3s%é5$:%$§§5$éA$£§&$£§A$e§5§e§53§.§'5§éiafiésgéafi % " Lafidafly P17iM€4;1 éffjb/9 E71t!fl0At%t;% 164.3. ¢ WA % HO . gs ES G F A T 0 A £1] dh.C3 Concerning Vis$intended gingto IRELAN4..D., Wbercuntois added Six Reafnns, or1~M0¥tives, . to»,dif1"wadc HisJMa}eflyAfr4om gaing thithc_r.. I 5 55 ‘M3 d3Y€d, that £11m Bcforthwith Pufbliflicda -::___ . 2:3 % %? =3, _é;;;5'*{=’§»3' . ~ §£'fé*:*§;§§%‘§$§$E::a "%*~eéb§§?1g€§¥évi"? :3: ..,....._— Henfil/iagg, élmcam. 13;.-*?arz.¢ ‘ ‘h 7".‘ ,; ‘I ; ‘ ‘Q .w,, an ‘W‘....¢,‘, .gg:t¢;p....g.,“ W “flw. IQ. , . I ‘ ‘ ‘ V‘ ‘ ‘ '~IIm- fly ‘ I? V A‘ ‘- 1. I’? ,_ M _ 4? L r =53 1 May itylcqfé Tom‘ Mzzjzifiy A A faithfiall §_:?ubje&s,%tl1%c L<)rdsand*= ‘ Com?m0m& in Parliament, have ‘ A c’tuei:y' clllMvE:ry where , to root out and dcsllmy the Rcfarnmd Religion ,as the I_riflaPaplfl:s lmw in 3. great part already efi°c:&cd in that Iflng-m elm-‘B 3. and in all lilzaly--hood would quickly be at- temptedin0tl1cx:’plae€s,“if the con;fiel¢.ration of the llmngfth madlurzion of lthelltwa Natlonsluf Efiglazfid a.z"1d.S‘c:9tz?m»z.urAtz'e_y at thistimc, 9y rea-fen of ther;rizmif0.1d fuccicfies which Godhat«h given: 3gainfithcin..; A . A A A1: I Lit will much himier anal Aimpair thc'mcans A whereby thisAWaris to be fupporrcd, anfl ‘cncrcaie the charge of it, and in both theft‘: rcfpc€ts,make it morcinfuppcmablc to your Subjcéb; And this we can confidcmly aifirm , bccaufc-many of the Adven- A izurcrs , who haw: already fiibfcribed , £19 upcmmhe vknowlcsdgé of your VMajc:fii-cs ~intc*ntio¢ns , declare thcir rdblucioms motto pay in their moncdyfind others vcry ~wiIling tA"ohavc*fub1cribr:d, do now pmfcffcthc A wwantrary. AA A A " A ‘AAA '1 V. ‘four Majcflics abf)"<‘:r1ce mufl zmcc.{Tar’iI‘y very’ much .intcrruptAth¢: pfocccdingsofPar1iam<:nt, and - dcprive your Subjcéfs «sf théybcencfit of tAhoTcfurt?ncr” Hfits of Grace, mdjuflicc , which ~vs'cJ«fl:i11l1w.mbly cxpc6t~fr04AmAycm1r N MiIjefiy,, for the mfiabliflming of pcrfcflt Llriigm, and mmuall coxifidcrm ba;tWi§-It your Majefiy, andyour Pwple, and procuAx'ing and con; 4 firming the profpcrity and1%:appimcAffc of both. v. It willcggcccdingly ctic1'eafc mg seaxouzacs and e ‘ ms csf your ?mple,A A and rcndcrthedm.1b§:s of % ymxr A Subje&Vs., more pm-bablc4 offomc fox*ceTimmdcd by f;om‘c ¢vi1lCour;C~c:IAs ncéxycmr Majcfiic, iI:Aop;pofi:ion A A 3 A {W gem P’axI’i*amem"t, andfavour qf A the malignant party ofLt.heKimgdA<>m. % A Q ’ A wfiwwill b».*a*:reV:.1‘€r"é: ;yo11r.Par1ia-nicnt of-’«£hat ad» vantage ,W whercb3z%A‘AthV¢y%wcm induced to Lzndertaké this War Lspma your Mair:-flies promife, that 11: fhould. bcm.mm_gc~d by their .e:.:;.:§v?icc:, which cannot be done» 4 if jgimuf M;;j¢e{tg4 mntra%a*yAtw chm: Cmmccll, 1'hai§‘V » M 1 M V ;;;mdc::tak¢ w“O% rd¢r’;andGmrem it in your ;of’wn~. A H ‘L1pom”.4whiEh‘5 amzf d:%§,'vVersJ4%others {Rea;fons, we“ have mibivéd‘,, by: 251115 fuI'1“ and» ém-cL1Vr:‘Ai;wg °ag2*6ementA A an? Ermia I-Ioufes, Thastxm awn 01* with the edutywh‘ich# belongs ta L15, confwt tcgarry A levies, or mifing 0f 3oiu.1dicrsm he made by yo:11*VM;ajei§'.y5V for this yam” intended ¢?+xpmfiri0n*~int:3 Irciawczg “ or 1-me pzzymcnt of :;2:.nyy§%rrz;1},r:, m:S0u1%diemthcVrcs but fuch 3:5 flm1W&:%AA . emplmym’ and gc»:;zcAWr;1§d&%Azzc;;x;rd%iz;:g tc_y_om* advice: and . dir::&i0n:, am that‘* 11’ fu c4h4*‘Le3(ies fI‘ra1lJ‘be n+1adc~ by any finch C0mmifT1on’o“Lf% y&1’r*%”M"a§ie£%y,f‘VF fxmt“ agrccd to A by both H’GL1£2es' Sf ’%‘P:s-M iamcm‘. L 5‘ Vwe *fhal1. b~<=:4 foréedi? x to ir:te1‘p~r«etth& fazzic mm écaifed to thrc;;.tc‘rr0r of ycauf Pcaplmazid difmrb.mr:«::i of the pubmzic Pcafccg ‘iw.>‘i5d‘ mm mm‘ ffilms bo=Lm.dby:l*;e Laws of th-eVKinig:dom, {Q p‘pf%y.. the autVZ1m'iVty’%§>f“ P%3VrVIi4aAan§:r1t"% t,oifL1_ppfrefl?::%~VtVI1 up %% :%§.ma‘§xrva*Ado fi:.r2:§mr, haxznbl um _ A4 dmclarc, That I *4 y%Ag:%m: fhatli iflI‘"1~&“3:3:i.zA%;‘z.%c vil bc pcrfwad€d% ,. m OT» W advkr: War Par1i~atin cm’ {*"wl11cE"14 wjyom M%3J§?fi“ ‘fv\fi.‘1‘&fl*O\Vt"’I) A” we done: (rm-:1%o1d ou:%s,¢:1v;s to fubzmr “‘t0‘aziy Com» C0n1mif£§aner§Awhich yam-%uAr Majeflie fh:§i?iic1hu4ff‘“e , ‘Mi! A dam ‘z“¢fi;:e1v@ m prctfewc: &ndg;g<3Vc;*:1”m%Atl1:@ I€ia,fsgciuzI£ aha Cm.m':rz-m.~1~1 and advice wf ywur “13a.zrlim‘z<:*mtw, « % yaw ?‘afEiEjZ¢f?€j,?, and your Pafisrity, $:«;c0rc{ingAr@0;zx Al&I.cg§§mmcemamé aha Law 0»:?f' Mm Land. “ - A AA VW:mr¢:f0m mm hmx:«:bl~y pzraggzg and tadvife §H’A.7«iL‘£_;1*% jicfiky m dcfifi fmm this yam intended p;2,flZz,g¢ D’W3%-“’M’—5 » afld M M pr€*p.arat§@n of Mm and %1-Mms mending Eh€I'@’i§fi.‘tfltOI&I1d to leave the mannaging of W‘-mire myom Majeftics, Purlizunmt, :.‘u:cm'.:!ixzg~z:«:sL your Majaflies pramife, made unto us, and ycmr Ray” ail Commiz-"flan, granted undrcr yomfigrcat 562:} if .E2zgla;/ml, by zadvicc: mi‘ both Houfasss In prcsftrcmiom fwhcraof, by Crodls b1¢:fi3mg,.Awc have mzgradc a profpc-- a*euse,rx:raucmby m;’mVy% desicats of t11cReb:‘:‘:l 5 As} %whcVm~ by4fi”1cy~V¢are3‘mnc11wcaktmd, and diflmar:n~*:‘d, and % Ahavc no pnobabVl¢ means of fubfifiancc if our prcw ccrcdirxgs {hm not bcimtcrruptcd bytiaisimzcsrpofitiw A on of your M:2j¢i?rics j¢ourn‘€y;“”fhrUt%*thafi~~vsm~%may%ho§m A upon ‘good grounds, that Wi%§whi‘1....a fhmt timw, witheout hazard of your Majcftics Pcrfon , zmdfo much dan- gerous c0%nfu{icm to your Kingdonmwlnich r»m1Fr ncrzda ©mf‘ue,%if youflmu1d%p1rm:ccdin%thisRcfohation , were fliiéll be‘ Y % V‘+Vifldi€at%e ies Rig hr and%Adu.t1;-amixa %t;hat AIiin@.;d0m$5A.%aad* 49min; thoic horri%A%bl%eAAVa”rid ou‘1:r:1gi<:msy c%r5(1cltie9‘ xvhma ” mvc been commixzted in them1a'2rthering;,— and fpailing {'0 A nmemy of your Sxxbjeflw, and bring that Realm to {ash acondition, as may bm:nL:chfm' %t;‘:-K: advantage ef ymzr Majefiy and this‘Crown ,“thei‘10mm.w ;0f'y0m* A Government and Cmwentment of your Pcoplas for A the Bcttm: and mom fpccdy Qfifcfiingwbcsrcof, we dp A VA again \ faAgva§,;}=~rci%hew»ou%r humble dcfir¢s_oEyour rcturntmymzr Jkmrlmment ; And that: yam W1” plcafc’ to rcjcéi all ~C§.o11ncc1s,~ and Appywvsnflons which rnayauy way deroga.tc £rr;m1.tfhe .faat.Mu1nciTe, and allcgianccmhich ¢ A in truthgamd fincerityy fem have alwayas home, and ynofcflkd to your Magkazfity, and {hail cvex.-make gqoé. ,;qthc,Mut.tcrmofl§with was and forxmm, V