¢%%@%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% C, I S M A E .3 TIE s ~ To aI“lHis loving S p B E c T s, %%%’ DECLARATION Occafioncd by a falfcancl fca11dalousIm~ putation laid upon HisVMaje.fiie 5 of an Inten- tion of Raifing Q1: againfi “ His Parliament A ,' arid of ; xaifed F owe to Vt11at%end.. je es r ther vvith; A A V Counavell them prefém: of fl1eA‘Lordéat1d7:dr H '_ L‘ dif5W9%WflnY A *%M w» L®NDON: Printed by R o 3 n n -r B A R K n 3., Print-crto the Kings morfi Excellcm Majefiic: And b the Affignc-:5 ofjo H N BILL. %%%%%% MDCXLII. %%%%%%%$%; %¢%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% ‘E um ~a . ‘ w J. aatataette aa t 2 A ea@ea@ee:@a:at@%amva2aa»a@maeaa** -ya wwatwmmva atwwawwwmlwmwwawawawwwww Ar Majeflies Declaration to all His loving ‘S jcétshoccafioetucd by a Falfe 8; fcand,aI%ous"Impu.€ tationlaid upon His Majcflic of anlntcntion of raifing or lcavying War agaienfil-fits ParIia- mcnt,ancI of having taifcd Force to that end-at Pl.1b1ia%Cd at His Court at Ten? , the 16. day t \ hofjune. I 64.2.» A A4 J ; Ihough we habethete {aft febett . at swaouetha met with to many fete-= 5 . tall afintounteta of mange aua ;_l ’ -.,f’; :,'4f;r,', 21,} Z: J ’é _ A é _ ‘ é \ a’;’a?e;,/ ; ahamea of both s1Duti9ourea of . ‘I M ~ V ghatlifimefltatbatilfie Ihouimmthe at any new 2om*gt'e of that hinne; mm though their; [aft of t e 26.,of V fltaag, gahe tag a fair; watmng , that the crontttbera of tt, habmg {pent all their %totB of bittet aunt tepzoathfutl flan: guage upon;m,a , we mete toexpett they 113191110 nova meat: out mto foateholo" anninllotzail gttmua *agam1t,u!sa; ann_habmg by that %etIatatwn (ags fat aa In them hea) Iteheitenazzaa of that pzeeme mute ant authogitg, which chub , the 11331:», “the _ te m znata,amJ affumen itto themfelhefis that they mourn <1L'1t£tome“aun<1ronfent of thia. fiiationhan liaemife with etpenition put fozth the Ethics of that Iupzeam gmmet , ft; the violating am) fuppzefiftnge a 2 was —-, tmu1'uaII%etIatationa, when the ...C2> &t7:tfl; at gas} 1»-“ i ‘ a :2 ¢_!:§§qnmttue‘vna1gVp);emmes%£DzBinance fag. A we Ixdalma , arm the Apumfiamfi 0f we fizfisclatmem *a~ppcém§to1;_m) W«1ret~m4z:muficonEefi'c:.' ,i11”t'I]87.it.Iafl A A Ifgmafi 95%, tlaelaa we Rm3m,t1)eymay 4&hI[g¢uns£-M-tzmzfimafent yam 011$-;D0i'£f!:Efi&€ W); fiiahé; out«E%am_ mm: at cam=2fib;24_ mm tfi£!.;1?%Qgefenwgxkmxwiian 2%::m ;B3$$€fi£%;1B1;%}£&£§ of I mapoftftiofifi mama flztmfi 2:”; ¢hzizagmg an M“ wry A may 03» %i&‘-E£_'~; W i”"W%* fa. %i3%iz»2fe:I%tert, mm Qzmna faztbe pggfzrnatia-uni Ame amhifiie fizace, ng fog we neferxceof tigeim’-rig, , “am b¢ct1)i9o%uf25 of :a@aAmi:@» 11$ (Amy fifi1t@ez'.t ‘warm * % it Hf’ ‘ V mvely h;$teena, a mm M % *3 (&£A!mfl JWB minfetfi t ' 4 ,:; 5; EIJMLED .% T "' 1A Thfi we we we tfzsccizom tn fenucwamam , ” % mm, amuse % ~ 2 ‘A amg‘am meqtgn 1% an;afieet%%as*mh%te fifiefrzv i w°fimm$= nmvme emrmzim mm mama as ‘;ti3*m"e. who are nntogizmfip hmwn, am at? me my hozmuv of tbzfv vzoaceeaiztgfi comma ’ . in M '$U$mfeIhe»fi , 021312 time iaiu an Maw when fc'~mm teem any tigetx munfelig. A . Wbtififitbfiififiearfi ant: ‘3jBai0lE£f13fii!iD‘&1:i7ifE, ca; h*'mmfUf%Df1If0 W Wflpfe fmm Dimming M ti};-2. game“ mlrelflflds Bf mtpmz at Rcmirzerdam ,“ gf fl;;2£5€§ fmm Den1néark, France mg: Spa§m( gf ‘\ M, ham amt m'ntmiom5 ioebgv wax mz:*ame mt‘ %t*&t’;-11;, tzyacnun a~pma.wm:ow an mm ant: fzwnmmg ggn‘), tag r§o+mm.wm¢ , if tug eafinefietoMeceiimA, a4t%zx4t“&;z‘; itgtigrgnefie to ha zmmw my p;em;'1:% gm may 0* % 1%‘ mwgjfi L%uEj£fl$fi,~, ¢am1zghzVw&wi;z%aw KW» 111613 mi? Ow mt fee. mt macaw ftnm fliaufefia iecvinvuty c‘tm*i*n’ not mwm’ta%nn: wmV m T tmI1Ita%ecia;3:e4waittrI1emmtn%., mm; (meg ;ig~;m~m ta 111&~fW; again 121: gm Tia} V iimtiivomvmmt team azmggfi 1WP0€t€D't0VAmfi,%Aarm m%mehew mm M fiaxiiw; mmffi) mamas efimhe afiteamx begun a?gg:m;W fiflffififitfi *1F026e5A mm *u’£V.i%;z£e~ mm grfwaz qmmm: W WW‘ 56 w,iW1%*nI&1wz:§mi:sr:n¢e~m Mma~imwV (Warn €024 tug fe~sum7w of W’ own mrfuzt ._,_ in new aijifiemmnnat Hu11,mmwgWm;g mm wt 011% Wfuii autmmw, swam we~f@:ezTg13a %mggA5;,% IIUUEI @111‘: $801115 Fe ,5‘ mafia ‘my 1;’ A A 4A .,, flanhing, 1311 t€IIing;tl3e’m, :,s:~a::ga;m $1321?» feewmrenot inning; mm: timmfug that» may all imam uc~ » @oW%[of Hulw at! time miaoare any Imauen€5aE3m1*0115> annm mam .aIIcvoIeV Iiuaucnm who attest?! or! W». oz e'1:ecuc>n mun . W55“ <6) “ A F that 2 ttutfjfania 135593 “H1199 Qtfifififélfi to 3: mun fzwant-.. aunts he a Eeltity M qw3"n(;; Vgtflifl (30 139 mzvmes TB Cflflfifittihifi, A came amibsz was Vnamén attéfibamuaifi aa,%§,%3gu1n igajgz mam p0'mWa awn 4 nag ngarum f3%i“:1gc‘ga;0:%‘§Ii:fi?n?ann in ivbcfffi mefence¢ wt fbolflfl miferaibl argue; tmn iuhefoiation it felf» bz.£gJ§§t cm: renic%u*5~®0Im’,btrs anti fiommteris nF‘cbtaA~%canD umm Wéfiawii W3¢L 5W% % 13anz+Liaav) A ~wm%te "?“1°?%%3¥* mien: of em: 02 both Eoufwa to W33? WU @ == mg, arm tam: cum vffaw anhwefiwgeggagjfig L §‘ #5 3; {'3 3 .9. 1"} mz%g%.tyahz* Iatszlp ta1o1w,4fa@ ‘SW, -“u -. gar. M33194 % Rub fiamrta Eflgiands " Wiff mm» am *£”eim15Aa4%%flD_W%Wh?A‘“ 4 mm-:A «mmmnw am: are : mm; mttnaumwj, mewI97 atte:% am W Wyfufim 93.115 , “ ’\“:;. mmmanfi mniieitow #1 c*€aWWBw um:t% W _ . ‘ V‘ ‘ , w‘ W " , ‘ ‘ .,, ,4 ' ‘pr ‘.‘- ‘ ‘ ‘ E \ “. , I H A W ‘ ‘ "“ ‘ “F ‘ 3, mm V «M n ea‘ - ‘ ‘ 4 ‘Q .« ,, .5 ‘ ‘ ‘ .2 , ,, ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ J, ‘ tk “ V‘ 1. 1; ix: .. "" rl ~ ~ .*~- «~- ‘ V . (7) o11ew:o.b”emnu in tn bini1vomn.%one@ to ~miMo», mm W urwnnev mat: we in t$mpE~ fit; ‘~ f _ ®l11130’rDn«~3%_D7iIJEl78rIi) naming )‘ 4191519 :1t+ A than time mm the gteatefl ciroutt, am: cm» AE17f.%£tfDt1~Di)€3ip,EIfl3l0ftI0Gfifiifiiatiflfl.% “ e .AW§11o.thofes nfible Mon am of the A%pu'b1ik@j ”Ca«= léunities, of the %Vio1a"tions ofthe-iPrivi1edgas of ar- rliament-4, ‘ and the Common Liberty of the Subjeéh Who % have been ~ %ba.fHed- and injuzred y% Maligiaam: Men, and ACava1ie1*s =abom: Us we aagmxop ‘give; Run if more arabaliew we to much; w «~ we .fBF.:’3 of man awnan,V:anbfn;maB1r?=tia % nomntttail mamm: pf arm » xwbligatzion mmcimes uppu M as ' £5 metznnzn, wohemmenc mtgttat to be . maze efiemueb, mm!) ham {sent tigemafvmn 40mm In is nfnntuc19rasmw2IgzeAbe an newton mute to cmnplain nfampznyéuxtz 5 m of any nammage Am Liam: begm , my any mm; 19861) ofieszn%1)w,fcwwc t« an «ow .h wig mnfi’nmb, sf mzsitomzrmeitfi A of M 3. ” ., ._ I J . Afitinnfianm 2:21:54 been fmfiibw % Kltnntctmcaa 42,accmmngto Wwm A porenV%tm:1;em%?mg um, um maple, 4 "?¢beif¢ m33fl%“9[13erata[%amn %£en«mmws.An4 % 5* ~ * ~ nu:t,babz rumba 4£enfeA.;mmV.%A » ~ ~ * pf tmmmmt mwm~v«.. ‘ 7‘ , .pmnIcmme§ iuwm, agneaxw a ( mien 1J¢%a;ngev.%4mi)a»ci)AJ:I;z- »«*'—$t13t5 x;i)yzAhInf£e?B rmlton a.unmhtar%t:9 snaf tn%mAnm1ma 25 mo cs) inoulnnot envcaizrozzt upon taxi; magi: anugmzmnfi Ieffg veafong tomaucz 9131117 goon ;,.==.:»ubJeci;5 from then: afiectton gun )LogaItp. to mi-:3 ., tn run tb£.n1== $21323 mto Qcttcns unmarra-znabiz , am: Beth: .1: ccibz to the peace arm jfowwattou of we altommon: _meaItI). . l “ am: that all ®ur ioiamg éavtzhjecés may fee ham 7 mufdefie mm gttouzztpleitz ting 1”ca1mql‘ou;3 331.15 znour. anh Qunpxttattezi of; Our rain-»n.g Wam: upon Our Parliamcntifi, £192 ham , ‘ mitt; {mg . % may wzyciavation, caufeh to heaggmtcn ti):/mft:’=s 4 morn? nfthofe Ibngna, arm other: perfonss af @112 cfliouncell, who are new mici) @115, mm: hetngupi: on tbyplacc couln not but: nifcobe1:fuc1) mm guteattons am: meparatzonz , arm cannot be In: Ipcctea fog tigezjv iaonouvfi am: gjntereftfi to com; twine in Incl; mtfcigiehous am: igomin iaefolutioms: Quiz thetefoge 1Ezftva’igt;t:IgcE3arge, am s2l’om:nanzn T all @111: Iomsxg L‘-‘s»uh;2ct5 upen ¢tt;mv fillegiaxzceg agm ag they mill anffwet: the ~co;1traa:p at wait 92;- 1?bI5,‘<.T§:I;at tbep_ mm no abelmzmze oz E0-llfmt to we Tam mapafittonz arm fibgnersi ., mm mm: may pzefume not (mixer any fuciy mwtncea ., 32 by 6010111? of angfucia mgperg) to ratfa 0; Izaby any Iaozfe oz %8n, 0; to bgmgm a1w,fl9:3nzy cg ware (20% (mi) purport: fiat If no:miti)%&a1m£ngVc17i5 I dEIe9r_%2c£ar.ation arm s1BV‘m'hcne2 at an gntém. tionfi, there 5119211 (mhofe 3Wi?tgn£it is to mmwli 4maze necqfiaw We nf $13.2 Defence sf R @115 évelfarch m1s,to@ra,ife 31%: upqu @511: ;ear{t'am:wc (twist; at! fl;%et1:fls;‘tII- agm mama {bait neherha aim to efi;e%ccA’:)* fiyafl tbmfs at by there fiiarntfi to wmfien was to a‘ @111: ®£Ii't” geeptet amt fl;a.lI’t1)euefeIfi£2’?AA‘ 4( itnbeet'taé~ {our of %et‘ente) in to urdjeaten tofu manner pen: T me A: arse teeeete severe to no to too) to ofienii fli3§=;"t iaamng femext me fa itneiymeatmone of tt3~et”t24t~—+t,: tettitme what tttep are rattling to be , tenet: fl}2?,f bane ante mane etmmfewee ante; 9&1 flat goaei ,%:-uhjette mm ttatne it neteffaty tn met: to mttte %e2t: fine nee no tfgezt et_tt're all meme11_a§ectene‘ zeeepie .,e etctogmngt to mete mttbs of ‘emegtanteee we §m_zpzema.tte , men ettegmng to thew foiemn e esteem ems gzeeotettatteon (whereby tbep are ob!igee%% A “tn neienb ®m3’1B»£€1'f0:1. ;19onout,. emu e«IE&ate)~t9e ttentrtbute tljett but fltftttante to the mzematattvs 0:15 l1ECtIlTi1W fee the eppofmg annfitttppzetin tot‘ the fittetterous flttempte of fut!) mtttzen am: we Ijzgnez nt reertone, 113130 ‘mouth betttoy wutzeerfott, {Bennett ants ttrttate, aneeugaget13~emI}nIeming== nemtn at elf mat glee t, to fatiefle tigeit omnlamtefie gimme mm Qtmbttzozt .4 am fa rob @111: goon %ub== e jtctfi of the bleifeu fruit of tbis pzefent fiarliaa A rtxettt; which meg tttteahy in fo1netUec;;1gzeI3ahe,, men zm'g,t)t fl1’IIre'3ep~;( re ttae ahtmbagtt fattsfatttea. emu ‘meet the embeIe%mngUo.:n) tf tutu mttjzee tjemngzs were not team to ruine all mete poffetfzenr, emu ttutttete &I{t1}(6i13 hmptfi. ; nee ea ttzeremge tyetlete, twat mlyotoehenitgf Degree 0; quetlttpfeebeta mil then upon teat ‘ etment amt: ~bim;:1e netetmfg tf meg, arm fetettmn me;zrz;tezzt eziftte cm :1 :;:tt1;e iaingeoxu (taxtten are at ?C:£'§;B‘tECfl by we nte~it:e fit Cmtt1‘=I1‘Ja-iIC€*of tlgte A tzggmat at part:t'e) Terfttg m to tfimatsb @111: ttfe, tea my flfitnep eg. gelete, e‘;t1;ee.fl ttnnermgtteto futntm am; ‘ 25 2 number I W} , A n * er a? fiazflz , Eagfe-anztiw mm tbeiz 39 A hatian uf ti) puh1iB2\peace,‘Vt1;e nefezmo flan: ;9zvrau,a=mn‘ti)e hium'cationTu»ft1;e ¢gib'iIengie am £ivreenomVn.f @a:x:1t'.a;~.mz,.'...-A (Ev .‘ ‘ “H . J ‘ V” ‘ _ “ '.'..”.: 1‘ .. _‘ Lila r“ ‘ ‘» g m ,. .<£'}'~“’~'~<;:‘ ’~' an 1 ‘“‘*’;r” *3.» ~ -M’ , .‘ ‘ ‘ A . . I ‘ A’ ' " . ‘ » ’ ~~:«7' " J‘ ‘ ~.:7“u¥7.:- :: ' “aw; ?‘ V , Hr «i.""i,*‘ ‘ 4 o.’_ r “ _- " ‘ ' ‘ " ‘ I ‘jams Dcclararxion ‘.a;nd“” P‘r@£C5'.'-1 @ .nj;:"d !fi any Prcpamions or InAAta:n4:idt2:‘4- A Him A to lcavic War againfi: I-*Iis Houzfés Qf ParI'iament. am. A Here having been mzmy Rumguryr I fpread, and Informatiims givéngwhiche. W , V ‘ may have ii'nduced' many to beleevem Thar: We ‘iménd to make War againfl‘ 01:11’ Parliaments We pmfeffe *b£fore~ God’, and; decfare to 4a1I‘th&~Wo;*Id,% _ 4 That We afwayes havegand do abhor‘ all fuch Defignes,and defire all Our=Nc*xbi1iItvy A ‘%» t-."eYl,W‘h0areV hereL}Ipon%the p1‘aVC¢h,, dw1m«2fI]Afu11c 1 6 4,_.2-.. Er: 1”£i=f30f th%e%fTs‘."L1‘l'2?e&, t’heLaw, 13’e::;1s:e,, .ztnd"Pw0;f_m::ax:?ré£1£: «M1113 KAingddan. A G-.fr-um at am (Em;-'1 at YQ1:J.g.J?&z£« . . . 9, -1 -' i « t " ‘I1 - .,v .- I ‘- r- V 2' ~. ‘ C R’ J ‘N V U 1 "v" ‘-1 u:.~!i"'sf.. ' ‘ ‘"3-. ' . V .i W V. .- »i_ A \. . ~*" ‘ ll-“.'«’:’.’_e.‘.‘ »<.._ . .i’_ I ' fiu%_ 5 , I The Declszratioixm and Proifefliozgeofl tholords and others oz‘ His Majelhts tnolllHo:1ouirahl::i Privic Counc<‘~ill , now prefcnt at I’or/(,4 chi: avowiingt any tPrep.aratio:2s or Inteawtttéous in His Majellie' to leavic » Watt againll His; tPARLIAMENT, ‘I-HA: f 2:. Ewhofe Names are utiderwrittcn, in f '4 ‘Obedience to His Ma ieflies defire, ancl ~’ loutof the Dutie which We owe to l being here upon the place5 and Wit: fl nefles 09.1759 Majeflies frequent and ,. ’ n.'r ‘v€ "’ , , His Majefties Honour , and to Truth, _ earnefl Declarations and Profeflions of Hisabhor-M. ring all Defignes “hoof making AW:-;1r upon His Parlia--, ment, andlf‘;-.ot feeing any colour of P1'epn1*ations or, Goulnfelsl that might reafombly beget the belief iofztnyi fitch Defigne, do plrofefle before God, and tefiifie to all ; the World , That We are fully perfwadecl that I~lisMa- jefiie hath no fiich Intention, But thatall His Endea-—_ g A 1-tours tend to the firm and conflat 1t"fettlefi1e11t of the l.'=:'<'F.lC:‘ Protellant Religion, the jufi Privileclges ofParli.:1~ '4 , emf, Lo. Keeper. . Du. Richmond. Marq. Hertford. Lo. Gr. C hamberlain. Ea. Cumberland. Ea. Bathe. he Ea. Southampton. Ea. Dorfet. Ea. Salifbury. Ea. Northampton. Ea. Devonfhire. Ea. Cambridge. Ea. Briftcll. Ea. Clare. Ea. Weftm erland. A Ea. Barkihire. . Ea. Monmouth. Ea. Rivers. Ea. Dover. Ea. Carnarvon. Ea. Newport. (Is) a‘ meat. the Libertic of the Stubjefft, the Law,‘ Peace and‘ E Profperitie oftthris Kingdorn. A A y ' A Tani; June fifteenth, 164. 2. { Lo.MoWbray8< Matravers. Lo. Willoughby ofEresby L0. Grey of Ruthin. Lo. Howard, Andover. Lo. Newarck. Lo. Pou-1et1:.~~ Lo. Lovelace. Lo. Rich. ' Lo. Savile. Lo. Mohun. Lo. Co ventrye. Lo. Dunfmorc. Lo. Seymour. Lo. Capell.. Lo. Fadikland. ” A Sir Peter Wych Co.mp-~ trolfer; Mr. Secretary Nicholas. M11 Ch-’:mCe1lour of the Ex-- chequer. L0» Chlfefjuflice Banks. FINIa