=%s%a=1=a%*«£e=im£=4~a‘%9?«;%%v%%§= ‘S f T’ ‘E T? ‘E’ 4* . %% & 9 g,»¢g":?;»?%:2:v%~:*%4%:ar:*$:¢*gj‘;i: x « 5% wfii ajcfiics iv o‘. ‘- “ , _ ‘ ‘ 7', . K. VL ‘ " ‘ ‘ _ ‘4 r _ ‘ ‘ Rn , ‘ ‘. 1,‘ I . ‘ ’ ‘aw ‘ P‘ , I I ‘ ,‘ . A - ‘ """av ‘ I ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' ‘ -3 - ' ‘ O «c * V ' ' i 4 r F “ ‘ . 3 “ J‘-I L ‘. "' '« , . n TOTHE xxx. Tm. V’ 1 ‘_. ,' r .3, ., )4.‘ ‘I 4. ,.wII \ ‘ ‘I %PR0P0SITINs ‘V of 14"‘. gunk U °?”:%§:3~?2W _,‘ .,, 1" f%3‘% ‘fig ‘I n '4'‘. ' ‘ \ I ,4‘ .* an la , '2 E’ 7 4%» «6* . -W *3 . 1 -ago 43+ «fly» '01 A . ‘b ‘=1 u .v . ' I 0 ~.' . ‘v I ~..‘ 3”“‘ 1, 0 {Cg ;. _ r - ‘A 2*?‘ ~71». "1"" } zfis‘-§f.. C! B T H H00 55% OF f; ' »' Parliament. ‘Q ,# W .4" O N . . ~ -‘... -2 4- :1 ‘*3 A (35, ‘-"=1 " ” .‘ p AT‘. 1-‘ $- L 0 N D 0 N : Primed by R0 1-. E RT BA m Ki R, Printer to the %King;=.~. moft Exc(:fle~nt Majeitie : And fl by t:hc:AIfignes»c.:»f]o H N B 1 L L. &; £W/L’¥’L. ‘Z3, I 4. 2r. ...3""<,:?: . 4% . #34‘; &:§?~;m&.$ ' *’£=‘%*°“%°<’£*‘%“‘i““¥*”1°0l“°M°“1““I$'d$“‘%° 1 "g"' '3! ‘¥“§“‘¥’?¥°‘%°‘3°l3‘¢°‘¥°‘M’“1“?§"W"}i‘?¥‘¢3"¥"W"W-“’3§~"~§”4?‘ 3;" . ' % A af1B“‘z:1L;.-.; 4 * . A,’ ..-I M’ ‘ I _.,"~g,,..‘...~. .............J.‘."‘.*.’....,.n !f~ I4'.'1'un‘J” "cu \ ' at ‘W R. “v ‘W 1 __ '_‘ x , ’ '- ~~ ‘ K ‘I: ,,'/,'/..é;'. ~ ,.m"f‘ T " fl_..r,*v’w his ‘ ¢'.p;\ ' " ‘ \ t *%j‘*as*~2¢~aa**a:5W£*?‘z<°a;e*=za= (I) ' at WK £5’ :- J‘ TO the nixactéén not *s1+r A1 of botlmouresotvmaamcnc. » t t meme maxtgtte'to,wutantsmw 3 i — t , to want $3c“'i0uf am: fizmzofitis t t a ‘ tam nomtleatvmtmfien ~.. tvbv flat t , %sztbon.,t 1I)i)iGI)w8ttaC8BputttQ 2 ‘A ~h"V".‘::£"‘: young mu: wtifage of the zodroat ‘ glemuatg , ant baht time to often aw. ‘ , ‘ . V4.5. o= pgetfeia ttpott you , was the PZ0P€I71U&»Qt0f“ compote tiat » Difitattiontfi‘ ttoftbtfi, lfiiugnntn, am) rennet it truly bavvvt. fJfl¢1Jb€Bfib¥€he17t0D9°1InBD A, MD mat length? t1}ougi;ttfit+tn:;intInnI1tD upon; 1192: new fezplairthz ( ant: Derive tI;atyntt=,. artb auotzt @111: goon %uh¢ jettfitfbouib up to 1:00) that the dtabahfls of ($1919 DHfi=t ntift I;a1w’.mtt1;gteatmubtnte ttfcvhtnttl3emfeIbe5,: until! ~i3Itet,meparatioI15 Iboulnt be tmane £02 fl9!2t';1=»t Mzugnt. 4 flftI}epI;aD’Imfeaf01ta.hIp beaten ftttij ggzopoitittk: Font. as tigt mimosa arm wontfiit of your mwctef-«=%t mum new thought fitto aim: to any nf flDut1B;t0g£w nitoutg, ttoz; 112:: in botmuto; ttgatnto 0wvti;R*€§I56iiIV ggtbnzvtt ( which @301‘: bath eutvuftth was manta; mmgnattan ( annfutv mamgof taut pmeut magma» fttmng out: of wutwtnpie) tomb t':t31ZCP:;fiJIZJ.!.1ff» 1‘. I. “/Yw":\v3 f,.'.,( U “n'=}"’, 72?») W » :§m::¢g'o‘se1;Je:: buanzfie ,4 moulnmbe fauebof‘r1)2*i:E nfsiifi 2xpecta»cn%, ‘“‘~'t'::1¢133ut. ia?5zatw7IwbnEi1%e%fltt2IIwh fiznerzfozz .3‘ hefuzp &fl{?f_0f‘"1?13i9"11,E1tt‘{fB ‘main map eat, ¢i9;z;ni?yam L%cev,ta§13I2 W13 mat iimfbwt in the Mn-== jmt1:s’%nf1’31:*)4 tm3:*;:.~g’gt flute*AremehqVa;n:bubIefnmeafiwb m tigeztv mam: 54 E W cg g%,cmJ ,2; .{ mat they by ,u:§fqz;mnit1e the new founnattoflfi of it ) a new “:9 '‘ inwgvnianutimss rm mztennjpozaw znsotefi ,. mitmut any ewe 3un;icta1iv befoge_2iti;ev19oufe, ( mum; is’: in ‘eJ€ies.t%i:i3e flame tI9inA&£to make Ibafimfi n3i.tbo1ItmA )% m &th2it»bone5 mouI¢%%».fuou;;ime hm? mafia A ERA 7:5%fi }4tff$%¥Vf0315;a '3fl'm530m@EtClZ5 9, $3 Aflfiozmnaubfi 3138123 7393E"9D—-,a 17? T1151) 111% at 19% .?vew affumen to%Aittm;mt arm Declare- ;b.a1;61a,a1n ®Agnina!nc,esinaBe anew hphotigzaou ‘ 3; Q canning tea as pave atbttvatv puma: ) mm pzeifen aw an the p”£0pfBa§11u&fi;anMblZit0’b2DiB!tI7£ requtrm ,Vm3,e£m" fiEW«fiQ3ée§§;G3fl.fit¢O€ an npitstrtzfiutlyozfia £:%e:.5mtchm1t%m1*z-. =(-It.-‘I mm, mm anew In whom the oftigifi ifleaim; tmbz platen tigatqanmm «Du mp ¢ 9 % rm rm MiIiti"aa4% ( her 2; contmeriahle to this then: % mama) " A‘3§t1%4fm:t13ev4 met“ to it 4t13epI;abmgveen $15 %agem:n* ,amu’nnmn «of Hullfgg attbhta &fl’?JB€'%'1313*]ohn Hothamrtll U13.» hfllhfflflfiil ”7t3131"flZ&€0“l1A «Sr, mm: babe pgepam, azm,: nVi1:ec.tanAtoti;e%eop12 mw pzefinytittzu. ialnhzetihefi agatntt ®“uvAAA%fi;mmrnmt,% t:£1{ere“hg "( as mucbVaslag in t13zim:»tm3er‘)+to imwmzft. 1w7iu“€tQ—uthAnzitvaan we eitemt amamg t13Vem-miaw Babe a’5%%injuriwfly as pzeftzmptumziw Vcttyougijwcr: gorxceihe by ti;is«~ti€me{31m;2uI3~2ns:e it ME 1'5 i-1£’i3am€B;D€ matwmpten-to cw upon mg afpevfionrs @I9iAan um j nattmz ,.::ag,;i£%%j¢Ai)a»n%% fiwoured a "B.:.ebe111onin 4 Qua‘; me€e;i1$:u£irI£.ff€L Wftib tizail Icgafly afiemmen fifog ‘the mience A own Bnwélmf. W525iifiemifa;-32oaci;2a‘%nem~ A Thsit: V areubhgedtcapafl an “ " » . ‘ V % {hall offered to 113. by;.both~Iri’oufcs» ( %_ mm Anmm m;,;V niaznafilwaemertt arm ¢on£csence;=ArImum« m§;£”;aAtt5n°e_n. V 1ni;t;i)_€1)£m i‘I»W%VA!3!3ii;ifi*%t,Df,;$L9I1‘?%W W V % {D ‘ ,.«M '. ‘ .. » 39% 17ii3m91’4fF 3:» gfiDV"»f0.m‘WU A :‘ 4 y 1‘. n ‘A Dfi5.af”§; V _ % H ,._£c. ' w”Aantem‘ne£few:miiIé 1702/get a ($181118 In, 3j1lza!vAAffIIIw+f:;zcz»y.ma.Vba2 im Iecora.D%a1?¢£r% of ifitflfi ~mfi§tem hu‘thr4a£%nu£2;g’%Véai4¢ 3Bfl—¥5fEm9"9~‘90 iS‘V.0ftIi£;»KiI5;g$ % _ gality to grarxt or deny‘ ~wfuth Vofthfiir. '.PAe-*fiti'. 0rl'5 Himfe1fiiIUiJ817 l3flb8I11mPMeB%ut necei:fam1B.i:"aruA,AL fiwttvzenfi Amvfotw&&inIiA afdDtatte~tir%Atn’i%%apzn 1w 3 % ”Ya;E&'ifit:»fl.‘m3;:$5-‘., fax 4139 :_int¢rE"‘t" t againfiM,0I1-r Par1iar¥1¢nta¢CAti38¢ tiaamc A1mbmuf%@uv.*V4 harp mu! ahbnznew) ;«w%«reb2 to=~;renn;ww enigma me A wuraaeople. I 1 ma-w.A bmie" l§.\!‘ :£:;D,; gaaamwmg my %nrfimnt£5 mm vi1~a%:gmbIe* Qtmtifiamm, i9eahizA; ~iL':enfurzs% aAnIJf1Ie%a’1l %3!mmifn;r;znenfs that fair: of than 1D1}v~£t $5” t9.4p2¢TentAt1b£tv;tmnetmziwf 9'ut* A %1;1;fiW‘1"fi;I& ~ t13w?,, 91m Jwff Qéizmhancwx %ann¢L~tim?r:- £em*e%a£muf£JVm9I@tmrw9? =%ti2¢?m»am, (W the ififtciarifib .: of exam; é,’=':>*1;111eccpf ti;t5%¥mngb%mn)tbnugia in an; tyutulgle mtmon Dtlrecitw ma bomia nttzfwa L mm ify any Dilhtt wmafi fitflen W (“)9 2mm; Cami: Sedition, anti: fiumxtgbytiyzk po1nm0n’%9a1mnnr.A;V 1 mm» Iyaw re£tmii1eAnr::mfitt2nnan~cé of ma §2biaV navvamta neqeffavv fiowfbiizmiermnmi, arm .fm’§»znu;:s : %tiJnf¢‘A {mall mum of. 9:; ¢ @i}atLt1m1e:flmilLbz fufi7evenéd he onmpen%~uzMremmm _ nnwmfiqiwsa'Dg2v.q1:pei.n’€i3: mu-mohtD£h:to bupmmzeand, %act1;%~~3§umnmai15# tfi fl; mIt1]M5;.lTu £19 ?%Vi>@w» "i ” <4) . % T W mJc1aa%coLounm2.% . % % % %V;%@3i9zwahzfi1Ien cm:AeaNvs%“o£~ t:I;2»%;mopIe mt!) the %%tig9 q£%a®fi@%i%:*wzem %eamm' noi£eof4dfzat£§ %nBA31zaiié.ufitV5aiT(%4t1;ougIj téafim upupa W W1 ¢ 11112 W %hg=;mmcb A@.Iavma¢~‘Atbepmtgbt :ApmaaretUmn to vmim moi; ifl11P2205ion=§; astmfgigt 4e1ftAAamJancz shim w;x§§’ig”qe*in1;;ett1Lt agorumiae vtpe.‘ ma %§n:m Aic feezmzfi ~ we - kié atiz%3t?rtfiicizz*it7tI1g.pgepat¢bfoi;iflgcfe*htttet »¥mI1sI;. we arB7ii1«¢iWAi]é11DfOll1*€” fioitursz to teoeib+e;$tl;e£e; hu1nb1eVDefires,M(h31)i0I]1J2Dhai}I17at:BintBt1D€DVt0ma¥w‘; mfliff2,3§UIJ€l1f€ffl’CflJH~0f*;fl(9%) i)t’gi)ev4na.1:ttfi‘e;L ewe van%notmanttbts nifcotwvv moi‘ fozttmz nn“ttbt:iteI1u11£tI9t5%ifia1I;« 3]fl?1¢fi)emflBe¢muzt40hfevnw A % c1)at4Ati;efe AAe+Ife,A a%nn.Vum’ufi merngattfie 9“ 1:9 pgmcs 2t1;';fvm we futM4.¢%%n¢fu2%¥ A ' ’ ,*aArm ;e'km:¢n'izrmf2I;% nf ambtetmgrs ‘turhui1>;ntA awupmw, 312%; 5:0 «mag trueifieligzmnann we zzzittitp of fl;e@znf2fi"nm ti;mr£s« of. wax: 191011011133NU«%&fB&€‘)2§ fimlfibfl pwixmw mm ».v< ‘a11nv‘p2of;321titpAof¢®;:w»zo;;xIi2;ttot ~V31jaiA£:v:rzzt%a fiirang my sflwznce upon tee is2vyactton§[ of; ham; if-;:%o:zfe;a’.% ;2b‘m new faulty {other otlmta are-we mam {‘:;*:3i;t't; may am-:4 * fiaance ) enocahoutztn 3n"J‘cl9arge wan Duty xnitt) mt;-2 ~mgi;tm:IIe%o!fii3ese1tc4-,~ QuncI;e1:efo2e”Afintc .c1gefe mops; ~+£u:wn5 some +to twin ma nattteof hutij¢ ianufw. of . ’aaarIiament,1w~eu3al1taBiea npoge pavticu1av%nrmt:”c2 sf ‘~¢bewoFtI3em¢ 4 4 Qftbe 1. 3.. 4. 9;. AI«o.jI 1A5..1:Ax6.Ax"9.;%zxna:t?J5 babheen mm a«ntn”%pgt§1t21gA‘in%a% tongue unfmomn. to am am £D;w people; tt ntyglatlaahebwn rnflibie me am: they might babe gvavmwiybeleetaen the mopofzsi moms to: be fucbiafi mtgljt pane been my 2921121: to _tIm ennwzetenminen m the matter: ( to me) the efiabhfhwg in (aft Honour and ‘Safety, the Welfare £1ndASecu1*i;tjz A -0 Subjcfls and Dominions, and the removing thcnic jealoufics anduv,_39eople fiflfltbe T Ibafifiann i?u‘az£ft:mz otfi;tWAiI3%3mt0V its ;a$~?€0%¢Debefi . mat, at in a!1‘oVo;£econiJ%itii3tt e11enevthe z1to~ttu;nI:o;:= ~~Jum:ror:ic¢; arwuugb aoc%am.w merenc :a:ow <6) tfmvnfa :u&~m244§ve&tiamJ famous n€tiour( mm; it can burnt? mfinere triage-nzceiifiiiotts % ”*tZ)mit is, mm 1192 mzteJfiVotiJ*h&naui113t, ann¢a @2130: 1:mtemoftt'i; $;ebe’czfio3;x5 ljgabg been renuceum“;11g i.tf)43I110{tl?IIitItEtIalI‘0f1:138!-1? %*tIbJBG€fi ;. MD“ though we fiat: min to Amammfi to ttaanhto Imp ®1I=I?®*u»'iJ:= WCC5 W011!iflDi%fi&ti%Dfl&“3UE .lH$l1Ci0l1 05“ 1 13091330? anitwofaplentifullandunparaleld E£eventIe,V;aaeteteBuss ‘ I ;:Mcem’rom geum:a.I5(‘bioD l't’gn€fiEn0ti)ifi%)t9 aim arm . Jtetcaitt pattxi-;ular9,£inccfttci;I 6% %2Barga«tn4mou1nime but cougveata refemblmtcz of that DfE;fau9*,; ii; “.176 mum pant? tnic1;.£ug‘5fIomgrm»ofim;tv, ,0Imne¢».% as mo atzaatvawll m at‘ W 31'%1&i!D:-7 am inane mere; ‘ V%ttanf:nitwb toiL'g Juatifi ~@;Hszwo1Wfir%s mm iaabz been Emma fa u£e~fuIi~' arm neceffacp fog we 21; % Vfag:;z% gt}: % M mrtmtuv ;%Ub§9Ctfia f0wflY;4v&3f8tIt 5'! % sua sum gaiztfian A * A¢£a;e:; alletnm cent-mr:%o£ :ecwwg%A~ was-mare %c;outm7euationa are fififfiifl vmanmna rtIaV£t‘e;:aas€!vmh mnipmt aregv ‘ AT A n~¢up@mr mama nabia wuaau. % imuetzema M 11% isnmgeafe waft wa mus, iI11)iW( I195 9 L fi¢tWn¢4 A ‘,-‘r % 4,46; fog%an§Io‘m.4ann fem» ¢on£inexaatat’m A . nfl;..:m: «mac %ma%:;§e. ‘ V_ . ‘ . ‘. ‘ - Hr ‘ 2 r . .. V-: 3 - y a p Thu: , , ‘ ( H ‘ ,4 ‘; ‘ '1! ‘. ‘ ' _ ‘ ‘ W 1. ‘ , » , « ‘ W ,. ‘ ‘ H ‘ .1» ,' N . M‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘M ‘Y ’ ‘," , ' = w 1:1“ “ , “ x_- 1. ‘ ' WM »- ‘. ‘M ~‘ ‘ z _ ‘ 1‘ _ ; . V ‘,.- .~ N.‘ ‘ . , h‘ ‘ ‘\,:‘4I . 1 “, I‘ : ., W ' ‘ ‘I ‘ I ‘ ‘ W . . . ‘ ‘ ‘_ , . A I x w , ‘ y ‘ ‘ ‘ V 1 Q A ‘M ‘ W \ , N .‘ In, m . , ‘ , h g ‘ ”‘ >2 Ag \ u ‘ v ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ” . ‘ ‘ " ‘ Mk ‘“4- 3. r H ’ 3“ ‘ " Vqo_ ‘- ‘ ’ r. ‘ w “ . ¢ A M fuch ,% 11!“?8&iJ&MfCa1If’€tffl5%t1m1I%\%1?B1!*~#lfl8al13£fl1>+)igreat ~fliccrsand’M5Iiiffe r«3 ofS.tat:e,éith‘éi:~ atho1ne%‘or«bey%ondA:£lw “gem Biffiommcv In nu1me%D%jmwmn4»« tigw fim§»B‘DI1t3 Seas, cm om ts raa~auM ¢e1‘e“am2 out: noqwprqn cg Mare E~ gm’: ms aw can p;wanIA legumesnmAbwn%cu oam¢%uss mu ntmacat‘%a:wianp I “ ,. ) 4’fl1ou1h12%be~ pVu1:?fi*omi’= ~f}}11*r P*x~?ivy -fcouhcefl fieana from %t‘1ibfeVO51fiC@s¢ and5 im pl:oyim€7r1t§ , .1:1nIefl%‘: they prgdved13yfboth~4Hbuf¢s»of Parl.ian1ent;, 1;ojm:¢faiw;fu1I%41va»a zaVh¢e~;w%r&)aiabzfput¢m*t%jmut»b~m1?5% amwiitbe ¢%Vi‘iIw.;.A am: uumwtétweiaavstijwp ijami Vne:e:1sfx1t%*owentsitx;:a mm W? mm; tmo;teIy%vuwwegL %-*fieo;¢~a£ugoc1;m?u%ug1;t ¢ git) *fu?;Jt2i¥e ~4toba%b2*to?%L% am A «by; "wz§ti9ct%e4f'n#;mi tbtfi" pa;i'tt:f«V%tI9Ai5 % nemann¢.recum=A«gnuwiséant'tm,~m;ac*%marzmiutng tor grantmat t1)‘ep‘fl3ew1 cant» 4a¢fi4I¢%witg;2‘r‘:a;tI;V%t132tI you '13U;L11‘:§‘“f3I35l€$ zm£i“m% Viuyzmit} wmmama» :;*‘¢’mm*fia +§:ammg; nonfat? any % h11ciAoffm‘eA% le‘1mnm¢ ; flan: wename ann:ao;AaVduw wu; « % cmwmm*%fle%$camm! itnAn1afieé zlmfiun - mwJ‘» in cI;%ore* '*‘cm of *ttI;{ii1s;Er4§ ‘flaw’ av mmmgefmb *tbfit:u*anie§« of time -a~htIttI{e3 €mD":integvwiw, AVai1n*aIg“a£infit”&1aI3nm~*t1;zre cm »m*ft1o%1utt»c%@t1&§fBé’iof zxowviéimmbzwon" teafmtabw mi ?rounp;a4':a:wf£&ia4e“na;«?; raUi3:at”i£ wevuz o2‘u3a1I%fbamt1‘as tnumiectwn,nHzIi;awaWna:aTfutzpwggtyatz meme; w?no» f. mat m»mm'n*pIm:nvoz at~flect~tAo'tfw mi)om%W8111_II1*4noLt Iawfie.t%;tBz’§1: ?4“7‘w of “11 #2mE‘A3i9Wi6u1flt% 603%? ,€¢‘1WI0IWtV nzoow Q21» %w*nun;gnn¢ tD&.t: wemner gtbm12ou%( (:19: ]J1fifD%£_’ of we em:V_l:5%i o£1jVfmv[?a‘p:mmWz m1%%jup pavt. V g 6 5 "11 3 5 § or F3 "3‘ é we-I «firm ‘eiyew ‘ 1(8) % mm of were“ Qifiétfiive ~%W! it!¢A31i .F3°bfi13I1W tum! menu marviaomygtfiemcbotw zt , mm was marv.bom "iwsbufe web a as. biz.‘the%_VB:ifc,oi2zr‘12goftlzeivirauxra ma;3~ia1¢a:1g MI}egt:v.z%eVifea-n14tuiaifcmit £zD%m: 2£ecAtio1I.A 35:1: mat ‘néitbnut &:I*9£b&4h,w7w of & f@111¢01Jii§ct2D,7oni1!’ ”'99rl9&v§: h£€aVuf€ V‘§i3Wf0I1i3'339 €U91V.W11fcten§€o3flD pzefeweici;2% 2ftahjum2§n1Lam£, ant: agree 1‘! at m rum ifi1ote5,0wfi'£rIti1o%ttfl 1‘ucL;2E>ti%aa£5 fflmeverfanfiatnua V ham new we great%va:1.‘3‘g1t"fluence B1TB,fl1ipQlI;1JQL'fJ i9a11A£25s;juDge. 02178811! to%1Am1gej to. be fnz%t1Je4mzbIm:z go-on, arm as are agteeabie€o_tI;atn%em Utopia of ,aRe: ligicm mm: ‘ofionerxtlttent into which‘; they enDeah¢out tnA‘tvan5fo_2nt- ;t1)t'a i5it1gUDl1;fs4(% fog nae remeinhm: mtgat "natnmd ant) fo;‘mfi)a,t1Ii8aft3x1g$;ppu Ieft%;aut%* in tI;eA2£s;11offzzreD ms concerntttg the Mxlma , mf_)I|;i}po,,u 1;a:DA~gnur feliawtecounanennwizt we ®pJ*:11ance> we % mil; netuzv_coufeAgzt tqst),z.]m’fpIa ting pf ‘an1mmI1mnfo;A ti)'9I.17;fDgttI8I2fnlfirltfifitflifla atmaffecttoil to tI115.a»nIJ that A puhI':'fi2,.% 11% iJabe%inttu£teb; fince £192 caxtceine, 4117135-W to an R1,, maulutafie amavbutiy mm the afiectinn 95 war‘ ferbancfi 4 1:632 caécenf ‘@111: Ievhice azmtlyez Aélgogtozgr at murguftice. @1111 Im 1:132 ;1jno;e,;:mon%Der.»“ % -r atttt%m-0411111 aflit bv.muVof tII1s,Cmce:1t a;mmar:a=:Ad hgw:c4A1%2‘*V%1>:ma;=:m %’dD1;a t mun fethcfi mum:A it rm fonablefifter tl1em£:fmt'tU1t1I I3 fWiJFD-.ft}'1;1t 1:11;: Judges: » ‘ "and4Qffic’ers who‘ za-reMA%%%th_en.%%p1aced;, may hqld their pl;1~ces;~ % ifis?-Waiss i‘a2zrwmn.(’ §X:1‘€f,I3I1If3:."Df3=g:;;re75§1t¢,1 qzzimzdta “5¢#egeflérint.A fluuwe an Itefolbzh t%D%abc as? ca1:efu1l¢o:fti;afemei9“a1t2»:i;o{eu. M 12011 a1:eoft1;ofe% gmu m_ouInc1)ufz.4A aunts remoiae none , “till the; a.p==~: ¢ pzavr: to was to harm nth » H HE Elliffimfi A V93. flgalf heefiictcfl 1115 limit; ;;o%o2eh;i:1g5‘At£Ii3a.b£Ocmgzfo. at %*mtteafonabie afi it “i‘§)if§%13l'I£f ’e,Aamb¢utV c1;«e_fir£trau:1n;¢AnE 4 tbaétldbhev, ,b191't?Ji;icb$mf:rgIuif, Q11'ciea~:t‘ , aRega:II‘: m \ ‘@923: 13 /anneaiaou an :to be fetoiJen“nmnh¢ on :tl;a* gm am; A «Fog i%tappea¥5 13Iat't1lp,ti;a.t,it:+ mun: mitt) tijejperfonfi IIivctaofett,¢but%mV:ti;£Dut»c1)oofiug .. that 13011 aventtgxieaitxn drag jyouinemanb ,, That the perfomf A put iiito the. p1ac1esA8;’ inap1oyi'nen‘ts% ‘ofthofe who {ha-Ibe Jree.-% ' m»0ved’,1n"ay beapproved bothHou fess, migtctytg fl). fill? (:15toflnueti:2nmyAat:%.dAfi%rw figiat appcar)4Mfrombgzt;1g% We.w9nAtiaevnmev ‘ofno:ntnafiott,t1;at cf two tbum (of mm; 1192 mxltfnehevgrant Aeiti)ev)iI®2?mouIa foam evbe content ti;at you uyoulanunnittiatwzzn we apes 1?2‘uA~1:‘e,A%%ti;e:w*ouV. appzohzVarm.i we .%:1mm'nate ‘lime :1t;zev_Vt1t;n1tn1attb~nhtmgfia fa”vfrbVm(beingA%%any thing; A A l;I9a;«£tf1r®eLceuIn1m‘11,flo z141‘o;4e%;1@z"mouInmhevtsamctge . pamcfitot1o1:I9at,'nm1J¢n 1192 Itjoiglp one!p’v‘1)a5arDL.l:E}To'£e; mi;o:fi%1192Ae&eemco,td the M2111 at? a «téfufaiI,. 1'£..t:t)e;g mpnev notto 19¢8*8§£tB££I,bI€*lIBi5 W 2! tome _31unges t1t1z_rzt,% WEA tom: %paIfm'n-; inmeft of 1}inuog;ot3~ti9e vzefent %rira’uoz 138?‘. pf%eit'!2:z%v;“e®ot ‘t9 weak : not1g,ofti;a'gre;ac facmnna, Aannuofztwa.J&a¢n.hA -mmamts V1ni;:c1;tI;ispotrery mouth t:nt1*o4Vn%u‘c1:"%%inboti) i1aou1j::5,% betmeeii 1191:!) ififlufémnbmtvI1e4£eberalI% cltountttefi. to; fl)ECI]ot;OZ’Il’f1J?£t’fon“6‘ some fent%t;ovtnatpiaézrmzgctz t133‘13_1JD'iI1El7;1Il£l£’5%"» 673!-1!! i}~lZl1I7?€8II_”,4t“Ifi. peffflflfi that EDEN fa worm; amber 1'§4ti;is ftrange £qttoVt11Jzefcm’hefta tn cwonc1gfog*£i‘n4ce,foz tmzcure ofaA‘pgefmt€ame1I11n1g. p;zrpm:a%tzn1rgarz.b%z;ztrozamc»%‘co am am: @113: game? 131%? 3%; $5 l3B|‘t.13iEE3'€D.a%TI1.é1t4m‘ C01iI;Ce’11(§1fs,,walI4Ch1ef « OHicm».¢=‘Aborhc»fL:;w and state;%(3ottm»-1:mders4o£,For;s¢and mgr 1§v’n:m;o1:-o tame {gs :1;er§e.iti2 3) beapp:*ovcdAof (ti-3816 mu V gtxdall Peers lV¢1C1*enftcr made (S? W 1‘! Dfin§£;”hB‘itU'=4 tz*,cnoreza.%.;by ¢h¢mVfi~om::iz1;;e~tWtzmégyaa%zb~rat1;zvtt;“enit ' 1' ~- A Dicitll mrm $i32:fqéb?t“i Maéimigéym :it\VaiM? I 2‘ tmb flJ?*fl‘;b£fDfl®.&°.4 j:‘i;?1kYV p1’21eie ‘fabli vsoyd ;inA:tIi;e:.im1te:r§» mi of 4AfRar1ia¢1n:ent;V,; the ¢majm .1>a1:tv ;of ~ .:the. %ap;movedl D can -os%agprv¢mam,» '"ett§t1¢v it'§t 4 5 « % gs an A nfe,Vn~zm1.e;c§1¢ébat;ee:1;, ~1?6fO1v.'£_CT ad} ;tranfah&€=d% Qnelmin .P3rliaz:Tnéfi1:5.. me:zued byruqlmfur . ,..- " ; , ' « V ‘J EA%w£ifi:tm»fiwoa5&,am hAta:m»4PEP6r Fm? Our ’31?1v1«,ex4%C30ut1io#e1Ié,;:A§ \ A. ‘ x ,« _ I,‘ V a,‘ cg ‘ I ‘ " fit: ‘M *‘- ‘-4- “‘/u.p:- -we “xv v.~ mu 9 “ “ ‘ . , 4. M J mm V“, ‘ u _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ A» “ V)‘\.‘_m‘ .‘ “{ H M “ . '5 * amfltaacwacawiwnibefiozeswassy' ; A mm»;%me%fighmfa«®vamn‘+mnSwptergiewrmgem % A "V rewuemw aaaamm M V W 5 ~wtméwwh8M@WhaaWDtB®fia; M Lfwgf" i~a==. jwwte«anci+z1uw tnow%»~—.-3 A jfinztzhe §m1g¢a‘utn;mmti2;D2s . c me£a-by:mIr~ka 4% :n£,dhmIammt;,:marg~ ital tbcfiwie of:p«o4m:»+ ~uzuma:W.Bae%¢masvg%:i;sma®mpms%A}A' i“mIe‘a.fiz%m E . 61991794 mW’%6mWmVWM*0fi¢ fi°%W@aW%¢~%t0v8 tr nn-wEt¢i9 : A 4fl% %sgtemAmwz:maA . Aarnil 4 . 4 L <“wtI£9e.‘outfin%zabuc%efl %§?ct;me%, +%=Wt afgng % %;Iwmwg;“.A; %wvm.4.m2te%44ebev‘ tnt~llIngt~1)ac4«t' Avavtvaamgtztvafb j f1J;ba.t€,:t8f£ilh£. ; &%D4*0Fwf*&00FH0D1m~8mma£~a.W ‘ A ‘ %x;m%faz9tI3e%mV,%, fat M *fi)2’£’% W9" :¥#?‘¥M@l3E‘~‘%M4~;t»l9%Izu1dVV: _ Q ‘Q V 1niaa,atat@nep¢; min may [ «arm aagmlutmufi gponn%;fmmqtV&is4.p;np6er to :wbat%wvtsx§mtuws%~uf »AtwQa ;1Immaa e .« cmtwgmtemmtnww by Em; "3?-“)1 aumwi.~=flunwatmm5,‘ ma4pA11atAb¢;m A «mu m'u@wtmmnc, J» Ioa1g,¢ct;avgeaz,k £vumVefl'e..a£tWmacz.%.af was‘. pie, annmy megxeem Mas» e:t“t'J. 35¢ mm W! max ‘ 'aflfif1I!1 ild;;l'fE53I1.‘*'.=—'f-.‘.I"’cI@‘1l4:";”.'d;“,, amr.Am%= W b;wI: ‘A A :mm*& ‘J «4£tawfiTe~;%¢%,.rm3a»I:4A-myI:rfie*V% ma W bane mavg.e;mJ‘tbevtw riiaitsLtoIgA1wtz.,mift;I14&t_metu4gaaganqag2 aocnzaawg bm1»ejb.9:tbe~ Imp of vmmzuxaxgg % aga:mflu:- aAaRiotm siouth4warI<¢;:4%h¢§p .';iJc+v-of ?tIges*¥;9oufz;uAf cinema. 1110115, I?x;aa1aimeV£a m1ocmw:mh&,tugm£m4uq;fi;<% iwmmb iaotedtéh .tbBA;'0&W’l3«0§i%15&1§,WV0IEw0w§;»9‘¢[&iV$i)M . a”f%:vaum:enance to Wow, %anh;ni:fiaoune«ana_t1cwnE“.fi»amarr What pu~tnefcenn nut to Ieaafgxree‘ ant» mmaumeuns iia*Agw“II.ectuverss, eo+m;ucc1;ea%; mm a£cg:1n.;to%stI;e:»:31;E=A V %ifla:t~t'he:%pumevA, by sommanniug (tt;zi%a&ab4%a4;1ut~%i;afi fiinmg a~§uz11~b*h2#4t@¢e»ibeb aw; ugh twivhgev .ti;2 %vaeVavftm%;o2A7$~; Who» (I2) fiiibop no appznbc oftbem 5 arm that the 1R2fIt_f£_t5 ~ (zaccogomg to the icoutfz fomuG1JA fozmertp cognplams an of to¢11an2~h2mAufeba«t,tt;e 41:oVum:eI1'Abe not V % tent fog to attcmr tmam caufe%aVAfltV:Ieafi4,,thatWI! V moans coztimev Aconheatizucp, AVfif*I10l= **11,a‘m ,%ga1m tecoattinennttone-,«hut t}oate.111eIIImo1nutmzou to wezthonomLea1:neB,amJEilanneramoz acleatt Eu-ct; A awane caiten £DzIm:s ‘am .ave%Wt:not0aifiH94 new ‘W 12ez:5of:M4trt)zd 25,0138flf,;fi0I0m3Itflf§«392&1.?¢I%A95891??? $00513 &t11JEaretiJb12.tlJ£ 3-Wfcom:;£efi%5 Wranonsanttr 1J2I?fi)!1_5 offome :reco1nmmD_zn;“b*gyou, not; (:0 iaflhe D8811 111% A Wttotafiena will it high!» JcVonczm5~utb#2%ou itwu-« tin ;a’nD tI3e%aE:ommonem2alt19 confeq1tem;e5,. A tttbnufn, i;abe.~42mtafIen%; '<1Ei;at¢ neitlger ‘ anew BIt:a»€W?3flf&I7tYDl9atMt§ v:opetAfo;tb:I042 ammo 1Uf}&€1; i5_A1JzozJ£tf0&time;,,a«t1D%dcoArtfEfltWIzttI1I,that (,contm1:g t.o£Dux: nmewenfltil)mlurwozrtrsmayzfirwt bz;fet5e m,¢% flflfi bfimttflbfifiés :@;uv+;omr§;!ua2:a nmhz: 31013133.‘£DlItI€Efi»H;i"%ll7€CttQ1I§l113Y*H~0§118 couw V:; cemuarmenA hwou nag %n9AeA DEWZD m counrmnaatn t£7mtV mun am, no; rush wtmncts I1Iaue'm3oua,j aaeattrwan ag;a4tnfi4III35supnmrzfiteuteof:sm ingtqgmag mama:-r4a;gaia1£t*1:o1t, :;arm a. %C:.I;xir;;a;ewra~nE411eczmtp.» fat bn%paupafi.’e b£@‘0flD.19[0Uti1lmlC5 .: mm,Ie£t% t2ou%§eem;.4 by your VweanatmuV%m4..hafitlfangqlsz M ttramtneb mttbin a tmtn«% 3?.tIaaLm~V€*nutDkAhian£a"mat; Amnuln n%at!¢%~ , g _ .;;;= m 311: , ‘. % tranfixed:qnclyfii%~V"APa:?%A 2,,jCl1t;z$fl7lID7 Igac wumtut by encIy%inParlia1ncI}t:; A A by tI;emztnnoctvz411eso£; fume fe%~*t:a.c1;nzfi¢€%Jat mfl1:1e1r% e%rp;e1fi‘e‘n . at: ,."«flfl£\m&bE ryee1w zzmanugi, Am Imam tlaem to he %bo%tm%mI:z1Isa.%¢ @1@i;-asiqmzceraw nwgiz me A %1Il31fii£%Yi%,tIDi§.lIIDz8%(?i11D££?J) pauper mg. we 'BiA%%?“ ztfiugrt of warlimnent, t1}2n%c1;em;~mfng cf ‘fi;aa‘mfiff %m,mc1; moi: oneiy#o&ugt;t ‘s;t;*‘e‘;:%*e..VtoA aha m2.¢-swim but can be tcanfactannamneve we iouctiym ~gozzs%1*s.::a3 :VaD1nt£fi1-W to be a 1Jm:c.Ao*f we gariiaxmrziu “mu mufi‘ inst ($6 ci;eAfe11£e%i:3 of tlaigipamz mf tijfifi %£,2n&nD, if «it lgamamg)4nenp%t1)efr2eDom4of ®u*cA fiufiner; mm a%5%~%mupi)%:f%1tigi}E to reject mm: A we thinii‘ %utIv2a%fouahIe%, Aaz;%1mu4i3smz?toVpzo;mreAnmat%12ou* winkcoxtbenieutn; nleceifatgg ma; tact T§10fl:ii3i:9;@13,%.’l3 Qnfxnam ezttjerto 251115,4%o;;%amz4otI;e1:%39zopo;fmon§ month he‘ mimlig fvaflfi’-i':‘fNfit um Athww flibéw :tg A of zbeetzg :on.e‘ ofAyou,+ Aaubm ®ubject; ‘am .receibzaun£ce%(micigoutti)e$r.”nangzvnmofljaflgit-z it ) vfromA»a%mz‘ pmon ;fmo‘mn Aoz"u1Im1oimI, fm;n3zx~n2 Imam ,:_iu time lliattttfiAA‘itI;;.:Vi111Jil$1;:;tl}z%altagtr 4 nf zn1ot:e4i5t17u&en4 h?‘*tf3€;’33‘.m3nyin‘Iwtsim 3I:uDgz1uentA%%ann fiIonfcien%ce;% which I]9m.%13Ba3IytD fl"C'—’ :fogm;. ifi .(aIIDt?b£13 malt i3c)4A{‘efc%4Iifzemi£2to111153 mm « ;mot’t u1mzafpnab1z..it ‘mere swat‘ mm Qfiitatefi. pzupm A fing foamtetigtng ms c1;g<11‘5t;‘irta&,V%thal; flwivbjumuin ha Abouni1toA~taIzz no anbfce,T1rni)izmcn»wit mm: fit t%apaflm. §)llt,f:;l?fl11t;"Atf}0fB than tgixattsin pgogmfeit. xm +fi;3att%’veh‘w A an tl;ef%ai%tl;i1itg5 mmci; are tvufiwmhelly to €313 «W the ILmn%A, '4 tIz; =am£n‘;aV£ann1mt1tg no maze ,an1raE;ou°nceI!‘t13tn!tm“5*&a§u;:e or tlgzflma finzflt veqmxzzz , am)? at‘ na~££ouv£mg%4 ‘m L mhomAAwt pleats, of migat eamtpizaflg, Aaur 1nfn2;m“mg Labmc‘ mars V her£ffffl11iflQs~%.1i|t7% 1whant¢?£%35fitt39f8Af111? ,%%”BIIfI1tI,fi,:A~i3fi M by tnzlI;w;hi.¢ to? Efnfugsigm a‘tID;fi;1btf§3"flI$5 m fame paw ;twx;Iav, tlanugu i31;(~tI17 £12ua%mea,ry%%aEb marina o~;4:weac ;%%f2tI@¢n1mv8I1%;A , % .a1: any maze tum Ewe (arm cimnac mm A ,Q1Jziiti1z54A ma124noc%ma?Bkettmm fan em; tn be uf tut ‘ nAnoc:% t;zf1z:Vm:%%%1z1t:u;,t mutt: (ca: - WI‘ fibfaluttlte f”IIH°fi }f/fltfw 0f Aa7‘?°Hit:IflD0~It1‘fc‘wi?!JI¢11ifli== an Ainztbg giumcmtua _am1:% @.3ppzuz*e.*i1CfeD¢~:‘ miznfanfi mm? {as Bifllltfi. AA XI1€l3t]s”tim0'v A zyionahiz %Iegaiw Z18 :?I12q3t;»uu%t;,.ma’n ;. omufi @111: mi; 912 Manama «I65. ‘Mn auunmanmmb manta 4113 omA mnafiWen.i;.:tome£em::".t1;em: :fl£tz:t=»4,Mlv% m?:;g._;#gf§, 6Fazt%BWfr@m* Crffinrnfimhécmifimmfiamt» at?I2%er= V WW2 Vm1”QDmfla;ifi;a an Wngnonra :~mn!91*cif;i§£a12e .12munfzfirhe5:mt1I:%~nfit ’Bf%et¥$3*toAi;iafit ” flwwfn") !*ut:@r:m3-.. “ V111? ALLODD?-§ {B313 :33} ‘ AH: H1111‘ mm:Vomp ifopti [min A5335; ;:?:,m: g$ua_,mg {m.19¢'g;19 ~+1I9e~i;ame no omm: gnteminn meu.§:¢o :~Ic)i;tnm:~%tbe;:4ema “Hf *tWetW@fi W0“? %WiI1% mnumZmmbieV%"tn;ems ijmfimfifiififi J ;M*£?~8’%fi!$0¢II%.1_’&M£gt7»e%tn¢e:o A b;enifaum'en‘A;b“ig: v*Enzve%~fa@£t%fam-ant %%1sImma%urme . : §aun1fl;mgmg;«g§5;§3.g fmmme rim: . ~»i2.1j~ui:wfi» ‘ 1 , {gen reefer: to expect your pgetenc times, em: the me >~ creme of palm future tettftei. ‘ we fuppofe were Ezlttanflfi be tigie time to amaeee feta; as we wemanbeve cannet he fuppnfebato wee em» fact; real! feat of we as new heenierzg mecenne en, they are me much m the m2ie,notoneI12 nfequeie, but of cfliouqueeomze, em aeeleittie to he intetmen, fag A removing of gleeloufiee (the meme em: wee ere fetne Cate eeeen, anfltijat £5 not; ae wercbaretfi a£5RAat- fiitittnmzig mozewen wee 11011! taf:e,e but am matinee‘ celifmvto efiect: it which (if tbey be) 030:: help me We: iatngeuotm armtbofemiyo are tn the harms of A IWJA fievfone ax iliilofe Slealoufies nfitbing elfe mil! - eemcmeu ivbicb tnneen teruciaatvae, as trmeve be» ing niflereuceee ann fuite between two petmzte are romreof eeneinouluiaahe freonntbee otI9evfehera§II;egte* celierof igifiaucientibann;.eiJee11)ouID pzopofe to mm by map of flccnmmoneti::m,tI;et e mouth quiceeto him 3 autvnfeinequeitiott, tvitljtiyenze afigie oEl1ate,eetI;e;e molt eueceffaiw atmeffectueit A memzeeto remobe aII% more fuitfi any nifferemzee. griucme can eon tqmtte: W rtefl’e,e.tI9ataee fa: e1>me%fuhJecce£eee were ifitgigtfi» are beiten in 2315, to fog tDBi17fafi25aa5'in9]E as fozvmuve own, we are refoinen apt to qmmyem , no; to_£u1e=~.e A next, (tljougilinuagqemrlgemeutewmee) tigeanctente equal! 5 I3apm_r;1nejlI~;2uzfen, arm ueieez:-ermugl; cemee V 4 mennee cltonttttutmn of tiye» cfiobernmentee of tigta: ~ imngnom; nozto make ®uv%eIfof ee-;m’ngAofEng~e 1and&5%uReoef%Venice, annetigie efailifngnom e" 13ee%— V puebiialte. where beitifi tbeee M11385 qfwohemment amengit A menefibfoiutewonerctmamflecpecg arm @en}om:a==e _ ' cg», anhflfltiaefe Dafitfifi flaerempettwuiav mnbemences ~ ‘ V A V 2, A we M <18; an%:& in.cwfi21:i@mm5;*_ my e;cp%em£m;»ce anamimomog yum: finczfiazfé mm in ‘!fl9fli»33£fi’fl)L§;flE um nuzmagg V :j¢i’Efi;efz 5 as2og1Lm:tw@iutrof ®em‘feIl;tn ¢ %eah’£f2& %m:Iow$ at: a %ca»t:‘eAfm%t~I§2 may M I»iv3;,e%fiea1t%fi?t:: @?1”;»e%gm:it;aV wezmesacxviwgimrey, am; V‘ A V nfzmm we %{wm» 6I3e~:»®m§age,au§A€%IW¥ E 1:. mimu 11,:mrcwegm>a».% A 3iEt3%€*;fiIP5 ¥3I%I§W«flW 4as£%raf£o1% aw, arm? &,i§0*%1feo~f»0'mm» _ (um ‘gm ¢j 1;.recti~o;:g:;* aq;t§1;az;za,4 fignefit mi cietaflic-afiintafia Um % w t~n;;:L;rg«vem:%rre.t[.‘[_ wr3~fit@2émw fi;i&fmearAz% . - . « C19) WW5 Wimp mt; amh»¢ be ntuamn» ms mefenmz ts I’ 13» W i3i;WI:iI*0z?¢e% , 7 :éVuhjae~ctm§u cm; 1;; ' " A 53$‘: We Eteiifiimy cwmtenm to 211>h1% iajfirviiiw Wéiil veW2i2&ie;§»A, ta t’%rrmmnau»t~a%Baa mm E*»ct;%a_1R;‘a£;amcaa I mac €138%3En1~eerflfi<»1?*11oe 1mBa~u£z« mm‘ tam VBFPEEWW mm? 130 4 mg: time fz; me am he W194 w—,mm%* tnmuiz ; omawhtiauei Wflfiw 50%: W W N5 we; 4 A JAvannmtcw am usammmm M02’ , *N1am m <39-n:tmrmmm’dt,“% nw4 arm Itcmciaufifi V v 1. , §’ 9 § 3 8‘ g E 3 3 $3. 8:. §I‘ 11: me am 05 %3nam:< ; ’ fiE“f1emmroaitv>% tn mu: , A ‘. ganmng Iifi: €m:,fma7m aim of %ewce~‘ £11919; 1J%‘[fQ2«,fl9£.t'1?' an tz‘c:t:.,, an Dyttm. otectwmA§ of ‘ miatrwgtbgn 'mm»bmfiun_DAs mV4wnm?fefimm,4 3 Ia my anvamnz my aunuscacmg5 »\ : “W Am‘”“‘~”fi‘ “WOW” firm 1312 H with %¢mm«~ vlemetvata mm aumattbe cn§mu:e§? ¥W3r:mw o‘EVMflJ;£B+4 £I1"~,2 bet2tweWb¢h’ngw%m1m “*=hW0flD fifixamplw 0f.a11g of 1m I 9 4'!!~ 4:9 5 @ *(‘ y P7 % m as "3 *3 <9 53 5 Q’ '§ «I? § § 5 § Q’ 3 E be +»toA saw it 3@amii+aan¢ut~4eMg L E WWDV] “W »”!“fi 49%V%$ A % =+ f:_IJMI}!z"‘ puma: , are an WW1 43 ‘<®WW finDV“mhv*4hetmecm ffs’-1133 e A 4 A '(2@). VA. T t e 1’en~texigeut,ti;e better to mete fionee, ants etaoine the pzemtte (“aw ietfe gttefioueeto Z1115 then them) $1:-rt meme mufi have i'u*&'€E£'I.“!‘3$§7 a Integer toutmuantet of to heft a cwatge ee We geeet Qttm’ee,,ann fog ttyett. gteatet tettamte at tyemteg fetfitttetet tune to teznenpx we intot}iatent’ettte?e5 ettfese netting to tong an ebtente of 1B&1?I%EImEI’£€§a&flfl~ fog tee puntttmentnt ttje draw fete arm fltattetaete efteem , fwe Aeeemen up Qtwae ifltgiatuf ntfifeiiatztg (31315 f fiatleament, etpetttmatte, extra zninete e xttonetetteu team it me gtatttune_fozfo. an xmnplen a®;::a‘te;Aane Itttfeieeeetttg that am; Ma-~e 1lignantParti.e“fi3flUli3 bafieeeeet ezetettragen 0; matte?)- tn 1;;a~he’;7eefeeai2ep't13e;et , fitfl tea touttteaeaute tfgegins juftttee arm gjttmgntttee we babe ettmtten , arm tiger: *1 isganetu way A ot‘%att'efactt'nu fez mI;attm.eAeA taisent A ftommst ,*to Dematm {of meat once to eronfitmmtmf ineetotahen, man to giheupaimofi alttlge tett, , . %ltICe]Z‘I3lZIZEt'D._21'r:l3?IJ’8 $011121; ‘negaflg placenta both J A ilaoufes eta: maze teen tufitttent to A pzebem: annrea Ittaiu the poinetofmgaune; ann1nitbout‘ti;e power 4 mbtei; £5 new aefien tmmalalfi‘ eee fbaii not be able to ntttbatge teat emit matte ie the entmf %0i.'E'at7Cin_7,‘ n time this month bee total! %uhtoet£iou ot,tI;;e£i:erxatA beguenteil lam, ’m1Ilti)at“B17c2IIEtI't tlrettltttuttoneofie A tigte fitngeomsmnttiaigatiye mane thee flatten to max up were "heel; dfemone am: i;appp,tpa_gteet.negtee,V otetmate’;finteto‘ttyeptmaet efyt nta3eng(1ee11tti)te « A eteeane K132170111? mane attozntng to mm) tt tee epemetofwzefeettng be men, we wait i3a»hIZ'IIIJtI3It’*t eeft tee me; mttttetianfiom time the tnttoatetngent sue et.t11ee7e wfieitefiuponttgepnmet of tt)etotI;ee ta. untyaeeee at we efietts both to tlgem emu alt tee teitge A efittce mete ee'metofAetmeott¢tjognt wtmetnnnentftnz A flag ' ::%<éx> A memitb fiue dteuencefieeeeéezeetbetemeteemzesresse V _ eex1e)me’iieeree$uret we to we iweieft iiemee of QIBe*ne;*iee;, arm neeemeemee enefpeeeehie new at 5U’%_m’9 smeeeemeee ‘e, e ewe-ehegeceeeemee;fieeeime am %e ’ fiMac'fltfi‘B*._tU.'pfihflEBB ieaeepeaeefie as ee)heeme*z V ec1;efe.l14 ewe tiae _,i9;_;eeeeei'ee. wee emefe them,» we we pee: eJpt6,WJ0,ei;ufeéee19e flfimieee sefmee efaneie a see unpezeheeeee eateeeeeeeeyetfiezge who were new hem. ‘totteeanbheget neeoneiememeue mteeng etiyeemxwe ~entiezte~(ee eese ‘<1 W mfiie. " equates but in were eeneempeefeweei ese become. and _ e . eauaflte meme mm fimifeienee e1ee*35eje¢m'ceetoeeaee5e @1117 peome, we more in mum eiyeiv inferioge,e.1nm;'ci1« mm he the znnze geieheuee uutotigem, are fuffeeing; item there miyomeee foeletewef ae neeeeveemee to ft:1]2lI‘t1"eIiJB§e$e aueehezng teeigane; gtengeiifee onelepefronn there. that eplaeee tigettla ant: fearing they may he i115? ~ eiinens to; pgeferbee mum: ‘weteilaiaeemainee, bode out at‘; Isinnenelre em: peIicie;,e1't’m7e eiieegeeat cbanggg. axe J epteeamip in~conbem’enc, arttbealnmft infailibiy beget: 4 . ?E.t1gt£5fBt'.dEf).ang,.E§> hihtcij beget petgeeecev awake . I eermenieneteee; . %t'em:e%ae Qeeac arn~:oneitI' atijureiymxttf foI1?:ain= tbie offtlye imingbuma %ince mete eonmitete mouth“: . £11 31’I‘1J}flh3ehifiC}2,fflIIiJh;l the giffateof we fil3fi5‘R11i’J~1J1_9e fame ef the fame turbulent fpieite.g1eaIoufie.s meme V % A be teen“ eeeifeh:aga;ein£t them , am: we Itffie ieznpnfitis $6115 fee A veeeneiltewion ofi Mffeeetteee .tmuIehe»tI;eni J ff3.!1€€0tfJem.ee tbeemm bate ‘IWIIED .t~ufene to 2:145, all (aii%nin.er i3eirnghef£eneine:t1J8 {Beware eaf,«m:am=: mormeijee theft gmmbeee memittg wesueincapebleef emnfaettnge fiffexteof fitate tutti; ci;e.eneee:£fm:p éveee 4 erecfe'eeun~egpenitien tilufee heir: eecruflen to fame‘ W $1073-‘E0mmtC$€9.e)e,3tmafl33‘¢0m1W0WW°13I9Cmbfleénl 1 a.mm%‘§?¢ A :i:s2%;up A ye + I$mICE11tw§%VV."i"£v ‘ time i$’t7I??:£{flfJ,E _~bfia»tee;ve»‘,( up mm % ‘mafia %g:th2n:«m:a1i$betvmtmwumo xs;m.,:m . ‘ % _ % w .. . ‘ .. . A 1% flfmflflm «hm-perxm, :i’@Qt?r”£”ié{1l$@I”3 r::m3g’i?ne‘a;e>:»:taefiamfmbs me: am: mu mg. m1ftV%nqtV«f‘mn2vmaém:dmf%»em:g;mE mm:tez4§~muzi%,,a1;B‘.£gtrup$‘foz?tt9 A A A« t :4 ail:%a1:;B2 “ L ti 1% zawtumma % m, 6 % 1% - ‘by fit ,5-:2 a.p.:a§’£ * aw A Anny miiiii V ifomgin ‘of %:m‘mmment Venn. gm za ?m1:a%eqmiI A “Chaos ¢+€Enn€r;tEiovn,artA vsfityeiiong £l*t’7Pli’>~EWm8s1I¥j}2 _% seftm ia :Jadk%;Cad%e»,¢:ofz$?a7Wwt Tyler. 4 ,, ‘ y w ‘ ‘ ~4*§jFng%ia;1IftI3efe aaeasffius to if “ t'tt)e‘fe fnmgmfifi :®1,t*: Angliae "V mm be :*%a¢s awful! «of mafeMr‘éA «m:at@$%1a;»eA?fiJat;z“s3n¢tté$é£uwaten*»to:mmmtne. Mr» 4 x Q’ it ; rfiezgsinzseen m%se~.s;1‘2«afe«£fz%to i:1wmw2,%A was stiye 4 + «V:1,;=:::fVwma*£ani at’ E33499 1L»mmA:»co’nw$In;e§» film. mote Mi?" mi3L2%n;ie;am Being II_Q.1;fEGltt'£ , -tDI)£II_tI)fl’fE0“f ‘:;}J$v£5‘§£EG€£1'S'33fi"E ~ V 3 z4fg4aIamt 鑧t.7»""~ .- w »« $%*;s2ts,~as~9WifiA¢~¢fi ‘V ‘A "a ; t1zg A mkwniyf mjuneb in A 2191;: 3% ;smwmmm¢; L A gf %i_p$e5 %w132i1?‘I ml mint rt mama; V is ‘fa 1" M “J? W‘; “nir- .. fiwtwvmhz‘ % ‘T tna*%t~¢w2m gmt.%“% »« _ T‘ -1!‘ V v v I ‘ ‘ a we ‘ * ’ V ‘ . 4 1 .9‘ .. . mm; Vat :3epzmmw~m:$cnua$mfo % \ V we V I Ié%Bé“Ef[j'0}3‘£i’tU£ w fianéfits smm+:a;xe.:cm~.:es% A t 4 run %ea*Iagainftwh9mhoxh , it v . my ’ ‘ . 1; ' ' 4 ( 24¢) ’ fbaremitiyalisiu our nojm: of flbveatiwa .inb’:'cb are mutt impzopzév foggarltamznw emu ieazt tn timfz A rtlfsceaciez in *in?9ici; ~e i9s*ct’»A:t~Imi‘ge»It‘ canc2me,m%, tmtorwlpas a» tiring :b#Au£a5.44a dfatffiits yet am an (kiwi; ism: nefitzto ;gI"h24 ai1r2aAihnaW:f fatissfactjis on D mute you by cnemogn mi a mug; was A rmL%fi3ai%i flBi‘.1E1313§OFDfB'Offitttelifaltifi any fimasv whatfmzmv £024 tba mamage of arm Bf way fi£i;iiD;21I%,:m%itbo1ut hue vegan?!) to we true mamtant ;mftffion¢,we gown E @111: iagnum5;~~afnD the iammur of £Du.v jfazmiy. A ; grog fliifi" 6““' Mnnarm, Cwfin0€m;ingth€Lawes in force: ” A againfc jefuitesg Priefls,"and%P[opifl14Recui"ants;,J_;¢ mgihang by mam} oiwuvfltazuages to 120115 ma mt miumaw pznmife toyou, fofiolzmnlmuane _nen21:~coparnmta1w" mptamztea bvfibuv ftvictmotlatnattoufi Iatew " :sfi,*nz;otI3a “tiflfiffiflttfl Wt? ; , A the Vottzsof Popgfh-“L0rds,®e_ W pLthIii1)eDiu~:;t1;i3 potfntsama by ciyetlilhlimz mamplegs bivhmfe habemavairttbat cafe fifnce Mt iBefiDenceA ?fi€,Y,0rk7,*§£ hefowzeaa@:A A ndonfufficieufiv %,er12zef(en®uv zeal 19etem.Vn9m2 no :pnuact1ma5‘_B Vtijap ya mbxcla £Duv emu Bhtclination bath mebenml 12ou:’ gnu if tau can 122tAflnheaIIv”*4 mags efiectuau : cfltomzfs: ‘ to ‘affable . f1:oni%£tturbi,tIg* ti1);¥3 €‘:>tate,%oze1uAhVingtbe mam 4foz1Vtbe 7*“*%¢ouvzm _~rz, wewaI1VmiIiin3I2(gmwe I V. them 1 befifimmae 4ev»h§.&z::o£;§Be~19p1Ife0f mm» %(Aeei9anA¢n¢Amnejfo ma;svub$Itfi2I2rn&De clam: names to;+afperfz%#t1aem;otz9% Ofitilflt ieoufe» mb%tch:mas tlamcountenaa%aIt%nantAa5 vhofe <. mboare4vaIIED 3 . ‘- ~ , I A newyev use we conciziizz that fuel; .a gpt?;tim Immi matuw; mswoteamf; an2A?w12nf£%hf90P E;W?5:£19¢1fitDat.; rm. 4 A r_:'gi3t, 1'5 to oznom? 1" ?-‘~¢£&t?Jo.!§f, €f)9‘392tbfl€EIo£oBf $33‘ 1 izaonont, "out are ootitmta toot ofo*‘tong oo they foo?! not he pozifozmooio to too EfioitttneiatIBA%@i1:€iplifl90f ‘too (mantel; oE Eng1aod',c13o«2‘fl3oiIrzotooootmtooo to [to oin‘ti13e i9om"ooot7 wooto but onoly to giojo tI;ow;3o.zo):~: too to row ozotofiant 1L;0m5*3§.ti3.,5Y Ibaliclaufza, “moo ovom mwiofo oftoom oo 11;oy.ct3onufo1or:o moi! think fiit,mitooot-onwiofoatonco op auto tigodoibet. 4 A A 4% "Q5 tflmtiifi Dfzfltfifi fog z1i“B_11’l for the Education of the Chfldren of Papifis by Protefltants in the .Prot<-‘franc Profefiion ,111atw ohouto13ocon‘omt'tnoflTo mitt; mo; otoot ooo iaooe ofozo ooiioex'oo__2£Du1: wpinion ,t1;at ofmiao a.L*ourI“o {mo wooohlotfmg upon ito)i1n*ou1n be coco n1o{tVofi‘op.tgrolI fog tljo rooting out of mom “out of toio o iomgoom 4; we {boll tbmfozov monk you fog, it, and encourage pouoin» ic.ono,‘mI;en it cameo 'unto zoo, no ®m: floutio; om: we Igeattiip 1oi113,fo2 ‘ *tt)ooo,bwiio goon, was ctjoocimotoou iyaoo foontrfnmac oooing ’£iD;DiIIa11i7B§ without moo,“ oaoboon imploiszoojo ofpgoporingtoio ono ottzot goon zoillomifozoauo. A V A o fife; £1128‘? tfllifibtltg The R;eformatio1ioo‘be'mfa;de \ iof” thieCh1,irohiGovernmentond Liturgi‘e, zmz1gan1;‘open; fem: robot moo Dab.‘i’03_5_n317i17omilofim-FED; concomingtigo fame, Igoobron to fumctontlg wnozvttooo by you onto A ‘of! goon fiomoctou. tI1otwo£booIo,tIotnoootooooo ”o1:pgofl‘oo §.fi)uv+.‘-'s.~§o1f futchovlln it, woo toloroou in i£ID1;ir fiofmoroto your «ootition ozofontoo micosao t o’;Hamp?mn+c¢:11~:itoo fltfl? DE A @E i£lZl»1’I'DlZ%l3 A, * hot for _anyo‘i1--o *‘le,q211Ih1novations which may have creptin, We ifhould ‘cvililioglyficohcur in the ioi~rem.ovao1l}i?of then_-15 .That ‘if ' 7PorIia;nenit‘”ofhooId iadvifo Us to ..ca1lM (1.1 NationaIlJ Synode, 44 xnoy*'d}.1e1y examine fucho »Ceremonies gs; give juft A V icoufe of ‘Offence to any, i‘ooVVe-fhouldotakeitinfizo Confidem- % 2 V ’ tior-#5,, , % fj *.'2:6_ A,‘ apply S‘a1f,m_‘give due: fatisfaétion thcre»ing, That pgrfwadéd’ «C0_11fCi¢I.3eC¢*:>urVfelves £33 Bimnmm am Aim T how of mum.) ant» - .- A i % saw ;e£1’mtof%.mI9%omm¢A nzqmreu~:; Foiaénaaitners ixmdiffcrem: in ~theirV nature comemi PW ” ligion,%We ou1d”in:t¢ndemefi7e to any number 0 Our~ gmfing; Avery willingly cqnmpl A vs;ith~ the adviceof ‘ rVPar1i:ac+nt,£ that1:%fo1ne« Lawmig 1: be made far; the: _ent, of moPé* men are heltl to be m attzers in- W- \‘ made: and dT¢“MGOd3 VSt:rviceM dif ‘ M -A- ttics; 5% M % _, Of % i Perfqns who Wcré the firfl Labourers %$ A 4 Amman gf tandex Cbnfgietmes- from: LVunifl1~memz or V facémonfow Gézfemoniesa andin fuc% @‘afes,. W%1icI4n%' " b V 4 d}:%f¢mz1t, ¥fomm=o4 beabfolutely un1aWFu11Pr0~ - wideck.“thatithi$.ea;fe flmuld zv¢tt¢mp:tedAawnd1purfu:ed w;vitzh:;% ’ » @de£’ci¢,~:«t€1T*P¢Fa. and‘fubmiffi0I1 9,» that in tha mean” the.?Peace and ofnbc Kingdmn be not diflurb¢.d_-,. (27) defamcd.$* flab 31B2%i;eattiIp win}, that utt;ev51nI)om%%ttw‘ concemetl —, ban mamas twang ( as tyeiv nutpliounni t1)z,zn., Atljough they nan not tecmhen. It: mm was ) to .1;qm purfuzu this mautioa% , a5 %nm mm , any 1:t£'-W are iznmittg any veazqte to nmzz goon enemy‘ ’ patttcutagf of t1}a.t.%2n;:n1fe.~ 5302 me we onely“ appAea;tm1:iling to jam in to goals a Imam , imhentt mouth .beA ¢V13;—oun;x,E;t: mm , but A mutt am: amen you W tVu;;ic by £0111: Qibzfia 2 of tmfourcemtly of dfehguatfy in tigefé maghg ,, ‘ And.’ ccauf’etHis%Majeftie obfervcs greats. V différcnt -troubles m arifein the hearts His P~eop1a; _* “ concerning the Government and Lit1.irg.ie of theChurch,',; His; Maje£tie4 willing to dcclare. , He will refer théwholc confidfirsuaion to Vthe wifdom of A His Parlia--‘ A % men; , which He~{defircs them to»enter into 5; ,tha*"t: % aha’ prefwt diflzra-Ekions about the: fame mam hm c0m190*4 fed .: but defirts not to be preffed to.‘ fingIe* A&' oi1I'fis ‘A ‘till the whole be fo cIigefted,Va'.nd'fct:lcd‘% bot«Ii:Ho.u:-a fes, that His Ma jefiie may clmly {me whatvis ~fit§w ha1efi.',:' as_w.e11%as;4whati3 fit to be rakmawmy; wt mmclg 1193 the mags haven of agifumfie m metal! tiafacttmyof my file. inzmurfz wmintnifi qazopofwmn to Balm but a: Ref0xrpati0n,a1th¢.fl0t(£wi§w ‘. mm meacngn rm mcegraw m cpore many: «mom-. nmttctw mhywh mm tmctam ti;ef¢nmcte_cu mnmztlaa. % 11 an to cm, a~nnwm19tcb,tbnugt3:tmir« Jbeamzw m7 .21: from you in wig opinimt, 1zeta;pp¢av. to trtanw “ as;c%ountenanceI;,m2 gnaw, by not being {(13211 ‘by you, A (few cite; by mafmn offi1)e_w®72nm:¢of‘ em iaoufe of “ A cmommutmiof 1511295: ‘nf %®pta1ubev;}.»batingtn 4 no it) “ A a be1truv;tion»oftI;:zpz~efent» irciptine ant Ibitmtgie. A % A A 9 affifhncey €017;r~.a;ifing <‘-if W »4M5¢n¥VIn3511t¢nance prea:ehing‘.4Miniftm5. A (28) 4 M _ in fuel; scum afi flarmbz mutt ffiz the encom:ag2ntent~ mm amhawcementnfwietgvazm Ibeaxznmg. A % ‘V 4 I gfftag the lfiiiifi yo Lt mutton, am we ctosxmltatiori 4 you intimam hammittgi Ttmtiaing of % we particutat smattzrfiof me one (thong!) we like the fiflitsies mm) Y ms; sf we mmmev nizj tug other: 1 but mam atf‘I*$I1f!3;'—' mm: (69 whom fi@e%gzbeItttIemmt ., am’: we mm; no um: um znnge) atammon fame, we can fmrnotijizug 1 2:11: we fee tuvzan. % “fin: the 7111*" we moth not I3i1‘i39f$}£ 0athofa=I’=l Privy ACounc:.e11ors and Judges fi1:a..étneB cg —~ papci‘gu[ag; éisvtatutes of one mg tmn particulaat $m:Itament5, hut: menu to ailétatutea of a1I~;9arIta1mt1t«5 -.. ant: the % " mi}o1eIL?a~nf tI;2“fl;ann arm tbaihniilmgip cbttfzttt that an énquiirieof' all the breaches \4\ and A :violat':ions Vofthe Law rn:iyBegiven~incha.rge“by t':hCJ11fl?iC€3S of the Kings E’ench%i”every'Terme , wandby the Judges .,of Aflize in their Circuitfs , 21-nd]uffices,5’ofP¢aceatvthe Sefiions to be ppm-~ fenfed “La-ndVpur1ifl1ed accf0rdingtoflLaw; A ._ f %. 1 :.1 7,: » H gfo; the, x%7='*, imflgall ever: be moi11teaiw..»~(:anh.11@e are tom tt mouth he thought neenfuii to mom was to it‘) not onewto jopn mm; am; A ( partinuiarlp with the statesofthe un_ireé1Proxr'inc‘ejs~,- of miaicb we hahzgimn a Iatepgoofin the 9IBatrw of wax: Em-ughtet) for the defence and maintenance ofProtefl:ant Re1igion,againfi;a1?l V defignesand attemptsof the Pope and his Vadhereriflts, but fingvg (if neat: matey) 119 “nppofz mitt) £D,uttV life arm fogs tum zall filch Defignes mm ¢R110t1J2t aIY*2atIun%;mcreVtfiep ‘japnen Q1111 tiyanfogcfiiottfioemtionfiof %<1Ion¢fc%i:ance. fax llimfi fljfifi amgtempogafl Bflhéofts: Obtaining Aaccefié of { f7c1‘é"(-_-ngth~ and reputation, .0; aflp natuta1lenbAofrefiori11g ' QurK“oya111;-Sifier jand =11erVPrincelyIfli1e:#1:o thcirfDi~gnifies 1 gmmgmipions, tIJoug1J:tI;efe hzliizemtfa Tmupty wart-: t3w;:rcei1b§3ZWfi£i. ugifoz ( 9) . gift»; the 18”‘-‘ gxcmasnécmur: fault, mat an“ Sm roaz flfltpflfl-ED to’ cleerthe Lord A4ICyméoZtag¢L, A and Athfi, I «five Membersqof the Houfe~ofgCo1nn1onsM,}J11t% mum, mbnizuferten may cfliiaufwinto toti; cm fiézhasmiqfie arm ¥1::t%( periyapfi perfmaiazb ms ~13? fmmz who mm; not tigat you fhoulfl in any tljingmzeibz ffitififa ctimt l’mmA 11113 ’) as 1J$213&lTil1g the fizeanthie 198 1,1111% Ijah-2 .mouniJeIJ®ut 19013011213 ;'agat’nIt £9111: €lIDtIf.9It2tI|2I?«, astm by anumec «mute I)ah2%~amnv£ttazn a dtnnfeattmce, Stem mmcia we couln nteiaet babe been:fecuten,VA"b‘pA Beciating, That no Memberyof; cither I-Io1ife,¢upon any Accufation ofTreafon, could have his Perfon feized with- out t‘h© >;Co1f1fenn0f that H0ufe_,4 of Which he is 21 I\_/Iember, tI;o1;tg~i) the Bnmmn4‘1Lam be, -Thac Priviledge of Pap- liamezjn: extends not to Trea.fon,.aflD{ if it Bill, any fllfiem?-,= her (@112 iaoufebcing £9; a amt time atnjoumen, aim fo«tI;eI1,c<1for1fentnot hang ro1)an)I;om%.treafnnabIe‘ for chat I315 glntentfonsinevedgnm calmly; foam imomn, an}: Mm fuianenlg ~,fogmr%to~ he Aimcutem 111.31% have fan: {cane given bun % to go an ant: purine them; no Away, iamaa "n,ega1I— roszbm: ,‘% after the pafliml. Tupi) it Iaufz,beingVIg;ft toVpzebent»it.. V V @750 cmtciuiw .. 1‘@e;dEo1tjure-19e—ua:nD‘ .aII%gzn*to tea Atagmenv yntmttye mum gs mu w;or¢aio;:g.. any 1:192 iflealuty mt‘ ®ut€3&ntenttVon5; notto atfswfucig. ‘txmngg az mznp mentfelhessa what poumzclare as gaintt fiwnzuttfi .. am: putting the fllIt‘1]DIII723;- flvbat you allow am was mopztetp in 913111: '<1I:omrt§«,V fitma am: d5ooD§3.%a11nwuvfiigaixe in the Ibegifs Iatibzv women, which'm01tIMJ€Q£0m1t‘2Difl 511$-."l‘£_Dt‘“ anew mean!) of mibilengzs’ but mipganny mm %u’U-.= berfion ofwa1cIimnent5 to hem; to you : gnu when you that! have given ms fatizfact-ion upon them: 4 ~ fierfenfig-»; jerfotxg mtjo ha when axmflfi the mm, ant: tram» iznmofe mcmvamm (;1m?t_t£I1I£%‘tfi}2 that of we ‘ :5 H "% of -May) arm ttyofc m we pnmt at cm Milim, (ms iuit a3igf)t§7,mI;etei:t we iii mm mm, pm mm cmn? with war mama, left rm taxable swam by mam tn % tam that mwmbzm mouth tam may ti;e.~~a¢% theta arm: ueelinzn we beginnmgs nf at naax agaimt aw , utmgt pzetmua at m: gmcmtion at making mm agamfl mu as 2 have nn:1aewppofeb%c1:}e mt Amvcof we we 4 % B», to We {ball he 1:eanp’tocow mt: mt€q»m4tI:m iattmq. W firm iwemrrgcigenx confluent the manic at tzlyafe “wart, ‘mm weave at _g¢fl€t!aII=~@fl‘l§TlJ1tIIf¥0m new be to eaBm_I};mttB gun, that they was not be able t ho was magnum any man batm , my that! he mating to grant mm: getmzail watnon , mm fucbudexceptta ~*nnfi afi mall he timugmz fit .. mm mm receme tmwly V maze 30:2 in ma gape of a full ant: cpnfitam: iaavpinetfa mt mutmopiemtbe Mmeiaeligtm, armunnev the mocecuon or 2 mm, by a hleifen wanton betmem was am @113; rm filament (to much nefirm by 11113) Men in any (ad; inmate of smut wmn aaerncnut (in much ram: vegan fogmmt wmntg ) as ( when ~®ut;§u‘bi.ects mm njwraitbfett) «mus; mrliammt % , r ‘ ‘ ,;. ‘ N ‘ ' M, " -" 4. ‘c t‘ .‘ “ ‘ ‘ " “ ‘V g. “ “ ‘ ‘ , ' '~ ’ , “ “ ‘ 1‘ 3,’ X , ‘ ‘ A . r N .. .