we have none _ aioncemtng any oitcouefeo of qrozmgn fiozcewyougo nee have given you a gun. flntmet m mutate 170111? latt aeeclavaaoa, 2“ we !m,1ffeteII12ou. nae babe neiebev to III an optmou of srbueomu merit, ozthe 99 T Eectzonoeof @111: gooo ;‘.-subjects,“ Cnfltlfltifie: Ebuv telfm new of any afozretgu gfozce co: memos mo fvomi£Dpp2etIt'on (anonee mall ‘I flat tteeo» fog any othet puvpofe) but are '5°I\fi°ent < tmougt; aooopzoomence ) not “Want the goootoulgeo auto aiftftance ofayet 1019019 Wligbome, being tefoloeo toebuilo: Upon that fute afounoaeton, tbe,1I.«a'i7a of the: Man. flan; we take. It new :11 t1;at’~anp~ Eenevalli -w 1" —-v—~¢ V''''’‘‘"‘‘. . '--—v-V-— % ! s%r'tcou"e£e’¥s e R5 Wflflmflttfi ftiollib be able ton pzebail ea =:iva;tteee;foeimp;oheb1ein tlgemfelbes , ant flattbaioflfi tuzmroexniatcbeztee but .l$'¥*9~1’t,?ifl’a %jfii53iBw.8ration; not anew fa: €192 §b.t:1a;,cqtt;:1g»offl)utr£D1en aououv. but at: to thereby to {cute the minute of £13,111? saumecte a waste afeateza am: ‘iltaiouitefi 1301!“! $00.11 banifb, mete they not fen,,ann Fmagntainen %-by etuct) Ialfe ann malictoufi Jfiumourfiafi time. ; e e 14 , ; . ; _ fin; ouvtetumto@ut.19§irI}§¢ment,1IB¢ babe gihenyoq a full games In £Du,v,:3 to zzfouv %ecI_amt1on,ann gouuught to lane on zflseaeaotgone but when (nee fay nqthg ;gou,12et)ftom szouflnntittbe gotta eafie fog gouto make wut afiefinemeelfl Londcmifo Ltafe as we couln W nefite, nee greanb mu he icontventeb -that £Duv zeatitameut be any joumen to fact) a place , mbete 119e,ma‘p. the ‘fatty arm fafelp mitt) zzouafogtlyougtj me are uotepleafen to be at this niaaucepet pee are not to expect £9111: zezefence, auntttlye wall 1J0ti)_fecutB we concemingsI1>ut jua amaze benfione ommnulwavy mfolenciee , fine likemife gibe me fatisfaction £02 more 31w fuppoztable ann Enfolent éscannaiee that ateraifen upon me. _ 1 670 comlune , $231192 babe 02» not iaefufe any map agreeable to Slufftce oz e $onour,mI)t'cb agaltbeottereb to we fax the beget» .. A ;--.v.:;=,;\ I " W =~' . . . 05> . hegetgtmg a ngbt uniaetmnmatg batman mag. an we are 9£efoIm>.n,tmt no itwgghtaf n_z n2%ceiIitie§(tn much we may be bgmen) than ever compeli «ms to you that, migtcb tlgz aazafon Emil mnnzrttanbmg that 4509 MB gipen am, am: 2191113 90119111: ant: ‘gjnteteft. with ihaiaicia <1B_ot:.I9t;'t‘ti) mtflgn ma fez- the goon of SDIW fioitertty anq ¥3tngnom§,fi;aII% tentswunpizafant ant: gmbous unto ms. flnD‘iIB£ affure you mat ( bum mzanip {as ever you 8152 ptzaten to ha1ue'tbeni{c1;atgp ofiéeuv puhizque iJutIB)1I%e,8t2 fo eronfcta was to to £D}w feif pf bamng Dom mm 1mt,~fince?tI;,u3 parltammt, that in what: A tower’ centurion 112,: mm: ffanb, 1122 are C CO1tfi§ZI8tt§ oftlae contmuen motzctiotg Evom ‘ . Qimsgiatv d5oh,annc1)eiconftant gratsutbe, chanteuse, arm afiecttcm from @111: people : mam u ttutt @011 mm; ail. C 1‘ Of ‘_'. _ f-_./' -. i. ‘4 ;.. -"1' 3;; ‘.- ' ,..,,—..,;n.2’h.,S|.i.s.=x'.‘.'.‘..': (.4-_, ' "'5' ‘L ‘ "“r""‘ ' ' ‘(VA U0 %@?‘§@?*$@3©§®‘5‘1%3‘iW%®?©§i To tlieilflings ma/I Excellent Majeflie, [ i The humble Petition of divers Noblemen end Geniemcn Eltated in Ireland, now at London. Hxmlb /A-we:/2, W . 1.; Hat molt of Your Petitioners’, and ‘7“"—“ many thoulinds ofYot-Ir Ma} allies v _ molt faithfi1llSubjc&s,and late In- K‘ :4 are «name-we . .- M ”; habitants of Your Kingdom of " t Ireland, being robbed, and fpoiled . f “ e ofall their fubflance (and thereby . ' - ‘’ many of them reduced to amofi miferabl condition, who formerl fiithfully ferved Your Majel‘tic«) ‘are now enforce to flee into this Kingdom, by occafion of the 1-mexampled, bloodie, and unhumane crutltics of the Rebels of that Kingdom, who through the inlligation of Popifh Pricflt:-, Friers, and Jcfuites, and other malignant perfons , have rifen in Arms in that Kingdom againlt Your Ma jeltiesr Crown and Dignity , and deltroyed , or banilhed al- moll all Your Majellies loyall and dutifull Subefts the Protcftants there, for no other caufe, but for that they donut Worlhip God after their Idolatrous and Super- flitiouqygnanner; which manilell: by their publikfi ‘ Declarations, Speeches, Oathes, and Confederacies ( albeit {om-e few other fond pretences are added‘ , to glofle thei.-r molt barbarous aéti-ons) That thefe four rnoneths pafi , the expeftation of powerfull Supplies, Trea1ure,and Ammunition , from Eiggland an;l.S’c'a§ A 147: ,: av... an VVVT V .. , , ._ ._,. ‘Err?’ . -~r - , (’I'73__ ,’ hnh’fnpportcd'the drong and fpirits of Your’Pe,titioiIers and 7oth',ers',, Prot ants«,'p.;in1‘crefl7ed inzthat Kingdonnil finding but {mall Sutcours hitherto, fent; "ithithergi ’l1OfVl:7ltll- flcanmng the feverallOrdersfof both Houfe:=of_- P_—_‘A 11- ‘ I. it A M 5 NT , do now with uni-'peaka‘ble‘ g"rief not" heart, apprehend nothing but defpair of ever being . reftored to their habitations, if Your Mafeftie be not gracioufly pleafed to give life and power to the pain- full endeavours of both Houfes of Parliament , the profccution of that War neceflarily requiring a great fum of Money to be prefently raifed. And all hu- mility, The Petitioner: conceive, the Act lately pail fed by Your Majefiies Royall Grace and goodnelfe, (upon -the Propofitions made by thofe w"ho-fhall‘ad- venture their Moneys) to be the onelyway left for raifing prefent‘Money for that Work : Andgthey finde that the removall of Your Sacred Maiefty to places to remote,_aud d.-ifiant from the Parliament, doth much difcourage the Adventurers , in advancing Moneys for efieétuall proceeding in the work, and confe-' quently will be a means, unavoidably to retard the long expefled Supplies , contrary to Your Majelties‘ Royall intentions often iexprefled, and will much en- courage the Rebells, andtheir adherents in that King— . den), and may, in the opinion of fome,~( as. they fear) gain abeliefof thofe Falfe reports, which divers of the Rebels have taken the boldnefle to raife, 6571611 very lately: fince theppublifhing of Your cities Procla- m3tfiI0I1_ f0r fupprefsing, the Rebels, Thatthey are Your Majefhcs Seouldiers,and That the fupplies that arrived there, were but «the Parliament fupp1ies..And Your Petitioners further humbly rfl1e_w., That if firong‘ Forces benot rcfently raifed,andtranfportedthither, ‘ (the Tealon o the-yeer now ferving) the .Britil7h and Protcfiants in that Kingdom cannot long Subfift, but Wall. be extirpated , and Papifts, and the Idolatrous . C 2 V Made I____ i 03‘) Maffe th£1‘ebj’.’._. cfiahliflued , which is already pnhlxkely. oufed in*rn,o{‘c of the Chuches of that Kingdom. - i ’ A . May it therefore pleafc Your moftosacred Majefiieg ', L to refleét upon the defperate, and miferab1ccon-- dlrtion ofthat poor Kingdom, t and weighing the e Pretmifl‘es-' and other the Confequencefs of ‘delay- ing the efle-ftuzxll ‘fitting forward of the ‘War . , againfi:_theRebe1ls in Ireland; ot3Your1’rince1y' X g0odne@§e and wiidom,to vouchfafe Your :*~ flies p1‘Cf€HCC“ unto Your Parliament, for the_en-- comragement of the Advcntutem, am}. all tothere Your Majefiics good Stxbjeéts, in this P~io;1-s- work; for the difcouragement of the Rcbellsy and for cxpeditirgefuch fi1[tth'er”ArS¥s ,I Com-‘ mi@io1_1s,taod W artants to ti{’{ue',as {ha%1*oe-requiw fite for th‘: prefzrvationtof the remnant of. Yottr-‘ t ood Subjcfts, the Prote{’ca11tse‘yet 1eft_i11 Irelahd, . . or driven foxjthe p1‘€f€11t.thC'1"~.30ut. t e t ’ And Your oSupp:liants.wil1 pxiay,&c. -e . \' 5: '3-‘ '2 t-.(>\-;..£_ 5-‘ , gv " "" so’ 0 (.1 ¢\‘ ' ' f ‘. " e?'%3H %§,%eae%%¢$%§1 LIV _’_ . , V . . 4 . _ r ' A -_ . _ J V ,_ - I " 1”‘-’ . ’-.;,- ..,g_.. » . ., , , . ' - ‘ ' KW‘ -J - ‘ RARE DA 412 1642 . G77 uvmrn at - oouma ELL SPC RRE RARE 01 0-006068444