)¢~a2&as "the Kings mofl Excellent Majeflie: And by ‘o n< gs. theAfiignesof]oHN BILL. 1649. yaw . .6 _ L $33’??? e‘§’3‘§’$‘§’3‘§7$7§?'$‘§" P4 0) " , ‘no " . . " ~ V’ ., " .. < 1 Q _ r’ J »'{"‘:.‘_»‘\ / ., ,-3i.',Jwi «e,::A‘,~—/’ i ' «4_«¢_5;;,«:,'\‘.‘,».:.-_.,f- 0 V. .’_ ,9 n -l I. 7, '94- ", i ' .'..‘,.,_. -’_:I» ;~ '9 7.3 i 93-", .' K - u ' ‘I ‘(fin (ll . ‘'9 Qty: ~ » * v » I/5§'r.‘.s:r:«‘rs. ye . 4.: * ‘.*..“:<=-.-.v.~‘m:- , ._ W - \"§—j—.',,;’_ _ /I , .\{l V ~,/;, .5 ‘ . .,. 145" \' .‘ 19.7” i."*l'.*.. F‘ >‘-.' 0 i zgzsxggs Mosér i ° oEeX=cell‘entIV1eAsi'rIhE i ' ‘The humble PetitioD3Of thcqlords ‘and Commons Affemblcdin Parliament, . . ‘Lthoughwe Your Majefiies mofi hum- ’ /’ . ‘ble and faithfull Subjefrs, the Lords and Commons in Parliament a{Tem- ' A bled, have been Very unhappy in many 7; former Petitions and Supplications to Your Majefky , Wherein we have re- " prcfented our" mofi dutifiJ11Affe€tions, in advifing and‘ defiring thofc thin s which We held mofi neceffary for the prefervation c Gods» true Religion, Your Majefiies fafety andflonour, and the Peace of A the e W « A 3} . Kingdom 5 (1) Kingdom; And with much. forrovr do perceived, That Your Majefiie, iucenfed by many falfe Calumnies and Slanders, doth continue to P raife Forces againfl. us, and Your other peaceable and’ loyall Subjeéts, and’ to make’ great Preparations for War, bothin the Kingdbm, and frombeyond the Seas; And by Armes and violenceto over-rule the Judgement and Advice ‘of Your great Councell, and by force to determine the Qieflions there depending, concerning the Government and Liberty of the Kingdom 5 Yet fuch isour earnefl defire ofdifcharg- ing our duty to_.Your Maiefiie and the Kingdom, to pref‘ Ten-re the peace-thereof, and to prevent the Miferies of Civil] War amongfl Your Subjefits, That notwithfland-it ing we hold our {elves bound to ufe all the means and power, which by the Laws and Conflitut-ions of this King-- . dom we are trufied with, for Defence and"Pr0te€ii‘on thereof, and of the Suhieéis from force and violenoets We do in this our humble and Loyall "Petition prollrate our {elves at Your Majeflies feet,befeeching Your Royall‘ Majeftie, That You will be pleafed to forbear and re- move all Preparations 8: Aélions of War,particularly the Forces from about HuJ,fi'om, Ngwcaflle, '1‘ 7nmar:tb,Li;z.raln, and'£incaln/Z'ir,c,and all other Places 5 And that Your Maje- jeflie will recall‘ the Commiflions of Array, which are illega-ll 5 Difmifle Troops , and extraordinary. G.auardis,= by You raifedg That Your Majeflie will come neerer to Your-Parliament, and hearken to their faithfull Advice, and humble Petitions , which {hall onely , tend to the de fence and advancement ofReligion,Your own Royal Ho- nour and" fafety, the Prefervation of Our Laws and ‘Li'- bertiéss And We have been, and {hall ever be carefull to prevent C 3) prevent punifli all Tuinults and sfeditious Aétions-,' Speeches, and Writings, which may give Your'Maiefiie iuft eaufe of _difla{t or apprehenfion of danger; from which publike Aimes and "P\€fo-lutions no finifter or vate ‘refpeét Ihallever make us‘ to decline, That Your Maieftie will leave Delinquents to the due eourfe of ]u- flice; And that nothing done orfpoken in Parliament, or by any Perfon in purfuance of the Commandand Di- refiion of both Houfes of Parliament be queifizionedany where but in Parliament. ” ' P * And we, for our Parts, {hall be ready tolay down all thofe Preparations which we have been forced to make for our defence. And for the Town of Hull, and the Ordinance concerning the Militia , as ‘we have in both thefe particulars, onely fought the prefervationof the peace of the Kingdom, and the Defence of the Par- liament from force and violence 5 So We {hall mofl: willingly leave the Town of ‘Hui! in the {fate it was be- fore Sir Iolm Hotbam drew any Forces into it, delivering Your Majefties Magazine into the Tower of London; And fupplying Whatfoever hath been difpofed ’ by us for the ferviee of the Kingdom:,We [hall be ready to let- tle the Mzlim by a Bill, in fuch a way, as fhall be Ho- nourable and fafe for Your Maje (tie, moft agreeable to the duty of Parliament, and effeétuall for the good of the Kingdom,That the ftrength thereof be not imploy- ed againft it felf5And that which ought to be for our feeurity, applied to our defiruétion : And that the Par- liament, and thofe who profefle and defire {till to pre- ferve the Proteftant Religion, both in this Realm, and in Ireland, may not be left naked, and indefenlible, to the mifchievous delignes, and eruell attempts pfthohfe, w o <0 - who are the profeflt, and confederatedEnémieéuthelfeof I in Your Majefiies Dominions-, and other Neighbour-A Nations.-To which ifYo ur MajePcies Cou'rfesand Coun- fels fhall from hence-forth concur,’ we doubt not but We fhalfquickly makeit appear to the World, by e the mofteminent efl'esm;%tgJt:t%1za€?21i£B’l1t_tti%0 5.’ upon;£ucI3con1aitto.n5 ~sa’:a1:119m19l,W,cagxrmtgmnty 190111 abet, that all c£;e'mb:I'h ma1v%fez Iyoinmtilfirtg £9“i:3ar2&ze1nouIn fie to:%mbza§e%am2 0b¢W1¢W,tb&€1fli§9tb9%8t&a vigbt xmn;e;v£tauamg between 191:1: ant 19$ tmo$om'e:3 of aea¢Imz@ns% x@tm%mboxwe wtuve¥ae+a;a1u;aa.ene %atnuténuon; when we p2ifia'té%;a;stfces aim“ aihtilz gufinuationz offomefe1n_%a1tguant aaevrons {ball % be at€q91v¢r¢P£’¥05J§C1J 19133 99«9a1'e£tt*z mil take cat? mall uftpzenurp .19i>.»£;at£)&1fiiffi“§feama:e%meégi;en vartiwlaravf 9 % 193% tom the? D8fftlWafr2%t’r?tn§%‘m13L 935 !1EC8lI&1?1"02 conbemene f0;7‘The prefe1jvation.of Gods \ 23.‘ €met%A A % A 1 V ". 119$? the %%etiti°t!¢rs% met? ;n.€$§¢vL!1=!g,§;vvv ‘'1 % : - tlmwenwons ozfim % 1 A true Relig§dn5 His Majeffics fafetje and H£_)nourl3 ‘The JPe&ac%e 9f” ‘the. Kingdom .5 A A V3999,“ more general! znbtm.z5%.g¢f6unDaupn;3 a".t‘eIat:s;g 19:15 uue’3Beligtonm1;ici;$‘211;5’- . ‘ 2 €19aj2m1z coull? lvifia fonre psirticuIa1?&,‘11ftanpe’e$ "1980 been appiien. 1L2: mute a11n*€i9<5% omit W vatticularzggbpofition fiogstiyes gefegbaqtonofiwoha réfitfzcltoga (8) content tos‘?1191J3§19,i¥“F9‘51J3¥‘J105$?!‘ 5&2 $32 eat; of center? dioufcyenwfi, emu fa; tgzanhanczmeut of The Protefiam Pxéligiona 15 tgntozmuz by many of 19% wtlfages arm» imclacattons 5 what ta art .3 iyatb h_emto Hi$ Héniourwid sa?fme4, mi3z‘n%%19z' aw % ham n;t‘m;£:emro:::‘e>o£ ’i_.9i5 {Bbit{e£§,%é1§1bAIi£ptfrom ‘ otbzv of £9m'1:omn5 by fiancee Qua migat cavcclme % hath been The-Peac; pf Uthve Deanna: vat? hezn u;¢n§9;A 31! £5? ,1}33JBOfi8‘.t£‘ W53 aaamfi #9191, is re zm %ta1»%4@&ie= W I5 Gofififizfit ¢%%x1t$9t%€t%ETz*a, 11 mite seam!!! Efimntttattbnfi ti ¢f5£.II91!%*?-§1Jiitg0¢, ., * m1?3F*\9?‘;?3§F?‘3:.%§%!!§§JD.»:.3§? . £03, 955 "‘f93Pi9f.i5.>‘ vzepamttoas to; wav %Cmbattqe§e: 3 ug. wnigfgsgtize 9133.1. 1 ‘;W}'§§‘". .f W9 :;1'§! I " ' ' them,’ are inbitceb to fit 1 a? men mayjinom mbattsbnnztbatmag, ts but tn amt to. 19:5 otpn. 3%efenee..-'fl.»2t ¥b€1i9§t$$!9"€g‘f'§a¥?.m€fi¥h¥t % a1Itne;ivnélD¥it!0i1@5.3: ‘_ . % 44 19:9 9 19818128 of W1iit‘e1xa11 ‘fojgf f.a£’eAt'g%"of 19$ {fie ; «what new 1999:1225 efi aaavimmem upon that own g%»m'W$fl fnom Qutbozitvj rattan; an ~1§uax,a%teg.tbe;n§tI?22a% gmmtftzs finocteutixeeprgtxnizntnutggajmaewzwmmamsw Lon- ~d9ntp. that ) mttbuuttbe teat’: fifilfiutz ow mom of Danger -,, «Em: they 1t{utp2b{a19o,toep by MW pgetmbeh. wzhznance. (agamft all 19m_tgtpI£5a:1D.% mementa ufILam> am the mi2o1eM1ht:a Vat the .%m’ngI2em_, _m§:nom am: aggiafi %i9is t _ —q..,.M. . an '§;1l£iai:5i2;16i*b%ileft¥9ie5§e $9 % 9 rent; fliibat they took potfeflion at 1965* ¢I§o'nm,« <,1¥ozt,« ante fllaagaiine of Hell, am: co.mmittent1;e,famet,a $11 John Hotham, won that t1;e¥etgbantg.‘:u1pon t1)i$t1}%%utpe annesaffectton of, tins dtotmtp pgomvpes en 9§5§“bJ3“5 1J£W,‘°!z0bID% a Tm§1N5“%W%‘593e $ie~om1-'q9etfon3.Amh1cI;ma3 I18 fpuner mme; but a \aete‘j£u§hadp paifebofi 19$ €1Ba71"ettt'e§ tntetttionitoe mm Mr Mflinft 19:5 aeadiamwt (Web We 3“°“9§.¥i$11¢&r.t&b.119zf9¥1? >411!‘ flfltmttilfiafihitgg iaueme . a1€RI£§f§B_e;otef£1ou%§g_Qey;Ia1:at§on§8. aezoteitatmnfi to we contra: , feconnen by we deer rdcetttmoiw of Ce gteata mam er of zeeere ' upon the ~ glaze, 3920 nations ant sweets in; Ieab_iesJof %eu ozfeami mswvezfenttnszomeutgtbe 13: enom, aerate anbr9I9otW42 b.;Bugt)tt1z‘anb:ecet;£aeb, ogre an): exam s:ai£en,tpmatb2$_an Qtauie , ututteren anil unhee atommanb . an!) all this contest? to the Lam qnb t0%¥9i5 flaateities jazoclaauation-fine a %80I&t8= 19,? -€9Dl&1i1ee!“¥er5fP3¢£: £92 $119 recovery of Hull; azfuppgeffmg; the pgetemaep £03739 iififlfiefoz the Militia, it mouth heijelu leabgmg; war‘ eagaiua tbemtnliament, .a»uu'eIItl31'3 bone befoze We sllaajeftie gvanteh any ommiffion fozetiae-leaiaili , — 0.3» vaifiug a man; 319:3 wajefiififi 131135 were tagen. A 35 3. frame ( iloj)’ mm i9int, arm cmmnitcen tome fluftonytoftige eat! ‘9fWarWick,YDDO pgefuntes LIIIBBI7 that power toeufutp to mantel; the, fionetaegntgof we <,5.}aea. ftoetyaieg fright, fit tznpnfott fuel; of fies %a~y'e[t:e5 539% %e_tb= jects as hence to obey iazetamfuu mlomznanflfi, at: though be new name of we legal! 1Reno£actono§_€i3B 052117! of Northumberlands cifommitfimt ' 'iU1)£!7£bY all epofmev oetttsen feomeenat 3afz2,13, 139$ Beqztng men umber: a; general! zcoufatioaatvttbouca trta11__ a whole yea: am mega, ant to allonpmg "0, tnapfozt1;etv2mtz’ucz.ann auinbtcatton. 1)abz; frighten men away from to chargeable am) unpers $3111 auatteniyancea @112 ifiemebiz 1'5 hfifi 131911109,“ tam the Sweats gr_em.; .’3}f the mm 118 tbs; mea2,. furs inf ,1wtnquw§iz, none fact; at; mttbm 19:9 amazes 393otB€t.iDt1_:J3ut if by Jmltnquentgmcb are, unberitoon who are mama to by manta, mttnaflta any acreinaffa .unon am? known 92 caabltmeba mm away zaeunqueuts tbotz m'ne1Lo;D5 aye unnfifliflfifis mbp aramabe 3Be1it1au2ut5foz_obj¢9WE 1915, $934» leffatefi éumuponfi to come to 1291111, aim: that #82 tberwaaa weather fatenoz honourable, 119 t£af9t!a0f~ t1)€"d5.tImUIt$ autpaotber mziolencie-5, 81173 WOW paacbapxgnt, 192 125 confluent, is the gtgatett . bzeacb, of zbzmtlebgc that hzfoga tiaia zaamament W5» aw: ofieteb to the -iaoufe of 1922165; Bflf h2%¥1IIT’ quentfi,.tuci)ate uunerttoon tuba taftgfe to tubmxt. to tbcnzetmncn flmimmz of ti)€ Nfilmaa ‘°.,‘§8t0ft1J8 fiabiz, oz ‘taauy other main!) £9133 filaajattw 13833110‘ confenten to .. fucks mtyo fog the aazaca of $33"? Dom ,.in an bumble mamztqf pzepata 392 01;; '30 ’ 7 ” (14) 95% Oztfl h¢CU$0flf£§; E5 33!} £003 Lonaon am: Kw: nib. wbfmt tznieious onefi , ; sf! ayacpf Efléx, am: ache; plants a1IomeBat§b ctmxugen ; {alt ‘ by vmtmauents fact} ate,uaBete noon , rgamarz calm to togflévuitvluttazng $25 mo‘ 93% _zucr . ?‘”v‘Z:&?‘£’§§:§“ £%’&’§ .1 :%e°.§ am; % :5 name mntaeca about sun qltembztfi ) tubes; tljofe agame aim ate nxtpevfzn now an cave am: snpuitvr,‘ to nation am cozrupc tyenogaltv mm ifiemeu-at £1915 people 5 336 be mlmatmttfia fad! ate mmecaoon, snug vamp; mat} lean 9:5 aaaszaie $01109. in the mumztfimsm tn anggngzv placzfis fiat!‘ flfiaieaiz ngoiarqs to at! tbemozln, % at fiaemfll pzotecg me!) $15 mama mm: sum firmgtb, Qua mots, Mac at them saws they fubmtt not tp angwweifzagess ozwmfamsg 33: being 19:5 bu, % topzoépot ave nmocem, ca- mu; t3): army _eo%v¢mh: 31¢ P%lntfb}neut,%of hath% ml): ,_ mfg to be 311: gs. flaunt bot!) iaeufzfi fioptyaflx an eomaheva wemvall, amtg zatteflra mic Z9; ofV‘ti;otz, man she): that; mzbem :6 §!é,9aJet’mmu:tnotac&1I1,.anhfuf« ‘It tut $31335 % ant to iatfiiufl gamer.-, anaiave {allia- atoufi ‘z ti); wins at the Man, 69 pm'a;,% am he name, bzqaufz may ave eaueBT1%eIt;muettf£j: mun. !vU€"»¢*39?fiJ&“-*a3%“P°“*9‘"'*°m%, ‘¢,“"‘,3‘ $t(enBag:ceLo£,ti;ofe. aw calm » . Eta 2; % ye: may zwgse, letweep fznntI}mtm§ea cozmblaffiz majcfite of . % .5; £9 %%35. ozintn tI1e~fwetal!” T §ti%¢B W W fiumeeta means i11&19im,?9I§ flfiaizaié (15) (‘mo my bad; it mmJ%mt tore tag mm to nitpwfc with to attcua emu 3B£tf0t'I?,;D: to meat: fufibflbfiiwfi as ateTn2c%£fwg to; we pgecztiaaciou nfi iaimklf am: igiatga am, but mutt motes: wan, £13232 a~zt2 caiiefi flea dfoztbe *1?“““9”9"%‘?‘1‘2?”°5¢’3iI1E&%éiffii¥¥9*é€iiv» queuts 5 $915 %}2ftI2 ma! spgcma» a‘gainfi theta imijo bane no zézibiiziagz of zaavttammt, at in Inga pafe§!nWt8,no$zih,i1znge is tube mom, awe ; Anyailhe anmfen 139 19:9 lama gfiwuweummacmw <:'ngtofl;e Brmmuaun % ~~ -s A 31112 Jauicsfi ta: ~ Mm 5 it umafonahlz % A men to master: agaiufl were we i)’aw.hi0Iate13‘ x am uumtbtzb mm, ;onet2be&s2£ % ~ rumcmata) biatattmz. msntug Iain thus mueacétéepammmi we W3 W9 WW0!‘ ‘?° .fiucetuzIcmtntw: beaten men’: zmmns to: $0 ’ #58 2 % mana ‘ ’ z +4» A , am: 0 arm a muemfl of cast’: sfiis out at is mincetg lobe, cennevuzaz any nf¥9v§ movie. am Wvtto "Wiwfi ,iiimgaom,m3attbemboI2 afomam of 1»: may be match fa; the Defence of we (elf, sub :9: mm of Ireland ( in more behalf $6 csninrts hot!) I mu them , am; to that making sgif 19:5 mm of zbatliamcnt, as; X min gntmzt conttavy to flIm'gt)tp6ob,19t£ % toflyotg ingnom (:6) iaiugbom, "mat they tztfiev notgug fiiaonezw gratw 20 am: coliecten by my oi mfizg; meat, toVbelmn2rt£B oz izngloplen agau;It 19:5 £m9s;;jeftte,ml;;i2fi :19I§%0“¥* Diets mwat imugnom are many to wuctnw, 031% viii; fa; maatttofjeav,am:c1;ebawarou§3Hebel3 WW bad by that mcouragement) 315 gtaetoufiy «pieafeb once mngzto p2opo£eanB‘Vreqtm:z $ V % , @EIJat,§i9ifi*dD9'mn ofHu11 he immeniatelp nelitgeregt up toiatm, mmcb being ii0IIB( t1]ougl)i9i:3919&_J££it€ hath been mobofififl .11? unmarnof%3]u1To!euc:e§,0f ¢ $31? John Hotham,4}V€mce,t)i§ bl,11$t.1i§1§.;.8«I‘lIl A bzemnmg , £132 atauntlgepg win Wfeigitwiais wine, am: ott1ev,m%ot2te not-I9 fez i9I231901If8.s:fi!.ID’ fcoznfully ufing 1915 $21? ‘ mat, inyom 192 (cm to require tb2m,,faging,1t came !-:0, h1km%;1>y,Pr9.Vfiden9$=; and wi 1,1 k¢€P%itA%s; E110-igo‘ rzftgfiug to batman tt: , ma tI;zeacs,pf1)-2 omit: ntlaet % ofntsfelloiv kfiaevbants fizoula agam nzpaw:V Hull about its Quiz in taking Aann Bztatniflfl Wifomrfi aims fieutkmefl , arm otyetg t1rtI)eiv&p‘g1Iage%oh,ev £133; Hpmber 13»mc0Infi;tte,,%a!09ut%;ti1eLv ‘ nevaam, annfucia own tnaismttefi, aa aIt%V,¥?E;ib§Il!:8~I3I10%iflt;% flbat 1915 fiabw be f92€f1iI?;It1)?%?zt8D<:IutD‘¥¥c£1 sauna 35 £92 baa; ntmecarezcI1¢%$ob2§)nm%:}t . . r .’ P. I .1 - an C "7 D thereof; 65393 Mainittg thereof aftee $133 fllaaiettiefi Directions epuhIt’1heb,anD receibeb to the ttm"tratp,; am: imploptnge 191$ éhips againlt {Bun in futh mam1ee,a5 they ate new ufen , being notoziouee iaigh-iicreaion in the arommauaers of thote %ht’p:6.i “dfilaatallfltmzfi, Ibeahieza. ant! ibgohifiatm toga’ neat, mabehp the atohfeat of both i9aute:3tbh mhofe wrample 19:5 fflaiettte hath been fqxcen to make tome pgepatatwns) be immebtath? lam comm am: the pgetennee’ slbgbmartce to; , the Mtilitia‘, aunt an ' 39°W.r°“m1J0fmss upon the €5uh1ect,,mitha outjets fllbmemes oIo;;reht,bemratomen, imthont mhteh thetame gegetente goth remain to pzonuee the fame flfitfcbteffi ; Q11 ‘mhtth his fllfiaiegtie may azi latvfpile b%ma.;Ii1,ea;§.t01;he, gaunean mtth an .moz¢ SW62 betvmwtbwrmgthw 13:35 we we iaeetam fi7mu‘§9"m"'; h ' 1. 7 i .. e 4. flhefe bemg none,an;i the zeatiiament anjqumeb to’ a fare aun fetuteaetate, 1955' gtaajettievpzomttee tn ¢*J8~v2*9W;*1!59°F¢“1?»~~&fl9!11iiID€§» 19ttmtztt,be,:a1ti9te “Y°flfiD?F‘9$:ii*1?? 9«iflW€"I¢°e in: Mattohtzeenf W 39€0v1érfh&t.¥@é-t-ibill tnttatttfyt aha ”11iQa:'9i)£%r£L$[IE lagnnmn all, the cjfogce laemu h&b'8,ratfeD,; am: we theme §lIe191:3 future arm? inteaihenxbeahses tivhat $11.“? New 11%? t eeneva¥1faveef.1,9;¢w«°i9?£ Wt 1011013 imngnoiu 3; ; firm mélltepaie to tviintganh befites that all Iatfferencee may be fteehz nebaten m a zearltaa mentaty may , inhetebhthe 1La'm may tetohee that DUB iiienerente, the fiuhjett his juit mhettte, am! aeaeltaments: themielhes -theft; tau znatgout ann cefttmation ;~t Qun‘fo the mhfite lmngbom, a bietfen §eace,.,£Dut‘et, ant: 1B;:g'pBttw. at 3 (18) {iii tlgzfz mopotitiottifi {mil be rejecten , $15 919940 fife Doubts not of tt)_2£zot2ction am: fitftftanct mu ., mm the many wncuvrencz of 35% goon aubieqca. iniyo car; tmg nq nope Iefit than 3? enjoying that own long, tf thew mug may he appzefi £23; ant tponemana he rgmemietre. am: qtzeugiz 9:5 mj3wn§,1¥9t5 99%, $39 filgrmcfi, arm 19% £198? my ht gums: am) taken from $:m,, $2 batty a gym fiaufemta arm the was of 1995 maple , mum, may $908 bwjffmg , 9: Doubts not, win recover °31“*3¢‘~‘¢1"‘ W§??> *5 61% Lfimwfiw “W W‘ tenant tbemfznge ofitiae mbme arm mm ottbe mttgitbm, the Wmtwm g’vezbom_of3°eatIza: Ifltfit, ana tbeiaetobmz , of blaming I’°‘1‘:“dsb¢¢fl. , t9;t1?9 .5 amounts, as an urge to 19:5 * f (mun We rm aumeil buts! dof,tt;er¢> 6 iii! ¢0fl,Wt W what 935 %98J"eft12 marmwmomwaa bfifitévfio A A . 4 % am at late %‘aj€m¢ erxmcs as admin pow “#2 W°W%b!WW@ar ma mmmmtv of $23 §11§ant3}ntg : mu when 192 10;?! not maize flan?‘ “£936? Hull, hoping m the flifectien, %“‘Y Offliwemioneta zfiiubin tin Wwfm that no ftwptv of meat»: % ¥u¢*‘”‘°H““s exam? of £912: mics Mes flows taken rams tvmce. % %F I N I RARE DA 412 1642 .G78l2 ELL SPC nae nmé DA412 1642 .G781 illlllllllllilll 010-006068471