Declaring the high Breach of Privim
ledge of P A R L I A M E N '1‘. By His Majcflzies
coming in Parfon , attended with great
_numbers ofPerfons, Armed with Halberdsp
‘ Swords and Piflolls, to tha ‘flammorm
Houfé-ofP’AB.L x AMENT. % A
Together with the Power gift a to «thy: Cpmmigfe
M of theflqufc of Commons , appointpdto fit in;
Landon, tci confidcrbf Vindi::&tin.gthe Priviledge % AA
M Parliament, and ef the Gxfecy ef the
Kingdom and Citie. N
7 Wh¥efcLinto isaddcd the Names and DccIam{‘
A tin of
f‘his; i7‘1s»’§i’}m:*?T7z;.f::{i>.etr; W%:snz*mT M
arid,Sir Wifliam Flernm,‘.m«;ii ot5'1mx:mz%a3»:"; §i.%,,i?.::»:.:x‘i;_~‘»;;:» ::::a§“ A
fL15ic?& 2 Whichf':1i~:i Mcmbersaftcrwa,:;*4;%%s~‘:» 76%;: 'I1~‘+~’.’§;at‘.¥.~‘4a<:: @'§;;§13,F3 "§3,¥;§“7gk':‘fi“:'::}
LlE3<;"ltii'f the like colour, by Sericerznt F r.;z.mre.r,%om:: ::-‘€:' 2; %‘2;§r;:?{%:§::s _
Seri-tants at Arms, contrary to all T()z‘1‘l‘1vith agrc:-at !11Ultitu:3}3.0f men, armatd in war--
like mazmctr , with H«ii3.3e.r'd:~‘3 Sword.s_., axjd.1’iflzc.>-is, who cama.
u to the-.vcry door ofthc: Hm1f:,..Vax1c1 placcd% t}1emi?:1vesrh*..%re, .
and irrothcr places an 63. paflii-§$¥'5S ncer to (hit: iéid Hauuftf , to Athc:
grcattqrrour% and diflurbancc: of thx;M;mbcx~s m.:m£;:1w.n fit-~
ting, and, according‘ to their duty , in 3, Lprzaceablcz and 0rdr;:r1y.%
maxaer,r»reating of I‘? e gmzéc Afifairs of'EngI;mZ and Irelmd:And
l1isM1ieE’cy haxfirxg placcd luizniézh? in theSpeakers Chair : cIc‘:-~~ ¢
mandszd 0%" therxx the: perfcms of' {V1;.%* to bcde1iver---
cd unto him, which is a h1ghAbr'e::ach“of the Rights and privi-
Eeigcs of Parliarnciatg and inconfifientw1ththc:Libr:rti«:s and
Fmeglorn thtzrczcsf. And whereas afcerwarcls his Maic.:[’cy ciid
A 3 i<.Iac%::A
. liflfue Férthféverall W‘1arr~ant§ to divclié f)fi?x'cers,it~i?tc1’cr file Ewm?
Hand, for the apprchenficm of the: pérfons OF thfi fai_d Mcmbcrs,
which by Law he cannot do , thcrclblfiingll not‘a1lt.h1s “time, any
lcgall charge or acaufaticsn . or due Preceflks of Law iflilcd. 3- I
gainfi: thexn, nor any pretence of charge made known to. that
A Houfc ; {all which arcagainfl; thcFundamem;a‘Il Lgbcrtxeshof
the fubileff, and the Rights of‘ Plarliamem. Wficreupon We
arc ncccflitated, according to our duLy,_ to declare, Thacvif any
pczrfori fl-1311 arrefl: M’. H0154, Sir Artiiwr Haflcrige, M”. Pym, Ml‘.
‘Hazmpden, M1‘. Strode, or any 6F them , or any other Member of
Parliament, by pretence or colour of‘ any Warrant, iffuing out
from the King onely, is guilty of than breach ofthc Liberties of ;
tlmelfubicfifg, and 01? the privil-edge of Parliament, and a pub:likc
ensmyl to the Common-wealthr. And that the arrcflzing of that %,
faid Mamba-rs , or any of them , or of any other Member of
« Parliament, byany Warrant whatrfocver, without a Ilegal1pro.....~
ccédring lagainfl: them ,4 and without conflznt of that Haufe,
~whcreof fuch pcrfcm is al Mcmbur, is agalinfil the Liberty of th(': A
fubi.e&,andla breach of pri-viledge of Parliament ; and’ the‘ '
A llpcrfoh. which {hall atmfi an«y*of rhcf: performs , orany cachet‘
Mcmber of thcPar1i‘arn»e:nt._, is dec1ar,cd__a publike cncmy of the
wcommon-wealth. ' _ ‘ A
Netlwithfcanding all which, was thmlz fit Further todcclarc ,7 »
'That we are fofarrc from any endeavour to proccfi any of our
” Members , fithac {hall be in due manner prb11:c"ulrcd according-
to lthc La Ws of the Kingdom, and the righltawandllprivilmlgcs of
‘Parliament, for Trcafonl, or any other mifdcrmcimor, That new
{ball bcmore readly and willing than we 0111' fclvcsl, to bring
rrlt~I:r3m‘%lto gzhcir fpnedy and dun: tryall; being flmfiblc that it equal...
. lyficrxports us, as well to fat: iuflicc dome agailnfl them that are‘
cr1minous,‘as mdcfcnldfthc Bgights gn§_l_* Liberties of the fitbicéfa
Pa-1'1 iamcn t: of llingléztzal; l l A
Die Lame, 3 fmzzmr. I 6 4. 1’. A
4 T is this day ordered upon the queitiomby
That if any perform whatfocverg, {hall
' come to the Lodgings of any Member of
V .I;"
'~',:v.’v,, ‘W’ 1 A
7 '4/5? ‘in/z2.€’5’"
v I “W
t bars of this Houfc, otto fcizc upon their“
A I A t pcrfons ; That: then fuch Mmmbcrs fhallz
require the aid of th: Canfiablc , to kc-cp fuch pcrfons in fafc
¢:uf’cody,ti‘1I this Houfc: do give further Order. And this Houft
A doth furthcr dcclare, That if} any pcrfon whatfocver, {hall of?» A
the Commons Houf: of Parliaimenra.
W this Houfir; and there do offer to fcal that .
W3" Trunks, Daors,or Papers of any Mem---
fcr to arreft tor detain the pérfen of any Mcmhcr of this I-Ioufe,
“without firihacquaintin g A thih iHoufe therewith, and receiving
farther Orderiifrom this Houfcffhat it is lawfilil For inch Mam» --
her, or any perfon, to aflifi him, and to Band upon;his,and their ‘
guard a? defence, and to make; rcfifiancé. according to the Prov;
teflsatian takcn :10 defend the ptiviledgcs of Parliamczgu
A fifilfmge, Uer. ’Parl. 9.. Cam.
PI mg 15..
t ..
.. In an us-nu--vuuuuwnuuiaauunnuu-gugunnn-a-«—~--w