._..:.'__.——.__¢.\ ‘ ‘,3... «- g e T W 0 if DECLAMRATIO NS Q??? 0 f The "*‘_’> §~LORDS and COMM ONSSEQ E“ Aifemblcd in PARL1AMEN'1‘. *5’? S! .13 ‘Ho 0&4 _ The One, . Concermng the Relea-fing of d1 verfe *3’ Worthy Minitters, and other his Maieftics good 9 E,‘ Subjeéls, in tbeC0unty of Che/ier, who are im’pri{b- gfi Bed and bound ovct’ to the next Afiife, for refuting to Obey the Illegal! Commiffion ofmra}, §§°¢ and ycclding Obedience to the Ordinance $4 and Command of Parliament. . $2‘. The Other , For the Re ayingof all fuch Sums of Money, E09" as are, or {ha lbe brought towards this publike C barge, out of the Eltatcsof fuch as are Voted Delinquents, and dis-affelled to the State of the Kmgiome. " V‘/ith an Order of Both Houfes, that the Lord Gencrall fia aecoriing tohis Commiflions, {hall take fprciall care for puniflling dnfordcrs in th; Souldierro Die Jovxs, Sept. 8, I 64 2. $04 Ordered 5} the Lord: and Common: in Parliarnengtime the]? fit; peelar.¢tio;u,and the Order cmcerning Sou/dim be firthvith gfi primed and publcfbed, John Browne Clcr.Parl:am. v*S‘cptcmber 9. London Printed for Iohn Wright. x642. l ea-:-:»~a-2»-z~»x»-zeeox»-3-«t=«e«z;=«to«&=»:~e:ww:2 zu §s$@$%%%§‘.3$=$%%?iS*§§§§%3 $§.3 iC-$’:’%7 A E DECLARATION V Of tl1e ' e LORDS and COIVHWON S . . In PARLIAMENT} é Hereas information _hath I i beene given, that’d1V€rS "5 ,’ rfons wel-»aFfeéted_ to the peace and fafety of the Kmg and Kingdome , have beene fe1— zed, apprehended , and imprifo- fled, and divers worthy Miniflers Attached and bound over to the next Amzes to be holden at 066-- ‘ A 2. 1 ‘/Zero ffer ,- for. yéexding, 0bédiéfiCé’.f6‘ the:(.)rd1nancet and command of I"£i1‘1la1‘nCHt, and for refufing to 0.. A beythe Illegall commands ofthet Cotmnimoners 0fAn~ay,, The LOi’dS and Com moms” do th€1‘€f01'€ h€1‘€by Declare all“ thofe to beeenemies to the C om~ m0n*“~’C3M} 3 and difturbers of the P‘°33C5"0f €116 Kingdome, who @173 9 apprehend, or detaine in I? 1’1f011g or lead out their vvarrants. for the .app1‘ehendi1-Igtor dthenvife 2 any'.PCI‘f(')UeOl‘ PCFQHIS, 1”‘ obeying the Ordinances and’ commands oFtheParlament,orfor refuting! to obey the Comm jmgn; ofArray. And do. require 8: com -- mand all . Lieutenants, ‘Deep-utie L1CUt€flfW5a].ufl1ces.of the; peace, ' She-. «_ ', 7%!!!‘ M 4 n :2‘ ea She1°ifi°es , l\/Iaicirsi,. Confiables, and all other his Mayefiies Otfi—- cers and loving Suhieéts, that they doe not oiieiy fiyrbeaie to execute any ‘iwarrants fentiout by Commimoners of’ Array for ap- prehending,’ binding over to the afl”1zes,0r otherwife molefling any ofhis l.\/Iajefiies good Subjeé’ts,fQr not yeelding obedience to the Illegall warrants 8c commands of the Commimoners 0fA1'1;aL}75 but that theyaliibamft to the proteéti—- on anddefence ofal. thofe who are in danger to be apprehended, ope preffed; i()'I‘ inolefled‘, by the vio- lence and tyranny of the Qpm; mimoners? (if , Arfay‘; iwheneéf they 1‘eq‘uire the . jiiftices of.Af~ fize of.‘ the (Iqu;;ty,Palatine.of ii’ A 3 5/96’ Q/99/fer, and the Keeper of the L aftle of C/ac/Zer , and of other 1’ rifons in’ the {aid County,and all other his Majefties officers &Sub- jeéts whom it may concern,to take efpeciall notice , that fo thofe that are already imprifoned or bound over by the Comrniifionexfs of Array m that County, may bee“ difeharged and no further profe- cuted and molefledl by any ufur-« ped power or Authority againfl the Lawes of this Land. . a.“a.a.aaaa..a.a;».a»,.aa..a,r.aa..g» :1‘ Declaration of $56.‘ Lordr mtfl’ Common: Jflemb/ed in ‘Par/iamerzt; V Hcrcas his Maicflyin a MCK- M . age received the ;.of Septeme bet, rcquares that the Parliament would rc- volm thflf Declarafiohs againfl fuch per- font A fons as have affifted hisfi/laicfty idothis uh; e rialzurall war againfi his Kingdomcfit isthi‘s' day ordered,and decla-red,by the Lords and A Common sgthat the armes which ‘they have i beetle forced. to take up, and {hall be forced V to takeup, for the prefervation of theePar— Iiament,Re1igion, the La wcs an d’Libert’iese d of the Kingdome,fl1allnot beliid doWne,' untill his Maiefly {hall withdraw his Pro- teétion from fucb Perfons as have been vo- ted b both Houfes to be Dslinquents, or?» that tall" by both Houfcs be voted to be Dc- 4 linquents,a_n_d {hall lcaxfc themto Iuflice of the Pd°1'lia‘meh't,;to be proceeded with ac~f1 cording to their demerits , :60 the end’. tha.t~b0t\h this and5£acccadEitig*genuration§;- b may take Warn'ihg.wi6h3w‘hat incutrc the like heinous. cr1xties;a'n‘dar‘lf‘oto‘°~ the end that sho1egte:t%‘chdI‘ges and dam-‘ . miges Where withall the Co‘mmon—wezlrh~ hath been burthcncd in the premifes fithence Hi; ,Mpicfl,icg departure mom the Parlia-1 ment, may be borne by the Dellnqllfiflts and.‘ other malignamt and dis-afcflcd P¢1'f0fl5 2 and that all his Maieflies good and well-afi ' ” ‘ " " ‘”"“'e" ' " “" " ' fgéted i ,1 L .1 fcé1ed'Subie&s;"vvBo by Lam orn3an;cs‘;3 ' or-otberwife at their charge have aflified the Common-wealth, or {hall in like manner A hereafter zflifl the Common-wealth in time 1 vfextreame dangcmnay ‘Be regayed al fums sbf mony by them lent for that purpo{e,and! be {atisfied their charges fu fufhined, out of the IaidD?liuquentis, and of the Malig- nant and di{affe&e.d party in this Kingdom. ‘ifr!aé»»&;&o&»&«§%s&»«&s&;&.)gb&i~g&o . iDi'CjJviS",' September t6); 2;’ i, T, ii‘ tbiriday orléreliby’ the Lérd: and_Cb'm-i Imus in '?ar/iament Jflemfld», that the Lord Gmerall according to hit ComrrizIF'a'n,' ” flmll take fliccta/I are for the refiratizing mm’ pun/hing difbrderlin the oaldicrt , according." . to the cufiamg of W41’. ‘ Iohn Browne Cler, Parliatn._- ‘i =F=I=9B‘§?¥fl%i§&=%¥§%.¢.¢. ‘ FjNI&" DA 412 1642 .G837 unvnurvarnuouu- ELL SPC RRE RARE $12 /lllimiiiiailll 50 0100060685 University of Missouri Libraries University of Missouri——Co1umbia Eng1ish Short Tit1e Cata1og Loca1 identifier Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner mode1 Scanning software Optica1 reso1ution Co1or settings Fi1e types Source information Format Content type Source ID Notes TwoDec1arationsofLordsand Commons1642 December 2017 Zeutsche1 OS 15000 Omniscan v.12.8 SR2 (2675) 600 dpi co1or, 24 bit TIFF Book Text Barcode page at end of text. 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