g%%%@@%%@%%%%%%%@%%% ‘.r ‘5‘;‘w.n '*'-Kn / q‘ '_v ‘» ‘ 3 ! _w %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%@%@%%% a%@ M r #3 3f ‘II '3 A ‘ é « Wmn mace. % ¢cxR T1$E ‘ ‘M “.|yfi3A. ‘ Fl.“ ‘ ‘ j ‘ ‘ ‘ r ‘H .‘-r ‘ ‘ . f the Lords an Conlmons, I1ow¢4 Af%Temb1ed%in“P£1‘1*lia1n*ent A 26 o.£May% 5 " 1 6 4:2. 7 In anfi*.?e1* to w=Dec1a~1*ar%tion under his a_iefli¢es l\Ta?me concerning the V "bulfincflne of E19411‘, fénc in Va Meffagcv toy’ % Abotlmutk-Iotrfizsthe 2.1 of May,. % A ‘15.%:i4.2« % :V¢A'pfimea%“%f%”y¢ fPecia~11 oracr ffomthc Haurmf “ Conlmonsm, A andmhéfitults. amended which cfcaped 1n the former‘ Irnpreflions, , DAM. ]“u N gt; 4, I 642. %El[yn‘g. Cler; far. 1). <, % LoNDoN,~ % -. gflicignteciby «4.‘N.' fo.r.labn Franks, and age to be {°o“I__d‘%£1t-‘%his x +n«ap,mr dome come KVings%+maa in vsxccwrecr. %r6v42%‘»% . é.“--: w 49 U !‘ %@@%@%%@%%%@@@@%%@ 4’ . ‘ T he third Remonftrance. ~;»wLthough the great aéfliaires of 5 this Kingdome and the niifea. A *=~«.~ table and blieedingcondtietiton ~ A of the Kingdomeof Ireelmzd, ’ ' V aflrordsns little leifiare to {pend ..“ —..i u .---any i V" otirtimein‘Diec1arations,ancI in Anfvvers and Repiyes , yet the Nlalignant _P31”ty about His Majefty, taking all occafions to multiply Calnmnies upon the Hon{esofPar-ii i]iam“en't, andetopuhlifh Fhatp in‘veidi’civesiunciet His Majtfiies Name againfi them and their pro-J ceedings, (at new Engine which they have in...“ vented to heighten the dePcrué’cion»s of this Kingdome , and to beget and 'inC1‘C3iCdiPCl'l1f’E and difiiffeétion between the King and his Par- liamengand the people) We cannot hefo much wanting to our own Innocencie, or to the duty ofourTruft,as not to elect our (elves firom thoie falfie afperfionsg, and (Which is our chiefefl-care)i to difahuf e the Peoples mindes, and open their» N 3 f A eyes, V . e}“r=rc”s" th21tu‘ndett , A ii_%.Z:”fh ewes antdfjpteteitts oi” the Law ofthe--Land,and oftheitownze Rightsm: ‘It and Ilib erties 5 they may not be ‘cat'i-i'et‘1‘“iti1to the Road: Way, that-leadethito the utter mine and”: fubverfioh thereof. A late occafioh‘t‘h‘a‘t ithef'e?:% V “Wicked fpirits of diviefion have taken to de-eh fiI?me~, and indeefiietoiiattaizgme«the proceiedings 05*‘ both Houfi-‘:5 of Parliament, hath béene Rom-' ' 0u1'V otés of the 28. oFx1m'z,and our iDt‘é1am--»-4 tion concerning the bufinefle of Hull,“ Which? ’b’ecaufe we put forth,“ before Weetcould fEnd~4~* our Anfwet tconwcetning that matter unto "Hi"-$.""»' Maje{’cie,itho{‘e mifchievoutslnfirtirhents ofdifa ' fe-nt=i'on, betweene the Kingathe Pa.tIi.21ment an& ii the people, Whoife chiefe labour -and-"fiudy is to mifreprefent on at: Athens 1: t‘. toyprevent them frorn being their g i own executioneers ,-and from being pcrrwaded h under falf e colours of defending the Law, and : :.fil1€l1‘ own Lribmities to defh-oy both with their KIDXWII hancls’_,hy taking their lives , Liberticsyancl g g ‘ Eilates out of their l1a.ndé, Whom theyiihaxire o nchofen and cntrufied therewith, and refigning ; them up unto fome evill counfellorst about his ~ ‘MajePtic, who can lay no other foundation of their owneg*reatne’fl‘e;but upon the-Ruigneigof this, and in it of all Parliaments, and in them of r the true Religion, and the Freedorne of this Na-at tion. And thefe are the men that Would" per; ‘..fVV3.Cl'C the people, that both Houfes .oi" Parlria‘-3' rnent containing all the Peeres,and reprefenting all the Commons of En¢glrznd,»Wiould defiroy‘ ~e-tlue Lawes of the Land and liberty of the Peo...E W pie, wherein bcfides the trull; ofthe.whole,they; --.'lIl'1CITll‘ClV€S in theirownc particulars, haveri- A r.;ereateeiet¢t¢lf¥0f hottewt and cfiete, Thatwe V ..t..........' ....u .....a....4 ~...n.,-.. there (43 ‘V at’ i:{avcthc4v1cafi "uién z‘3flea1‘on; that fuch as m¢ufi héve F0 gzjcat a {hare in ¢th§é mifcry, fl10L11dV:;:ke xjm\1ch% pair1wesA in the procuring the:jrc:ofa nd fpcnVdAfo much time, and run {E1 Amamy }1a{z..nfd4s t¢nnak¢thcmfc1Vc¢4s ihves, a-ndm defiroy the Priopcrfy oftheir eihtcs, But; that we my give EAar:%icL1%;;fatisf;;&é1.ign to the: {:.Vcra11 iangucaci: gntsvcafi g1 pom ugwc {hall cake them in Order 215:4 thgy} a:::.}42;id4Vupon us in thatM¢[f1g:. Firffi wc% *Aa,re Charged for the4aVoWingof t:h.:1t:A<9c4o;‘E Sir ‘ §_*i‘#o:—~t*:a.eit"'Wi‘H“gaine"little cmdit With :3§fly_’ thm ’ A IoA;?;7'2.Hdt%’~-am,xVhich istcrmAed L1{1Pa“f&L€<“€d) zmcl A an;% I3igI1Vahduhhe.é;pi "offihffront L1%moA his Majaa. Pry, a11d 2.s~if We needed not to have dons it; 11: b5:eing;_1b1e,_asis alleadgcd, to produce nofuch V comVmand‘Vof the Houfi-:54 of Parliament. AL, though Svirlolm I-Ia"tl2;m1 ‘had not an Order that; diVddcAxpre%[T§ev%¢ry ci%rcumfl:mcc oFt!.1ap cafe, yet he might havgproduced an Order ofboch How {Es which did comprehend this Cafe, I1ot%'o%nq“Iy inethc c1_e‘ercir1tjc ntion, but in thc very words th4crcof;whiCh knowingin ourCon(¢icnces 1:0 b «:ffo, a¢n%d4cob"¢Vmof’cnccéffiry Eor the 1"-aferyof :1jcT<.'.ingd1nc,wcc could‘ not but “in Honour :1 V ?uJ%fi¥i¢e av ow that Ad} }Ofl1iS, \7VhiCh ‘W6 arc: confident ‘\ eeonficient Wiilappe‘T"a.r to all the ‘EX’/oricl to be to ee7far from being an afiiont toithe’ Kii1g,iti1at it wil ‘ be foutudito lmve bin an 2.61: ofigrem: loyalty to His Majefly, and to his Kingdom (3. The next charge upon nsis ,“ethat infieadof giving His MajePcy fatisfiuftion 5 W'e.puh1ifhe(i2. Declaration concerning that bufineflegasan ap. pea!tohthepeoplegndas.ifourlinte1'coLnf1i: with his Majefiy, and for his fansfaéiion, were now to no more purpof e , which comsfe is alleaged to be very unagreeable to themodeiiry and duty; ‘A offormer times ,8; not warrantable by any Pre-J ViidentsJnibuetwihatiionr {elves havemade. If the ’ Penner of thisih/leifliage had expeéied awhile, em had not expeéied ,.iEh£-it tw"o“‘Hou{i:-s of I’ar.. iiament,(efpecially burtheneci as they are at this time with Iomany prcflingand Ltrgentafliiires) flehiouild have moved as fafi asvhimIi:if,1he vvo-uld not havefaid that eclaration was in Freed ofan Anfvver t:oT”His Majefiypwhich Wedid difpatch with all the {peed and diligence wee cou1d,ancI Q nhavefexuth itto His Majiefly by 3 Committee of ihothiiloufes, whereby it: appeares thzmvvee did it notupon that ground ,that we thought it was no more , go anyipuirpofc to endycgjvuourtod give I in " I-a-on-fl " 5" \ , J M‘? , . ~ - ‘Mm’. :w5f.iiii'Li' -2' e - -his “ ‘ ...d t C 5 ) M. fifty E§.ti5f1té’tic3n.Anc:3'as fottht: duty atncil m£>.:itfi_y of {ornmttime-s Ftomtvvhich \?Ve.etare% {aid totiaave varied, and to want the warrant of A any ptsfidcnts thetein,butiv\7‘h3.t our t{‘c1VesV ‘hm; A madfii but ifvvc hzwe made my prefidttnts this ParIi:tmAent,t we have made them’ for pofierityt, upon thefitrtze Qt better grounds of rcttfon and L:t.Wt’—»tt:n t110f€VVC1‘CtL1{t)0n, which our Prcciew cc:iT0;t:s fitftn1at‘{=s}%any<{ot u.%;, andias fame prefi- dmts ot.tg?:~t not to be mics for usatto foildxv 5 {O tmtfxe n 3.35 litmts ta) bound tom‘ protceedingsa, Witichtttt ttnitzntt ft vary aC£Of€Z§it)tC;tt0 the difi» %%%‘~Z59},:t*:.:tttVcmatiitiott (j§Eit'§‘t€S , attd for this particu- 35:2‘ :3»? fiittittg forth Dec1a.t;9.ti0nsfo1',thc A fatisfi-t~ tfttogt of EhCbp€t0;53‘}€., '\,'"V§”lOt have chofen %and tint» E;1jLl{§i€d us.*aNit1f;ai1 thatisdc-a.re{’tto t11em,ifthe1*e V be no (3§~2;¥.1‘t‘3E)1€f-C51‘ it, it is b-scaufe there were tic» Vet my £”i,t4%tj‘t1 MonH'ers.bcfore§ that zever atitcmpu. 4 ‘tcdtttetdi1ZtH7:tc§t thi‘ people; {torn a, Pa1'1iatntent,or Cotfid wet I .‘?‘1?'b£)‘ura thought that it mightbcu ‘ :::‘cf.1fc':d 5 x?\t«;%1*et there ~:':V€1‘fi1<:l1 p1jatS’tices%tc9 pay- "fiant t‘n€pct:p1ewittthantifl appt't:h¢nfiA0n Of” the W %”?tit1i3mcntA? RY/ate there cverfuch imptttations’ 1;t[tftii%V£+::and_a1s laid upon the proceedings of A »%_I<:ix;§mHQt1 (Es ? Were tthtre ever {'04 many, find 7 . We“ -"::~.'-1'.“ '§~‘*-— 1‘ :3» «:3,-.!_» M 34 % §M..:.~t-... a.}t'«.s3.“»~.i4*~«.'7r }_-*’*3*‘v‘~*3~‘v*~4:¢_5€_ ‘3 t I“ ~*‘-“*‘'‘’‘’ E dam- , % 1116115 9 V AC7) IYIZEHE ii Were there everfe many :..=mei fir t.iei; 1 pemte ciefighes offorceeandvioience agttifiii Pat1iame.nt , and the Members thereof 9 ii trvee have done more thenever (met Ahcefims hwe done , wee hiwc fufieted more then ever they have fuFfered,ahd yetinipoirzt ohm-defiy and e éuty we {hall not ‘yield to the heiiofio1*mer times, and Wee flJaiiputti1i‘Sin ifiue, Whetixee the highePt atrrd mo{i.fiLmWart“anm.bie prefidents ofiarty of His Majefliies Predeceflers, do notfitli fhcgrrtz mid. much b~eIow what hath bin donteun.» t 1.1.8 this parliament; And on the otherfide, whethetifwe fhould make the luighefli pref-- ‘ éietzts of other Parliaments our patterns , there: A eWOiiid’biCC3L1{C to complain ofwant of mode« e Pty ;,-md duty in us, when we have not ii) much « ais fi.1mi31‘€d_fi1Cif1t thingstéto enter intot .,O;‘L1{' tthitziughitsii \'Vh,iri¢h[ all tittheiiwerld knoxvvs they have put in Aét. A . Another Chargewhich islaidvetgi highuiga Mott us (and which were indeed iadveryigeeat ‘ Crimeif vvewere found guilty thereof) is that: byavowing ti-his A6’: of SirIolm Hot/2a2n,We Chi) ’ A n confeqttence can found? and defhroy the title k and interefi Ofallhis Majeflies good Fubjeéiseyto their Lands and gootiise , and that upon this i A A A ‘ B 2 ground A c 8 gtt)utiti,That his Msjeiiy hath the fametitie ‘t@.;~'-' his Tow ti of Hull i, which any of his Subjeétg 4 have to~thcirnhouféisott1a.ndsWand the faint to V his‘ Magaziti and Mutsition there, ithatany mstti V hath to his many, plate, orjcWe1ss,atmdthete~ fore that they ought nottohavc bin difpofed of withot1tioi~iagaiinfltt‘hismnféntjno more thentht: s houie, land, many, piate,otjcWe1s,oFany ittbg jeét ought to be Witiiout or ags.inPt‘hisiwii1 . Hate that islsid down Fottt .P3_:inACiP1€'jX«?VhiChL would indeed pull up ‘thcvety foundatioti~.0f " the liberty, ptope1'ty,iandintet:ef’t of €V€t'yft1b~ jeét in particular, and ofalil the ftilbjtétisi ingct1t:~ :1'31i,if twee fhouicl admitititiitfcr a truth that his i Majefiyi hath the fame r’ight and titictoi his Towns andto his Magazinl ( bciiglntxvith the jpublick monty?.s;,‘ ztsiwc conceive thatW'.a.t~»»IJ1¢M3s toihavcbten) that every pa_irtic4ulat man hath to his hoit1i"ci,1ai1ds,and hgomisi‘, ibrishis Majeftics A tovvncs areno rmnorehi-st oWn3‘ii.then his Kin gt. dam is his ow n-;and;.his¢ Kingdom is is 5no mO]'@:t;_'t"‘ his own then his people a«rc~h1s-own,and ifche King;:ghah;.rhh, which 15 0-3_11'hhc;a:fc inthcdifpofinéfof h A thc"I*m,7vhn and Magazirl of I-IuZZ:And"xVh¢}1~c,;1s » .H35; 7*~./1; ;'c:P.cy doth allow this 85 2. greater poW'$:r CO (AM) A taI§’a:«rAii2mncnt, butin that Ema: oniy aslw I1imf::1fAAisapa1"tthcreoF , Wee appm1::o’every mans ccaxiflciencc Izhathath obflirvcd ournpro- C€€Adings whether Wee hciisjoyned his Majcfiy froxnHisParAAli.¢mcnt,_Who have in all lmmbic Ways iAAAoL1ght his concurre%ncAc with us ,A as‘ in this particulaw«.bout Hull, and for the removal} of n~l1eMagazi11c thérefia a1Fo;in 2:1} 0~tl*1c'i' chi-ngs,or vx7hetAherx:hclAé evill Coumfi~lAS about him have A not {qparated hizn Frcam his P.:z.1‘1Aian*zcnt~, not t:vm:1yAin Eiipcance of place , but A 21111:» in the diill. c11arge1A<>FAt.?1is oyszn trufi with A1:h«2m A for the pr.§a<;e:«:.11d fafety of the Kingdom: in this and IAQrr1coz:her pa1fcicL1la1's.. _ A A A AA - \Y/"ct: 1‘i£L.’v’(?gA1AV€hA:11O occafio£1t:oVHis Majcfiy to declzife his 1‘(ii‘fl)]L1CAiOIJ with F0 much camef"c- neflisfi, that he: \?‘i7iHf1OEfl1fl‘€lT cither or both Hon» fes th€i1:,AVOtAC\S ,A.xva7;i;h€c>L1c or ag.ainPc his com Iénotizgmjqoyxj A that is forbidden by the L:LWA,0r m f74)A71*bid any thing that is enjoyncd by the Law. For our Votes have done 1'1oAfAuc;h t§.wVix1g , :Au1d 3.55 were fI12L11b<:ve1*y tender of the Lwv, (which wee ack n0W}edg€ to be the {ME- guarei and cxufiody of all p'ub1igck andprivaAtc inte%:-c%iTe$s ) 4 5 A0 “X?$;%'€€ A w:%‘x»'§:1j M311 "WW 3 f‘.’’~..7?.7 : private PEIIAQHS Iabou-1: %isisi“’v'3%;3.j%2iAAA§:y A11c;'>:f%A31%is Mif -A (12) i ii‘/iiajeficy Himfeife inihishownéperfongxand i ii out of his Courtstobé Iudgeof' the Law, and that contrary to the judgment: of the fihighcflt COU'1‘t,.QFjUCiiC3tUrC..TZ‘ in like iimannert:hat‘I-Iis i M M ajefiyihath not refufédito conFen't to an‘yithing A thanmigiit be forithe peace and‘ happinesoufthc 4 % isfiingdomii 3 vvemgnnot i admit it in any Qther fence, but asfiis Majcfly taketh the mea{ur‘e of Whatwillhcfor the peaccand happinesofthc 4 .i-Kiiigdotni from fomfii Few iii afiieficid perfpns am “bout” him contrary toriic aciviceand judgment: A wof His great CoL1nccl1'of Parliament. And be»- x.‘-«,CaL1feETl'r]e Advice ofboith Houfes of Cl’ /IRL 1%; M E haih thro ugh the ihvgghgfiionsi oifcviiéi i Ccu nféiiou rs bizifb much under-valued ofiate, and fo abfolutciy rejeébsd an cl’ rtfufedoiwe hold ’ 4 i‘t«ficto diciciarctiintoithéKingdom ( whfofaho, -nouf a‘nid«».iinte1‘ePciiis (0 much ¢or:cerm':d in it) i.s_thc p1'iviIccigc.dF the’ grcaE.Coiun'cc1l of Parliament herein , amiiiwha‘c is -the Obligation that I y “eth 11 pan thei Kiinigsvof thisiRea1im to pafs jfizch B31‘; as are oficrcd utioithcm by b oth:Hou- .538 of P3;rI‘iamcn:,in the niamejha mzifor tlicigood Ofthe Wihdliéiiiéihgtiom W‘”h7crcunito=’thcyPcé.113‘i Oingagedhothi iin,C0niEicncc_h& injiufiice to give their R,o€ya.ii '3.-i».‘i:?nt‘5 Iriiiezonfcicniccgj in refpeiftmf the A A (:3) 1?1c abh t1iac7 is at onighc to! be takien » by Kings of this Rrmlm at their Coro%iiationr,afiv\z‘e%*l to confirmc by Vphcir Royall aflénc fuch god ¥VLavv~s as their people ~flaaVl1%*.ch%ooIE* , and t”= re-- ‘~mc-dy by%—%LaWIiJch;»i~n conve%ni¢nces7és:%the; Wdem may Fufiér, as to ke_;ep1‘&'4rotc“& thé Lé.W~s alrcadyin bci‘ng,g—s may%‘apg,ear bbtfiby the Form %V1~éf“‘tEcAOa~tIi* uponvrécoitd, anid%«»iri'?"b oaks dfgo gm ' ‘A4ucIioriVty,fl and by-4the‘Statufite ‘bf the 425 gig %in£ituVlcdMthe~Statute?of PtoviF'ors% of "Bcneficcsa 1 .thg:fi)rm1Vof' Wh "’R£;g*c;rA'n(gliaeAin'4eorum Coramztione. icéfi Ogt?h:md %thwcAclauf‘c; ofchgt -A‘ %smm:eTcon cbrning it are F611 oWtchA.% * A « ' * Forma jm?amem%iV /'”oliti(~9~ conflaeti "Apnejl‘ozri%, fear Rot.Pax'§i»a'm. ' V\ H4 N1‘? K ' S?”i1ici”I9x"3.r Etclg/iae13ei;C'léraq5 ££v*%j£vo[21i41*loV%pgzqem Aeéé ¢7n«te;gro,‘ ccmcvardiam in 33eo[ec7undumv diirer ’ A “ A % (Rejpondebit, Serwbo. A A j ; %Fd§iz5 fieri in omrzilmis 4judii:ii: tui: wqu_am%%‘(9f're« {Brim §::1%c'retione5ii4‘;§i%p?icordiai,¢9*%){e4; ritatejecuzzdwmz vireftuqs?‘ 5 A A‘ A % V M ' r V A AA . A A %fpomI_el=.it,P'aciam.. A v 4Cm1cedi; * ju_(lasj leges £9‘ can/uetudinesj »t‘eném? das(9$promittf«s per:te édi efl} prote‘ge2&das%«z9* am; nor em Dei carrolrprandéu qua: ‘vulgm elegaritfifegun} alum mire: tuasA%?~% Q A V ‘ V AAV QefpondeIéit,Conc9da ¢9*pro2nit%tbi ./fdjiciaizturque prxdifih interrggationilvm qme C J“./*4 fiteri71‘f‘;V 19f‘a€IItm.ci4t%ifc1t46 01m1l5’M %‘confir27fé£&"é% ‘Rex,/EVA omr2i4~,fervamz-ujngg fiz%cranzentovj;;pVer almre ‘ya-aef£itoVcarcz»;.n cz¢;22+E?i:..z»A1 ~ « A , "A Claufé inthc‘:Preamb1“e OF3 Satum made 25 274122.; .. ;jEntim1cd ithc;Sca.tuAte«ofPI'OVifO13$ 0f~B£a §_71;f1 cffiés:SA; A L A W7 heréafpozi %§h~cVfEiic¥ACom~m.o¢ns h”aved:prayc&~rf; ’ “wt Faid Lord‘:the:Ki%r1ghV5x:3>da[:»fith t11¢:right0‘Ft%h: Vcmizvn of .B@gl;arzdandEhcéflééw<>i’“th6*+fai&%%L$ F%tfa1m¢4is4fI1¢.hA, that upo%n~the~vtiwiFchiéf§ ziand d3‘~ qges xvvh i-ch; happefz .120 «hi s;V‘Rca1ms,% .11: Aoughc, % and is bopnd 4z 1 th with @118 ¢accmrd.of " his ‘Lpeop1cAinMh«is Par1;i’a~gx3en:,_ the4£4¢o4f%toL :‘r}a,k.c Ifiriedy ,&%Law,g_11d' in 1'c?13§:~cj>V,ing.};hc mifchiefé ar:d1jdamage,s ”f""7V,;hi€hW\»\thc£e0f€’n{. um «t,h—ati»c may pleaf c .hgi.m~thérAeup‘o{ni tci ordait1%rcn1cC?%:}*. V ‘ Our ALordvtheKing,~4%1T:‘V% 5 ngche mifhief Aanc§* dama ¢sbcf<2r%e;.m¢r2ri%o:1c&,and:11avingregar& tomt11§g%fai»cTSwtmamadé V%in%th¢ tim-‘~05 his faié Grand.:fatl1er,:i’h d~ Lo the ;:au{‘¢sA%; con tainedin the films, fwhigh StaVtm;:V h o1deth“aIw'ays EiS'FOrCcfi *‘;;L;1wa,sncy;r:14cfc;s,;tcc:I5;ge§¢g1gd~;,noradjnullcd r . aqy.~g¢;;:;,% and oinutfi hem oiunczien by 3:1iS~03f~h t0~¢3uf¢ 55¢ k€P?3S; t5¢dLaVV 4‘ ©f:h+is Realm , though'that by;fu4E¢ranc¢ and r “1_%_V%ATig§ge,n§s.Vit*l1athubm Ii;};,,;g:;3§c;%=aitéfiijotcd—a%Eo the: ’ A A A aco.ma:.w t :5‘) .x.;7s756‘htta“1'§é a1fo:h%avingir¢gatd to thé grievtsufs » complaints made to him by his people in divers i vhis Parliaments holdcn hcrttofotehi, vwillingm A A Md airitemeddy for the _.g1fC3Jt‘dam”agCSf3I1d* mifi t «chiefs V \Nhi¢hihave~hapn‘ed,i & dai1ydo~ha"ppcmL fitotthc Churchof iE;rzcgl2zml, by the {aid caulk- ~Hetc the Lisréis and Csminonstgéiaimc if iiii i i rs‘i'e&iy asrthc "right of the *CmWne of Encglanélj and 0fthCL2VV ofthc ‘Land, andthat the King isibound byhisath , with the accord of his I : pcsple in Parliamcntto tn_akc remicdy and 4‘I.21W~ “l1pQmth€mi'ii:hi€fS 86 damages which happen; ‘mthis Rcaim , and A the King doth netdeny it," i althougii hee take ~occa{ion fiom a Statute for...’ 'mictly made byfihis siGrand.—»Fathett, 'iw‘hich’W’as laid as part ofthcgroundsiof this Pct’-ition, "ta his An‘fvvcr upon another ‘branch of "his A ~Oath,.s and pretenmiits t-hstiwhich is ciaimedihy the Lords and Commons,jw'1ii4chv he Wtiuid not have done ifit-»migi3t have bin excepted again In jufiict: fthey starch hbligcd ‘ 1i“1h€l‘i€l1:EliZ0 in re»-«’ ifpeft of the tt.L1PtirepoiEd~iint.thém, 3Whiich.is- sf} “Well to preiérvie the gdom c Shy A tin"; making «of IZIVWV Ia@,VVSAVVhCiii§§iii1<3I'f3'i”‘flT'3.iii. beamed, asby Wthf‘: ohfervihg of ‘.I,swé 3si1‘fi'?adyii*Dé.Ci;¢i.i t AiKitig{ A M [ dam being zfxiany tirxses as mushtexpoicd to ruin C. 2 VI ,, <15? tfic Wah‘?:WOfa;nexV LaW,ja°sfE:y1=:thfe vivoJa¢i%g%;; ®:€thbfe tha.tar¢1n~bc1ng’ and .I:'h1s 13» F0 c'l“c;+e‘1‘c ~ ‘tI’1aiE%Ii Q .doubt his%Maj»(e %Wl;§; a:ckn,ow.%A 1~<:dg_efit cobeasdue «HMO his people ashis ;pr«a-%V -~ z;ec:tionA {pun hrowzfér forthhe Aisobliged ::o4fo.1«A:4 _ lowmchc judgmc13t.*of* his%Par§i2rment7. ‘t4hcrcin,% t1:1“aA:mis the quePcion~,. ccr»tai‘nly_M befides the wo1'c§s%d in the Kings OW) ,; referring unto~fi1ch; Laws 2,s~thc%pcop1e fha14l%c11u%{é,asin %fuq{:fchi:igsA4 _ which CQflC€fifI1C_.-Iflhfi-1E).l1b1:il‘{;C W/caland4 good of? the, Kingdom, th‘C}*’3l;Ct1}€ mo{%~p1*oper fudge-s wha 33".: {Eat from the who1e‘%Ki.13gdom4% for: that vexy purpofc, lb was do not find thacfincc 3 % L.aW-grhave paflléd Way of'Bi3ls ( which are mad thrice in both‘ Houfés, and*c0mmirtcd,and every. part and cir,cumf’canC€v:,_0f. :,them fulliy wgighfid"43fldwdCba§¢d%gpon. the cc>mmit4mcVn1:, 3: aggd afgrwards paffsid in ybth Houfes) that cvcr ~ mhfa:Kirag.5 dfthmis Kc-alm,» d-id deny them other. ‘M Wi{.¢,;t}1-.€[i.‘TiS §x'pre;{Tcd in that ufua-ll ~Ax1{‘wcr, Le %_ €’l‘{c}}v:1:7417i/:;r4.,Which fignificss 17ather_;afu fpcnfion, % &Vh.eb”%fg;’;t:Fuf§1l3 phc R~pya1l%%AfTcnt,:a;nd in thof @gh*e.,;: iarcfxamed by Way, of Fenian ti cm; .01’ Right thfi H:¢%uFes’ of Par} iam cm have-,. . *'I33<;¢n-t*i5I3“%fE1V¢$roM befa; firIudgcs-Mofthcrights!‘ <€3§..ié‘g:;1¢d4.gb§I-them ,;thangw~hcn«V :11: Kings An five! haltlmoit inn%cSrery PVo:i;.i]tt,b-emrfifflic fully ”acé'9i‘di tn their defire ,fi_.tl1€jy, have fiill lnlillecczl ugpn their" clagim ,land1ncvcr;1’ell:ed lartisfiedeltill l'jl‘.1'Ql1‘l5lI"l'lC.':2jS A they h3d=aI1 anl;;‘\.?\eerl‘:2x:cltdil;ng tn ntlicir. dernéncl", 3.5 was done i n the1ate~11e:i:ionbfRighe;and in; fn1fml”erl:ti1}ifcd’ th%erei*n C;e%r;a,iAn1y ~no ;C;0mmVan *ci fi'om«hi.«s Majéflcy, A and"? hi Cé);urE~~ofpar1i:amien—t,i( where the 480;: v_crc~i%g11crp<;>wcr Atefldcs~A'). VV3$”diF0b€y‘Cd by.Six.t " Iobn,HotImm,:nor ~yet~?w'as -his Maj'ePdcs«A%ut4ho=n “ 1:itWy;_dcri*v§t:c1;~¢o4t1t mofa4VIny*«;&othe_rComic,nor by any lcigall ; Commi£H—o%1;%;%%%%, Abysany 0811617 Way 3 . wherein the Lavv~h~a12'Ii appointedhis‘*M‘ajeVHie3 M commands tob¢.d,crived to ‘his Subjeéts , _and‘ of‘, \757h3jl? %val=id¢i1:yhisA *verbal1x.%v€3'c>nnjnanJs ‘iareé . withpu.ca»ny»fuchgflamp ofialxdis Auth oricyupon ghem, and a'ga«inPc~~the Or-d.,¢r%,of both Houfés of” pg;gIiamcn«t , =_a11d_;w1n%cjthcr:thc V not fubmittin V W Eh€T€111?F0}D€5,é1 f¢fifi17D%g.amAd¢dcFpifing.f the; S0? A vereigr.-1 AL1t:bority' , ‘.~Wecv1cavAe*it.toall‘men to % j.1.1dg€,th3.t do atqall u;nc1ac‘rfi:a11d the government Vpfthis KAingdoms% f 4 . AW/ca nacknovvledge that his‘ M::2jePcy bath a made, many BX.‘-PW}-“e was of his zeal; and ifltfintiw ons Hagan-f%V ‘the —defpc1*a”,te-.dcfigncs A*o£;pa;pj>$ ; at WE 5.? §1f9A@?.¥rs2¢e ; char«che Co‘u~x»Afe«11s~~ Efifiliflfz: 2: ( 20')“: Weh«ichhé..ve hrevaflede of hlathe with hi , h havé’; A H lhittlcfurableh to thofi: expmeiflions and .ein;.:e ehteenrioins : For e What doth more advan ccthe @145“ A pen and blhoudyhdefignelihof the papifls imkfreuhe k ~ 54214 ,. A (Wh.eteom -the eflrcrefi A plrosyof the» ehete do in all I%ike1:ihuo+d: é1 epend’)h?thc n hie Md; iec.Pcteiesea;bfi:%ntieng§ hi mfdl F ,“ in that; manner th~h2f1t:” doth firdm his paJ:1iar1i’enth,“he and'£au:mg foréh: fuchhe 5 f’areI1i.v7eé’civese”eaga&nf?c them“ flmndineg all thee~hhhuhmbleee petitions, 5‘ and Mother m¢~ans.$ Which: his:parligmeI1thhath~ addh"refi?:j? ~ ‘ lgfilteo hiemfor hisezreturmgand; forhheis:facis~Fa&i(gm WC‘rmerhnhingeetlieirEiroceegittighsh. ~"A~nd \5vhatvva s” m01'¢:‘l»ike1ey togiirc 9. rifce to the hdefignes ofpav pifls (wheere.of”there ‘aredomany in thheNqhrth; ne\erto1theToWeti 0F Hui-1~)h-andh of 4 Qthhehf l.igna.,11t and i1l~af¥e&cWd perfumes, hwhicharerea. V dy tojjoyenc with them 5 oreto the -? attempts of B1)r1:eig%nersfrdri1 2;bi*oa“dh, thin the continuing Qfthat great Mzgazih “at Huellheaec this» time , an d contraryeem the defirc‘ h ahdhh advice of both Houfes of parliament - F0 tha~EiWce~haveeet:00e éL1feZ”hheé bel1evc«tha*t”fth«e pap19cs» havefhll {.@meWay:;a;n£d eanesg, Wherebyhhtheey hm i—r£;», r&;neeee:e Elhiifi Majeef?eiew-3, CoAt1nI?:l“s%~’ hfm: eetheif; L: H \ cM>vhhzhh"advan:agc;e A A he For H » V (42 ‘I J F _or~.the ,mal"ignant party His Majeflyrneet fieth not a definition of the Law , not yet a morefixll eharaflcer ef them from botllfloufee of Parliamenttfor to find them out, if he will pleafe onely to apply the Chara€ter thaithirn-4 felfe hath made of them to thofe unto whom itdoth properly and trtiely belong; Vi/ho are {'0 much dif--aPf'eéied to the peace of the Kinig- A dome , as they that endevour to clifi-afl'e& His; Majefly from the Houfes of Parliamenim, A and perfwaderihim to beat fuehi ir_tliltarrCefi‘om them both in place and afl’e&ion ? ‘Who are more dif-a‘fl'eéh:d to the government of the y Kingdomqthan fi1ch»as lead I-IisMajePty away from lhearkning to His Parliamenlt ,“ which the Conlfitution of this’ Kingdome is His gteatefi: and“ beftCounceIl, and perfwadc“ him toefqllowthherrialitious Counfels tiffoimeprir vate men , inoppofiiig and :contradi<9ciug the wholfome 2idvices,and juftproceedings ofthat r His mofl: faithfullCouhceI and higheft Court? Who are they that not onely 11eg1e€t and de---- l fpife,bL1t labour to ur1dermine'tl1eLaW,11nder colour of1naintai~ni:ng of it , But they tlmatiuw devour tcrltlefiroy thelfour1tiai11'and Conferviu. tory oftheLaw, which is the Parliament Eiand V A I) who “cm who arethey than feat up othe1**Ru'lelsfor th'em«- felves to walke by than fuch as are accordin to Law, but they that will make othér judges A l of ythe Law than the»Law hath appointegiy and fogcllifpencc with theirlobedicncgtoy ‘Cl-lat which lthe Law calleth Authority,ai1d.to.‘their'deter~‘ mlinaticns.a11d'refol"utions}torwhomsthgz judge-=5 A menty doth appertaine" by I_;aw? Fo1+ywher1=pri-~ *f;1~yt€'y perfons {ha 11;1alke:.yytlmy~ Law flltoglil bc-:“tl1:‘:ivr Rulyqaccordih gr:to' tl1ei*1*3 =0Wne5u!n derI’cank:li1igs,‘ Contravy- ~t=o’the fil1dg.C1’I1€11tl of thblh that arc the c-ompetenlt; f udgres thereof ,“ th?c2‘y; "fart up unto. ,themfe;lves .OthEr‘.;I{UllCS. .tl17an- we ll Law Cl0i2l*1; 3 elm o7TWleT age : .- lwh Q*_.iTl!1€f(’: 7 ,lpc1*f0_1is « am9,l. l nlone«'kIl1o:wct'l:1 :‘Bette1=l"tlf3ant His"Maj.dlfyhi1n?-9 felfe :¢ And ifhélwilfl pltifafc t_o‘y take all lpofliblc cautiyon of them, g as "d.l@fi,I‘i1&li'lVC t‘: ltzhlz Com-- :mon~weaylcl1,é1nd yhinifclfeg t2ih~d;*w.ould'ré1nove than from about him , itvllvmuld be chclnmofi A effefluall 1Il1eancs~«.toycom o~f‘cal*l;» the. d~iIlra&in~ 0113, and’ .,t:O§ yy5(§liI‘63i't_lZ14ley,*ydi em 0f*‘~Jt“Ii(liSl-?K;iI;1g"4% For the Lord Digby hisFLetter~,.y.l we dl*(l‘11"Ot make? mention (of: it as aflgrfotinyd li:'olh*inder His Maj¢Pcy flfdm vifi;ting.y‘hislolwn sort; but we ap-» ggealc to the jludganl-enlit llofany_i~ndiflEreZm»:, ma n A tllat A .(23) that -{hall read thatLeteter., and coxnpiaire it I with the poliute that His Majeflyth‘enV did, and liill doth,flanrd intowards the P.arli~ament, anelwith the Circumliances of that -late*a&ion of His“Matj_efty,tin going to Hull , ‘iwjhetheri the Aclviforsof that journey intended onelyta vifit of that Fort and:Magazin . Astoi the waiesia nd overtures ofaccomm odation, and the Meflhge of theiao. ofjmuary lali, lb often p'refled,but i Pcill V in vaine,as is all_edged,Our Anfvver is,that a;‘lth.oughfo ofitetiias the Meflagetof_ etl1‘e7t2icE>.a of jantmry hathtbeen preflied ,sl fo oftenih:iveiou.t priviledges been clee rly infringed, thata! away andmetliod of proceeding T {hoiild bea.prelicri- b”e.cl:u1i'to us, aeswfell forthe fe tling of His Ma-- jefiies Revenue, as for the prefenting of ‘out owne defires (a thing which in former Parlia- ments hath alwaies been excepted againft as a brcachof priviledge)yet in refpeét to thesmat- ter contained in that Mefla ge, and out ofour eamefi; defire to abaegetl a good underflanding between his Majefiy ,” iiandus , ’ we fwallowed downe all matters ofCircumfiance , and had ere this time ptefented the chiefe of our de- fires to His Majefiy , had we not b€C11ii1‘lt€'I’--» erupted with continuall denials even» oftholie V V V D 2 things 4 (24) J thingrs that were nece-ifaoryforo our. p"fc1fie‘nj:,fe- curity and oftxbfiftancé ’\ and hadMr1o.,t thoofe dea- 1;ayals* been followed with perpetuall inve<9cive9oo againfiI:—us and our proceedings, and had not twh,ofe¢invc;&iv¢s' been beta pcd upon 115 {o thickc one aft‘er another , A who were alreadyoina %ma11nerowhollyztakenoup with the prcffiog afi- our d€fi;reos,. fo we faircis of this Koingdomé, andofthe Kingsdome oflrelémflthatas we hadflittleoencouragement from thence to hogs for, any good Anfvvers to to perfeé}: th_en1oin,- fuck a mannerastoooffer themountoHisMa)‘cf°cy.. A A A V ad‘: not fo:;mucI1 time leftus. V oWe1confeITeAit iosafiefolutioon mofi worthy ~0fa“’*Princc , andr of HisMajefiy, to {hut his mres ajgai-nfi any thatwould inclinehim ma civill WarI'e,-anfit::1Uns to the ent1em~r:n ofrh e Conn ofTorl;_5ro%A:a£fift:HisJMajiePcy to prb%ceed'3g*ai11fi: ‘ ‘ him in away .Aofforcc:,bc*fo2*e.he% had,@r po.flib.I‘¢ yccmld :“pemive¢ an 4a1kf1fizve.1¥ fro111.«thj—~ nourjihounld be placedihnthaht To wnc, Sir jolazé Ho_th.¢m a Gentleman of knowéne fortune and integrity, and a pcrfon of whom bjoth.I-Ioufes A of Parliament *had exprefihd‘ their} confidence, Ifhould be refuféd by Hi‘sMhajt?efty,anndh the Earle n 0fN€w—Cc§file who bythe waywas fo fatr Anna-e~ -med in the bnfinelfc of the bringing ’I.t1pn‘tl1;_;¢ Afmy, that althoughg theren was not ground cntough forahj11diciallp1i¢>béeding, yet thcrgt L A -was grotmd of fufpition,a"t leaflhis r~e};>utatio1‘1 A H Was not left fo unb1emifl1edth'«ereby,as Athathe "tfhould behthought the fittefl: man inEng1and A A for that itnployment of Hull fhould be fent dovvne in a private way from His Majefly t take upon him thathgovernment , and why he fhotulddifguife himhzlfe under another name, when he-came thithcrgas hcdid. Butt whofo-* 1 evcr {hall confide«r5to-gather ;witl1 theft: circum-- ‘ ;§;:ance9, \ that of the time when Sir Iolm Hotbam ht fitft ‘appointed by both t Houfes of M Parlia-— to ‘take n11p0”Il;;hi11h" that itnployment, was A prefently “after this“1\/Iajctfiives com- h W A Aming C27 ) ming to theH‘oL~1fe ofCo111mons',and" upon the ~ retiring ofhinifelfé to I1422zp.z;o2z Court , and the L. Digbiex affembling of Cavilccres at Ifingflone up~oA11Thame.r, will finds rcaf0z1eno11gh why , that Town of Hzxllflmotlld be c0m1nitted[r-ather to Sir Iolm Hotlawzz , by the authority of ‘both _, HoufesofP”ar1iame;1t,.wtl1an to theaEa_1:leof A New Ca;/Zle% fcntfrom his Majefiy in tI1at%1I12m-- net that hcwaé : :And for the power that Sin] :70]9l2Itlotbdimllathfffllfl the Houfes of .Par1 ia~ xnari th e ‘bctwtcritjs knpévmc anyz1d;::Ii;£oqd, 'we are confident thé more :’itWWi1':l be app,ro ved , ofahd yufiifiéd : A11d%a;sc wé do. 1~noAt coxwceivc tha t 171” is “ Majeffiies xgefilfilll t0,h a.vc' twh a t .Mag_g~ zif1r11.m1*“é111"oved*couI; give anTy;adv.ag;1tag,_c;a4agaj1gIk himto h:1ve”it taken from him,.. and~;1s.nof'uch tzhing is done, fcywc cannot conceive for what ’ (:3‘;t:1”1Le.14~;i‘eé1fon an fhould counfi:l.l%¢Mihis M aj¢fly not to fufl’e1¢Vit‘to.~be refno.vc, upm1“t«hcdefirc «bf both I-Ioufes of Parliamen tA,cx:cc ptitfbc that .,. they‘ had an 4ini:er1t:>i*on t0‘ fl1a~k.€ l.1f g;>V»£j»,t.a&g;I14i114fizV% % 1:«*h'e”114L..« A‘ V ‘ V ’\ ‘W12 did not except agaiVz1fi,thofi:%tl1-atprtzg-A f:°11?tcd"a pgttition to his.Maj_¢fiy at TorI{;fo4r £116, . c0n"tinua‘m.:e 0'»? theMagazi-nat Hull, in refgeéis gef tlleix condition, ,o.r~ innefpcfc of. t.heir*num~.- A beg? C28) 136:3 Bficaufe *tAh&y were méane pierfmas, or be.... cauie they were few 3 but becaufé time}; [~,ie¢i4ng but a few, and there beingie many more in the County of as good qua1it:yV as ti1em~feIves(‘wh0 have by their petition ’t_o%his‘Majef’cy dif'aVo‘w-- A ed tharafis of thei1's)that theyflmiuldtake upon % thefiithe fiile of all the Gen try & Inhabitants of that Coum:y%,5 a.11dAuAn_d%er that ti~tlefl‘1oi1Id . refume to irzgterpofe the_ir&advice contrary;4to the Votes of bothHoufes of Parliamentgandif it can‘M4b4e made to appears". thatMa1‘1y~Of thefei Petitions thatarefaid to havebecn Prefentcd tdthe Ho%uféis cf i’a‘rIiament,and tid have been of 4awf’c4ra««ng¢e? natu1*e, .:werc »offi1ch a na'tureas that ’, A we are Aco%rifi;de.11t thaf they Wermrever received with our confent and appfrobation. ‘ %4W§1¢th%%e%rp}1were an inte~n ti_n_ to d”epArive Sir ’Ial5:zHorI2;zm[o”f :rhMis‘.1ifé., if his Amajefiy had A been adrfiitted in”to%I-11:11 ahd”whef:I1er theim f1'c5i*_1*114ati<:i1id wereTfuCh,! as that I1%4e"h’a4dg.;ound’1:o A beI‘ee%ve’~ir§»%wew»i11 *‘1‘1ioV§ b ringit inm dqflléfiiniaja for thatwa=s1:1otM, nor ought to have bec11;§tI:1;e gr”oulETd' fixdoing vjfhathe” did; nci't'1;”1éi7 Wasjthe nun-;b~er;c_>f jefiies Attma tits, VforA;?bfi’ fndré or? fewer, ”c'@ni%i»1de1¥aBle in 1:11:13: mfe ForVa4i1r11ozigh ic%b¢4crur%¢;thAa: ivE»hisMa~je1~%y cntred (=9 entcrcdi vwith twentiyi Horfeo11eiy ‘, he imighft" haply‘ have found meanes for to have forced? the exlttance of the rel} of his Traine,who*be«..i V L ing bince in theTOwnc,Wou.id’not have heegne long Without Armes, yet itihht waénot the th:.u:_ Sifjo}Jn Hotlmm was to proceed upon ,‘_ upon the admittance of 1:heKing intc the Towns at all ‘, foias to delivewp the Toifiinc ia~n‘i Sir I0})fl‘&HQtbm?Z‘@e‘" . ihg comn%;andécli t(3I keep thei?Towne ' E22. V gazing, A %ga5izihnef6r3his Mai d we Kingd not t:‘éic1e1iviér“th’e4tniup , but by‘his Maajeflicsa aittliéfity by both4Ho11’fcsof Parlia-» ffiiefit, all ftzthat is ‘bieundcrfi:o0d~ by thofe ex.-«. preflions. his: V! enyixng ‘m-¢1:.op.pofin'g his Ma- ;v”efiiiE‘“s fmtrance,iiarndce111in him in plain terms.. 11% flibuld nbétcome in, was one1ythis,That‘ihei humbly defired.‘ is j;£fi.y tO==fo:rbeazre~-his _trai1cé, till the Pariianxen r,, 'andA that his iaiuhthoirity might: come figni~fied.~ to ihim ~by bb;-th"H‘b:u;fcfl8 f " Par1ia»m«c‘nt agent» A.‘ dingtb-it:h€ tr%u&repo1T’ed id hi».m~..An£i*‘ cc:rtaiii1c~r- lyif the hlifettier of thjcifltatiuttiof 2‘5i.Ed. 3i.mp.2.d to impoht: this»,, that no wai‘1:‘¢‘:‘ca..m‘=. be I=evied’hiag:;1infl-tzhéKihg-,but w.ha»t ii-szdiréficdg find iiniten db-d-ha his per1ibh,i or t:‘ha-it séveryi iidvjfing of yForcesfér trh: adacfienbe i0f:th’.C‘ Kin gs» aiit-hioiriity, aiI1d:Ehfi”siKiing‘bmc , a-gai11fic hfp‘*erf0‘11haH Cofnméilldé. of the: #Kinggbp7p0feidi: &th’e12‘em1tvo,,thg)u5g§h accompanied. with Iris 'Pl‘€-:‘- _ Ten ce ,_ ”7i*s Iztvying iwxarire iagaéinfl; theKi'ng~, it,i;s.; 3v*E1'yif*ia“~r4r_c: from. the Ifefnie of “t-ha ti {’c;aw—.tc'75 andi ifoi thh i'h{i‘a5tI.-fitgiit félfe pjEwikszi(befidies the‘ warra «ma eniiied‘ .upon that in tc"riipre~t‘?a-.. IL rieof: if‘t:h‘e CI%auTe ozfc leivyingiof. %had‘be%cn i‘neant*0ne1y-againfi the Kings %. _e’1-fin, wh"a;%nccdThad therebeenc‘thercQt; % aftmtthe orhx':1*branch' of Treafonira thfi fiatut;e6fco%mf9’a{fing thfi A‘ 7[_v1gs dfia thgw which ‘WC>uI‘d°‘hecefTa rify hazve %i‘1i1pli€ .d?£hi%s ? and baa» flcaufe the formm ¢1aI1ai7e' dbth imply this, “1?eem:s not at all to 463+ i11fi‘€nd‘3d:%ifl,thislatgtcr brméh.,b1:wc onely%’t;h3c'»l%evyj11T2g 05 Wa rI¢%ag;aai~n17t. 4 the King , thjatiés againfi his l'aw¢:s and auclgm- ‘ Arity ;a.mci this levying {of want -;21gaiA1-1ft, hisgjam A Mid a¢g~ ainfl; hj‘s}_pmvfon$)’ A .i%sle~vyi-11~~warr£:agai+Aw ;.7~thc: Kings but thele-.—‘ vying offorcca-gai11Pc*I1is’perfonaI1coAmmands,, t:h‘Ug~1i ;pi‘€fc4nc€?, and % A notz~aga'~i:n~fihisflawcs and:authp;ri,t;y,% ingclxjc, % ma%in=tef1~mnce fitftlkc rxcof, iswuoievying of wa me 3_L.%., % % gaéifinfi:da:eA~:KAing,”bu*r fOrh:ien1. Higeis th¢n,o.»udr;%r I mfe :, In afr1me.af “I50 %mHgn%y;fuveec +1 dcfigéncs of force Azrgaiflfi Pa”rl;iamcn.t mad; A ai§C1Ki—n‘.gdon1e 5f in 37t‘imCC5f -wpmbwable in«m..._. A A %Pgl:Ot5 mad‘ fiQnfrom.abma.d:%5 and %t'ha~t~tobe»gi:n 2:112:11, A AVand.‘Ato“At»4ake-téhé opparsuutnixvy Qfi‘feizi.ng- upon», A fnsgreat ’a[Magaz1ne tl11"ci‘6f,111a time offo g1zca=t:4 difi:mce%2m 'a1’ienai:ion'Cif%h%is:MVajcfl:i»es afi7e&f % V (ms ~=fro*m~ h%irs &fParI"iamcVn:t,%_*a-nd i:n.t.hc ‘~fr:m,~hi3. I£,iI1gfi1o~n1:C ;; wlxxfch .=they fclnt, A%th,C Mic» E3} “ ' kcdfi ‘ , C3:4+~)%% ked fuggefiiéhis a”feW‘” m%aItignan"'t;y p'erfd'ns; V by WhofeAV1i1~ifChi€§rO‘uS icounfe1sA he is wholly. led aWay1fi4o'm1 his I’arIia111e11t, and their faith; % full advifé’s ;m_d“C Lords‘amdComn1ons in PaVrIiame11t“co.m%1nand Sir Iobri HotIa.».zm%to drav{7i11 foméof the trained Ba'1fids of“ the ;pvay%i$cSa€1jace11_t tothe Towns of I—lial1;fo1*“%iche‘fecuring T‘T‘th*a't Town and Ma----" gazine ,~ finflthei fefviceV of LLHJi~9s Majefiy and V of t‘he?”Kingd4o;11e»i5 of«tfheAfafety \?vhere,0f th¢1'€‘ is a hi%gh‘ertémfi; repAof“e%dA%in¢ithem th-an” »any;whé%r.¢: fels 5 In fi1Ch".a. time % -the 4 e1.fe,ai1.d tfieyare ilthei 15rd*Pér judges Aof:thfe;da%n—* This?‘ T-oW‘nc aiid%MaagéVzAi4i1_eWbei11g‘..C11.trL1fi.ed % to 7Sir~ jars” HétlJ.em2,% 'vV§‘th*?expreffé o1‘c;1—<-:=‘r A11 Q1~°_:; Q. % de1—iver'themu‘p, but by the Kings author-it_y i}~‘ignifi‘e«;}« by“ Hoilfes of ParI.i*a111€I1't 5 -Hieg MajéPcyg“fc0“n§tr~a«Ary to A the advice and dir’¢:é3:iq;i A of -both Hdufeé of §Par1i’ame‘nt%%, w1it«hout ltkhe % algthority of ‘afiy Court oi‘ ofany"I<:*gaI1_ where: in theNiLaw“appc§.ints t;heKi1ig.to Ty éakg 4a4"?‘121<1" cdi5hmV;}n.df., ,a’¢c0mpaV11icd «with the: -A-fa_mg evill. CounceIlab01jt‘him that ~fhC,I_hé1db€f0,11c~.%, by %a A verball~ c;()£I1tn§1nd‘reqi1ires Sir wfIob7z‘ Hothagig V 1:o‘ad.m‘it him.in‘t<$ the. Towne”5 wuheit hmgiight - .difpbfe of it,ark:1 of the””1\/Iagazine th4ere,acco1j-sg din g i<35>\ din; shis‘ ,;~ ta1:jh¢»r;;a¢c@1:ding%,t9 thfii .VJ1¢,afi.11:«¢ c4lm:f.c*% ;»¢5.xailLCo%u13feJlourSg fiill *in%fo; m11ch~credit :aK.boiit,¢l1im%?.: iri'%1Vi1:e$411"1Véinr4% ,t1*ex a«s;ths::L,9 lid Digby;l1a§4h*%¢4CQfl fiat? Ua:1;1% 1‘??? 1»1~17f€1'*i mo, an dxro 1;111f€i;x:15i.I1x63€§ frofli £t1~1;¢i: Q&%¢*€:f:I1 A je fly vdin%.Ho1l4z¢d, by-Wi1r;ich%%:111€a1is he h7.3;t“h; Vpo*r;t¢uni_ty% fiillto <':mnn:1unicat‘€“ ibis trayaterotls» Otis: i and ,(:‘iOnC:§P.a1§ .thi¢iT:<‘_' Ma , M%aj.ePcies-rct&ring‘to 36 Of flfellgth 5 alad dc clawing%%11in1f§1,fi&a:i;i dzshis" wimdva g 0fhi“s~¢ r,/Iajefiieafeifizica :»wA%f:xch~; way gbayaand ‘ rh feamawxad afté1fTth.at refdlfting 1:9 Ah4iS:MaVj;€—f"cy fuch a$+}pJaCe:£)f~«f3c1‘C11gth 5 '7 and’ di,iV,€iT;s Other.» j things mS.Jftl1a;t<11at.a:;u:é, c condemxae a man firfl and try h~i1;11 :1jfi:c.rwarcl3s. Andi if thf4<-:~1‘e% ea in be a ~1a€c§£‘lilty rm any ~lE1ch~ Pr<>~ P1-vo c1 iim§ti‘gV a**m~an‘a" T%rai%t0r ‘without due prom t:e1’T:~ 6f 1’aw,A yet there&a;*asno"nein:t11i_s cafe .2 Fm‘ his jefiy I‘?nigh3t:hav€ a.:s~W¢1%e$.:pe&ed the ‘ j:fiTl:C1gI£j1I1_€flt -N 4\ :.‘,~* M . - \ ). 3' \ ‘I .M M _ 1 I‘ M * oth%er%'k:a*1%5s,M~~~41§ d6hxp;:Iv11 edge gth 1n;thc:: and%3¥*?r1ie“th9u4»E‘ them i tryall, and puniflr f:’1'efit, and that‘the?Parliémentflaould have the‘ chufé§%fir1}%bro”u»ght&eforéeuthem, that ytheymay fixdfge of 3 the: grdundstbf the ac»-. t;1fi»1ti’on V,47i~+?*‘»'a*ndT lioW+farré férththei manner of . i:~he‘i_rftria‘l*l7 ~1i1a‘1y# ’¢t51§Cer11e*‘0r={no»t‘:A.concem¢the fifiviledéé V A‘I5i‘arlia‘na”en ET? fltlxerwife it Wdiuld bé’ in gheppwer ‘not ‘§)fi1y‘:0f~hisMa%jefiy,‘butV of % every pfrwate man; 1indeA:rVpr’et4e11£fions ofTrea:ea *"‘1i)‘r**c‘li*‘<:‘>4fé‘i?d~’t‘h€15 crimes ,5; r to ;tfi§lhc4e ény xnaxr A * ffitiAP“aflia1r1ent;"a1id5 fa ah »many,. A . E M (3%) % oneafEer:~~anm21i¢cr gas 116 p1€3~f€«t5l14;;, gcgatxfczsg ue13tly*%toé Amalie 3.» ParliaA%1ncnt what he Vvifl, V ‘Wheri.h%ewi;lI.;which wouldbe a breach of for sf-A» fentia1l« a4 riviledgc of Parliament , »asth3.t5‘%th€ [ % * very bcting. there ofde pen»Vds% upon Lit; a,11dthAe4rc~§- fore we no wak-:s%doubt1,bu4t every onc4tha.t hath fakénthe PVro=tCffati0n,WiI.I accordingA,to'his.f0L+ lemme oath, Vdefcnd *i;Vt=.; Vfizifh l~i.f<-2 a g ~ f01rt1Mmes.V %LNeith.€1: doth thc“fi ttiIf1g70f afiflarliern ment fufpend all %or any. Law , in 1nain.ta’T'mix1%gA: A t}:ia«t Lavv which upholds the p1fi_svi,l»edgeMof'Pa»1f« 1iam.ent:,whicl1 upholdathcz.'i2ar1iia%mmt, which- . upholds the KA»in%gd0mJe;:A~nd. wesaxe fo fa%%r fi'om elicving that his Majcftyisfthe %pn1y«.perAfo_n 3;": gainfi: Aw:haofmA trcafon callnot be ~cV6Tm4itted,d% tha,t : ” in fomc V fenfe‘ we ackt1owIedge%hAe is.» the onely Pcrf03nV againfi wh om it cammittedgthat is,:aa11cvi:a°King,and that %trc:af@v1iV~which% is agai.nfl’:A 4 the Ki*n'gd%omc is more agafinfl Kifing, V tha 11 tha:t.:which isragainfljhis Pearfoxl ,~ becaufe; he. . King:-for that dvery.treafo~n is Anot %tre£r:fom~%~as it is M xigminfl asrrzt man,b11t as a man? that isa%Aki11g;~ A &n&.da3ih¢I1i4.thrclatriento»thc Akit1gdoAme%, .an& fm4nd$'ws :”aTpcéi*foPm¢~intruf’ce dwith the ki,n.gdc&>me, anAdwi«1?chamgingAthatA1:rufi.N@iW:tl1:€»caf¢;is true» aaflthe nvml j C 39 fmlt isghfélmaugh viwmufl avofw t11a‘t't1wérc ibiiil «IIFOV 1* any -[hfi-hlgg cafe but a Parléawtem, <”a‘_n3d hwcar-.c.as ci311fidcn*tv, : Ma§“cfiy {halt hnhevegr have caufc tor:-h fdirthto ahny other Ccurt OI‘ fCourf'e~, ~fov.:1~' [ the Vin 4iCa“t.iOn ~o‘fhis privsiiedges, afid or. the recovery and ~main~tenam;c sf hihskgwwne a11 , undoubted aigtzm , &?f:therefl1ou1»d~.be.any*ine— vafiohn or *~vio”la‘téion where of , than it :his?.high Cohuhr‘th’hof—Pmr?liz:ment. in *ca=fc?t;ho1“cwihcke*dv% Gounfell-otlrs abdhut him ‘final! x:lrivc§: intta‘ any other Cour-feh from~ha=nd »hagainIt°c his ~I’.zzr-A lizzmemgwhat efiver are his 'Majcfi:ies cxpreflions and inteh tions , wee (half! appealse to at}! mam ehohfcicnces ,h and defire ?t"ha‘t:lthcyhwou1ZIay tl—1ei~r hands upon their I1eazr*ts,aan"»t"i1ihnh.”I{ thCfl'lfC~lV€S , ” whether Qfilch pa-rfozins asshawe of l2:”tehanhifli?Ifl ncifrt ‘1_:ojeFty,;anahaxre: his eahre.»hahd"hfaévur~t§1fi, ‘Ci’fi]!lCr4‘haV€1b6€n”E son are more ~ze~a’l:l1:b€r.{‘m1fl\?v. ' " %me1itiohx1'e~d4=iI1A t.11at»%.fd€¢1§,;;;a4l1d 3411 hiSM&,§.~€ good Subje&“33WiI%1iyfi€.1:d QV4edie11;c;cjtof’ Ho ufe of Parliament 7‘ And that all 111cn3gr; gy the better knowthelir %du:tyin M111attc:VJr,V.s¢4¢%A f0f;: FIWE Ilatiurega11d;;1ipAoI1 £11 0*WAfur_¢%%a gf;p41-Tm‘ Qy go; that t follow the l,I'C1gement ofarlédmentfi fgx; their guide, we‘wi{I;1 themj.ud%ici4bufly1¢t0 ;r.;(;>w11_fi~ dcrthe tme“mVeanigng¢%and:groufid¢o£:1m1:LS?ta* time A made in A t "A %C’%:;¢I~¢Kfe“nth gy?eé‘m: Hem .mp4. I.which isprintc dat larg"e,i1%1»thc:dend%of his Ma;jefkiJiesMe{I7Vage of the fourth of€May This A StatuteVprovides%;2 V¢thka%;:*r1:a*%11 atccnd upon the and dde;hiim trueferviceg i~fh;."1%ll bk aAtta§iI14fiV€d forfeit an thing- A "Whab was thegdfcpe of this St?;atut€V 9 T0 provide‘ that 1ne151~;ih_Ou1§1,= fi1fl'er ;a:s Traytots for f¢.ravi.nJg* 4 thé;Ki1§;gA;9i,%fl%; [%11i%s*4Wfi;r’r€$ acce0rdiI1g~t0 Eh? C11‘ ty *—éf,t%11ei1iA11%é%g¢an¢e ::Alfthisihadbeen%a11,i:t bade, ‘ beein a1’v¢ry%"nee%d1:».eflE and r.'.-ldi-Cl-1.10,l1S";‘.S.t_a'VIt11“te *:%_ Wfarsit%th£1i.AiI1(t€11ded as rt411ey%%%‘mayV%fce1ne to t;al:eth€111Ea11ing ofitto be, that ~cauf6diiUEO A be printed after his MajMePcies%VM€,fTagé,) t_h;at M tVh¢y.fl19u1d:b¢j;¢ fréfi from all c;rime an pcmlty ,.Eh3;t* £11§>34*1£1’iAf01‘"15i.0v\§t:h,e ,Kt1;1g and ferve him In \/Va in axay cafeM4-WhVatfo ever 5; ,lWh€th;'El‘fit VVCICW fomr a gahlft ‘Chi-2. Kingdoine , }and the Lawes E‘V1“1€21i§‘5Q*f ? that%ca.nnotibe: ‘far: tlxat could not jt;hc;d11tyoftheir «AHegeance,Which, A in?"thLebeginVni;ng,ofthis Statuteis exprefléd to be,,—=1;:ioVA fe;v.e.thcKing,fQTr the .t”1n1c,Tbeing;¢,iI1hisg ffllf :fh€ *d€f¢%nce: ,0fHi1n and the Land 5' and therefore‘ if’itbe agaixlfl. the *Land,» ‘(as it; cannot b€u11jd€1‘fi0Odt0 -~7be":.0the1*Wi1“c ifitbe agiai11fi1;h;e Parliamezzt, theZ4&reprefcn4tative body» A of the Kiingdorlle‘ It is a declining from the’ duty ofAlIegeance,which this S'tatutefi~.1ppo--&. feth n1a.y~bc:don<:, thougla n1€31 Ha-ould follow the I{in‘g£Perfon}in% theWar :Abtherwi«fe there had beene no nfiefd offizch a pgmvifo»in th.€;*€11d"' ~ 1¢F 0-f . * aftix smure":a ‘til: at inst: 1236 a.m1a itake §be*nefit « thm*éby%*that_ flmuld decline fronl their .Al:Ie-« ' gea*:n*ce. ‘Ana: thereifonre wl1ich‘Lis%the :pr.i%ntipley% M Vefbein this~Statv;‘Ite, zis t/agférwng afiiléewlfing for tlw ti;}zeV%beizgg 5 which icanndt he meant of 21* I’ c¢r_‘becl:;, ‘ or. any% that ~fl1ou1dV»Ca‘1l4h4im-“I ‘ fflfe »57bU"tUf1]Ch a +on«e as V»Wh“a?t 44ev*e~r;}'1%is%% Title might rovc:,c1ithe;r 4 in % i1xaag%im:-d 0 f t1’14e%ni) yet ‘ x;s.r ta 0 1: b mt-1 it A {ha} 11:1 4 the end 9a P“ geara to 11 th 4'3/V0 rid Vtha to u 1' ‘end€"z1‘Vo11m" A have beezle moi}: hea»i?ndVfina<§&3re maintM4enanc'e ofsthe-: t:*«ué l~’1*otcRé2itRe1{igioVn?’; the Kings jufi .prerogzitives, the Laiwes az’1d7I_;.i4 berties ofthe La%‘nd,4afi‘d« the 4Privi1edgés%% of"”Pa’r.;: ‘ liamenft 5 in *eAnAd’e:vé111&r.<3e 5l’)y%‘i?ih("?_1igl%:‘%~t4C¢Z3’V¢%~’£$)f“ dd we Vvil%IffiiiII»%i’pcIffifgthdugh ~we*fl1m:1I pefi? rifh in the w0rkeA;Awl1i4cI14 if fir fhou1‘d_bc V, iAt%i}9‘ much to be fe4ar<~éd ,« %”That Re4Iigio11“;La»w°es,Li:-I bercies’an.d*iPat‘lia§nients3 %wd11?Idzjotb@]b‘11ge* 4a?i€1&'1is.' mfisesmwacémmscgiqmm:a=£umm»;&r£a;ma«»&.n»m;£;ficammmmwxaamam’ 4 sir Wa1cef;;%Er1¢e*,Tsirp¢ré:r% Wfitflvvorth, Sir Bath ma range M;-.W.:I>£~A A 41’74"Mi0I¢f Vflfif/16 Hozfia. fbraiagé the Kingdaw, moiuxyfitlw met! and rim 4.ri'2zting aftbem.~Andb.:;%;;¢%% gier3',4a¢”t ¢§y_/Ztallféé gcca/fan _.,i and” “ mdytofltg #2176119 Vand1wbcre¢t/.r¢;yple.;yE2.j “ A w ‘ at . ‘ war 1% 2wplqfMé% «en-~ HW»b531fi"g€:C1¢r «P 3"~w“.C91¥.3':¢