@.E'-<,7iWvE3@'@@'(:1’*,”l@f‘rE.;?§"&f@'W%9ll§i'.“e3,i’~°” % 9 :§- H13 MAjEsTrEs G R A c I 0 u s 9 Q ‘A §@ M I: s s A G E g To both Houfes of Parliament, fent - @ from Nottingham the 25. of @ Augufi, 1 6 4. 2. <' %$ By the Earles ofiSaxt/umpton and Dar/ct, Sir Io/m Cu/prpcr Knight, Chancellour of @113: 3% the Exchequer, and Sir VI/il/iam fig *3‘.- E q)Q ‘Uvedal Knight. $1 3; 4 3*’? § {£0 iii immeesmw ‘V $"3“‘?‘9‘9"i"3"3“W"?‘$"?°3"3°°3"3"?§‘3"3"$"3’ 4»-m+e»4« Printedbyfio B ERT B A R. K I-:r.,Pri»nte1:~ to the Kings mofl Excellent : And; by the-Aflignes of] o H N B11. 1... M D c x L 1 1.. amaee 3: %a V E “ % E r WW5 N :7/4. .3 «W2. ‘ Q *1 ._ r u (“ I’ E .'r ’ \ IQ ’ ~.-/‘fl . ax. ' ‘ U 1;’ ‘ I o , t 'v . . .“."_,‘: ‘ \..:’< ; "'2 A '. \ . - I ‘I ' . \\ , ; ' ~ 1" v - 1 His Majefiics. gracious Mcffagc to both ' Houfes of Parliament, {em from 2\{9m'ngb.zm 2 5. Augufl, :64: . By the Earlcs of Southampton and Dorflt, Sir Io/m Culpcyer Knight; Chanchellour ofthc Ex- ~ chtqucr, and Sir I/P71/iam Uvedall K N I G H T. » g® babe with unfpcaks able grief of beam long bebclntnc Difttas ‘ . ctions of this Him: ‘ ifiingbonuwut beg? faulty full ofannr_§4;., : ‘ lifltfll use may mm: fame %temcnp to pzcbcnt the Qatfzcizs 11381:!) are team» to pbctmljelm tbis whole amttonby a amt! mac: $3110 though aI1£Ducm%eabm:r5 tanning ' 2. W & <23 to theiompnfing of thofe unhappy Dif: fcrcutcs bztlbitt i115(e®ut tlbolaoufes of aaatliamznt (though putfueb by 71115 with all zeal mm §DI'l1t2tl'ty) have bin hithztto without that émccctfc me has pen to; 5 mt fuch is £Dm: coultaut aub camel} care to pzefctbzl the btpublilsc iaeacz, that nae Ihalluut be bifcouraa gab fcom ufing any elzxzpcbieut , which D by the blcfliing of the ®ob of Qgaecty may lay at ficm fouubattml of {mate mm baappiueffc to all $11: gobb éaubs jzcts: 1:0 thxs cub obfecbing that law ny glaiftakcs habcartfcu by the 9921‘: fages, iaztrtimts ants zlullbcrs fictlbffi: ills tum 2131:: two baubles of abatltaa meat, lbhfth happily may be pzebeut: cb by Tom: other may of ittcatic, wherein the matters in biffemtcc may be mun tlmly uubzlftoob, anb nanzfi fmly tcanfattcb 5; me have thought at to pzopounb tnyzu, ihat fault {it yztlbns may be by you iuablcb to tceat with the like number to be autljoztstb by ms, in fuel) a maimcc , aunt llfznitgi “C35 «fueh feeeoom of aoeoate, astuap belt V teub to that happy ezouclufiou which all 3000 IIWII Dfifitt, The Peace of ‘the Kingdom: neheteiu as nee pzoutife iu the neozo of a ittiug all fafetp uuo eueoueagemeut to fuch as that! be {me to 3115, if you than choofe the place mhete nee are to; the iteeatp, which ‘ nee mhollyleeme to you, pzefuuuug of rout like care of the fafetp of there nee than unplug it you than name aua othee plate; 9o neeatfuee you an!) all - eoue goon Qllbiectfi, that ( to the heft of @111: uuoeettauoutm nothing that! be theeeiu mautiug on wax: paets, mhfeh may enhance the iteue aezotea (taut fieligiou, wppofe aeopeete auo \ , éuupeeftittou, Qeeute the mm of the iauo (upon mh ‘ch is built as men :1Dut iuft 1Eazetogatibe,a§ the ibzopztety auo ltbettp of the éaubxett) Qtoutitm all tuft aeomet {E ieztbfleoges of aeaue ameut, auo eeuoee. fiflesauo £Due people teuelp happy by a goon fliluoeeftauor. tug betwixt €115 auogiibue tmo iaoufeé 3 F (4) h of aaatliammt. mmgv xhithymz as; _, am: zaeroimtousto no pout amp, aunt 4 man war Q0013 maple jopn with ms in £33.11: pzaptts to ialntightp «tun fa; his blttfing upon this mom. 31f this 18zopsf1tiou‘[l)all he ttftcta tn by you, sat haht bunt £Dut Duty fa amply, that «EBB mill abfnlbt ms ftom the tfimltiof any of that moon which nmftbc fptlt , ants what amnion focbtc othct 219:}: may hem: of 21Dut aanmct, we affutt you nothing but€Dut «tum: auze watts tact to pzthtntthe effufion nfhleonmth beget this wotton, flout aazobtfion of 33:11, anus am: %0tte2 being futh as may fttutefllsftom . I : filfllfflflg till it “)3” — ~ 6011 to thttpts of 2191:: topic. FINIS. 1. 7 sgsszsssssrgzagssiigsgssrsssasraisasi The Anfwer of the Lords and Commons to His; Majefiies Meffage the 25 of Augn/Z. I 6 4 2. May it plea]: Your Maje/Zie, ”~”' WM He Lords and Commons in Parliament alTem- ’ bled , having received Your Ma jellies Mel’- , {age of the 25 of Aug”/7, do with much grief « I refent the dangerous and diflraéled {la te of i this Kingdom , which we have by all means endeavoured to prevent, both by our feverall Advices and Petitions to Your Maieflie,which have bin not onely with - out fucceflégbut there hath followed that,which no ill coun- fell in former times hath produced , or any age hath leen, namely , thofe feverall Proclamations and Declarations againll both the Houfes ofParliament,whereby their Aili- ons are declared Treafonable, and their Perlbns Traitors; And thereupon Your Ma jefiie hath fer up Your Standard againft them , whereby You have put the two Houfes of Parliament, and in them this whole Kingdom out of Your Proteélion 5 lo that untill Your Majeflie {hall recall the ‘ . faid Proclamations and Declarations, whereby the Earl of Eflrx and both H oufes of Parliament, and their adherents and aflillants, and fuch as have obeyed and executed their commands and direétions, according to theirduties , are declared Traitours, or otherwife delinquents; And untill the Standard let up in purfiianee of the {aid Proclamations he taken down, Your Maieflie hath put us into fuch a con- dition, th'at whilefi we fo remain, We cannot b» the Fun- damentall priviledge of Parliament 5 The pu like trufl: ‘ repofed in us; or With" the generall good and fafety of this Kingdom give Your Ma jeflie any other Anfwer to this Meflage. 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