"w W: ' I w - 4* V L‘ w ‘ ‘ .’ .~ .. ' \ I -' I ‘ .- ' I \ ~ ‘ u “ I ‘ fl‘ .. ,I'_ y \ \ I‘ my ‘"- ‘ ./Mr‘ :1 ‘ . y-* -‘Q. -u' n" .,- '0' " ' 4 - ' . " ' ‘V’ ‘ -, 0 . -- -v. — 4.. M; .- .. g 3, ‘#94 N6); ‘ ,, g , I fr-o-, .3 L, s I ‘:1: in :,l A‘ ,3-_. _ _, .:, _,q ,4 3.“ 4 1 ' i 0, ‘ r ‘ flu .. ‘,- _ ‘ . \ -- :F''~!-'''-,uh- hi 9,_ ‘,j" 3_ ._., . . % To a Pr1ntedBook, ARcmo%nPcrancc, or,ThcDc:cIarauon ” QfthcLORD sandCQ1~4MoN s4 ‘ “ . .3 "'3 u H\‘:\‘!“\“v:"! T V!‘ ‘ " I /‘;ri““ ‘ Lfl” , fl \ V I I "Q, In Anfvvct to a Dcclarationfundcr His Majcflics Nam:-.1,”conc¢m%ingthe bufiI!¢fTc°f A w¢»w¢was%ww%¢»:mwéw%%%w%¢ww 5:2 9 ' '1 § hi 3' \_ ‘C . ‘I; <3 9" «P33 ‘4 ‘s l\. 2 _ ‘¢"\.__ ,‘g. f ‘\ , A5: . Q‘ _\ \ . - \ .‘ Jvx ;; ‘_,I. _ . _. _ .,r' L 0 N D C) N : Printed by R0 3 E R1‘ BA ‘R x In, Primer t9 the Kings moi’: Ex,cel‘lem: Maj'efti.c : A And by’thc:Aflignes ofjo an B: L L. -' \t‘ '3 3; 5' ~ V A-2‘ ‘I’-.-fir" 4-1? s x x 6:’ if ::= v-‘ft ‘I’ "" ' ‘I "‘”"IW ‘U V‘ ‘V I’ '- ‘ W] 3"’. 1",.-. I‘ ’ vi‘ C. p‘ , .. ' ' “ '- W ' A I- ‘.,_-n 1 ‘ «Iv :4»!-J ‘ 1 H.’ ‘L. L‘ g 1 J " "' ‘ ‘- V‘ ‘. ‘~ J or-~-‘* n. « ~ ‘ ‘- ,‘ ' "I""' ‘ ' ‘Hwy! ' ha rt’: """"‘ J ‘V’: '7‘ snout ; 7‘ ‘J . ~ .‘ 5 ' r%~‘:~°z~4~vz~»:wxwa.wxw:w:~°1b4~4wz~¢v:v%oz~vs—x14~e:w:a i ;.:~"=. .[4»a..,ga~. 35:4» oz~»zbaz=ez-«zb»%v:~»xbézw:e:~a:b»zo%z~%«%- ‘ nu , 1“. :2? .?~ _ M / «:1 U ‘ w e; Mg,-‘ ' ‘w|"‘ Mu ‘W5: "W3 M v ' ,1“ ,‘- \w.‘.‘y» ‘ 4 ‘ I 2 -7-. u , .. . ,4» »_ -.,-‘H 1-“ W‘ pl,’ , P 2. “ ‘ I 1 ‘ . H , . fl , . " ‘ “ l V‘ H ‘ ‘ ‘ , V r ‘ ‘ r. ‘: . , r. . I .2 . ‘ '. K ’ 4 \ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "' ' 5’; A - ‘ .' '3 = M. u _\.:--m .,»;;&.» 2; . E ‘g - ~ ‘ " . ‘ M V,’ (3 g‘ 0 m ‘ . . ‘ ‘MW 3 ‘ -, I ‘ . r‘ W?» . L») ‘ Fq ‘ , ‘ U ;j ‘ ,5‘w“".',‘ ‘ x r - ‘mi ‘ : . .v—---‘-nun----—-— , ‘ w , .‘ ‘J , , r kb, cxiétitulcda” ~-_‘ - v . - ‘ ‘, A 5-.’ ' ‘ i. av % V A’ ""u"'_Q~ ‘ fihRém0iiPrfahCc 0.rl Th¢' Dc‘daJratio‘n of “Lords and Commonsv now“ afll-mhlcd injdParlia- f ‘”h?)ct1t,Ath¢:2.6; cf May, 1 6 4 2.} V i‘I11%AnfWcr1:Q a_Dc1-. .§?15%11f3'€iMV%011Un1dcxHis:Majcfiic$ Naniic _;tate, mm co m,%b%:ectbet1;:5ingann $203312 to their own Iiamieife fitbttmtti pnmet aim fiobernanent =;,of%mi;m.'e mrfonfi. amof more ilsaflslinitigfn 4a hwy amt %,c;’m,A Von: goonV?%%;eccs, am: we mgin*, a mu, “ ;&FEBf.@é¥f31?}9W>m3fa4fi§f35t3§Y flavrafimt. ®m ;4V[::zV!E'gmz_§,» *Eh%2x“th%é great AFPairs%0f this Kingdom :, andtht miferablc%‘ah.d bIé€'i:1ing%Cond‘iti%0I1"‘Of the Ki'ngd'omvofIrclwd, % “ :?wil1%4aEoirdA4 thbm 1itt]c1~cafnrci to fpcnd thci’r timc in Declara- 3 tions,AflfW€,f$aA3fld Réplicsg. ‘flfibtfill, (138 mifttableafih M » baegjiogahuiejconnitfnn %iJoti;%i3i:1gnem5‘1nou!n vequixc Adtamem Acgieife mijeir Qantas fiu«c%e4 gfggigz {W9130533flJWf}ab£fpétit£i)‘BI1;tfl1W fince trnivwifieceile. ( now a1ma"ae:guc:nnnecyz> but in i@2%cIati>ItiI3111ai:,13Bi%=—*% nuVo:t11ranczia% we Ejtliaeptthefi ‘agamnflw arm mm: 69; m:nt1ttent,"na»g m pzepatmg nnattw fog them. {Babe we j it4Iivitev then: to any ruchmsmve of%tim2%, hegmnm %Rr§sW:rent5vofA tbat:ra:tt2r*e**e% Meir ‘mafure; nztbéeie gytzpiismtimn i5 no:,~ alzs tbe§7'ép;ete%atD : %nDj mVve&t%Ais%Vitig%2tt figtnantg ante $911i3Iifl3€n‘g A wait: aaéetitiunfi to $13, £3963, mctarauona arm éfimnmnftrangcefi minim; chm oaioIm% ;z11*btz5¢ann%31iefo1wtms'Afrgz, ro11zetmte5nf nae, fometinrevg of "ham ‘%$n1zfzB; agaitw‘ MGL (4n;emxA in mfg antannm: ~cn%1n:nummten hefngq claw $a1;1t'aanent%) hutmxQ.ppmI tome 1920918 2:’ gun, at ®oi1fi5Y°2a:ue,Iec them jmage of % um, ‘ V ~ __% @1373:-ft} aw mama! 1 = ?a"§“fti%a'"a.Itna1”1v*iz§;ci3Atettlyem mtoltlgew tram; mtpgefftona ofzm arm war flattens. ) , figatnft the Malzgnanr I’arry. mlmm they are pleafewillw to ‘C311,. arm nehzzgz mmobe robe Our’cvi1 Counfcllors ; but4;tnDe‘_eD. l10tIJt11gI5 mega chine:-It by tI)e¢t1:tnI)oie1%4V %zo“a:cetIntg6, tlJe1ttl)at“b19 t1;e%Maf nan: Parr;r“cI)w[”£z1v teijm ail CI)IZ,913B!tt,1J2l35%I}f’iJ0:i71) ¥I9nufefi,.ivI}u Magttez'11ot:i imtb them In that wptman (lgemte {Jane comeAtl)et21:% .Di%ifiGtion*of ”ot:m arm ban")1o.2115, wt‘ ¢pm:Eon5 f2c§I30A°fV‘139 0“§Ife"ofoL'-nmxytona, mbabamjbeézt‘ fc1:t1nven,4 mm (mm names {mph arm veaI1Ain’<117mmt1t5 )1 4 annafl the pcvfonfiof t’ 2 igmguunt, m1;o4AJgpp;o%pg11mt‘¢. g_::£%_tI;eiwctsious §o mi, m trucI;,4tI3eg mgu;am#4 txtgeuuom; am: name the patrons ti;2yintgi;m;A‘%*‘1mljh M=dIgn%Ity wnulbhe cat) has tbsp, m1;aiaanz%§mo mama be we s3IBm(upon mam. mat gjmpu pa :1 £toutI1vannimmut:ahI9%foz the iaeligiong the mhe ties, we 1Lamz,m; an publifaé ~3mcmas:g_Wn:3shefmzmnm Iamtam,;‘:1}76zts?.s*s§e.%_@1E*%'..2*2,%0:‘.§:, %‘i;E?,a;;;.mz.t%an zitégijt (if mat in ) m;,;a;T:; %nL:L§;;2:;*éaa'2.w;;%s;r * w A;1:‘x’;;2:rxx :’ ;“‘-*-“,..;.,~;:; mtxsb fog tag 39:?! . $1? 3*-ma. ‘what tg swam! V % G5B‘iIi'iI%l’Tl]V3 self? ‘London ( ‘mama am. annmsmv, mama to mags mm‘? mm’? uent.’mm %inaaa1g2r:2§m‘@ newrza "fiztfifegfl tn $1€CEB")tfl York, mama me, am wii Wbmjo mar: put ”‘t‘1Je:ute1bes ttn?:3ztA'%®&m ;1%zat2ctim;,V% may am (am ~t’:;a113i'®Amb, anti ti3eV!o1?aI't2VAam a&a>,a1::~;m pf tm§%gnna .pzo;m>%) new tier, cureIg‘:%®§;w not¢fzi%mzsrmg.@1D 5.1: %E1t“ah*§a1uteEy ganii vemaucing war Aamu tnmmfiann1ng,)%%tn the motes anbaaefoiutiaata ssf tm@o:ntv*tib2vfi of t1;at:%eciamti£ fin, ?< fl)€”@ WM -» ‘“ThcyLa’rcvV;abLo.ve U's,and‘‘mz.1y ( by magma ‘%’iI$fiU2i‘W) Adowithd Whar'thcyipic.~‘afd adann mmnsat beéngAcameatw,§@at%*a!I ®zwgm%%ezz’u’3%1i’«;cs5 mow cs) Amnefi am ifozwmfifbaflbz vifvfeb 9*’ 1Wi@‘t%wW§s‘W but by cynic auomnwmm of the natty: “Ems sstmzshn given am: taken. flan mu not aitmcnhzs 4 (llflunftl _ ‘leave time steam muck) pomev am am (4 of an Ma1ig%~ ‘nan: Party J to mfufe this cifimmfell mm m%:’ mm mzvfm . apply tmsavguunent the flanmnmtg of tmt: §@a%s:?£aéz:’&a V nmfiw fill; CUlZLflf€U32.§1 Is it probab1€.%0A-I‘ P033b1*l’»» that men man whom we have mentioned ( who hflvfl % 1bV"gr’eata'{hars irfthe mifery) {hon-1d~takc' Imzh painfs in 12113. proc“uring~¢V*thcrcof., and {pend Iomuch time, and; mt‘: fa ma- V ny hazards, to make“ them-felvs Slaves, and tolruinc their Pram h j~do_m of this Nation 2 we fa.%2~.miw §2¢c1a:%ev~a;*2z.'§3%z;;;.%;2igi}$ ‘¢on£~'cAtez*ac2 to ma s&imtgi)“n.]*;a2., ii;%§;§mtfmwam i;m°i:snm'£5 we we puma: A . imp juft fimnorn sum wzt"hii£iJ§g8 of §@axIiiam<*ams ,4mv {gum he m%wr3:''eD ;. amt: 13¢ mil he mum tbatmflj uot_.&w, men.» «#93: ~ tabzclatattcn, we i3amz’%rmt1"Jaim “mm -m1p!+p a"n9”imbinatim them to ~ V A A j of a£w:I§m:z1*g::sg ¢mwiatiw 2 ILM2134 V” ~ g«éaaznEti3iEi"4#‘Ms“a@ghmm~g ax. no A Qtomtmminzef ‘ I %Waw 2:: @¢i3a1: mljicb nae mire. Cl}atgBl1*t'f]BI11,~I73 rmuaw tnmamg; the publmz Liberty , arm £Du;v Apzefumpmu. %ma.p be ‘bcwfivmng am ~~iaeIyznm1t,% t19at*( tt) magi) £13349-I:)a;he«tru; minim to he %Iabe§).t1m2arenotunmt1ttngmAhem2a rants: ( mm: W Wzajnnp, but to anuuftno am to A W flfliftw Of Athens W83 at mbevn by butt1;eivMommuiI{5—:’) mums mom she I rem WW tiaetmrtv fimautfi. ; N T A gzftbac mcyatqzttenlaantorn Casyzmneeuttanigmg am am in guinea tt on has Iyamenom) %c19attt)w;e‘r:-:~ W heats of any art’ 9193:: ncetfnzs~ain«::$lI.Aflzozwnbsmugu betom mbatvatvbembotw%hvmMbt:s a@amtment«m A name of ®%ra§e;a:1b1fat}ouv~taJ4"uvymwle 5. am*ammng «£ntmw§wf% amv%wu=rw$ WWW % 4 6 V. t:1u‘awetimfe_* I;1&%i28‘imm1iIzen acfit,4‘t,I;,ea1 atfucb a’tvntf;,i:z Afumapiace :,fiut wf3En4to F1u£tt£w tbett‘i9a.btngn*one zttogetlje-u w2v‘%cb‘e£1;33g;zn’ece?fl’o25 Din? it $215 @111: goon %ubject2s (afi maii tn;-umuay, mofi tnfofientiy tt: mafia) Thattahc highcfi and mofi unwar1'an»tab1c ”Pre~fid~cnts ofany ‘ MK :,,,Of Our Prcdc:ccfl'or's d0 fa11fE9rt,and much b¢1i)»W%%wha%t hath been done to them this Parliarnient Ey U‘s,i3B>z gram s;oufg£{¢ ®m: %zIf amazeia, am: not am in unnetltann wem¢: ’ ¢ flrtawa mutt teli tiynfe ungvatzfuli mm avian naweteil tbeit: A, That they may, without want ofModcflicand% Ducie dcpofe him) that the coniaition of ®w: @1111: ejectag. when ( by mbacfoebev saccinencfi anh dfionimv '??.E'€Uf?lZ§ oftzmw) it was at mumfiflhetwuv pomeszt, um ; to miJtC1)(b)2lIB nefault of aim) the? fbalbe mm: again: JPKWWD» ilwabt’ ‘"33? 933?“ > {"939 PW1”a,fI€ W-D 113,11? '13? 9 613911 that to Ivfmb E39171: fmttflfifi Instance of 1Befoz= zztatigniaatly bzogtglgt mam: mitbev ‘are we afmiq of the mgtjefi mefinentfi of omen: atlzamentfi. winch . there‘ mm 11010112 C 931'» £00114 ttbiejitfi mxifcali it mafia)» te£{m1§,Thcymighr, without sgant of Modefiic and Dutic, make their Patcrns: 315 193 flab IUD otlm {£5 cavity againit ttjofe ¥92Bl:tD'£I113§. but tI;:;i1=fl“E3ob2ftie arm %un'e, mzmere at a mtfmhle cnrmttwtt -,. as all new: ro~n3mv2ube who iwpcnv amaonciaerm « % mat %ecIaratIoIIh3tfl not allow was gjnfzrence, » fifiiaat by fihoming the act of §iv John Hotham, they no be£tpov%+tD9 ‘W13 W Sxntevzft vi 8611 tests to tI;etr}L_anns am @9065 ;but+cotrfe£fet_19,VrV1f:1ac;y * were fo‘und~ guilty Vofcthat ChaVi*ge,itwc1ficiIidc€dLa very gréiic % Crime. Qua no%?tt}eW‘3t ii‘! tiyifi %€¢i'amt:’on aqnmiit t1amurewwsauiIA Ao%scmB%berv Mime: 9.3% amnottav» i‘N7h»Qd;Onbgt5 butdm;aLParliamcn~t%niay d1fpgfe%ofany thxng, t*hat; ‘ that1theKingdommay notbcin;daingcr1JtI1ereby2'"%£I‘ may ~ not mm mm tmmfeiizeefi This Parliamétlr, ant: ovals large sum mama mimnut; my dronfemz’ m: V (gm? ma: mama mm mmw to all dtafag, where we necefiiw, 0; we mmmwn gnaw of we Magma: 1'3 mnceritwz’ mm 4 km firm? amt amwgate mm tigemfiseliinzs am; we images mam aftE;a'5 Eangm , may §E2mfi’w2 :. W5 Gtmtmum mam oftm imttgmm :’ mm 65, if cum mm: to unfetfi tie we %scum'w at‘ W sliamg mafiefis. arm to expats mam to an mmtmtp women umjm omnf 3%’ a gifactta on mail as any ttmem 1f%t3r%% &11atif:g»‘fl~am(am‘mwffaebexbcsantmnictfithat %ecIa~.= * mama. ‘hgeaafi. mix %2t’hiIebge5>fa.t13at tmjg*i3a&:«,e a qgmmvcn%'iAm§c1mng4§~venfe am iamfan 3. mm mwgofmg mgickatm %vimm.¥zm§4m.ti3e% cianmiw, as: men 3:1 L;mM5vs4z, aV%‘=ind4 %%ibcrry» : 0;. ti3££a4M1ztmfia mmcag em Manta amwex: of am Ma zspa1tti@a%2mp1=e:’. @361; am: an mwfiiamz mm} ®mtwzmiim£ns1xwm%e fwmii iafigbtie am vgmaas t::mt5intm~f:zif~ ¢fa:ne%9mafe.%mm%fl»arm., anm%:»m.am’w~ 3M3»Para% 0nt~=2wt1t?II%f;“ett€ mttfi mast: at T VMcfmc1Lo;a,V me iii) timofi Ma; mziam , amen mt tmix: 3929: rtie51;aam.%33nme£tfimmtam aiic f 1zns2MA[ flrm_mi;;*p: my am €@£1‘;!‘:‘ifi&h*£ La‘ fzxfl; ka.mmii=»*§.ntertw a:m:% ‘l. #7 . ;.A%n:£»;.Huli 1. ae rm $11’? we 3613212 :’ @‘;£ am am iamtzrefinf gm j:zc€6E1amV awmpevmm-~mw: $om’a5tom’ fiat we cannot fell at give: away at ur p1eafu;refO¢ur Towns ‘"a~nd~ Forts, as a private man may do his Land or (Goods: itlmjatt A mm :’ many men am no autigeztéetn fgmsnz mt tfimw mmfi, Wm; i"aiimw: ‘mam; flab may gm2m_fm32fng mm m t1mnV,W3E2rwtex2fi in mm 2’ V may fie mm: fivmmtmznmmufe my mum W mm 2:’ we mttgigafe 3? wzzvféwwvnegm Hull mafi ammyaew m teiiit, mg gm {zm.‘m&g~°.% i _A -I, A H A A Elma: fnzmgz émgwwsz me %;~3s:a'm.t@m mm , ms mm at mam @mvumnfl,Bmw’%g., zmgm: mm mine in h was, Kent, 0; mm at aamwg. fin =,. vvc mugm ixwizh t:hc:pub1ikcMoney-;, arm mmxmef 13., They com- ‘ A V %«%jnmi3WW mum, flmfi it cc:iveAi%t-fog”mu. ; A 1 A W % 3: ~ mfwifirzam ‘;§§ttfme‘! ?ij%um;m mm W mime fzgm we van Isepmtkjw mm; by rmmub rm. mug5'%;a firm‘ an it, mum @3212 have mam at from aw §.:;;%§m aim mmeit 2:’ way, may they not mhszmfnxzbmg tw s.xiBiarrw $5 » (fa; mzatggmnmv nmxp mnjma {wow ttmtgfiy mfim, at £5 ttyzpumte omy mu, w em ‘warm few at mm mm it mm the smnnmcfit.’ Bur t-hr: Towns», Frts, ¢Mzaga%~= 2.inc:*, ana Kingdom isintzruflcd In Us ,~ and We are :3‘ Pctrfizsn rruflcd ; mm ¢ate to, @013 mm W mm mm crumb my-; am: nwtyametamn an ad; to mfcimgewm ¢wflfn;gz the gram ant: {mtg of mm Warm f I A% '5 xtiyw mm when, We mom nnt,u:zim1"ewa wmw, in mm iaumienw », may mam mmzfzmy, nmiécéwwfiv iawiatm. flea? mm ciqiugm karma ’rfrmrtaa1mn Mamie ‘£32 fig with it 1:’ » away ., may we ggzmm minmif was am the wing be tram, when éfl, mm misfit mwmm mmm 1:’ i)4z';w " ti) hem‘ t[??i1;€fL“~%'1:'@, , mm am: hmem maiibm em ni»tWa‘mWzg‘ ‘Max M: ma am, e . (10 e , - ; Eat, This trail ought to» be managed bythciredviice, ..an_d‘che Kingdom hath erui-eed them for that purpofer: gm-.-= pefiihie 1 (wee the fame Wiiiffjfiiflififi heiereeeszeieie eceumiuitten to we am @131: Ieeere fez eeemne the fame waft, emu apamee above that emit ( in; fuel; tee power they pgetene) be committee motljere: we not the geueie that ifent them’ ionic item: were ee e gem» hue fleinengaemaiw eifieiueie at were fiieeiezee: ~ fine can it be heieeiaee, tees eiiee itiiezieee? teem fee ue eueeeiarse e cemnptreiieee in me managing oi’ e thee mum match me am tee mm iaeiij geaiitee in we we were eefieeiwfez eeee :3 wbettlyeexteniof ‘ weir ciiemmifiien em: emzii ie, naming can better team them, then the emit whereby they are met. we caiiee teem (aim iaattiyeuc teat eiteii they main net Igaee came together) to be @111: drnunfeiioge, not mam; nmuneee S’ (fez iaemeeev ("U612 freeuenm’ coniouun tlgem, tige wfitcee are fehereii) mm iiieunfelinzea net: in all tbtflgfiabllfiltwfflmfifififlgfia De quibufdam aeduis, &c. %lIDfl3Ep‘lJ3IiIB§a1:1I'p mm amougii weir, mem- nents, tigateimeen hlizabfithg (uptm ‘emote mine ail gone %en Innis ‘mitt; aaeeerence ') committee one " Wenmcmh,a_%9emheeef tbe {Bettie of ctnzienormto the fiimnet (‘fIttII'tg.tD8_¥.90IIfE) but tr.-2 Pzopafing, eiiijee itheg imigbt emhife the Queen in a matter we wougm flgep nab undying to no to meeeie in: eat We are mie- ed : ants are nee we anew weefon tweets :’ fine may tiaeiz no meat iitiyeiit emu inclination enefuw leans tiyemtm’ were not they tWftB?JfliJ1_7e ease, when we five {em in; them yaneimeee meg not mtfiee by memiyen ‘ mee pafien tigem @1117 pznimfe, ThatWc would nocdir. folvcthemi «ran it hemefumee ( arm pzefmnptiens ge "far with izij em ) ‘that: we tmfiee teem mite a pemee ‘9 tt hefttoy me, am: to hifintte my hotethmeat arm httthoyttyz’ hit the hetyle mtght he aliteh to mahe an eaattahte tonatutttou of the )3,a‘matann %tatutea »(a %otttme atotnen by them) yjznoult not ah were goon %2HbI'8C€5 fhweat, ilhenetetmtenneia by that hut «at ttntmaaute,that they mouth at what they hate fmtehene 2’ thete they not ttuften by theft that hate hacheeemmyaet tent them‘ ham were they ttuttefa to aitetthehehema meat at tthtttth hath *;9tate -,. ahh tt 'i1‘Ee;i’E‘ihi3i38.t‘i’t€hiehi’¢§y’ yetyetttah %tt€&€fi;3h they the mug aah heohtez’ Wm they htteah" that the Ibam it felt {heath he ttthjettta thett zzaotea, am that mhatthehet they fay at ha, a thumb he Iahttuit, hetaute they netlate it tot’ @he , aw»: ettyyhahenemhot fen-ta them, an?) mtthouttahmg hohtth themfelhea are not tahahleef tI)BI’l__7pI&ceE11%m3Itat1’IIZI1C-, matey the enettntayahte of yttmg, arm the othetof tetethmgfuth a tent; are Ieffe they can yetfmaiae wen: goon %uhiette,_fiDhat we ate the onely fuyzeme iheatn arm hntemottt at at! tans fea.,ann they ah peefnaehmtthtatwat Etmtntaaa -,.a.mJ yet that they hahea pamet onetahe tattntttaiathe tn manage @1119 tlieufit, ant gobem wen: women: atteges tag to their tnfttetzon. , ; fiche’ hmtttmeth of that wetiatatton teh zeta ., that they met! nehet aiioho me (an httmhte anh hatttuh cusp pgefifinn) to be ‘judge: of the Law .3 that belongs onely to thcmgthey may, and mu& judge and declare. 193 hail hath ‘what homer thewope, unmet the metente of Eutetyzettng %ttt’yttttea ., arm netiating flttttiee of hatth (the-ugh he hetltne the mahingthee eaten; the . other) hath ufutpehthet metre tanttiefitea; arm that unmet cutout of hatmg ieometef hztuettngtallthinga to; the goat at mena %tuIa , héhntttles htmfeif to all %(IZ) we iaingvmw in me 1@fl?JD.;4.£.:n-,'2«~ mm mt accufetbe gym-.= mm ef mtg waciamttan (mm bow foams tyeg are mi W ).;;fi%m:t1;w trwiim tn %fl}3fi$'Y5 pf migzcfv; am- WV %9a£n’:m :5, , @'@a:cam snug fnhmpt elm: ifieafon am m3at§zwmmngJ(ann we §~.3£jm'p$1£tE_t$§DlB'i?f) to (mt: swing WW2 at W5 : gwwev 'mtii ~e can mam Q we 3 £132? baht MVA In mat ti)w~«1z£eJ we m» vp. iarmmga in! cm mm 9%’ Ireland arm pet tlawfag tmia itiebfig %mam., That} Whatfocvcr thty dogis for the F-Gmd Qlftilcl King and Kingéomu 75m @1353 E.'f'r3fifl{l’ fimbg mm mm m.§’:'1;@ A % at tag; Mia tn fi3:EI‘I‘éfE§hE§a wfififbev, if $fij¢3£‘};%&;_;3;ii%fi W ‘irglandm tvummzta, mg ma ms 92 ms; mafiviam name % fiaamzfmam. ma mam pm: of ham {arm- rm mi’ §%a‘a*a,*i€5s.21-*%92z%t tiyfiavaaaw ‘mu gzgmazwaa ma 'm;iz&{én massxfi :%,b*m§é:,.m€imI ) fvmyzimagaafingnazn fl§=Ire1a;1 d, mam at 11% «Mam, fiéiam ifielmnn am miaerm we he an hwgmt mfe%ma%a2«.v;m:z fmaz a fiaiagttazw seam cf was ' tei%a.m;r§ am wuritaiaw :,am tbmfj-‘$22 mm mrazy mum . ll .2 at nefmwa @@at :2 ea €32 4:24! 3*; gm: mm V ~:» ”fio.’fi mm Mflitia of A M ibzzzgamm ‘mm its ha pm am we mam mi’ jfmg mtfmns em may with swam it’! ; what imrezmmw tvrufigfi mm the fmmus,5fng.tg,4%agg; '§m‘aw=mt2afu1fa§,®E13223, ant: qaznpizz tame iamgmzn, fag; we dfiwn, mm fiaftew, Mm ib$anmntmge tslaemf. 95m mg mg twfi :3 mg the aft of we lfiiligflfiifl , In it nugéytm be ksuumagw by we fihiatcra of may ieufefi of L a,9m’£,€m1z€1t$, %man we iitiughmn ijaza mum fag mat .i%a:f:::_:e§ aaamtm Am A xnmwmfm. it b’£in‘g4»$i3m: mm tn fez it 4menA awmztae iiazg mm @132 ®snix’5;mm*z am tum ‘amen-t tbgrenf, arm by aiipamimia ammzafi mmaan£;1'm: mmmm : 4rm:,fa33.,iL>:t: _&a.1I mm gmB%1%'33§€‘2’I3E§ w2émm‘3§E%tiyat imzhafltm Im :£:;mmmma mm} mm éfmmaiitie , man tlynfe Jauegafi (WWW, 4ac~cn;mmg go we ‘ eauzeahie ‘ 5 M 22% % K’ E3) ‘ zquimbie ram :35 we 1% %) anamm fog we puhxim gunman iufiifiame by rmzwiw mfmmm mm mm we omit: gmbgefi) Mammy , tkmtugi; they in gm mm mougm, their magzxe" we nmw czznminzgw, . mew Mam ziswe maze gfizifiaizzmief a’I§a.32: , M: the firamem ofciyifi %?2wwatmnVa%s %t%;mzfmaz@?g ‘*:%?£f The Evil Qczwzzm I&::11ours, Th: Malignant Panic, T136 perfmzs i11~vaP£r":£i-Eda W T1163 Popifll Lord:s',~ and their Ad,hem:nt$ fi.m‘:;1m% p;gm3g% : ammo; bm:2a‘ftw to ha a man; went sf hmtify figmzfw (W :1; Iaatbbeen Mciamnas {great met nf ma; fiaxmfw mlafi been fuc1;,armfa%ntI'i3 mm mm we gmzatev azmttm V the grcacwzv pm: at’ we ¥@nm?e sf mazcfizmafi {mi} {mm 2 name r§nt~13~2mm mi at .~fi,,J _ .; W L w of no; part of we mm .1: pgeffah, was we %:e= 21¢ A _ _ mm my enemy; gm: u I5 fascia: ma13:gri'z'm1§ ) any ofme *i9u;um sf fimmnmm ) were we bumm m cmmtzs % to all fuck) Wtcma.€.:ma:m M tbfiffillflw mam prgopmfz ta mmm mmmz to he fog the puhmia gum aannv nmft tiaaa ]Libemsz ., gzoznmw , arm *;:."mncitie of swim; %iIh».=~ 120:5 n.zpm mx1AV1)m:%facbate5 flaauitx mc1ar2VmA% 11¢; )La‘m:’ M the wmrnf the Milicimmfimnnuuiamfuiig mmw t1j*£fl9%]703'pm$’E of the £0283 retfmeb to jam in it : (M timmn to, tftmt,t1;Imfejamtallttmefi, Emil It mam mmv immsn ... hzfogw chm watlmsumtt, cimthzp mania 4 he to ., arm 1'0-oftmt pzeffeia amt am'm«':m: nzzclmw mm in it gvam imuenmtaly mczfifatie £02 fibe%puhIif22 my tie, an Iammtt by we mm of t1;e‘1Lm,m , ag foam win A A mam? of we mffmtmg mew matte; when away (artist twin namwfi ban been requiren at we Ifiav, cmsravysu the men pnyama .gffnu;1imtton" of mrIia.:uenw) _ti;a>t%:ti;*ej; mm mnmon memtiezsa ct’ wotia ti;zVV31»17feVaxanflaibai’tiE mt‘ tzhjmz mpmpi upon &fuc1;Qc¢ihzntMf mam mm mtttttjzfi . %At:i;at us 1% $1,“?mmVfa;1}yiamtra#A%iin03m*%;em mgwtzmat-t13erf®nn%.fozhm yam; e K 14) h ' e 4 A zfiumomee juhifie their gjnhahen ef wee ancient, unuuehtenee ,uneehiaten iatghefietieh ene efiehihhee on me a mat fiefieeetpihh wee hemfeif, cehhieahee mm fieeugtherreehe eh peffzhie melee of flonepeet, ILe‘s:ee, meme, peweeueh em zznconteehiceee hemhrh mm: mflifllfi-.» What hehe CUB? eiieeegee W Declare to the Kingdom (ag way my) the Obligation that Iycth upoxyehe Kings of this Rcahn tohpaffc all Inch Bills as'arc.ofFcrcd unto them ley both I-Ioufes of Parliament? (& thiitg hehee heave of mi thie nah), fin ®a;th (fiuehogith enough foe them to hgeeiiall theme) that we. he Imghtte be when by the ietsrtge of thee iaeahh, mhiechte, eehmeilhte eemee he by new mch mconiaemenciee the eiemgnnm may iufien, ee (:0 Beep ane hgetect the heme eieeemz in he: mg ; huh the £02m of thee each (thepfah) apheeee uh: ma. aeecoge tUBtEDifBDyfl11D:h?ahfflglfiluffiitl the em embienfa %tethte meme m the fuse arm twentieth gee’: ef Edward cheethiyw. we are not enough eceee h httets -with ahecmne m harem whether: that he fuhh arm ingezmeufih often, arm mhen, arm how, we why the fehereh eedtiaufefi here been mferteia, 0; when out niche wethe fegmerie ans mimhren co, the image of thee iheeime, yet we sent: not pmfiiblp tsmegine the Qfiieetieh that %ee;Ie1:ece'en nueeeee can re henucen from the meme, 0,; the %etee: ehthat math 3 drop, unieffe they hahe as homer hf ,een:ie¢—- mg Imtme, as meh as Item, fare Elegerxt hgmfiethg _ Hath chofcn, agmeii a5, Wi1lChUf€5 mm time it figmia heth in here (hefibee the fluthneithof the peeeemail pgeceice of all fucceemng eeee (es heteev hnteepgetee then their: mates) ieheiaitoent hhthe ahefeeence tit heth to ~ that he a autism, which the peeepie ihouih chute eftev amhome ,-,h Confucrudincs quas vulgus c1eg'crit‘,“anD mum thl-5 Wig Rafi» min %fl1WIna¢%m‘m»’ : » “ tum); Gfimffinmegf w25a1'1E;afiV, cm:~i£V gima gt * V swam imzmmmw @;«?«tm'a at ’£La:j.ma @224 we WEE rm: mmtgm ‘m m of we Mifilitigz), fig fl:«§:}_H_m mwme W Il%f'jfi1:e+¥?0E*£b.~?m=.$'£“§ tw&*waA am sf ms-mmf tame i1&mfi—f ozstmmnmt, mu m hm m’m7mia¥.Bi:1zamimm*i"bi b,u;fm;efle of km wmia, mm Tm ifi,A®p;omA£t‘et3e:n %e.mm~ may at: ®m:«.$nmevA4, —:mf* mm ta»iz%a;1tfmm‘* Km; 31%.cm*'~mw$mntegmmz %&ni:: %n~i:m1$t v1fmawge= moumawafng mm, ezt1m%be£nw®wn o;w~ (‘mmrr war‘ gem %x.m1f2ctfi Jmijmn we“ anhwe *a,ar~mma1y cnmammn tn 91Dme:mrge4, m&&1be4mmz~vten mm Atpniism) tnh4mrtfi3smnu@@ fuxmfi, Vm , Ic@*#f$*“2'f!‘e=rwW£i19*et:~tIn%iafepas mm; mm mm, mm am am ‘mm gm-mi: %uba’m5* may (22 mm fatmfuiip emit; mm (mmwume mm wzaflafvmznwtmnm mm~re:Acqmsfc19m:ge; mtg: tmft we mam he wnmamm tn mummy fog mm fa;‘EKfi1§%M3tiflfl* mum; ¢mmsV:<&na%%:zm 4 V a mmmz ta_mfm1n*ci3eAgrm*$x matm notozioufi enaugb. huémmw we ®wv%ai'f W mt mougm to have been put :0 p-ubiifla, ~arm of ‘mijim t~i;e4a,@frmne»m mi $1;at@*Eciaramon“ mtAgm,afi A mm 9. mggm» m‘g,,1 ggmgyfi 3 what“-E" Viliecmb V may mmm~4 titan?" uvgo »%um»zci".%: numb? um , am nnmw“ mf Vtijénw’ mm bu not gntmfianb) we mgr; ft feif ‘1w~e;t0af3!2‘ at‘ was mgwnatten mmra—mena.:1nwtnmnem t?nwh'p:tm w mm aran:ana%t'recti V9 9% w v g@2ema‘n:eflo2fi mm“tm I tam cm 1132592235 W W mweqtm: mam it iH,7 fimamtamia $5 me.*z'r am mcmfizcngit, t1;wt1*say‘f2;1:me "1?h;c Sermozm b»¢ix1g=-d~~V~trw‘,j the Archbi flfropf gbeth ft: the Ki’n g,W q arn &<‘a9kshi9 wi111ngm:fl7cto' ta»ke‘thc athufuafiy takcin I vbyahis I3v£>cdc3.c<:1T07r.s. A as TI‘1c"T (ii) %Thc‘King flicweth 4I1imfclfwilIi’“E’a arifeth,~' aciid gactheoihd 4 ’ i,¢AItar;A The Archbifhop adm.i1a”i{trcth~wthc’fc%Q9efli.ox§s,‘ I _j;n.d thAc-1‘Kingxan.fwcrs them {E:v::‘r.a‘111_y,47‘¢ A %~ Epifcd u§.” Sir, jwaugrant a::d.ée’e-}>,’4m? 5_3fjaM}”“ 0.1!/3% c_‘mfirme :at cpeople affinglandflve Law: and A Cuflam: fa I/yam; gmwad tb:%K:'79'g: afEnglan d ,1 yamsr Ldwfialland Relégiam Pm-* demflérs 5, and mum!) rive Laws, C14,/iamr, and ‘ Frame/agfm ‘gravity! in we Clergit, 5 )1 tbeg/ariow Kisg Saint Edward yaw Predccéfir, accardixgta I/ye Lame: a}‘God,tlye true Prqfefiim ofrly: Go/pal efl4- 5/»fledI'az this Kingdm- , and agreeaélc ta t/we Preragatizzc qfz‘/2: King: tlrereaf, Vamitbe ancient Cu/fem: of 115:’: Realm 3 ~ V V Rex. :I grant and pyromifcto keep che“mt.A % V A Epifcopus. Sir, Mfiyouimep Peaoeandgoi/7 mg-ream: t '_niire5' Caccordirx tayaxmpawcr ) Véaih to god ,At/5412049’. flvurak, \ I17; Clergie, andtpw People? ’ ‘A 'Rex..~'&IWi1lkccpit. A 4 ’ Iipifcopusg Q Sir, Mllyauffoyaurpowcrj can/E Law, Iaflicc and Dycretmr-' 2:4 Myra] ar3;1%'13r;¢:,¢‘«b; to 5: gxemted II! All yank Jtgdgements ?_; ‘A ~ I;’ex.”IwilI. _ A A A _ V %% Epifhopus. A Sir, Wzé/[you grant to /zoldwdiéetptlie Law:~a and r2:gbtfi:1l Cafiorm w/wick t/7: Cammmmltj oft/aisyomf Kiflgdom A. £r4»z;e, ; 4;uZ_will_yau defend ma! uphold 3166}?! In that /aammr qfigadzfa amt:/2,4122: yam lieu‘: .9 4 A % Rex. IA.gran‘tand promxfc far to de. sThcn one of the Biihops reads this A:dmonition._to tlm» King, before the people , with a loud voice. our Lom"421dK;'z'zzg,W: écfeec‘/Jyau to Parg'an,4nd.ta 6'-rzz;2t,.¢2m’ . ‘fa .Prcf:mwe #2210 #5, am? to ‘Me Clmrcbes caavfimiifted In par Clrarge All Canonical! Pfiiviledqcs, amdidue Md Imflicg ,” and filzatjm V .wm1dPrateé? Ma’ %D.;fc°m£ w,_»z4 e-vczyggad K22:A4A-7129 /JiJK1'.*g§dom, AA oxz‘g)9.t to 54> Prateéfor and Dcfivader cf 2%: Bfi;fio}a.;,a:24Ztlre$G/yur,:/yes. % :;nder..tkeir Ga‘:/crrzmmt. VI-. . " Tbs 09> The King anfivcreth; H 1 . With a willing and devout}-leart I Pmmife and grantimy Pardomaxid that 1 will Prcferveiand maintain to you, andthc M Churcgheseommitted to your charge all Canenicall Prigriu 1¢dges,and due Law and J u flice,and that {will be. your 4 Pre- teflcor and Defender, to my Power, bythe Aliiflance ofGo“d, V as every gocd King, in his .Kingdom, in Rightmzght tOMP.f0- ~ reef and Defend the Bilhops,and.Churchcslunder their vernmemui i Thci1the*King‘ari{etli, and islcdrtothe communionllTa: ble, where he makes amlemn Oath", in fightof all :. A A A N4aAtl1~e£eople, to obferve the Premiffesz And laying his ii A A hall” *5{8-ith*:7W~ V 7726041:/2. A .' V 1: Thethingsiwhicll I havclbcl'oreprom1'?- fed, 131311 pcrtformeand keep : So help me God,atad the Centenrts oFthi$Boo1;,. » l 9 4 mt mam all the 1no2 IuiuDge,tnI;etI;ev fitcbmcmfié; pzifucbaauclafionz 35 were %e:1teaci;,,canfnI!oi;n,lo;,l mhetiazleaifpgzetenccfrom liwatiy. _ idfoztiye meaawble of the fitatute, ( vim) that ‘£2115 £1115, Thattl-1:: Kingiis bound to remedy by Law the A folizfieutie the iliing haunt by t1;cemeambIeof;tiI9ait ,%tatute to renoynce. 19:5 qmnlglnngmumta 19:3 ohm m1:ID2rflaa%mmg,m theta Qiaticmefe. annoitnnfe A I: emfint of%ielmavliiame:1t,le‘i:mt_ ;®zcIarai%iUI1li£tiI1i~cox}t;etg. Al .2 A _ Mi-fchiefs and Damages which happen: tel His People ;, {BE 55 A ilffifi fiiaumfat fozflfi9€ is ohliageh to follow we ’3a:..: figen {em 69 he a @ummn%V:%v@zai§,mw§raguefiisn name mm mm upon mean was mmw-.. mam . am;am'5,h:z.¢ by who? Em TVfma:j~m’fA, g=mteLr $E;em‘i:%;efa *i"’iW ‘gas avbwfi m *=‘$7‘£§~i?§£@@‘. ‘ * " ' % ‘ . A E3ut'VVc «are bound in _I=uB*i*ce to conifcmf to Vthei;' Pm» ~pofai1:s, hcczmfe “ thrgrc is 3‘ Trrufi repofcd in AC_1s.;to pref.-vrvc frhc .«.K:ir;gdonm5 53;’ makingnew E.a;ws *: fiyamw @%"&EET§§Wfi; 375* W 3. Armgm we a;Am*ms:z an new —‘m‘m£ mam O: wfléfi mz'%:ts'E;ms;i£ 2;?‘ / . E - .: . ‘ A ‘ .s.g-‘H \. flfiflfififiifi , &a§1Dfa’m sf @::a,%te, am a %ub;im, we iyamnn ~wm1m;&w rt w 1: vtparfi mm; Jam’ Mi ~m94m;A5%: i9~’m~@%fi‘€.% nsim p.:.m1‘qrw imgwyets by £11811! 3 .&11»MudaAa$5hah2imm pmp:ahfI:%1l3ea1“~1;fl[g{I®_z2¢:s4%t?é; mam , mt" W??? fa;zA.‘aa:1»%m?: may WM at fez W;&f’€’ tmy fhaii jun *3}? Vtawmbg Wm evm ‘um-are mafia mttsng to mrn maamz,% magzw weamu:§;:n 4?mt7m::hmn, Aannéfucia fictmnfi tn EWGSWKW94 V may nozaarhmt, €93 they mum mi firwiixg e:Wr1.vfnEA 9f warms, mg a @§£W£iIti;£wmw¥ he cnmm.-ea tncwfier wag tn *fmea:;r m%%ma:.ar 21,; ms twfiw think tVt;ez% ~%mz5 m12%nmg«£ an m3melv Wim up w( W2 a1a*o134“o*m£b~:z*m2§taz’c,m mm m*z;eA<£Wz;g5;&fg km ma %*t;Hefit 4:mf%:£}3em, :¢v~wm21 E='9]*ratt’étjm%ing2’tq.%«azizi;1Dz:27%*c2 ¢oa~m¢b2‘%a{%"@, gm ¢a1¥‘ammmAmmn , 335 mew mm:;’&§‘;L2gr{tu;1¢;cmermtx;ihenm?¢::,anmn‘mu Ufmflfi wpm am» i§.mm:w 0; mfigmamztafisieflwmmfmfi (mama wlmemay ;2g;*a'gic$@m»¢e mung any mmztmw. arm iimfetthznfig mven, w§q1sg%i£%) anew: rccxeiiceawe {am I’ cram ¢ mp ca~A;,*;.11t:a:r mm,:z“u:a% agfim :1] m%In&§1abi£anxsof ‘th at C%ounty,”Vy*¢hc:cas7a V. ($W@ m‘?%J foA.man; " e;:,':m tfiimlflfi» :1; *r qfimptmn m mum mmwmen, . i%;**”’13>£wzEiéi3£¢m*Bfl3:2ivv%1%@£ii:imIW»mwt ‘1’<¢*=~%:F<1~.m:~%v “1""hra= 1 t}.fm=,;j;¥ ;_~;rLé:Vfi;;ne»d. CO A t;3.VkeVth¢VSty1Ac upyon. them 0f3nth6GCI1.tI‘y 5ga0i£0;U jfisfiw 9 % If 1 % ny A4 gimtxta W We m % mag rm15%m M3; ' , ,:':'.‘'‘'*’'*r u‘‘'*- 3 , _“ >c ‘ P’: . J n h . é ‘ $9 ~* ' 9 E 9 Y gay :mt:c M an gwé‘ ‘:n*a1%i:ty %s::éta%&1»z4tif*<=;~‘1«m"A, =a:~.f *&:mnVty,. wam W“ gamatmw ¢p4iuAimw ., «am fidnca, by Armir Pt-cizima %W%*»%%i*i‘fiWb+WWhfi% rm Wt: ’§1W V w%enamrurn ha. ~ 12 wétxmm. & w WW2 mmmw, ~03 Huwittv at‘ tame Vim 2+5 *og2"Wii1hil mtmon , xw fiffiifi ‘IWDEW < M ;, ‘an at %e:et*p»% % A h%ive€:f€ccIv«c*d 113%‘ ;{'>‘*.;*I:"i%§:ivé:a “df L aIt'g;a§urx»: ~cbi"m‘ria1y to rh%r: V%e:>rc3 £TaVfl%1'az’:1g‘é H w aha meta both Helms: €¥3&t'i5=, nu rm % %@a{a~:=r:a mum 1:e‘c1zi!::r$‘;i7%ttt :3mz%mIaAwm,m ' éiaggtmgaim ~arm-:1! % wmm I zr % mm wig!» * r ‘ _ tbewa;bTtArvz¢”e€hen * %>z»timt*€§ (W15) W m’bjW%W "‘*”‘¥3 *“ ”'*“ filotewf 0“? A we mse2cea*am: «, ~eoW1:mmana zfiahumen «immss h» we cofifwt %m”5&nut£4nc€ V A A 9‘ V vmomugoz ‘a13mm~ciei:ew {mama mbf eitljer V§$§_L‘¢%a‘n(‘in2zgaabIe-Ipwgttfiéiyaemen pzmy to moi) iwetia mi , < H 7“ flea A/Ar: fltet wmmc, mm mci; M Went balmy I % 4 ~ Wjateafl WW9 ifnéa mfifafie, T mam own fiutbogiw :. ovum they % um: (aarlaav babe kept mm fmm- Hu11)4hg tbig time have beam: was fmmY0rk... ant puvfueu was oucnf the 13iK‘§,C_§;-'= mam Wt @115 ohm hwaif 2’ flay, A may not $1315 ~9$i,n1l.tI~—*= mt (which is not caken fiomlls) he irnpiogen azgaintttaqwi 31-Mt againa-war fiutbnzitva figuifien beg both iaoufes of gariiament, but cum; to fziii time £11 amuufelinus, E133 Malignan 1: Party,m@t'ci) jg about 2315 5 and yet -for.Our g<:-ed; for the pubfikcgood ( mepmiu mzclareic fa) am fa rm C@ma~fm1 mt€Eifl“*t’_I9B fieatutz ems ofAEdsvardme . mit1D.,m£7§s:b mo their intexpgemtion ” I)aflJ* left‘ mg (the King of E M <2 Mzw ,2%abfnIUte.1y IE.‘T8"1J20biU2Df02“*, in g,m’:;:t pf mm, .tl3m we xnzat-ma %uhje,cc [cs tsiye» imngbmn ; arm emzvp fiubject of t1m5s%1I,4ant:. mg 4 mimic feazuritp that ‘ma mas» mam ,~, A that r1m.B:w0§m~ weir W173, a.n;n% tvaiwtngev iv! b;,zje1am’ngm A’ ;(25,) bzeaBitI%%Ait*)n1avbe;ma~m a m’vatta;,ny1;ene*nezenmfz £JImfeA: C0 - 53?» i198 $5, for :4 fiifit Em film? ttfitttfi, that umn uaobat1«;31tI¢tevp28t&ttnn ,(1zpon pzetelnce oi, fiutlgogiw m.n}tecIEafe&.: annzagefmentfig mm; imtigwt uewbm‘ Ei}:£m::%j11J%9a.UfD.i3fliJB%WED zf % my van been to wait pave m.feé)A~oucAof mbicimntbing can remit, but wnfuifnzm to A iai21E%ii‘¥11nl;mupIe, 1nmaszneaVng CI3€Eiit_‘€0ffi)_®‘H13 my %un1e‘ccge3mn tyat fa e;:ceII21zca’fl,am ( mane new fo;=+fecumt1rvof{i3emg annmopie‘) man he fa Wuhan hpan:3mt:etpzetati0I1noIeanwn Mme: in England . miII*ac.€m';5bnut (me beiseiaz) fat unmet biz Iyarm, ttrmxt»-% mitbflanning mew Qumazittfaof" that %ecIa1:ation,% A mini), mg‘71;op2,: Iigali wing notI;ingVbut infianw upon t;£912'J@.oVn€rtbev§of»tt, , A % f §W%aeotiyezmmziatleagelfi: mgougb itbe true may as “*1 tfthei-r.%PriviIcdges.doc: not extend to Trcafon , C Fe-A“ 1on’y‘,*o'rAAbr:;:;1ch’ofrhc%Pcace foas taqcxemp-t the Mcmbcrs A fromézill1?£:%§nncr;OfProccs and Trial], yctit dot-h privilédgc.‘ chcfmV;igi;j;t;l§Ac4%Way or Method Qfthcir Triall; the Caufc mufl: A bafira braughjrbcforc th cm, a_nd’th cit Qgnfc‘nt asked before: YWC3f1‘P1'0¢¢€d=«391)Pstfl€HAtb9l17 1®2zmIenges2xteunaAs* v awm mete mm ,+ 2&5 in4arxpmai; are mofi tmaucihbns‘ en,%£mmnA;azihiiengembacfoeber Lemmpts cum: fmm; A amuannex of@zace5_wmBm:iaiI, ifpaufim acquainta we igmxfe mm; it, mm«tm:p give you Iea1aeVtapgaceea by motmgoczmogca4wacmia1i#:we 1332 wig %iBuIe,ifa44¢‘ %%2mhm: I3f'EW3F$B1!:$flII§E c.ommt‘_c a %uvtm1: mun gmzit hp no mwnsnwnmmmm i3tm,tt-ii you wise mm W-;r‘::&:e%n~‘ Afiaat: fiauufe (*ofmm'c@m: as a'%embmc) annre&ceéfién" their nimctimn‘fm pmuwzoceahmg; afliutirrrg. mm: Vs:efi€,_ - iaemtimocmjrEca:u,%t1;asp1ac2mnereygoumwim,cm’ mu vetutzn fumtb.'t:1;m% Eflflffim : Shouldit .bc:oith«:1*wifc ,7it_» V would be‘ in thepowcr ofevcryima;n un%dcr‘pret€nce o'f:ML‘{r‘— 9" E 2 _ V ‘ thcg tam: M, Hdammv , h ‘~ A fimba gmnmum t:ie;en*amgis,vifie4;e131xg 711 :_ fif"m3Ff&f%$iIgfi$”lt&<.: t51¢1’,'£;t%?k*k:%&m:t;¢ , A....i§;§_¥a$5E he gimaa ; j wcnfiiybwa ma whim p1afg«:i:mmn;; 1”i¢%.1"€1.*.-Th 3 . M ii 1} £23.33 a .1 ‘K _x 1 . fit may £2 Efifillfifiiitfi gfimm Q L“ flfiifi ~mz mam m;;z;—caaV ~ % aa~&mzmyv:A may «gm, 4 %%.%V%:maun mir am 113 mg as =3Fzim;te. $151; mu aim wézifis ’ aqcuzfe Bf " as h:¢"”W0:u1d,9»f%t%1:ing %Pmf¢ST,and fa §6’%miag_tn¢;s3§1s %(§z¢m - 4a_1:_1Pa%rlia.x114cn~is) EQ 11<:mhi,;&g. m§jag§ia— *I:mi'e.m;en;fig Vhgiggma _ W: rm L “ bmgmy em mm .ha.t.h gm ken thcPr teflauion, will defend this D@é;4?c;§i;3g wjgh mg Luff: aflé 1FW“E‘?* %“ 113‘? WEE $5-thaifififfi mieiene . mam Ffltfiif flflfl " A 4 an army vm.,to '1',-P 3 L‘? § :63 £5‘ 3 § .31. § «:6 8 ,9 ,5 3 a Q 2% S’ ; x n%te_&tt’?fii§ are bminfi ttméfe $5 wepemggega gggrm?t1‘anm% ; % %QAiu£tifiem£hiIm% £23 meg fiflfl113.fln@1Q29i?_$v 1ae;a.wuf_befu2e:? @;%%am.~1;gg 3 W «-9 § 3% g-‘?? tbmmm.%%; 1 ¥v~nrwI~'g i hr wt moteftatinn tuhmenz, g cm mew C‘! ft! 7 g at mamzgmtatim igm ¢mzv ea Emma am wzibiiepgefi; ass as; @1281? 6: int: at , a“ 3 xx» % % w.&st:~@1.t:v macs fig ma tbagmmiefingmagcgggg mam arm fimzmnm in that numeral!» firgm aeclarim bum A‘ aatfiaunincg arm: smut: at 2 auszmnzmznifi Wm . an wesianmzsarzwa fin xnuah ti3e1BimgbaA ham méftaiaemfn % ,1 mug, am £ aft mm: nag nag fag; AF % 7 A ’ againa ._é.m " ;,~,,,/“:=-«:~' .5», % 1- %; «gear a 7 4 A gm amggxgwfiimm i’.é‘ C%7)% _% _ M@1.I.3.I&M a. £9 chm mgr :9 wafiwit a "A 0*? sr:'clag‘!!*u$;¢ fifififlfifififi A 4 flab (5 A M "F».%m:!?§ii§s 2.. T xi 3%‘ - r A:-yap. gem . tfl ‘* .. mum: % he was agogan mi 1;iiit”%e§§§:mxfg~,ygg;§A gush gr as, azaé md; lay» §;f:1@ In rm b¢.aa1%f caf $19 K;I;mg* mm; %,na: are 2% nLqt£éa;I19% WW3: 05 1. RE. .1. A , 2 a (mmv m pe%% we mm §x,m&;§e;It£‘ 9 an -=tFr\4_ will be eiaévé nap mo;-2 confuten by the abffortg or fliéitii he mm am am mm ai1§3.¢»§a»éi1§”aen gVaAaamMm.)mmua11amme A ~ A » a»%t'»g5t,:t3e4nV.g5t¢V1:t%;57t;z~e¢g;§? gm; me¢p§gg@A§j[mIy% mam wumwtfi ) tim: mmmz :. Thar ;;h9£¢;: that gu;,is:%!@»£h@£§sf@.lsJc§ by §%11@Jt.14d:g€:rn¢&1t Qf ,( a mu ) mac; 2 awnM1= iggvpgtta fig, tum; fay cm mun» mm mutw cm W sgés ‘-HI»-I ~« 1 ‘ “:= J‘ ‘»‘w ,_.~‘ “I s. ‘W’ 3}‘ .;,I3.I‘-'mn 4 J1 ,, ,;,‘ -‘ ‘ ‘ r. ' 1 V A ' Wt‘ “’ - x, ' n. ,;,.y..‘~Wn ‘ ' "" H ‘ 1.. 4 ehgttiz were avmhe mncmmm:n§ msiemngva g€.ia£: , 1 % L That: ha*w~ ;a~m% abfa.l.L§~t@; mwer Qf dcg1a;:iqgwthcA‘ and tbafi whafiffiems 1-*h¢x 91@cl.a!*$ 1‘ 1%? (7% W311? 1m‘v%A ma iomed by {Mr Samar any Suhiwc: : &95h%M1l and 3 rim af amd%D‘M»B.c>np19 11993 plcafi. 1 % . W “ ~ II. {mat no I?rcfid‘cnts can be Immts to bauind thcnf~Prog médyimgsz $9 W%%! M % 3 3 % IR!” it . prcfcnr, and '''.v u 111. j Thar par2a‘amem-»ma Laws mad.cifor«thc. f¢curiric‘of them, may be difpfedof, and repealed by the Major part ofboth Houfw, at amyf:ti7mié:., Wt~‘have no Power to protéa; them. A ‘l’I*'II." That no Member of either they mayjudgc oftihci Faéit, find threir leave obtained 1 to ' proa- ceed. i r ’ ’ ’ ’ Wc~Our Sclfmufl’ befi1bje& to their Commands. A ‘V I. - Thar thc:1éiaVying' ofForccs aigainftithc per{:>naliCom-'- A A ymancis of the KingQthoughaccktrmpaniédivvfirhhis Prctfcnce) i ‘ii’. norléavying "war againfi: the King 3, but the Iicavyirxg war ' againfl: His Laws and Authority ( which chcyihavss power to “ V declare and figirifiefihfiough not againfi His Perfon,is lezwying ° A 1 war;again£?g t'h§-:%_King 5 and that Trgafbn can not be committed againflz His Perfong othcrwifc than as he is‘in_”tru»flcd with the Kingdom, :a11‘&difch'21rging‘7 thatTru£f, and that they. hav.c:..a!: V pQwcr_t0jud_ge whether He‘dif<_:hargeitthis Truft orno; 4V I L i That, t/ye} /Mild mézkr t/:3 Pref/Edmtr of away P;r‘4f5iarzr2¢;»r2‘3 their Pmferzzr, tlwr wrwlri ér rim a.rzz’.;’?” za,..cc2z«'az-M jblgrizr bf’ warn; qf’ madefly‘ pr duty in "tlzem : Tim: L is .," T , ay. Deg3oi"e"Us whcnvthc? iwillg Tandnrc ‘nor bi? blezsrréiicgri far {bi f;d}oirrg. _ 3. _ A _( % V A sémrimm caiisirmi nwerirmrhrrrgrrig yrdif‘pof¢%x3f<"anyrthi.ng;,whcrcs‘i* in thc:King ii'0f‘.S11i§j$2?&if' h.‘*1£H~¢a”: r‘ig%h%ri,,fo:rii the ipublikergoodg, A. f That the‘ ,rwithouti‘“r1ic:I€ing.;, arcithis Parlihmcntr, ran-d Jhd gift, = — of thi$iI?ub1ikiegood;»amiithat;Gutconfcnt:risnot is1cccfl"ary»:r A A So,th¢Lif¢,‘and Liberticiiicf the Subjeétiiir, ranciiail »thcigoo,d._% by any wages and mean 5 proclurcdfo to beg, i and, Houfe oughttio beirtro1:a?ii:'r blcd o4r»Vrn.§C*dilc_d with; for Trcafon , Fclony ,- or anyothcg: Crime ., WithOU”t the Caufc ifirfi broughribcfore them ,gthar f”7iTPaar the;’SovcraigniPbWc:rir¢fiAdi:siinibothHmiffcsof Pariiamcjmg and that We havc“now negative vo-ice: So then, f’ A " C2-9 D u % tgusion§».i;mo%1¥inn%t%nneI2,~;i;tmiE1vfitb’$tiameopiesmt tnwemarm; mm:o;p aiiiiyfmtzt ant: coura;ge:m m omztamiac m:rouv>*cnevvanemm %ta3enAVtEfi¢.huim1efi'e€0 ‘Wattm1s%mtb %%om:tatn mnpw % "fimzg, tDw<_I7&[fl ,& "IThe"m0fi* ncctflfar_y[ ciffcéhzail «mc%a;ns=for the removing th'r;$¢fé.’_Ici:a1'c>ufic:§ a’fidV*'%V?Difi?cr¢fi%vces b¢cwcenusand our Pfiople wsw5LA%wacw2 swine content to pghea ®zw ®,21f@o§’ aflV:%1Dup%}1§2gaii33ég@;w ml Wgmtwfi 3 ha mnterrt WW .t‘Be%52EItie 9? A a%I%» A flfii‘ mfi81¢;: 1313; W‘ §&,€¢93B%ifi%€9 fi3@9iI?;%%?‘W_f*E9i*> ‘,0 E0-" iozawm am the ifimgnntnsazth to btiwffivnf mt «mm mm: iaem,fut2.abIéeJann agreeable tmsfi %ao$ti:w,i%arsn ‘_ mm 'E€'21’mi‘l?II5*i’£13_zi?§£i:;i31j1Z ’ai54t‘2ctrimt??of mu: firming %ub;ee:i:z., when izobnfe fituit tigefzzmw ;mtmhmV {avg mm M tiygranmztflraufithiwgfis mm in nzftgm. um: 011219 the rum of mm m:fon,but af%%nuamm3 31: mt‘ (maljiw fizzle may in 1:? I3»? 3 £5 sum paw 2% 21: mag ofimn In any :35 @111: ujA;21meifmur$tsane£;% fez though we wettest of the mm mm been fommmeifi uttjzzfiw nepof2n,%1zet¢ti3eA1;Re ali mamas; mag Item; mfozsa tnifi time flvitcizafzz‘ at we means @111: goon; %uhjectfi1*nili€iam form may $0 126 warn arm the wean {mum 2: mm {mm wig tune fun!) mm ham mend mu?-ten by men: :1! cfiioaufew. to babe any “mam m the executimi at” we Militia , win we to mm 811% theta; fiemice is iwftgnezn 5 any thmfoze it“ may ibaii pgefttme,: igmgsftex: tug meme In am. they mufi expect that we mu txnunent;a§:eI&g»momn agafiuifi them ag fictuaii mats few‘ of mntmon, ‘arm as wruzmzefi tn mm %ms2mzg:t~ pmmer. =,,« 1% name net¢e:§mnfi1aiInn‘m 2xpectti1e*%ma2&%:tis% mm was wet: bane pmaaer tp“ commit againfi mafia: ‘ _¢£wagte means they cammt g%u2:z ms) arm we want filflflax