33'.‘ %' I Q. V W. i \ I ‘ . Ar'v ’ OFBOTH -‘ Houfes of Parliament With fundry 1A mciespr A ofPar, liament to confirme the fame. Tglgyn out: of the Record: ef the TWI _ AUG, Two Orders of both HOMES 0f £5; PARLIAMENT %MW,T0 all High Sherxfi‘egjufiwca ofthe peaee, g3? , 3?» WWWWW?) and other Officers, within I 50.. Miles of theCJty of You”. $2,. Thanh“ In“ parflcular m the high ShemffiJufizces 2‘30.- (29‘ the WM chm Qffiee'rs within the Conny of 9-9- ‘ Lmdfler. In genera“, to all the. Counties 0E " " EnglaW and Domlmen of Wales. ' We )1 " * ' = e - . 1‘ A ' v V)‘ X3 Die sabbath: Q8 Maiz' £642 ' Oideied Wewrds m. Phrllamem, that thefe Votes with the Articles be forthWith prmted and publlfhed Io Broivzie Cleric Parlzementomw m . ¢,;.I . i. -‘ V. ‘2 : A .. A -, A. . ,2 1‘. ¢~ -_ -. v , Ti ‘ \‘ ' :i.‘ ‘_,,-", -'L e «I ,4 ‘I ¢-¢;§ .i Avt-J .~‘—‘ g Y ‘r 1—" ' ‘ fl L 0 N D O IN, I“ i“, . 13111.1th by E Grtflin, {Or Crfiopher Latham I 64.2% ‘ We SffléflEefigméflm “’9 .eeezeeeeeemee , 911453849 1111111111111 - Refolved upon the Qnel‘gmm by Ehc1Lords and; Commons,&0- 1 1 :3311 ’ 1 H4t tt 41919441144414! tbe ngéfi ed by 2414- 1' ' 14:41 «C omzf 411,2 mterzdx t9 ag4kgnn14rre 4341411! f4: P4rlt4mmt who (24 4Zl tbezr confilltatzom 4nd .. . ~ ‘ 464444) 447/épr4qued 40 other end mgto them e104: . I" :3 31" "441141071414 Kzngdoms1 41nd 1144 41114344424 of", 1 ‘44 34431 4421143144)! t4 414 perfim“ ‘1 111111 _ »_ ‘ Reiolved ,&C. 7441 13711614416198?“ the Kzlzg W124 mrmpon t4; P 411444!th 1t 14 4 192144440 f the myifjre Wm him by g . ‘ 4‘14 people,contr4ry 2‘4 414 44th, 42444424 to the 41%?)- 1 4. fl 54104 of £414 gowemmeizt ‘ ' 1 . « Refolved 854.; ' ’ 1,11 T4411 wbojbmr 14411 firm: ‘or 4]]? 447! 4121 Incl; I 414211144 41141414401421: by the fundzzmenmll [,4anpr 4414 ngdom,4ml 44144 4944]?) 441' udged b 1 two 21%: 1 1 V 41341111424444 2 ~ ; ‘.’", ‘ Al ~ . ,\ ' ' ' or ." ‘ -- - 14.1.1 1“. 1: 511$ ‘~ 1' ,1; “"1 -- . v I, - - , 7 1. a v .’ ‘5 t. u, . ‘ . ‘V;. , , “If . ., , \. v. ‘ “' 3" ’ . .c‘ - V ' I ‘ ' ”1.3. - ‘ ' " ’ 9., ‘ ' '. a» ‘f e“ f ’ "t v .fiu ' :t .t{ fa 2?} ‘1’..." ’1“ t" 3 .w 3 ,- {4:}. i _j g’ If! ’ ”X “ ‘1 Efrf \ a O I . ,. . a ,-. "it. =e.l£'t. {-4'*:: ‘ 3.3:; ’3~"° ».‘ - ~ 4‘ ’4 yr n ‘\ ~ T»! ~, g '0 ‘ VA 4H Z 5’ I; 1492;...» :. .Qqu ' ‘3 .‘- ' . , , . ‘ . '.~ V v.‘ 1"" .v - g .(‘yixf ' - ‘ Y “"1 ". = ‘4‘ s -' n . . - ' . 4| - .2 a“, n.‘ 1.. -‘ _ 4‘ ti ,, x‘ 1- ‘ ; a ‘ t o . - _ “Vt , uh" . ‘4‘ ' ' . ' ‘~§'~.v~ ,,; ‘ X‘s :' -, . . t, - \‘ f? 7“.) t 23,]; 3’ r ‘e 3 1.1 .fi; 4" t. v‘ ' Z. 1“; E15. :35; ‘,- 3 I 3 l .2 ' ’ , ': a . , ~ \ " -‘ v ‘l ’l' h r" v > ' ' ‘ r *‘ ‘ u - ' F I ve‘ a ' ‘97 v! , j ' 0‘" -' i :2 J- » DJ . ;" J=')\.. ad, .“£- vii: .. «LI ~. “’3 N "Q ‘, ". ‘, ‘ 57571..-‘~__¥.--'..‘1vf f-«IV-T'u’; "9,1"? " .» {z‘w‘W ; "I i '2. "‘9’ -. r‘ ' 1 r???" , ~ -'< Out 0 t e. o t ‘ en- ar tat-meat, e at: : ~ g5 .' . x, - - ~ . . t .. , ‘ _ ‘ , ; ,‘ , ' _», .E 1- s ,‘ l ‘ u, , , .;.'_.. ' _ . , I. i a " ’ - ' " .1» ‘, ' ’ c - 1. --7minfler’,a¢ 1] Bug; .7: in): ‘3} Tag: 3 by .the‘ {aid . encrOachmu-itgthe .aforefaid Alexander: x'Azrc-ihsbiflrop of‘:Yc"sr.ké, Wm dc. Wm Dukciof ltd-and, x . ‘ . fis’itbaéliflg‘la P-ooléi-Earl'e Of.Sufiufll-e,RoéerigTrcfiilikanjfaHE. "M Juflicc, and Nich‘ola-‘Brcmivre falfe Knight'of London, have-w '- - ‘v ' ~ - , dam: than”. Whereas at‘the lalt Parliament» ‘iallrétixc Lords and: other. W'ifc'men'a'nd‘ Gpinmons therealfembléd, {cein-g'therlofléoft‘he- ~— gfign’w 13%}? W , .U l‘ t King-and his kingdcmeeminent, as we?! for'the perils and mif’chricfs: aforefaid. as that theKingWas departed tram the Caunfell ’o’fthegKingm dome, and” hearkened wholly to the 'Connfell of the aforcfaid mailefag: 30“ #and traytogs; as; alfo 'becaufetheFre‘nch King withéhise-Royafl‘ POW" Was” (hipt upon the Sea,- feady-to have come into England tb-defg, fl‘royj'theKingdomeg-‘énd.the Englifh tongues and that no ordinancenbr government Was then efiablilhcd for the fifety ofth'c King hbrofthe kingdom, they knew not} other remedy thereupon _, but temonflratefl unto the Kingat full; how that he was‘ill governed, coun‘felled, and cars: ~"tied;aim/any” b: the a‘fdrefiid traytbrs and nzxalefaaorsbdeelari-ngiuntbg.hin3 \théiI‘3PWiC-ké‘ “modifier-is," and; required himm'ofi. humbly as 1131951111 "{hb‘ie&§’ for the fafety of him," and ofhis .w hole, kingdome;{ end fofithe i'javoidziing of the perils aforefai'd '," to let go and put from him the afqrev ‘ iifaid mlefafiours and traytwvs'outéofhis pretence and campanyggan. .‘that he wguld not do hereafter according to their wicked cbunfels; bu; i‘tfhét” hé'wpuld follow the WifeglOy allyand difcreet, men-of: thc‘kingdqm, «and thetcuPon th‘e faid‘tra-ytors and tnalefa'aors, fecing this: good; ~ant?! ' honoumb‘le opinion oftbeP‘arliamcnt," and; to diilutbc their goodgpur, "pof'e therein, by thcit'fa‘lal'e cdunfelll caufea o‘ufir Log-rid nth-eiKingscg 962mb mand"the.Major'~of London tocaufe a great p0 Wet. ofthe pgbglqdeenf j don te be {hddenly levied, fond killand put at) death all "theyfaid meds 3and'Commons, excepting nnly fuch- as Werelef theirgpiarty, amhfi’, taping of which Wicked a&, the {aid great inalefaflmsgand traitors {but _ hail: I fgbejefi'part’ieEfiI put-"cm tothc’défiu’afiion ofthe;K§ng éfldiag Uiisfidami "T‘EA‘rftide :299..i.'13_tém,--F@ma nee’ompilifll thishrfahztrea {bneafiareifaidbj - t heiif 'counc'el'l‘, f [the :afm‘efiidr filefiafltr’Amhfiifl'YOWf-‘X (KER ROM 5 (Jean Duke--0f=hcl'and,and= Migbaicl dz In. PM? EEar-lc offliffie’tkfimffia the ' the King :6 {and his? tectots ofCredencc to his achrerfary thameb ‘ 1:}? M‘ . g by. 9M: Whimsiawmll. Germ nflfisGhambev; and. rcquifitig aadgmymggthc fluid Erengh King, that, With-hi3. owetan'd Cofidf'en"’hc Would; bie‘é'iéifig 3:155 affijfiifigfao chafiord‘tfiei -i;tgmadc- firo‘y'and put to death the Gddfiondsfind OtherzEnglifhmhlch the King than held his enemies and traytors, as before, to the great d‘ifquiec and «rt-61161305 mama: kihgd-omé.. ‘ .gAapfic'lc? 30; [56”, The afo‘refitid 'Ale'xuder Archbiflzop.~ OF Yofi'xte; Whittle Vane Duke of Itcléznd, Michael de: [a Poale‘Earle- of Sufibfltc” em- croaching 1mm themfel‘v’es Roya-llzl’qwer ,‘ caufed the Kinglopromifi- unto the Eiencbélfingg by. hisfiichcms and Mdfagtzs , £63"? to obtainc aiti‘ein-d'taffiflancc from thesFrench.King-yand:hi3fpower,.. fw‘ ‘0 aceoma pliih-that high tram—Mg prodiciong and m—mdafgiejgive mdifizrrmden m)? ' mgtfiefaid French King the 1‘20th andGach-tof. (13353.... and“ all. other Cafflc’h and F on: in theiM-anch oEPicardy and- Afloysy the Gzfllemndr Téw.ni§voEChirlurge, andofiBrcrtg toxihc greatdflhonotttfi,leraubl¢md: ._ damnagcofthc Kingand'ofzhis Kingdomés ‘ , . -’ ,_ A , . ' ”Article 37Jtm,theaforcfaid wiexMrr Archhithp of,¥,Qg‘kagflRqéarr Javier: Duke of [mind .. Mic/wad d: Aw male Earl; 0E Sufi-01kg.” ; Raéert Twififlian: fa! (3: jufl ice, and .Nmbalm Bani”; falfi. Knight; of: London-5 ' mzhfitfiomahd Traytor-S, dutihgtthc iiméfl'f the’faidpmecgtirbngi tdfiheg ovetetwowi'ngi of the {aidappeadgu falfelyfiaunliznedsi .: andfa‘aufidsfib? King twommand by: his letters, dimesfinightzfi Effiuirqghnfihenfies, ané'foeHeN his officers. of divers; ,Cotlniiésg to raifq and alremblg filth? powc‘r th'atrth'ey could to comawithzt-he 131d Dukegfi helmd,againfi the. af‘m'cfaid‘ other Lords-Appeilmts,sfitidaim}yx to: main: warm again“: themi-ahd3defiroy chem. » , : ' LE» 2 ;. r3: .. . Ard’olegSJtm, During chum :ofthc: raidapmeaiomhwafmgraid 'Rabert d: were DUke oflklmd§ . Michael do [a pull; .Earelzof» Suffolk; Alexandr? AttbbifllOp ofiYorke, Nt‘cholwgr‘Brenbrc.-fal{c Knight of L0n~ don, caufed‘the King—by Fhis fiat-ere, to {ignifin to the {aid Duke-of Ire- land, hthhat he and others'wcrc 'ap cadacd oftmafonhyi thefai‘d 372:;- mxfiukcsof Gloceflcr Gonfiablc 0f ngland,.. Richard Earle: oft Arm: - defifatad?*5’igrg},'and Thom: Earl-c oowrwi‘ck. and how that the-King hfid‘ ‘ thermnginn day to‘the (aid parties5 untillthancxt Parliament, and hqwhét had‘ taken both? patties, with theirs-mu gourd: and... Chatteflg hit)? his {pedal}; proteéliofifandi hpfidaaainwu doxttained inch: faié let- tétb‘idfthvifiifi ; :that if‘the fiM‘anc‘hadsfufiiciwtzpowes hmflwuldnec fijlbmcéme ’onwkhall his afotaefiidpbivdt; Mmcbmgmthefiing ; ‘and 5’"? ’erperfinsdfinmnefbiwmauwfl 1" 3%!!!» " ‘59 1 . .mAm...u‘n . ~‘ . . ’ - . '~T (.1 -‘ ' ._V “mime:'hefhabldmhethbf‘ildwithfllwrewswmh:hqcould ~ gamut «new; andehnt mating}, meld-meet meatbaltbzepawag, - End-that [telling ‘mldmitblhim: paém hazard? his} Royall; perfoyng; Mthatehe lfing’m’e in: great- tie-target himfelfgand his whole kingdeme ' if ' he were not helped and‘faeeouredby thelaiidg-Dakegofi Iceland , And that the Duke of Ireland lhould make'knowne this; unto all the men that werelafl‘embled unwhimv “,l Mflmfiffiefilfifiiwuldmy allathegwdges, mdiehatgeesof ehnfiid Duke-.olalrelade, a all ; GEall the teen-valfimbled by him, byvettue oEwhlchlettefl‘ ,. 'Md-the maliciout; and Trayterous agitation: as: well of the: laid lathe. aofibifi Adherent/e andallthe other malefaélors and Framed}; thelaid [Dulce o£ Itelhmd; afiembled a great number of men at Armes and Archers,as well the Conn-ties olLan- caller, Cheller, and Wales., £3 0‘ 9C5¢£Pb§g§pl the Kingdome , to de- llroy,and to pat to death the aforefaid LotdSJand all. others which were alléntlttg to the making ofthe {aid OrdinancfirStatute and Commi‘flion, unto the delltuélionlof the King‘ and histlgingdgme; ' x . , ' , A;tic.lc 3-9.: ftewthe faidlkoéeftac" 'v i he Dali; fll‘Cléfldg fall; traj‘ V \.. tote to the King. and kingdom“ 'ell'cmhledl-Vaigteat ._.pgwer ol men. at . Armes,andArcher.s}o£ther C'ount'ieé of ._Lanealler‘, Cheller ,land‘Walesz, andofdiuemotheeplaces, to the intent to‘ have trazyateroplly. dellroyed ‘ {atfarteaaitl him by, .theLOIds Thom/z: Duke of Glocell‘er Gala-able- “Englandflmj Earle of Detbygfl‘tebqrd Ea tle lolArttndell and Sat.- V my,TbomLE3rl¢:Of Warwick, and T 19me Earle M.atfl1§ll,,and:othet mmemmmmm mammm eaten: Eoyall Subieétsofaut Lord theKing; as Well tothedellruaiondand‘an- a . nihilationéofour Lord the King, and of hiswhole. kingdome 3:.and'lo lie—ridwithgreat pomtand force ofimenat .A‘rmes ,1 and Archers, {mm the County _. oEChclle‘r through: thekingdome, till he came neere to a «trainer-V . ace, which place is calledfiotcothridge, nee‘re to Gotl‘wold, inchroae ring to himlélfe Royallpower, (:3qu the banner of the King to be difplayed in his company,c’ontrary to the dignity of the King and ofhi; Growne, at which time the. {aid Dulce of Ireland and his com- pany, were By the grace of God, difappointed of their Wicked purpolE. Memorand. That the lime Roll containing the Petition ol'the afore- laid appeale dillinguifhed by Articles as above by qumazion is malted, was delivered in the prefent Parliament, by the aforeliid Duke, and Earles appellants ; & Memorand,that afterwards in the lime Parli- t ament, the t. z. 1 I. I 5. 17‘ Articles aforelaid are declared, andadiudt- ged treafon, and every one of them-is declared and adjudged trealom , And that that which is contained in the 22. Article of the aforefaid Ar- ticles concerning the levying of men , to make warre and dellroy the A 3 , Lord’s ”Ad. .._......_. A“ ' ‘ 1‘ 4'1”»? { "' ‘ ' ‘ - w '“rx'7“."v W. ‘ ' Wu . Eu A MIaredfihaiéifi’d‘géd mfbfiémfi #6”er *thm’a'M‘M M “d? ' ;iudged mfon areimtfioWfic-tifiwéifiéwrd‘ 'Md‘c‘f’i‘m‘rm‘amd ‘ fan-d é’fikéa’tdihis ’RO!1_0h‘thé b‘a‘ck’ifid‘e 'ofth'e‘ Eaid Roll by thefe Words 1493611: petition 1am inpfifém‘c dn 2%] are A’it‘Sn- 6*“ ‘ T'h'ts’jgdgélmentMia‘stc'dfififhfied bya 8c .0! Parliam‘éat. ! 1.3243an .4113 H.“ 4. cap.- 3% and 4.6055 the fold: :Eri‘néettfia’tnfiksiand-fthe raid fiaituteia =‘H‘."—~4“.’~1._1.1;'_'_'."I ’1 ‘Zv.1'I-'"1..""‘l ' ”’21" ‘ "-113I:“~i~:.?5'Is:IIIA'3I” ’51,?" ”HIM "" 1.11:1. 1,. f5 ; " '1'»: 12:". ."Tc'l'.'l'l'1‘7\\ ‘11'1 ‘fi’f "‘- ' t '13: ”13"“ ‘ 15‘1”- ! 1'2"?" :1 ..: ‘3 1‘1 ’1. . 15:23.12 {11:}.‘1'11 1:211: 117$"; 1; I .',"- 11.1%: In .1 , _ _ 4v, . 1.; 1 . " ‘3 . ._ .3 ' ' 3.1 {p.111 1 9'5?“ 1 '1': I315" 31‘ I: I . £13 ;1 :1} 11 9’3”: III 3: 3511413”?! “If? in! iii:- '3": {U 3‘3“" I} I SI... 4‘ gig: a ,1 '1: El ,‘I’I’ D ~ W ‘1“. .t‘ : ‘31»va .. 1,; ‘ 5. vs.» 1’ w \a um ‘24 “n.” gnaw 1'10» , 1'41 , “mu?! Mk V HM , _. rhfit-urr.flrrfia-.~ ; V ’ - \ ‘ , > n t ‘ n I " W l ' ' 1 , . A. q '. " . ‘ k ' x§t.ig:cy \gqxéxgt3’gs:v'l or footer? an} ygygmfiommwion, oro rantifer ijioig ‘Souldiehf of gatherizg ' ;. fflflmfig’ Mgbafewho flu/l :36"th or otq'dvyfioob .Cmiflt'on‘, ‘ or ‘ z , ' - ~ ’0' V g V ' e * fieertoft "v Die Sabbathi 2.8. M452116+ ‘ Harm it ”parentage the .Kiugfiduqdfi, ”2,43,; Gmf , . H ' - intmdttomlggamr again the Rariiqment, Mgweffbgfi _ I. .. [er ofa guard to/Eceefe hi: rojalll’erfim doth commandtroefc: ‘ ' ’ .. hath of Horfe and'Foote to ajfemhle at York: 5. All whit/)1; ~ . $451114" the have: of the K Michele, Ytthding to the Hiflbiutien of the 7’»; hm; Ind deflrtdziMof '3" ‘ééfle-i zIt isr'thevjefire orderedhj the" Lat-(:3 :fid-‘GfififidJ-ifil’fifiimfil; at 1505129? '59! of the Count] of Lama-M, Mull other" 23mg}: '(fvheifiitigdmle OfEilgland,@' Debbie» ofWaka. M“ WWW afgbm {any}, dad of theirfewrollcmtiee, refpc-Ei. «it; ‘vtfilfi'flbc-m’flnga: «4: «mint 3"” of 4’9 MW” ”W . . 1 . ”for? hi: Majefl}, yithout the , 71% ‘ ton/3»: afghef’Lords a , 4% ‘Cogtenon; in Parliafiene'; Amithaf “£1,va whgffaig ' y"- doeférheqre to‘exewr am; [itch cofi'tvéttéflz'oh,” or Weir;- ‘ ' the»; togethgryk‘hoxt mm: of mm WM Wealth ode-mt vfi thr«mwe*tfrbri-Ki~gm with: m1 Lawtmmfiths (Ignaz-1’5 Lomaflcrgi M ‘flLezg’rfiiM ' »--'-‘t*¢mt}éfallmfeflntkiaertbé JCWIZfEnsW or Mme)” put] . flaky" mm] ,4: likewi e'ull ie'btem'rtte, ('4 mine: and o - ' $71455“! 34nd: £0311 4” M413” 9 jflflic‘.‘ a? PM” a “’{d other hi: Majefiie: loving thie&:, are hereby commanded, andreqm'red to 59“ ding, “d gflifiiug to thefaid Sherifi} of the C aunt} quancafler, and to t e éffif'mww . ' ' thir WW;""Wdofthe Tommi” of Wales ; And that hit Majeflie: lovixg Suhjeff: may the 5““;- underfiapd what the Law , and their owne duty 1': in thi: hehdfe, the FgSlm-ijfe QfLancaflliro, and other Sheriff}: of the other Countie: of thi: ihgdome refieflhebfiall cafe chi: prefent Orderforthwith to he pahli/h- d inthefwerall Market Tame: within their fiu'd (mutter. -_ . . 8:554:65 28. MoiiJ642. . Ordered by the Lords in Parliamentflnat, thefe filall be forth‘ with Printed and publifhed. . > _ * ' , lo. 8 now -NE,Chr.ParWomm: F I N I S. RARE DA 412- » 16.42 - .G84 mar won. ELL SPC RRE RARE DA412 1642 .684 Illlllillllfllllflllll 010-006068578