‘°““’“’ aggaagaazaaagassgaggzzgzaaaaaaagaasaaaagamzeéaaa sééééii aéééiéiiéiééééééiiéé’ T H s E VE RA LI: P E TI T I 0‘ NS A N D [50 M E 5 s A G E 5 OPPARLIAMENT, uuub-om-2a-. so 30- 30- so- 30- so- 30- 33 so 32: 30- '30- so 30- .1:-‘ ‘ Concerning the M I L 1 I I A of T the Kingdom. With His M aj:/fies Anfwcrs thcrcunto. 96 Togcthcf with an Ordinaniceot Parliament 5”’ concerning ghc fame. #5“ 30- 39» :90- so- so So» 30- St» 3 « se- 30' SC’ L O N D O N : ‘ Printed by Ron an 1' B At. 1:21, Printer to the Kings mofl Excellent Majcflie {And ‘ by thcAH3gx1cs0f]~o H N B11. L. 30 ggamaagzaaé 2§§aé°a ggasgzagas. %%%%%%%%%%%%§§§$%6%%%% %%%%%%%%z% 30- Ex» ~ 30- Z‘ I u o . ‘. 2 _¢ . \ ' '-.-.Ai.'b -. I =E:<¢=:11¢nt‘%M A in v rm, fiéeicrog J ofhthé c;.zz¢as;% ':.a'n;d Bu%rgcfTcs¢Qf the Commbhi Hdufé ‘5"~"'-= THE, KINGS MO V . i m ~‘Part1xam¢nt~ afI‘cm!>1:c},;. .~ .« :1: January 2'6. ,x64x,.:%. ~ w J, - /,— . . I.,'- ' . ._ ,/:' '1,/'_' up , 1 _j’ '; * ff‘ ¥ ;. '«.,'bavear8fi1f¢?d= to qoync with Your P6tIci6titr:~g vflfhcy inomithflamding no 3 but ‘confidi‘ngrin'Ynur M§*?c&i¢%"(§¢6d§cffc >u5’Your ?Pco;5le, dd’ tH'¢f¢fb"1?C.‘If-fikfi ahcir humbfi: ?addrdTc % to Yea; 31dl§i‘c"fllb,7’3l0 Xdu, Thatthc 'R_7W¥r‘tSf1:Euflm», {and father “principal! Fgittt, -1!htl*tkc‘wh6Ic%?Mi§dubfthc King- dlapnsmwbe put Aim:o%>d:e1ha*:sds affuch ‘’'’, 7. ” H P°rfon5 <5) pcrfohs as rccor_1imc1§dcd%. anti) Maiefiiie by Your:Pccitfoncrs ; not doubting but they flmll ‘receive a’ gracious ancffpccdy Anfwci! to this their humble dcffré, without which,3in all human: Rca- {on, the gum: di{’traé’tio1)sLof this King‘- dem mufl nccds ovcrwhclm it with mifc-3 ryandruinc; ' ;t»d.I‘our -Petitioners /mm: pm}, mg _ .., _- 9- . .._ , . . . . / ' .1 I g I I- - ‘ . _ _ _ ,. _ . ‘ 2. Q 7. I u . . 7 (4) Q’ 7’..%"$‘§*'E ' ‘*5§3‘%» ' 93 33' '5' ' mseMeA J Es T 1>ES LE0 Pctitioo of ifiéufie; ]ANuA1Lv 28. I641. « ' I Is Maicfly having fcrioufly con- ,, ~ - . _ ' ‘V ' fidegcd ofthg 1’c;1t1o_11p;‘cfi:nt- _.~ édro*Hin‘1‘fi'om rl1é*Hb’L‘1f£: of “"4” Commons, on \Y/cdncfdafiy the twcntic fixth of this Moncth, Returns this .A.nfvvcr : ' ~ - Twat age was in gooo hope iais gracious Qlaeffage of the tmentza er!) of this Qlaonett) to both iaoufes, mama babe pzoouteofome fuel) ohm. tare, which by ‘offering mhatis at on theft patts to oo , ano asking what is ozopet fog $1’; 2IL9a;’eftz'e to grant, might begeta mutual! eonfia hence to eat!) other. 1 uh "-_ 4.50%}: C5.) atoutetttingthc izometofnondonz tats Qlaayefiio oio not‘eppect,. that hag hing pzefmeo a patron of a known jfoztuno, ano unqucrtiouablo meow tation to that ittuft , 192 fhoulo he pzetfeo to comoho him , mithoutanp gatticulac? charge ohiecteo aoxaintt im,ee thecfozz mums this ztnimoevg A fihatvif upon one examination, any pactticulat (hall. he pzefentcn to his Qlaayettit’, mhctehy it may ap: peat, that $315 fllbajoftic mas niiltaa am in?‘ tats opinion of this dfientlea man, ano that he 1'5 unfi’t‘fo; the itmti tommitteo to him , iais Qaaa ieftit will make no 1‘ cvuipleof oifchatx gins; him: flout othztrbifz ilaiswaa iettiois obiigeo in iuftict to iainifotfh to pzofzcnc his own mow, $15 fahom: ano sxflfioogaiuioina may mono a oifaohantage auo znisfoztunc to Ei§'fetbat1t§,IIIIfl)Duf‘ anpothtg: at; cttfation :/ £11)? WW1) ’»Bi£ 99343313 i Doubts not iatsgoufg of Qliontnions mat hz:fm«ttnDttf( as.» of afbufmcffc nohetcw -(46) mamm‘ $15 €92!-wffizfi fa much tonccmwxbatfifiawégmzam mateumi Awccm‘ona9aUnfi%iBi‘fivw« fon;tt)ty“.catbec :’nmaboa:c‘1;§ fag tisfit gggozzn «mm 4 camp mg. j 41, mdfziats @.aiBfit'¢£eAa1%P vwmfififi fi1M1)%:uav {um 1,6; A’ % 1m8be§atsmm,, . 3fiUhnan.U£@m¢fi‘¢'5 *a,Imam i1¢¥i‘.§$!§13 hpuw:(inmamuf1m%b3a£ hammtmav 3% but mmxuewtotymfi iJ13E¢5.C[Wfl*E:}X3fi§$fl1it¥@%*‘§55= whiz a flwctéfifai/115% msomn 5 853-» «in filing, filth mum mmml fromlxts '"?“‘“l1»¥~wsrnfté)¢r7riié:3sbant:% ‘. . ; m:urqfnthatnwigm':n£c3f;riv:..J 5 3 "= % _ \ttn:‘co,zt3;p;'t:,o;:£;11t11c;t_:,aoms W bati"I!at1w1:1n;rIo'fla¢~i5 %- 1. ; L no <7) :,:sntbetamt:¢n;t;gr, mitt. flmtiamaw é:1~fl.:'f9;(!.l3.«f;E11ii§13;!,tl3B§. 9n5a;asr%tu mare .Inl3sffin00iJ;max3z&naau§gaal1.¢bcam&= ‘if 19:6 Ilflmfliit ; 3: 92 [, _ 113! amrnm; swan; mg. ; ncrfgm zm.~au.am '11-al!12vm%bc;vcabz % 9 ;.‘!'g£¢'f!5éif!;99m.fi0D if“? the M1 Ina of t..hf¢f.3.mQb01.3?a‘ . I @11?¢£$;‘It!bjtct:t9 .110 mmzmmm Q awn mfflf1?;b¢§gn:uf§em §3.l33l),;;.. % '< ... §§ZZQ35¥!v'i?:§§¢f:§é¥3'¢:J..: . ‘ % ’ .0111: nav.a.e, . ,2 z;tb.t:: vzaczaum ezumtm ;iafs:2&:;@nsuw>A 29%] .4 . ,. Lamas tam ,fu§b i2¥t3fII?ws%% $.35 } aszrtezable tows iaonzoqv 5 ’ fllliztijt Eajrptie. at .1915 iaeonlzs ,i9z~s sIJ9a1e.£tr¢,: be:'t1n”vefe%,1o;tt%:;11gc!rL in new more?‘ ._:- I4 things, . T8) mm @%eam;a¢gm“9’@W¢0t moan: ‘ }“W8.sanh °" ) ; c dttugn % *9! ¢Opl¢ig,;gg ‘ “WW 5 '$=|h.«mgg»m' 3 tag“: « _ . .'5?i6nt3u'&"u‘i§’*?"‘:$,5¥“?¢%°%geaa ; ; ,9? '¢§J¢iw{,‘m;m,aj¢ W §*‘W1®caa. % _‘ fillllapzg ' X _ ‘-P ‘ 7 . I’ ’ .. ' 4. . ,) , g I.’-?;“". .‘ / ‘I "r *. .’ 7.’-.~;_ tbé "E is; “ at ” 4’ “ ‘my system ‘ ‘$a“zn:t¢ 5 - » ’ 35'; date f % " meg :3? uf3c.mgFl§ili%niI£§g have to éipqn umflt ’g_1qat1tas menu, ptycic bqpes tlIt¢i9a{Jr- gamma mswwmgmmamag “£813 %i’; I 3 an the ibeaumf nmmnom (tn mlflth that Of Irclan’d. cannot bk (fizz! gotten) ' hpixknlé V o§£§1s’5I’m&%:kusi8k$Itflhl¢£=niim a&‘a3.i ar.m:§3;?g 913359 in ,i;‘:>3‘xif“.i 38 »10iI11 . 1 P?‘ -k % , ‘ \ ' I . _ ‘ _ I I _ - - l ‘ )- . ‘ " ' ‘. 2’ (. of.’ 1 = . -. - - '7 ' “ 4" ': .—\_ W, 5.} l ' A? .. ,"i '.r. V’ ‘X ‘ ‘ll “ .. ‘ R‘ ‘ .__. " | D \. I‘! “A . ‘ ‘ , “ “ « 4-“'91.. -3 sazm. 2:424 « ' - ‘ 4: v V -"35 3 ‘ 1‘: ' ‘I _ I . ._'. , .- . ‘ G \ “ ‘ . ; V . v: \r’' . \ . -~ ;_ ,.a 3..., on 6| - ‘. .' " ' ' - ,- . l . i-. . .~ ».-. ‘ch . .; J‘; '_K, ~ “-‘ (‘_‘§:_"; 5‘ K .. _ » - , - - r: . '- - 4* ‘«-_ 4 .- .-_ _ ‘-% v.’ ‘,-3 r"c’-5 J i 3‘. x‘ ‘I 0 - - \ 7 - 3.16? (1 "fl " " ‘:3-"’9“-‘ ""‘ 5} " 1 ‘ " . . ‘.'--T ‘-1; . ix‘ “I L d _ ,._ . A. ' h? ‘- T »0&T~ ~~K«iN*®»S L '- i \ r .A )4 . ‘ V‘ _ ‘ ,1 ‘__. _¢ ~ -—. ‘ ~ -' --"‘.:!‘7".“ "'5 “ "-“J 1-. - "Y H" |€" ,. ‘ ‘I. .1‘ I,‘ -‘x_' ' 1 .' 5-; 9 as’: ’ . - - ‘ “ ‘ ‘so _» . . 2 . -.7;-. if g_'* -\‘ (5 , '. ‘I W _ , ‘ ) .. , , . 1"‘ - -- a-.. :\.s ' -5‘ ' . __ _ ~-._ 'I- ' ‘i "'3 "*.."?'.’ -.‘ 3-5.‘ ~; «.¢ x ',.‘, \ 1 = 5 3 4 ‘ U’ 5 '% V’ ‘”¢‘:">"-T" , . -f _. p ; mm _..~---,.-if ’7~ _‘;?’;‘ 4\f«3"I :5-.*' . fl .- 93:’-«V-‘E5 t§:‘“..'A . ‘vB:'3J~:-‘c - "' “ “ - . »\- ‘*2? .- . » ,... —. — . $3». ; f " ; »j-.5 9'.» T v:— A ‘~49 ‘FBI: I$u&bIéPB$1fibd:o£ =tl1b‘€Ifd flan‘-‘s*ahéIs; I ' ‘E I ‘V 90 :-__’ 5 A __“_';.\z gob!‘ ,“.a‘ ‘ _$‘ Qt, ¢'._3}‘.'P;<',« \.."."« B2a:é:¢1aadu Hapmacfife @f‘Yout~=lepal£%%Su1a’j¢<$}§isi all: Efcnat=E1munaiaficunsgA%T; f H; :;:'i;f£ ,=_.‘;iVh? — ; . Agd%t9 ..~ £1lti;a10fia1e6'£-E:!gt¢I’9ii&i'4:' c3__a.,»vm-infill. ' ° °ty:’;;pQ§t<}Sout;Ma§§i fiits fggccdy and gmékags: A3583. éaezgtieiz sifmhaaiiag-g, GEGIIIIHJCSfliififlfififiigiuflyhdkflfifikt.ff: 2:? u;?Qi . u _ s. »’ 1 I -. ' '. ' -‘ ‘. ,. . T‘ ‘ I - ‘ V‘ . I. _: (,6 E 3 ' ‘ ~ ~zr~ -tr ‘ .-.‘ . ‘~...; ..;.=;,‘{.~.;-u ;z.-w'.>1 03i"U £.)‘..»«[,:..;::i.';;!“sj \ . O ' " _ f. ‘ t ( ' ‘. ‘- I .-v. ,‘ '~«!~i;.w:A i2c;:;fJs:<';tl ' v r o . ' I’: . \_‘ “‘ 2 go . -..“' (Q. -‘-123 1-rw ‘f-}j‘!J'~"’I.i},! 4). r;:. I‘ ‘ ' V’ ‘ ‘t 3‘ l.’ "2 . - ' ' '-" ' “_ 4 ‘ v. 4 - J_ ‘ g "K _.__“ I I‘ 1.5,.‘ . ,~. ~. i '1 -(J i I 4 I 16- A_ «‘: :~. -9}. “.*v A.- -I . ‘J v"vs " J‘t.. . J J '.......‘,;., ,____, . . ‘ _ -1- .:m-.?«.-M ::.~z.: Ya % t J , _ ;;.: :;.;;: 3‘::';'&:.};:;; am. 3;;3: ;;;v;; ; (1 f./;,'€./,i1-#3); I. Ma fwd: { ‘\ “. 1 . 1- ,0 ‘s . . . 4. J ’ 2'." ' / ( t. . I . . }%e An To‘ me perm am L5§1 sjs and sézatognséns,-delfveicd Fabf.;14, ré4;;«‘%%;j% 3 '* ‘ '7’. v 1 \_ ‘ ‘ - V ' ; .3 _ ‘‘‘x\\‘ ‘H ‘ ‘ \:\\ \ \ ’ . , ‘ r , . , am. ;.i*éi % :taami‘“mbaa§nmmf§§:a pun: mo; wiliflfg “i96ft§‘t? % £fl’!I€§(¢,~fiB'£ 5 _ Q9 55 iuwemtmug, aaamuaf s« wmfi1¢'2~;—fiu‘flIdt~“138*¢fiIWi. . couccms $1)? ifozts ann’Mn1:r~n'a'~ of this iétiugaommtucns thus aufmcr; ibat when $92 that! know the 8)}: tent of {anther which is (ntennzn gs: V fir; 33 BGWIEEW3 , * cmae§ Bf eye 1:; ‘ 1!9t§l¥1J¢ ¥?9l§fi¢$.n,f 13at.li3%3§¢911t % A an: N cftahltfbah in t1 pe:cl'ott§,l1?§J9¥¥¥ gnu befits to hr the fiomntatmztsof fl)¢ M;i1i§i3,'%Lmw%tb§ mun iikemifc tom°nas.m1m1ciu;aum litttitemtbatnw pomer.(1)al1 he gxzm. tab by flats flaajcitie kalnue ,-mtt11”‘uut the atmicc of aaarliamcnxtg * 39e'm%i11 Declare‘, cm: tI)e,fccutp'_ng you tram alt ;1);;;tge,.rs, nzjlealoufies of amp) mats siaagfcflzic ht * atflnnt itt;a11‘t1)¢'pIa>«; cvfibotnof jfoztz annvwrliria Itimfflil Qfiaunttcs, fuc11'13¢.tfoI15'% % g .. am. oztsgammfitn , ‘ g., ; :‘iP9‘§h;9;G1§¥€‘..m{%3:2t3.1‘§fl 5° I Whani %?0®i ~&t9mob¢~f %0z%%tecnnu !!,1¢r.Ii9s§ ;l1fl1.¢fl'.£i ;m£1) mums. 11é‘*W§_ iibliam: gwzfbaat §)£§egit1££t. ma pmquzttiqstamz news 4.’ " ' ‘ _ .‘ a . . u,_- I '. _ ‘_ .. . _‘ u _ U 3' ‘ ' 4- A , , J. - . ._. F: I ' :1 _ I.‘ 7 h ‘ . .1‘ r ‘h _‘ » 9, ' g _u _ ~- . ‘ -2 .g.‘ ‘ ‘*' V‘ _ ' a ho ~! ~ " ‘\ ‘V 2.’: ‘ is K x ,’ V . J, V ,o J .: ..‘ _ . ._ '3); _» ‘9; \ I. ‘ )-VA‘ _ . .... ‘I 3 . q »_‘ _ ‘ _ ‘ . V H 5 ' ‘ ,.‘ _' ~' ' -. 4 \ ». - ’- -' " . 3,3 .9 't x .-~ -* '3' ow -~ )' . . .~ \ » ,d V, 3‘ fté nae « ‘:4 ? 5 Q '-:lV‘[‘I ' oi ‘ %§%§=§% Ah Crdinanco of Both Hoiiifcsiof‘ A i‘1”’7oV9«’?’M?555C7' ’ Far ibeimlerzag ‘oft/2e‘ ‘Militia . “'3 ofphcKingéiomofEngland and V ; Dominion ofWale:.”’ ‘ i-Iercaslthcrci h"ach*ol;ccni of ”v life '3 mofi’ da171g¢rous”‘a”n‘d dcfpcr2i"té:Dofig11_c upon J; ,,,,,’j HoufciofCo‘mmons,whicl1 / T A we hiavco juff’cauiE ‘to be- to be an cficéiz of tho bloody Cdfxné. {ck of PapiI}s*,>.a‘nd other ill-a&’cé'f‘cd pcr-5 fans 5 who l1iwc‘aIr<=:;idy .rai,{c'cia RbbcHioi1~ in the Kingdoni é5fIRELA1_~iD : Ahd rcaf on ofmany.difcovcric§5, i{v’c‘~acd=,af;1dto «aka:-be Mufiec dfthcm i*1P13¢:2€%mQfl fie forth2atpurp§Ié.» * _ % % have powjcr, Within thin Bid-_=Cou‘nty, ios nosuinatc ‘appoint ~{m:h? pl:-Lvfims qtraliry as: :6 him {hall —:ci:b-e bis,’D¢PU£x-Licyucnanxs . Ito { bi: ippruued? ,Of J that any one at more of chi“ fa appsevcd of,z tbs! M: the sbfcnee ',9rsnaes ces, and make others, from tune to txmg as he think‘ Ht for that putgofe. And ", *4 V ~Ms'I9‘Pf!ii59;3Colo11613s and Captains and othc-11’-Qilffiers, {hall have further gotgver and authority to lead, con- duétfahélaforclaid At- raycd and W/eaponcd, as well within the County of ‘ y as vvithinany other part of this Realm of Etgland, or Diisxjinion, of Wales, for the fupprcflion of '§II'Rie“belliot1s, Infurrcétions , and Invaf- ons that may happen , accotdinig as they from time to time [hall receive ircétions by His Majeflies Authority fignified unto them by the Lords and Commons afliem-% bled in Parliament. C 2. And CF83? e;:;Aea£§g§s,fixxd:cx%;oqqainnd:.aslncfuéh éh‘flnl1;nat:o£wxy;-inxahyrof tiislfitlzt »m't{I‘cs; «fliaUra1i{wertbcir?ncglcé’c énd con- tcnpp£.—-,tQf.‘.:ti1;c aad...C9mma§i:s:i.nva Parliamcntaryfwfiy; and not otlacrvvifc, n5r clfcwhcrc -. : Andwthat ;cv;c1:y;' thc ,.peg9¢_rg gran as afotcfaid, fha1l*con'£in.u¢, «mrill it l1halLbi:o;l:cx.\svi[c=9rdcI;=¢d btflsdargd by bc‘>:h;‘A % Quf .. . :1?arliamcar,5a:1c! net .ltIJ2 "’-.’S“.-"3 " .9044, -"c 4- . s ‘I l,___.‘.‘o-_-,5 -. t) ' .14 ~, .1» I "-1 ,9 1. 3 I ; ~ T. __. 0 ‘ ‘ 0 0 U 7151; 8950, alfq to (be Domzuzon of . ‘f “fl . -, V o I _ u .. .~ :-.‘I ~. .-- ..._.... ' _; 3.2:- «,13.f1i ,r.?_. ;: fJf§..'.‘.«.'{; ,1, « ‘ ~‘ "I. ' v-,4 -K ¢—-t~'- .r .-T , '5 -. ‘., . ’ ‘J “:-J1‘J'~v'£ J/'1 n‘—-'Az3‘:;} I -:'.4:'f'(‘. "a_,,r{’-_1.\;’;. -~ " =’\~ » hn~Bow 6leIlrP I — ’.aL‘1E.".;4§'i1{.':S‘§ ,. -, ..'. [-- A. 9 t . . . "' ' ; :.::1_r:ui3;‘."z 1137.! if... f:,';.’;~;.;~: T Y 0 . " _' " '7‘ ‘T 1‘: 9 "I" "-‘ > ".‘.~,. .‘. w :.. U: : ? .~.v“~4 I4. 11) ‘J A» _;;j:’:\_,_-.‘ 9 -, . ' .4. . (,a;.n ‘ 9 :.‘.-.-» , »‘f-9' ‘y: . .\ “ \ 4. 5 I u". -I _P " i . 4: 4.. O’ '1'! 34- ;1!:J '5 7.’, I‘-',;_" ‘Ala’. ' r ,3“ V. Cc Vt . J‘. 7. . B ' - ‘O‘v > H. ' 5 -.-. 7 ‘.1 1 r p V . .' ‘ »| " ., . ‘— ‘. ' : - a *0». r vi‘: ‘ ‘ If - v ‘ ' ‘‘j“- " " , , i‘ "; -._"‘ "-‘sin ‘fix "'Qg~ ,. A--o"_...%..~~,* ~u..+[" . .' ,‘ . I». ‘1 , _ - ‘ '.- 1 ' ‘ _. 1"‘. . ‘§- "' " '-‘ " - 1‘ (“'0 ‘ v ? ‘ o‘. '1 "9 U’ :‘ Ir‘ ’- R." r‘ 4. ' .. é9“Lf‘ g .g\ V‘_ . 0 - ' 0. " ,. . ‘ ~;‘ '2 " ' " ‘=, *» -4,7’ ' .' A f .»'. ,'>-.‘ 1 ‘ w. _ ’ -_ .‘ ’ ~ - ~. ~ y ,. . ' “!‘S"‘ "~. - ' ’ I J, “ 3 .-. a - 1' 1 ‘ ' " ~ '5 W 5 ‘ .:1'. -‘ 0 . Of 1 OH S.CO11Cd’I31lfl"- C 1C*~ - « z . ; , ' ' - - ‘ ' ,' a ,, § -*. - 3 ‘ 4 3' -y . ¢~‘ ‘=41’ '-"i= ._ ~ « -, ...‘ ',., 9-, _ ' ,_ '' ' "'~ ' ~. " D. . ' ' ",-. -- 3‘ ‘ 2*‘: .“ ~' 5‘ ?' .‘ ‘ » 9 5: ¢‘‘'’‘'''‘ ’ u',-,-v=.'-- : ‘ - '» . ; ‘ P . 4, *' .-" s 4' ~ -4 2 ~ '»'~ \ »' -.T=‘ & .~ ‘.- C ~~ -2,.‘-: . ‘~ 43* -3' “ we- ‘ 7 ‘J " I x ‘ - 0 v . \ 5- Q, . .‘ _I',. ~1 . «- - ' _"«-.' ’5‘.’."f’.'j’;m ‘ 4 '*.‘ ' .. . « 3' ‘V’; . ‘. ‘‘ ’..\.?{..-. ‘~ £9, - e ‘v-‘C ér .‘-1’ ‘If _". .) . J . at . , var: 9~~':-2 “ Li ’.,‘2-‘:\ * v. . r 9’ v ’ . ~ .,n§§.3 '-; .. " * 9£B&I¥fi§i163é!I1£ 4‘ ¥ »£ 3 “mt fang . .1; tea: enséfnm @&¥&@@t.«¢qar miR%1n3,B§i!1<$i5*% Ibflifl 323?‘ com) ofthzs mongtb. $9 _tD¢ ifitéittg vi ‘-L ' ‘ - "G . , ' v I ‘u ' ‘V’ ' ’ " .‘ " 1 "' 2 M 1'!» ‘5-- ' . >3 n‘ {J < ~ ‘$ ,3‘ 1‘ I w‘',‘‘, ‘ ‘ -:,¢ _ ‘, 0 9 3 .54. - 1. ".‘~‘l" u-.' ~ ‘."3 n ' /3 *7?‘ A ‘ ‘ "- " Z’. ‘ \ 1 ' I I ‘ ’ . -\i* \t 3" £315 Qléagcftie fmns great éaufc to 1'7» '’ ~ - an ‘if -.n- o’: ~; ' r" V . _ ‘ ._ _~ I _‘ 0' . . ' ._-_ ‘u_F ' ..‘ 9‘. Y fivx‘; _.f*. *1‘ ‘A _ ‘, ' u‘ _’.r._ . 3 .5, ‘.- . .K ,V ‘. , ‘ . ‘ »_. 4. _ .—$ . _ § -' in -6 ; _&\ '5 .y*‘'\_ ,. I. §-E _. - 1 $, .‘ .:“."’ ‘. J - ~ » . , '* _. 12,.‘ , ‘ - K “ ' ' d. ‘On’ Spa ems i&§fé£%9§z ig&. wctintt its ,%z% j fefltfrljetm tuattgeteug gun Befpes gate Ebcligvacf upow gtjczfiiaroufe of 933m,§°t35. 9 lav‘? . .9..t?DL.t9..§3 3 ‘ ' ‘.‘ »'v.".L“" ~A “ n‘é.ii7 ‘*€étt£t¢é;"%nvw?:n9 35:9 man he nfi%:%¢%§.‘; ®oa@ km’? s wt 19: mutt Declare am; 1:22 quire . ‘*1’? ‘».r ,~- 4j~ ' p; v ~ ~ ~--\ v slave ;fl)§t:?.€¥a..§§ 1: My am gi*.01%I1?1,1,!€D % abgiwnen» . ,3 *%C?§fi5i ‘Q39; ‘ . % <50? £9 ¥ae¢n¢Esg'!ibat~%a¢i¥§fi~ _, ossmoua .» \-_-‘' - :~ iannfz ban nqt: be damn t jgjfisfifg swim? §- .:=' :5; E 51:? t ‘C K .‘{v ‘Ci .- ~ W fegmntsggumatbmivmha V4‘. ~ ‘.';._ ¥"*({_y 0' " 4‘: . H o 4 ' - ‘.1 V 4 I _ \ . - 14 .'v-9 § ‘V ’ I 8 ~: 0‘ J , _ " y « _‘ -,--: - , .. «v (fin) new raw I.» knem%twan2 W50" 01'? ms ~ifi1fi‘*§B§G fit"? 9§bW ‘w133‘5‘ puns, but iiawifienftogtersflge math, tbsfemitbivbitb t;1J€?nfu€tI12 mm“ W5 Jimffifl t9~1%fl'fi!m"¥a W1‘ W ntbcv ficntleatmt §3mozn5. mun fiJ¢,“f°l¢ W5 Qfifiifiim “WW5 119% bac$is_1aarIia;;:¢1tt with: to regatta mliof$isi¥3o:toz1I)etzin,t1)at %iae,ft)a1 not unnzpgo any ‘imputation hpflge tafl) oz tnvifcrcef; ¢vvz¢,ifion+3 . of any rnut1g¥men— tI)m~itt«‘19i§’»’y3Ztafi1 5 03 any Mzmatc wows ntterw, hp i’-'5vecsn>I1o%mégbt sniru:te with §‘1Jat9,nm§fib9ut¥2ts Wftnt 0: @920‘ I "F _. I. .‘~.: .1. . -' .' . 3'01 t;1)e.]p_ec{ott§~“nattiiz§gvcten to he £‘ftittétta11ts»oftI)z febemll manta W3 °fLEng1an3,fi!1°%W3’€s».iéisfifiité ‘é’o%:imm§en fir Tam ms Cm 7 ‘ } W '“*;>" V.%’.°1‘“? thfifwjw, thaw; 8t!‘i?:fttT€n:etbev T ,°1‘§"'“3’i1‘I* d”I1€i¢1I¢ “$3 ~%8b€‘§¢fi"¢¢DA. “!it0”tI)¢m “J9 panic: Df«1’;1)¢.Milit1a’,. mg Qgajetfic “C233 ‘- not!) not cnucam that it can (imp with 311111136 0: 19fi1I'“¢ $0 $1??? ~d5%onnnmmttttnti)fat pat~tituIat;5.3**§ ~19‘z'sQ13aj¢1tiéis mtilinsfoztbiwb $9 gtant ebétp oft1)ent(tl)atof Lonéon fit‘? thvfetnfhw ‘E021J0zi1f?i*31%5£tC61J¥? 1%) futi)«®mm1u117to:t§~a£ 19’? bat!) émwt. wit taavlianttntt Tam? 51%: Ibteutmants tt%:~12—vmn=t anvrsti. raw: mat ~vmmc.tb¢t not tbtmsrsfit f"‘.‘¥1I£tfJ , ’ $11316 111038 .?i13fi,1*‘ 11!? -thought tfit“to the géatnten to ‘£9.93 ?3¢?[31t5fWi1¢Dt, tiwi h?_fl1¢i¥‘»fi? Wat t1t*teéatsuan2e.; .tbat‘tI3e Tam ‘h9fi15'foi1tjt‘3?L@i1b*fit1i nettcgin iatm; fnnti ;t1aon:ev‘tfit?tT:gn§f.éc it to :%tI_)zfz net oats; innate!) “tact mutt mitliugly 110 ; ztnnthbat was that name: that! he , tot; aboin an t fiztug,-e :Bn:tbt;st;aztn Wtifiont‘, ms élaaiefiie ; vtfivfifi it may be nfgéfttb‘ into aéuztct of 1%!-at»*= 1famcnttattf)ttLti3m am %£1Dznmsmce, Tn that all ibais Tflfiittg Qahfgftfi may wtttby patticmatip Imam, 9 ma; ¢ . tb mm%im min .; % (‘!3¢PL‘@?3@‘.§33;€ % ‘?“l'W$¢;f92 ~_ ‘WW7 $11? 11! % % %:;sa5;wt .t1ttsewmficw’fazt1Jc pimanw , cno11?€t5t¢Abmv.anfis £3 ‘ isggayc , . ti)I'§:%fl{9J£I?a ~ %#¥amat1ms«;§m!£¢.1tt;ts ncgbzfi n u I (335 V fimli’ $ ._ 33113399113 baht tan? in iaisin ezst§1‘en‘,efeucc ‘ _ ts? : %.-9fiW§i';f¥mfl%;$i$:w15.&?lia% nttflt 1985 Wit. mgfzat feats mgr: ;%;ea1oufi¢s , ~tI)aet they ~ It 33$ wtsxo $31€I*1$*‘ttmf mwam baaxtbsaatiais fizage fame %.?§€iM}fi :39” 176 ;ntag‘y%of} in“: news,“ mm m asvcwmtn the 392230335 nom_ccceut%§m,nn2n to 35m; .A blfi K. (20 aI%a%%bt§‘iiot, but ¢ac1iam¢m,i &i1ic‘iIJ »w¢isI)ins:‘;tD¢ partm W5€*°F*.tB*$f'A.. finnz ttjé‘ Fania,‘ 9 their mus; am‘ the peace mm was éT&ti§faéE‘fbzp to‘ fare sf an »¥2g’§;% goqnéubjccts, tIjcn%' a »may—._pgapofeh by £915-mtwns ~ iabztvmancz; tovmbicb, fm there gftifénég iafis fizaaiéttiv canttot con: % ztnn mbcteas faatsksrga ajeaic itfbcfi byflje aaetitian af~bot1) £90112. 1 res‘, pgefmtten to iabim» by tijwacl of « Péggtlanql, fiat: TBom,a_s Ifica.lc.J $11: : “'5’?i1Ti5!§T!4’5*8Vi1¢. if!‘ {Britt ‘places; . fm1tc=petfan5ibc n altieabp to iutzta m‘enI21e,I‘fti)em ewes with the is/1;: lftia , ~¥3i§,9E$f¢ffi¢°‘ '79 ¢?‘Bt¢tbT\ that 3 $is19arIiasttmtffl)6 I). emu: we \ patticulats tbmof; it Mug a mat: A’ tar ofi bzgl) fioncemment, ann«bet1>~~~» gteatfionfequente;-"1 % 2In‘o%.Bis QBa;’e£tictzquirztI),' ' e» tf%=.I't [bail apnea: to 19$ 1B'atIiame§;,; %%aay,pctfon5 mbatfoehct pzcrurmn to conuuann Mama mt‘tnoat% lawful! tztutboztttc, ;.g %‘~‘Z,“‘aI’~1‘_¢m0£teD¢0%,% agaiuft accqzninga -»m1i.m§ii . é -. . D -'v’ p /0‘, {tn’J.’-- - -. ‘ 3 4 I 4 ,r - ‘ , A —\ /'7 f .C q, I ’ . I ‘ I .. _ l ~ ," 4 < ' ’ v.- a I s _ . ‘ ’ up I, 1 .“ _ \ ‘ ' . .4 .. ‘ - , _, ' — - . ‘ ~u\‘_ . u ' . ~ - 4 V a - .. 1' “ u ' . ' I ' I y . , u ... a ‘ n .__ O - I «o A . L v _ ' . r. ~ v , go‘ r9 5 r I Q '._ .. A - - - . 9 .4 ‘ 9 _, o . . . I. * I I? I ' ‘ . , 9. . O0 . ‘ . '0 \ Q - - . . 1 -3 ,. 1 . _ — ‘ I . L J :35: .9 - . 4 ,’_.; v ~'»§~ . ,'- "'3 "' . Yr 1;" ( :\‘ I) . ‘ .‘ A _— t‘ a —, » 7:4 ’. .7 z . . f -L- . . I . ..‘.' ,_ ” Q). Q , Q «#1 « J .A . 1 J V“ ' i ‘w - Q , ‘ ‘J _ .1 . ,_ _, - . I-‘ ' -o"“..\;\r \ . . . g .,»~,;.:s..~ 3. ’3.,p‘ ‘s_A G 7'. .a&--..\?‘/r fi .4 :‘- --T . . . » i 4%. Houlcs;gP?Z;1i ‘.5,;;\lCh-Stir , con. ccrnit1‘gt'l'1‘c' Mififia , &c. Prcfentcd to His M A j E s T I E at . g1-’/Ieobaldr, ~t-" Mm'~tii,~ 12.6 41- - ,« -g - ‘,:;3-"",?»«1 ., , i::-'31-.';.:.c«_ ..;x;:_:«; - o .g raczaus fireraggn, ' i Our Majeflics tnofl: loyalland “ obedient Subjefts, the Lords and mmons in Parliament, dd e their juft apprchcnfi- (>1 u fpeét of the publike ‘dangers ons, of forrow and fear, in te- njimg like to fitll ‘upon Your Majeflie and . .. lg s, ~ Qgthgggg " .; ,‘ xi :42-; ,2‘ ‘ , L_ _‘.‘g«'-., ’.’ r’ ‘h __ ‘ ’ I‘ ‘. humble and neceffary PCtltlOn , concerning the Militia of the Kingdom; cfpecially grie- ving, that wicked and mifchicvous Counfellors fhould flill have that power with Your Maje- Itic, as in this time of imminentgand approach- ing Ruinc , ratherto incline Your Rcfolutions to that which is apt to further the accomplifhment: of the dcfires of the molt malignant enemies of L Gods ; f(a;9)% tr‘ne’;Bi¢lig'i§h§.andtr:f I-ht! peace Efgfgflc 9£~Ynnr6 ‘olf;a1tttTfn‘imKéng3om;ch£*n‘ £6 thfifig ‘ a£ugm:a£sm1om1Laansdaa1ux Ycimflnxfimnéms wwauerm }PfiOtd1>, That if Yrm noMq5d}in papfiflxfi Q3“ ~d@‘l'W1“s~9d1§ dadgbisaudfliilravpers} Edna Ki .. Idom are finch; asailfinduzéumlongtfidlhji :3; unlc-{Tc You {hall bc.gr_acizmifl3fzplb3a{£-to‘ ;-3&1: tfimiby thcra.xgc1fc‘gsgevs,‘ ehazirou oznlzqseedixy apply, :¥ tAflm1:am1aufl&im3qf thciffbwtfné 1:hay‘Ih:£llfbeié£csrttt$,~f9i'9éhe fdfetviof Y3ou;;Mbj2d$c‘,u'nd Tau:-i3§mgdbItI!,?t'b difpfsrcz ‘of awzhcirfty % Houfcé, in fuch umnerisfiuth bow ed to Your Majcflic; fhéy ::croii;¢:&sdasit4acI._ cording] . , _ _ . ~- F ' likcwifiz :mo1P%%f»humb!y-i’fi1atfthe .a;mgemsnn as. fpc;-race 13efigne'tiponc‘th¢ fuoufa »oF‘(;9&_inf8fi§, mentioned in .i11ei£'iPteanibrlp,"‘wa§f:xdlI§ib!E2;6J_ withanyinwmionrd ea%t!;¢h.1:1ea1tea:fpe£fi¢in' Your Majeitic, but thgrein my refiasttééi‘. . that malignant party5 cafzwhofz-' bl&xydyT>and*z11a1 1i2'c‘i2a«14s fpraaievs they hm» trad’ Fa oétd‘ fexperis. ~ cact.uand»rfr61a£whit11é: ' ‘Q1n“nb\ia befecuire; nnleflcY6nr Mzsjemc wily, 1ptc4_hsdigoL:pa:e-fl'am You tthofiz wicladtr-Aairi<'i“« wrifaitlffdmfiannfelidfisg w1m%;im'erpoT ' ¢ tbc51'40Wfl% corruprfiaad asal?ci%vqs Dcfigncs betwixt Yourmajefligs .GoodncfTs_:' %"n"€! Wifdom, am!‘ eh: ~ rofpefltykandiédnténmknt -'of<=;Y§ur?Se¥f3,«-and: :‘¥bu'rpIeop1e:£'1flxidt§a%f:t -" -_ t c (so) tlsé <13!‘ of the ‘great ~1:'rfi'aix-5 of chcxiag -J93!’ fafcgy.of‘Yaonr;Pci1'dn;::h¢'p:oge&io. and. comfotmf Your subicm; Yohwinrbc plea- ;to:concinnc¥nur nbodcncc-'1-. co}LmJ.émand & gthé Palfiaflfiflly find to. -.wi:1tdravHYout“Sélf . fiaigdehcmmomn parts. ; Whi;;hzif~.ybur' M355. _. U1d:.d0.g:imI1& ltécdst bean: citrfc great ;,-_d§9$Ql‘ 5'1 ‘. .7. 4;. -‘i -T :- 7 .7 }'UD3t1Y.0ur M&~icIli;::Wi.mtT§e.wi{c bc*gr_aéi.uufl,- :p1¢R{¢l3§Q:i§ontiin1c:th¢% Péincc his‘!I-Iighhc1Tc_% in -mfg pm:-an 5% Ionics; onafnyot£ld;ofYoLfr hon. ~.f€$, fiG_€l‘}.'-1.'_4I33¥&,sWhcrcby%$tbqdtfigncsiwbich ghg qfitbci £Lc1igion«.gad-Reaccao£ this.T‘K1'x?ag- lu{ M3lP&.1C‘.to,:;8CC¢pt;;,as the ~“»‘-3 cPEcE% (31) cffe& of that Dutic and A11.-. iance which they ou, and whichw 1 L not fufwghem go . faiimit36f,.jny theughes,«Lin'fE:i!ions‘ or . bngfuch as are ncceflfiry and a A ' .fgr‘Yo‘ur Majcfiics Grcatneflé and Honour, ''~ :1 andxhc fafctic and profpczitic of the L", ; ;§;;.¢,Eipgdon;,aqcordiag«%:o-that Trail- ha. and Power which thc{Laws' Agaficm‘ Pofediar ,. thcm.,% 1‘: : -‘co - .2»? . ‘ , L ' ' O. '1 ‘ ‘ Q ' :1‘ ' ~‘_‘_: ' I’ _| 4 ., -. ' ‘1 - {E73 ~~ an-» His Maj ef’ti;e'§ Anfwer to the Petition of both Houfes, Prcfented the firfi of March, I 6 4 II - to Anltrver: You {peak of Jea- . '1 loufies and Fears: Lay your hands to your hearts ,.and ask your {elves whether I may not li‘kEvvife' be difturbcd with Fears andjealoufies : And iffo,I ‘affure you this Meflage hath nothing Ieflened For meow 1.1.1 Ma,» a I'tt‘Bed’ght foe much of it before I fem that Anfvver, and an} {o much affured that the Anfvver is agreeable Am "Q-9 v .a'.',:;f_.}'-“ik4v’?i‘ '.sé.‘»'.e7;-“z €1_‘:?»“.v_‘.~3v-.:,.I» " I 5,» . 0 .,_ ,3: (33) agreeable to what in Jufiice or Reafon you can ask , orI in Honour grant , that 1 {ball not alter it in any point. For my Refidence met you , Ivvifhic might he to {ale and honourable, that I had no caufe to abfent my Self from W/rite-/.:4-ll; Ask your {elves Whether I have not. For my Son , I {hall take that care of him, which {hall jufiifie me to God asa Father, and to my Dominions as a King. To conclude , I allure you upon my Honour , that I have no thought but of Peace and Juftice to my People, whichl {hall by all fair means feel: to pref-:rve and maintain, relying upon the Goodneff e and ‘Providence of God, for the prefetvation of my Self and Rights. FINIS. RARE DA 412 1642 .G835 uuvmworunouu-counu ELLSPCRRERARE lllliiiiiillllll 01 O-006068532